Topic: Those Who Wait

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-27 15:46 EST
She leaned against a tree, looking down at the stream just next to her. The sun was just rising, filtering through the open spots in the canopy, and she continued to wait.

Perhaps none would show and see the foolery in this. Though she highly doubted it.

The change of pitch in the water had her glancing in that direction again. A familiar shape stepped out of the water, pale coloring forming.

"Sorry I'm late." Adrienne lifted a hand to brush her pale blue hair from her face. "The last stop to the Hostel took longer than expected."

Storm moved to properly greet her with a kiss to her right cheek. "Do not worry, you are the first to arrive. Which is good, as I need to ask something of you."

The greeting was returned, before she adjusted her satchel around her shoulders. "Of course, what is it?" Delicate features were disrupted by a small frown.

"Kiara is going to be staying with you and Jeremiah. Keep an eye out on her? I am not sure of her loyalties, and I do not want to be caught off guard."

Adrienne nodded, though her eyes shifted. "Storm, you know I-"

"I am not asking you to do anything... just let me know."

"Let you know what?" A new form joined them, a good foot taller than the Air.

"Nothing Jeremiah, glad to see you." Smile pasted, she greeted the Earth, before stepping away.

"I do not know where Kiara is, but I do not have anymore time to waste here. We are all clear on the rules, are we not?" She glanced to the pair of them.

Jeremiah set down the bag that he held in his hand. "Don't worry about us Storm. We'll be fine out here. I'll have shelter going in no time." He flashed her a smile.

"You will come later?"

"I'll come at nightfall. Remind Kiara her restrictions... if she bothers to come." She did not cover the disappointment in her voice. "I will bring you some supplies when I return."

And with that, she turned on her heels and started for the long walk home.

It was going to be a long day.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-03-30 18:26 EST
"This place is filthy, may we please move into the city?"

"Why do you continue to ask questions to which you already know the answer to?" She spared Kiara a look, raising a brow before she continued to tie the planks of wood together. "If you do not wish to be here, you are more than welcome to return home."

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" She spat. "I know as the others; that you do not want me here." A slow smirk appeared on her full lips.

"I do not think that you take your Guardianship seriously, nor your reasonings for being here." Another thin leather strap taken, as she worked the thread through various holes to hold the planks. "You are upset with me because I own Guardianship in your Realm. It is not my fault that Vanar passed down to me. I have every intention to pass it on to another, it is not my place, nor my birthright."

The moan from the sleeping Jeremiah gave way that their voices were too loud and unwelcomed. Adrienne was still as stone, undisturbed.

"Vanar was an old fool. Everyone knows that." She said idly, leaning against the opening of the cave. She continued in her freedom to wear whatever she pleased, even if it was next to nothing.

"Odd or not, he did many great things still." She stood from her bent position, studying her work. "I will work with you if I must, but understand that you have not done anything to earn my respect. It is not given to you just because you have a title. If anything, I expect even more work out of you for it." Without continuing, she took a step back. "I suggest that you get some sleep with the others. Let Jeremiah know that the shelter is ready when he is. I will be back tonight."

Kiara offered nothing as her eyes bore into the back of the Air.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-02 22:00 EST
"He asked me to not tell you, so I did not." She smiled, blue eyes twinkling. "Soon enough, I'll call you Sister."

Storm smiled, but did it not reach her eyes as she looked over to Kiara and Jeremiah, whom appeared to be in a heated conversation. She was worried about what kind of heat it was. "So you will. Have you a date yet?"

Adrienne shook her head, light blue hair shifting with the movement. "Not exactly... just after.. all of this. I do not think it will be something big. Just.. for us and our loved ones."

A slightly sad smile then. "Hopefully this will not be long so that we can move on to the joyous event. And-"

"I apologize Storm we had.. matters to discuss." The giant man offered a sheepish smile that did not match his build.

She raised a brow at him, and peered behind him where Kiara was, dress.. or not dressed, as usual. "Are you ready also?"

Kiara flashed a brilliant smile. "Ready when you are darling." And with that, she unceremoniously sat in one of the makeshift chairs. "I want to get over with so I can live in a normal habitat again."

Storm was about to promptly inform her that her home was far from normal, but thought better of it as the rest of them took up a seat.

"Well, tell us the news Storm, we are ready to get to work."

It was then that the roles of each were defined. Jeremiah and Storm were the major contributors of the conversation. Adrienne would participate to correct one gently, while Kiara almost always gave sarcastic and smart remarks.

"You and Janet are going to be around the area then?" He asked, arms crossed comfortably around his chest.

"Yes, it is only going to be a matter of time. From then I will contact you as soon as possible before we take the next move." She was currently leaning against her elbows that were resting on top of her knees.

"The rest of us will look into the names. I suppose we'll send Adrienne to the city to read up."

"Are you okay with that?"

More bobbing movement of the blue hair. "Certainly."

"And what will I do? Just sit on my arse all bloody day?" She said with a smirk.

