Topic: Chaos Unleashed

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-06-16 02:25 EST
The darkness of the night made it easier for Storm to frown without others seeing. As Guardians and Elementals gathered, the upcoming absence of her family loomed within. While her husband?s simple words of safety and best wishes accompanied by a kiss and smile were meant to make it easier for her to walk away, it made her feel worse.

But she was not home now, and would not be for a few short days. Taking a deep breath in, she placed the longing thoughts away where they could not distract her focus further. The frown disappeared as she looked over the crowd, the conversations barely making the threshold above silence. Anticipation and the unknown brought an undertow of energy that seemed to lift everyone?s spirits.

?We are all here.? Cornelious walked up behind her and draped an arm over to shoulders to give a light squeeze, ?Are you ready, then??

She mustered a smile for him, ?Yes. Would you like for me to get started??

He looked over the crowd, then back down to her, ?I think that would be preferable. If it is too straining Storm, then you must stop. I will not let you bring harm to yourself and the baby.?

?I will not, I promise.? With a reassuring smile, she moved her way from under his arm to where a clearing was set from the building of the portal. It did not take long to build, the gift stored within her for this specific purpose. It was the ability to hold it open for so many different Elementals that had her brow twitching in concentration. Giving it the form of a doorway, each corner was held with a different element, adding something of everyone.

Nodding to signal that the portal was ready, she moved to stand behind it and make sure it did not crumble under the stress of its use. The time seemed endless and without measure, but the strain was only made present at the temples in the form of a headache. The time came for her to be the last to walk through, and the pressure from the portal did not hide the sinking feeling of the other side.

Nothing of the grounds were living. Grass, shrubs, trees and all forms of greenery were present, but the color reflected a dull brown, and everything crunched under their boots. Despite the lifeless form of the trees, they remained upright was if they were thriving with life. The absence of elements echoed and vibrated a dark tone within.

Her portion was almost done. Now all she could do was wait and endure a place that was absent of everything she needed.

Devin Archon

Date: 2008-06-16 18:36 EST
Scouts had delivered word of the barren state of the once-thriving realm. Drachaven had been no place special, a realm far removed from both Elementals and Chaotics. With no easily exploitable resources and a far-scattered agrarian population, it was easily overlooked. Devin had even passed through the place once, years before, on his way to another realm. Now as he passed through the portal Storm maintained, fanning out to the left with Paola on his right side ? as the other forerunners spread out in a broad circle over their chosen campground ? Devin was shocked.

The scouts had not been able to convey the full effect of the place now that the Chaotics had inhabited it for who knows how long. Long enough that the innate nature of the Chaotics had drained away all trace of Elemental energy, at least. The stark skeletons of trees thrust lifeless branches at the sky, seeming to claw at it in agony. He could feel Paola?s distress resonating down their link with his own; a glance over showed all color drained from her pale face. The coppery shade of his own skin hid such a reaction on his part, but his expression was bleak.

Setting up a camp for three days on their chosen site took little enough time, but scouting took longer. The first day passed in a blur of activity. One of the scouting teams located the area of the Chaotic campground and encountered a Chaotic patrol. It was a devastating reminder of how dangerous the Chaotics could be. The scout had been drained of almost all her Earth nature with a touch that lasted bare seconds. Then the Chaotic had turned the Earth onto the scouting pair until it had been fully absorbed. The scouting pair had been lucky to make it back alive. Another pair had simply never returned.

With the residual Elemental energy of the realm gone, Devin could feel the pinpoint sparks of the other Fires without effort, and the Airs through his bond with Paola. Energy called to energy, after all ? but he could also feel the faint drain caused by inhabiting a plane the Chaotics had so thoroughly corrupted. It wasn?t much, just as if he had a long but shallow cut, bleeding off energy drop by drop.

And Devin was one of the strongest of the Fires. What would the others be feeling? It was clear they would have to complete their mission in the three days allotted, if not sooner. After that, there would be no hope of defeating the Chaotics. It was with this in mind that he called around the other members of the strike force at dusk of the first day. Twelve, including Paola and himself; while the main battle was taking place the next day, they would be covering the ground to the Chaotic campsite. They would be searching out the leader of the Chaotics and his assistants, decapitating the beast that was the Chaotic force.

