Topic: Night visits

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2009-09-04 12:19 EST
Ewan?s dreams had formed through the night as they normally did; half elements of real life mixed into improbable situations or melding into other things or people. It danced between dark and light, but nothing stirred him out of his slumber. Ewan lay near Storm in their bed as night drew into deep morning.

Then She was there, just as he had seen her before. She looked at him with such sad eyes, as solid and real as if he could touch her. His Mistress Death.

Ewan jolted upright and bright awake in bed, and instantly hated himself for doing it knowing it would likely disturb his wife.

Storm's dreams and memories were silent as she slept peacefully beside her husband. She had long ago adapted from waking up crisp and alert at any given time. Her comfort beside her husband and within her home provided all the security she deemed necessary for to avoid a fitful rest.

So when Ewan jolted upright in bed, it snapped her from slumber, tensing her muscles for something unexpected. While her body responded properly, her brain was nowhere near being crisp and awake, "Hmm, Ewan?" Her tone was raspy and confused as she shook her head against her pillow, like it would shake away her sleepiness.

He let out a slow breath, one hand went to rest light upon Storm's shoulder. "I am sorry, beloved. Sleep, it was nothing." He lay back down, arm behind his head on the soft pillow, and knew rest would not come back to him. The sight of Her in his dream had set his heart to racing and his mind spun with the meaning. Why should he have seen Her?

Storm relaxed instantly with the reassuring touch, but did not believe that nothing had woken him up. Ewan never had no reason or purpose to his actions, even in slumber. When he was awake, there was a reason for it. She cleared her throat, and forced her eyes open, "What is it, beloved?" Her voice still rasp with sleep and unuse, was still gentle. Her hand sought out in the darkness to soothingly run through his hair.

The touch of her fingers in his hair was indeed soothing, and it steadied his heartbeat. But it did not drive the image from behind his eyes. When he blinked the afterimage was still there. Part of him wanted to tell her. To let her know was to ease concern in some fashion away from the unknown. And yet he had not mentioned his Mistress Death so long and rare at that. Ever it had been in joking terms. What fears would it cause if he spoke of Death's call in a serious state? "It was just a startling dream. Mmm.." he smiled at the continued touch, "that feels good, beloved."

Storm frowned slightly. It was not a usual occurrence for Ewan to mention his dreams, much less be disturbed out of slumber by them. While keeping her hand in his hair, she closed the distance between them and rested her forehead against his, "I am sorry." Many nights Ewan had stayed awake with her through her own troubling dreams and memories, patiently easing her away from them. She would treat it just as tenderly, "Shall I get you a glass of water?" She moved to kiss his forehead lightly.

"No, thank you. I am well." His voice caught on the last word. He wondered how long he would be well, and if his time had come. Where would it be that She would finally call him out of Her service and into Her dark company? "You should rest, Storm. Avery and Kellan will not give us quarter from their liveliness because of a bad dream." He found a smile in his bag of tricks to offer and returned the kiss to her forehead, but his arm wrapped around her and drew her close to him just to feel that nearness.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2009-09-04 12:19 EST
She didn't miss the change of tone in his words, but didn't bring attention to it. Despite the inevitable secrets that Ewan would always have to keep, she had absolute faith that if important or worrisome, he would talk to her at his own pace and time. The hand running through his hair gently went down to cup his cheek as his arms wrapped her in close, "You are more important than being a little tired in the morning. How many nights have you stayed up with me, when bad dreams disturbed me so?"

He could not counter it without sounding ridiculous and illogical. With a smile, he acknowledged the truth of that and of her comforting, wakened presence. This vision would only keep them both up if he did not speak of it. "Storm, you have heard me speak of my Mistress Death, and I wonder, do you think of her as a metaphor to that dark part of my life?"

Her body tensed for a moment at the subject, before she deliberately relaxed. Their lives and lifestyles had changed drastically since he had spoken often of his Mistress Death. Still, that she had driven him from sleep and disturbed him so wasn't helping the dread that formed in the pit of her middle. Taking a deep breath, she thought of his question, taking comfort in his arms and cuddling close, "A metaphor in what way?"

Her question brought him to pause, and he attempted to make his question clearer. "In a sense that she is not real, but just a reference to the danger of my life."

"Well, I suppose so. But not everyone has a name for the dangers that are placed in their life. I would not be so bold as to give this other side of you a name, or a reference, to split up who you are. You are still Ewan." She rubbed her nose against his gently.

A soft laugh, bitter and brief. "She is real, beloved. I saw her once as I lay dying on the field of battle. She spoke to me and said it was not my time, that my service to her was not yet done. I have seen her once more, heard her more really, when the Sedlaral was banished from me and I began to slip away. My Mistress Death waits for me, Storm, but this is the first time I have seen her and not been on her doorstep."

"That does not make her real." His words made her feel hollow, and the dread in her stomach grew more deep and wide. Still, she tried to bury down the worry over nothing, "Your dreams are not like mine, beloved. They are not your memories, or things that were and are. You have told me so yourself." She tried to soothe him, and her, again by running her fingers through his hair.

So he had said, but this one was different. "Then why tonight? Why never before and tonight she was there. I am, of course alive, but what would it mean?" He sighed and shook his head, then kissed her forehead. "There are no answers to those questions, and it does no good to dwell on it."

She didn't have answers fir him, no matter how much she wished to soothe away his concern. She sighed deeply when he kissed her forehead, "No, it does not. But it might to you well to hold fast to what is real, here: us, our home, our family." She kissed him, slow and sweet, "That is what is real."

He joined in the kiss and deepened it, though he realized that he had not convinced her of the fact of his Mistress Death. Maybe it was best that way. It would allow him to speak of it, while she could set it aside as a metaphor or just a vision in a dream. He only hoped she did not have the reality thrust upon her one night when he did not come home, but had been finally called by his Mistress.

The deepened kiss soothed most of the concern and dread, but not all of it. It made her uneasy, the way Ewan was so certain that his Mistress was real. It was very unlike him to believe in something that wasn't completely rational. Gently, she broke the kiss and looked at him in the darkness, "Did you want to try and sleep again? There is time in the night still. Or perhaps enjoy our quiet time together with a book?" She didn't want to press him in any decision, only let him know that she would join him.

His other arm moved from behind his head to join in wrapping around her, so that she was completely in the circle of his arms. "I think I want to stay here, listen to you breathing, and feel you close. I believe I will be able to sleep again with just that to comfort me."

"Certainly." There were no circumstances that Storm could think of that could of that held the same comfort that she shared in being in his arms also. So she shifted in the tight enclosure to a position she knew she could fall asleep in, and kissed the underside of his jaw, "You always have said that you sleep too well next to me." She tried to lighten her tone and bring a gentle tease, to try and break whatever remaining hold his dream still had on him.

"Too well indeed." A soft smile, nuzzle to her hair and a sigh, but his eyes would not close with his will.

Only time would do that.