Topic: Messy Additions

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-03-19 01:18 EST
Ewan had finished his rounds that day earlier than usual. The rain outside had given his cloak a good soaking, but he was dry underneath. Stepping inside, a warm call to the household as he hung up the cloak. "Who is home?"

Avery all but bursts from the living room to tackle Ewan's legs. *No one is home!* Which clearly wasn't true by his presence, and by Storm's laughter coming from the living room.

Ewan laughed and grabbed up Avery giving a fierce hug and swinging the boy's free dangling legs side to side. "Then who is it that I am hugging, hm?" He pulled back to look Avery dead in the eye. "Being a good lad, are you?"

The boy was all but quaking with silent laughter as he was swung about. As Ewan looked him in the eye though, he bobbed his head vigorously, *Mom and I are playing cards. Practicing so that we can beat you!* Storm was watching the conversation, and called out, "You are supposed to be helping me, Avery!"

"Sounds like serious matters." He set Avery on the ground and gave his backside a gentle swat. "Best you get back to helping your mother." Ewan followed inside and leaned over to give his wife a kiss. "Good day?"

Storm lifted a hand to brush his cheek at the kiss. "It has been, yes." Her face seemed to glow as she smiled up at him, "Would you like to play a round?" Avery moved to sit in his mother's lap.

"I think you two have been practicing too much. I would be surely beat. Best I leave you masters to the game." He added with a touch to Storm's shoulder. "I am going to get a drink of water. Need anything?"

"Water would be fine, thank you." She covered his hand on her shoulder for a moment, before smiling to Avery, "We will play another round, hmm? That means you have to go back to your spot, little one." He moved back to sitting across from her, though he was still in a playful mood as he reached out to try and untie one of Ewan's boots.

A hop of avoiding stepping on fingers as he goes, he gives Avery a look that says "careful" and also manages to avoid having his lace undone. On into the kitchen, he got the glasses of water, a deep drink from his and refilling it before he returned out to the family room and took a seat beside Storm. Her glass was set nearby her hand.

Storm also rose a warning brow to Avery. However, she began to pass out the cards and play the last round. She noticed Ewan placing the water near her, she was focused on rearranging her cards. "Well, let me see the damage." She showed Avery her hand, which had nothing, and saw two pairs in his. *I win, again!* Storm rolled her eyes over to her husband, and faked a pout before taking a drink of the water he brought.

"Well, you two certainly have changed up the game a bit, but I see Avery had the upper hand on that one." He gave a laugh. "I can be assured you two will not get bored while I am away."

Avery's victory face quickly vanished, *You're leaving?* Storm hid her expression and looked between the two over the rim of her glass.

"Aye, but not for another week or so. After Gaerwyn and Lenika's wedding." He would not hedge words with the boy.

*Where are you going? Can I come, too?* Avery moved to go an sit next to Ewan while Storm began to clean up the cards and put them away.

"No, Avery, you cannot go. It is a long way away, and would take you from school for much too long."

*Does that mean you will be gone for a long time?* By the way that he signed, it was clear that he was on the verge of pouting. "Avery." Storm scolded and gave him another warning look, "You know your father has his duty to attend to."

He looked from Avery to Storm, his smile communicating much of his affection for her support in that, and then nodded as he answered Avery's question. "At least three weeks, I should think. How you will have grown by then!" He smiled down with pride.

That seemed to bring about a change in his attitude, *Really? Grandma said that I will start to grow like a weed some day.* Storm put away the cards and moved to join the family on the couch, sending Ewan a curious look. She was sure that they would talk of it when Avery was sleeping.

"Right she is. I remember the summer I passed her in height." He gave a rising whistle. "It was as though one day I was looking up at her and the next looking down." He laughed again. "Avery, your mother may be near to bursting at wanting to know where I am going. We are going to start doing some grown up talk. You can stay or see if the neighbor is home, but be back in an hour for dinner, yes?"

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-03-19 01:18 EST
Avery's eyes looked from one to the other, before nodding and sliding off the couch. *I'm going to go see if Brandon is home. I'll come home if he's not.* He added at his mother's look, and hugged them both before leaving the house. Storm placed an easy smile on her face, "Long trip, hmm?"

"Mount Yasuo. Do you know it?" He leaned forward supporting his upper body with forearms on his knees. Interested to know whatever she might have learned about the place.

She frowned slightly, and took another drink of the water. "I have heard of it, yes. Erin and Lydia went there a few month back. I know very little about it." She paused, "Why do you need to go there?" She had been expecting for him to need to go and stay somewhere in Yransea.

"Sylvia wants me to learn a bit more about it. Hudson is thinking of looking for trade partners there." He spoke succinctly of the matter.

