Topic: Stormy Weather


Date: 2008-07-17 20:04 EST
She smelled like 2am
Took him back to her place

Under the shadows of doubt
He had the whisper of lust

She closed her eyes in his trust
She said tuck me in
He knew his judgement was sound
Still he pulled back the sheets
And said you better lie down cause the angels are watching
She closed her eyes and said quit the talking
You can hurt me do whatever you like
Her every word was in italics
As it would fall from her lips
She said tell me what to do
He knew right then he was done
Feeling lonely and confused
He said you better lie down cause the angels are watching
She closed her eyes and said quit the talking
You can hurt me do whatever you like
So he said shut your mouth girl the angels are listening

The man was silver key and frayed clothing. Fierce and gentle at once. Blood and skin the motivations perhaps for the whole night. What would his employer say? Golden haired woman was one of them, the one he ran away with in a coach with a sleeping girl in back. Fugitives of crime and time.

He told her to run. That was before he had looked at her with the heat of his allure. Because she had said, "Take me" and he had promised her the Hunger, the Curse, the Lust.


Date: 2008-07-17 20:39 EST
There are promises we make that however much we reconcile with ourselves over, that we know as soon as they are made there is a chance will be broken. Admitting to defeat has been the hardest part of this my greatest trial. I am consumed by my feelings, like a cat in yarn struggling against what I know, essentially, are self made threads. I am the detour, the risk, the deux es machina.

My father was a well to do man always. He had money. He had power. He had popularity. He had food. He had education. He had the pillars that make any man feel his worth. Later on, came the women, and then more money, more power and more popularity. To see a self made man of stone become dessicated by no apparent blow, at least to mine eye, is what ignited intuition and rose my suspicions, why I spied. My Father had everything to lose and yet everything to gain. Why lose it all and put himself in a position where he would be forced to be poor, powerless and unpopular. To be hungry and feeling a fool. It was as simple as that.

My Family has never had complex ties. We were all transparent with one another. It was a loving but honest and disciplined house hold.

To stand by a vine clustered wall on a suitably stormy night and overhear my Father gambling with the devil is when the chains that bind a Father and Daughter, those solid, heavy locks, was to rust our relationship in the first place. To be lied to, and exploited, was what shook them, and almost broke them.


Date: 2008-07-17 20:51 EST
I have phrased his name and tried to distinguish him as a man in my mind, but it doesn?t happen, it never makes it out. Only when I have been mid sentence and distracted . I worried over even speaking the name. That he would hear it. I am paranoid. I am dealing hands with death. Bluffing over dinner with the reaper.

The man in my telling is a slim man with hands furred with coarse red hair along his knuckles. His goatee and skull the same. He smells of a minty cologne. His eyes always covered in shades. His suit soft and velvety with careworn colour. He?s opposite me in cafes and standing on street corners when I pass in coach.

But now I am facing myself from the otherside of the mirror. I look the same but for my eyes.

Her eyes are smoky with the dreams she has extinguished.


Date: 2008-07-17 21:33 EST
Gaul was sudden. In everything he did. Long hipped, sullen eyed, in his shadow I am swallowed up in a melancholia, in a desire. I close my eyes in his kiss and see rain and dark fields. He has me drunk.
He climbed over all my reservations and promised me forever. And not in some romantic, wistful sense, but in the red dawn of all our tomorrows. He is my driver, and I am his employer. But behind this fa?ade I am just a little woman without fingerprints to leave anywhere any more, without a fragrance that is of my skin, something to identify me to the world as September. I am just his. All over and underneath. And I am only half certain as to what that means.


Date: 2008-07-17 22:04 EST
I visit the resting girl a few times a day. She is tired, still. I give her the pad of my thumb to suckle, but sometimes she pulls my hand to go at my wrist, and that?s when I tear away and leave her.

I opened the windows in the bedroom I share with Gaul. I think on my business with Mr. Grey, and imagine his face if he knew his driver would do what he has done. Damning two women in one evening. But I don?t feel bad about it. I don?t feel anything but the inklings of lust. I pursue crows in the garden, and I wave my arms around beside me playing aeroplane in the tall grass scaring the corvids away, only today, I then laid out on the dead leaves and stared at the sky until the glaring sun through ash clouds stole my breath and hurt my skin. It doesn?t burn. I just grow cold.

It?s then that I find Gaul by a window as I have done, or with his horses, or the coach, working on the frail black back door to it. We meet eyes and don?t speak. And the cycle begins again, that I visit Laylanie in her sheets, let her suckle, then I throw crumbs to the birds in the overgrown statues of the back grounds of the mansion, and look again for Gaul.

