Topic: The NEW Vendetta Offices

Ecstasy Is Revenge

Date: 2008-04-08 17:02 EST
Bellora stood in the middle of the warehouse, listening to the jabberings of the highly reccomended Jay Simons. He had come at the asking of Mrs. Levine, and Bellora had agreed to meet with him today.

He had some odd idea that she wanted the place to look "girly", and pretty, and she had quickly put him in his place. Oddly, though, he seemed not to mind the roughness in her tone, and his partner, an incubus, seemed thrilled and intruguied by her. She allowed the incubus, Anthony Gallegos, to give her his number on the sly. Never hurt to have allies here.

Jay did have some good ideas, however. He suggested that her front offices be a bit more...presentable and comfortable. She agreed, but for different reasons. His were this: She'd get more customers if her look was more professional and friendly (obviously he didn't by the whole merc senario, but he didn't quite know what to think). Hers differed slightly, she agreed that it would be good to make her clients feel more comfortable, and safe, even; but she felt this was key simply because it meant they'd spill their guts sooner. She'd get down to the nub of the problem quicker without having to deal with those tricky emotions they always were in the midst of. She had emotions, but they were tough to find and therefore she had NO clue what to do with crying, terrified women. Or men, for that matter.

Nodding her approval of his sketches for the front offices, she glanced at Anthony, and smirked. He was making crude and humorous faces at her behind poor Jay's back, and then a few suggestive gestures thrown in for good measure. What the hell, it had been awhile since anyone had touched her like that, and he obviously could tell she was no mere human. A fling, some satisfaction, and she'd be set to get started.

She pondered the thought that perhaps Anthony would be able to help her aprehend and dispatch Dalia, as well. His kind had just as much to fear from the woman as the humans of this world did. Dalia was unpredictable, completely disloyal, and only out to get what SHE wanted. She'd screw over anyone or any being that got in her way.

Ushering Jay up front and giving him a small purse of coin, she sent him on his way to get started. She had contractors coming by in an hour to give her estimates on outfitting her "interrogation" rooms, and the holding cells she was having installed. The security team had been there this morning, rigging the place with a top of the line alarm system, wards and security spells she didn't have the patience to put in place, as well as the Hell Hound to guard the rest of the building when she wasn't upstairs in her own apartment.

She sighed, thinking of that apartment as she stepped into Anthony's waiting arms, wondering if Jay could decorate that place for her as well, a darker taste than what he seemed to enjoy. She led Anthony to the back, some her of new equipment was waiting to be installed, including a massage table. It was not intended for that use, but instead made it easier to "work" on some of her captures-they were easily tied down and the nylon covering was easily washable and disinfected.

She shoved him down, handcuffed him to the ring in the wall for just that purpose, and showed that 300 year old incubus a few tricks even HE had never seen.