Topic: No One Else Knows

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-06 16:46 EST
It was her first trip back home after her disappearance. She wasn't the one to usually avoid situations, usually meeting things head on.

The questions that she would receive once she returned would be ten-fold what she received at Rhy'Din.

She never felt ready for such interrogation, but she could not put it off any later.

She built a new portal just outside the Sanctuary so that she did not have to go to the Inn in order to go to her Realm. It did not take long, almost effortless, she had done this countless amount of times. She stepped through the portal to reach the Air Realm, the sensation of returning home a little overwhelming. Sometimes she forgot her reasons for being in Rhy'Din, her purpose. All it took was a short trip home in order to recall why things were the way they were. The sense of never-ending comfort would last her through her time at Rhy'Din. This Realm was everything the other one lacked.

She managed to put herself just outside the Temple, and she walked in with ease. She remembered to dress in her Guardian silks, clothing that could never be destroyed. Not that it would have mattered, her face was recognizable no matter what she was in. She was stopped countlessly with smiles, friendly greeting kisses to the cheek, and questions. Many did not know of her extended absence, time between Realms were so very different. It wasn't until she actually made it through the Main Hall that she had a moment to breathe. Or so she thought.

"Glad to see you home safe Storm." She stopped to look over her shoulder at the voice. Her smile was the brightest in a very long time as she turned to meet the man. The similarities in looks were overwhelming between the two of them, and she laughed softly, wrapping her arms tightly around the neck of the older man.

"I have missed you Father."She placed a warm kiss to his right cheek, and he did the same. The Air's greeting that Storm was adjusting to.. simply handshakes back at Rhy'Din. Her moments of any dependency or childlike behavior were slim. They were not here now, but her entire attitude changed. She relaxed and left all shields bare; there was no safer place then the place she was in at the moment.

"Hardly any know of your disappearance, or where you have been." His arms held his daughter a bit tightly, he always had to prepare himself as if each visit was the last one. The girl was into too much trouble; for all of their sakes.

She held the embrace for a only a few moments longer, before taking a step back. "It is better this way, you know that." She offered him a smile. "I cannot stay long today, I just wanted to come... and let you know... that I am safe." Safe was just a term for not dead. They both understood that.

"Will be be here on the marrow? Some Earths are coming.. and know how uncomfortable that is for them." Being out from underground was the same as putting an Air underground... dangerous business.

"I will be here bright and early. Until then." A last kiss to his cheek before she practically scurried out of the Temple, which of course took several minutes as many stopped her and spoke few words with smiles.

Adjusting the time differences was a hard thing to schedule, but she was doing her best. It would already be late, and she needed to be back at the Sanctuary in order to please the Sisters. They had their best intentions for her, and she was attempting to cooperate and best as possible. She stepped through the portal to leave the comfort and be dropped back into chaos.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-08 00:01 EST
Once she stepped into the Realm, she took a quick glance around in order to have a thought of time. It would seem as though she made it early, much better than being late. It gave her a chance to settle in. Bandaged feet walked soundlessly through the doors into the Grand Hall. She tried to minimize the amount of bandages to bring little attention.. but her feet needed to be comfortable also. She had to think of a reason for their bandaging, and fast. She could already see familiar faces gaze going to her feet as they were to greet her.

"What happened to your feet, young Guardian?" An older woman with similar skin coloring and bright blue eyes asked. She greeted Storm in the typical fashion, a soft kiss to her right cheek, and Storm did the same.

"I had an unfortunate event with a carriage it would seem. My feet will be fine though, thank you for your concern Anna. If you will excuse me, I must find my father." Another warm smile, before she departed through the Halls and towards the back rooms. She hated lying to others.. but did she need to burden the other woman with her troubles? No, the major load of that was kept to herself, left on her own shoulders. The concern and kindness from her people was always appreciated. Once she went to Rhy'Din, she was more than aware of how different the cultures were. Some things she would never again take for granted.

Once she walked in the Guardian Chamber, she already walked upon the other three Guardians, as well as several other Airs rearranging the room to make the Earths comfortable. Plants added, the room darker than usual. The subtle things always made a difference.

"Well, it would seem as the last member of us decided to finally attend any sort of meeting." The words exited the mouth of the Guardian of the North Wind. He was short and gruff, with an attitude to match. The youngest Guardian, who also happened to be the strongest (though he would never admit) and was also a woman. None of the three mixed well in his mind.

"Thank you for your concern Lukas." She replies with a warm smile. She was more than used to his jabberings and complaints. She always returned nothing but kindness to him. He was not worth the effort to stir the pot. She worked around him when needed. Attention went to her father then. "They are on their way then?"

The last Air Guardian in the room, Anton, simply rolled his eyes and continued to set up the room, adding the four brown chairs with the others. He was not much other than Storm, and was a bit on the lanky side. Guardian of the South Wind was the exact opposite in power.. and personality of Lukas.

"Any moment..." He would have finished with 'now' but a single Earth walked into the room. All for sets of eyes went to the Earth.. and they searched for his companions. Where were the others? And... he was more than a half hour early.

He bowed slightly. "I apologize for the inconvience, but the rest of us cannot make it today. There is a situation in Lladrana." Jeremiah said with a regrettable smile. He also, happened to be the youngest and the strongest of the Earths, The Guardian of Mountains. And rightfully so, he was built as one. Dark brown skin and eyes to match. Those brown eyes then go to Storm as they usually did. She, as always, met him with a blank stare. A game usually played.

"Lladrana? Certainly you have no means of needing our help?' Her father wrinkled his nose, a similar trait of Storm. Lladara was underground... a place no Air wanted to go.

"The balance is, unfortunately, incorrect. We cannot fix the problem of Earth being overly dominate. We need one of you, to help us." Regret even showed in his eyes. He understood their discomfort. He was filling it now.. so open... in the air.. it took every ounce of his being to now leave into the darkest room available.

All the Airs were quiet. None of them wanted to go.. and this news was surprising. "Storm would be willing to go. She is the one with the least amount of responsibilities here." Lukas piped up with a smirk.

She took much self restraint to not turn around and glare. So much for a peaceful return. "Yes, I will go. I will be there come sunrise. We will.. meet again some other time." She pasted on the most polite smile she could muster. She could sense his discomfort.. it was to be her own soon.

A lingering look to her, before he bowed, and left promptly. Storm sighed inwardly.

Nothing but trouble every time.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-08 12:55 EST
Her arrival to Lladrana via portals was prompt, and done with little fuss. She hated this place. Once inside, she had to quickly go behind a building, out of sight, and close her eyes, resting her head on the cool wall. She needed a moment to calm down the rise of panic of being underground. Separation from the Sky, her being.

It was like her soul was being ripped in two. Separation of the flesh and being. She just needed to settle her racing heart, bring color back into her face, and carry on. It was not her first time here, she would grow accustomed to it the longer she stayed.

Her thoughts drift to sharp green eyes.

Her body instantly tenses as her thoughts go down the path that they seem to enjoy. Every moment and time she needed to truly focus, it would seem as though her mind would play tricks on her. Bringing those green eyes into her thoughts. It was not helping the racing beat of her heart certainly as it skipped a beat. Foolish emotions she told herself, they had no place here, not right now.

She forces her body to relax, to take deep and full breaths. Thoughts of those eyes and beyond were shoved with some regret to the back of her mind. She couldn't afford the risk. Or she didn't want to. Not right now.

Foolish girl.

Her skin became clammy with the realization that she was going to be separated from the Sky for a week's period here. Though it was a day and a half from Rhy'Din, the time measured a week here. A week in an Air's Hell.

Nothing she could do about it now.

Once last deep breath, before she forced herself away from the building, and towards the sense of Earth. The overwhelming sense. She could pinpoint the location of the other Guardians, and she did not falter in her step as she made her way to the other side of the main city.

She hated the city most of all.

Regardless of the city being underground, it was the people that made her skin crawl. All pale without the sun, it wasn't the looks. After seeing the different races she has seen, the sight of someone hardly affected her. And they were all without a single trace of magic, a breeding ground to take magic out of the bloodline.

They hated magic with every fiber of their being. They hated her.

Harsh, cold eyes bore into her back as she walked through their marketplace and downtown. She had dark skin and grey eyes. She also bore more magic then they could ever believe. No one spoke a word to her. They just stared. No welcome, not a bloody thing. Some recognized her from years ago, the one who helped them have the secrecy they desired. It did not matter. She was still tainted. Still unwelcomed.

She was familiar with those looks of hate and distrust. This was not the first nation she had traveled to, intentions of helping, and they all wanted to spit in her face. Tainted. Unpure, unnatural. Not real. All things she had heard before.

She made her heart cold as steel to match her eyes as she continued on. No matter what questions and turmoil her heart was experiencing, she made it stop. She was not about to show weakness.

"Storm, so glad that you could come and help." Jeremiah greeted her with a charming smile. He walked up to her to greet her formally, with the faintest kiss to her right cheek. It was not something she could avoid, and her own greeting was absent, without emotion and thought behind it. But he, practically pressed a kiss to her cheek.

The steel barrier already threatened to break free.

The other three Guardians, Laurin, the Guardian of Boulders, Patrice, the Guardian of the Plains, and Shawn, Guardian of Botany, all greeted her in kind. Jeremiah, the unspoken leader, gave them all a firm nodd, before the trio went back to discussing the plans with the nation's rulers.

Storm wished Patrice would have stayed. There was nothing more uncomfortable than being left underground, alone, with a man who bore far too much interest in her.

She was not going to enjoy this week. Not in the slightest.

"Have you arranged the preparation?" She asked, taking a deliberate step back, away from him. Down to business with her. She wanted to do this and leave. No doubt of that.

"I know this is difficult for you. We are going to try and make this as quick as possible." He was not trying to be malice or cruel in his intentions. Storm wished he was, it would make it easier to dismiss him. When he looked to her, all he saw was silent beauty and strength. He wanted to get to know that better. He wanted to help her.

All she hoped was that he did not sense the Guardianship of Fire that was past down to her the night previous.

"Come, let me show you where you are staying. And then I will explain further." He offered another smile, before heading further out of town.

She had no choice but to follow.

This post is going to be divided into two, but they span over the week that she is in Lladrana.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-08 20:42 EST
Okay, a change of plans.. this is going to be three posts. Otherwise it is just too much to do at once.

She was up to her knees in dirt, mud and grime, along with her fellow Guardians. And though she could not stand the element, she was glad to be useful for something. All of the elements down here were unpure, tainted, and simply not balancing.

Jeremiah had explained the majority of the situation to her the morning she arrived. Though the Lladranans hated magic, they worked well with the Earth Elementals. Storm did not quite know the pact between the two cultures, she did know that in exchange for whatever, the Earth's had volunteered the Guardian's services.

She really wished they hadn't.

She felt so weak down here. Her element was not as strong as it was in Rhy'Din, or in her own realm. All her of her efforts were doubled everyone elses, and just being down here for the two days she already was a victim to nightmares. She raised a hand to settle an itch to her hairline, smearing dirt in the process. It was so time consuming, to purity anything and everything she could get her hands on. The air itself was the easiest to spread, but the most important. That was handled the day she arrived. The rest of the week, her job was to assist others with their elements. A Water came, Andrew, Guardian of the Springs, was dealing with the wells and transportation for clean water. No Fire's came.. but Storm was doing what she could without thinking, boiling water and burning whatever needed be.

This was of course, done in secrecy.

That was all the information she was entitled to. She didn't mind, the last thing she wanted to be was in charge. She just wanted to do her job and go home. It was a gruesome experience for her, but she kept her mouth silent. To her Guardians and the Lladranans. Not that she wasn't friendly to her fellow Elementals, she would just rather not be several thousand feet below ground. And the weather was a complete contrast of Rhy'Din at the time being. Despite not having a sun, the air was hot and humid always. All the Guardian eventually had no choice but to trade their robes for sleeveless shirts and shorts of thin material.

Except Storm. She wore pants, regardless what anyone said to her.

Come midday, the Guardians took a break from the grueling work of separating the pure Earth from the dead. Every speak and pebble. Food was brought around with water, along with conversation. This was when Storm preferred to be silent, taking the opportunity to replenish her body, and her mind.

"For one so young, your mind should not be so burdened." She looked up into the face of Shawn, the oldest, gentlest soul among the Earths. Without a request, he took the liberty unto himself to seat next to the lonely but lovely Air. He also had a deep streak of white along his left temple. A sign of great knowledge. Not all Elementals were fighters like herself.

Did she looked burdened? She was going to have to keep track of her facial expressions. "I was just... lost in thought." Offers a smile, before taking a drink. "I am trying to conserve my energy as much as possible. I feel drained so quickly." A good excuse, and only half accurate.

"I have a hard time believing so, young Divine." He said quietly. Grey eyes flew to him as she tenses. "Do not fear, your secret is safe with me, young one." He assures her. Of course, he face was nothing but polite and he said things with a nonchalant attitude. He almost reminded her of Everett. A ghost smile at the thought of home.

"I hate this place." Says quietly, changing the subject. "No offense Shawn, but the Lladranans are only even mildly civil with you and yours. There is no appreciation for the way we have helped them."

"You cannot hold others to the same standards as you, Storm. You can only do what you believe to be right; which is why you are here." Though she was right, and his older eyes look to those around the outskirts of the city with them, distrust in their eyes. "Besides, they will follow their leader.

She wrinkled her nose in response, and took another bite out of her apple.

He studied her from the corner of his eyes. "Isn't it time that you settled down soon with some strapping Elemental?" He said with a faint frown, trying to recall her age.

