Topic: Meeting of the Minds; the Drow and the Demon

Vilrath Arisa

Date: 2009-07-01 14:28 EST
Vilrath awoke with a start, surprised he'd let himself sleep in so long. Immediately after waking in that chair, he cast his moonlit gaze toward Laoell's bed, expecting to see her curled up and asleep there.

Nothing; just sheets and an empty bed, Laoell was nowhere to be found. Immediately, the drow looked around the small building that was his and the fallen Seraphim?s home, expecting her to be off in one of the corners, doing one thing or another.

Still, there was nothing, just him, and an empty room. He stood, looking out the window, maybe Throx and Laoell hadn?t come back just yet, and maybe they were on their way. But the dark outside swatted that guess down almost before he?d even had time to think of it. It was far too late for that, and Throx new better than to keep the maiden out that long.

He wrenched the door open, and started out, looking this way and that. Quickly, Vilrath started moving about the area, looking for tracks of some sort, for a clue as to where Laoell might have gotten off to, with all the frantic haste of a frightened parent.

He paused, spotting a set of foot prints, faint, barely distinguishable against the ground, headed toward the crumbling mill tower; Laoell?s tracks. The drow followed them carefully toward the tower, then looked off to the side, and spotted another, less faint set of footprints, someone else?s tracks.

His wards, they hadn?t alerted him to someone, someone new. He studied them, thinking for a moment perhaps, that they may have been Desaid?s. But Desaid?s tracks were different, his feet dragged with his hesitance, more than picked up with confidence. There was no way they were Lani?s, her?s were a touch smaller. Throx?s, well that was just out of the question; the ogre probably couldn?t fit inside the tower anyways.

He studied this tracks for a long while, cursing himself quietly for not waking sooner, and searched and studied the wards that had been in place. Something lingered there, a scent he couldn?t quite place, it was more of a feeling taken on by the magic, than any discernable smell.

But he waited, he calmed, he took it in; brimstone.

Instantly, Vilrath turned back for the tower, hurrying up the steps two at a time, his movements while frantic and swift, left little to distinguish the sounds of his movements, to those of a small woodland critter bounding off in the forest.

As his head crested the opening that led to the top level of the tower, he hoisted himself up, ignoring the last few steps with a kick of his legs that had him standing, tall, figuratively speaking, before the sleeping forms of Laoell and?

Who was that?


Date: 2009-07-01 15:23 EST
Who was that? indeed...

Laoell and her mystery companion made quite the vision, curled and asleep in the cradle of the maid's feathered finery as they were. In truth, to look upon them separately was almost unthinkable, as though one was not ever meant to exist without the other. Their entwinement was a loving tangle of pale limbs and the mingling of dark hair, gentle and tender; protective, as if either of them feared to be torn from the other's arms.

His small charge's face was tucked and hidden into the curve of the strange man's neck, her midnight hair a doubled curtain from the shaggy fall of the mystery sleeper's own ebon locks. Fingers were curled and folded against the slender valley of her breasts, caught between the closeness of the stranger's chest. Her skin was flush with a contented sleeper's warmth despite the lack of a blanket, as if the man's very skin exuded some otherworldly heat, providing for her frailty where her wings just didn't cover.

This was not his little Sera anymore, not quite.. Laoell held an aloof and sensible nature; she was not trusting as her guileless, amnesiatic persona she'd first displayed when in Rhydin. Something must be different about this creature of brimstone and confidence that cradled the drow's charge so gently. Something.

Coincidently, it was then that the small woman began to stir. The skin of her eyelids wrinkled at the corners, her lips a brief, sleepy croon as she pulled her face from it's warm nook of skin and shield of hair. Dark eyes opened blearily, as if stuck in a dream she didn't quite want to wake from yet. Such a different look from the one Vilrath had seen these past nights when his delicate one awoke, peaceful and un-haunted. Moving slowly, her hands unfurled as those encompassing wings began to retract and fold. And with the first, barest hints of pink dawn creeping over the fine retract of midnight's claim upon the sky, what else could she say, except:

"Good morning, Vilrath..."

