Topic: Unexpected Words

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-09-03 01:39 EST
The silence within her home match the silence of catacombs, even her breath borderlined the threshold of her exceptional hearing. In her hands appeared to be a simple white letter, wrinkled in corners from her anxious movements in the midst of her thoughts. Sitting on the edge of her bed, the corners of her eyes were red, not from fallen tears, but tears that never fell.

"What words of yours will answer all of my questions, Erin?" She asked outloud on a sigh, still studying the parchment in her hands.

She had thought her moments of shock were over, and she was proven wrong tonight.

She had thought her short-lived encounter with slavery was over. Wrong wrong wrong, she thought, pressing her lips together as she continued to fiddle with the corners, not yet ready to open the statements left inside.

Erin had spoken of trouble, but never this.

A hint of a sarcastic smile played on her lips, recalling her intentions of wandering to the Inn tonight was to perhaps catch Erin or Lydia, in the easy companionship of her friends. And instead, she was greeted with Erin being pushed down by her hair to the ground by her owner; whom she had only seen on rare ocassion.

The scene was sheer lunacy.

Not that there was anything that she could have done, her thoughts traveled as a smirk came to her face. Not in a public place, not acting on emotional impluse, and definitely not out of ignorance. At least Sylvia had managed to keep the front of her mind away from the scene with pleasant conversation. She would do nothing until she knew more.

Which brought her attention down back to the letter. Waiting no longer, she sighed and gently ripped on the folded paper to reveal what was inside.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-09-03 12:34 EST
Erin had been one for preparing... she planned often more than she thought in the moment.

Hence her situation.

and so, in that delicate script that was clearly hers, she penned to Storm. The calmest of her friends, the most logical.


If you're reading this, what I hoped would not happen, but knew would-- I'm allright. There are things you can prepare yourself for, make decisions and judgements, and for this I've done that. I'm going to go along, take direction, try not to be as insolent and defiant as we all know I can be. I plan to ride it out.

Anubis has been angry with me for some time. What I thought was some friendlyish banter, ended up getting out of hand and became what we now know was bait. He wants the trouble. Wants the attention.

I think perhaps the best way to handle this is quietly. Behind doors. The DeAusters may be the best people to do this. Them and the Bloods are the masters of negotiation. Any funds they may need can be easily obtained. The deed for my house, the Manor, is located in my desk at the Stitch, along with the deed for the cabin and any bank information you may need. If worse comes to worse, you are authorized to sell my portion of the Stitch back to Lydia. Please, do not borrow money, though. I have been trouble enough.

I must ask that you try not to worry. This may take time and patience, but nothing is permanent. Save death. And as long as I am alive, I plan to fight for my freedom, even if it may not seem like it. Please keep an eye on Lydia, guilt and worry are things she is prone to that I hope not to cause.

I love and trust you more than I am usually able to say. I'm sorry to involve you in all of this, but I thank you in advance for handling the matter. Please give the other letters to the people they are addressed to.

Much love,


Also in the envelope was a sealed letter for Lydia and one that was addressed to Jordan. Of course that one had instructions to be placed in her journal. Included, which would have fallen from the envelope last, was the key to Erin's desk.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-09-04 00:24 EST
Time was not of the essence as she read over the letter. Once. Twice. Again. She was slowly memorizing each precious sentence, word, and letter. At point she even ran her fingers over the dried ink, her lips faintly pronouncing each syllable. Somewhere she had shut her emotions away and simply focused on the situation, what the letter meant and stood for.

Once she was sure the words were burned to memory, she held the letter by an upper corner and tilted her head, letting the questions start to come forth. What was Erin doing to upset this Anibus, and how was she captured? Was there extremely violent repercussions for whatever she had done? Who and was is Anibus, and what was his plan for her?

She intended to find the answers; slowly.

Sighing softly, she looked over her shoulder at the window, judging the time. Ewan probably would not come for another hour, maybe less. Even the thought brought a warmth to her sad eyes despite her findings. She would tell him, of course; find out what he knew of this kind of situation. She would not risk his eyes to see the letter though, it was meant for hers only. She moved off the bed and walked slowly through the house that was easily becoming home, reaching for the door that led to her small backyard before stepping through.

She sighed softly, closing her eyes as a gentle breeze came and caressed her cheeks. She held the letter both hands, the breeze picking up as she brought fire to life among the parchment. As the fire turned the paper to ash, the breeze pick up the remains to be scattered and mixed with small particles and dirt. She watched, even after all evidence of the letter was out of sight.

She bite on the inside of her cheek absently, rehersing the words in her mind over and over. She would do ask Erin asked, even if some of the situations made her uncomfortable.

She turned around and headed back inside the house, figuring out how to explain to her love the new, unexpected situation she found herself in.