She very nearly started to choke on the food stuck inside of her throat. She forced it down, and blinked at him. Not even her father suggested such thing. Her automatic response was suppressed, and she offered something much more appropriate. "I am not mousy enough for an Elemental. I can wield weapons and magic more than most men with us. I am unusual, you know that." She hoped that was the end of that.

Oh, but it wasn't, Shawn was now curious, and felt no shame in asking such questions. "Times are changing Storm, even I see that. What of Jeremiah over there? He is the strongest among us, like you are to the Airs. That is a smart match." Of course, Shawn was using this as a shameless plug for his friend. Everyone could see the way Jeremiah practically adored her.

Another flash of green eyes went through her mind, before she spoke. "A smart match, yes. But when have I ever done the smart thing?" A cheeky grin, before the bell finally rang, and she was freed of the situation. Thank the Goddess. She gingerly took up her water and continued throughout the day to help purify. Tomorrow was going to be much worse. Tomorrow, they helped the people.

__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
"You need me to do what?!" She practically hissed in Andrews ear.

"I need you to go into the well before I do." He stated simply. "I need you to swirl it and make it hot before I go down there. It is too small for both of us to go." His nearly white eyes were sympathetic, but there wasn't a thing he could do about it.

"Yes, you coward. I need my well fixed now, if, you don't mind." The young man said with a snicker. Attractive enough, he thought as he looked to Storm, even if she was lazy and stupid like the other Elementals. They were nothing but slaves, they were built to be ruled over.

Steel grey eyes flicker to the man who had spoken. It was the Prince himself, at the age of twenty-five, he full heartedly believed that he ruled everything on the ground underground.

Including all of them.

She kept her mouth shut, and gave a sidelong glance to Andrew. He could not help her, the young Prince already knew Andrew could not do his job without her. The darkness of the well did not scare her. It was goning deeper into the earth, deeper and farther away from the light and sky. With a deep breath, she jumped inside the well, closing her eyes as she felt the rushing winds against her skin during her fall. She wouldn't even bother to protect herself. She was energizing before she hit the water with a hard smack. She quickly swam to the surface, not gasping for air, but gasping for sunlight. Starlight. Anything that was light. It was as dark as the Prince's soul down here. It made her shudder. She had to close her eyes to catch her sense and sanity.

Green eyes.

She didn't have time to move the water or to steal heat from elsewhere. It was time to use Vanar's 'gift' for good. Her eyes glowed a dim grey with speckles of red as her whole body was vibrating heat off of her. She did not harm herself. It did not take long before the water was steaming. She then used an air platform to get herself quickly out of the well. She wasn't greeted with smiles, but with a stern look of Andrew. Not directed at her, but it would seem the Prince had said horrid words to him. He said nothing, and jumped in after her. Storm glanced at the Prince, shotting daggers with her eyes, before walking away. She didn't care if she was soaked to the skin, or that she didn't know where she was going. It was better than being in his presence.

"La schiava." He spat to her back as she walked away. The slave.

Storm had quite enough, and she turned on her heels to glare at him. Unaffected, he just raised his brow to her, as a dare. Her grey eyes started to glow, not because she was accessing anything, but for affect. The hate and fear of magic. "You can call me whatever you please, but I will not tolerate it any longer. I will not hesitate in killing you, I do not care who you are.. " She made an advance for him then, and the slightest hint of fear crossed his eyes. Poor Andrew could hear nothing as he was purifying the well.

It took only a moment, before he reached for that tender neck and grabbed her by it, using momentum to shove her onto the wall. "You hold your tongue, la schiava. I rule you down here. Do not forget that. In fact, I can and will do whatever I please with you. He smirked at her as a hand reached down to the bottom of her shirt, and gave it a violent tug, ripping it off as he did so.

Storm saw stars before her eyes as her wounded back made contact with wall. She stood sill as she listened, knowing best to not move. Not yet. And then he tore her shirt off, with every implication of having 'his' way with her. His hand loosened ever so slightly on her neck.

It was enough, for Storm to bring up her left elbow to his face, a direct contact to his nose. Surprised, his hands go to stop the sudden flow of blood exiting his nose. It took only two more steps, a shove to give her space, and a swift sidekick to his head. He fell out cold to the ground.

She could hardly contain the urge to snarl as she stared down at his body, his black soul.

"What in the name of creation did you do?" Andrew only could stare in shock at the Prince on the ground bloody, and the Air with a shirt torn off.

It was only one of the few moments that she was unconcerned with her modesty. "You may cry mercy now." She said to the prince, before looking to Andrew. "I will never help these people again. Ever." Statement made, she took the shirt that Andrew had already stripped off, and pulled it on.

She have every intention of going home early.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-09 20:08 EST
It wasn't until the artificial lighting was nearly out, when Storm appeared by the building that she was staying in. She had walked around the city twice, trying to relieve her mind of the day's events. Trying to calm her boiling anger, making sure when she finally did have to talk to someone, she didn't kick them in the face after a single sentence. Storm's temper comes and goes easily, yes, but it took something much more for her to be upset for half a day. To be as upset and angry five hours after the original reason that sparked her anger.

The slim alleyways between clay-like building gave her access to a longer way to her building. They were not even buildings. Just holes in the wall. She was covered in dirt and mud. Miserable, and tired. She had only a few hours until she had every intention of leaving.

For a moment, she heard footsteps behind her. Earth. But that wasn't unusual, everyone had the feel of Earth here. She did not even hesitate and she spun quickly on her heels and raised a fist to the darkened face that was behind her.

"Mercies!" He said behind her, a hand coming up to his jaw, checking for injuries. "I'll make sure to announce my presence within five feet of you next time."

Her grey eyes widened at the sound of the voice. Jeremiah! She looked horrified, to have done such a thing to him. She was becoming out of control, wasn't she? It was so under her skin that she could not move on. What would was she doing?

Swords and arrows, Storm.

"Oh Jeremiah, I am so sorry..." She squints her eyes to look at his jaw. No damage done, except a bruise come the marrow. "I was just.. on my way home. Home." She repeated, letting the information settle in. When he remained silent, she turned and starting walking back towards the building. His footsteps right behind her. She wanted to sigh, this was the last thing she could want. Grey eyes glowed as she used an air platform to raise her to the tallest place that she could rest. She went onto the top of the 'building' and sat, looking up. Even though she didn't see stars, it was the best that she could have for the time being.

She didn't worry about Jeremiah, all he did was shift the grounds to lift him, and he joined her. She didn't look over, and brought her knees up to her chest, and arms wrapped around her knees.

"Tell me what happened, Storm." He said quietly, taking a seat next to her, but not close enough to where they were close to touching. He would play it extra safe tonight. "Your ruckus today has caused a great deal of trouble with the pact we have made many years ago." He adds. He felt for her, yes, but she needed to understand the damaged that she had caused.

Angry grey eyes shifted over to him. "What's to tell, Jeremiah? The man called me a slave, and then tried to..." Without explaining further, she took out her ripped shirt from her pocket and practically threw it at him. "I will not longer be involved in this nonsense. No one deserves to be treated the way I was today. If you want to keep this pact, you can handle it yourself." Emotionless eyes bore into his dark ones. It seemed that within a few days, all emotion was void of her. She could not handle it anymore.

He remained silent, staring at her torn shirt in his hands. "I.. do not know what is to become of the pact anymore. Even Laurin cannot tolerate these people." Which spoke volumes, as Laurin could tune almost anyone out, and ignore over thousands of people within the moment. Thick skin, that one. "You've had yourself quite and ordeal, haven't you? This just weeks after Korigan.. and your home.." He did not conceal his knowledge as her eyes narrowed. "Cornelious has kept me updated."

"What I do is little concern to you, so long as it does not affect you and yours." She hated how cold that sounded, but she didn't know that her father was keeping him updated. A dirty hand raises to pinch the bridge of her nose, smearing dirt there. The dirt was bloody everywhere.

"I understand that, but I.. worry for you. And yours. There is no one to take care of you in Rhy'Din... at least if you were home, you would be with others. Your kind. Our kind." He shifts slightly, almost black eyes looking down at the city that he held dearly. Not the people, but the city itself.

"I appreciate your concern, Jeremiah. But I am a Guardian, I can, and will, hold my own if I must. This is the best way, you understand that." She also shifts, ever so slightly away from him. Beating around the bush again. Seems as though she could never fully get a point across.

"I know that it is not of my concern. And I know that you are strong.... you're stronger than me." That came as a surprise, the big, strong Earth, admitting his weakness to her. "I just... wish that we could send someone else with you. To help you... with Korigan" A pause. "He really hurt you, didn't he? He meant it in more than one way. His eyes were already casting down to her covered legs, and the giant boots she wore.

"Yes, he did." She stated simply. No need to elaborate.

"May I see? What he did to you?" Quiet words.

"No, Jeremiah. I will not burden your mind with such visuals." To her dismay, her eyes started to glaze over. "I will not burden anyone to see them. Ever." Soft words.

He was quiet for a moment, watching her. So sad, so burdened. What had this done to her? "You will find happiness again, Storm. The Spring Ball is coming soon. You will attend as always, right?" He tries to offer a sincere smile. "I'm sure Patrice could make you a beautiful dress-"

"I will not be wearing a dress again, Jeremiah. No one will want to see my feet or my legs. No man will ever see anything past the wretched scars and burns." She says quietly, and almost bitterly.


"If he truly cares for you, Storm, he will not see the burns on your feet, nor on your legs. He will only see you."

More silence.

She sighs softly then, how was it everyone could pinpoint her thoughts. "Thank you, Jeremiah. I am going to retire early this eve. I will be here on the marrow." A hesitant smile, before she steps onto her platform and goes back down, further away from the sky.

The anger had finally, ceased for the night.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-13 14:21 EST
"Well, you have certainly been the active peacemaker, haven't you?" Was that an amused smile on her father's face?

She drummed her fingers silently on the tabletop and snickered slightly. "What else was I supposed to do? He tried to-"

"You should have just walked away Storm. Before that happened." He adds as he saw her open her mouth. He did not want to hear the story again.

"I am not a schiava. Not to anyone." She said through clenched teeth.

"A what?" Andrew asked. It seemed that only Airs understood this other form of language. To each their own, he thought.

"La schiava. The slave." She practically spat, looking between the two. It was only the three of them in the beginning, but Jeremiah was soon to follow. They were inside the Elemental Chambers, a Realm of it's own only reached with their leadership. A place for everyone to meet and feel comfortable about it.

"You have been called worse. We all have." Cornelious looked between the two men, and they nodded absently. True it was, they had a hard time blaming Storm. They were there, they understood. "Now, you have caused several problems between the Earth's and the Lladranans. You should go and help the situation."

"I think I have helped enough." She looked to Jeremiah for some help. Really, she had no desire to go back there again.

"I am going to have to agree with Storm. I think the absence of her presence will help more than her being there. I am not sure she would be safe there. She is not exactly... welcomed anymore." She shoots a glance over to him. Like she ever was before.

"Well, if Jeremiah says that is best that you are not to be there, then we will go with his word. But, you are to assist the Earth's with anything else they will need, even if you must go down there yourself to their Realm." She practically shuddered at the thought. "Now, with that settled, let's discuss the matter of Korigan Blackstone." He looked to all three, and waited for a nodd of confirmation, before continuing. "Storm has told me that she has given the Stone of Light into safe hands, and that she is going to wait until she is better-" As if on cue, she turns and covers her mouth to cough. Sniffle.

"I told her a few nights ago to bring him into the water. There is someone there at all times at the request of Adrienne. With word of him being at the docks... he can still have the Stone of Darkness around him, he drowns as any other man."

Storm looked over to Andrew. "Who knows if he will go back now, after.... perhaps it is wasted effort?" Her brows furrowed slightly as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I think she should have others down there with her. Have Adrienne stay there fully. Send an Earth. I'll even go. Make sure she's never alone. With a Fire... we could think of something. Even with the Lifeforce, we could find a way around the Stone."

Cornelious listened to them exchange ideas, thoughts. It would settling, to know that this younger generation of Guardians would do just fine. They worked well together, brought different perspectives.

"You could not feel if I cannot. The only advantage we would have are numbers, four humans to one. Your beings do not work against him. Nor do his work." There was silence after that statement. No one wanted to be without their being. What they were. To be torn from the meanings of your creation. Some things were indeed worse than death.

'Though Storm is right, it might be best for one of each to be down there. More bodies at work, more minds to think." He paused, considered. "Go to the rest of yours, tell them of this news. We'll meet in two days and see what the vote is." There was no noise to end the session, it simply was.

Storm's lips pressed against each other. How was she going to explain that having others would give her an even greater responsibility? To watch over three, maybe four other bodies? Hopefully the votes would turn against the idea.

But somehow she doubted it.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-15 00:29 EST
"Storm! Come and join us!"

Grey eyes flicker to the trio of ending adolescent boys. Men, really. But... boys just the same. The Dawson triplets have always been nothing but trouble. All three of them.

Storm always said it was their red hair. Jokingly, of course.

Half-Irish and half-Elemental, they were an attractive bunch. Their 'mum' had graciously decided to live here years ago, adapting to the wings she had obtained.

She could not see any men she knew willing to accept wings. That was why she was willing to change if ever needed be.

She eyed the instruments in their hands carefully. The oddest drum she had ever seen, played with a type of paddle. A guitar, wooden flute of sorts, and a fiddle. Of course, the fiddle was without a player.

"Mum had other things to do. Please.. play with us?" A wicked grin on a freckled face.