Lazarus Lovelock

Date: 2009-07-01 15:41 EST
Lazarus stirred, only when the delicate woman he held so tenderly spoke her quiet, morning greetings to the drow that had discovered them so pleasantly entangled atop the tower. Dark, warm, crimson eyes slowly peeled open, all for the maiden he still clung to for the first few moments of his waking, before they slowly turned toward the scent of caverns, blood, and blades.

The drow that hovered before them did little to startle the ever confident and prepared Lazarus, who could smell his presence on Laoell when they first met. He figured, they?d have a run in with some of her friends sooner or later anyways.

He stretched out quietly, watching those silver eyes with his own; gauging the reaction of the deadly warrior that stood before him, as he worked against the lingering traces of a truly restful sleep.

?Good morning, Vilrath,? came his greeting, mirroring Laoell?s words as he finally settled, and stared up curiously at this drow.

Time to meet the family, Lazarus.

Vilrath Arisa

Date: 2009-07-01 15:51 EST
He instantly narrowed and just a touch angry gaze on the red eyed one who?d woken with the precious maiden. Immediately, hands dropped to the hilts of his blades, but because he had no wish to upset Laoell, they remained in their sheaths, for now.

He shot an accusatory glance Laoell?s way, and then turned right back to the red eyed man, his eyes narrowing darkly on him.

?Good morning,? he replied to them both, his tongue laced with venom as he watched the slender man wake, hands clenching to have ebon skin lighten to a gray at the knuckles with the strain. This one wasn?t Desaid, Desaid, while annoying to the drow, was no real problem. This one had the scent of death on him, of brimstone and sin.

This one was dangerous.

?Who are you?? was naturally, the first question to escape the drow?s lips as he glared with open suspicions, at the one who had the nerve to hold his delicate charge in such a manner.


Date: 2009-07-01 20:21 EST
Tension sung through the air, so fine and thick that the small woman swore she could drink it if she ran a cup through the air; it would be a unsettling thing on the stomach, she decided.

Dark eyes reflected either man, quiet and partly solemn. Nervousness and guilt trickled down her spine, and it showed in every subtle movement, the muscles play beneath skin gave her away despite the pale, neat oval of her face and it's gentle expression. Time to play peace maker, little Laoell, your soul's lover and warrior brother don't quite look as though they enjoy sharing the things they care for. A quick glance back to the other half to her soul, the piece of her she'd long missed but never knew she had; the flames to her rain.

"Lazarus. His name is Lazarus, Vilrath." Her voice, sonorous and sweet as ever, interjected in the most pleading of manners. Slowly she came to a stand, though immediately began to feel the cold sweep in and claim her body. How was she suddenly so cold? Gooseflesh stole her slender limbs, but her hands' articulation were all for the task at hand.

The barest of touches to her chest from both hands, their fingers overlapping as her brows wilted, overcome with awe as much as they echoed a plea for understanding. "He was-is.. He is my Reason." Suddenly words lost eluded her. Eons of poets and scholars could not recreate the balladry akin enough to the feelings that swallowed her whole when the idea of describing Lazarus came up. She stilled then, her hands falling slightly as her lips faltered. Suddenly she felt so infinitely small, as though she were little girl defending her childhood sweetheart in the face of her father... And her father had a pair of wicked scimitars with years of blood engrained into each blade.

Try again, little Laoell; breath deep and brave.

"His are the eyes chased away my nightmares, and he is the one who's soul called me to Fall... He is my reason." There. She released that breath. Much better.... Perhaps.

Vilrath Arisa

Date: 2009-07-01 21:43 EST
He glared for a long few moments at Lazarus, silent even after Laoell's brief explanation. He could just nod and accept it, and knew he probably should. But Vilrath was stubborn, and never quick to trust anyone, especially men when it came to the delicate charge he'd sworn to protect.

