Topic: In the Secret...


Date: 2007-03-08 01:07 EST
::Assadar had finally had a chance to rest. He was in his small room that he was renting from the Inn. He had been practicing his new elemental moves all day long. He was tired. But decided to sit and let the air replenish him. He was especially glad he knew this trick. He had thoroughly enjoyed his time in RhyDin thus far. He might even find himself living there someday. He had just changed into some more casual wear. A red tunic with loose black pants. He felt something different about the surroundings however. Something...Elemental. He went on guard. He wouldn't be caught off guard if this was some sort of training technique by Shea. He inched toward the door slowly, hand on his dagger::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-08 01:34 EST
She had purposely stayed late tonight, late even for her. The Inn was clearing, and her subject had already gone up the stairs. It had been a long handful of days, the trip to Lladrana and things before. She was going to get rest, soon she promised herself.

Some things had higher priorities.

She made sure to look preoccupied with items on her mind, which to some degree was true. She did not have many moments of rest since her return. But, such was the way she lived her life. After it seemed only herself and the tender were left, she offered the one before the bar a civil nodd, before making her way up the stairs. Her boots were silent against the wood as she made her way up. Room twenty six he was in.

Not for long.

Her grey eyes started to glow dim, and she started to become transparent, tapping into her truest form. Then she was nothing but the air itself, gliding under his door and inside. If she could have smirked, she would as she saw his position. She wasn't surprised that he felt her presence. She felt sorry for him, for what she was going to do. Nothing but kind to her.. but some things needed to be done. The brink of chaotic she would become for true justice.

Within a moment, she reappeared in his room, behind him, silent as still air. Katana in her left hand, she gives his back a hearty shove with her right to slam him against the door, katana on his back quickly following.

"I told you that I would come for you."


Date: 2007-03-08 01:42 EST
::Something wasn't right... Then it happened. A shove against his back, and he was up against the wall with a blade against his back. He let out an unexpected:: unf!::as he hit the door. Then he heard her voice. Thats whose presence he had felt. Storm's!::

::Very calmly and politely:: Hello there Miss Storm, nice of you to stop by. A little unexpected, or else I would have prepared some tea, Earl Grey is it not? ::A slight chuckle to himself. He had found himself in odd predicaments all of the time, and after all, he did owe her an explanation, and she had no idea who he was::

I believe I owe you an explanation, if I am not mistaken, that is why you are here.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-08 02:11 EST
She snickered softly at his back as she listened to his words. Smart fellow indeed. She would feel sorry for him later, really she would. She did nothing to relax her grip of the sword, or the pressure on his back. Though she was small and weak from her wounds, any physical struggle was surely too much for her. A bluff, and hopefully a strong one at that.

"Yes, that you do. But first, I am going to ask you a question. I will know if you are being honest with me or not, so do not try to fool me." Her voice held no emotion. She could be emotionless, sometimes she had no choice. "The night my home burned down, the night that horrid man tried to take my life... do you know him? One Korigan Blackstone?" Grey eyes narrow dangerously. She would know first, before anything.


Date: 2007-03-08 02:16 EST
::There he was... Pinned and no place to go. He could try to struggle, but then again, he was the one with a sword pointed at his back::

::Very politely, and with a slight confusion to the question:: Miss Storm, I can assure you that I have never even heard the name of said gentleman. But I can assure that if I did, I would make sure to kill him. Anyone who would try to kill an innocent woman in her own home does not deserve life. Miss Storm, I am sorry for your pains, but I assure you, I do not know this gentleman. Now... Not to sound rude, but if you would kindly release me, I could prepare us some tea, and I could explain to you how I happened to get so mixed up in this madness.

::He hoped he did not sound demanding enough to receive a sword in the back. Storm did not seem like that type of person. She seemed reasonable... HE hoped...::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-08 20:49 EST
She listened intently on his words, and found them true. She nodded to his back, and her katana vanished on sight. "Yes, of course. My apologies, Assadar, really. I just had to make sure... "She didn't need to continue to explain herself, she was sure that he would get the idea.

She pondered on his words, as she watched him after she released him. A deliberate step back, towards the middle of the room, so that he understood she did not mean him any harm. "One more thing, before we... start. No one knows of this. I want to keep it that way. Though you may tell Shea that I am starting to train you, there is information that is to be only kept between you and I. Understand?" She would wait for confirmation, before sitting down right where she was, and waited.


Date: 2007-03-09 02:25 EST
::He turned and headed to the little hearth to start to prepare some tea. He listened to her intently, and kept eye contact as he prepared the tea. He wanted to make sure she knew that he was listening::

::Nodding to her and smiling:: I understand Miss Storm. You have my honor that nothing will leave us. I will also be telling you some of my own stories, some of which I would ask you not to share. I do not know who could be listening, and some of them will be very important to my own journey, and how I found you.

::He had already had some water boiling and what not before she had arrived. He poured two cups, one for the each of them, and handed her a cup as he started his story::

::Very pleasantly, he gestured toward a chair near her:: Please, please, have a seat. This has been quite an adventure, and I have only been in this city for a month. I arrived nearly a month ago now, and had immediately felt something different about you. I later found you to be an elemental, but later that day, I also found you to be... well... dead. I was strolling the streets, headed for your house, the night of the fire, when I felt something go horribly wrong. By the time I arrived, you had already disappeared, your presence and all. I tried to do something about it. I tried to bring down the flames with my own knowledge of the elements, but passed out, and within twenty-four hours of my arrival in RhyDin, already found myself in jail.

::A sip of tea, and a pleasant smile:: Good tea, but what do I know, I am an Elf. As I was saying, I was soon released, and charges of your murder were dropped. I soon was hooked up with Shea, and was on the hunt for you. I was under the supposed service of a one Juri, who oddly enough, I met just the other night. ::Gathering his thoughts:: Lets see... I went one night to rummage through your house to see if I could find any clues, and only found that it was started from the inside out... Other than that, I have dialogged a little with Miss Erin, because I had felt your presence one night before you returned. There is a lot of history as to why I am here in RhyDin, and I can regale you with the tail some other time, but know that I mean no one here any harm, but am here to help save my people. The story I can give to you in more depth later, but there are chaotic elementals ravaging my home, and I need training on how to destroy them.

::Taking a deep breath, and a sip of tea:: Any questions thus far?

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-10 00:04 EST
She watched him as he started to make tea, and had no choice but to sit in the seat that he motioned for her to sit in. Hands folded in her lap, she listens to his story. Poor sap, he was dragged unwillingly into her own chaos called her life. She did her best to retain any facial reactions to names given, or events that had taken place. She could not change what already had happened. All she could do was continue on, and mend what needed to be. She was more than willing to accept the tea, considering that she was dead tired. She wanted to do nothing more than scrap every inch of dirt off of her and think of past events, the good things.

They would all have to wait.

Why did everything have to wait?

She waits for him to pour her a glass, before she holds the mug in her hands. She almost didn't have any questions, until the word 'chaotics' came about. Her lips thinned tightly.

"The Chaotics should not be anywhere but their own Realm." She says almost tightly. She was going to have to go and visit soon. It was bound to happen. "I promise that your stories are safe with me... but please, continue." A sip then.