She was very tempted to delay her training to join the lads. Their mother had given her the opportunity to enjoy a passion, to play their folk music. She loved every aspect of 'Celtic' music, as it was called.

And why not? When did she enjoy to simply be? She took strides to the boys, men.. whatever they were. Their faces lit up at the sight.

"Aye, I'll play with you. What are we playing?" Fiddle in one hand, bow in the other, she tested the strings. The pitch. It would seem that she had just missed Jodie. The strings were almost perfect.

"The Merry Sisters of Fate?" Luke, the very first born said with a hopeful look. The other two nodded in agreement.

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Out to kill my fingers, are you, young Luke?" She chuckled and sighed, fingers and bow ready, she went over a handful of licks. One hand had fingers furiously moving and flying, the other, her arm went up and down to complete the sound with the moment of the bow.

"Yes yes! That one!." Luke practically cried as he instantly joined her on the wooden flute. The song was fast paced, a jig or sorts. The flute and fiddle were in perfect unison as Storm's fingers moved with what seemed of little effort to match the boy's pitch. Guitar and drum added in after a set of the unspoken chorus. Storm instantly went to harmonies, to let the young lad's flute soar. There was the faintest smile of her lips as she stared intently down the fiddle. Her fingers did not hold the same callouses as she once did. But, her skill had not left her. The quartet's sound filled the Hall, and it did not take long for others to come in and see what the latest song the Dawson's brothers had in mind.

She glanced to Luke and he nodded, another round of the song. Handful of Elementals started to dance to the fast paced music, grinning and laughing. Even Jodie, who had missed the opportunity to play with her trio of boys, took the opportunity to dance instead.


And before Storm could blink, the fiddle was swapped out of her hands for the guitar instead. The trio of boys,er.. men switched instruments with little fuss. Storm on the other hand, was laughing almost uncontrollably as she tried to keep pace with the boys.

The guitar was hardly her favored instrument. Her hands were smaller than most as she bent her wrist in ways to get the right chords, fingers stretching past comfort. Somehow she managed to not tear the song apart. The crowd grew.


Storm was more than happy to see Jodie jump in her place, offering the Elemental a break. Otherwise she would have ended up on the odd drum, and that would have not turned out very well in the least bit. Jodie mouthed a 'thank you' before bringing the true of flavor of the music to life.

Storm's smile grew as she simply watched. Her people were happy, at least she was doing enough of her job to give them that. She started to turn then, to head towards the training area...

"Nay, you cannot play such music and not dance to it!" The father of the trio started to drag her into the mass of fellow Air and loved ones alike.

Storm grinned at her fellow Guardian. "Anton! I am supposed to be training with Lukas." He twirled her then, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Bloody stiff, he can wait. Let us show them how it is done, aye?" He did not give her much of an option as he dragged her to a middle. Their feet hit the floor with the faster tempo, twists and turns all a blur. It wasn't long before most was clapping and watching, shouting and hollering.

The Hall was full of life, and she would not have it any other way.

"The Merry Sisters of Fate" by L?nasa

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-15 13:07 EST
She remained with Anton for the next handful of songs, dancing with others. She was twirled away into the arms of another, and another as the songs remained upbeat. It did not take long however, before a lovely waltz began. She very much so wished that she could stay, and knew that she could not. She sidestepped away slowly from the crowded before she started for the training area.

Anton watched her leave, watching her happy demeanor change to one of solitude and uncertainty. Her hands were shoved into her pockets, and he bit back a sigh, before going to talk his wife into a waltz with him.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _

She twisted away from the water stream that had threatened her presence. A version of Andrew was standing in front of her, a continuous blasts of pressured water. Storm was shielding herself while also searching for some type of shelter, just to catch her breath. Her bandages were all about her legs, making her movements slower than usual. Bruised, angry clouds were building overhead. Thunder rolling as she sent down a bolt to his head.

He was too fast for her aim as she slid behind a rock. Rain was now pouring, and the dirt below them was a sticky sort of mud now. It clung to her as she felt him try another series of pressured water blasts her direction. She turned ever so slightly to get a better view of him, before sending an air platform of steel in his direction.

He fell with a splat, back first, into the mud.

With no time to delay, she hit herself with a lightning bolt, though most would see her body disappearing. Instead, her being was taken up and inside the clouds. She only had a moment to aim, before she sent another lightning bolt to Andrew, aiming for his heart. Only this time, she was in the lightning bolt, adding the current of electricity with a stream of rain around her.

Water usually could not stand up to what they could conduct. This was no exception.

A balled fist came down harshly on a table not too far from the training area. "Bloody hell Storm, that is enough. This is utterly pointless if you will not do this correctly." The shorter man's face was almost beat red at her battle tactics.

The clouds instantly vanished, as did the rain. The light shined once again as the false Andrew also faded, a sign of death.

And there she was, appearing through the air as she had done countless times. "What? He is dead as a stone, wasn't he?" She tried to control her breathing as she stood, covered in muck.

"You know that you cannot rely on self-sacrificial tactics like that. You could have very nearly missed and could have killed yourself in the process."

She just stared at him, and bit the inside of her cheek to keep those angry comments to herself. "My task is complete, regardless how I did so. And I stand before you, unarmed, save the mud all over me. I'm going to wash before returning to Rhy'Din." She turned on her heels and started back for the Hall, the music long gone.

Even the music in her heart was only a faint whisper. So many uncertainties.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-15 20:14 EST
There were very few days that Storm sat down to look at her mail and do whatever paper work needed to be done. She was most certainly a hands-on person, and liked to remain that way.

Though after Lukas lashed out on her yesterday, he made sure to remind her of the paperwork that had built on her desk. Her snicker was a smile instead. And so, She entered the Guardian Chambers, the place of equal Elements, and went towards the mail boxes. She the grimaced at her overflowing box. Really now, people did not need to talk to her that bad, did they? Muttering to herself, she found a small bag to dump the letters and such in, before heading to her office of sorts.

Ceiling-less, it was actually quite dull. She was hardly ever in it, so why bother decorating it? Grey walls, simple desk and chair, with more comfortable chairs for those who would visit. She didn't think anyone had ever sat in one of those chairs save her Father. She sat down with a heavy sigh, and started to sort the mail. What was old, the different seals, which needed to be opened first. It was silence and solitude that was needed. There might have been other Guardians and such around, but she was not paying attention.

The grueling task of reading letters on the most boring subjects possible was absolutely horrid. She started to lose count of the papercuts, and her hands were stained with her dark blue ink. She would occasionally mumble things under her breath as she crumpled up a paper that she had ruined. She was horrible enough saying her thoughts; writing them down was even worse.

A letter caught her attention and she paused, frowning at the seal. The seal was from the city of Katmai; the city that the Air's were most closest to. They supported each other the way the Lladranans supported the Earths; though the people from Katmai were much nicer. They could not even compare. It was also the city that many Airs learned a new language. And though Storm was not exactly fluent, she could get by. And it was a good thing; as the entire letter was written in their language. She brushed the underside of her chin with the feather and frowned slightly.

Cara Storm,

Siamo nel bisogno funesto della sua assistenza. I nostri elementi sono fuori di equilibrio, s?, ma c'? pi?. Abbiamo avuto un visitatore di una settimana fa. S? ? chiamato un Caotico. Ha detto che egli qui per il mestiere. Ha ucciso tre uomini prima di partire, e detto che era la colpa dei Guardiani. Che significa questo? La desideriamo, ma non pu? avere bene gli infortuni come questi. Per favore fatemi sapere quando lei pu? parlare di questo, ci non ? molto tempo.

Attendiamo la sua parola.

She did not understand all the first time around, but she was already reaching for a fresh paper, and dabbing her quill into the ink, writing key words.







"Too hard at work for company?" Patrice, the Earth Guardian of the Plains, popped her head in and grinned. "I do not think I have seen you at that desk in months."

Storm blinked, and looked up. She erased the frown of worry and replaced it with a grin. "I am never too busy for you and yours, Patrice."

"Good, because I cannot contain this poor excuse for a son any longer." She said, teasingly of course as Patrice moved for the door. She held a baby in her arms, but a dark brown blur of a boy was aiming for Storm.

"Auntie Storm, Auntie Storm!" the boy cried and flew into her open arms. As always, Storm tossed him into the air, higher than normal, and catching him.

"Oh little one, are you grown enough to marry me?" Storm grinned at the face the little boy made. Still at the stage of girls have cooties, and who knows what else. Kissing is gross, Auntie, he told her once. She couldn't hide the laughter.

"I'm sorry, but he insisted on visiting you while you were at the peak of being busy."

Storm arranging the small wiggling mass in her arms and on her legs. "It is alright Patrice, really." She then peered at the sleeping baby in her arm. "Not all of us have a brood of children running rampage." A teasing joke till the end. The two oldest were out with their father. All boys but the last.

"You will have your own brood soon enough."

Storm usually would have snickered, or laughed, and said that she needed a real man first. Or that she was not meant to be anything more than an Auntie. Not that she did not want children, she honestly never thought she would truly live long enough to make it that far. To fall in love and live a happy life. Though, it was becoming more apparent to her that she might have been wrong.

"Yes, well -- who knows." Mike found a curl on her head to be quite entertaining, and gave it a tug.

"Storm, you're not-"

"Oh, no no Patrice." She wrinkled her nose then.

Patrice studied Storm for a moment, wasn't that interesting? "Well, we will leave you to your letters and such. Come along Mike."

Storm had to plant a kiss to the lad's cheek before releasing him. He made faces and muttered something along the lines of being kissed, and how horrible it was.

Storm was beginning to think otherwise. Yes, right, to the letter.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-17 18:14 EST
Once the moment pasted, she took up the quill, and rearranged her papers. She dipped the quill in the dark blue ink again, before reading the letter, slowly.

In need of her assistance. Elements are out of order, but there is more. A visitor came last week, called himself a Chaotic. Said he was here for trade. Killed three men and blamed the Guardians. What is the meaning of this? Please send your word of your arrival to ease this situation.

We await for your word.

She stopped, and looked over at her notes. Taking out formalities, this was the bulk of it. She didn't realize it, but a deep frown was on her forehead. What was going on with the Chaotics? First Korigan, then Assadar, and now this. She sighed something deep, the feather of the quill rubbing along her chin as she contemplated her next move.

Her concentration broke as she heard the wailings of a young boy. Oh my, he certainly did not want to go home, did he?

Wanted to stay with Auntie Storm. On the condition that she would not kiss him.

She smiled faintly before glancing to a clock. It was time that she was heading home as well. She took the letter, and her version of it, before organizing the rest. They were just going to have to wait.

Next stop was a few hours rest back at the Sanctuary, before going to speak to her fellow Guardians of such matter.

She also needed a squeeze a few words in with Ewan if given the chance.

Some things were never easy.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-19 19:57 EST
"How is it that you are the only one to receive this letter?" Lukas said, a scowl on his face as he was holding the letter.

"I do not think that I am the person to ask."

The four Air Guardians were within their chambers. Each in it's assigned chair, Storm was tapping away on the arm of the chair. It was disturbing news, that she was the only one to get any letter.

It troubled her something horrid.

"Maybe they do not feel that they need all of us? Storm is usually the one to be out and about; perhaps that is why she was the only one to get this letter?" Anton said, though he was as baffled as the rest. Long and limber legs were crossed, ankle to knee.

Cornelious shook his head. "If they are asking Storm to come at once, do you not think that they would ask for us all? And on the subject of casualties.."

The four of them sat in a long period of silence, each pondering their own.

"Perhaps we should all go? That way they will have no choice but to explain."

"We all do not have the free time that you do, Storm. Some one us-"

"Oh, quiet Lukas. We do not need your bantering right now." Anton interjected as he watched the youngest of them clench her jaw. "It is safe to say that she does more real work than the rest of us."

"We will wait a few days, to see if the rest of us will obtain letters. And then we will decide what to do."

The three of them nodded in acceptance. Lukas muttered something under his breath before standing and exiting the chamber. More than likely toward the training arena.

Anton looked to Storm then. "Shawn and Jeremiah asked that my boys play in the upcoming Ball. Jodie will play with him also.. but they are begging for a fifth."

She mustered up a smile. She had no intention of going to the Ball.. but, perhaps she could see it as part of her responsibility. "Tell them that I will play.. but not that silly drum."

Anton laughed, before he also exited the chamber. More than likely to join his loved ones.

"Jeremiah as seemed to ask about you often." Clear deep grey eyes look to his daughter then. "I almost thought that he was to ask to court you. But.. after Lladrana, his mood is nothing more than friendly."

She gives a sidelong glance to her father. "I do not wish to be courted by Jeremiah. It would be for nothing more than political gain. He is a good man... but not a good one for me."

"You know that I would ask you to court one that you did not favor. We are not that way." He continued in his study as she glanced away. Try as she might, he could always put a finger on her different moods. "You seem.. contently pleased and sad at the same time."

She did not respond instantly. She let her gaze wander, before looking back to him. "I worry for those I care for." She offered simply. meeting those dark grey hues.

"Who is he?"

"You do not know him."

"How do I not? Is he Fire.. or.. " The look on her face stopped him mid-sentence. He tried again. ".. or... is he man?"

"Yes, he is." There was no hesitation in her voice as she did not break the gaze.

He raised his arm to rest his chin on his hand, fingers partially covering his mouth. The fingers move though, as he spoke. "You know that you will upset many should this continue."

"The only person that matters is you. What do others have to do with this?" She raised a brow slightly.

The corner of lips twitched, almost into a grin. "Storm, you are the strongest Air of us all. Your bloodline would continue should you bond with your own. Bonding with a man.. it could very well be lost."