"Jeremiah will be here, and I'm sure you'll be just fine. Your time will come, just not yet." Did Jeremiah wince ever so slightly? She hoped so, it was meant to be a small jab, even if it did go over Kiara's head. She was quick to stand then. "I'm going back to town, I will see you all on the marrow." And without another word, she parted company.


Date: 2007-04-03 16:35 EST
Jeremiah was the last one up, as both the ladies retreated early into the shelter. He was resting comfortably in one of the makeshift chairs, writing a letter to his own realm.

He then blinked as the wind picked around him, and a letter was floating up and over him. He quickly stood and ran after the letter, catching it before he had to run through the stream, thank the Goddess. He recognized the seal instantly, even in the dark as he walked back to camp. With Kiara still sleeping, he was left to his own resources to light the candle available.

He broke the seal, read once. Twice. Three times, before leaning back in his chair and he sighed heavily. Not at the fact that the Air had given herself a break, he thought she needed it more than most.

It was the fact that she was untraceable. She did not even tell him where she was going. North somewhere. Two hours by horse.

Well, he was just going to have to find her himself, wasn't he? It was for her own good, that the three of them knew of her whereabouts.

He went to wake the ladies, to tell them of the new information of the Divine.


Date: 2007-04-07 13:42 EST
"I don't care, he needs to know, and so do we." His voice remained calm, despite the way his hand gripped the quill as he wrote.

Adrienne lifted her head from the book and almost scowled at the pair of them. They had been arguing for days now, over Storm's current location, or, lackthereof. She remained silent now, and went back to her book, turning the page.

"It's no one's business, certainly not yours." Kiara quipped, standing close to the giant man. It was odd for Adrienne, to hear Kiara in defense for the Air, but of course, she only stored that knowledge away for the time being. "You are nothing more than the rest of us."

His quill moved just a bit faster, to make his point. "I may be nothing more than a friend like you, but I bloody care. She has been gone for days now, and without more word. How could we inform her of anything if we needed to? We do not have the time to travel far enough to sense her. At least with this, we could have something." Finished, he set the quill down and blew softly against the drying ink to further the process.

"I'm sure she does not want for us to know of her whereabouts. For someone who cares, you do little to show it." And with that, she left standing at his side with a glance to Adrienne. "And you? Have you nothing to say of this?" Kiara was almost pressing for more conflict, more tension.

"You both have said quite enough for the three of us." She said gently, lifting her head from her reading. "And Jeremiah has already made the point of sending the letter to Cornelious either way. So really, there is not point in trying to stop him, regardless of what I think. My time can be better spent." There was no harsh tones in her voice, if anything, it was just her words that could sting.

Kiara smirked and said nothing, before she headed into the shelter. To read or to simmer. Perhaps both.

Satisfied that he was going to be able to do as he wished, he quickly sealed the letter, stamping his symbol across it. He then stood, letter in hand, and knelt down by the ground. A finger drew down the soil as he made a slit within the dirt. He placed the letter inside, before his hand went over the mark, sealing the earth again, and grass appearing just over the mark. Then then moved to join Adrienne, in silence, taking another book to read through.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-11 19:15 EST
Tuesday afternoon Storm had done as promised, and went out of the city in order to find her fellow Guardians. She glanced to the letter every now and then, finding it harder and harder to leave the seal be. Eventually she had to shove it into a pocket of her cloak before she rounded a corner to find their shelter. All three of them were up, amazingly silent, with their noses in a book. They all felt her presence, but only Adrienne lifted her head up to offer a smile of welcome.

"I have something for you, Jeremiah." She said cooling, looking to the Earth. She had more than just a letter for him, she was going to give him a stern piece of her mind.

"I have every right to do what I did." was all that he said, before turning the page to read on. He did not even spare her a glance.

She raised a brow, looking between the women at his response. Kiara rolled her eyes and smirked, and Adrienne offered a helpless shrug. "Do you know? I did not realize you had rights to inform the only person you think matters. I suppose then I have the right to open this letter from Laurin that is meant for you." She reached and revealed the folded parchment, watching how his deep eyes flickered up to it.

"What is in that is none of your business." He said tensely, uncertain if she was going to open or not, so he kept the book open. Even if his eyes were not longer absorbing the words.

"Nor was it your right to write letters of me; so I believe this will make us even." A finger slipped to break the seal, her eyes still on him.

He stood casually then, moving to step towards her. She did not back away as her head moved to look up at him. He placed a large hand on her arm. "Storm, give me my letter."

"Is it your place to tell what to do and what not to?" She did not flinch at his touch, nor did she offer the letter to him. She unfolded one flap.

"You left us with nothing Storm, just a general direction of where you would be. You did not tell us who you were with, nothing. That is not the partnership that we have all agreed to."

"It might not have been, but it is not your place to punish me so. If you have a problem with me, then deal with me. There is no reason to add more between our disagreements." She shoved the letter into his hands before she had more to say. He said nothing, and moved to read the letter in private.

"What news have you?" She asked, moving towards Adrienne and Kiara.

"I know of the shipping company. They are like every other, they do not have a clean record, but nothing out of the ordinary. Whatever drew Korigan to them, it is not on record." Adrienne offered, closing the book softly.