Date: 2007-03-10 02:30 EST
::He listened to her response:: Well, that is the thing. I think the those that control my people, a group of five known as the Elders, are working with, or controlling, the Chaotics. The Elders think that they sent me here so that I can learn to control the other elements, so that they can learn from me, and rule all of Azeroth, the entire world I am from... with both types of elements...

::A more determined look came forward:: I however, have other plans. I have a team of four Commanders that are currently raising an army while I am gone. I am going to train in the elements, go back, lead the army to victory over these evil Elders, and restore peace and prosperity to my people. A peace that they have needed for over five hundred years.

::He paused, had a sip and refilled his cup. He sighed a little. He did miss his home, but he knew he had to train and overthrow the Elders. He had to restore peace to his realm:: Storm, I am going to tell you my age now. For no other reason, except to make sense to the rest of my story later. Please understand that I am old by this realms standards, but still young by my peoples standards. My people live for a long time where I am from. I am... 322. I have been around for many years, but still have many to go. Magic sustains my people. I did not even enter the military training camp until I was 125. This will all begin to make sense as I reveal my stories to you later.

::He paused and took a sip. He looked to her, smiled warmly and said just as warmly:: Any questions thus far?

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-11 03:27 EST
She continued to listen, tucking away information that meant very little to her at the moment. Perhaps all in time, it would make sense. She would occasionally sip her tea once it had cooled enough. She watched the way he talked, the tone of his voice, his gestures. Everything. Many of her questions were stored for later. Perhaps he would reveal more in time. Why was it that he was being so open with her? He basically trusted her completely, and she hardly knew a thing of him, save what he was saying now. And that almost meant nothing to her. Her Assadar Puzzle was very nearly empty.

His age did not affect her either. She understood all too well how different Realms had different times. She was a direct result of that also. Her age by Rhy'Din is doubled by what age she was at home. It was no wonder then, why the other Guardians would find her power alarming since she had barely taken a step past her twentieth year.

Surprises were rare in Rhy'Din, were they not?

The mug was currently settled within her hands, though a finger was tapping silently as she listened, mused over his words. She still had no idea where she was to come into play."I have questions, yes. But... perhaps you will reveal your answers when you finish your story." Offers a smile with slightly tired eyes. A day of rest was just within her grasp..


Date: 2007-03-11 16:49 EST
::Hmm... Finish... His story was never finished. It was always in motion, moving forward through time:: Well, that is it for now. I mean, there is more, but that would take all night, and I do not believe either of us want that kind of suspicion. ::He would tell her more as they trusted each other more. For now, he told her what he needed to ensure she trusted him enough. The only reason he told her as much as he did thus far, is because he felt he owed it to her for all of the trouble he had gotten into while trying to search for her. Not to mention, that he needed her, and eventually he would need her to travel with him to Quel'Thalas, but that would come in time. Right now he needed to gain her trust::

::He looked at her with kindness in his eyes:: Storm, if you do not wish to help me, that is ok. I simply wanted you to know why I am doing what I am doing, and why I had been searching for you. I felt I owed you at least that. Thank you for listening to my story thus far. You could leave right now if you wanted to, and I would think nothing of it. I do need your help though, if you are willing to give it.

::He sat in quiet contemplation as she seemed to be pondering his words::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-12 01:45 EST
She finishes her tea, as she was indeed pondering on his words. It took much willpower to keep herself from sighing, and pinching the bridge of her nose. More? Really now, was she about to take on more?

"I will help you here as much as I can. I need.. time. To think. I need to see how your training with Shea is... so that I can teach you of other things." Though her mind was already off and about on how she was going to train him already. Mind already made up, everything else just had to follow. "I cannot stay any later though. It is late already, and I am sure you have things to do. As do I. Thank you for the tea." A polite and warm smile. It was occurring to her that being in his room alone this late was not going to settle well with others.

She rises then, if he was to stand, she held a hand out to stop him. "Enjoy the rest of your evening. I apologize for startling you, I hope you realize that it was needed. I will come for you again in a few days after I come to a decision. Again, this is between the two of us." And another if needed. But she pushed that thought away for the time being. A last smile, before she disappeared in front of him, leaving just the way she came.

She had much to think upon.


Date: 2007-03-12 01:59 EST
::He was about to get up, but she had him stay seated. What an interesting night... To say the least. He did enjoy his time spent with Storm. Hopefully she would help him. He needed it. Shea was an awesome trainer, but he needed knowledge of the elements as well. All would be revealed in time. Now he played the waiting game. He had gotten good at that over a hundred years. He would give Storm time to think::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-16 01:35 EST
It was time to start.

With the cough hardly visible, she crept up the stairs without a sound. Absolute silence. She was dressed from the neck down in black. Not that they were going to do anything that needed to be covered, perhaps it was more out of habit. When the darkness approached, the dark clothing went on. She would think of reasons why later.

She mentally counted down the doors, approaching the one with Assadar's presence hopefully inside. She hoped that he was ready, and that he was rested enough for what she had planned for him.

But then again, we are never truly ready, are we? When the time comes for training to become a reality, there is no ready, it simply just was.

She knocked softly, enough for him to hear inside, but not enough to disturb others. No words yet, she needed to know if he was inside first.


Date: 2007-03-16 02:13 EST
::He had been meditating whenever he wasn't practicing his elemental skills. He knew he would need the strength. He knew however, that he would more than likely not have enough. It was always the case. It was completely silent and black when the knock came. He had turned out the lights for a better meditation. He found it more relaxing at times to meditate and rejuvenate using the elements, rather than sleep. He was out of his trance within a second. He put on his dark blue tunic and pants. He did not bother with his cloak. He had felt Storm's presence, and knew it was time to begin::

::He crept to the door silently. He opened it without a sound. He looked out and saw Storm. He did not say a word. He motioned with his hands and mouthed the words silently:: <Are we going out or staying here?> ::Hopefully she could read his lips. He waited patiently for a reply::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-16 20:29 EST
Her brows wrinkled slightly as he motioned with his hands and talked silently. Her mouth-reading was not the best. And in the dark, mostly likely and utter failure. But, she was able to hear the faintest changes in his mouth and tongue, and could understand that. Well, it got the job done, right? She then shook her head softly, no, they would not be staying here. She did not spare him another glance as she started down the stairs again silently. When she really wanted to, she could be absolutely silent in everything. Her gestures, mode of transportation, in anything besides speaking.

But even then, she had ways of sending silent messages.

She did not look to see if he was behind her, she knew that he would be. And she hoped that he was ready to move, because he was going to do a lot of that. Once downstairs, she opted for the back door, barely leaving it open for him as she still did not look behind her, or even over her shoulder. In the Alley, she stopped, and suddenly turned to face him, nearly toe to toe. "Do not move or say a sound." She whispered, before her grey eyes glowed dimly and the air platform under them raised them with haste up and above the buildings, towards the sky. She hoped that he had excellent balance, otherwise this might do a number to his knees.

Storm's training was going to be a completely new experience for the Elf. That was for certain.