"That is hardly of my concern. The Goddess gives and takes as she wishes." Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "I will not bond for the sake of breeding impurities away." She was very nearly offended at the thought.

He watched her response, her reaction, behind an unreadable expression. "You know that I do not care if he is Elven, Man, or anything else. So long as he treats you well and you are happy." He smiled then.

She returned the smile in kind. "You may rest at ease then, for both are true." And speaking of... "I need to be off." And with that, she slid out of her chair and headed out.

He caught her at the doorway. "Storm?"

She looked over her shoulder. "Yes?"

"Does he know of.. bonding?"

She licked her dry lips, and shook her head. "No."

"Perhaps you should tell him.. before there is no turning back."

She simply nodded, before turning and heading back.

Maybe later... when things were for certain.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-20 17:50 EST
"Well, what is the verdict?"

Cornelious looked at the three other Guardians inside the Chambers. Meeting around the giant table that was meant for all sixteen of them. But to get them all in the same place? Very nearly impossible.

"Since the Airs cannot come to an agreement, we will remain undecided." She did not look very pleased about it, did she?

Dark grey eyes nodd to Storm, before he glanced over to Jeremiah.

"We feel as though each Element should be represented with Storm. There is a forest just outside of the city, and we could stay there. Far away enough to be undetected, but close enough to be there in a moments notice. I have volunteered to go."

Storm offered a sidelong glance to the Earth, saying nothing, and remaining expressionless. Even if her feeling conflicted. Cornelious then looked to the last of them.

"We also, feel that we should be down there as well. This is not a battle to be left alone. Adrienne knows of the city, and she will be given more instructions. This battle with Korigan affects us all." He looked, almost apologetically, to Storm.

She was about to open her mouth to speak, but she was beaten to it.

"May I second that?" The sound of another female voice had them all looking to the doorway. And, specifically Andrew, almost opened his mouth in shock.

There stood Kiara, the Guardian of Heat. Dark red hair fell down her back, tanned skin, and brilliant white eyes.

Storm's jaw clenched slightly as she realized who it was. And at her choice of clothing... or rather, the lack of it.

Kiara's title held more truth to it than what told. She dressed, barely, covering what was only needed with animal skin. Gold hoop earrings went far along her ear as she strode to the group on the other side of the room. "We also wish to send one of down. Not Vanar, not Storm. Myself." She sat unceremoniously next to Storm, white eyes were warm, as were her smile.

Warm, right. And dripping with venom.

Jeremiah and Andrew continued to just stare at her. Storm pasted on a smile for her fellow Guardian. Much of this was not her fault. Vanar's passing, Korigan destroying the Fire Realm. Kiara just did not gather all of the correct information. And in doing so, was not exactly pleased with the Air.

Cornelious watched as Kiara was practically bewitching the young men. Time to go. "It is settled then. One of each, save Air, will go to the forest outside of Rhy'Din. From there, those going will collaborate on how to settle the matters." A slight thund to the desk, as if to declare the meeting over. He stood then. "Kiara... if you will come with me? There are other matters that need attending to." His eyes told her that it would be best, for her to join him.

"Of course Cornelious." Charming smile sent in the other's direction, she eased out of her chair to follow. Easing of course. with the motive to have eyes trail over what she left bare.

Storm snickered at her back. Wonderful, a handful of people all in one place, grabbing for each other's throats. And she had to mediate it.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-22 14:13 EST
"I do not like that the three of them will be with me. I do not like the fact that she's going to be there." Her brows were furrowed something fierce, and she was pacing without stop around her father's office..

The soundproof office. This conversation was only meant for the pair ofthem.

"They are not going to be with you. They will be outside of town, and out of your way. I made it clear that you were attending to other things." He said calmly, watching the anger simmer in Storm.

"You know that does not matter a bloody bit. Kiara is foolish in everyway, Jeremiah thinks he knows what is best, Adrienne has no backbone to stand up to a soul..." She reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose, a habit she picked up from... who knows. The pacing continued. bandaged feet silent as they trampled along the floor over and over again. "This is a foolish decision, and you know it." Offered him a glance, before looking back to the floor as she moved.

"What are we supposed to do about it Storm? The majority has spoken, we can only work with what is given to us." He leaned back in his chair, deep grey eyes unreadable.

"Easy for everyone else to say, it's me who has to be down there with the lot of them." Bitter? Maybe.

"If you do not feel that you are ready, then-"

She laughed then. "You know better than any that not a soul would take this job. Even if forced to... it is a bittersweet curse that is bestowed on me." She stopped her movement then, hands behind her back as she looked to a wall.

"What curse? That you were created with a purpose?"

"Yes, the purpose to restore peace. The purpose to yield the ability." Anger vanished as quickly as it came, though her shoulders did not hunch, she remained still and straight as ever.

"Another will come to rise, another to relieve you. The Goddess would never sacrifice your feelings for Her gain. These responsibilities will not last forever. Look at me," He said with a slight grin. "I was once such as you, and now.. all I have to do is mediate. I was able to raise the little girl that was given to me."

A sidelong glance to him. "But..."

"You will always have a choice, Storm. Take care of that knowledge, it might be needed one day." He rose then, they both had other items to attend to. "One day, you just might make the choice to never return, and live on some forsaken Island." He opened the door, wide enough for her to step through first.

She laughs, a spark returning to her eyes. "It sounds like aces. Almost." And with that, she was out to head back home, her mind was already formulating ways to work around the next hurdle that had been placed in front of her.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-25 14:46 EST
The ringing of meeting steel filled the training fields as her attack was deflected. Well practiced, smooth moves from both Storm and her opponent contributed to the sounds made, neither party taking injuries. It was always just a matter of time till one gave in, a matter of endurance.

This had already been going on for at least an hour. Maybe more.

Two sets of grey eyes were only on the other, seeking the next move to be made. Each move, whether with the weapon or no, was graceful as a waltz. Light on their feet, they never stayed in the same spot twice. They were all over the training fields, unaware if they were disrupting others or not.

Their clothing was not their usual Guardian silks, nor her favored turtlenecks. Sleeveless tops exposed arm muscles well-prepared for the long battle, bottoms custom fit for easy movement. One of the only times that Storm gave hints of the fitness of her body. The well-toned muscles, the endurance behind each thought out move.

The biggest difference between them was his bare feet compared to the boots on hers.

The dance continued, dragging over as if time mattered not. Each obtained a light sheen over their flesh, the only sign of work taking a toll on their bodies. She was merciless, taking the opportunity to press, to see if he was tiring. She pressed her body beyond what she should have, steel grey eyes set on victory.

It came with a swift front kick to his chest, knocking him over to his back. Her katana moved quicker than he, a breath away from a deadly kiss to his neck.

Cornelious managed to muster a smile before nodding to her. They were both openly panting now, muscles quivering, trying to put more movement out when they simply could not. She dropped her katana and wiped the sweat that beaded around her brow. No words were spoken, though silence held more meaning.

It was the first time she had ever beat him. She almost felt like some sort of celebration was at hand, if she wasn't so bloody exhausted.

She offered her hand to him, and managed to help him up. Without words, they started back towards their chambers. separate but close.

Sometimes the best way to be busy is to drive yourself into the ground. She could think of no better way.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-27 21:04 EST
"I'm going to go to to Katmai."

"Are you now? I do not recall coming to the executive decision."

"We have not, I am going without that decision. It is my choice." She leaned idly against the door frame to his ceilingless office. "I cannot let this letter go ignored any longer."

"Not afraid to ruffle more feathers are you?" He raised a bushy brow.

"I'm going to be leaving tomorrow, though time being the difficulty that it is, I'm sure I won't be gone long." She had indeed, given up on trying to configure the time differences between three Realms. Too much thought into it, besides, she didn't know how long her stay was going to be. "I'll inform Lukas and Anton, but I doubt they will mind the movement."

"You know how to behave around the people. Just don't... create a scene like you did in Lladrana?"

She just smiled sweetly and strode forward to press a kiss to his cheek. "Take care of things; though I doubt I will be missed long."

"What of the others?"

"They will not even realize that I have left. I must collect my things before I'm off." And with a smile, she nodded and walked through the door.

Sometimes in order to get things done, you had to do it yourself.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-29 01:18 EST
She reached into her pocket to produce a coin with five sides in exchange for the clothing in the man's hand. "Thank you." She smiled before turning to head for the inn she was staying at. She also managed to turn every other head in the marketplace of Katmai. Some things could not be helped if you're the only one in elegant clothing.

Cloths in her arms, the sun warmed her as she took the short walk from one place to the next. She was always fascinated with the city; always loud and busy. Full of many faces, all holding unique expressions. Chic and all in the know, she was starting to fell like the sore thumb. Not because she wasn't human, but the sheer fashion difference. What you wore is everything here. If she was with the other Guardians, it wouldn't have mattered so, unfortunately that was not the current case.

Once in her room, she quickly changed into the clothing that she had purchased. Her nose wrinkled only slightly at the faded jeans as she brought them up to ride low at her hips. She was not unaccustomed to the 'modern' clothing, thanks to Janet. Still, she hated how it felt against her skin, how it fit her as a second layer. She couldn't properly run in these things to save her life. Her top wasn't much better either, sleeveless, dark as midnight, and low cut. It wasn't that low cut, but to someone accustomed to turtlenecks, she had to mentally stop bringing a hand to to bare skin. She sat down on the bed then, and fixed her boots to a more comfortable fit. If her clothing wasn't going to help her, at least her feet would be able to carry her somewhere. A glance up at the full length mirror, just to make sure she could blend. Grey eyes were outlined in black to match her boots and top, smudged by the lady downstairs. Storm nearly wept in gratitude as she made her face 'acceptable.' Least she didn't have to do it herself.

Satistfied, she stood and opened the door with her well-defined and bare arms. The only way she could pull of her look of the city was the confidence in her sway of her walk, the attitude behind it. She could be an actress if needed be.

Her next stroll within the city wasn't a long one. The tall, flat building had two guards blocking its enterance.

"I have a meeting with Myriad." Mustered up a pleasant smile to the older gentlemen. He appeared to be within his late thirties, a man well content with life. The other man.. was barely a man. No older than eighteen, and thought he could rule everything, so long as the sword remained at his side.

Even that was debatable.

The codename Myriad should have been enough to let her through. As it was every other time. The older man stepped aside, though the younger one remained defiant. Something about the grey eyes had him hold his ground. "What's yer name lady?"

All it took was a gentle push from an air platform to move him from the door. Her smile turned to a smirk as she held him in place. The frown appearing on his unmarred face showed his protest to his lack of voluntary movement. "How old are you, boy?" A deliberate move to publicly change the role. A respect of eldership.

"I'll be eighteen come June lady."

"You'll learn to step aside and do as your told. Get back to work son, and don't ever pull that nonsense again. Got it?" The boy offered a curt nodd, before she smiled at the older gentlemen, who was doing his best to not openly laugh. And with that, she opened the door and let herself in.

It took some work on her part, but she was able to find the right floor and room with little back tracking. A firm knock on the closed door. "Myriad?"

"It's open"

She turned the knob to gain her enterance. The man was in his mid-fifties, but appeared to be in the prime of his life. His tanned face lit at the sight. 'Bella donna! Come stai? Come in come in!" He moved swiftly from his seat to hug the Elemental after she shut the door.

The hug was returned. "Ciao Myriad, bene bene." She silently hoped that this wasn't going to revert to their language. She had managed to miss most of it.

"Oh, please have a seat! I know you have precious little time to talk with me. You look fabulous in black by the way." His words a hundred miles a minute, she barely could muster a thank you as she sat down before he was talking again. "Let's get down to business hmm? Then we can chat."

Didn't have a choice really, did she?

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-30 17:42 EST

"Well, we're all glad that you decided to do this on your own."

"The letter was meant for myself only. If they had wanted all of us to go, then so be it. Instead, he only wished to speak with me, there is nothing that I can do about that other than to respect his wishes."

"But this affects all, sometimes the Myriad does not know what is best for himself."

"That's enough Lukas, she did the right thing." The constant need to argue was enough for this Air today. Deep grey eyes look at the three faces around him.
"I understand that all of our names are tied to this situation. There is nothing that we can do about it now."

"The Chaotics are not something we can go to unprepared." Anton chimed in. "It will be months before we are even close to being ready.'

Storm shrugged idly. "Then so be it. If it is not the Myriad and his, they will be after another. We have to do this one way or another."

For once, Lukas didn't have something to say about that.

"Storm, Anton, you two are going to ask others, get all the recordings and sitings of the Chaotics. Lukas and I will brush up on their kind, what we need to know." Three heads bobbed gently in agreement.
"No detail is small enough. Record anything."

The three of them nodded a last time before shifting and sliding off of their chairs.

"Storm, stay a moment behind please."

She paused, before turning on the heels of her boots. Slight smile appeared on her face. "Of course."

His eyes shifted, making sure that everyone else had left before speaking to her.
"Perhaps it would be best if you and Anton split up places so you can cover more ground. It would be best if your mind was clear as water when you return home. This is a matter of life and death for many."

"I would have it no other way. I will speak with the elf tonight, see if I can extract more information out of him." She then excused herself, turning again on those boots to exit the chambers.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-31 19:24 EST
"Oh come now Storm, you're doing just fine."

She spared the young man a look from behind her piano, idly tapping on a key soft enough to not pluck the ivory piece. The practice had been long, but successful. It was a key reminder that she was far from retaining the same soul as the quartet around her. Not that it mattered really, she could appreciate the Irish and their music, even if its beat did not course through her veins.