?Two hours of rest, food, and then we?ll set out. Our scouts were able to give us a general area for the enemy camp, but not get close enough to find us a safe way in. We?ll have to do our own scouting for the last mile almost; it?s going to take time. I want us in place while it?s still night. Full moon will help us see, but it?s going to make things more dangerous, too.? Devin?s words were curt, but the rest of the strike force nodded solemnly and then scattered to find their own best rest.

Devin turned to Paola, all dancing color quelled from his eyes, leaving them simply dark brown. He looked at the clean lines of her face, met the vivid turquoise eyes, and gave her a lopsided smile. There were no words that had not been said between them; they both knew the risks. After a moment he rested an arm on her shoulder, around her neck to cradle her head, and then pressed his forehead to hers. A pulse of emotion surged through their bond, but it would be hard to separate out the complexly mingled threads that made it up.

Long moments passed before he broke away, trailing a hand over the skin of her cheek and then letting it fall. Two hours would be gone in no time, and he had to center himself, had to be ready for the upcoming battle. Finding a clear patch of ground, he used the heel of his boot to carve a circle into the dirt and went to its center. Folding into a cross-legged seat easily despite the restriction of rarely-worn leather armor, he shut his eyes and tried to close out the subdued murmur of the camp.

Jeremiah Pahadz

Date: 2008-06-17 17:19 EST
?We can meet here, before splitting the group to each side to close them in.? Using the ground as his map, Jeremiah ignored the empty feeling of the Earth. Each passing moment brought further contempt for their purpose. The dirt crumbled lifelessly as his slim finger broke the firm pattern to create his own. ?Then once in position, we will wait for Devin?s signal before shooting.?

Erika leaned forward more to see the drawing in the dirt with only the moon for the light. It struck an idea, ?What are we going to do with light?? Moving her hair from her face, the Water scooted closer to Jeremiah, and pointed to the line that indicated the hiding places, ?Anything in between will give our locations away.?

He briefly closed his eyes as she came closer, the clean scent of her hair clearing the scent of death that encased them, ?We are not going to have any lighting.? He cleared his throat, shifting to give her more room to see what he saw, ?We are only going to use the moonlight. But if you look here.. and here,? he pointed to various spots along their hiding places, ?The moon will give us just what we need.?

Erika looked over her shoulder, the greens of her eyes clear, ?I hope everyone?s aim is true this eve.?

?They will be.? Giving a confident smile, the feeling of approaching footsteps, awkward and different in their rhythm, had him looking over his shoulder as well.

?This should be enough for the pair of you.? Storm set down two barrels full of arrows next to their sitting positions.

?Thank you, Storm.? Jeremiah and Erika spoke in unison, and they shared a look that said it had happened before on several occasions.

?My pleasure. Wait,? she indicated Jeremiah to give back one barrel, and he obliged with a curious look. Carefully sticking her hand inside, she pulled out a what appeared to be a small disk, made of swirling grey fog. ?I am not sure if these will affect any, but they are sharper than the rest, and will move faster as well. There are a few for both of you. Be careful with them.?

Taking the barrel back, Jeremiah carefully replaced the disk. ?We will be careful. Hold down the fort for us, will you?? Sending her a large smile, he stood and put his hand down to Erika so that she could rise as well.

Storm?s eyes narrowed on the pair, but the moment passed as several Elementals around them began to move, ?Time for you to go. Be safe.? The added ?please? was shown in her eyes.

They both sent her smiles and nods, before moving to join Devin and the rest.

Devin Archon

Date: 2008-06-17 20:01 EST
Quiet words with Jeremiah and Erika ironed out the last details of their plan. The strike force would leave first, but only by a short time; the main force would be moving into place behind them. They had given up the idea of a daylight face-to-face battle when the ability of some Chaotics to absorb the Elemental energy was demonstrated. The Elementals couldn?t afford to get close to their opponents.

Only the small team waiting was going to deliberately invite that. The main force would get into position on either side of the Chaotic camp. Once the strike force was in place and sent up their signal, the main force would start the attack. No honor to it ? they were attacking in the dark, with no warning. But if it worked, it would be very effective indeed. If the Chaotics managed to get to their weapons and close the distance to the main force, it would turn to bloody slaughter. Devin gave a nod and a quiet ?Good luck? to Jeremiah and Erika and then went to rejoin his team.