Date: 2007-03-18 01:17 EST
::He followed her. He shut the door lightly behind them. He followed her quietly, he actually was using some air to lighten his steps. He had been practicing to help with his stealth. He followed her out the door. He had to slither out quickly, because she only left a little space. he watched as she turned, and for the first time, glowing gray eyes met fiery green eyes::

::He nodded to her whisper. Then they were off, headed toward the sky. He had to catch his balance at first, but he was fine. He was taken a little by surprise, but followed her orders, and remained silent. This should be interesting. He waited in anticipation for further instructions. He was excited that he would finally be able to train with an actual elemental::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-18 02:11 EST
She was not entirely surprised to be met with a different set of eyes. Many had physical changes when accessing a gift, or using magics. The fact that he was accessing it for the smallest matters, such as walking or keeping balance, though, did.

"It would seem as your training with Shea is going well. You are in very good hands with her." She said quietly as she folded her arms across her middle. They were well away from sight now, just below the night clouds as she looked away, off into the distance some where. "I am not going to teach you how to use the Elements. I do not think that I could explain that well for a Mage, I will leave that in Shea's hands instead. Some things.. I can just do, and cannot explain." Grey eyes to him then.

"There are some things though, that I would rather teach you. It does not seem as though you are physically trained, and so, I will help you with that." Bandaged feet walked effortlessly around on the invisible platform, almost a type of pacing. "You are talking of Chaotics, and that is serious business. I will show you how Elementals fight, the way of things. Teach you more of balance, and how to better prepare yourself for what is to come." She paused then, standing tall to look at him, even at her short height. "I cannot promise you that I will come to your homeland, and help the battle. I will promise though, to teach you to the best of my ability." Glowing grey eyes studied him then, her gift sensing his.

"It would seem as though Air is your strongest for the time being. And so, we will start with that. Keep in mind your trainings from Shea, as I am sure that they will help. Now," Two katanas appeared in her hands. She suspended one in the air with her gift, before taking the other blade first and handing him the hilt. "Have you ever used one of these before?"


Date: 2007-03-19 00:57 EST
::He looked to her:: My training with Shea is going well enough. She is a fine trainer, and I am glad to have her as such.

::He looked at her and smiled at the mention of physical strength:: You are right in your assumption of my physical training. Where I am from, mages are not expected to be trained physically, as it is, we are not to see physical combat at all, and I cannot expect you to travel such a far distance if you do not trust me, but I will train here, and learn all I can from you before I must return to liberate my people.

::He watched her intently as the blades appeared. He had never seen anything like it. He had never seen such a precarious sword. It intrigued him. He reached out and grabbed it. It was light weight, and yet sturdy at the same time. He was going to enjoy using this:: No Storm, I have never seen one of these swords before, let alone used one. I have used swords before, but never one such as this.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-19 18:57 EST
His lack of knowledge of the sword received mixed responses. On one hand, at least he knew of how to use a sword. Otherwise this was going to take a very long time. But, at never seeing one of this style, she does not let go of the blade as he grabbed the hilt.

"This is the weapon that all Airs are taught on. It is called a katana." She offered simply. She then moved a hand to the base of the sword, and slowly moved the hand up along the blade, leaving a trail of thick ice around all aspects of the blade. "The ice is for my safety.. and I suppose yours." A faint smile then, as she backed away.

She then grabbed her blade, and repeated the process. His katana was a basic one, specifically for training others. Hers, one the other hand, had a variety of grey colors on the blade, with foreign markings all along it. "The ice, as you will soon see, also makes the sword heavier. This is so that you must work harder to achieve results."

Her lips moved faintly, words unheard but to her and hers alone. The whispers of the dark and silent. A pleasant smile then. "All Air techniques are based on three things; speed, endurance, and accuracy. No effort is wasted. If you are to move, you do it with purpose. Conserve all imparted energy. It is not about strength, no power attacks here. Physically, anyway." Katana placed at home in her left hand, she points it to him, starting to circle him slowly. "You sword is not for hacking the body in two. Instead, you hack at their motivation, morale, and strength. Slowly. Be the last to stand." She continued to slowly circle him, until he got the idea to face her and do the same. This all depended on him.

It isn't until after he is circling her, that she continued. "Now Assadar, tell me what you have learned of Air."


Date: 2007-03-19 19:34 EST
Katana... ::He said this under his breath, repeating the name of the sword to himself. For his safety, chances are he was going to appreciate the protection later, when instead of hacked limbs, he only had bruises. She was right, it was heavier than it had been, but on the same token, it was still lighter than the swords he was used to::

::He listened to her intently. So, he was to hack a their morale, strength, and motivation. The katana was sp light, because he was not to chop at people's limbs, but widdle them down. Interesting. She began to circle him. He lifted his sword to hers, and began to do the same. He made eye contact::

::Hearing her question, he responded all that he knew:: Air is our support. It gives life, but it also can be used to fight with. It can control all around you, and to control it, you must feel it flowing through you. It is invisible, and yet it can be one of the most powerful forces. It can be mixed with water to make more powerful spells, or to control the weather. It is agile, and strong at the same time. It can endure many things, and can outlast any of the other elements. It can be used to replenish or to take away. It is faster than the other elements... That is what I know off of the top of my head. Anything else you would like to know? ::He was still holding the katana at level with hers, and continued to circle her waiting for a reply::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-19 20:16 EST
She was listening to his words, but concentrating on his movement more. The way he moved, it was not exactly with grace. At least he was not stomping around everywhere, it could have been much much worse. It was interesting, how he described what she was. She would be learning also, how the Mages worked, how they perceived their abilities.

Her katana idly went up and down his, a smooth and quick motion. She was testing the ice, checking to make sure that it would not fail.

And then she stepped forward, left foot moving before her right, and aimed the flat of her blade for the outside of his right leg. Her movement was quick, and unexpected. Regardless if he was able to block it or not, there was muscle behind it. A surprise, as very little had an idea of what was hidden beneath the black clothing. "Pick up your feet and move more." She practically commanded, the blow to his leg was merciless, hoping to inflict more pain with the chill of the ice. She sidestepped away then, glowing grey eyes lock on his.

"Your foot work will more than likely, save you more than anything else. Imagine being light on your feet, barely grazing the platform before moving again. Never stand in the same spot for more than a breath. This is the dance of death." She would step forward again, and repeat her attack to his leg, to see if he would block with his sword or by moving.


Date: 2007-03-19 20:30 EST
::He finished and watched her. She moved to quick for him to react. Her blade made contact, and he winced at the pain. He made slight motion, signifying that it had caught him off guard. He looked at her with determination as he listened to what he had to do. It would definitely leave a mark. He picked up his feet and began to move a little bit more gracefully. All in all, it was mostly due to the use of the air around him. She could feel her... Was she pure air? Hmm... Interesting. Either way, he could feel the air. They were almost one. If it were not for a body, they would be. He began to move as such. He began to move with more finesse::

::The it happened. He could feel the slightest movements in the air. She was going for the leg again. He used the air to give him some agility, and a little strength. He brought the sword down to block hers. He got there just in time to block it. He looked down at the two crossed blades, then up to her. He smiled... A cocky smile... One that he often used with Janet. He knew that he would not block every time, and they he would not always be able to dodge... But with the air at his side, he also knew that he would at least have a little help. He waited for her next move::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-19 20:50 EST
Her eyes narrowed almost dangerously as he blocked with his sword, and not with movement.