"The top of the Minor Bee again?"

They all nodded, and Storm moved from the piano to the fiddle, the tips of her fingers retaining the satisfying burn from the strings. She was not the only one to make a change of instruments. Jodie moved from her penny whistle to the Irish bagpipes next to her, blowing in air to fill the bag. Storm slanted a look to the assortment of sticking pipes, each with their own unique sound. Jodie let her try it once, said that she was surprised that Storm even got a sound out of it.

Storm thought that it sounded of a choir of dying pigs. She would happily leave the wind instrument to Jodie.

The young men shared between the guitar, the odd drum, and a recorder. It still was not enough instruments, but they would make do. The upbeat song was not as fast as the others, but something that was easy to dance together with, rather than a jig. Memorized fingers handled the fiddle easily, as her attention went to watching the drum. It was simple really, the animal skin was pulled tight on one side, the right, and the other was left wide open. This way, the boy could change the placement of his hands, as well as the pitch. His right hand held the paddle, which was the way of bringing the drum to life.

And here was the march of the piece, tempo rising as well as the variety of the melody. The draws of her bow were shorter to match the new style to the song.

It was times like these that she was able to push matters aside and live in the now.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-10 23:44 EST
Her first day back from her week away was spent behind a desk. Her fingertips were stained with dark blue ink, as there were a few specks of it she had managed to get on her face. Most of the letters and paperwork were just tedious, nothing extreme, but all still needing something from her. Whether it advice, her signature, or something else entirely. She had even received a letter from Janet's brother, saying that his wife and new baby were all well. He had a few concerns of his water, and asked her to have a look-see. She had happily replied, the man more her own brother than anything. A trip to the Outlands would be a reminder that Rhy'Din was really not the worst.

She was engrossed in an extremely detailed description on more rebuilding of the Fire realm, before knocking to doorframe had her looking up. "Ah, afternoon Laurin, please, come inside."

The Earth made his way inside the opened door, but did not take a seat in one of the few chairs available. "Nice to see you back." He offered a small smile. From the man with the thickest skin around, she was surprised at his words. And his smile, who knew? Not that he was ever rude, he was polite to the bitter end. But, even great turmoil, he never showed reaction to anything. A tan hand offered a folded letter. "I was hoping to catch you before you left. Will you give this to Jeremiah please? It is just about the Ball, details and whatnot."

She nodded, taking the folded parchment and placing it in the stack of everything else she was taking back with her. "Of course, anything I can help with?"

He shook his head, his smile disappearing as he returned to his usual blank face. "Not really, it is just some counts from Renan."

"Renan?" She inquired, her brows furrowing just a touch. The Fire was not a Guardian, but took leadership just the same. So much so that Storm had been asking him of who she should give her Guardianship to.

"Well, with Kiara and yourself away, the other Guardians were a bit busy, so Renan is helping."

She nodded in understanding. "Yes, well, I plan on seeing Jeremiah tonight, and I will give the letter to him."

He nodded and bowed his head slightly in thanks. "I am going to head home then, take care Storm." And with that, the man turned on his heels and left.

She glanced down at the letter again, her fingers itching to open it herself. She would wait though, till she ran into Jeremiah. She smirked at the thought of it. Neither of them were going to be pleased with each other tonight.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-19 15:08 EST
"Move your leg more, your balance is horrid."

"My balance is fine, Lukas." Broadsword in both of their hands, her movements were different, the wrist movements gone and in its place was her source of strength. Bare arms exposing the bunch muscles that were never seen were in fluid motions to the man in front of her. Using momentum from her back to the tips of her fingers, she was able to achieve the desired fighting style of the Fires. Not a favorite, but best to brush herself up before teaching Assadar.

"Is it? Quiet accessing the Air then, truly fight the way we are." He smirked, meeting her attacks with ease, trying to make her move her feet move; curious to push the edge.

"Worry of your own." She said smoothly, meeting his attacks with her own, pressing her iced blade to his.

"That's enough." Cornelious said, his eyes narrowing on Lukas.

"Enough indeed." And she quickly slid in close to Lukas while his hands were down, and used her upper back and arms to lift up and bring her blade up and down, the flat of the ice hitting his shoulder. Clearly having won, her blade faded in her hands and she started out of the training fields.

Cornelious approached Lukas, who was scowling and rubbing his shoulder. "Why do you have to push her so? You know she cannot walk without."

"I push her so that she grows stronger; I do not tend her the way others do." He snickered.

Cornelious just shook his head and started out after his daughter, to soothe the ruffled feathers.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-04 17:39 EST
"So you will come then?"

"Aye, I'll meet the pair of men whom have taken your interest." A glint of humor in deep grey eyes.

She smirked, before leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. "Take care, I'm to meet with Jodie." And with that, Storm turned and exited the Guardian Chambers. Through the Hall, she was stopped briefly almost every thirty steps, with greetings and compliments of the weekend past. It took her a full ten minutes to reach the enterance of the Temple, where Jodie was waiting for her.

"Shall we?" A quick smile as she stepped off the platform of the Temple, weightless in the air. It was a common way that Air's travel, their realm suited best for them. Jodie, being human, received a pair of wings in order to adapt to the different environment. A price she was willing to pay for Anton.

Well adapted to her change, the simple white wings brought her up, and Jodie started to lead them towards the next platformed that held a building. "Thank you, for keeping me company. Not that I do not enjoy a day alone with all the men gone." The older woman grinned.

Storm laughed lightly. "My pleasure, I know your boys are going up." A slight chuckle.

Jodie opened her mouth to speak, before her gliding wavered. Only a second more and her wings vanished, leaving her to the mercy of gravity as she instantly started a downward motion. The void of a realm in the air, falling was everlasting.

Quick to react, she didn't think as she pushed herself down, hands reached out to grab Jodie's outstretched arms. The freefall did not last long, as Storm quickly grabbed with strength credited to her lifestyle, creating a platform under Jodie for safety.

Both of their faces mirrored the same look of shock.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-15 12:50 EST
"Is that everyone?" She glanced down to Anton, raising a hand to wipe the bead of sweat from her brow.

He nodded, his blue eyes studying the rooftop frame she was on. "Aye, it seems that any trace of mixed families have made it."

It had been over week since some sort of magic fell in all the elemental realms. Any without the trace of elemental lost the ability to survive in the realms they had called home. Some were more lucky than others; water and fire was considerably harsh to those who did not have the blood to support themselves. Without any ideas to the ancient magics of the land, the Guardians decided to move all of the families involved to a realm of neutrality, where they could all survive for the time being. Hundreds had started to build homes, even if they were only temporary until answers were found.

"How many injured?" She looked over her shoulder, nodding for others to continue in the work as she spoke with the Guardian.

"Many handfuls, though considering all things it could have been worse."

"And how is Jodie and the boys?"

"They are fine, though Jodie could have been much worse without you." A look of gratitude pasted through his eyes.

She smiled softly, before sighing. "I say that the homes should be finished by the end of the week, and there are plenty helping." Grey eyes move to look down a path, many homes in various stages being built. "I think I'm going to see if the healers need any help."

Blue eyes narrowed as Storm jumped down from the rooftop and landed silently on her boots. "With what healing powers?"

"Just because I am not gifted with healing does not mean I do not know how." She raises a brow idly.

" You are not speaking of.." His face holds a look of understanding. "Absolutely not Storm, you are going to need anything and everything for the next few nights."

She flashed him a smile. "I know, but I am here now, and I'm going to help those who need it. I will not do something that I cannot handle. Just some small things, I promise." She brushed past him to head up the small hill.

"I mean it Storm!" He called over his shoulder, scowled, before shaking his head and started inside the beginnings of the home she had left.

It did not take long for her to understand his meaning of 'handfuls'. People came and waited in small swells, all having similar injuries. Those left were mostly from the Earth and Water realm, neither which she strong with. And she would keep her word to not handle anything serious, though she did glance at a broken arm by an older woman.


She looked over her shoulder to see the eldest of the trio of boys, Luke, start for her, dragging a young Earth with him. She recognized her as Alexa, the young lady that had taken his interest. "Aye Luke? What can I do for you?"

"It's Alexa, she has deep looking cut from.. something, we do not know what." He nodded to Alexa, and she rolled up her sleeve. It went almost halfway down her forearm, how deep she did not know. "The healers cannot see to her because they are so busy with others. Can you do something, please? Stitch it or something?"

Storm glanced more at the cut; perfect. "I will admit that my job of stitching is not any good, but I can heal it for you." The girl nodded and Storm stood closer to Alexa, both her hands going to her arm. "Do not tense, just relax." She murmured, a faint glow going to her fingertips rather than her eyes. It did not take long, and Storm's features stayed absolutely still as the cut slowly healed itself on the girl, leaving no mark behind.

Luke just grinned when Storm stood back, examining the work himself. "Oh, thank you very much Storm."

"You are both very welcome. Now if you excuse me, I am sure you father wants my help on your home." With a small smile, she nodded to the pair, before starting back down the hill. Quicker steps towards the small stream that was nearby. She rolled up the sleeve of her right arm, revealing the cut on herself. Her gaze stayed on it, her left hand dipping into the water to rub on her bleeding flesh. It was not bad, hardly deep enough for stitches in her opinion. It was already slowly healing itself, slow by magic's standards, but quicker than her usual wounds.

Satisfied with her work, she stood again, heading back for the home that held her previous attention.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-21 19:16 EST

Startled, her shoulder muscles tense as grey eyes fly up. Recognizing the face, she relaxed before throwing her book at the unexpected visitor. "Patrice," she musters a smile on her face. "you startled me."

A tanned and toned arm reached over the small table to offer a hot mug. "Word has it you have been here for quite some time."

Storm took the offered drink, sniffing it to guess the liquid inside. "Have I?" She set the tea down and glanced at the time piece, grimacing. She brought her hands up to quickly rub her face. "I did not realize."

Patrice sat down at the nearby chair, folding the corner of the page before shutting the book. "I think you need to go home."

With a deep sigh, Storm wrapped her hands around the warm mug. "There's not answers in here." indicates the library. "How can you fix what no one knows what the problem is?" Irked, she takes a healthy drink of the tea, before glancing at Patrice. "What is in this?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary." A hand reached out, squeezed the Air's shoulder, before standing. "Go home to your boy for now; answers will come in time.'

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-29 12:10 EST
"Storm, you are not the only one working for this; we all are."

She tossed a crumpled piece of paper in the waste bin. "I do not care who does it, but the situation needs fixed now, Jeremiah."

He squinted in the dim light given by the candles. "When was the last time you slept?"

"Last night."

"For how long?"

She did not answer him, instead she rocked her weight slightly from her toes to her heels, trying to stop her urge her want to pace. Her silence only answered his assumptions. "And what of Avery? Surely he releases the time spent away. And of Ew-"

"Those I care for are just fine." Even if she did not know of Ewan's progress, where ever he was. "I could not neglect them, otherwise I would not care for them then."

He shook his head slowly, taking a few step forward to close much distance between them, "Why do you burden yourself so?" She opened her mouth, but he beat her words. "It is written all over your face, Storm."

She nearly huffed, grey eyes narrowing as she took a step back, away from him. "I just want to find the answers, Jeremiah. Excuse me." She walked past him and out of the door, brown eyes following her till she was out of sight.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-30 18:58 EST
"Hmm, bridges?"

She nodded, leaning towards him and pointing her finger. "We could connect everything; homes, buildings, the Temple." her finger lands on each individual platform as she names them, ending her finger downward at the ground beneath them.

Cornelious raised a hand to is chin, rubbing the smooth skin idly as he thought upon her words. "Might not be the best solution, but it would work for now perhaps."

She nodded in agreement, her hands going to her sides. "If we could convince Jeremiah, and other Earths, the building process would be much smoother." Her grey eyes, tired in appearance, but their gaze still sharp and attentive, flickered to her father. "Something just needs to be done. We cannot have all those people huddled in one place like that."

He fell silent for a moment, studying the variety of close platforms, Airs manipulating the air to give movement over nothing. "And what of the other realms? Bridges will not help them."

A small sigh escaped her lips. "I do not know yet."

Another absent nodd, before he smiled faintly. "We will talk to Anton and Lukas tomorrow, but I do not see the harm in your ideas." He lifted an arm to wrap around her shoulders. "Will you be going home to Avery?"

She took the offered comfort, resting her head against his shoulder for a few brief moments, before shaking her head.

"Staying at school, is he? Then will you be meeting Ewan?"

She shook her head again, though the thought of him brought a small smile to her lips. "No, I will be with Janet tonight, I think." She did not have to raise her head to know that he was scowling. She leaned to press a quick kiss to his right cheek. "Till tomorrow then."

He nodded, voicing nothing as he watched her walk away and disappear into a portal.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-06-01 15:26 EST
Dark brows furrowed along tanned skin "You are not holding me straight."

Storm looked up at him and smirked, but adjusted her platform for him. Progress was going quicker than she thought, there were many Earths facing deep fears in being within the Air Realm. Groups were formed, with many working the pure, organic materials with support given from an Air below. And though no one would sneeze at her physical capability to build a bridge, she offered more help with using her gift.

"There, do not move it."

She continued to hold the smirk on her face, "Yessir."

Jeremiah winced at the tone of his voice, before glancing down at her, his face paling slightly at the glance of never-ending sky. "I am sorry Storm, I am a bit.. demanding." Drops of the mixture on his hand fell and hit her forehead.

He could not contain his laughter as she rolled her eyes up, mumbling under her breath. She was grinning though, bringing a hand to wipe most of the mixture off of her face. "Do not worry over it."