Scuffed brown and dark gray, the leather armor of the strike force blended almost seamlessly into the shadows. With splotched paint in similar colors and no pattern over any exposed skin, they were nearly invisible among the trees. Metal had been scuffed or similarly painted dark ? the hilt of Devin?s broadsword was wrapped in charcoal-gray leather. Paola was on his right side in their little circle, Rukiya was directly across from him. Serath was on his left side ? Faraji stood too close to Paola, but made no other aggressive move.

Paola felt the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand on end at the closeness of Faraji beside her. Once, she would toss her hair over her shoulder to hit him and keep him away, but with her curls bound close to the back of her head, it was no longer an option. She adjusted by moving closer to Devin and absently touched the bond between them. There was an odd sense of calm and comfort, the scene of a still lake before the rain brushed over her mind in the moment.

The faces of all twelve were sober, though the paint made it a little difficult to determine. Four Fires, two Airs, three Earths and three Waters who planned to sneak into the enemy camp and assassinate the leaders of the Chaotics. It was insane. Many more had volunteered and been turned down; those present in the circle were the best at the skills needed. Much as Devin despised Faraji, he couldn?t deny the other?s ability with a blade. A moment and then Devin spoke again.

?Hand signs, after this, or Paola or Nikolai will use the winds to carry whispers. Nothing above a whisper, no ess-sounds. The scouts blazed the trail for us to the limit of the Chaotic patrol perimeter; that doesn?t mean we get to be sloppy on the way in. Watch your backs, watch out for each other. We know the plan once we?re in. Ready?? Devin searched the face of each member of the small circle. A ripple of assent washed over them, nods and murmured ?yes?.

Paola slid her eyes over to Nikolai, his age even younger than her own. He reminded her of Devin in many ways, and he was too strong to allow adulthood to come at a natural pace. The air stirred without bringing forth attention. It would help to mask the whispers that would need to given.

?Then let?s do this.? A sharp nod and a simultaneous hand sign motioned them forward. The strike force faded into the shadows under the trees; behind them the main force gathered.

Devin Archon

Date: 2008-06-27 01:51 EST
The utter deadness of the Drachaven forest was a weight as the strike force passed through it. Dry leaves littered the ground, hiding holes and branches ? it took more than twice as long to pass through an area quietly as it would have if the woods had been alive. Serath had nearly broken his ankle on one of those concealed branches. A deep ravine within the Chaotic patrol perimeter had been an unexpected delay, finally crossed when Nikolai, Paola and Devin through his bond linked their grasp on the air to form a temporary bridge.

Related to the solid walls that the Airs sometimes used for defense, it had been harder to maintain. But the Earths had been unanimous that it was too unstable at the edges to support a bridge of earth. Now the strike force was at the edge of the Chaotic camp; if all had gone smoothly for the main force, they were waiting for Devin?s signal. A glance to the rest of the strike force, and that signal went up in a showy flash of light. Since a small burst would have given away their location, instead it was a sudden sheet of white flame that covered the sky ? and vanished as quickly.

Following the signal, arrows sleeted from the sky down on the Chaotic camp, and shouts and screams rose with harsh suddenness. The strike force, roles and responsibilities already known, scattered into the camp. They had to seek out the Chaotic leader and his lieutenants; the number of the latter was unknown. Because of that, the strike force wasn?t even moving in pairs ? they had split entirely. Devin arrowed through the camp, with Paola?s and Nikolai?s whispered voices relaying communication on the breeze that was too faint to interfere with arrows.

?Lieutenant, Ctibor, engaged by Faraji.? It was a curt message that Devin made note of with half an ear. He could see the effects of the main attack on the Chaotics as he passed through their camp. Once the confusion of the initial attack was over, they were grouping and setting out toward the arrows ? if they could get close enough, that threat would be eliminated. There was nothing Devin could do about it. He had been evading fights that would slow him, to this point; as he drew near to the large tent at the center of the camp, that was no longer possible. His broadsword swung free with a hiss of metal on leather.