He would soon learn that Storm showed little, very very little mercy. Many learn from their mistakes the quickest. She would have let the mistake slide with only her words, but his smile had her smirking.

Since he did not move, he made the vital mistake of letting the space between them close. She was nearly toe to toe with him now. Her right hand, the free one, curled as she aimed for an upper cut to his jaw. The best move for close counters. It was doubtful that he could move away in such close proximity, but if he was able to block, she still gave him a good ruffling. Having someone suddenly in your face would change anyone's expression instantly.

"Never, ever, assume that your choice of movement was the best. I am not here to deal with such arrogance. The sooner you submit to what I tell you, the quicker, and less painful this will be." A quick step back then, and back to the circling she went.

Her feet were indeed everywhere, and light. If he was bothering to pay attention, most movement was in her hips and knees.

"When you move, you want to use as little effort for the most dramatic change. When you step forward, do not do it with your back leg. Rather, stretch your furtherest leg and bring the back to follow. This is less movement to your legs and it gives you more time to react, rather than using your energy to swing your back leg forward." To demonstrate, she moved her forward leg, the left one, to step forward, the right one required little effort to move with the rest of the body.

"Now, I suggest you find another to avoid my attack if you do not wish me to be at your face again. You want distance unless you are attacking." She took another quick step forward again, practiced move to aim the katana's flat to his right leg.

He would learn.


Date: 2007-03-19 21:02 EST
::Her fist made contact with his jaw. Some blood left his mouth. What a punch. He looked back to her. Determined. He would not let her punch get him down. She was able to get hits on him. That was his fault. He needed to listen to her, and soak up everything::

::He listened and began to circle with her again. Little effort for dramatic change. Leave space in between them. Front leg first. Be ready. He stretched forth again with his air. Feeling for her movements. She went to strike again. He moved back, and while he did, he brought the katana down to meet hers. He used the air to help him move back. He was a mage, and did not have a lot of physical training, so he would use his magic to the best of his abilities to help him out. She was quick, and almost to quick. He went back, so there was still space. His blade barely got there, and although he was able to redirect most of the attack, her blade hit his, and his blade hit his leg... Either way, another bruise... But... He was learning::

::He looked up at her. Determined and ready to move. There was space between them. He never took his eyes off her however, and now always had the air ready to tell him her next move::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-20 15:51 EST
She watched as he backed, his defense was not strong enough to keep him from hurting himself. The ice, she realized, was very much so needed. "Good, you moved back. Even if you were not able to redirect my hit, you moved. Put in space."

The moment of the dance was over, and she moved to stand next to him. "The last thing I am going to teach you is how to move with the katana. All of the movement is in your wrists. It is going to be painful at first." She warned, sparing a glance up to him. "But if your wrist is strong, the next time I try to go for you leg, you will be able to deflect it without hurting yourself in the process. Now, show me your stance." She took a step back, waiting for him to do so.

Once he was in his position, she walked around him, slight adjustments here and there. "Bend your knees more, that way you can move quicker. If you lock your legs, you will not move fast enough. Yes." She nodded as he did so. "Do not think yourself as many body parts. But one fluid motion." She went to his hand, adjusting his wrist now. "Your wrist is a delicate blend of flexibility and strength. This will take the most time for you to learn, but I think that you will." She took a step back then, to inspect.



Date: 2007-03-20 17:53 EST
::He watched and listened intently as she taught. He had not thought to redirect the attack. He merely thought to block it. He needed to expand his mind to new possibilities. RhyDin should have at least taught him that by now, but he was always learning. He watched as she moved next to him. He had to use his wrists to control the katana, not his whole body. That was a wierd concept to him, but one he could get used to. He had learned that swords were controlled by how much force you put behind it::

::He would learn. Storm had took him on as her student, and he was going to learn from her if it killed him. He stood in his stance as she commanded. He fixed his stance as she commanded him too. He probably looked rather ridiculous in the original stance. He had to think of himself as air, or water. Many little parts producing one fluid part that was able to take any form necessary to get the job done. He made a mental note of what his body felt like in the correct stance. It was uncomfortable right now, but as he went to it more, it would become more natural.::
::He was happy that she believed in him, but it would not go to his head. He looked to her, and smiled a warm smile, a little blood splotched on his chin from the blow:: No Storm, I do not have any questions at this time... I am trying to soak up what you are teaching me. I am sure that as I practice and continue in my training, questions will arise, but I will save them for our secret times.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-21 20:44 EST
She nodded, grey eyes narrowing on the deep red spots on his chin. She pulled on her black sleeve and reached to remove the spots. It was not an act of affection, but of her mercy. Perhaps she should have not been so hard on him. Frustrations that built inside her affected her mood, the way of things. Once satisfied, she nodded softly, and took a step back. "Good then. I think we will call it a night, don't you? Get some rest, put some ice on your bruises to reduce the swelling." Her grey eyes continued in their dim glow as she started to lower the platform slowly.

"I personally do not think that this style of fighting is best for you. I wish to teach it to you still though, because you will never truly understand how to defend yourself until you understand what your opponent is doing." She studied him, his build, what she had seen of his ability tonight. "I personally think that the best option for you is to use different techniques from everything that I will teach you. One method of Elemental fighting will not fully benefit you. Take what suits you best, combine them as you feel comfortable."

Their feet land on the ground as she lowered them into the back alley just behind the Inn. "We will part here for the night. Rest, practice, and I will come for you again very soon."


Date: 2007-03-22 00:13 EST
::He watched as she tended his wound. He smiled when she had finished. Not an affectionate smile, but a friendly warm smile. After she had finished talking, he added:: Storm, if you do not mind me saying so, going easier on me will not prepare me for my enemies. My enemies know me. They are not mindless people whom I fight, but brothers and sisters. They are my kin. Going easy on me will not help me any. Thank you for your concern. I am looking forward to our next training session... And I do have one question... Can I keep the katana?

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-22 18:00 EST
She chuckled softly, covering her mouth with her hand to keep quiet. She did not exactly want to draw attention to herself, but his words got a line of laughter out of her.

"I do not think I am taking it easy when I bloody your lip on the first night, hmm? But.. there is a difference in stern teachings and treating you without humanity, I think."

She took a step back then, away from him and the Inn that was just around the corner. She was not going inside, the bed on the shore was just too good to pass up this night. "You may keep it for the time being, yes. Though I would not recommend you buying one unless you feel that it is a weapon for you. That will come with time. Stay safe and out of trouble." A bow of her head, before she turned and walked off into the darkness.


Date: 2007-03-23 02:17 EST
::He smiled and thought of his time with Janet thus far:: I will be sure to stay out of trouble ::He bowed in return and headed in to the Inn. He got to keep the katana for now, and although Storm did not think he would be best at it, he wanted to be proficient. He did not know what he would face back in his realm, and if he could use anything to surprise his enemies, he would. He thought of home, and what it would be like to return under better circumstances. Any day now, he could be called back to lead the attacks against the Elders... Any day now, and he needed to be ready::

::He entered his room, and changed into some sleeping clothes. He laid down in his bed... His first real sleep in a couple of weeks. He thought of home again as he laid in bed... Then Janet... Then sleep...::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-02 15:39 EST
Her boots were as ever silent as she made her way up the stairs of the Inn. Bright blue shirt was exchanged for a black tunic, breeches to match in coloring. Her hair was long enough to pull back and away from her face as she started down the hall. She didn't bother to look at the doors, for she was counting each as she pasted.