"I think it might be best to meet the crew ourselves, see what we can get out of 'em. We are three pretty ladies, and all sailors want entertainment we can provide." A slow smile came from the fire.
"I know you may not like that option, but think on it; I am sure we can find them with the help of your friend."

Storm schooled her features at the suggestion. True, the thought of what Kiara was offering made her sick, but the opportunities would be there; given they did it properly. She was not new to the idea of such sacrifices, but she was not foolish either.

"Well, I will speak with Janet, and see what we come up with." She then took Jeremiah's abandoned seat and picked up another book to join in the search for answers.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-17 02:38 EST
"Adrienne here is going to watch over you for a little while, okay?" She said to the boy, brushing away the blonde hair away from covering his eyes.

They had reached camp shortly with the speed from her platform. The boy was light and malnourished, and so her arms did not grow weary from his weight.

Once they reached camp, she told Janet, while covering the boy's ears, to take the man away to where they could not hear his screams. More than happy to comply, Janet shoved the man north of the campsite, and far enough to where Storm could cover the camp from the sounds that exited the man. Janet had only an hour, before Storm would try her way.

The other three Guardians were helpful in trying to communicate with the boy. Other than Jeremiah, as he started to cry on the spot at the sight of another man. The large Earth instead went to the shelter, in search of items that Storm asked for.

The three ladies then set the task of introduction, and trying to decipher the boy's signs. When each lady introduced herself, he gave a symbol for Storm, a meaning to her name. Kiara and Adrienne received a more complex series of hand motions.

From then on, he tried to introduce himself, pointing to various objects to meld different syllables. With each passing moment, he seemed to be warming, turning into the six year old that he informed them he was.

"" She wrinkled her nose as he shook his head, motioning to shorten.

"Avery." Adrienne said quietly, finished the touches on the shirt she had started to make for him. It was nothing nice or new, but it was without holes and would be suffice. The boy nodded up and down happily at her correct guess.

But now, she had more serious matters on her hands. "I won't be long, I promise. And then we shall get some rest, young Avery." He seemed content with the matter, smiling cheerfully and heading his way over towards the Water.

She wished that she could let things go such as he. She knew though, that his ordeals and trials were far from over.

She started north, her light in her eyes fading and the grey turning to steel.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-17 22:08 EST
"Really now, it would be best if you would stop your struggling. Janet's foot is not moving soon, and I have yet to even start my turn." She said idly to the man as she moved to his feet. He was laying on his back, and had the Scathach's feet all in his face and mouth.

She pulled out a piece of dried plant, one with a variety of thorns, thick and thin. Her grey eyes started to glow dimly. "You had the choice, did you not? You chose to disobey Janet, and so now you have to deal with me. A shame really. Not to mention that you lied to her as well." She knelt near his ankles, where they were already tied with cloth. The plant started to grow in her hand, and she set it on the ground near his flesh. The plant instantly reached out for him, sticking is needles into his body and growing around his ankles, making all forms of movement to his feet painful.

He muffled a few words against Janet's foot, perhaps a scream of pain.

"Quiet, my pet. You lost your chance to speak." She reached down to back hand him with the glove again, adding to the array of makes on his face. "You will learn, love, you will learn."

Storm continued to produce the starting bits of the plant, moving up his body to constrict him. Drops of red started down the thorns that were in his flesh, and she paid no mind to them. Around his thighs, his waist, his wrists, his neck. His muffled tones turned to whimpers as Storm worked his body and Janet his mouth.

She didn't want to know what Janet was doing there. The faint rememberance of those long, unkept toenails was enough for anyone.

She then nodded for Janet to remove her hand, and as expected, the man opened his mouth to scream. Once he started, she silenced his voice by dropping a bit of the plant on his tongue, the plant taking home in his mouth and around his jawline. "I suggest that you opt to be silent, if you wish to speak again. The plant does not give mercy." He closed his eyes as she dropped a last piece of the plant near his temple, letting the plant take reign there.

Janet moved to set the water into the barrel that Storm also brought up with her. Storm looked over the man's body, taken hostage by her plant, and with all the marks given by the Scathach. Without a word, she took the water filled barrel, and moved to set it on the make shift bench. She moved the bench to be barely over the top of his head. She placed her hand in the barrel, freezing half of the water inside, before kneeling to undo the cork that covered a small hole. A very small ice cold stream of water started to hit the man right in the middle of his forehead. "You raise your right forefinger when you are willing to talk." was all she said, before she moved in the shadows to join Janet.

"I give 'im a half hour."

"Really? I think longer."

Janet held out her hand "Yer on."

Storm chuckled and placed her hand in Janet's with a firm shake.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-17 22:47 EST
"You lost." Janet reminded Storm as they stepped away from the clearing to speak in hushed whispers.

"So I did, but it worked just the same." Grey eyes skittered towards the drenched, shivering man. "See if you can get more, but if not, do as you will, I'm going back to the boy."

Janet nodded in the simple directions, before raising a brow. "Why don't you just take him to the orphanage? Someone will-"

"I won't put that boy through it." Storm interrupted "Look at where is at now; he deserves more, and who knows who would pick him up there."