When I look at him all that plays over my mind is what I asked him.

His eyes are lifeless and disinterested unless his hands are on something. If he isn't fixing what is broke or holding my shoulders as he kisses my neck, his eyes roam the house like he hears things.

"Are you afraid of your tomorrows?"

"Every day"


Date: 2008-07-17 22:13 EST
I sold the Moornigne Coast pockets to Mr. Grey for $1000.

It was done without reckoning, but the wax has set and the ink has dried and the missive has been sent and there is no going back.

Nothing is as it seems. And there is no going back.


Date: 2008-07-17 22:17 EST
"Kid's pretty as a picture. Shame, she didn't come out on the negatives"

The coals burned as he added another guitar, and a fiddle and a couple dead men to the pit. A pocket bible followed.

Behind him, shadows convulsed in mid air and the brick wall akin to something from Dante's Inferno. The tree growing in the center of the room, black and soot covered, creaked with its age. The roasted souls of the dead men hanging from its branches like rotten leaves.


Date: 2008-07-18 00:34 EST
The kitchen groans beneath the floorboards when I turn the tap. The wallpaper is peeling in the bathroom.

I began to go through the papers left behind by the deceased resident. Threw everything into the fireplace to give some warmth to the wide lounge area. I began to remove the hyacinths and carnations of the funeral from the the bedroom; the sickly sweet scent of decay was making me nauseus every time I tried to sleep, and seemed to compliment the grotesque and alarming site in my memory from the night before. In the bed I never feel relaxed. I?m worried about the faceless voices outside. I'm worried about the tea shoppe and any witnesses.

Gaul took my hand in the afternoon, timing himself to the streak of violet across the sky shaded with thunder, and led me out into the garden to where we didn't show our shadows anymore, and stood over me to snap a rose from the browned stem, and draw it under my nose. He said to learn the smell of these exquisite, fragile pieces of Life, and to commit them to memory. To touch and taste and listen more eagerly than I have before, to Experience so to the utmost of pleasure and pain.

I was bewildered, as I twirled the bud below my chin.

How could I forget the smell of a rose?


Date: 2008-07-18 01:12 EST
Yale, early on in the picture, visited my Father on very few ocassions when I was younger. I returned home from my law classes in the capitol of Ayenee to discover the ginger haired man sitting at the dining table with a cigar in hand and a bottle of whiskey under the chair. He would flourish it out from beneath him and wink. ?Your Father?s on a call. Go on, kid, have a sip?, but he wouldn?t smile, just sway the bottle to and fro, while taking an extended puff from that richly flavoured roll.

?Come on, kid, he?s on a call? but I would wrinkle my nose up at him, declining, and run up the stairs to my room, leaving him there.

I came back down later and asked my Father where ?that ginger haired man was, the one from earlier?? but he chuckled at me and walked off in his robe to pour himself a gin outside the french, concertina doors. I think he thought the cigar still embering on the dining table was one of his absent minded retreats. I began to believe him, too. Until I realised how much my Father seemed to be slipping away.

I don't know if he supposed this figment of his mind wasn't real. But he knew I had seen. My Father would rather pretend that I had not, so he could try and believe that he had not either, that some of his soul wasn't stown away to a fox who dealt in diabolically designed tabletures of deceit.


Date: 2008-07-18 02:33 EST
In a fortnight I am to head by the way of the steamy south to meet with the great, great grand son of Johnny, the notorious fiddler of lyric and lore, who put Yale to shame. Johnny the Third said he wants to help.

I wonder if he is as mean with the strings as his mythicized forefather.


Date: 2008-07-19 03:01 EST
Behind the shutters the world is in dawn, and the tea is hot beneath my fingers. I've been watching the steam rise up through the gaps of them, and feeling a horrible, lurching guilt. If my Father knew what I have done, that I fell to my knees, even now, even to help him, I know he couldn't bear look at me. I don't know if I have a soul. I have never thought on it, as a feeling, as a state of being, as the source of my life. I have lived knowing heart and mind and knowing both had their branches, that both beat, that both made me reel or smile. But without a soul will I, have I been any different?

The girl is in bed, still. She has colour in her face. I felt like asking her, what does she see, when she looks upon me. What do my eyes say.

