Topic: Gifted Changes

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-10-30 02:05 EST
Cornelious watched his daughter's entrance with careful observation. There were faint shadows under her eyes and her shoulders drooped down despite the baby that was held against one of them. It was a subtle but distinct sign of her mourning.

"Good morning." He placed an easy smile on his face as Storm entered her own office where he was waiting. "Ah, and there is the lad." With his arms out, his daughter passed Kellan over with a gentle smile. He held the baby with ease, "His eyes are becoming more like yours."

"Yes, they are." Storm's darker and sadder thoughts lifted as she moved to give her father's cheek a kiss, "Good morning to you as well." With both hands free, Storm started to shuffle the papers that where neatly arranged on her neglected desk, "All of these?" She found some sort of humor in the tone of her voice and it showed in her eyes.

"Yes, but Paola will come and help." He looked down at his grandson, and the instant rush of love eased the ache that was always present. "In fact, I think you should help Paola take over your duties so that you can tend to other things." He carefully looked back up to Storm for her opinion.

She was studying her father carefully, "Would not any other duties bring me back here? You know I cannot do that." She settled into her chair with a sigh, ?I know that I have been irregular since the summer, but you do not need to hand my responsibilities away.? More humor came easily now, showing in the soft chuckle.

?I would suggest no such thing, but Anton and I are in agreement that your strengths are wasted in foreign affairs. You should be binding us all together.? Cornelious put his finger in Kellan?s palm and watched the tiny fingers encase his before looking up, ?Particularly in the training and separation of gifts. I think it would be a healthy change for you.?

Storm tapped her finger to her lip as she thought on the possibility. ?But Shawn has created such a balance already, I do not wish to change what he has started.?

?Storm, Shawn and the rest of the Earths need to focus on obtaining another Guardian.? The reminder of Jeremiah?s loss brought Cornelious? dull ache back from the corner of his mind, ?And it is your rightful place.?

?Let me think on it. For now, I have a large pile of papers that are in dire need of my attention.? The sarcasm laced through her statement with a grin. However, her mind was far from the papers and on to the possible changes.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-11-06 11:22 EST
With a quiet sigh, Storm rearranged the stored blankets and pillows on the floor in front of the fire. An unknown smile came to her lips at the memories spent this same way. With Ewan putting Avery to bed and Kellan already fast asleep in his crib, Storm stretched her arms behind her head as she laid down on the blankets with a satisfied grin.

"Close your eyes, now, Avery. Stop fighting it. There's tomorrow yet to come." Ewan stood from the bed and patted the boy's shoulder, then Whispers furry head, and stepped from the room, closing the door behind him.

Walking down the short hallway, he turned to find no silhouette of Storm. Only upon stepping further into the room did he see her settled in the nest of blankets and pillows. "Comfortable?" he asked, standing over her, arms crossing his chest.

During her wait her eyes drifted close into a peace relaxation. Hearing Ewan's approach before his words, she still acted like she heard nothing. Her lips twitched into a smile, and she opened her eyes to look up at him, "Just almost. You see, while I am nice and warm on this side," she motioned to the side of her body that faced the fire, "I am lacking on this side." She motioned to the opposite direction with an innocent look on her face.

"Hmm," he nodded as he looked over the situation with a stern demeanor, "yes, I can see that you have a problem there, though this might fix that." And he leaned over, then pulled one of the blankets over the side away from the fire. "Amazing how that works, hm?" The grin grew slowly from one sly corner to the other.

Her eyes narrowed as he moved the blankets over, and then she did not bother to hide a pout, "I was thinking that perhaps you would warm my other side, but I suppose this blanket will have to do." Managing a mock sniffle, she rearranged the blankets around her.

"Oh," he chuckled, arms going out with a rather "who knew" sort of shrug. He crouched down, and then crept close, sliding one hand beneath the cover to try and wrap it around her shoulder as he moved to slide in beside her. "I am so sorry to have misunderstood the predicament."

She chuckled warmly, helping to move the arrangement so that the blanket was not in between them, "I think that you knew exactly what I wanted. Not as that it matters, for here you are." She grinned and turned to give him a kiss, "All is well with Avery?"