"You going to keep him then?" A hint of doubt in the Scathach's voice.

A pause "You know that I cannot, how could I take care of him?" How could she just.. leave him? She wrinkled her nose as her mind was filled with new questions, adding on to the many she already had.

Janet rested a hand on her friends shoulder. "Keep him here for now, take some time to think of it. It is not just his life you are changing, but maybe your own also. Stay here with him, he needs someone now. Who better than his savior?" Without waiting for a response, Janet went to take care of the man... and his body.

Storm followed back down the unseeing path towards the other Elementals. Kiara and Jeremiah were sleeping within the shelter, and Adrienne was redressing Avery. The boy's blue eyes were bright as he spotted Storm, her symbol made in his hands as she started for her.

Bugger all things, she was already attached to the lad.

She knelt down by the boy, so that she could be at eye level him. "Avery," she said in a warm tone, but with hints of coolness behind it. It was enough to catch his attention as his smile diminished. "Will you show me where you hurt? I want to make them better for you." She brushed back his blonde hair from his face as he nodded.

And so she tended to the many wounds that he bore, Adrienne watching quietly as it was her turn to keep watch. Storm's lips were tightly pulled back as she witnessed the marks and bruises on his flesh. And when the ointment stung, she spoke to him quietly, words of comfort that she could offer.

She never offered something that she could not.

She waited at his bedside until he had fallen asleep, before moving back out to join Adrienne.

"Go ahead and rest, I will keep watch tonight." She pulled up a chair to lean against the wooden building.

"Are you sure? I could stay and-"

"There is no need for us both to lose rest; I want to be here when the nightmares do." was all that she offered.

Adrienne stood and offered an encouraging smile. "We will think of something Storm, do not worry so." and then she slipped inside to join the others.

It was going to be a long rest of the day.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-19 02:02 EST
She started to lead them northeast, her pace easy but with movement. There was a bit of distance for the walk, but she did not mind. ?How do you know the Baroness and Ewan?? she asked casually, offering her cloak to the woman.

She turned slightly so that hopefully the movement of her mouth could be seen even if the signs were not understood, she continued then, ~It is a long story. I do not know Corinsson well at all, only in his position to the Baroness. The Baroness has been a friend of mine for eight years now.~
She signed a polite refusal of the cloak but signed a thanks as well.

She nodded, reading the her lips well enough, and already picking a few signs that were used often, such as 'I' and 'thank you'. ?I have only met the Baroness once,? though she had seen her twice. ?but I respect the lot of them, for the people they are and the things that they do.? she moved the cloak to put on around her neck, leading them outside of the city and towards the woods.

There was a breath, and had it a voice to go with it, would have been laughter ~Baroness Sylvia, or when I met her just plain Sylvia, has quite a history. Perhaps respect should wait until you know it.~ She walked with such complete silence. ~Then again, I have a history, too.~ Hands palm upwards join in the shrug and dropped to her sides again.

?And who does not? I certainly have my fair share as well.? a quick grin, easily finding the path that was untrackable to the untrained eye. ?I would appreciate,? she said slowly.? if this place, this location, was not shared. It is meant to be a secret place, and there are reasons for such.? another soft smile. ?You are more than welcome to it, should you ever need a place to be away. What you are doing means very much to me.?

~You can be assured of my secrecy.~ she was very sincere in that

?Thank you.? she said softly, continuing north, tweaking only slightly eastward. ?I apologize that it is such a walk, I have other ways of transportation most of the time.? but at the end of her sentence, they reached a clearing. Everything was nearly made out of wood, the sizeable shelter, the table, benches, and chairs. A tall pale woman occupied a chair as Avery was sitting on the ground, finding interest in a carved wooden figure that was made just for him. At the sound of others, he lifted his blonde head up, and his blue eyes were bright as he quickly stood and ran towards her, favoring his left leg in the process. She chuckled softly and knelt the meet the boy, who was already hiding behind her at the company. ?Avery, this is my friend Phen.? she said softly, nodding towards her.

She knelt down a few steps behind Storm so the choice is his to come to her, she smiled and signed while mouthing, as she always has ~Hello, Avery. I am very glad to meet you.~

His blue eyes went wide as the woman signed to him. His muscles relaxed, though his step closer was tentative. ~Hello~ he signed, though he did not mouth the word. Storm looked to the other woman, Adrienne, and nodded, letting the woman leave her chair and head inside.
How are you tonight?~ She continued in her way, by subtle example encouraging him to move his mouth, even if the motions were not correct

~My leg hurts~ he signed first, his mouth moving faintly, and their forms not quite accurate. He takes another step forward. ~But Kiara made me a toy.~ his eyes brightened as he offered her his wooden figure.

