Topic: Location, Location, Location!


Date: 2007-01-03 13:56 EST
This is the page about.... you guessed it, locations! In these folders, you are going to be hearing alot about the different kinds of Elemental Realms, and so we'll leave the descriptions down here for you. And of course, for OOC use only, unless it was given to you ICCly. Thanks!

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-01-06 01:09 EST
The Air Realm is architecturally based on ancient Roman/Greek. Romanesque arches and white marble.

The entire Realm in is the air, and buildings are sustained through magic. Though because of the previous destruction, no longer do humans (or any other race) receive wings on arrival and so instead there are now small pathways between buildings for others to walk on. This way the visitor can go around with ease, instead of being transported by an Air. Majority of the Air Realm consists of a large Temple that has the ability to house every Air, and more. It has finally been restored to its previous glory, despite the attacks from the Chaotics. Though in sight are a few shops and hostels, most of the action happens inside of the Temple.

((It basically look like a giant version of the Parthenon))

Once inside the Temple, the first room you walk into is the Grand Hall, which is basically a giant dining area, which can also be converted into a type of ballroom. To the left is a hall leading to rooms where most of the Airs reside in, and to the right leads to the kitchen and various training fields. If you continue past the Great Hall you enter the Guardian's Room, it is filled with shades of blue and grey. In the center are four chairs forming a semi-circle, each adorned with the symbols and colors of their owners. Within the semi circle in a table that holds an orb, now highly damaged.

This is a very basic description, but hopefully enough to give you an idea!

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-08 13:19 EST
The city of Lladrana, as stated, is underground. Unfortunately, I cannot find a picture that satisfies my idea of the city, but here's an idea for you.

((This is a cave in Israel))

Perhaps it is not as lighted, since they wouldn't have that technology. But candles were used instead. Very close quarters, and damp. You get the idea.

Devin Archon

Date: 2007-12-18 00:43 EST
This is a picture of the King Hussan II Mosque in Morocco - otherwise known as the Temple in the Fire Realms. Imagine flames producing the lighting effects instead of electricity, and you're spot-on. I imagine a very Northern-Africa feeling for the buildings and environment.