The kiss shared he moved to just lay back, folding his hands behind his head. "Yes, all is well. He was trying to stay up later, per usual, but finally gave in to it."

She kept on her side, using her elbow for support as she looked down on him, "I am hoping over time his need for trying to stay up late with wither before he is old enough to remain awake longer." Her free hand moved to stroke his cheek tenderly, "And how was the rest of your day, beloved?"

His eyes closed, just listening to her voice and breathing as she touched his cheek. "Hmm, it was less than troubling." Feeling no desire to sully the quiet serenity of the moment with grimy details, he let the rest remain unsaid. Blinking his eyes open to look up at her. "And yours? What news on the progress of your people's recovery?"

"It is well, I suppose." Taking the opportunity, she moved over to him so that she could rest in the open space next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder and placing a hand on his chest, "We are still a Guardian short, but it sounds as though all the realms are nearly normal. Father wants me to change my position to help communications between the realms."

It was a soft sound that rumbled just a moment in his throat. He had heard her, but did not know just how to respond, so the sound served as notice that he was paying attention. He let his thoughts tumble over it, and while they continued their chase through the mazes of possibilities and ramifications, he asked, "What do you think about that?"

Well, I can see his reasons." Her finger started to make slow, circular shapes over his chest, "I have good relationships with nearly all the Guardians, and they all understand my unique gift. In theory, it is my rightful place to be. I travel well in the other realms, though of course I do not favor the Earth at all. However, the whole reason for my coming here was to learn and build networks in other places. It does not mean that I must return to the Air Realm, but it changes my perspectives."

Though her tracing circles along his chest was beginning to send shivers down his spine, he focused on the conversation. His arm about her to hold her close, the hand caressed her shoulder. "In what way changes your perspective?"

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-11-06 11:23 EST
"I do not know how much more time will be needed for me to be in the other realms than the time I spend there now. I do not want to take that time away from you or our children." She cuddled close to him, "Our family is and will always be my priority."

"Well," the twist of a smile, "it is not like we did not know this day would come. Conversations near to two years gone by does not make them less true. We will, as others before us, do the best that we can. Should time they draw you away more, then either the children will go to stay with your family or mine should I also be drawn away. I know that I will be in the coming months."

I will not let it turn to that, Ewan." She moved just enough so that she could look down to him, "Nothing is worth more to me than what we have here. Surely we can find a balance." She ran her fingers through his hair for a few moments before returning to curl up to his side, "You will need to be in Yransea soon?"

"I am needed there now." He bit back the frustration and took a deep breath to slowly release. "My return is being delayed as long as possible, but if King Rhodri's health is failing..." he let the comment drift away. "The baroness is refusing my return at this time, but it cannot be long."

"Refusing?" While her brows furrowed, the tone of her voice reflected the expression that he could not see, "Is she waiting for something to happen before you return?"

"Both she and Kiema feel I should be here, with you and the family for as long as possible. What else she may be thinking I could not say, but can only suppose." He rubbed at his brow. The calloused hand doing its job then flopped back by his side on the blankets. "It is of no matter. I am here now, and we will work through these changes to your duties. When will this change take place?"

Despite the warmth from the fire and from his body, a chill went down her spine. She ignored his question for the moment, and allowed the silence to grow as she filtered through her emotions. "You do not think that we are a hindrance on you, beloved?"

"I am not going to even give that question weight by remarking further upon it." Ewan scowled, his lower jaw jutting out ever so slightly. "Now then, we are speaking of your position and its change. When is it to happen or do you not yet know?"

"Do not be angry, Ewan. I am just trying to understand how you feel." She scowled herself with her face tucked neatly to the side of his chest. Taking a deep breath, the quick feeling of insult passed, "I suppose when I give the word. Then I will have to call a meeting and produce the finer details."

soft sound and a nod, he curled his other arm around her to support and comfort. "It sounds like the best course of action, allowing a better service to your people all around. I am glad for you and your people."

"Thank you." She did not add that she wished she could say the same for his. "Father will be thrilled, I am sure. It means Kellan being in his care just a little more." At the thought, her ears strained for noises from the crib, but she heard nothing.

"Yes," memories of his childhood drifting up but did not color the tone of his voice, and while it was soft, it was sure and unwavering, "Avery will be glad of it, too."

