Topic: Making Haste


Date: 2007-01-08 22:07 EST
She rides her black mare hard, towards and into the city of Rhy'Din. Her bounds of hair flying behind her back as well as her dress bunching up near her thighs. It was late, but she wasn't willing to waste a moment for precautions as she urges her horse through the West End. Her amber eyes were wide for lookout, before the Hostel comes into view. She eases her horse and leaves it in the stable nearby, quickly cooling her down and cleaning her. Without a moments rest, she walks through Storm's shield with her key and lets herself in the hostel. She hoped that Storm was inside somewhere, she needed to speak with her immediantly. She walks through the hostel, and raises the brow at someone occupying the room next to her. Business must be picking up. With regret, she finds no traces of Storm and exits the Hostel. She then moves over to the next building, Storm's house, and knocks with confidence.

"Storm? Storm are you there? It's Janet, I need to speak with you please."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-01-10 13:56 EST
She was asleep, and in a peaceful sleep at that. It wasn't a rare occasion for her to sleep in her home, but then again, it wasn't rare for her to be in her own Realm either. Because she's an Air Elemental, Janet's pounding fist might as well be against her own wall into her bedroom rather than the front door. Her grey eyes instantly snap open and she nearly jumps out of bed. A quick scan of herself, to make sure she was decent, before she goes through her house and to the front door, peering through a window to double check that it really was Janet before she opens her door. She completely covered in .. red silks from the collarbone down. Was Storm ever in the color red? Must be a sigh to see then.

One look at Janet's face, and Storm knew that this wasn't a game. "Janet, what's wrong? Please, come inside, out of the cold.. "She opens her door wide for the Princess and Janet steps through. Storm was trying to think of what could be the matter. Janet had been gone for weeks, saying that she was going to go back home for a time, before coming back. She was due for a month yet.

Janet walks into the living room, and sits down on the deep blue couch, and Storm takes a seat in the matching chair."Storm, I'm so sorry to bother you at a time like this, but... but I need your help.


Date: 2007-01-12 16:48 EST
Janet's amber eyes stay straight on Storm's as she contemplates her words carefully. Her posture as always, was straight and without fault. Her sword rested on her hips with ease, never without. Being Princess of the Outlands was never an easy role, and that was one of the reasons that Janet needed to speak with Storm.

"It is about my home, Storm. As you know, I left quite some time ago to go back to the Outlands, just to check up on my brother and things there." She leans forward then, her amber eyes cold and hard. "Someone has taken him, Storm. Him and his wife and my niece." She stands up to start to pace around. The composure slowly starts to fall away under the anger. "I must find them! I know that they are not dead!" Continued to pace.

Storm rested her elbows on her knees and started to rub her temple. Never a moment of peace. First the rebellion, then Ryn, and now this. "Janet, I am very sorry that this tragedy has come onto you, but I do not know how I can help. I have this hostel to run here, a brother to look after, and a different Realm entirely to protect." It was then that Storm explained to Janet about Ryn falling back into sleep, and how she has still yet to find Adrienne.

"But Storm, you are the strongest woman I know, on many different levels." Before Storm had a chance to disagree, Janet continued on. "I have someone who can.. take you bace in time, so that you can hear.. the voices of who took him. I know you have excellent hearing Storm, and I know that you stand for justice almost more than anything. Please Storm.. " The Princess got down on one knee and bent her head towards the Elemental in a humble stance of respect.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-01-15 18:21 EST
She watches as the Princess nearly bows at her, grey eyes wide. She knew what it meant for Janet to do that. Cripes! She hated this. Every word that Janet said it the nail on the head; she could never turn her head away from this type of justice. Grey eyes then turn hard as she stares at her. Bloody hell, she was wearing herself thin. She nearly grinded her teeth in anger, not directed at Janet of course, but mercy, her life, long as it was, is never dull.

"Rise Janet, there is no need for such desperate actions with me, you know that I will help you." She offers an encouraging smile as she rises. "You've been a dear friend to me for a long time, you know that you are an ally to me and mine." She also now stands and looks up at the Princess. Janet's face was hard, she was back to her composure, if only she'd let it rest. Storm then placed a hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you stay here with me, in the spare room? I know you've ridden hard, get some rest. We will discuss more of these matters after you've rested."

Janet's face never gave way, but she nodded, her face still as stone. "I will never forget your kindness to me, Storm." After that, she turned on her heels and went into the spare room, not needing directions and shut the door quietly behind her.

Storm watched her leave and sighed deeply but quietly. She walked back into her room and crawled back into her bed. Her mind would shut off though, and she tossed and turned throughout the rest of the night.


