Topic: Dean Winchester's Journal

Dean Winchester

Date: 2010-01-31 14:10 EST
Dad had a journal. I guess it's time I do the same. I'm not writing this to be remembered or because I want people to understand me better. I'm writing it because I just need to get things straight in my head. I doubt anyone will ever read it. I don't really want anyone to read it. Not even Quinn. Maybe someday after I'm dead. I won't have much to say about it then.

I'm thirty-one years old. I've survived three decades hunting demons and being hunted. I've spent more time in Hell than I've spent on Earth. There's gotta be some irony in that. My life is nothing if not ironic.

I've heard people say that everything happens for a reason. I never really believed that, but lately, I find myself questioning things. Wondering if there's a higher power at work behind the scenes. God? Fate? As far as I'm concerned, God bailed on humanity a long time ago. Right around the time he kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden. And I don't really believe in Fate. You make your own Fate. My Dad taught me that.

"If someone is upstairs working the controller, I would consider this their big frickin' 'I'm sorry' for everything else they've done to us."

That's what Quinn said. If someone really is in charge, they've got a lot to answer for. We've both had more than our fair share of crap to deal with. All we wanna do now is live our lives and be left alone. Why is that so much to ask for?

We're trying like hell to start over, to make new lives for ourselves. I promised Quinn we'd always be together. We don't need a wedding to prove our love for each other. No ring, no ceremony, no witnesses.

"We'll get our happy ending. Jewelry won't make it happen. A white dress won't make it true. It's all me and you."

Quinn's words again. I want to believe her. Hell, I have to believe her because if it's not true, then what's the point of all this?

Back home, my life was always about protecting Sam. Helping people, hunting evil, stopping the Apocalypse. It's what I've been doing ever since I was four. Since the night Dad put Sammy in my arms and told me to take care of him, but all that has changed. There's no Sam. There's no Apocalypse. It's just me and Quinn now.

The battleground has changed, but the war wages on. I have to be ready. I have to be one step ahead of them. I'm not giving up. I'll never give up. I've got too much to live for, too much to fight for. I'm not going down without a fight. One way or another, I'm gonna win this war, or I'm gonna die trying.

Dean Winchester
January 31, 2010

Dean Winchester

Date: 2010-03-07 15:13 EST
I remember the night Mom died. You don't forget something like that, no matter how many years pass you by. Sammy was just a baby -- he didn't know any better -- but Dad and I were devastated.

That's the thing I remember most -- the feeling of utter devastation. It wasn't the fire or the chaos or the terror of it all. It was the feeling of total loss, confusion, grief, loneliness. I felt lost when Mom died. Sometimes I still feel lost.

Some friends of Dad's took us in, but it wasn't home. I cried myself to sleep those first few weeks and took to sleeping with Sammy in his crib. It didn't matter to me that it was cramped and uncomfortable. I needed to know he was okay. I needed to know something wasn't coming for him in the middle of the night, like it had come for Mom. I'd lay there awake, night after night, replaying the fire in my head. I'd thought I'd heard someone there in Sammy's nursery, but I didn't know who it was. I learned later it was the yellow-eyed bastard who killed my mother and gave Sam his first taste of demon blood. If there's one demon I savored killing it was that sorry son of a bitch.

One of the first nights after the fire, after a particularly horrific nightmare, I woke up terrified, a scream caught in my throat. I saw a figure sitting in a chair across the room from me, draped in shadow, a dark silhouette in the moonlight, and I knew it was my Dad. I opened my mouth to call to him, but nothing came out. I had barely spoken since the fire. It was like I'd lost my voice or something. The words were there in my head, but I couldn't get them to come out.

As always, the tears came. All I really wanted was for him to hold me and tell me everything would be okay. Isn't that all a kid really wants? I know now he couldn't promise me that, and I wouldn't have wanted him to lie, but at the time, I felt like I'd not only lost my Mom, but my Dad, too. I felt utterly alone.

I could tell that he was crying, his shoulders shaking with silent tears, and I realized that he was just as devastated as I was. I wanted to go to him, wrap my arms around him, tell him everything would be okay. That I was there and Sammy was there and we'd be okay, so long as we were together, but something held me back. I just watched him there in the dark until he fell asleep, and then I crept out of bed, kissed his cheek, took the bottle of Jack out of his hand, and tucked a blanket around his neck. I climbed into the crib and spent the night with Sammy, my arms wrapped around my brother instead, holding onto him tightly, afraid to let go. I'm sure Sam doesn't remember it. He was too young to remember it, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

Days passed, but it was like living a nightmare. I went through the motions of living, but I felt dead inside. Dad tried to talk about normal things, but I think we both knew our lives would never be normal again. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, unable to catch my breath, my heart pounding, and think it was happening all over again. No one was there to comfort me or to tell me everything would be okay. It was just me and Sam. I'd see him laying there in his crib, peaceful, unaware of the drama playing out around him. I needed to be close to someone, and Sam was all I had.