"Ah yes. All they will need is you and it will be a warband of my own." It was another reminder that her life was surrounded with men. However, for now it gave her a smile and she moved to give him a sweet kiss.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-11-11 12:24 EST
"Oh!" Storm wanted to laugh and suck in air at the same time, making an odd sound while adding space between her and Andrew. Her shoulder received a harsh hit with his iced blade. The time between her last spar was so long that her moves were moments slower than anticipated.

"Perhaps now is a good time to stop." Andrew lowered his arms, and looked critically at her shoulder and other places he had gotten through her defenses, "Besides, I think you will have enough coloring for now."

Her laugh came out more fully now, though it held a few notes of pain, "Yes, I think so as well. I cannot remember the last time you have won just so." With a thought, her katana faded away from her hand. Stretching her arms, she winced only slightly.

"I will relish in the few times you will allow me to win." His smile was clearly teasing, before he raised a brow, "Can I escort you somewhere? Just to be your arms in case you need them."

With gentle laughter, she rolled her eyes and started back towards the Guardian Chambers, "I would not mind company, if that is what you are asking."

"Excellent. So what is this new position of yours I have heard about?" He was straightforward in his question, keeping in stride with her moderate pace.

She gave him a sidelong look, before looking ahead at the path. "I am unsure just what to call it. Unity?" A slight shrug, "We have had that for some time now. However, I suppose that it takes work to maintain, and so that is what I will do."

"I think it is a position well in need. Who would be better than the one that can control all elements?"

"Just because that seems the right way does not mean that everyone shall support it. I would guess that Emeric will be most disapproving. Healthy change is still change."

"Let Celeste, Adrienne and myself deal with Emeric. Even if he does not bend, he is one to three." He sent her an encouraging smile, "So when will you be coming to visit?"

Andrew opened the door for her, and she took the moment to take a deep breath and clear her thoughts. Ewan had left for Yransea, and if he was going to be away for more than a week, Storm wanted to join him. It made her eager to get as much done as she could before the possible departure, "Is tomorrow too soon?"

"Tomorrow is perfect. Will you bring your new son along?"

A quick shake of her head, "No, I do not wish to take him anywhere rather than here and the Air Realm. Not until he is older and the amount of his gift is more certain."

He opened his mouth to say something, before clearly changing his mind for something else, "Well, let me visit him now then."

Curious to what he did not say but unwilling to pry, Storm simply smiled before leading Andrew to her father and Kellan.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-11-13 12:40 EST
"Storm, a pleasure as always." Renan greeted Storm with an extended hand and using his other to gently cover hers. His smile was warm and genuine, "It is good to see you well. How is your family?"

"They are all well, thank you." It was hard to not return a smile such as his, despite her discomfort in the heat of the Fire Realm, "It is nice to see you as well. I hope that my short notice was not troublesome."

"None at all. It is just Rukiya and myself for the time being. Kiara is doing a few things for me and Devin is helping Paola with her research." He encouraged her to walk with him down the dirt trail that divided the flames.

Storm's hands went into her pockets, her memories of the Fire Realm making her more uncomfortable with each step. So many years ago, this place could have been a second home. Now it forced her to hide her skittish feelings, "Research? Which one?" The light topic eased the tension in her shoulders as she absently walked beside him. She did not need his leading to find the Temple, but made no movement to take the lead.

"I could not answer that, but there seems to be progress with whatever it is. How did everything go yesterday with the Waters?"

"I think that it went very well. Of course," her lips twitched into a smile, "Andrew and Celeste arranged for Emeric to be away, perhaps in the same manner that Kiara is absent, also."

Renan sent her a guilty look and managed a boyish smile for his older age, "I do hope that it will make this transition easier. Andrew is right; let us worry over those that need just a bit more guidance."

Her smile was proud, "Listen to you, a Guardian for less than a year and you speak so. I knew you were the best choice."

His dark skin managed to flush and he bowed his head slightly, "As I know that the choice for you to bring the Goddess' peace is right. I only hope to return the favor."