They fell into comfortable silence then, working together with ease. She would glance around every now and then with her glowing grey eyes, the frames of many bridges finishing.

"How are you holding?" He asked some time later, a quick glance down to her.

"I have a bit more time left, but I think Anton will come relieve me, and then I will be up there with you to wear the gift off."

He chuckled slightly. "At this rate, I think all of us will have too much leftover energy to rest for at least a day or two."

She sighed softly, realizing that more days of no rest laid before her. "I know."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-06-04 15:15 EST
"It is going to happen sooner or later. Why not take action now?"

"Because we are not ready."

Storm leaned her back again a wall, crossing her arms over her middle. "It will not take that long to prepare."

Jeremiah spared her a glance, but it was Cornelious who said unspoken thoughts. "You are too rash for your own good." He sighed, and shook his head. "Our losses are too great right now."

"But what if they come back? We will have nothing. At least if we-"

"That's enough, Storm." Brown eyes narrowed upon her.

She nearly huffed at the Earth. "It might not have been your kind, but this affects all of us. What if they come for you next, hmm? Will you stay silent then?"

She received no response as silence filled the room.

"Now is not the time to turn against each other. It will take everyone to put the Chaotics back in their banishment."

"That is if we are quick enough to survive. At this rate, they will track us all down within the week." And before her words got the best of her, she turned on her heels and started out.

The men exchanged glances, and it was Jeremiah who followed her, using long and quick strides to catch her lead. "Why are you refusing to accept what is?"

"I will not accept defeat, not when there are still so many who can work together." She did not look up to him, but continued forward towards the portal. And knowing her destination, he smirked.

"What is there for you, Storm? How can you protect us when you are not here?"

She paused before stepping through the portal, saying over her shoulder. "There are many worse things than the Chaotics, Jeremiah." And without waiting for a response, she walked through the portal.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-06-12 11:26 EST
"I'm leaving in two days." She said quietly, glancing over the table to her father on the other side.

Though he raised his brow, he did not appear to be surprised. "Where are you off to now? a casually asked question.

"The Chaotics." Quiet words as her grey eyes continued to study his face for any reactions.

"You know where to find them?" He turned the page of the book that he was reading; knowing full well of Storms intentions, and so is face remained still.

"Yes, I know where to find a few. You know I will not risk going into the Void, yes?"

"I would not be surprised, no, but I am glad that you are not." He leaned back in his chair then. "What of Avery?"

A ghost smile came to her lips. "He knows, and he is staying with Phen at the school. You are more than welcome to visit him."

"And Ewan?"

She forced the smile to deepen slightly. "He will know.".

A small nodd, before adjusting his book for further reading. "You will come by before leaving?"

"If you wish me to."

He nodded, before his attention went back to the inked words on the page. Resisting the urge to frown, she also went back to reading, though her mind was hardly focused.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-07-14 02:34 EST
He fingered the tablet between his fingers, dark grey eyes full on interest. "About a month hmm? Fascinating."

"I have enough for quite a few." She said, spreading them out of her bag. "If you were to break them apart, they might not last as long, but you could affect more."

"Well, once the tablet has stopped having its full effect on you, then we will see how safe they are." He set the tablet on the table to join the others.

She frowned slightly, curious at his words. "The effects are over - they have been for days now. If they were still continuing, then I would not be able to come here."

His movements stilled, a small look of shock appearing on his face. "Do not tease, Storm."

The look on his face alarmed her, and she could feel her muscles tensing "But I am not!"

"You do not feel the difference in you? In us?" His grey eyes were intent on her, searching for details that could explain the growing fear.

"What are you talking about? The only differences are the dreams." She practically blurted, her face flushing slightly, not understanding why he was acting so. "And what do you mean, in us? In our.."

".. bond? Storm, it is not there. I cannot feel it, haven't for quite some time now." He started to rise then, "I'm going to find a medic, there is something very wrong."

"Wait," she reached out to grab his arm, before he was quicker, his strides wide and quick as he exited the room.

She glanced to the tablets on the table, and picked one up for further examination. Perhaps its side effects were more of a blessing than a curse.

Save those dreams.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-07-24 15:57 EST
"Come down for a minute, will you?" He squinted his dark eyes against the bright sun as he looked up to try and find her.

The drowning soft thuds from the rooftop paused, and sound of her shuffling from the middle of the roof towards the edge was heard, before her face peered over from the height without fear to glance down at Jeremiah. "I will be done soon enough." and then she turned and her head disappeared from his sight.


She paused, his simple request bringing a small frown to her face; he was hardly ever so polite with requests. She let her face relax to an easy expression and took a deep breath to steady herself, before her eyes held the soft dim of pigment, creating a platform for her to come off the building and onto the ground near him. Tools left to their job, she wiped away the moisture forming just along her brow; letting silence ask a question.

"Come walk with me, we have not spoken in some time." Another easy smile, lifting a hand faintly to signal her to pick any direction.

Keeping a grey eye on him, she nodded, before she started to head south, hearing his familiar footsteps to the side of her. Silence grew between them as they started with an easy pace, occasionally catching an elemental going between marketplace and their own homes. "You have been very quiet as of late." He started carefully, keeping his eyes up as if the statement was casual.

"I find silence to be welcoming company." She said with ease, hands going behind her back, "But I do not think you dragged me down here to hear my silence." bold eyes going up to him.

He paused, her direct point taking him by surprise. "There is something... some things different about you."

She did not smile nor chuckle, but her voice held a tone of irony, "We can not stay stagnant with the future that is approaching."

"And what kind of future are we approaching?" He quirked a brown brow as he looked down at her, keeping the pace easy, if not lazy.

Again, she lacked her usual facial expression as her eyes narrowed. "Do not play ignorant with me, I am in no mood for it."

"What is the matter with you?" He stopped suddenly, reaching out to give her shoulders a gentle but firm shake. "Where has all of your hope and fighting spirit gone?"

"I never had one - I have just been ignorant to the situation." Her body became rigid as he touched her, eyes cold as steel with a blank expression. "Take your hands off me." not a polite request. A demand.

But instead of listening, he took off one hand from her shoulder to brush hair from her eyes; not in a romantic expression, but more like one from a brother. "Tell me who has hurt you so."

"Stop. Please." to her dismay, her stronghold was already shaking from the forward expression of concern and her voice pitched. She took a deliberate step away from him. "Please just leave me be for the time being." And before hurt could come to her eyes or face, she turned and left him standing there as she headed back for the rooftops where she could find her peace.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-07-25 18:17 EST
"Well, I will not deny the truth in your words, nor will I deny that I think you need to spend some time at home.... well, at least with your people." He offered a hand to take her bag for her.

She let him take the bag, offering a small smile as she followed him, "Home is not only a place." she offered, knowing that his thoughts were on the damage of their Temple, the home that Storm grew up in. "Besides, these matters are not just for our ears and minds; the more the better."

They were winding through buildings, some completed, some not. There were many various Elementals walking alongside and past them in the busy time of the day. She had visited Avery before leaving, left a note on the door of the Stitch for Erin and Lydia.. and just left. The echo of pain from not needed to go by Yearling Brook was remembered, before gently putting the thought into the back of her mind. It no longer flared anger, or stirred the need to weep; it just needed more thought and time.

"Yes, the more that can help your gift function to your new body." He waved a hand over a doorknob, before pushing it opened and starting up the stairs. "I think you will feel much better once you go back." He looked over his shoulder to give her a grin.

Returning the smile, she closed the door behind her, before heading behind him. "Let us not talk of that tonight though, hmm? We have days after this."

He walked past the room that was obviously his, before walking into a simple room, but it had a bed big enough and space enough for her stay. "Aye, it's no Temple, but it'll do for now."

"Perfect just the same, thank you." She leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"Yes well.. I will let you settle in. Perhaps you will cook tonight?" A hopeful look crossed his face.

She laughed lightly, finding no need to force laughter and smiles for the time being. "I just might."

It was good to be home, and to have an opportunity to regather herself, before heading back to Rhy'Din, and all that awaited for her.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-08-09 00:49 EST
It was a pleasant day to be productive. Rolling her shoulders to relieve the ache, she continued to construct the last touches on one of the last bridges being built in the Air Realm. She was humming softly herself, putting only the required amount of energy into her actions, her thoughts traveling elsewhere. That was until the faint sound of footsteps had her glancing up, a faint smile appearing on her lips, "Good day, Father."

Hands casually behind his back, he did not answer her question, but instead gave her a good look over, "You appear well, Storm."

Her smile became more apparent, "Thank you, things have been going well."

"Oh, and what is different, between my girl that came to me broken-hearted but just a short time ago?"

"People do not die of a broken heart," she said, giving him a sidelong glance, ".. but it certainly helps to not have one anymore. I also have a new home, and am learning what really is of worth."

He leaned slightly on a nearby pillar, his eyes still on her, "Yes, I could see how that would change things. So then how are the both of the men in your life?"

She chuckled slightly, "They are both excellent, thank you. Perhaps you could come down soon; see my home and my men." A teasing grin.

He chuckled, "Perhaps I will... you know, I could keep him here with me for a few days, if you'd like."

She glanced up at him, looked over the never-ending edge of the bridge, "I do not know how safe he is here." Her voice was hesitant.

"He would stay with me."

She looked back up at him, "I will think on it." She then waved a hand, "You are distracting me from finishing." She hides a snicker.

"You have a few letters in your box that needs tending to, do not forget." He said with a grin, before turning around and going back from where ever he came from.

She wrinkled her nose at the idea of reading letters, but she was not going to let them dampen her spirit. She doubted anything could really dampen the past few days.

Even those bloody letters.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-08-17 11:02 EST
There were people walking in the hallways, some chattering away while others were silent. Storm did not notice any as she was tucked away in the library, attention glued to the pages in front of her. A set of footsteps started by the library, before they paused, and the person backtracked to glance inside, "Storm?"

"Hmm?" Grey eyes went up to see Jeremiah, who seemed to just be looking at her. A few moments past, and she raised a brow at his curious behavior.

"You look.. different. Good." He offered a faint smile, before stepping inside and to sit down in an over-sized chair in front of her.

Her slight confused look remained, but she folded the top corner of the page and shut the book on her lap, "Thank you." A soft smile.

His dark eyes were still studying her with interest, before he cleared his throat and sat up straighter. "I just wanted to apologize for the last time I had spoken with you. It is not my place to ask such questions of you."

"There is no need to apologize, as my behavior was out of line also." She crossed her legs at her ankles.

He offered a hesitant smile, "Thank you.. Storm, I need-" He flinched slightly just a moment before Kiara popped her head into the library.

"Jeremiah! What.." Her voice trailed off as her eyes landed on the Air, "Storm." She offered with a hint of a smirk, nodding her head.

"Good day, Kiara." She responded in a civil tone, before looking back to Jeremiah, giving him a look that could be read as 'maybe some other time.'

"Sorry love, I am on my way." Jeremiah offered over his shoulder, before he reached a hand out to give a gentle squeeze to Storm's shoulder, "Until next time." A last smile, before he turned and left with Kiara at his side.

Once the pair was gone, her brows knitted together in slight confusion. Shaking her head, she gathered the book in her arms and also headed out the door to head home, and her lips could not help but curl at the thought.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-08-20 13:57 EST
"I think it is a good idea." A handful of heads bobbled in visual agreement, while others had thoughtful looks spread on their faces. The Guardians were in the Guardian Chambers around the table meant for all sixteen, even though a few chairs were empty.

"Excellent, I shall see you all in a week's time then." Bright smile of her face, it was a simple way of ending their time together. Many stood up to bid farewells, or to speak on simple matters. Storm kept mostly to herself, few coming to her in thanks before they left to their respective Realms. Storm was about to exit herself, her mind already on what she was going to do with the rest of the day before a large hand came to rest on her shoulder.

"May we finish our conversation?" Jeremiah asked as Storm turned around to face him.

Storm rose a brow, noticing that Kiara was not near him, before she offered a faint smile, "Of course." No one seemed interested in their conversation, so she kept her features casual and pleasant, "What can I do for you?"

"Do you enjoy living in Rhy'Din, Storm?" He asked casually, crossing his arm over his chest as he moved those dark eyes down to her.

The question surprised her, but she offered a faint shrug, "Rhy'Din, as just the town? Not particularly, but there are a few reasons for my staying, not to mention that I can come home whenever I please. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking-"

A half-clothed figure came to join them and interrupted Jeremiah, "He wants to move there also, thinks that is a good idea even against my wishes." Kiara said with a smirk as she shot him a glance.

"I am sure Jeremiah has his reasons that are worth thinking over." She said dryly to Kiara, doing her best to keep her features pleasant before looking to Jeremiah, "If it is something you are seriously considering, I would like to hear more when you have the time." She did not bother to conceal her disappointment in the missed opportunity, "Safe travels." And with that, she turned and headed out the door, and towards the portal that would take her home.

But the sound of running feet had her containing the urge to roll her eyes, "I was not finished speaking with you."

She turned sharply on her heels to face the Fire, "I was unaware that you wished to speak with me. You only came to add your thoughts in a conversation that did not include you." She raised a brow.

Kiara sneered, "Jeremiah's conversations always include me." A slow, satisfied smile replaced the reaction of the sneer, "He knows that."

"It matters not to me, Kiara. The next time he wishes to talk to me on something, anything, you should not feel the need to interrupt. Good day." She was not going to get in the middle of them, nor was she going to tolerate Kiara's words as she turned to continue on her path.

"Duel me."