I have kept the door closed all afternoon. I hear Gaul with the coach, or in the garden, but I can't bring myself to look at him, as though I resent him, and the very idea of the other night brings a swelling of regret to my stomach. I feel invaded and provoked, but then I have the Memory of the Hall and his eyes and how could I have ever known, looking upon his face, what he was? I only knew that I felt a great pain for him. It was fleeting, but a pain no less.

I haven't changed him. I have only changed myself. It is why the door is closed, and I feel consumed by a fury I knew not I had the emotional range to possess.


Date: 2008-07-19 09:31 EST
I awoke at the Inn. I sat up from my sprawl and looked across the bed to my driver, who awake before me, which was of no surprise, nursing one of his cigarettes. We fell asleep quickly the night before, inebriated with mixed emotions, lethal as mixed drinks. The unsettling feelings of my new knowledge and prominent fear no longer swimming darkly in me, I accepted a puff of the smoke and watched the clouds pass outside. They were in messy formations, more wisp than white. I took a shower and we ate breakfast and were on our way.

I decided in the garden during the afternoon while I wandered amongst the statues that I would move us from this crypt familiar house with all its funereal reminders, and base us at the seaside residence where I had all we needed awaiting us, and more. It would give us a quicker access to the road and more anonymity. Where we were was too close to be of comfort. And for as shadowy as our lives had become, especially with a near dead girl in our care, the sea would be an escape for our senses.


Date: 2008-07-19 09:49 EST
Tonight, while dreaming awake about the shore and the view of it from the window of the room on the far side of Rhy'Din, I pricked my finger while repairing some trousers of my driver. They were frayed and the stitches come loose. A drop of blood had begun to seep into the material, and so like a child sucking the traces of a tangerine from fingertips, I took the trouser leaf between my teeth and sucked as much as I could out. I scrubbed the rest of the stain in the laundrette.

I felt sick to my stomach, but in brief, at how ravenous I was. In lulls, between my waking thoughts and sleep, the Hunger demanded of me, and I began to go to Laylanie and caress her hair until she woke, and then drink from her. This began tonight..

I have avoided my bedroom like a disease. I don't want to fall asleep. There are many weighing reasons why.

The terrible part of today's experience, was that shame had all but left. Only traces of it reside. After the tailoring incident, I sequestered myself away to the bathroom, locked the doors, and went about counting backwards from the lust that tangled itself around my reason.

It is easier than it was only nights ago, but when it strikes, harder to resist. I must be staunch. Take my time. I have all of it now.


Date: 2008-07-19 19:54 EST
Sweat and blood make one horrible smell. Sun lowers on the right side of the wrong bend and I light matches for something to do by an old tree. Watch the cars pass. Who will be kind enough to slow down and walk over. See, the bonnet of my car has fumes rising from it. Someone should oblige me. See, I know someone ought to think I'm a poor old man in a good suit troubled by bad luck on his way to a funeral. Buick's only just been shined.

I love the part the most where they don't know it's their own dirge they'll be hearing on the way to it, in the boot.

Ah, there we go. Mother of two boys...


Date: 2008-07-20 23:59 EST
Rumours flew in the Market early this morning about the attempted killing of a tender at the Inn last night. I kept my head low as I pretended to be searching for a firm apple, listening in on the mongers. Apparently someone was called in for the job, a stranger in town. When isn't there a stranger in such a big city? But my instincts go to the fellow with the matches.

I'll not forget that demon enscribed leather jacket. The tattoo on his face.

Gaul and I aren't enough to take down all that Yale is. I'm my Father's daughter entirely thinking that we were. But maybe if I had this fellow, or someone like him. .. Maybe there would be another way in, to getting my Father out.

Where does this idea come from? How could I know a thing about the man behind me. I heard that suit talking to him, which sent this pearl of wisdom spinning, but I did feel him as soon as he took the booth because my hairs raised all over, as happens when Yale steps foot nearby. I discovered late last night while packing together a small bag for Laylanie that, lost in thought, that a man like Yale might be our best chance.

Maybe I'm Enchanted, as well as Cursed.

I sent a letter in post-sale to Mr. Grey. I was having a good old laugh while writing it on the balcony, with the sea air. This situation devious, sexy and absurd. All at once. And he has no idea of the degree. Thought he would catch me out, well, if only he knew!


Date: 2008-07-21 02:50 EST
Early this mornin' when you knocked upon my door.
Early this mornin' when you knocked upon my door.
And I said Hello, Satan, I believe it's time to go.
Me and the Devil was walkin' side by side.
Me and the Devil, ooo, was walkin' side by side.