He opened the door to the Temple for Storm and she followed inside. Truth to his words, she knew that he and Rukiya would hide nothing and offer any help that they could in the same manner Andrew, Celeste and Adrienne had. To know that her fellow Guardians had such faith in her was humbling and frightening all the same.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-11-16 17:18 EST
Deep within the Earth Realm, Storm was searching for a sense of stability with her face pressed against a cold wall. With her natural distress underground, and the remaining memories of Jeremiah, her body all but screamed with escaping. The discord between her soul and mind left her body trembling and her mind grasping for control. After several deep breaths, she quickly wiped the threat of tears away and pressed onward for the Temple.

There was no pause in her step, no lingering to look at the changes from her last visit. Each step echoed determination to perform her duty as quickly as possible without appearing to be rude. As soon as it was over, her mind would turn to packing and to focus on the light of her family.

A handful of children were playing a game of catch under the watchful eyes of their parents. One in particular spotted her and left the game to run at her.

Finding a smile for the little boy, she gathered him in a warm embrace, "My my young Mike, how you have grown!"

"Auntie, you never come and visit us!" He latched his arms and legs tightly around her, "Are you coming over?"

Storm nearly groaned at the thought of staying underground longer than she had to. However, Patrice was a dear friend, and one she had not spent time with in recent times. "We will see. Now, where is your mother?"

"She's in the Tower with Shawn, waiting for you."

"Well, best that I go to see her. Perhaps if you are good, then your mother will let me see you and your siblings for a time." She ruffled his hair in a way she would Avery's, "win your game for me." He laughed as she set him down, and ran with renewed spirits to the ball game.

Chuckling, she found that the darkness of her mood lightened as she attended the last meeting of her busy week.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-11-25 20:37 EST
"I was a little worried that you would not make it through." Cornelious helped Storm remove her outerwear that was covered in snow and carefully concealing Kellan, "This storm has been poor for several days."

"And it is only going to get worse." With a long sigh, she gave Kellan over to her father's warmer body before glancing out the window, "We have not had such a blizzard in years."

"Hmm." He joined her in looking through the window, "If it is going to be worse, we will have to try and contain it." At the sidelong glance Storm sent him, all he offered was a shrug before moving Kellan up to his shoulder, "If we do not, it could do damage that we are unprepared for. Paola is going out tomorrow to see what she can do."

"Paola?" She raised a brow and shot a doubtful look, "She has never fared well in such control. Why is Anton not going?"

"Paola is rather adamant that she can do it herself. I believe," he finally moved away from the window, "she just needs something challenging."

"But that does not mean-" she stopped short of the sentence with a quick and harsh sigh, "I will go along with her." She turned also and held her arms out for Kellan, "That only means I have more to do today."

"I would be careful about going, Storm." A warning note rang after his words as he gave his grandson back, "The Pass is never friendly, and you do not want to make Paola feel inadequate."

"I will be delicate, and I know The Pass better than anyone." The thought of going during a blizzard with an unknowing Guardian brought wanting peace that she did not have.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-11-27 23:53 EST
"Stay close, I am not going to make the shield any larger than needed." As Paola worked on their small fire, Storm worked on constructing a small shield to keep them warm and out of the blizzard. She was tired to the bone, and aching from spending a night away from her sons, particularly Kellan.

"I have no plans to leave anytime soon." Paola peeked her head out of the small cave to the storm that continued to billow. Trying to keep from shivering, all of her concentration went to the simple lessons she had learned form Devin many months ago. The fact that she was could after all of her time spent with the fire made it all the more painful. "I appreciate you coming with me." The words were forced, but the chance of a successfully dry night made the disappointment less.

She was already moving all of her things closer to the fire, although threads of her energy went into adding more heat. "You do not have to lie to me." Niceties were tossed aside as she crawled under all of her blankets, "I will just not give at your persistence. I am just assist you and make sure all goes well. This is not the place to be alone."

"I am aware of the dangers of The Pass." She turned to her own blankets to hide her insult, "The joining of all the realms is one of the most basic and largest studies of the scholars." She could already feel the difference in heat from their long day of traveling, It thawed the chilled sensation in her fingertips and toes as she began to get ready for bed.

