Topic: In-Between

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-02-18 11:49 EST
"All I really want to do is to fall into the emptiness that is the space in-between us"

Building 429, The Space in Between Us.


Everything was white, and utterly perfect.

Time was on hold, nothing moved or changed, it simply was. There was no beginning or end, only existence.

This, is where Storm had ended up, whether it was her own doing or not.

The next thing that she realized, was that she was no longer in her shell. She was her element, the air in the room. Well, she thought she was in a room. It was a room of white never-ending walls. The white that glows and purifies without hurting your eyes.

The same white from her dream.

It had been so long, since she was truly free in this sense. It felt so good, to be without the confides of her flesh, her body.

Which was the next thing she happened to see.

A body she had harshly abused over the years.

It was in suspension, or on the white floor, she couldn't tell which. Though she moved her spirit to get a closer look.

It was not a sight for the weak hearted.

Her toes and legs were the biggest victims of the flames. The burning flesh smell? That was where it came from. Angry burns and open sores, it was amazing that she hadn't felt the pain. More burns as she looked up at the hips, though no open sores. It was here, that she first noticed blood. Blood that was spilled and had made it's way down her back. Her eyes flew to that direction then, the wound just a breath away from her heart. She could hardly see it, blood was everywhere. Though it wasn't wide, it was deep, and so damaging. Her once lovely bronzed skin was ghastly pale. More burns around her arms, and her neck was purple, blue and yellow. Another ghastly sight. Her face had remained the safest part, though a scar on her cheek remained of another burn, and she had developed a wonderful shiner.

And that's when it hit her.

Her body looked just as it did when... whatever happened to her. Time had seemed to stop on her body as well. She wasn't bleeding, the bruising wasn't getting worse... or better. It simply was.

Where was she?

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-02-19 17:46 EST
"Hold me now, I?m six feet from the edge and I?m thinking That maybe six feet ain?t so far down. I?m looking down now that it?s over, Reflecting on all of my mistakes.. I thought I found the road to somewhere. Somewhere in His grace I cried out heaven save me But I?m down to one last breath And with it let me say. Let me stay."

Creed, One Last Breath

"Do not be frightened, for I am with you." Sweet whispers around her, the presence of another. Of her Creator, her Goddess. Emotions she could still feel, though it was hard for her express her relief, within the mixture of everything. How could she express the love that she felt pulsing through her?

"I fear not you... nor do I fear the death that has fallen upon me." From the look of her body, it was the only thing that she could assume.

"Your body could not last longer in the realms of existence. I will not deny that you did not take great care of yourself, did you?" Was there a hint of humor in that sweet voice? Her attention went back to her body, guilt being the next layer of emotions she felt.

"I made myself so weak... by being strong." She knew very well her faults. That she had not taken care of herself. No need for the reminders. "It is a bother most of the time" That last part was mumbled.

There was faint laughter within the white room. It was the most soothing laughter she had ever heard. Had she been in her flesh, she might have fallen asleep right there. "Storm love, your flesh was made in perfect, in my image, do not mistake that. Everything about it is to better you and your actions." The laughter slowly died out, and she was heartbroken to hear it's exit. "As for your flesh being dead, it will be up to you. You've time yet, the choice is yours of course, as always."

She was so torn. She wanted nothing more than to basket within the Goddess' presence for the rest of existence and ever after. There was something so.. glorious within the sound. She did not forget what she had left behind, though. "But.. what of the Towers, my Goddess, my strength. And of the murders in Rhy'Din? Justice is to be given."

"Oh, but those are not the only things you're involved in, is it Storm? And what of your friends.. the ones you want more of, and even those you want less of? Not to mention your Realm that I have granted you leadership over. Is it needed that you must do everything? Do you not have enough responsibilities with I have given you?"

That was the test then. Her answer was what was going to keep her here... and send her back home.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-02-22 20:32 EST
"Only one thing big enough to fill the void that's inside of you. It's just a breath away, can breath it in today. Breathe today."
Flyleaf, Breathe Today.

Storm thought about her answer for what seemed like ages. Never in her existence of being, had she felt so torn. So overwhelmed. So many wonderful options in each... and each had their terrible falls. The price to pay to spend the rest of forever with her Creator... was to leave all those she was fighting for. Everything that she was learning, uncovering, teaching.. all for what?

"My Realm is not the care of three other Guardians beside myself, and it has been stable for many months after the attacks from the Fires. I have taken great leaps to bring peace together for your Elements, I know you're aware of that. With regards to my friends, training, and other... extra activities are to help those around me. I cannot watch this nonsense happen around one of my homes and the people I care for. I would not change my mind, and I would continue to search for many answers." If she could sigh, she would have, but without a body.. it was nothing but emotions.

"Storm, do you not see what the price you pay for helping these people? Your body is a breath away from death. Perhaps you cannot handle what you have given on yourself." There was not disappointment, nor accusations. Perhaps curiosity was the best description of the warm sweet voice.

"Someone has to." She didn't even think of the choice of her words, they simply were. She wasn't thinking of whom she was addressing, or what she was saying. Emotions were out and about. "Someone has to stand for those. If people find out what has happened to me, they will stand for me. It is.. the way of a community. Of friendship. I would live my life no other way."

White Silence