Date: 2007-01-17 12:59 EST
The following morning, Janet was up early and was already cooking breakfast before Storm can into the kitchen. She blinked, as Janet had already washed and looked as if she was ready to go. She cleared her throat, to make her presence known. Janet turned around, and offered a small smile. "Good morning Storm, I thought that breakfast would be a small way of payment for letting me stay here last night.

Storm chuckled and waved a hand absently. "Well, I'll never turn away your cooking, but you know that you do not ever have to repay me." She then took a seat at her table, seeing that Janet was almost done.

And indeed she was as she put out the fire that cooked the eggs. She arranged the plates within a matter of moments, before setting one in front of Storm, and then her seat. "Milk, Storm?" She nodded, and then filled two glasses with milk, before returning to her seat. They ate toast, sausage, and cheesy eggs. It wasn't long, before they were both finished, now discussing the plans to come.

"I think that my friend could be here within a week or so." Janet says, now contemplating over her glass of milk. Her amber eyes studied Storm as she fidgets with her red sash.

"That is fine Janet, but I will want to get to know your friend, before I go anywhere with him. " A firm nodd, Storm wasn't thrilled about this new person coming into the situation.

"That's fine, it's only a matter of time." A chuckle at her own joke, Janet stands to place her empty cup next to the wash. "I'm going out, it's going to be a long day... I shall return tonight, perhaps stay here and guard you in return for my stay." She offers a grin as she hears Storm's laughter, before leaving the house.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-01-20 23:56 EST
As Janet left, she continued to sit at her table, mind wandering awhile. There were many things that still needed to be discussed, but they could all wait. Janet first needed to go to her sisters, and Storm understood that. It was time for her though, to be ready. She couldn't rely on her gift for much of this one other than her hearing. Janet had left her an arrow and bow, told her to work on it. She smirked now in thought, it wasn't like she was raised on the thing like Janet.

But she sighed and got up, cleaning the dishes of breakfast with a sense of peace and ease, the silence in her small home a blessing of sorts. She then washed and dressed with little fuss, her clothing of tan leather that fit snug, something no one would catch her in. Modesty and all. She then took the bow and arrows outside, fitting the barrel of arrows easily around her shoulder, neck and back. Why did she have to do this anyways? Mutterance under her breath as she walks out through her back door.

Very few ever took the time to go behind the hostel and cottage, which was a secret pleasure to her. Her training fields were almost always to herself, it might be the one thing that she was even remotely selfish of. She readied her bow and took hold of an arrow, recalling lessons from so many years ago from Janet's parents. It was so long, though she remembered where to place the bow, how to hold the arrow. She pulled back, her muscles along her arms and shoulders exposed despite the cold, and let go. "Oh, bloody hell!" Of course, she didn't quite remember the letting go part, so the string bit her finger and the arrow was dropped. More mild curses as she examines her red finger. She now recalled why she didn't bother with the bow.

Her grey eyes go to the apple on the tree, an easy target, or so she thought. Cripes she found this to be ridiculous. She attempts to string the arrow again, this time recalling the ending, and sends the arrow flying. Not at the apple of course, but it was better than the previous attempt. She glares at the apple. "I don't need a bloody arrow for this" And with that her grey eyes glow as she flings an arm out. A platform, strong and thin as the arrows, goes through the apple and drags it down.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-01-23 21:48 EST
Her moment of temper pasted as she watched the apple fall. She rubbed at her bare arms, and calmed herself. It was best for her to know, right? Might as well not deny any type of weaponry. Foolish temper, she thought to herself as she attempted at the bow again. Her hold was steady, her muscles well capable of a real bow and arrow, one that required strength. It might surprise some, what she hides under long sleeves and pants; a deadly weapon. Her focus goes towards another apple, one not too far. A sense of dead calm and peace around her. Always taught of the importance of not panicing; ever. She releases the arrow and watches it fly, taking the apple off the tree without piercing it. Progress enough.

She continued at this for two hours. hits outnumbering their misses. Her muscles grew weary of the continuous movement, so she used her legs to start to jog towards the tree with the arrows. She inspects her arrows, able to reuse some while others met their match against the tree. A cheeky grin as she thought of mentioning bad arrows to Janet. Serves her right. After cleaning up her mess, she goes back into the middle of the field and sets the bow and arrows on the ground. Her grey eyes glow dimly as her katana appears in her hand. Another thing very few were aware of, her metallic weapon of choice.

She started through the motions of her basic warm-up, fluid and solid. Her body had a sheen to it, but it was of the normal.

"Your movements are growing stronger, Divine" The eagle spoke to her as he appeared in a tree nearby. No matter of her hearing, she could never hear his approach. She stopped her motions, considering her options. "Good day, Eagle, shall I continue, or do you have pressing matter for me?"