Storm held back a sarcastic chuckle, her attitude dropping with each passing moment. "Studying the center of all power is nothing like experiencing it. I hope you have studied and practiced joining and taming storms. You will need it for tomorrow." If lucky, the storm would be contained quickly, and she would not stop until she was home with her children. The simple thought of them steadied her less than kind thoughts as she turned over, "Sleep well, Paola."

She wanted to open her mouth and argue, but instead Paola grinded her teeth. Devin had warned her that her actions were implusive, but she would not change her mind. "Goodnight." Ignoring the aching feeling of the unknown, she bundled herself within her blankets and imagined the warm Fire next to her.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-11-29 23:14 EST
"Be a part of the storm, Paola." Storm cupped her hands around her mouth to propel the words to the younger Guardian as she remained suspended in the air. The air did not help carry the words, instead the winds whipped icy air that stung the pockets of exposed skin. The Pass was a white valley hidden within a perfect circle of mountains. With entries into each realm, Storm's skin tingled and the fine hairs on her neck stood out at the power that could be felt in the valley.

"I can't!" Paola's form flashed between being one with the air and returning to her shell. Trying to sync herself with the power of the storm, it was like holding on to a wet fish with greased hands. The power of the storm was overwhelming, and out of control. "I feel like I'm going to explode holding it all in."

Their was a nervous flutter in Storm's middle as Paola flickered in her vision, "Do not hold it in; use it to modify." The electric feel of The Pass, along with being the center of the blizzard, gave her just a taste of what Paola had to be experiencing.

Envisioning the power being molded for her use, she finally slipped into her original form before Paola could focus on controlling the storm. Despite being free from her shell, she felt a stretching sensation of herself and her mind, along with the painful ripple of a power much stronger than her own. Becoming one with the storm meant being a vessel for the strong force. It broke her concentration, sending wave of pain that brought a human scream from her form of nothing.

Storm couldn't see the other Guardian for several minutes. There was no change in the blizzard; it's strength or it's temperature. The lightning stopped, and soon the clouds began to alternate with a glow that should have expelled. She instantly sensed the hoarding of power, making her nervous for a violent whiplash. The scream curled her toes and she broke out into a run towards the sound, "Paola!"

Ripping off her gloves, Storm made a platform under her feet and quickly brought herself to flight. Her form, fragile in the strengths of the winds faltered and struggled. But with Paola already absorbed in the storm, adding her own gift could set everything off. Reaching out, she prepared to draw power from the blizzard, something she had done countless times without falter.

Relieving Paola of some of the power, it rippled through Storm like wildfire. There was a gasp of pain, but before it controlled her thoughts, she transfered the gift through her hands. Her body glowed brilliantly and thick bolts of lightning released from her hands. They found purchase on the ground and on sides of the mountains, ripping through the snow to reveal the dark earth underneath. The few moments felt like endless hours as Storm gripped the pain and maneuvered it away from the blizzard and to ripping through the snow beneath them.

Suddenly there was nothing left for her to transfer. The pain of the power's absence was a stronger than it's presence. The winds stilled and her platform gave way. In the same moment, Storm caught sight of Paola plummeting from the clouds. Having a dangerous amount of energy still coursing through body, she caught them both and gently lowered them to the ground.

Numbly, Storm moved over to give Paola a shake more violent than intended, "Paola, wake up. Now." Wild memories flashed between her lids at the sensation of the power pent up inside of her.

With a hand to her cheek next, Paola felt the shock of electricity bringing her to her senses. With a gasp, all of her senses were on overdrive and bringing an instant sense of panic and confusion.

Before Paola could open her mouth, Storm was already tugging at her to make her stand. "We have to leave. If we do not expel this gift, then it will end very, very poorly." Storm was already experiencing the sensation of imploding, and it made her drag Paola more. "We are going to run home."

With Storm's voice ringing in her ears, Paola gaped at her, "All the way?" Even as the words left her mouth, she knew she would not tire. She felt like she could run for days without stopping. "Storm," she gave her a quick glance, "Your clothes are ripped."

"Cannot fix them now." Tugging on Paola's hand, Storm started her pace like she was sprinting. Her muscles burned not from exhaustion but from the amount of resources they could call upon. Instead of looking forward to being home, her mind was already contemplating the tasks she would go through until all traces of the power would be gone.