She came upon Assadar's door, and paused. She had not seen the elf in the Inn for a while now, and she was unsure if he was still there or not. Though, she figured that he was decent enough to let her know if he was leaving.

She knocked on his door - three times. The knocks were nearly silent, but inside, they would echo loud enough for his ears to hear.


Date: 2007-04-02 18:47 EST
He had been meditating when he had felt her approaching. He had gotten ready in an instant. He put on his dark read tunic and pants for training. He waited by the door in quiet anticipation. He had not seen her in quite sometime. He had been spending most of his days and nights practicing his new techniques as a mage. He could be called upon any day now, and needed to be honed and ready. The knocks came loud enough to hear. He opened the door. He was right. Storm. He nodded to her and smiled warmly as he exited the room and shut the door almost silently. His eyes began to glow green as he used the air around him to soften his steps. He nodded to her again once the door was locked as if to say "Lead the way."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-02 19:28 EST
She backed up slowly so that he had room to step forward. A quick of assessment let her know that he had managed to stay out of trouble. She flashed a quick grin as she rested a hand on his arm. No word spoken in order to keep the hall quiet. She sensed that they had less than thirty seconds before another was going to reach the top of the stairs. A male figure, unless it was one very tall woman.

She did not really give him much of a choice, as she started to conceal them from the body up. Every one is made of something more than flesh. Some call it a soul, spirit, or many other things. She just happened to be something more than that. And, when under the need such as this, could spread her ability to others. It started from the feet, the disappearing of the flesh. Becoming one with the air. So long as she hand her hand on him, he would change with her. She was not willing to explain at the moment, it was a situation in need of immediate action, and she did not hesitate.

The transformation would have felt like hours, but it really was only a matter of seconds. Soon there was not a thing visible of them, they were one with her element. In her purest form. She guided them down the stairs, past the man whom was only moments from seeing them. The inn was nearly empty, save the two drunks who refused to leave.

She moved them under the door and outside. They pasted the porch, and made their way several hundred feet from the front of the inn. It was there, that she had them reappear. This time, it was from the head down, a process that was again only a matter of moments that felt like forever.

She would make sure that he felt fine, before continuing. "I was hoping to take you.. elsewhere. A place where we usually train and no element reigns. Will you come with me?"


Date: 2007-04-02 20:29 EST
He gathered his thoughts. That had been the most awkward thing anyone had ever done to him. It was interesting, to say the least. He shook his head a little, and took a few minutes to answer. HE looked to her and smiled warmly, and answered politely. "I would love too. It sounds like an... adventure. Give me a second though. Just in case we have to do that again." He let out a little chuckle to signify his lightheartedness to the transformation. A few minutes passed. They probably seemed like forever in the dark. Then he said "I am ready to travel again Storm. Lead the way."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-05 23:47 EST
She smiled reassuringly. "Do not fret over it, I apologize for doing such a thing. We were not exactly alone though." She ran a hand absently through her air, to tame the crimps and curls along the way. She did not mind the waiting, as she was gathering her own thoughts as well.

She nodded then, when he signaled that he was ready, before opening a portal in front of them. "Just go ahead and step right on through it. Do not act like there is a step, otherwise you will lose your balance on the other side. It's best to just walk right through it as if it is not even there." She would wait until he walked through first, before she joined him. This way, she could close the portal behind her and, if he was losing his balance, she could offer her help.

The place that they entered seemed normal enough. It was series of multiple training fields, all currently deserted.

"Did you bring your katana with you? If not, I can spare you another." She offered, her own katana appearing in her left hand. A quick brush of her fingertips against the blade, and the ice appeared over it.


Date: 2007-04-06 02:08 EST
He looked at the portal that opened before them and heeded her instructions. He walked forward as if he were not walking into an abyss. He had walked through portals before, so it was not to big of an issue. Once on the other side, he turned and waited for her to enter. When she asked if he had brought the katana, he almost forgot that he had strapped it on when he felt her coming. He had been taking it with him everywhere, so it had become second nature to carry it on him. He smiled as he pulled it out of its sheath, which was at his hip "Of course I did, I could feel you coming up to the door, and had gotten prepared."

He produced the katana, and iced it up himself. He had been practicing his elements, and had become somewhat proficient in ice, at least enough to make a blocking wall around the blade to ensure safety. He smiled warmly mostly as a form of pride, but washed it all aside and made a face of determination "Lead the way."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-10 12:03 EST
A quick smack of her blade against his, checking to see if the ice would hold. She offered a smile as it did, before she started walking towards the back of the fields. "There is a Ball at the end of the month, one that the Elementals throw every year. Though no one would train you there, it might be a good opportunity to meet others, and get a feel for things." She turned to him then, and began a series of simple warming exercises, drills of repeated movements.

"I have a way to get you in also, though you would not be going with myself. It is just something to ponder, and you do not have to go. But," A quick sidestep as she continued on, forcing him to be light on his feet. "Soon, I want to move on to different elementals techniques. And after you know all, we can work further on whatever you wish. I would feel horrid if I did not try to teach you at least the basics of each."

Her attacks started a bit quicker, her movements faster. "What ever little previous sword work you have done has prepared you well still. Perhaps tonight we will move on to adding the elements then?" She asked him, gradually building the difficulty of her attacks and her speed.


Date: 2007-04-10 17:39 EST
The force of her blade was not enough to make him quiver under her strength, but then again, the air style was about agility and stamina. He kept quick on his feet, and every once in a while, would try to get in a swing or two at her. He listened to her intently, and circled around in their dance, as well kept moving. They had formed into a conversation, dance combo. He laughed a little as he though of it. "A ball you say? Well, if it involves me needing to be snuck in, then I am all about causing a little bit of trouble. Although, I must warn you that I have never been to terribly good at social events. Having served as a commander in the military, I must say that I do know how to show respect where it is due. With a little bit of a guide, I may be able to get it... But I suppose that would be part of your plan?"

He smiled a little. He knew Storm had something up her sleave.

He smiled at her, "I have been getting some practice in, and if you deem me worthy of moving on, then so be it." He threw in another quick swing, then backed. Always moving, swift on the feet, and cautious not to let her get to close...

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-13 01:19 EST
"Oh, I deem you many things, it is a matter of you proving me wrong or not." she chuckled, blocking his attempts with ease. She gave him credit though, as many remained on the defense with such little training.

It was then that she started to access her gift, lifting the density of the air around her to make her movements lighter, quicker. And transferring the energy to him, making the air around him thicker. "I may not be able to teach you how to use your magic, but I can try to help you excel in your tactics. Experiment with me here; try and use the Air to your advantage."

She continued her dance, never easing, always pressing. No breaks, for either of them. "I do have something in mind for the Ball, as I have one who could bring you. That is though, unless you wanted to come on your own accord. I can think of a particular amber-eyed Scath whom you've taken interest in." She raised a brow, wrist strong and flexible and it conquered her movements, awaiting his next move.