She gently took the figure, a smile and nodding, then handing it back. ~It is a very nice toy.~ then Phen tilted her head and she looked to his leg. ~Can you tell me why your leg hurts?~

~My owner let the man hurt me.~ he signed, before taking the toy back. He then turned and offered it to Storm to hold. She smiled warmly to the boy, though her eyes were reading Phen's still, trying to catch one side of the conversation

She pats the ground before her with a smile to Avery signing ~Do you have time to talk with me a bit?~

~Yes~ he signed, his expression suggesting that he could find no reason not too. He moved and sat unceremoniously in the patted spot. ?Do you wish for me to stay?? She asked softly, watching Avery move, seeming comfortable enough.

Smiling to Storm, then she asked Avery. ~Would you like your friend Storm to stay with us?~ It is his comfort which is most important to her.

He looked over to Storm with a bright smile. ~Storm took me away from the bad man, I like her..~ Storm knitted her brows slightly, unable to read the slight movements of the boy's lips.

She smiled to Avery. ~Storm is just starting to learn our way of talking. I am going to help her along, so sometimes I'm going to repeat what you've said, unless you tell me not to.~ but at this point, she does repeat, since his caring for Storm should be obvious, and signs. ~Avery said you took him away from the bad man, and that he likes you.~ looking back to Avery ~Was that the bad man that hurt your leg, the one your owner made you go with?~

He nodded, and scooted over for Storm to join them, clearly she needed to sit next to him on the ground. He signed her name, and she smiled, returning the first sign that he had taught her, before moving to join him. Pleased, he looked to Phen, his expression sombering without knowing. ~Yes, he took me away from my master and hurt me. I was with him for few days.~

For Storm's benefit, ~Took you from your master? Who was your master?~

~Mr. Garren, but the bad man said that he was going to be sleeping for a long time.~ Storm's lips pulled tightly, already knowing the answer to the question. He's dead. They both are. She mouthed only for Phen

A nod ~Avery, do you understand that no one owns you now? That you can go where you would like to go?~

He simply blinked at Phen. ~Storm is not my master? he frowned, clearly perplexed as he looked over to Storm. She had recognized the symbol of her name, and 'master', but she waited for Phen to answer rather than herself.

A slow shake of her head ~Storm is not your master. She is your friend, but she does not own you.~

He did not understand that a mastership as a poor thing, and so his lips pouted slightly. ~Storm is a fair master, but I have no home without a master.~ he said, clearly his logic on a master equaling a home and a twisted sense of stability. She was able to piece the words together with the little sign she knew, and Phen repeated what he said.

~Storm is a good friend. And yes you can have a home without having a master. I do not have a master and I have a home.~ she paused then added ~There are many children at my home and none of them have masters.~

~Other children like me? I was never allowed a playmate.~ another brief pout as he glanced over to the wooden figure in Storm's hands.

~Other children. Some like you, some a little older, and some a little younger. Some who cannot speak and some who cannot see.~ she noted his look ~They live all together and learn together. And when we find something that they like doing and are good at, we teach them how to do that. Does that sound like a place you would want to visit?~

He nodded, excited simply at the fact of other children, regardless of their physical condition. ~Can I play with them as well?~ he asked, glancing between each ladies, though his eyes stayed on Phen's hands

Sapphire blue eyes moved to Storm, then back to Avery ~You can play with them as well.~

She smiled softly, reaching to brush some of his blonde hair out of his face. ~Can I go tonight?~

the airy sound of voiceless laughter, she looked to Storm. ~He wants to know if he can go tonight. Would you both like to be our guests for the night and see what Stardreamer Manor is like?~

She chuckled, glancing down to the boy. ?If he wishes to go, then I do not see why not. I am free tonight, and would be more than happy to visit the Stardreamer Manor.? Avery clapped his hands excitedly, a chance to see those his age.

~Then I will let you all gather what things you need and we will go visit my home.~ she smiled and stppd smoothly from the ground, a slightly far away look for a moment, then a smile. ~Ebon, my husband, is having rooms prepared for you.~

She blinked for a moment, not that she was unaccustomed to different forms of communication. ?Thank you.? she said softly, before rising to her feet. ?Come now Avery, let us grab your things.? the boy clapped his hands again, and ran on inside, still favoring his leg. ?We will be just a moment, you are more than welcome inside.? An appreciative smile, before she followed Avery towards his bed.

A wiggle of a few fingers to indicate she would stay outside, nighttime out of doors a natural place for her to be.

They were not long, before Avery came out, wooden toy in hand and Storm not far behind him, a pack crossing over her front. She kept her eyes on the running boy, moving too much for his own good. ?We are ready when you are.? she said to Phen before sending a look to Avery to come and be at her side.

Then let us go. We have a distance west, but it will not take too long.~ and she confidently led the way.

Storm nodded, following Phen, Avery weaving between them, happily entertained with the wooden figure.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-04 02:27 EST
Storm rubbed her eyes and contained a yawn as the night's hours went by at a leisurely pace.

She would have given anything to sleep the way she did the night before.

The wooden shelter was empty, except for her. Kiara had left hours ago, leaving Storm to a mound of books just waiting for her attention. That is, if she could give it. Her legs twitched for movement, to do something rather than sit here and wait. Not to mention reading in the dark for so long was giving her a headache of something fierce.