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-01-28 01:43 EST
The Eagle, slimmer than most, tilted his head to an odd angle, one of the flesh could not do. "I will not take very long, Divine. I am just curious about your new friend. I watched her come during nightfall."

Seeing that the Eagle had questions, her katana vanished, as did the dim glow to her eyes. "Her name is Janet, and she's certainly not new. I was friends with her parents before she was born." A shrug of her shoulder then, as she started towards the Eagle. Her breathing was now normal, as she looks up to him. "She stays with me often, if she is not at the Sanctuary. She has been to the Realm also, has sworn her alliance." She raises a brow. "Anything else you'd care to know?" A hint of sarcasm in her voice? Hard to tell.

His feathers ruffle a bit, before he bends his neck to pick at a feather just under his wing. "I do hope that she does not bring the Elements into matters at the WestEnd. The Sister can handle their own, and they have others as help." His voice, was mutual, a matter of statement.

She does her best to hide a snicker. Another reminder of the differences of Rhy'Din and home. "You know, Eagle. Just because I am a Guardian, does not mean that everything I does represents the Airs. I can lend my services to the Sisters should I please, as an individual."

"You forget, that you are not just a Guardian. Not just an Air, but a Divine. I do not need to remind you of your duties, do I? The Goddess created you with high honor, and power. You are a dangerous weapon, after all." Another pick of feathers, this time near his chest.

"And because I am the Divine, I can choose to help others, and create alliances. Ones with the Sisters would be of most benefit. My Realm is in order, regardless if I live there or not. I pertain to my duties, as you call them. Now what I do in my time spare, well, it isn't a matter for discussion." Her words were crisp, but polite. Not even the Eagle was going to change her mind on this one.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-01-30 22:58 EST
The Eagle seemed unruffled by her words, perhaps it really was only a matter of curiousity. "Anything else you'd care to share with me, Divine? You're not courting are you?" It was clear that he was joking, and if an Eagle could smile, he would have been.

"Oh absolutely not, the men here are pigs. Well... most of them, anyways." She wrinkles her nose at the idea. Though her words were true, there were only a few decent ones out there, and they didn't exactly have their eyes on her.

"Well then, Divine, our lesson is over for today. Until next time." And then the Eagle flew off soundlessly. Storm tilted her head slightly and frowned. Lesson? Bloody bird and it's tricks. She sighed then, the mood and need for training had left her. She walked back inside and bathed, cleaning the sweat and grime off of her, before preparing for the rest of her day. It wouldn't be until later that she would probably see Janet.


Date: 2007-01-31 16:12 EST
It wasn't until the wee hours of the morning, a few days past, that she made her way towards Storm's cottage. She was probably sleeping, but that was alright, Janet didn't have a problem with waking the Elemental. She had finally settled herself in with her sisters, and was wasting no time in her mission; to find the WestEnd killer like the rest. Her feet were bare, despite the cold weather. She was in her black leather outfit. Her red sash was deep and magiked, to conceal her within the night. Her brown hair was bounded in various places as always, cascading down her front. Her amber eyes were well adjusted to the darkness as she slips inside the cottage. Storm's own fault for giving her a key.

She was quiet, slipping through the shadows of the furniture and home, until she came to the bedroom door. She didn't do this often, but then this night wasn't of the normal either. She peered at the sleeping Elemental, peaceful on her back. Who slept like a bloody mummy? She creeped over to her friend.. oh poor friend. She then pounced ontop of her, easily stradling her and a hand flies to her mouth to stop the sound that was bound to come forth.

Grey eyes flew open as Storm instantly struggles for what seems her life. She hurls herself against her match, and they fall off the bed in a tangle of limbs. She gave the Janet a run for her money, despite the height and weight difference, Storm was quick and was about to go into her element, before she finally understood who it was.

"Cripes, Janet! What the bloody hell are you doing?" She pushes Janet off of her. The mild cursing continued at a muttered level. Clearly, she wasn't exactly pleased at the sneak attack.

"Are you going to join the Sisters or not, Guardian?" Her voice was soft, and her face reflected nothing at the curses sputtered at her.

"Yes, Janet. Though I don't understand why you need to know this before the sun is up." A glare then.

"Get dressed. You have five minutes." And with that, Janet stood and left the room, closing the door behind her. A grin now appears on her face. That worked perfectly.

Storm grumbled under her breath as she did as she was told. Though every once of her being wanted to just crawl back into the warmth of her bed. She then dressed into her blacks, a rare occasion, before making her time limit and meeting Janet.

Janet looked to her. "Come Storm, your training begins." And with that she left the cottage and started for the streets of the WestEnd, knowing that she would follow


Date: 2007-02-01 01:53 EST
((The middle portion of this post is in the Scathachian Sanctuary folder under 'Early Morning Patrol and Training))