Yale's arrived. I can smell him. I see him between the time my eyelashes fall and rise. He's the sunrise and sunset of my cause.

I once heard that when there's a sun shower it's the devil beating his wife. I never did ask Yale. There will be a time and place, won't there.

The woman with the derby hat I see a bit said to me that fire smells like nothing. Smoke is the scent of fire. But fire does smell. It smells of fresh cologne and whiskey breath. I've walked alongside the devil too many times to not recognise it.

I can't sleep tonight.

I feel so unlike myself.

I'm beside myself..

Laylanie, I hope that she is okay.


Date: 2008-07-21 19:04 EST
I saw a small brushfire as I left the woods last night. Bottle of Jack Daniels by an old log. I don't know if I hallucinated it. I am starving. I am still too tentative with this new living. But I don't understand it yet. That is true. That this isn't some spot on the chessboard of life. Where all is black and white, Bishops, Kings and Queens. Here, there are monsters, and devils, women and their drivers, young girls on farms who wonder if they dreamt away the past few days. Wonder at the incisions in their neck. Wonder of all the fairytales they read. Are Gingerbread houses quite the stuff of fable?

Even I could not reassure her, as I hugged her and watched her bare, dirty feet walk back to the house. I am not quite sure, yet, what it is I believe. All I do know for certain is that it is more roulette than backgammon. That my patience is wearing dangerously thin.

I am unguarded and bolder than I ever have been. I walked through the ferns after midnight as though I were untouchable. I keep trying to remember what my weaknesses should be. Then I smelt smoke and one of my aversions was there before me, and poignant.

I am not sad, Gaul, as much as I am angry. Not so much at you, but at my Father. If I say cruel things, if I close the door of my room in your face, it is because you are vicarious for me. I want to show my Father what I am. To show him the fruits of his labour gone awry. "Hi Daddy, I am dead", and even if this is not quite true. But I cannot. He can't bring himself to confront the Truth that Yale is what he is. Let alone me, who he tried to manipulate.

I got some sleep last night.


Date: 2008-07-21 22:49 EST
Cast shadows through the day
And swing the night and come with me.
There's nothing to believe in here
So just believe in me.
Your sense of apprehension suits you,
You wear troubles well.
I've nothing left to hide from you,
I've got no God to sell.
Just put your hand in mine,
Then cast your doubts aside.

We can hide away for days,
Pretend the world has ended.
No more drama, no more pain.
Pretend the world has ended.
We can run away tonight,
Pretend the world has ended.
No matter what they say we'll work out fine,
Cause you and I know this is heaven.

Hungry eyes that look like lust.

You feel but you can't trust.

Time disappears inside you,
'Till there's nothing left but us.

{Breathe in, breathe out. Take your time, you got all of it.}

She takes him up the stairs that wend like beanstalk branches in the ruins of the mansion. Crumbled stone, last vestiges of a once grand court. His breaths making her turn and almost fall down the flight, pressing him into the brick and kissing him madly.

I have a sequin for an eye
Pick a rose and hide my face
This is a bandit's life
It comes and goes and mends the breaks
Under a molten sky, beyond the road, we lie in wait
You think they know us now?
Wait 'til the stars come out..
You'll see that
Well, I made you and now I take you back
It's too late but today I can define the lack

I made you and now I take you back

{Take your mind off what it is. If it feels good, just do it}

She's unsure about this. So much could go wrong. But he didn't have matches, or silver or stake.

She sinks her teeth into the skin, pushed up against the wall, nails running down, eyes misted with the purple of crushed grapes and skylines at twilight. He bites at her neck, a lovers kiss, but she takes his life, she takes, she takes, and she takes...
until he is limp and dear against her waist, clutching on, somewhere between pain and pleasure, heaven and hell.

Tears and blood fall from her face. Taking his own in her cold hands she crouches before him, forehead to forehead on the spiral stairs, and tells him it is okay. She's full now. She's full. Blood apple. And she feels Lost, in this delapidated Eden. In the courtyard beneath the arch the Devil stands in his faded tuxedo with a cigar. Whistling.

She's shushing the man, holding his head to her chest, he kisses her, despite what she has done, and runs his fingers through the lengths of her hair, curtains of curls, hiding in them from the world, his wound and his terror and his lust.

"What are you?"

Blinkingly, still, she stares at the man. His crinkled shirt, his ice blue eyes.

"I don't know"

The whistle grabs her attention. She looks over the fallen granite and pulls herself up against it, letting the body roll away. It's agony up here, she thinks. But she feels good. She's full, 'I'm full", "You're full, Kid. Bad as me", says The Devil.