Her grey eyes flicker to the right of the shelter, the rustling of brush a few hundred yards away. The sound left as quick as it came, perhaps an owl finding its meal for the night. With a small sigh, she closed the book in front of her, leaving it among others as moved for the doorway, just to make sure she was not greeted with unexpected company.

The eerie sound of silence gave her goosebumps as she absently rubbed her arms. Perhaps she just needed a few hours rest, her mind was getting the best of her. She closed the door behind her and headed for a few hours rest, before the waiting continued.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-08 12:09 EST
"What was the reason for canceling last eve.?" The twin blade from Andrew's right hand came towards her shoulder.

Rather than using her right hand, her left brought up her own twin blade to block his attack, while her right made a way for his underbelly. "I told you; I needed a good night's rest before facing you." A lopsided smile.

He managed to not roll his eyes, but he took her word for what it was. "Well," he deflected her move, and started to encourage her hands in different areas. "you are not as bad as you say you are. Perhaps not as strong as your katana, but that is understandable."

Her movements were slowing, and she knew it. Trying to look between the different movements, and then his feet. She wrinkled her nose. "Well, I am around twin blades often; it would be best to be able to use them well if I must."

He shrugged, pressing relentlessly. "Why do you worry so, what will happen if you are without?"

"Because I take every possibility into account." Her right arm did not come up quick enough, as his iced blade her collarbone.

"You worry too much for your own good."

She slants him a look, as he continued to press her towards the small stream near the wooden shelter. Her grey eyes glow dimly as she takes water from the stream, and shots it out him. It stopped the pressing as he blinked at her, now dripping. ".. how..?"

She grinned, her blade disappearing. "I would call that productive, no?"

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-10 16:38 EST
Nearly white eyes studied the outfit, "Undo your top three buttons."

"What?" Her walking slowed a bit as she looked down at her shirt, which was buttoned up to her collarbone. "There's nothing wrong with this."

"Which is the whole point," Dark hands go to her hips. "There will not be a single woman in there with so many buttons done; you won't be blending in."

Storm wrinkled her nose, the salty air filling her lungs. "Three buttons are not going to make a difference, Kiara."

The half-dressed Fire grabbed Storm's arm and moved her between buildings, pressing her to a wall. "Look, if you want this to work, you have to trust me." She whispered fiercely "If you do not want to do this, then go home. I am going to track him with or without your help."

Grey eyes glared, before she tugged her arm free from Kiara's grip. "Let's get this over with then." Her hands raised to swiftly undo the requested amount of buttons, just slightly above the beginning of her vest, before they walked up to the unnamed tavern.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-10 17:54 EST
"So think you could get us a gig here?" A seemingly deep drink of her pale ale.

"For you doll? Anything." A quick grin of yellow teeth.

She laughed, flicking a coin to him in payment for her drink. "Shall we come tomorrow night then?" A stream of bright laughter had her grey eyes shifted to Kiara, who was shamelessly in a circle of men.

"Nay, come in the next week. Your friend's face might be mildly forgotten by then."

She rolled her eyes, finishing her glass. "Blend in, she said."

The man laughed, shaking his head. "You ladies should do just fine. I'll put in a good word... though a name would be nice."

A teasing smile. "I am sure it would be. You tell Jesse two ladies, and we'll be here. Thanks again." A faint pause, a shifting in the air as she looked to Kiara. A firm nodd of her head, before she was out the door. The Fire would follow shortly.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-12 18:46 EST
*Must I have to wake up now?*

She sighed inwardly, grey eyes opening to the darkness in the windowless room. She was tucked in close to the man beside her, and she smiled faintly. She presses a gentle kiss to his bare shoulder, before regretfully moving out of his warm embrace to change back into her clothing. Making sure he was sleeping still, she quickly took of his dark green tunic, replacing her layers of clothing with ease. After lacing her boots, she leaned over on the bed towards him. "Ewan," she said softly, watching his sharp green eyes open immediately. She was going to have to ask him how he woke up so alert. She offered a faint smile. "I must leave now, but I will come back."

He nodded. "Make sure to speak with the guards before you leave." He shifted slightly then to his side. "Walk safely, beloved."

She nodded, a last smile before she opened the door and closed it behind her. She then started out of the barracks, making a point to speak with the guards of her return. After their nodd of understanding, she left the grounds of the Yearling Brook Manor to meet with her father.

She fingered the stone on the leather strap along her neck as she continued northwest, the night's air waking her from her short slumber. Her grey eyes lost their night's glaze, easily becoming alert and adjusting to the darkness.

A small tree catches her attention and she smirked, sending a platform for it's direction. "You've some nerve, Jeremiah."

The tree knocked over from her platform, and the shape shifted into the giant Guardian of Mountains. He stood, brushing the dirt from his breeches before scowling at her. "I am just keeping an eye on you, someone has to."

"Did I look like I needed looking after?" The fidgeting with the stone ceased as she walked deliberately to him. "Cripes Jeremiah, you go far beyond what you need to, and I do not care for it."

"We just have to be careful Storm. We are all needed for the weeks to come."

