Topic: Choosing Ceremony

Jeremiah Pahadz

Date: 2008-01-21 19:07 EST
Jeremiah glanced through the crack of the door to peer at the growing crowd. Even though the Earths were not required to come to the Ceremony, many were lined up against the ball walls to witness the event.

?Do you really need to peek?? Patrice surprised him by placing a dark hand on his shoulder, ?You will be just fine.?

Jeremiah looked over his shoulder and down at the shorter Earth. Her Guardian silks reflected the greens and yellows of her title. The corner of his lips tugged up, ?Are you not supposed to already be up there?? He nodded inside, where he had seen all the other Guardians, except for Andrew, Renan, and Storm.

?Mike was being fussy.? She flashed him a grin before she opened the door and drew a more sober expression as she joined the other Elementals.

He let out a slow breath as he received a fuller view of the large enclosure. There were bold and bright colors to represent the four major elements; colors that usually would not be complimentary, but the history and symbolism had him looking in awe.

His eyes then moved to the several long tables, spaced to a specific number and set accordingly to The Word. On each table held several different trinkets that varied from hats to blankets and weaponry. Each eligible Elemental had brought an item that meant most to them, and left in on a table in hopes of being chosen.

A smaller table held nine different goblets that were a variation of three different drinks. It was these concoctions that made Jeremiah the most nervous. He did not know all of the different ingredients, but he did know a few that held the power to alter the mind.

Taking a deep breath he caught the door just before it closed on his face, and stepped out to the quiet crowd.

It was time to begin.

Devin Archon

Date: 2008-01-22 22:47 EST
The crowd was full of hushed whispers and speculation, gossip and flirtation as the gathered waited for the ceremony to begin. Islands of stillness stood out in the flow and swirl of mingling, chattering people. Devin was one of those islands. He wore a completely serious and slightly withdrawn expression as he watched the Guardians already present and the other candidates. Amber light flickered at the back of his eyes.

Some of the whispered speculation flowed around him without disturbing his reserve. ?What is he waiting for? Isn?t he going to put himself up for consideration? Why hasn?t he?? Maybe that punishment?. Too proud. Too young. Arrogant ? he won?t be chosen.? The words were murmured, hushed, but not quiet enough. Devin?s hand tightened around the chain in his hand. It was tangled around his fingers, and after a moment he released his grip to smooth the gold links. His thumb rubbed over the pendant at the end of the chain.

Finally he broke the stillness that surrounded him, isolated him. He strode towards the Fire table and halted in front of it. The amber light flickering in his eyes lightened to gold as his gaze swept over the other items on the table. Broadswords, a mace, even a crossbow, more. Unlike the tables of the other Elements, the Fire table seemed filled with destruction. There were only a few items that didn?t carry the underlying threat that was of Fire?s nature.

Devin?s thumb rubbed over the pendant again. It was small, worked in three colors of gold with touches of bronze and copper. It looked as close to living fire as metal could come. Around its edges were dancing flames, and in the center, a symbol that meant Life. On the reverse, the same flames surrounded a symbol which meant Knowledge. The metal no longer had the crisp delineation of newness, but was slightly blurred with long wearing.

Gold links slithered to the tabletop as he held his hand over an empty, waiting space. The pendant dropped from his hand last, and he felt the emptiness as it left his possession. Pride and arrogance and ambition Devin had in full measure. What few saw were the driving forces behind that fa?ade. There was always a fuel for the Fires.

Devin stepped back into the front ranks of the crowd moments before Jeremiah entered the room. Stillness enveloped the crowd when the Earth emerged from the door.

It was time to begin.


Date: 2008-01-22 23:30 EST
"See? Even Devin put in his item." Celeste whispered under her breath to the Air. Her short, dark curls were unusual for a Water, but her eyes reflected the darkest blue Paola had ever seen. "If he is eligible, then you are too."

Paola seemed severely unaffected by her friends words. Florescent and bright blue eyes revolved in a perfect circle, "Devon has time to waste here. I do not."

Celeste burst into laughter, and it encouraged several multicolored heads to turn and stare. This was not a time for such humor! The Water's pale skin made it difficult to hide her red flush of embarrassment. She waited until the smirks and stares were over before leaning in to whisper, "Since when were you so high and mighty?"