"I'm going to be perfectly clear," he didn't look at Laoell, not yet, he thought if he did, he'd not be able to speak.

"Touch her, hurt her, or anything in between, and I'll make you wish you were back in the abyss," he warned darkly. Oh yes, Vilrath knew of Lazarus' unholy origins, the scent of brimstone was enough, the flare of crimson eyes reflecting a sinful past only helped.

"Be careful," that last bit to Laoell as he turned and headed back down from the tower. Vilrath, wasn't just saying 'Go for it' to the pair, oh no. He'd left his warnings, he'd met the demon's eyes, Lazarus knew better, or at least, should have.

Vilrath, was going to think. Something he'd been doing a lot of lately. But this time, he was going to choose too.


Date: 2009-07-01 22:06 EST
"Vilrath!" Startled, frightened, worried that she'd hurt her dearest and closest friend since coming to the mortal realm, Laoell all but flew across the space between them as the drow turned to leave. Her bare feet were a flurry of motion, so fast it was a wonder in itself the frail creature didn't stumble and harm herself in the process of spiriting down those few steps the dark warrior had managed to get beneath his feet.

She had to have his reassurance, even in the face of the things she'd coveted the most; the things she'd Fallen for... Lazarus, she could not abandon Vilrath so easily. Memories of his closeness, the overwhelming comfort his scent had brought her when he'd carried her home. These were things, special things, soul-touching things that the delicate angel would never want to forget. Laoell gripped the drow from behind, winding the thin spindle of her arms about him tightly.

What she said next, she said in truth. And though perhaps the meaning was different from the one she felt when she spoke to Lazarus, that didn't make it less meaningful in any way. It was a warmth that he'd nurtured in her tortured soul since the very beginning.

"I love you... Arisa. Hear me now when I say no matter where my life may take me, and no matter how truly what I feel for this man is, you are forever a brother to my heart. A man of nobility and courage for one who didn't have the strength to be so." She felt tears sting the back of her throat, why did this feel like she was saying goodbye? The thought of it was painful beyond belief, but Laoell was no fool, Vilrath would never have stayed with her forever now that she was a capable creature. Even if she'd not found her Soul's call, the drow would have moved on, for that was the way of the warrior he was, and those blades he carried were too heavy to stay idle with forever.

Whatever else she could say fell away, words seemed to thick a thing to stay aloft in the air, so instead she let her arms fall away, and her steps retreat backwards. Wings rustled anxiously as she found Lazarus' side again, curling towards him despite the tender way her eyes held the drow's retreating frame.

The love was different, but it was still just as powerful.

Vilrath Arisa

Date: 2009-07-01 23:11 EST
He quickly turned around as she retreated, and though his eyes still held not an ounce of care or love for the demon that stood beside Laoell, they shone a bit softer as he leveled them on the Seraphim. Vilrath paused as he stood there, partially down the staircase, staring at the two, the demon, the angel, his thoughts contradicting each other. Instinct overruling logic, and vice versa. What a conflicted masque the drow wore.

"Laoell," he started, then shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere," that, was a promise. He may move out from her home, but Vilrath would forever protect her.

He walked forward, deliberately ignoring the creature born of fire and shadow, to lean down toward his delicate Laoell, his little Sera, and draw her into an embrace. His arms were firm and snug around her, as if afraid she'd be snatched away by Raithmoore once again.

"Laoell, Sera, mortal or angel, I love you. And I'll never leave," he spoke quietly, another promise whispered for his beloved charge. As he drew back, Vilrath dropped one of his soft kisses to her forehead, and smoothed a thumb across her cheek.

"You're the only family I have, remember that," he pulled back then, and went back toward the staircase to slowly and silently disappear into the tower.

It was time to think; his time with Laoell, while not nearing its end, was about to undergo a drastic change, he could feel it. So, it was time to think, to plan, and to get ready. Something was stirring within the drow, something he'd thought he'd been freed from.

The whispers had returned.