"You," A sharp point of a finger to him "Need to be careful. If I find you around when you are not needed again, I'm going to set you afire."

He offered a quick grin. "Kiara says that often."

"Well I am not your lady, and make no mistake, I will keep my word. Now go to the shelter, I am meeting with my father."

He nodded "So he told me. Do not do something foolish Storm."

She wrinkled her nose. "I can handle my own." And with that, she made a quick turn west, walking into the brush and the trees to meet with Cornelious.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-12 20:31 EST
"Well, at least we know that he is not here."

"I am sick of waiting for this nonsense." She brought a hand up to scratch at her hairline, smearing blood on her face.

Catching the color change on her face, Cornelious reached for her hand for inspection. "When did you do this?" Indicates the torn flesh around her knuckles.

She offered a half-grin, "How do you think I received this location?"

He scowled, before looking up at the dock above them. "Could not do this easily, could you?"

She laughed lightly. "What works is enough for me." She leaned forward then, a sniff to his shoulder. "Let's go to a brook I know of nearby, you smell of smoke."

"There are more pipes than men in there." He released her hand, taking her lead away from the shore.

The short trip was silent, moving with ease through buildings, and then through trees. The brook made more noise than they did. They looked to each other, before she grinned. "You do not want Avery to smell you, do you?"

He smirked, before trying his best to emerge himself in the cool water. Storm on the other hand, brought water to her face, clearing most of the smeared blood. She then kept her hands under the running water until the bleeding ceased. She stood just has he walked to her, dripping wet. She chuckled. "Cooled now?"

"Something like that." His dark grey eyes looked to her "I'll get your boy wet and sick if you do not dry me."

She grinned at his heatless threat, before placing her hands on him. She warmed his body and his clothing until he was dry. She took a step back then, tilting her head slightly. "You are going back to him then?"

He nodded. "I will spend some time with him in the morning before heading back. But," He stepped towards her to wrap his arms around her tightly. "I will be here on the night."

She returned his hug in kind, rubbing his back reassuringly. "I know, it will be over soon enough."

He nodded, before releasing her. "Until then." He then disappeared into the night, off to Avery she supposed.

She walked back to the Yearling Brook Manor, her pace quicker than usual. Her hands were pounding slightly, but had nothing to tend to them. And so, her only thoughts were going back to the warm bed she had left. The guards stiffen, before realizing that it was Storm. They only offered nodds, and she did in return, before heading for the barracks. All was quiet in the early hours of the morning as she maneuvered her way to Ewan's door, opening it and closing it softly.

Her movements were silent, changing back into his dark green tunic and out of her clothing. She frowned slightly, picking up the smell of smoke on her own clothing. No matter she thought, before leaning a bit closer towards Ewan, who was sleeping on his side. "Ewan." she said softly, watching his clear green eyes open at the sound of his name. She offered a faint smile as his gaze looked over her, checking for any differences. "I'm just fine." She said, settling his curious glance as she slipped into the bed next to him. His good arm came around her to bring her in close, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she curled close to him.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-16 18:58 EST
She leaned against a counter behind the bar, grabbing a a bottle by the neck behind her, tossing it to the man tending. He caught it with ease, spinning it on his palm before pouring the desired drink.

"Your friend did a good job." He said casually, glancing over his shoulder.

She shrugged nonchalantly, fingering the ends of the black scarf that covered her hair completely. "I suppose." Black trousers and a shirt to match, both more form fitting than she would have ever liked. She placed a look of boredom on her face, grey eyes scoping out the others, landing on Kiara. Or what she could make of Kiara, only catching a glimpse of a dark brown wig.

Jesse raised a brow, handling another customer as she brought her nails up to her face, pretending to have interest there.

"Jealous that is it not you in the center of attention?"

She smirked, rolling her grey eyes lined with black. "I don't need attention."

"Do you not need a name either?" He collected coins, refilled drinks while trying to converse with the uninterested woman.

Her attention still went to Kiara every now and then, before a mild look of irritation at him. "For what? Like any of you are interested in anything further than a face." A slow, wicked smile.

He scowled. "Surely we're not all that bad." A drunk started to raise his voice, demanding more without coin. While Jesse did his job, she moved from her lean, watching as Kiara started to usher a small handful of men out the back door. Where Jeremiah and Andrew were waiting; time to go.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say." She started for the break, letting Jesse deal with the man who was growing more upset with the passing moment. In his rage, he threw down his glass mug, just below his stool. Surprised, she nearly put up a shield to protect her, before the thought was shoved aside. She did not act like so different to give herself away now. So instead, she brought up her hands, palm out to protect her face, against her own understanding. She was lucky, only a single shard of glass reaching and cutting the inside of her right palm.

She turned her palm to her face to inspect the damage. It only stung slightly, the cut hardly worth much attention. But, she looked up and glared at the man who dropped the mug, who was finding his outburst quite a buzz kill. "Hey man, you got alotta nerve." Chin up, she quickly walked towards the back door, pretending to give her right hand her utmost attention.

The worse of the night, in her opinion, was over. Jeremiah would get what he needed, and the last step would be taken tomorrow.