Again, she paused, and turned slightly to look at Kiara. "I bed your pardon?"

The broadsword was already appearing in her hand, "You heard me, duel me."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-08-20 14:41 EST
She did not conceal her faint look of confusion as she glanced at the broadsword, "What for, Kiara? To get rid of your anger? Use someone else." Her tone held a note of warning, and was about to turn around again, but the the figure of Jeremiah running to join them caused her to stand still.

Kiara glanced over her shoulder as she heard the oncoming footsteps, before a smug look to Storm, "I challenge you and your leadership, Storm. By the law we are all bound to, we shall duel for Guardianships, and Jeremiah shall witness."

Jeremiah and Storm shared a look of suprise, "What do you think you are doing? How-"

"Will you be a witness, or no?"

He closed his mouth, before nodding, his face erased of emotion, "To the fields then."

Storm said nothing, her grey eyes hot as she quickly walked to the fields. It was a foul move, forcing her to participate in something she did not wish to. The three of them were silent as Storm moved to ice Kiara's blade, before her katana appeared in her left and she iced that as well.

She was already thinking of how she was going to handle the situation moments before Jeremiah announced for the duel to begin. If she injured Kiara enough before anyone yielded, Jeremiah had the power to postpone until Kiara was healed.

She had a feeling that he would move if the opportunity arrived.

Jeremiah called for the duel to begin, and Kiara did not hesitate to push forward first, aiming for attacks with quick and powerful movements. Storm was reserved, falling easily into the role of defense, keeping her movements minimal to conserve energy. A flick of her wrist and keeping her feet light. She attacked only when Kiara gave her the proper opening, letting her iced blade hit her exposed midde, or arm.

It was obvious that Kiara was becoming annoyed by Storm's lack of enthusiasm, and so she she pressed harder, but Storm kept her distance, not giving Kiara the chance for her blade to hit its mark, though Kiara did glance blows to her arm every now and then, as she was trained to be a fighter like Storm.

Time past as Jeremiah watched black, purple and blue colors spread over Kiara's body where Storm and hit the exposed skin. Kiara was beginning to lose steam, and Storm took advantage of it, now pressing closer, the distance between them shortening as she aimed to hit the same bruised spot on Kiara's side with the flat of her iced blade. She continued until her stance fell, before Storm moved her back leg, raising it high to just over Kiara's shoulder, before her leg tightened and she brought it down, heel connecting with the skin connecting the shoulder to the neck, and heard the sound of a breaking collarbone just beneath.

"That is enough." Jeremiah said as he watching Storm swiftly break Kiara's collarbone, and Kiara wincing in pain, "Kiara is no longer able to properly fight; this shall be postponed until we find a healer."

"I have not yielded!" Kiara said between short breaths, angry eyes going to Jeremiah and back to Storm.

"Let it go, Kiara." She said, looking down to remove the ice from her blade. Unsatisfied, Kiara shoved Jeremiah out of the way, ignoring the pain and using the side of her body that was uninjured, she brought up her broadsword, and swung with what power she had left, hitting Storm on the side of the face with the flat of the blade.

Caught of guard, the blow sent her mind reeling, but she was quick to react. She gave a swift side kick to her wrist that held the sword, Kiara's hand letting it drop to the ground. Storm then stepped in close, bringing her elbow to go horizontal to Kiara's face.

Kiara fell to the ground from the blow, and from simple exhaustion. Storm glared angrily down at her, "That was a foolish move." She said, restraining her words at best through a red haze, "You went against the word of the witness, and by law, must yield. Your Guardianship is revoked." She turned on her heels, ignoring Jeremiah's protest and headed back for the portal.

She raised her hand to the side of her face where the blade had hit her, licking her lips and tasting blood.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-09-13 01:13 EST
Stormed sighed deeply, eyes glancing up at the crimped hair that clouded her features. She gave a soft blow upwards to clear her vision, before looking back down at the calendar picture. A small frown started to appear, curious as to when that event was. Who was able to do that? She peered closer at the shirt, more than positive that she did not even own one like it. She closed it, looked at the cover, and smirked. Of course, the witch's doing.


She rolled her eyes, before putting it under the small stack of books. She did not see the point, really. There were at least dozens of women who would happily volunteer for such a thing, to be on a calendar that the entire town had access to.

But of course, she had no say or knowledge until it was too late.

A gentle tug on a curl brought her attention away from her thoughts as she looked over her shoulder, "Your hair is unusually long." He said idly, as if he had just noticed.

She rose a brow, "I have not had time to keep it short, though I do not mind." She then started to put the books into her pack, trying to mind hiding the calendar without appearing obvious, "I was just about to leave." She was sure that someone was going to expected a sort of explination.


Though she was skilled at hiding things from her Father, and so all he did was tilt his head slightly, "What do you have there?"

She practically winced, before pulling the calendar out from the bottom, "Might as well have a seat." She muttered, wondering how many more times she was going to have to explain that she did not have a part in this.

First the calendar, and then Darren's peculiar behavior. Not that this calendar was going to be of any help, and her thoughts traveling on that note nearly made her stomach turn as her father took a seat in front of her. She was going to have a long talk with that witch.


Storm Divine

Date: 2007-09-20 21:19 EST
"So, what plans have you?" He asked idly, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe.

"Yransea is having a Harvest Festival, which I suppose is an annual event. Ewan has asked for Avery and I to go. So, I shall be gone for a handful of days." She poked her head back into the closet, pulling out her dark blue cloak and sifting through other various clothing, "I believe this is all that is mine."

"Your Silks are here also; perhaps you should take those as well?" One side of his lips curled in humor.

"Oh mercies." She mumbled, though she was still glancing through what else was present, "The point is to not stick out more than I already will. Besides, there is little point. I highly doubt that I will need to play the part of a Guardian during the festivities."

"Can you display your gift?" He asked casually, tilting his head slightly.

She paused, decided she did not need to look through anymore, "I have not tried." She said softly, before adding, "It feels... empty." A small shrug, "But there is air still, and it does not feel like the depths of Lladrana." She busied her hands by properly folding her clothing.

"Maybe you should try a portal, or something while you are-" A small running figure of blond hair made a tight grip on his leg and he chuckled, "Oh, I am being attacked! Storm, help!"

Avery gave out breathy but silent laughter and she chuckled slightly. *Nonno! Shhh, I am hiding from Jeremiah.* And while they were devising a plan, she glanced at the wooden flooring. She would rather not try her gift, it was better on her mind to not rely on such things.

Besides, she did not know how she would react if she could not.

"Avery, it is time for us to go. We are going to meet Ewan and the ship, remember?" Avery's eyes lit up at the thought, and Storm moved to exchange a kiss to the cheek with her father, "I'll be back soon enough."

"Have a fun time. Send my best wishes to Ewan. And do not disregard my words."

"Hmm." Was her only response, before ushering Avery out of the door and house, "Are you ready to go?"

He nodded excitedly, before pointing eastwards, *Jeremiah is coming over.* He stated and her grey eyes flickered over, but she did not stop their pace.

"Storm! A word?" He called, slowing his own pace as he narrowed in on them.

"I am sorry Jeremiah, I do not have the time right now." She offered politely, though her tone lacked its usual friendly warmth. They had not spoken since the incident with Kiara.

"Oh, right. Some other time then." Though disappointment washed over his facial features, he nodded and winked to Avery, before he continued to walk past them.

Storm sighed softly, and looked down at Avery's concerned look. She leaned down to brush her lips over his forehead, "Do not worry over it. Let us go find Ewan, hm?"

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-09-27 17:02 EST
"Oh! Hate these things." She muttered irritably as she looked at the skin between her her forefinger and middle finger, the papercut stinging.

"Lose the battle to the paper?" A familiar voice sounded smug from the doorway. Storm looked up at grinned at Patrice, grey eyes taking a quick sweep of her face. The Earth appeared well, her body lean and limber and her tanned skin was a heathly shade.

"You look well, Patrice. Come in." Happy for the excuse to ignore the letter that gave her the cut, "And I did not lose the battle, for I managed to open it." Patrice laughed slightly and rolled her chocolate colored eyes, as Stom frowned slightly, "Where is Mike?"

"Oh, visiting your father I believe." She said happily, sitting down in one of the more comfortable looking chairs. She then rested her elbows on her knees and leaned forward, "Have you something to tell me?" Her expression looked amused.

Storm tried to supress her grin and frowned slightly, before shaking her head, "No, nothing I can think of."

Patrice laughed all the more, "You and your secrets. I just stopped by to offer my best wishes. I am very glad to see you happy." The women shared warm glances, before her son practically ran into the room and moved to jump onto Storm, "Auntie Storm!" He said with obvious delight.

"Mike!" She could not help but chuckle as she tossed his wriggling body into the air, using her gift to give him maximum height, "You are getting so big, are you going to marry me yet?" Asking her usual question before giving him a noisy kiss to his cheek.

He made a face of obvious disliking, and the kiss certainly did not help, "Eww, I'm never going to get married. Kissing is gross." He repeatedly explained to her.

Patrice chuckled and rose from her seat, "You cannot offer that to him now; give my boy false hopes." She moved and pressed her lips to the top of Storm's head, "It is good that you have found someone for you. Though I cannot help but feel sorry for the lad; you are a handful. I think I'll leave Mike here for a bit." She winked to her son before leaving.

Storm did not have time to muse over the words, as Mike adjusted to fit comfortably in her lap. She chuckled and peered down at him, "C'mon then, you can help me open these." She offered the toddler a sealed letter.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-10-24 01:18 EST
She grinned as Andrew removed the ice from his blades, "I thought you would be proud of my improvements?" She asked, not bothering to conceal her obvious tones of amusement. She brought the twins blades together to form her usual katana, before it faded from her hands.

He slanted her a look, and merely grunted in response. She laughed with fullness, stretching her arms in front of her, and then out. It felt good, finding time to be back at home and train. Though by all means, she was a master of her sword, there was always something else to learn; something different.

It felt even better when her skills did not fail her, and her mind was sharp. She gave a last glance to her fellow Guardian, her smile almost cheeky as she left him and started away from the training fields. The air was starting to catch the chill of the cooling weather, but with her skin warm from activity she kept the sleeves of her tunic rolled to her elbows. As she started for the inner part of the town, she smiled and greeted the many that she past. Her people were beginning to adjust to the damage done months ago, and it warmed her spirit. Soon, the majority could go back to their respective Realms and continue the lives that they once had.

And the Guardians would come face to face with the Chaotics.

She gently pushed that thought to the corner of her mind as she turned down a particular street. The time would come, where they would need to take action, but it was not now. There was still information to be found, and the right movements to be made. Though the times ahead might appear grim, they did not have to be at the moment.

And the past many moments have been happily cherished. The gentle weight of her amulet around her neck was an everlasting reminder.

Once she stopped in front of her father's home, she gave it a gentle knock in warning, before opening the door to let herself in, "Father?" She called out as she poked her head in the available space between the opened door and wall. She opened it just a bit more to slip through, and let it shut behind her. She started down the hallway, and blinked as she past the portrait of herself.

She paused, and gave it a more detailed glance. She looked so.. peaceful, and happy. It was odd, looking at herself in an expression that seemed treasured. Juleta's eyes and hands were no doubt, gifted to produce such a moment. Her study though, was interrupted, "Storm? Ah, you have returned." He smiled gently, before looking where her attention was.

The silence of their observation on her had her shifting her weight from one leg to the next, clearing her throat gently, "Yes. I just thought I would come and tell you myself. All has remained well?"

He turned his head to look at her, "Yes, though there is a small matter at hand." He leaned against the wall opposing the picture, "I am concerned for Jeremiah, he has not come back since he left for Rhy'Din."

Storm managed to contain most of her sigh, before rolling her eyes dramatically for delivery sake, "I have tried to bring the subject matter up. I thought he would have come in my absence."

He scowled at her, "Just like you, he needs to come back and fulfill his duties. He might need some.. pressing."

"Maybe he needs some time away. Jeremiah has much to learn about cultures that are so different from ours. I am sure he will return when he is ready. Besides, I am not his caretaker." That last bit was not needed, but inserted for good measure as her chin lifted slightly.

His expression was unmoving, "No, but you know I treat him as if he were one of my own." The rest of his request was in silence, but she understood the look in his eyes.

She could only sigh, "I will see what I can do."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-11-09 02:38 EST
Storm stepped through the portal, her gaze already anxious from her overdue visit. The scene that greeted her held the gentle frost of white from some of the first fallen snow. She tugged down on the knitted garment on her head to try and cover her unprotected ears. She was not quite sure what to call it, but she was sure Carley had said something about it being like a beret. She could not remember. Black, fingerless gloves to match quickly went back into her pockets. "What are the point of these?" She thought out loud as she started towards the direction of the buildings.

"Chilled?" She heard a man's voice call out from over her shoulder, and she turned to see who it was. She grinned and chuckled, slowing her pace for the unexpected company.

"Perhaps." She offered to the Fire, Renan, watching as the snow slowly melted from his footsteps as he radiated heat, "Though, I suppose it is not an issue for you?"

He grinned from under his cowl, and by the looks of things, Storm's words were not entirely accurate. He was bundled with many layers of clothing with a thick cloak and full knitted gloves, "Somehow, I do not miss the cold times." He offered with a smirk, before they started towards the heart of the town.

She laughed lightly, keeping a safe distance from him despite the welcoming warmth around him, "You are a face I have not seen in some time. How are things?"