?Lieutenant, Ignac, engaged by Sabah.? Paola?s voice was calm, cool, and Devin could feel the extra breath of wind she pressed against his face like a caress before it moved on. His broadsword swung, sliced through the extended hand of a Chaotic who had been reaching for him; the man screamed and clutched at the stump of a wrist while blood spurted hot over Devin?s armor. The scream was enough to send the guards in front of the center tent toward Devin.

?Lieutenant, Zdenko, engaged by Jacques.? Nikolai rapped out the words on the breeze. Devin filed that with one part of his mind while ducking the grab of one Chaotic guard and flipping backwards. Everything he knew about capoeira, about fighting with a broadsword, about battle ? it snapped together and for this brief time, he was untouchable. He needed it. There was no counter for the shock when the leader of the Chaotics emerged.

?Leader, Xavier, engaged by Devin.? It was barely a whisper, but Devin knew it had been picked up and relayed to the others of the strike force ? and to Jeremiah, Erika, and Storm, as all their messages had been. He knew the main battle was going fiercely in trees. Knew that Xavier had, somehow, known what was coming. That Xavier had been expecting Devin, and recognized him, just as Devin recognized the man who had nearly destroyed all the Elemental realms in warfare not too long before.

?Lieutenant, Kaja, engaged by Paola.? With that whisper on the breeze Devin froze for a moment, cold-stabbing apprehension in his heart; it was a moment that Xavier took advantage of. No longer was he an Elemental ? there was nothing of Fire left in his nature. The Chaotic realm had consumed him, and he in turn had consumed it. Now madness lit Xavier?s gaze and Devin could feel the leaching of Elemental energy from three paces away. Xavier?s lunge in that frozen moment nearly had him; he barely recovered to duck low. He could not touch the other man directly.

?Lieutenant, Radka, engaged by Rukiya. Serath killed; Ctibor killed.? Nikolai?s whispered voice on the breeze carried news that Devin did not want to hear. Could not afford to hear. His love and his near-sister were in battle for their lives, one of his few friends had just been killed. Distracted, he paid the price when Xavier?s blade got through his guard. The score across his left arm welled with blood ? and he could feel Paola?s sudden sharp shock and similar pain through their bond.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-06-27 02:09 EST
Storm looked across the clearing with a unhidden grim expression. The scent of blood churned her stomach and the bodies on the ground were arranged similar to a road of destruction. The battle was long gone from the Chaotics camp, but the effects would remain until it was all over. Still, she could no longer sit on her hands and wait, and a list was needed of those that would not return home.

The process was slow, and several occasions she needed to pause, reclaim her control on her feelings, and continue. For several Elementals, she could not locate their bonded partner, which doubled the numbers instantly. For the Elementals that were on the breath of death, she discreetly used her gift to move them to a safer location, and sent word for others to claim them.

Continuing on her search, a painfully familiar body was twisted at the waist to hide the face into the ground. Carefully kneeling next to him, Storm reached for the wrist in desperation to find a pulse, ?Jeremiah??

At the sound of his name, Jeremiah inhaled a quick breath and cough, much to Storm?s relief. ?What are you? doing out here?? The confusion from the battle was clearing from his eyes, and the acceptance of his face set a clear expression.

?Looking for you. Mercies,? She looked him over, seeing several deep slashes across his arms and legs, ?what happened?? The tight grip on her voice did not reflect the teetering control of her growing panic. More urgent messages were tossed into the wind for help.

He gave a crooked grin, ?All this trouble for me?? He turned his head and coughed, the metallic flavor no longer affecting him. He lifted a hand despite the pain to wipe the blood away from his lips, ?It was not me?. Erika.? The sorrow in his voice was evident, but his eyes showed more volumes than a tone ever could.

?I will find her.? She vowed, stared him straight in the eyes. ?I will search for her now. Others are coming to get you and the others that have survived. Just, do not move. Please.? Her voice waivered, her eyes finally spotting his side where the vertical slit seemed endless. He was dying.

?Wait,? He tried to reach for her pant leg, missed. ?They are.. coming.?

?Yes, they are coming. But if I look now, then I will find Erika and then you both can be taken care of. I will take care of you.? The last sentence faded to a whisper, panic crawling up her throat at the look he gave her.

?No.. the Chaotic. They are returning? can?t you feel them?? The vibrations within the dead Earth could be barely be felt, but it was the darkness that walked across that heightened his weary attention.