"Birth." Paola quipped, pushing back all of her curls behind her shoulders, "I do not have time to waste." Incredibly impatient, her foot started to tap on the flooring. There were too many people around, stuffed in the large enclosure. There was not even a window to peer through! Eyes settling on the Guardians, she smirked, "They do not want to be here, either. We should just go home and do this the old-fashioned way."

"This is the old-fashioned way."

"No, there was a time when-"

"Please, don't start." Celeste cringed as the history started to come out of Paola's mouth. "No one needs to know that nonsense. You are here now, your book is on the table, and you will just have to wait."

Paola could see the door creaking open, but she had to deliver the last line, "You mean I have to waste my time." The words were whispered, and said at just the last possible moment. The knowledgeable Air gave a great smile of satisfaction.

When Jeremiah moved towards the table, Celeste watched with fascination and excitement; Paola watched to learn and record history.


Date: 2008-01-23 00:43 EST
Adrienne sucked in a slow breath as Jeremiah approached the variety of tables. Though his steps were direct, she could not detect tension in his movements. His stance was easy, hands falling naturally behind his back. It did not surprise Adrienne that his personality, his tight reign on his control, was just the element needed to hush the whispers of the crowd. There was much doubt within the The Word, within its ability to have the right people ? but it was already bringing an underlying energy to the crowd.

She smoothed her sea-green silks with nervous hands, before making sure that her expression was neutral. She would not allow the small threads of doubt to appear, and showed unmoving support with her fellow Guardians.

Jeremiah slowly walked to the small table with the nine goblets, a tanned hand hovering over the one destined to be his, ?I pledge to lead this ceremony according to The Word. I pledge to lead this ceremony according not to my wants, but to the wants of our people, and the want to please The Goddess.? His strong baritone rang with clarity, before lifting the black goblet and drank.

Adrienne did not want to know what the drink tasted like. She knew that the starwood was not meant to be given to an Elemental unless for ceremonial purposes. It?s ability to increase the senses, and add a few unknowing ones was to be used with caution. With masked fascination, she watched his attention change; the way that his eyes instantly took on their glow, and he looked at everything with new vision. She only wished she knew what it was.


His voice boomed with ultimate authority as he called for the Water. Adrienne?s entire focused moved to the opening door, where her fellow Guardian came forward. From the corner of her eye, she noticed all the eligible Waters shifting in their stance, eager to begin.

?Repeat after me.?


Date: 2008-01-23 01:23 EST
?I pledge to drink this cup, to allow my senses to rule, and to pick the best Guardians that are presented to me.? The words were repeated, before Jeremiah reached for one of the goblets for Andrew to drink. Adrienne started to fret for him, knowing what the starroot what do, the way it would alter his sight and mind. The ceremony had truly begun.

Andrew?s eyes instantly glowed as soon as he finished the lasts drop of the brewed drink. He swayed, finding a way to set the goblet back on the table, and started for the Water?s table. His bright, white eyes seemed to see things that his eyes usually did not, and he viewed the gathered crowd with a new interest. Adrienne could only watch as The Word?s instructions slowly began to make sense.

It did not take long for Andrew to recover his balance, resting a hand on the table that no doubt, held the most valuable and shiny objects. He rested only a moment before lifting his hands and shooting them down to touch and cover several small objects that shined. Several in the crowd either gasped, cried out, laughed, or grumbled. The unseen connections between Elemental and possessions was made apparent as Andrew continued to touch as many objects as possible. When he found them unsatisfactory, he almost carelessly dropped them onto the floor. No matter how each Water reacted to the touch, whenever their object was dropped, they sighed with great relief.

Andrew was obviously unsatisfied until he found his ultimate goal. With grabby hands, he snatched an old, rolled up piece of parchment, and heard a single hiss within the crowd. Adrienne moved slightly to get a better look at the Water, and was more than surprised to see Emeric. He was standing as straight as could be, with sweat forming around his brows and his jaw tight. His skin and hair reflected his older age, but it was his personality that brought the curiosity to Adrienne. He was completely traditional in his views, proud of his pure bloodline of bonding only with other Waters. Why would the Goddess want him? She did not have time to ponder the issue longer before Andrew set the paper down on the table with great care. He then picked up a polished, but simple silver ring, and there was a whoop of excitement from the crowd. The voice was Celeste, who was practically bubbling with excitement as Andrew?s fingers carefully examined the item. He set the ring back down next to the rolled paper, and examined what else was on the table.