I don't blame Dad really. He did his best, but he was so lost in his own grief, he didn't know what to do with me. How do you comfort a four year old kid whose whole world has just come crashing down around him when you're trying to deal with your own pain and loss? Dad was damaged beyond repair, and I learned pretty early on that I couldn't count on him for any sort of comfort. Instead, I sought comfort with Sam, playing the big brother, doing my best to take care of him and keep him safe from harm. I promised I'd never let anything happen to him, and I've done my best to keep that promise. It's a promise that was never made to me.

I understand Dad now. I understand how much he loved Mom and how hard it was to let her go. I understand how lost he felt without her and how angry he must have been when no one would help him find her killer. I understand why he wanted vengeance and why he was so tough on us.

I know he's in a better place now. I know he's with Mom, and they're watching over us, me and Sam. I have to believe that's true, after everything that's happened, or else, what's the point of it all? I hope he's proud of me, of the man that I've become. I hope he understands that everything I've ever done I've done because of Sam, but things have changed. My life has changed.

There's a hole in my heart where my family once was, but it's slowly being filled by Quinn. The part of me that needed Sam went home, and the part that needs Quinn stayed. I miss Sam, but Quinn is my life now. She's everything to me, and I'm not gonna let what happened to Mom happen to her. I swear to God I won't. I can't. I love Quinn, and I don't want to live without her. I don't want to become like my father.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2010-03-27 16:43 EST
When I first got to Rhydin, I used to wake up screaming in the middle of the night. That was when I managed to fall asleep at all. Things have gotten a little better since then. I don't wake up screaming anymore, but it's getting harder and harder to fall asleep. The Padre suggested cutting back on the booze, but what does he know? He hasn't lived my life. He hasn't seen what I've seen. It's either booze or madness, and I gotta sleep sometime.

Sam asked me once, "What's hell like?" I told him to shut up. I didn't want to talk about it. How do you talk about something like that? They don't call it hell for nothing. Your worst nightmare. That's what hell is. Imagine the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to you and then multiply it by a hundredfold. That's what hell's like. The blood is what I always remember most. So much of it. Most of it mine.

Last night was different. Last night I dreamed about Sam. I don't remember much, but I remember watching him die. I watched helplessly as someone shot him in cold blood while he pleaded for his life, and then I realized it was me who'd pulled the trigger. Me who'd killed my own brother. Me or Other Me.

I wonder sometimes what Other Me is doing back home. Am I still alive? Is Sam still alive? Is Bobby still in a wheelchair? Has Sam given in to Lucifer? Have I given in to Michael? Christ, I hope not. We're not just pawns in some holy war. We're people. We deserve more than that. We deserve to make our own choices. Or at least, Sam does. I'm not so sure about me. I'm not so sure I've ever had a choice before, until now.

After I woke, I sat up in bed and leaned back against the headboard. My shirt was sticky with sweat, but I felt cold and couldn't stop shaking. I looked over at the nightstand where a half-empty bottle of whiskey stood beside a loaded .45 and thought, "This is what my life has become." A bottle of booze and a gun on one side of me, Quinn on the other, with me stuck in the middle.

I wonder if Quinn knows how far gone I really am. Emily seems to. So does the Padre. I know they're right. If I don't give up the drinking, I'm not gonna make it. I'd always figured the demons would get me long before cirrhosis of the liver, but things have changed. They aren't the same as they were before.

I looked over at Quinn asleep beside me and envied her, envied how she could fall asleep so easily, so deeply, so peacefully, oblivious of the bitter conflict raging inside me. She looked like an angel, so quiet and so peaceful. My angel. My only refuge in a sea of madness.

I felt a wave of despair rise up inside me, so strong I was afraid I might drown. I closed my eyes and felt hot tears slide down my face. It's so hard to stop them from coming sometimes.

I've never been too big on praying. I gave up on God a long time ago or thought he'd given up on me, but there are times in a man's life, when no matter what you believe, you have no choice. How many times had I prayed for help while I was in hell? Was it God who'd finally heard me and sent Cas to save me? If He could hear me in hell, could He hear me in Rhydin?

"Where are you, Cas?" I whispered hoarsely into the darkness. "I need your help." Time and again, I've called for him, searching Rhydin, screaming his name until my throat is raw. I'm still waiting for an answer.

Somehow, I have to know everything will be okay, that Other Me won't kill my brother and that Quinn will be all right. That the demons won't find her and take her from me and that I won't go back to hell.

I've tried so hard to protect Sam, but it isn't up to me anymore. It's up to Other Me now. My life has changed. It's about Quinn now. She's my everything. She's the only thing that matters, and if I can't pull myself together for me, then somehow, I have to find the strength to do it for her.

If I want to win this fight, I have to first conquer my own personal demons. I've got too much to live for. It's not over yet, and I, for one, am not going down without a fight.