Date: 2007-04-13 12:09 EST
His eyes began to glow fiery green as he felt the air around him thicken. Some trick. She was making the air around him think and the air around her light. He concentrated on both her moves and the air. Soon he felt the air flowing through him. He and the air were as one. He moved the air. He was lighter now. He could feel the air around her... He used the air to push his moves a little quicker, and still he talked. It was fascinating to him, that he, an elf, could experience the elements this way.

He heard her comment about Janet, and smiled a quirky smile, "News spreads fast in this town. Yes, I have taken an interest in her, and perhaps I will take her... I just need to know how to get there, when to be there, and what to do once I am there." He struck another at her, this time with the air pushing him. He continued in this dance with her...

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-18 20:57 EST
She let him press his air against her, backing down her strength so that he could understand control. Not that she was letting him dominate her. She would tease him, letting him get so far before she turned the tables, a quick dance of her feet, a new direction of her power. "It is at the end of the month, just let me know and I'll make the arrangements needed."

She then took a few steps back, putting distance between them. "Shall we try something different?" Her grey eyes were glowing as she lifted herself off the ground a few feet, before driving down towards him, aiming for the soft flesh of his middle.


Date: 2007-04-19 00:19 EST
Yes, I will attend. I think if I can secure the hand of that certain Scath, then it will be quite a bit of fun. He watched as she rose off the ground. He could feel that air around her... What was she... Then she moved. He could see the blade coming down at him. He used the air to push himself back. She had taught to never stop moving. Then with the wind, he brought his own katana up to meet hers. The came together. He smiled a very cocky smile. It would seem as though my teacher has been very good thus far... Then a wink.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-20 18:27 EST
She smirked at his smile, and hit him hard with the flat of her blade, just on his left kidney. "I have faith, that you'll learn." was all she said, before she shot up again, bringing more space between them.

"Can you lift yourself yet?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. "If so, come after me, I will how you how to use your speed to your advantage."


Date: 2007-04-23 12:53 EST
He winced a little as the blade made contact with skin. He did not hesitate to back away. Without an answer, he looked at her as he began to bring the winds around him to lift himself. It was not too difficult. He had worked on using the air to aid him, but never to lift him. It was amazing though. HE could not concentrate on that now. Once a couple of feet in the air, he looked down at her with fiery green eyes... "Now what?"

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-04 23:54 EST
"Now Assadar, we spar." She dove down again for him, encouraging their bodies to move up, to fly in combat.

It was long and slowly tiring on both of them. He was a quick learner, and so Storm taught him a few tricks of her own, but not all of course. The training went on for hours, doing as promised, and breaking down every last defense until all signs of endurance ran thin. It was then that she brought them back, to prepare for the ball.

And now, they had been back for a few days now, and it was time to get started.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-06 02:30 EST
The sun was just starting to fade as Storm walked up the stairs of the Inn. It had been awhile, but she had been brushing up on her other elements in preparation for Assadar. She walked briskly to his room, and knocked on the door softly.

He had been expecting her. He had felt her presence the moment she had entered the inn. He strapped on his black training tunic, and put the katana at his side. He waited by the door. She knocked, and he opened the door, greeted her with a soft hello, and then shut the door behind them. He had been practicing all of his elements, as well as training in hand-to-hand combat with Shea. He was ready.

A quick look over gained a small smile of approval. ?Ready?? even though it was clear he was, always best to ask.

He smirked at her. ?Of course... Lead the way.?

Her eyes narrowed in on the smirk, but she said nothing as she led the way back down the stairs. She was no longer worried of the eyes that could see. Or perhaps, she already knew of those inside, and they worried her not. ?Did you have a nice time this weekend?? she asked casually over her shoulder.

He had a rather interesting weekend, but would leave that to himself. ?I did have a nice weekend, thank you for asking. And yourself??

She raised her brow. ?The ball was enjoyable for everyone, I think.? she opened the door for her exit, holding it long enough for him to keep it open as she headed for the portal.?Janet also seemed to enjoy herself.?

He smiled at the mention of her name and added almost absentmindedly. ? So it would seem, so it would seem...? He followed after her toward the portal. He was thinking about Janet now, and that was never good. He had to clear her from his head so she would not be a distraction.

Sure that he understood where they were going, she opened up the portal and stepped through, leaving it open long enough for him to step through. It was the same fields, void of any dominate element. ?I think tonight, we will start with the fire. Your air attacks are good enough.. for now, at least.?

He followed her into the portal. He smiled at her semi-compliment, but took it well. He looked at her with determination, and in a confirming manner added. ?Fire it is. Shall we get started??

She nodded, her hands out, palm up. ?Yes, may I have your katana please?

He reluctantly removed his katana. Not because he did not trust her, but because he had become attached to it. He handed it over to her. A quick smile of reassurance, the katana fades, and is replaced with a broadsword. Again, simple in design, but well suited for its purpose. She handed it to him, and once in his hand, it would adjust in weight and size appropriately. ?The fires do not use katanas like the Airs. It is a different style entirely.?

He took the broadsword in hand, and it immediately adjusted to him. That was interesting... He swung it around a bit, and then brought it level after she had spoken.?I had figured the different elements would use different weapons. I am assuming their battle structure is different as well then??

A quick nodd, as a broadsword appearing in her left hand. It was identical to his, save the size. Her right hand started at the base, going up to cover it with ice. ?It is very different. I know it is a lot to readjust to, but in your situation, you have to be ready for anything.?

Indeed he did. He did the same, applying ice to the sword/ ?So, what will you teach me today??

?Depends on how well you do.? an easy grin as she started in a stance. Similiar to the stance with a katana. ?First we will start with the basic movements. They are quick and strong, no need for endurance here.? she brought the sword up quick, and swung to his blade with most of her might. A surprise perhaps, of one of her side. It was no where a danger to him, she wanted to let him feel the difference in her attacks. ?It's all or nothing.?

All or nothing. Luckily, he had been in that type of situation before. He knew what it took to go all or nothing. He took a similar stance as her, and then similarly swung his sword to meet hers. With all of his strength and agility. It was surprising even for him how hard it was.

?You cannot though, let strength overrule your quickness. You must be both.? she held her sword as he took a swing, studying his movement. Again, his previous training was helping greatly. ?Fires do not battle for long, because they run out of energy. They use everything they have in every swing. Every move has meaning. Nothing is wasted.? she aimed another harsh swing, this one to his middle, and not the sword.

He brought his sword to hers as quickly as possible, but not quick enough. Her sword made contact, and pain went down his side. He shook it off, although there would be a nice bruise there later. He countered her swing with one of his own, equally matching strength and agility. He brought it down toward her shoulder. She brought her sword up quick enough, but his strength was a match and more for her. She deflected the sword enough to move the blow to her arm, wrinkling her nose. She was not built well for this style, but she would continue nonetheless.?Questions??

He was a little baffled by the fact that he had got a hit:. None at all. Let us continue .? Back to the ready position.

Not at all pleased either, she smoothed her features and started to move her legs. Perhaps her mind was distracted with other things, and she shoved them aside of the time being. Rather than having quick feet, they were direct, with purpose as she made a swing for his left arm. This time he was able to block her attack, pushing her off him, he brought his sword around and toward her right side. This time, she blocked his moves, pressing against his attack in hopes of doing more than blocking. She pressed against it, hoping to open his stance to take a swing at his collarbone. ?Though many don't move,? a pause to catch her breath.?You do not want to be a sitting duck. ?