A full minute pasted where he did nothing, and Adrienne began to fear for his health. Perhaps they had prepared a glass wrong, perhaps the timing was off. Perhaps ? and then with a broad sweep of his hand, Andrew wiped everything off of the table except for the rolled paper and the silver ring.

?I choose Emeric and Celeste. Come forth and claim the Guardianships that is rightfully yours.? Andrew seemed to know to seek Jeremiah?s approval, and he nodded. As the chosen ones started forward, Andrew grabbed the two goblets that was to be theirs, and stood before them. ?Emeric, accept your title of the Guardian of Ice, and drink.? The older Water said nothing, but he reached for the goblet and did as he was told. Adrienne watched as his gift overcame him, chilling the room for a few moments. ?Celeste, accept your title of the Guardian of Brume, and drink.? Andrew repeated the simple vows, and Celeste was eager to fulfill his request. The air hand a moment of moisture, before it past and Jeremiah stepped forward.

?The new Guardians are to bond with Andrew, to learn the secrets that are never to be spoken.? Jeremiah pulled out a ceremonial dagger along with several strips of linen. Adrienne continued to watch as he carefully cut both of Andrew?s wrist, along with one of Celeste?s and one of Emeric's. He bound their small incisions with the linen, and tied the three of them together as blood was exchanged. Adrienne noticed the effects of the starflower, helping the new Guardian?s receive Andrew?s memories through their growing blood bond. All three of them had dazed expressions of their face as Jeremiah gently lead them out of another door to complete the short bonding experience. She could feel the Guardians around her relax as the first choosing process proved to be successful.


Jeremiah Pahadz

Date: 2008-01-24 20:16 EST
The power of his voice was intoxicating, the way it boomed and vibrated against the walls. The energy that was building within Jeremiah moved him forward and allowed him to be keenly involved in what the other elementals did not see. Those glowing eyes could see small streams of color that connected object to person, he could sense the feelings that were left behind. Several had dropped their objects with a sense of duty, not really contemplating their choice. They could not see what Jeremiah saw, the varying levels of wants and desires to be chosen.

When Andrew went through the Water?s items, Jeremiah could feel ? no, see ? some of the resentment toward Andrew, toward the ceremony. It was why the silver band and the rolled parchment shone so bright in his eyes. The rolled parchment shone with appreciation for the tradition of the ceremony. Jeremiah knew that it was a family tree, and he knew that Emeric would clash with several other Guardians because of his pride in his blood. The level of respect for The Word, and for the Goddess? instructions would be an asset with the times to come. Celeste seemed to vibrate with the need to fulfill her part in life, and would follow the easy leadership of Andrew and Adrienne. The Earth knew that some areas would be difficult to mesh, but he could see the support from the other Guardians, and it was nearly staggering. Everyone was wanting to hope for the best.

Now Andrew and the new Water Guardians were safely finishing the short bonding sequence, and would be under supervision for the night. The starwood was just beginning its effects in heightening his sense and raising his energy level, but it was time for the ceremony to continue.

The eldest Fire strode out, his stance and presence different from Andrew. His steps did not carry self-confidence, but the confidence in his fellow Guardians was just as compelling. As Renan neared forward, Jeremiah glanced to the goblets, and could just sense the one that was meant for the Fire.

?Repeat after me.? Jeremiah said as he picked up the goblet, and gave it to Renan, ?I pledge to drink this cup, to allow my senses to rule, and to pick the best Guardians that are presented to me.? As the words were repeated, Jeremiah could sense that Renan would take the vow to heart and he drank from the goblet. The drink?s impact was immediate, and unlike Andrew, Jeremiah had to take the goblet from the Fire himself, least it be dropped.

With eyes glowing a burnt orange, Renan made unsteady steps towards the table that held the Fire?s treasures.

Jeremiah Pahadz

Date: 2008-01-25 14:54 EST
Unlike Andrew, Renan did not have a sense of urgency as he stood in front of the table. Instead, he would stroke the different weapons at random, occasionally touching the few items that did not create destruction. Jeremiah?s eyes moved with each item to the owner, seeing a more painful and angered expression on their face each time Renan touched their possession. Their reasons for Renan?s touch to be painful was not knowledge that the starwood granted him.

Devin watched with the amber light flickering at the back of his eyes as Renan approached the table. Tension straightened his spine as he watched the reactions of some of the other candidates. When Renan?s fingertip only brushed over his pendant, the stab of piercing pain ? emotional, rather than physical ? was enough to make him shake. He stilled the reaction, and any show of disappointment, when Renan moved on without even hesitating.