She sighed softly, and thought of three weeks of her house without him. "Are you going to tell me how much I will have grown by then, also?" She offered a weak smile.

"Well," he smiled, the look a rather cheeky one, "you certainly will have." But as soon as it came it also went into a somber, resigned one. "There will be so much I miss. This is just the start of it."

"There is more?" Her brows rose, and she felt her heart sink to her stomach.

"No, beloved," as it seems she misunderstood him. "I will miss more of our child growing. It starts before he or she is even born."

Understanding crossed her features, but it did not erase the sadness, "Oh." She finished her water, "When do you leave?"

"Two weeks from today, give or take a day. I do not know Master Fraiser's plans for his first foray into this ground, but the sooner I know of it the better."

She reached for his hand, thinking of the time and rearranging it in her mind. The hand she held was brought up to her lips, "Will you be going alone?"

He gave a slow nod, his fingers tighter around hers. The touch of her lips brought out a regretting sigh. "That had been the plan, but I admit I have tried to think of a reason to take you with me."

"You need a reason?" Her eyes brightened considerably, and she moved to snuggle up to him.

He wrapped his arms about her. "Well, yes, you have your duties to see to as well, beloved. I cannot think you can just go traipsing off with me at the drop of a hat each time I am sent of on a whim." A longing sigh, "Swords and arrows, though, I am going to miss the feel of holding you."

His admission had her squeezing him tighter. Burying her face in his neck, she breathed in his scent and nuzzled his neck, remaining silent for a few moments. Then she stopped, and raised her head to look at him, "I cans till see to my duties. We will still be within the realm of where my gift flourishes. I can come and go as I please." Her lips pursued in thought, "I could probably help make the travel time shorter, too."

Concern started to furrow his brow. "That would seem to take a lot of effort. What about the baby? You have only just recovered from being so ill, beloved."

"I will not push myself. I do not want you to go alone, and I cannot bear to be away from you for that long if I cannot help it."

"You say you will not push yourself, but I know you." He moved a little away to look her straight on, very much as he did Avery. "And I will not know until it is too late when you have. You will have to promise me that you will stop before you are feeling any slight pull of tiredness."

That did not seem to make sense to her, because that gave her no indication of when to stop before it was too late. Still, it would be worth going on the trip with him, "I promise." She met his gaze dead on, "Let me go with you?"

That his face revealed nothing at all was clear indication he was thinking the matter through in such a thorough manner as to take some time.

As her request was met with silence, she knew it was pointless to say anything until he mulled it over and over. Sighing softly, she rested her head back into the curve of his neck, and waited.

"There is something in my mind saying I should tell you no," he began with care to his words. "However, as I cannot fathom what it is other than some grandiose need to protect you from the unknown, which you are better equipped than I in handling, then, yes, you can go with me."

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-03-19 01:30 EST
Relieved to hear those words, she laughed lightly and all but tackled him into the cough with a burst of excited energy. She kissed him warmly then, pausing to say, "Thank you" before continuing the kiss.

To say it was unexpected was putting it mildly, and for Ewan to be caught unawares was something nearly unheard off. But unexpected and unawares it was, that he felt a burst of air out of his lungs at the near tackle only to be further deprived of air at the kiss. With her thanks though, he managed to gain a breath before taken under by another kiss, this time he could return with his own measure of excited affection.

She laughed lightly against his lips, before pulling back slightly so that she could look at him, "In two weeks, you said?" A hand came up to run through his hair.

Eyes closed instinctively at the feel of her fingers in his hair. "Mmhmm." If she kept it up, she might make him completely incoherent.

It was truly one time that she was not doing it on purpose, but to have that kind of alone time with him to a new place brought excitement. "What are we going to do when we get there?" She placed a series of kisses down his jaw.

"I have no idea," he blinked as the rush of feelings were starting to keep him from thinking straight. "And I won't have an idea if you keep that up. Avery is going to have a face if he walks in on this that will be interesting to see." He laughed.

She joined in his laughter, "I am sorry, beloved. Well, in truth I am not." More gentle laughter, before she stopped running her hand through his hair and deliberately put some space between them. Some of her smile erased, then. "Avery will not like both of us leaving."

"No," he said with sober nod, "no he will not. Maybe we should get him a dog." He was only partly teasing.

She narrowed her eyes on him, "You tell him that, and we will have a furry addition within a day."

"Is that so wrong?" He asked in earnest.

"No." She admitted, "I think he would be overjoyed to have a companion while he waits for his brother or sister to keep him company." She blinked, "Not that the dog could not stay later."