"Oh, the times are fine. Though, something I have been meaning to talk to you about...." He trailed off in thought, and Storm narrowed her eyes, "All the realms except for the Earth are without all the Guardians. Kiara-"

"Is not my concern." She easily finished for him, "I will leave that up to you; I trust your judgment." Though the look she sent him for meant to be a warning, "As for the rest of the Guardians, I was hoping to have a choosing ceremony soon. We are going to need all sixteen of us when we face the Chaotics." A hand peeked out of its pocket to graze an itch at her hairline, "Perhaps when we gather this week's end, we will discuss it."

He paused for a moment, before nodding in acceptance. They continued in silence, watching others past by them, some offering warm greetings.

They were about to part, when Storm turned on her heels, a questioning look in her eyes, "Renan, I might need your help with something. I need to create a different.... atmosphere." She said slowly, tilting her head, "Will you help me?"

"Of course... but out of curiosity, why are you trying this?" He frowned and he came back to join her pace.

"Let's just say it is for a distant future's best interest."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-11-13 01:02 EST
She wrinkled her nose, pressing against what appeared to be, just air, "This still is not... right." She ended on a irked sigh.

The older Earth, had unyielding patience as he glanced around the room, "The air does not move, no? Is that not how you explained it?"

"Yes, but it is different." She looked over her shoulder at Shawn, before continuing in her assessment, "I can still access my gift. The air was... locked. I could not change anything, almost like it is spelled."

He reached out, touched her shoulder gently, "We will figure it out, Storm. We have been here all day, you should go see your family."

Impatience churned inside her, but she managed to smile and look over her shoulder, "I will not deny it. I will not be here tomorrow, so sure to let the others know." She glanced at the wide silver streak at his temple, "I suppose you have a day of paperwork tomorrow." Her lips twitched into a smile as she moved out of the room with the Earth following.

"Shall I do yours as well? I know it will not get done otherwise." He patted her shoulder, as they parted paths, "Safe travels, Storm."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-11-30 13:25 EST
"I leave for a week to return to this?" Storm muttered to her companion, resisting the need for her teeth to chatter in the chilly weather. She had bundled herself as tightly as possibly within her cloak, hands tight in their pockets, her knitted hat pulled far over her ears.

Anton chuckled, glancing down as his boots left imprints in the fresh snow, "Always were fond of it."

"What I was prepared." She pointed out, keeping their pace brisk just to warm their bodies, "I think I'm going to need to find my other cloak, if it did not burn with everything else." She watched her breath after she finished her sentence, and pulled the cloak tighter.

"Well, with everyone returning, we will see just how much needs to be restored." They entered the courtyard of the Temple, finding many to be completing the finishing touches on buildings and booths despite the weather. "Now is a good time. With the Choosing Ceremony coming.."

"Yes, I know." They greeted the many that acknowledged the Guardians with waves and smiles. "We will need everyone to feel their fullest." When Anton opened the door to the Temple, she stepped through. Her thanks was lost in what her eyes came to.

Everything was nearly perfect. The Temple looked the same from before Chaotics came, "Oh, it looks wonderful." She said softly, the feeling of tears wanted to sting her eyes. Her home and her people would finally be able to move past this tragedy.

She felt Anton's hand on her shoulder, "Your Father is not going to come for some time yet. Maybe you should take a tour?"

"I think I will do just that." She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "See you in a bit."

Storm walked everywhere within that her feet would take her. The Grand Hall looked just as it was when she was a child. The table dark, long, and simple in design, with decorations of the season. She continued right, peeking her head in to see who was in the kitchen before moving on to the training fields. She stood there for many moments, taking in the painfully familiar sight. After a period of time, her boots moved to inspect the area with greater detail, finding everything fit for its uses. Moving away from there, she moved to the Guardian's room, and winced at what she saw there. Everything was restored to perfect order, except the orb. Walking towards it, she touched it briefly, feeling the lost power inside. Not dwelling on the downfall of incident, she moved to her chair, the deep color of bruised clouds adorning it. She ran a hand over it, the feeling strange but familiar at the same time.

She moved out of the Guardian Room to the simple room that held so many. Some halls were quiet, where other held the cheerful noises of families enjoying time together. The thought made the amulet around her neck more noticeable as she turned to the room that used to be her own. She paused at the door, took a deep breath, and stepped inside. The first thing she noticed was that it was bare, her cheerful colors and paintings gone. Even the quilt that was once on her bed was no longer. Furniture was replaced with those that looked the same. She moved to see what else was inside, finding a few clothing items that was perfect for the cold weather, including a thick cloak with fur linings. She simply folded it in her arms, and moved to step out.

Her eyes traveled to a leather case, one that reflected an instruments shape. She set the folded cloak on the bed and moved to pick the case up. Setting it also on the bed, she untied the barriers to reveal what she knew was inside. Her fiddle, long untouched was almost just as she left it. To the left side, it showed black streaks along the wood, reflecting its damage. With a sad smile, she picked up the bow, or what half was left of it. Maybe one day she would restore it, or buy another one. But until then, she placed it back inside, and left it on the bed. Picking the cloak back up, she moved out of the room, and headed back for the Guardian's Room.

Now she would wait, and they would discuss the details of the soon coming Choosing Ceremony.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-12-04 15:38 EST
Moving to sit in a chair with a winded sigh, Storm?s lips turned down slightly. It still was not right. The air was heavy around her, but it was all wrong. Even after her recent time in Yransea, she could not figure out what made that air so different from the air that she had manipulated.

"Penny for your thoughts?" The Earth popped her head in, short wisps of brown hair covering parts of her eyes.

Storm looked over her shoulder at Patrice, and chuckled, "If only. Where is the herd?" She teased gently, motioning for Patrice to join her in another chair.

"My children are with their father," she started with a slight snicker, taking the offered chair to sit down, "Mama is getting the day off."

Storm rolled her eyes upward, "You will age your husband quickly should you not save him soon."

Patrice laughed, casually resting her elbows over her knees. "Oh, he'll be just fine. I have heard that your little boy might come and visit us for a time." A faint trace of a sly smile graced the Earth's features.

"He will, I just do not know when yet. I have not further discussed it with Avery or Ewan."

The Earth waved her hand absently, "What is to discuss? He will be with family, you know that."

Whatever reservations Storm had, she did not voice them, "Soon." She repeated, her tone of voice reflecting that she would offer nothing else on the subject.

"Hmm, well then I will continue to let you work on this project of yours. I was told to come and remind you that we are all meeting to discuss the ceremony tomorrow." Patrice stood up then.

Another long sigh, "I will be there."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-12-07 21:58 EST
"Well, I might have come across some... more troubling news." Shawn started, clearing his throat to gain everyone's attention. As voices drew silent, the Earth set a rather large and old book on the elongated table. His eyes lifted up, to see all the other Guardians in their proper attire with their attention on him. Drawing a deep breath, he continued. "If we are to use the Choosing Ceremony, there are several instructions listed. Majority of the list is proper times, potions, and procedures."

"What is the problem, then?" Asked Andrew, sending a questionable look to Adrienne. She however, only shrugged.

"I do not remember any difficulties the last time we did this." Cornelious spoke from his corner of the table.

"Was that not because you were Chosen last time?" Storm whispered under her breath, and Anton grinned.

"There might not have been, but no one else participated the last time other than you, Cornelious. And though you have offered, you cannot be the one who conducts the ceremony." He paused as Cornelious frowned, "It is written that there are four participants, one from each Element. And, each participant must be the last declared Guardian of their own Element."

"What?" Storm blurted, her eyes flickering over to Andrew, Jeremiah and Renan.

"In addition, the chosen participants are unable to take part in the preparations, for they must have clear hearts and minds with pure intentions." Shawn's eyes then moved to Renan, "Also, you may not be the only Guardian. You are to give Kiara her position back, but still you will be a participant. Now Renan, Storm, Jeremiah, and Adrienne, you are no longer allowed to attending anymore meeting pertaining to this subject. You may take your leave."

With a masked face, Storm stood and was quick to take her leave, hearing the other Elementals trail out after her.

"Why must I take part? We do not need more Guardians."Jeremiah mumbled to Storm, walking with her as they parted company from the Water and Fire.

"I wish I knew. We will not be able to know anything more than what we do right now. How unsettling." She moved to the pocket of her cloak and pulled out her fingerless gloves with a faint smile on her face.

He studied her, keeping her pace as they moved toward the portal to RhyDin. "Something amusing?"

She slanted him a look, "No." A whimsical sigh, "Let us go home, then. Not much more we can do here."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-12-18 16:59 EST
With Storm being unable to participate with the ceremonial preparations, she found her time spent in the room that separated for a reason. The elements were so bare and dry, so askew with the help of many. Still, it did not reach the level that she was aiming for. It was still not the same. Within the small room was a small table and a few chairs, and Storm resting on one. Though her face was calm, the thoughts she had were not.

"Hard at work?"She heard the footsteps before the warm voice, and looked over her shoulder with a slight grin. Cornelious joined her by taking a chair himself. "I would be willing to say you need to find something to do with your time."

Her smile turned sheepish, and she reached to rub the back of her neck much like her husband, "I might as well make progress somewhere."

He looked around at what to the naked eye, appeared to be nothing out of the ordinary. However, he felt the manipulation of the elements and the progress that had been made since his last visit. "It seems to fit your desired description better."

"But it is still not the same." She said on a sigh, "This is not working to plan, nor is the ceremony. To my plan." She added as he opened his mouth to interject. "I know nothing and it is unsettling."

"This has worked in the past, have faith that it will again. Besides, you will not be without knowledge the entire time. I will make sure that you are prepared in the best way." He leaned over to brush his lips to her hair to comfort. "How are your boys?"

"Oh, they are just fine. Both enjoyed their time spent here." The thought of Ewan soon departure prevented her smile from reaching her eyes fully. "Avery is already trying to plan his next trip over"

"Maybe he can come for the Yule time celebration? All of yours should come."

Her smile diminshed all the more, "Maybe next time."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-12-21 14:53 EST
Dark grey eyes followed the pacing Storm, watching all the tension and anger surface. The Guardian Chambers offered the protection of silent walls that absorbed the exchanged words. "Sit down Storm."

She promptly ignored his request, and continued in her pacing. The night of little sleep showed around her eyes, and the sickening sensation had yet to leave her abdomen. "I will not allow someone to drive me away from my own home."

"What would you do, if there was only you to consider?" He shifted in his seat, seeing that she had no intention of stopping her movements.

Thrusting her hands into her pockets, she remained quiet for several moments. "Nothing." She eventually concluded, "The notes are only meant to bring unease. She did not try to break through the shields of the door."

"And what would have happened if you were not at home? If it was just Avery and his caretaker? This is much more than you, now, and so it will always be."

"I cannot just.." or could she? "Ewan and I have worked hard to make things work so that he could stay safe at home with us. Leaving him here or at Phen's will only destroy all that we have made progress on."

"I did not say that you have to leave him here, though you know that he is always most welcome. You cannot leave him in your home without you." It was a simple statement, "I am sure you can find a safer place for him to stay until you are ready to come home."

"It is just a note." She repeated, perhaps more for herself.

"It may not remain a note if you do not do something."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-12-29 20:40 EST
"Cripes!" Storm hissed, shaking her left hand vigorously. The cold of the air only made the stinging sensation worse from the string of the shortbow. Despite the injury to her fingers, her arrow had just barely missed its mark. There was something in Piper's lesson yesterday that rose her curiosity to pick up the bow and try again. The pull in her arms was a marvelous ache of muscles being used and pushed to their limits.

After several moments of shaking her abused fingertips, she brought them up to her lips, blowing slow warm air on them. She had a fleeting thought of someone else warming her fingers, before she put the memory away. It would not help her now. Once the numbing sensation began to leave, she notched an arrow again, and adjusted her stance. She closed all other thoughts and sounds around her, concentrating solely on her target. There was a quick pausing in her rhythm of breathing before she released the arrow. She did not look, but she heard the satisfying sound of her arrow ripping through the last arrow she released.

Letting the rest of her breath go, she set the bow down with respect and disliking. Like the twin blades, it was a weapon that she did not favor. Sighing, she glanced around at the others spending their time within the training fields. It was a place that she found herself during the day, exhausting her physical body in order to keep her mind still. It surprised her, how much she hated being alone in an empty house. Her husband was somewhere that she did not know, and her son was tucked away with her father for safe keeping. There was no new notes left on her doorstep, but she was not willing to put Avery in the possibility of another one.

Irked with the trail her mind took, her grey eyes took a dim glow as she condensed the air around her. Using her hands to aid the motion, she concentrated the density of the air, making it heavy and compact. While her physical body may be ready for any combat that was in store, her gift had to be ready as well. She continued in the motion, first making a the dense air into the shape of a ball, slowing creating grey fog within the ball so that others could stay away from the weapon she was creating. Giving the ball a visible form, she started to condense it further, making it flat so it took the shape of a disk. Each time she made it more compact, it stretched her strength further. All thoughts of her worries drained away so that all of her energy was focused on her mission. Soon, the disk was able to sit in the palm of her hand, heavy and flat enough to make air sharp with the right speed.

She looked up at the arrow that shredded another, and focused on her new target. Summoning it into her line of motion, she threw the deadly disk of air at the small wooden target. It whistled in the air with such speed that the high pitch drew the attention of many to her created disk. Not only did it slice down the middle of the awaiting arrow, but it hit the wooden stand with such force that it flew and tumbled backwards, breaking into several pieces within the process. The feeling of satisfaction started to bloom in her middle and she wiped the beads was sweat from her forehead. Now, how was she going to create this weapon again in a much shorter amount of time?

She started for the target that was now shattered with the best feeling she felt in days.