He would not make the same mistake as last time they practiced with a katana. He would leave little distance between them. He knew that the broadsword would be deadly at far distances. He kept moving with her. He met her sword with his, and then made a upper swing at her left side.
Pleased with his tactics, she sidestepped his attack, using a backward swing with her left arm for him. Speaking was taking too much energy, al her strength and focus on every step and move.
He rolled to the left, making her swing at air, and then did a jab at her throat. A quick spin of the sword brought the flat of her blade to cover her throat, and the blow. Stiff forearms kept her from rebounding and hitting herself in the face. She offered a quick grin, before her eyes started to glow dimly, a stream of heat leaving her hands through the metal in her blade. Oddly, it did not melt the ice, but at the contact of blades, she transferred the heat to his sword.

His eyes glowed fiery green the instant he could feel the heat. He redirected it from his sword outward. So now elements were part of the game? He heated his sword slightly, then went for a high swing, the heat of the sword helped it to move a little easier through the air. She ducked easily under the attack, and opened her right hand from its grip on the blade. Out shot a stream of white-hot fire, like a whip, and she wrapped it around his left ankle. If he wasn't fast enough, she would tug harshly on it, causing him to fall. He wasn't quick enogh. He was not expecting the whip. He fell. However, he was prepared.

Once he fell, the whip-like fire ceased from being around him, hoping to stop any serious starts of burns. She moved over him, offering a faint smile. ?Getting it?? she raises a hand to wipe at her brow.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-06 02:33 EST
He calmed a bit. He was expecting another attack. However, he smiled back. ?Yeah, I am.? :He wipes sweat from his own brow, and then hopped up and looked to her for the next step

She raised a hand up, her own breath more shallow than she liked. ?Rest, this is not easy on your body. These sessions are not as long as others. I will not drain you out tonight.? or her, but that was kept to herself.

He smiled. He could keep going, but that was because of his will and determination to learn all he could before he had to go ?Whenever you are ready to be done, let me know, and we can stop. Thank you again Storm for everything.?

She waved a hand absently. ?I am in need of a brush up also. We can help each other.? She sat down on the floor, setting the sword on her side. ?Tell me what you know of fire.?

He sat down next to her. ?I know that it is the most dangerous of the elements, and easiest to lose control of. It is the destructor, but also the heat of the earth. Fires natural destruction can help to bring about change, and rebirth. It is heat. Fire is not only about the flames, but also about the heat.?

She raised a finger up to correct. All elements are equally dangerous. Fire tends to install more fear than the others to most. But yes, it equally creates and destructs. she studied him. ?This style suits you well. It compliments your skills? she said idly, studying him. ?Shea has taught you well.?

?He smiled. Yes, it would seem that I have two great teachers. Thank you again.?

A small nodd, before she rubbed her eyes. Sleepless nights did not suit her well. ?I think you have a very good understanding of this style. Personally, there is not much I can teach you more. Once you understand the basics, you can go far with it. Let us see of your magic then.? She straightened, holding her hands up, encouraging him to lay his palm flat against hers. He eyed her, but followed in suit. He got up, and laid his right palm flat on hers. She was sensing his power behind, a faint red glow between the contact. ?Your fire is strong, but perhaps not your strongest.? She broke the contact then, grey eyes still studying. ?What do you feel most comfortable with??

He felt most comfortable with water. It was what he had the most time to practice with. He smiled. ?Water. It is my most powerful thus far.?

She raised a brow slightly, tapping a finger on her bottom lip. ?Interesting that your skills magically are different than physically. The results should be interesting, as water is the balance to fire.?

He smiled. It was interesting. ?Indeed. What is even more interesting is that my class in my people's social order should increase with the staff, not the sword.?

?Staff?? Curious, she puts her hands behind her to support her back. ?Why a staff??

He raised a brow. He always forgot that he would have to explain something if it did not make sense ?Well, my people have a social class based off of your ability. There is the working class, the military class, the magical class, and the government class. Now, one can be born to one class, and serve in another class, but a person will always belong to their original class. For example, I was born into the magical class, I was brought up in that class, but I served in the military class as a commander. Making sense thus far? I will explain the staff in a second, but this all ties in. A small nodd to show her understanding, staying silent as she listens. He continued on. ?Well, as such, it is believed that each class has a weapon that they use. This comes from the tales of old in which great and powerful High Elves ruled. Our classes all come from these original great. Each of them had a weapon, and it is believed that someday the Goddess of the Moon will re-birth the four to rule over us again. Thus my people have a strong supersticion that each class should have its own weapon. The workers bows and arrows, the warriors swords of some kind, the government concealed weapons such as daggers, and the magical class staves. I believe the Goddess will re-birth the four, however I do not believe that weapons will prove anything.?

?Weapons should compliment their owner, and nothing more.? a slight nodd. Perhaps one day, you can show me how to use a staff also?. a hint of a smile.

?Perhaps. Anything else for today??

A small shake of her head. ?You surprise me, there is not much more to teach other than incorporating the elements. We will work on that later though, as I want to teach you structure first.?

Structure. Something he was used to.?Alright then. Shall we be on our way then??

A small nodd, as she rose to her feet without the use of her hands, her broadsword disappearing. ?You can transform the sword to your weapon of choice, just call upon the right element and you should be fine.?

An interesting trick. ?Thanks for the tip.?

She waited for him to rise, before a quick grin. ?I do have a handful, I must admit.? a soft chuckle before opening the portal, keeping it open long enough for him to step through. He laughed with her as he stepped through the portal. She turned to face him, offering a small bow of her head. ?Have a good eve Assadar, I will come for you again soon.? and with that, she moved away from the Inn, heading north. He did a small wave, and headed in the opposite direction toward the inn, as he entered, he made one last glance toward the alley, then disappeared into the inn.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-08-03 02:36 EST
He could feel her coming closer before he could see her. Apparently his signal had worked... His glowing eyes would give him away immediately, so he stood and pulled his hood over his eyes. He would wait in the shadows to make sure no one had followed her...

Draped in all black, even a black scarf around her hair to conceal her identity, her paced slowed as she reached the ruins that was her home once. Grey eyes sharp, looking for a hint of the Elf.. she could feel him somewhere.. it had to be him "Assadar?" She whispered, letting a small breeze carry her voice over towards his ears.

He waited just a few moments before lowering his hood and stepping out toward her. He smiled warmly at her, letting her know visually it was him, and he meant her no harm. He was sure that his eyes glowing permenantly now would be a surprise to her, but he could explain later. "Hello Storm," he said gently. "It's me Assadar." His voice let slip some excitement at seeing her. Then he extended his right arm for a grip of hands and wrists.

The glowing eyes had her brows furrowing, but it was masked over with a look of surprise, "What are you doing here?" She reached her own right hand out in welcome.

He laughed a little, and sarcastically, "Nice to see you too." He smiled, and answered, "Was I to let you run off and then not explain what was going to happen to you? But seriously, it was hard to get used to being around Blood Elves that much. I missed some of the customs here.I can explain more if we were to go somewhere else..." He said looking around.

