Topic: Announcements to the Members

Sarah Belarus

Date: 2008-10-01 02:18 EST
This is where announcements important to members will be posted. Please keep an eye on this topic members for updates. Any questions that you might have please ask through the OOC member board or through PMs to either Dust or Sarah, thank you.

Sarah Belarus

Date: 2008-10-01 02:23 EST
A few things for memebers to be aware about.

The profiles topic is there for members to fill out and list their profiles for the Empire. Please fill out a profile as soon as you can possibly do so.


Some threads are a maditory read if you want to participate in the SL. Here is the names of those threads so that you can get caught up and join us as fast as you can.

The Hunt of the Brotherhood
The Birth of a Core
All this for a Mission

There will be more to come. Please for now enjoy the reading and once you've done that, feel free to ask Dust or Sarah where you can hop in.