She wrinkled her nose, catching the scent of the men's pipes on her. She would have to make another stop to the brook before returning to Ewan, and sleep.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-17 02:56 EST
"Where is Cornelious, Storm?"

She glanced over to the Earth with a small shrug, the sheath for her katana moved with the motion. "He said he would be here; when is an entirely different matter." She offered a half smile, before falling into silence again. The five of them: Storm, Kiara, Andrew, Adrienne, and Jeremiah were waiting underneath a particular dock, waiting for the ship.

All weapons were already drawn, more than ready for the effects of the Dark Stone; all except for Adrienne. Storm offered her an encouraging smile, leaning against a wooden beam.

Andrew turned his head sharply. "The boat is almost here."

She beamed, a platform forming under her as the stone around her neck held a soft glow. "Adrienne, are you ready?"

She nodded, rising from her seat. "The portal is ready, yes."

Storm reached the top of the beam, grabbing on like an embrace before her gift failed her; a sign of Korigan being on the boat. She was silent as ever, words that at one time would have made her ears were nothing more than mutterances as she twisted her body, waiting to put her hands on the side of the dock. She waited for about ten minutes, glancing down to the see the others in motion for their own course of action.

He was the only one to exit the boat, Perhaps it was fate, or just luck, but either way, it certainly made plans easier. His footsteps changed in pitch, the sound of him drawing nearer as she reached out, letting her fingertips rest at the edge of the dock. Once he pasted her position, her legs released their hold on the beam, using the momentum to swing and raise her body with her arms up and ontop of the dock. She did not wait to land, she was already reaching, grabbing for him. Caught off guard, he turned to face her, just in time as her hands caught the stone around his neck and gave it sharp tug.

The leather gave way under her strength, his head bobbing down with her force. Without looking, she dropping the stone off the dock to the bottom were it was going to Adrienne's waiting hands. Korigan did not have time to move or react, as Andrew and Jeremiah came to either side of him, twisting his arms, one covering his mouth, placing the the seed of the thorn to grow and wind around his mouth and head.

Storm offered a slow smile to the now alert Fire as blood started its trail down both sides of his jaw. "Let's have a talk, you and I."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-17 11:31 EST
"I really need to thank you, Korigan." she glanced over to him now in her pace, tilting her head slightly. Trees were around them now rather than the sea, and his body was in a worse state than before. Bloody katana in hand, she placed the tip of it to the ground and leaned on it gently.

The other Guardians were in various locations, Jeremiah keeping watch, Andrew and Kiara close by, though there was still no visible sign of her father. She knew he was here though, she could feel him.

"If it was not for our various meetings, I might have never understood the control of the flame." She put a hand out, palm up, to show a small but strong flame dancing in her hand. His golden eyes widened as he looked, and they almost started to glow as he tried to access his gift. Kiara moved then, sapping the heat away from him to keep his flames from ever living. He sent a look of utter betrayal to her as she ignored him. He was absolutely covered in the whip-like thorns. Every breath burying something new into his flesh.

They had each used their gifts for various means, and each was trying to conserve the strength that they had. All for Storm, as she was constantly doing something, holding the shield around them to keep their voices from traveling, sucking oxygen away from Korigan to kill whatever little fire he made. Though they had been doing this for hours now, she did not let herself die down, not until it was over. Which she thought with a glance up, should be soon, as Jeremiah could not try and steer everyone away with tricks of trees blocking paths.

Without warning, no bruised clouds or rolling storm, she created lightning within herself, and threw it to him. It was dark, almost the color of the night sky as it pierced his middle. She took a deep breath to hold her steady, as that was all energy from her, rather than using the natural energy around her.

His muffled cries were worth it.

It held the principles of something solid, going through him and sticking there, rather than passing through. She moved to the edge of the bolt, and glared into his golden eyes. She touched the edge, releasing her own flames to follow suite of the bolt.

The mingling of power and elements sent the flame over his body quickly, what would have taken hours only took mere moments.

He didn't cry as something of his own being ate his flesh, and brought him to ashes.

Storm frowned slightly, not quite her intention, but the end result was the same; it was finally over.

A strong hand went to her shoulder, and if she had energy left, she would have turned around surprised. "Come Storm, you need rest now."

"I.." And then the trees started to spin, making her sway. Her father kept her straight, knowing full well what tolls her actions would cause her.

"Have to do everything the hard way, don't you?" But he gathered her in his arms, her shield fading. He put an arm to her knees to lift her up gently. "You will have to just sleep this one off, let the others tend to the rest."

"Hmm, but I.." She had her eyes closed, but even then, she frowned slightly. "I have to do something.. go somewhere."

He smirked, nodding to the other Guardians who noted the lack of shield, before looking down to her. "Why would you have something planned after this? Have you gone mad?"

"Maybe." She mumbled, the black haze of sleep creeping up on her. Whatever she had said she was going to do she could not remember.

He chuckled, before turning to the face the others. "I'm going to take her to the shelter rather than chance going into town, handle the rest here." And with that, he started the short walk further north.