He chuckled and wrapped her up in his arms to snuggle close. "Yes, I would think the animal would have to stay. I wonder if Phen and Ebon allow for pets at the school. I trust he would be staying there again in our absence."

"Unless we found someone to watch over him here or at Yearling Brook. I will have to ask Phen." She sighed against him and welcomed his warmth. "Are we going to get a dog? Or perhaps a kitten?"

"Not a cat. Absolutely useless things. At least a dog will bark." He laughed low.

"Cats provide comfort and are very self-efficient. Puppies can be messy." She was teasing him, and was looking up at him through her lashes.

"Cats are picky and show no affection unless they want something from you. Dogs are devoted, trustworthy, and useful." Yes, the point of being useful was brought up again.

"They are still messy. I will not be in charge of any messes." Her own point being brought up again, and she was trying very hard to not laugh.

"Fine. No messes. It is not like I have not dealt with many a mess before of all kinds." Most assuredly spoken and confirm countenance.

She laughed lightly, "And what kind of puppy are we going to get him? Big, small?"

"Whatever he wants." He laughed and kissed her soft and swift.

She returned the kiss, her hands once again coming up to cup his cheeks. "Best we prepare to go looking tomorrow." She said quietly against his lips.

"Yes," he answered and kissed her again.

It was now her turn to become distracted by his kisses. "Beloved," said in between a breath, "Avery is going to be coming home soon." Yet she gave him another kiss.

"He can get his own dinner," he teased and kissed her again, one hand moving down her back in a slow caress.

"Ewan!" She breathed out, trying to scold as she returned his affections. Her back arched slightly at his touch, trying to find pauses to speak, "What are.. you going to...tell him? Hmm?"

"Tell who?" He moved from kissing her lips to along her jaw line beneath her ear, feeling her hair fall across his face.

Storm Divine

Date: 2008-03-19 01:38 EST
Her hands moved up to fist in his hair, her breath hitching at the attention behind her ear, "Your son." It was barely a whisper as her thoughts began to scatter away.

"About what?" he moved down her neck.

"Dinner." She was beginning to lean back on the couch, and was encouraging him to follow, "I have not even..." her voice trailed off as he found a particular spot, and her mind was wiped clean.

Followed her he did and he was enjoying too much the touch and taste of her to realize that he barely registered Avery's return home until he heard the feet approaching. He sighed, with his forehead against her collarbone. "I think we have to stop." No matter how much he was aching to continue.

She breathed out slowly, trying to settle her system as she gave his hair a last run with her fingers. "Later." She promised, and gently moved him so that they did not look like they had been doing.. what they were doing. "Shall we tell him now or after dinner?" Of course the words barely left her mouth before the door opened and in came Avery.

"After dinner or he won't eat," spoken as soft as he could knowing she would hear it. He sat up and was as collected as if nothing had happened, through the grace of training. "What's for dinner?" This he asked of Avery as if Avery was cooking.

That had Storm grinning as Avery came in to join them. Energy still high, he was caught off guard, and stood in front of Ewan. *Sandwiches?* He offered questionably.

"Sandwiches?" Ewan turned to Storm for approval and doubted they would get it for dinner.

"If that is what you truly want." She shrugged indifferently; sandwiches required less work.

He gave Avery a triumphant look. "I can even help with those without burning anything." He smiled and stood, a hand out to Avery. "Come, let us wash hands, and then we will help mother make sandwiches."

Avery grinned and nodded, putting his hand in his father's. Storm stood as well, "And I was hoping that you would make dinner for me." Yet she laughed as she headed for the kitchen to wash her hands.

"We are going to help. Family effort." He smiled as Avery and he set to washing their hands, with a few wayward splashes of water thrown in.

Avery made a point of getting in bigger splashes, while Storm began to set out the items that they had to make sandwiches.

"Let us not make too much of a mess, son." Ewan took down a towel and helped dry of the well as the face and shirt. "Go on, now and help your mother." As he began his own drying off and cleaning up of collateral splash along counters and floor.

*I'm ready to help!* Avery signed as he approached Storm. She looked down at him, and then past him towards the hallway. "Where is your father?" *He is trying to dry off his shirt.* He gave an innocent smile, her eyes narrowed on him. "Go and get the meats from the icebox, please." He continued to help her set the food in an assembly.

Ewan arrived in the kitchen with some evidence of the splash session. "Sandwiches for dinner, dog for lunch tomorrow." He laughed at his very poor joke.

Both Storm and Avery gave him odd looks, and she laughed while Avery nudged him. There was just no way for her response to that, and so she simply offered him a plate. "I hope you enjoy the sandwiches more than the dogs."