"Never" she answers, and flees. Guilt and shame and wanton. Best she not take the route back into town, so she heads for the seaside, and there, throws herself into the waters, running until it is up to her waist, and screams, splashing the water. Crying.

The Devil watches from the dark side of the moon. He shrugs and takes his leave; into buick and creep of car back into town.

When she has collected herself, she returns to their room. Wet, tired, horrified, aroused, confused, furious, she falls onto the bed and into dreams.


Date: 2008-07-21 23:26 EST
Clogged-throat inhale and a spit. It wasn't tabacky. A phlegm filled puddle of blood at his feet. Punch of red-haired knuckle into fist. Bark from that old tree went flyin'. A meander around behind it to chuck a piss and pull on his crumpled suit jacket. From behind it he reappears, slim and smart, a happy-go-lucky stroll, hand in his pocket the other striking a match down his elbow. From his cracked lips hangs a cigar.
Aw histle, his eyes from behind shades roam the sky. Stops, cupping his hands over his mouth, the cigar lit to aromatic glory.

A very lopsided, scrawny smirk, and he made his way over the gravelstricken street for the porch. Rub at his jaw and his chest; the bastard had done a good job on him. Shake of his head and a whiskey burnt laugh to himself. Another hapewww! from the ginger-haired suit, blood sticking to the grass. Up the stairs with him.

".. Oh she's gone with her red shoes on, don't leave nothin' but the baby...", he half whistles and sings in a burnt out sort of way. Takes a rest against a post of the porch, staring at the street, shades gleaming the night.

He begins a rhetoric. Directed at them. But mostly with himself.

"No one is free from Death. Yer only certainty, you know", comes his scratchy voice from outside. He's back to whistling and watching the faded moon. He's talking to them lovebirds all over one another till they were inside out in the bar. Lovers were the easiest of prey.

"I mean... 'Less you take your own life. Then it's all uncertain from there on in. Might die again a hundred times. or be reBorn a tireless ant. Or a piece of gum! Stuck ta someones shoe..", a leaf-scattering cackle and he takes a seat on the topmost step. Cigar held out, he exhales right into the gust. "You kids seen a pretty lady with blonde hair walk on in this here a a a establishment, tonight?", he's still staring at the street though.

No response from them. He whistles. He had eternity up his sleeve. Trumps.

Still no respose. He didn't feel like meddling with the loverbirds. Too cute. Or maybe he felt worse than he let on. Beaten to a pulp on the roadside. Trucker, brawn and little else, fifty four years old, now road kill as a result of dicin' with the devil.

So, he was off. Dust and ashes in the cars exhaust. Spun wheels throwing gravel. Zoom. Car windows, passenger side, rolls up. Gone. Gone. Gone.


Date: 2008-07-22 00:44 EST
I awoke not long ago to the sea. It's a ceaseless acoustic in my mind, even when I am away from it. It's what I hear when I close my eyes and the rush of blood is overpresent. It is what I heard taking the blood of a young gentleman this evening. Lapping, lapping.

My sleep was long and dreamless. At first I had thoughts, that were like dreams, but were just worries. I know I woke many times.

I can't get back to sleep. My bones feel sore. My neck hurts. My gums.

Gaul is nowhere my eye can find. I haven't been out to the lounge, the bathroom, the hall. But I can't feel him here anyway. Strange, that I can ever. I don't like to admit to it, but my charm with him and what has happened is waning. Not that my anger consumes me to a point where I am irrational, but what can one do to channel this riveting energy away from the Urge, the Lust, The Hunger, to something constructive, without ripping my hair out.

I know I'll go back for his body. I have to bury him. I feel awful. Absolutely and totally horrible. It came over me and he had soft eyes. I knew I had him. And all I could focus on was the thrum of his heart. It was like mine own heart, loud in my head. I had a heachache from the loudness of it. Putt-um. Putt-em. And everytime I smiled at him, or offered him a wine, it fastened. Putt-em em. Putt em em. It's a comforting, enveloping feeling. However nauseas I grew.

I'm trying for sleep again. I can't focus on any one thing long.

And so September laid out across the bed, over the sheets, in her dress wet with the ocean. Like some strayed mermaid, hair in saltcrusted ringlets down her shoulders and back, across the pillow. Wayward, so far wayward. Alas, proving true that the Road to Hell is paved with good Intentions. Thrown off course, in shark infested, turbulent waters, all to save her Father.