Renan paced the full parameter of the table, stopping to pick up a weapon and study it in greater detail. There was a broadsword that seemed very old but in fine working condition that the Fire Guardian had much interest in. The owner, Faraji, was standing as straight as can be, trying to struggle against his own pained expression. Whenever Renan stroked the blade, Faraji?s fingers twitched and his expression worsened.

The light was dead in Devin?s eyes as his gaze slid to watch Renan examining Faraji?s sword, and Devin?s lips thinned with bitter disappointment and resentment. The broadsword was in fine condition, there was no doubt about it ? because Faraji loved to use it, and would often pass up the chance to resolve things more simply just to have an excuse to pull his blade.

Devin didn?t know what caused the sickened, pained lines to show in Faraji?s features. He did know that Faraji was passionate about defending what was his ? until the other man was thwarted, and his passion turned to rage. As far as Devin was concerned, Faraji had the potential to be almost as much of a threat as the dead brothers. Faraji and Devin were too similar in some ways, and too different in many others, to ever get along. They had been rivals for years.

Moving down the line, Renan?s glowing eyes spotted a larger and thick stick. Carefully fitting the blade along the belt of his silks, he took up the stick with curiosity. There was a deep, breathy female laughter that Jeremiah knew well. Rukiya was a young and bold flame, with burnt orange hair and off-yellow eyes. It was still evident that Renan?s touch brought pain to her, but her face reflected more of a challenge than the pain. As Renan now held both items in his hand, Jeremiah looked past the obvious connections between person and possession. There was something about the broadsword and the way it shone in his eyes. There was something that was just not right.

Rukiya. That was a choice that brought further disappointment, but no resentment. Devin respected her, with her boldness and unflinching manner. They had shared a brief time together and parted with good humor from both sides; she was one of the rare women who remained simply and purely his friend. What they had shared had brought them into a better understanding of each other, and she was as close to a sibling as he felt likely have. He couldn?t resent her choosing.

?I choose Faraji and Rukiya to-?

?No.? Jeremiah could feel that his answer was right, and the confidence was evident.
?You must pick another for Faraji.?

Devin stiffened again at Jeremiah?s words, though he did not contribute anything to the rippling whisper of astonishment that passed through the room. He had never heard of such interference in the Choice. It was obvious that The Word guided Jeremiah ? but why?

Rather than creating an argument, Renan quickly dropped the broadsword as if it had burned his hand. Moving forward, a smaller item caught his interest, and he picked up the small pendent that showed a trio of metals. ?I will choose Devin and Rukiya. Come and accept the calling of your Guardianship.?

When Renan?s hand closed around Devin?s pendant, the flash of pain that had passed earlier was given to be nothing. All his faults, his flaws ? every loss of temper or hurtful word ? they all lit in his mind at once, and more, he felt the impact of those actions on those he had harmed. The sensation twisted his face and held him rigid until Renan?s words broke the spell.

He stepped forward with Rukiya, and Renan moved to pick up two more goblets. "Devin, accept and fulfill your role as the Guardian of White Fire, and Rukiya, accept andfulfill your role as the Guardian of Conflagration." Renan waited to give them the goblets so that they could drink together.

Renan looked at her across the rim of the goblet in his hands as they both lifted the liquid to their mouths. She was excited, proud, and confident and it showed even through the lethargy and drowsiness that enveloped them. Devin could not share the emotions. He was troubled by Faraji?s initial choosing, and Jeremiah?s change. What had been found lacking in Devin originally that was present in Faraji? More ? what turned Renan?s hand to Devin in the end?

All questions slowly faded away as the liquid seeped through him, and Jeremiah watched the ingredients have their effects.
"The New Guardians are to develop a blood bond with Renan." Repeating the simple cut to each wrist and wrapping the linen around to keep them binded together, he gently escorted them out of the room; only one more to go.


Storm Divine

Date: 2008-01-25 23:37 EST
It had not been a good morning. Storm had unseen nerves that eventually stole her appetite and continued to make her queasy. The continuous waiting was certainly not helping the matter, and water seemed to be the only thing that she could get down her throat. Waiting in a small room now, her feet paced back and forth and her fingers toyed with the sleeves of her Guardian silks. Around the dark blue symbol on her back was a circle of green and gold leaves. Some said that she did not need to add to it just because she was joined, that she was still the same person. It was not entirely true, and so she had gone ahead and added the embroidery anyway.