?Time to go.? She did not wait to see if he was right or not. Using the air, she tried to cushion him while moving him upright quickly, ?We will meet the others halfway.? Seeing his standing position brought a deep sinking sensation to her middle. He was almost beyond any type of healing, and tears stung her eyes.

?Storm.. s-stop.? Once upright, he leaned against a dead tree that should not have supported him, ?They will feel you? faster. With your gift. You will not make it.? He closed his eyes, using what little energy he had to tug on his bond. Erika was closer to death than she, and he needed to find her.?

?We will make it, but we need to go. Now.? Trying to control that panic, she ceased the flow of her gift to him. Instead, she moved to the side of him without the gash, and tried to support as much of his weight as she could.

He humored her, trying to maintain even the slow pace. He knew they would not make it. Even if she ran, it was too late now. The pain seared up his legs and the knees buckled, bringing Storm down with him.

Storm managed to twist so that she did not fall on her swollen abdomen, but it was still a painful fall. She moved over, tried to help him up again, ?Jeremiah.? It was the best plead she had; one for his life.

?It is too late.. now. They are nearly here.?

The feeling of the dark and the absence of everything she held dear brought a ripple of goosebumps across her arms.

?Let me.. protect you..?

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-07-05 14:26 EST
Storm could hear the disturbances within the air that they would not be alone for much longer. Pushing herself into a sitting position, she did not bother to wipe the dirt off of her clothing as she reached over to Jeremiah again. "We cannot do anything if we remain here." She looked around them, whispers approaching Elementals not far in the distance reduced some of her panic, "We just have to reach the others. I can fly us there in time." Using hushed tones, she tried to stand, but his hand reached for her wrist to stop her.

"No, you can't make it. Your father is still too far away." With her help, he sat up once more. The searing pain began to change to numbing sensations, and the focus of his eyes started to fade, "I can protect you.. here. They will not sense life within what is already dead."

It took several moments for his words to hit her. He was right about the distance between the Chaotics and the group of rescuing Elementals; the flight would only attract more attention. The last of his words finally sunk in, and her eyes rounded wide with horror, "No, you will not!" The words were hissed, and her eyes changed to be hard as stone. The panic of his decision only momentarily distracted her from the panic of the closing distance between them and the Chaotics. She could hear them now, their voices raising at the prospect of Elemental survivors with strong gifts.

Jeremiah said nothing, his face as unreadable as the Earth that coursed through him. With a trembling hand, he carefully drew Storm close to press a light kiss on her temple. He tried to bide his time, giving her every possible moment of freedom before he made his sacrifice; his mind would not change.

For a brief moment, Storm closed her eyes. Her own mind adjusted her panic to strength, preparing to become one with the air with Jeremiah in a last attempt to save them both. The Chaotics would find them faster with her gift, but she was strong and swift; it just might work. The unusual sound of cracking wood broke the silence and Storm?s eyes flew open in surprise. With every muscle tense in preparation for their departure, she realized that she no longer could see the dead forest around them, nor the sight of the sun before it set to reveal dusk. Instead of Jeremiah?s frame around her, all that she could see was the odd dead wood of the forest in darkness, hiding her.

?No.? The words were barely whispered as she looked up again in a desperate search for the sky. Nothing. There was barely enough room for her sitting position, and the small space overwhelmed her. ?No.? She repeated again, this time louder with a sound of hysteria in her voice. There was almost no air around her, and she was cocooned in Earth. A wave of nausea lost all the color in her face, but it was hidden in the darkness. There was no stream of light, only hard, unyielding wood within a few feet all around her.

Finally through her immediate fear of her separation to the sky did she realize that Jeremiah was not gone at all. He spent the last of his energy and life into becoming the dead tree with a hollow pocket in its trunk to keep her safe. ?They will not sense life within what is already dead."

?No, no.? Something snapped, but did could not tell if she heard anything at all except herself. The panic that was so carefully controlled released, and she instantly moved to one curve of her enclosure. ?No, no, no..? the words were continued, the pitch slowly rising as she pushed, pulled, and tried everything to find a way out.

She never realized that both the Chaotics and Elementals were long gone from their searching, finding nothing unusual from the tree that blended with the rest of the lifeless terrain.