She wanted to ask what customs were good in Rhy'Din, but a look of relief washed over her face, "My apologies Assadar, I am pleased to see you in one piece." She manages a faint smile, rubbing the back of her neck, "Well, you can come with me back to my place for a bit, there is an inn not to far from there that you can settle into. Come." A reassuring smile, she starts north, waiting for him to join her, "I take it the war is over?"

He followed her, and caught up to walk beside her, then looked over ""Yes, the war ended once the chaotics had fallen. It was not soon after that, and the council fell. Then it was a matter of rounding up the others, and placing them in prisons. They should be awaiting trial, or going through it as we speak..." He trailed off a little, but continued smiling warmly at Storm. "From all of my people to you, I say thanks. And when we arrive, I have a ... gift... for you."

She raised a brow slightly, that last bit a surprise, "Oh.." unsure of how to react, she clears her throat quietly, "You know that is not needed, the Chaotics are my enemies as much as your own." Her pace was only slightly brisk, since he had spoken of wanting a safer place to speak, "So, your people will rebuild well? Will you not be there to guide them?"

He sighed, then looked down for a second... He looked up with a reassured face, tinged with a little bit of sadness, "They will do fine without me. The new council that has been set up is benevolant, and will rule justly, fairly, and will guide my people into the future that they deserve, not the one the chaotics or the old council were looking to forge for them. However, I can tell you why I did not stay once we are inside." His face changed from concern back to a smile. He would explain all once inside.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-08-03 02:49 EST
His constant reminder to need to be inside had her nodding, "I am glad that you feel that everything is in order." Was all that she offered, before she walked across her small yard, waving a hand over the doorknob, leaving the door open for him. He entered, and shut the door behind him; waiting for her to lead him to another room.

She headed straight, past the empty living room to the left, past the wall with a pretty mirror with a mosaic frame, towards the kitchen, where a few chairs made out of rosewood were tall enough to sit comfortably at a counter.. there was no table. "Can I get you anything?"

He followed her, and looked at himself as he passed the mirror... He had changed, but that could wait... He followed her and had a seat on one of the chairs. He smiled and brightened suddenyl "Oh my, I would quite enjoy some tea! I have not had a good cup in quite sometime, or at least not a good cup of non-elvish tea! What a nice house you have here Storm." He was genuinely excited about some tea, and his compliment was equally as genuine.

"Thank you, I just bought it a few days past." She shuffled between cupboards for tea tins, mugs and the teapot. She then filled it with water, using her free hand to light the stove as she set the tea over the flame, "So, tell me more of what I've missed."

"Well... Where to begin?" He scracthed his chin, and furrowed his brow... "Well, after you left, the chaotics were all but destroyed. In doing so, the former council had been weakened. It was soon after that , that my generals and myself faced them, and won. We did not want to spill their blood, but we did what must be done to protect the future of my people. After that, as I said before, we rounded the rest up. However, having you there, and fighting the chaotics had made me different. My elemental powers have dwindled Storm... Yet, I have gained new powers... Arcane powers... But I am still working through that. Not to long after that, the new council was set up..." He hesitated for a second and sighed. "They wanted me to lead my people. Imagine that? Me? I had to decline. I am not an elf who needs that type of power. They were persistant, but I knew I could not... So I decided I would leave." He paused for a minute to let her soak in what he had said thus far.

As she was listening, the teapot had a faint whistle, as she started preparing the rest of the tea. Her brows furrowed more towards the end of his explanation, before she set one mug in front on him, as well as two spoons and a small container of sugar cubes, "How can you lose your elemental powers for arcane?" Her grey eyes narrowed then, "Was it another tablet?" her hands wrap around her mug out of habit than warmth, passing on the sugar.

He added some sugar, then took a sip of his tea, and smiled. "I wish it were that easy. As I said, I am still trying to figure it out, but, near as I can tell, when I faced off against the council, I accidentily struck and shattered the core of a chaotic. If I am correct, somehow, the shattering of the core fused with me, and pushed away some of my elemental powers, and replaced them with the arcane. I still have my elemental powers, but they are not nearly as strong as they once were... I would say they are a third of their original strength... However, the arcane is what seems to be my new element..." He smiled, and offered her a slight shrug... "That unfortunately is the best answer I can give for the time."

She was silent for a few moments, memorizing his words while rubbing a finger to her temple, "That answer is better than nothing." With a faint sigh, her grey eyes narrow on him, "I have dreams now." She offered abruptly.

He smiled, "So, that is one of the changes you have gone through... I am sorry Storm, I should have told you that you would experience some changes." He shook his head, mostly to himself, "I am sorry. All experience different changes when they revert back to their original states, so I had no idea what yours would have been... Is that the only one?"

There could be more? "No." She tests the tea then, finding it still hot, but she did not mind the heat as it went down her throat, "My relationships are... different." She frowns slightly, wanting to explain without going into great detail on bonding, "Usually, when Elementals have close relationships, they can feel each other.. I no longer have this ability. Those are the only differences so far."

He squinted slightly, and offered a "hmmm" of thought... "Well, again, I owe you an apology, so I say, I am sorry..." It hit him then "I have something for you..." He turned quickly, and began searching through his sack... "AH-HA!" He turned, and held it behind his back, "Do you wish to see the gift my people made for you?"

She nearly jumped out of her skin at his outburst, grey eyes narrowing, before she mumbled, ".. sweet mercies.." He caught her best interest though, looking to him, "Yes, please."

He brought his hands out, and produced an amazing sight... It was about the size of both his palms held together. It was a flame shaped emerald, with a smaller ruby set magically above it, to give it a red and green look. It was shining magically, and atop it was a golden eagle. The eagle had ruby eyes, with emerald tips. It was also set magically. In the light, the cut made it seem almost as though all were engulfed in flames, and it was slightly hovering in his hand, also due to magic. He offered it toward her, he smiled, and hoped she would like it "I hope you like it Storm. Some of our best magical gem setters worked on it for you. It was the last thing I commissioned as head of the military before I left. I had it made specifically for you. There is no other like it in any realm." He looked down slightly embarrassed.

If her teacup wasn't on the counter, she definitely would have dropped it on the spot. Her lips parted slightly, grey eyes wide; she had never seen anything like it. "Oh Assadar.. it's beautiful." She whispered, somewhere in the back of her mind knowing it was completely frivolous and she should not accept such an obviously pricey gift. Not to mention that jewels is usually not customary to give for thanking someone.. that was something more along the lines of a serious courtship, "You did not have to have that made for me..." She was too afraid to reach out to look at it herself, thinking she might drop it... what was with all these gifts all of the sudden? At least the other one was just.. given to her. She had no idea how to react to this one.

"Please take it... It is a token of the Blood Elves forever gratitude to you. When no one else would come to help, you came... Do not be afraid. See how it hovers. Even if it is dropped, it will hover slowly down and not hit the floor. It would be a great shame if the gift was not received. Why I had it made, I am sure you are asking..." He smiled slightly, embarrassed... "Because Storm, you were my first friend who accepted me outside of my people. Please take it... There is more to it, but I will explain that after you have taken it in your hands, and can truly see it for what it is..." He smiled, and offered it toward her again...