Jeremiah?s voice rang in her ears, and she absently reached to open the door to walk out of the small room. The nerves did not fade, and now more than ever did she feel like she was going to become ill. Her complexion paled just a touch, before she opened the main door to the bigger hall room. She could feel all eyes move on her as she started for Jeremiah. It did not take more than just one look to see that he had taken starwood, the way that his eyes glowed and the energy that radiated off of him. It only increased her awareness.

He reached for the second to last goblet, and offered it to her, ?Repeat after me. I pledge to drink this cup, to allow my senses to rule, and to pick the best Guardians that are presented to me.?

Storm took the cup, repeated the words and brought the drink to her lips, pausing for just a moment to sniff the ingredients. The drink was so strong that it stung her eyes and nostrils; the instant warmth was felt as it traveled down her throat. The only things she could detect was some sort of alcohol and the bitterness of the starroot. Once she had finished the last drop, her vision instantly changed from clarity to a colorful blur and she blindly reached out to give the glowing figure of Jeremiah the goblet back.

She turned to face the tables and the crowds, seeing a wide spectrum of colors that resonated from each person. Though the back of her mind wanted to explore and see the differences in her senses, she was already walking to the last table. It hummed to her, shifting between sweet harmonies and dissonance. Now standing in front of the table, her glowing eyes looked down and away from the people and to the objects. The Air table was filled with representations of beloved family members or items of great accomplishments ? but to Storm, the individual note that came from each item was of much more interest. Unlike her fellow Guardians, Storm did not reach out to touch, stroke, or dive into any item on the table. In fact, she simply stood in front of the table with her hands to her sides for several minutes, and just listened.

Paola was instinctively bracing herself for the worst. Having seen how the other Elementals had reacted to the touching of their object, she did not want to experience the pain in the same way. She did not want to look, did not want to care, but she could not peel her eyes away from Storm. It was odd to see this particular Guardian look so uncertain, just standing there and not moving. Andrew had all but gobbled each item, and Renan paid special attention to his table, why was Storm not doing the same?

?There is not one here for me.? Storm finally said, looking over her shoulder to where she could spot the shine of Jeremiah again.

Paola did as everyone else around her ? and gasped.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-01-26 00:40 EST
She could not see Jeremiah's eyes move to the items at the table as he considered her words, "Not everything is as it seems."

Normally she would be irritated at the riddle, but instead she turned her attention back to the items, and tried again. She raised a hand to hover just a breath over the items, slowly moving her hand up and down across every inch. Many bodies tensed in anticipation of her fingers touching, but they did not. With each beloved item her hand past, there was a distinct dissonance in her ears, the sound clashing against the continuous pitch in her mind. Almost going over every item, she paused as a dual-toned note crossed her. Eyes moving, she saw with clarity a book that she had just past. She could not read the title, and so she gently reached out to pick it up and flip open to a page. It was blank - all the pages were blank, but when the book was opened, the note adjusted to a perfect harmony. "I choose Paola. Come forward, please."

Paola's breath released in a rush as her book was picked up with gentle hands. The pain did not hurt in the way that brought grunts and gritted teeth. No, this dug into the core of all her wants, everything she had ever dreamed of, and fulfilled. Overwhelmed, there were tears flowing freely down her cheeks as she started forward as told.

Storm's focus was gradually regaining details and the blurry colors faded. Reaching out for the very last goblet, her attention was entirely focused on Paola, "Drink, and accept your calling as Guardian of the North Winds."

The young woman drank as she was told, and Jeremiah stepped forward to join them, "It is time now for the last blood bond, to unite all of the Guardians as one."

Storm blinked as Jeremiah rolled up her right sleeve to reveal the tattoo that rested on the underside of her wrist. Alarmed, her breath quickened and her eyes tried desperately to focus, "Jeremiah, I-"

"It must be done." His tone was flat and did not leave room for more question, efficiently cutting her wrist and then Paola's, before bringing them together and using the linen to keep them binded.

The pain was so bright and unexpected, Storm's other hand quickly reached out to grab Jeremiah's arm for support. She could feel her memories slip away, but she could not gather. Her mind tried to grasp, but everything flickered away into nothing.

She did not notice the pained expression on Paola, nor did she notice that Jeremiah helped them into another room to allow the bond to complete.

It was done, and the Guardianships were fulfilled.