Topic: The music box


Date: 2007-09-27 06:26 EST
Room 18, the Red Dragon Inn... Where Aj is standing. Right outside the door infact. This room was only a few rooms down from where she was, which the number remains unknown to most in the inn.

Only have been in Rhy'Din for a few days at this point, she missed home. All she wanted was something to remind her... something to think on when she was lonley. But of course, no one else would know how she felt on this...

A music box... was what she was going to request for. A not so typical item that Aj would have made, but it was going to be a copy, yet unique in its own way. In her hands she held a picture of it, a dark victorian music box, with white flowers painted on it... that was the same one she was given when she was a child.... No one knew of it except for her grandmother, the woman who gave it to her.

"Well here it goes..." She said quietly to herself before reaching up and knocking on the door lightly three times, and then waiting.

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-09-28 00:27 EST
Glenn was sitting on his bed, his legs bowed like a butterfly, his ankles tucked under his legs. He was reading a book of incredibly dense poetry. Or at least it was dense to him, since he could only understand a handful of the words on the page. The green-covered tome was written in a language that was almost completely alien to him. He was just about to quit reading in frustration when he heard the knock on the door. That was all the motivation he need. The book was tossed aside with a clattering thump on the ground, and Glenn quickly grabbed the closest pair of clean carpenter slacks from on top of his dresser and put them on. His white t-shirt was a little rumpled, but at least there weren't any stains on it. He opened the door, and was face to face with someone he had never seen before.

It took an awkward moment or two before Glenn remembered why someone he didn't know would be knocking on his door. ?You're here about the advertisement, aren't you? Sorry about that, I kind of forgot about it for a second.? He motioned her in, backing up all the while, and surreptitiously trying to push some of the mess out of sight. Still, the room looked hardly like the office of a legitimate business. There was the presence of a beat-up old dresser and unmade bed, for starters. There were the stray t-shirts that he hadn't managed to fully push under the bed or the dresser. There was the pile of books and newspapers next to his bed. Even the desk, which one might hope would be clean and orderly, was unruly. An empty styrofoam food container, small blocks of sanded but unfinished wood, a few loose nails, pencils, a green fountain pen, and sheets of graphing paper that had been torn out of a notebook all sat haphazardly on the surface. It was almost like Glenn hadn't realized there were drawers in the desk. Or didn't care.

He pointed to the desk chair, a simple wooden one that seemed to look more like a dinner table chair. ?You can sit there if you like,? he said, although there really wasn't anywhere else in the room to sit. ?I'm sorry about the mess, I haven't really had a chance to clean up.? He quickly sat down on the side of his bed, a faint smile on his face, then extended his hand to shake. ?I'm Glenn. What can I do for you??


Date: 2007-09-28 06:02 EST
As she waited for the door to open, the clattering from the book made her step back from the door, and stare at it with a raised brow. "Well..." Said quietly to herself, she continued to wait. Pulling on the bottom of her tightly fitted black shirt, which was paired with skin tight blue jeans and black satin ballet flats, an unusual combo for her.

The door opened and in that akward moment she spoke. "Bonjour." Said with the light hint of a french accent. She's been trying to shake that. "And, yes I am here about the ad..." Pausing. "But that's alright." Once she stepped in she looked around. The mess wasn't a bother to her at all... he should see the mess she left in her room the single night she stayed there. Looking to the books, she saw the green one, a poetry book? "Poetry... believe it or not, I like it as well.." Said with a smile.

Heading for the chair she would sit down, crossing one of her legs over the other. "Thank you." Brushing off her jeans. "The mess... nah, it's not a problem at all. I have seen way worse... in my own room." A small chuckle to that, and with a smile she took his hand in hers and shook it, in a very feminine way. "Pleasure to meet you Monsieur Blackbridge.." Pause. "Glenn..." Another smile to him. She would mess with the picture in hand and look down at it nervously. "I know you might not do music boxes... but... " Sounding slightly nervous speaking of it she tried again. "Pretty much... make a replica of this... but with a hint of its own unique taste." She set the picture on her lap and there was the picture of a rosewood victorian styled music box.. "I never would ask you to make an exact copy, ruins the true personalized art of one's work no?" That french accent hinting on some words there. "So you think you could help me out Monsieur?"

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-09-29 20:50 EST
The comment on poetry brought Glenn's gaze down to the floor near his bed, where his book was lying. He saw that it was lying open, a page of what was clearly poetry but clearly not written in the Common vernacular. To the untrained eye (and Glenn's as well), the text was little more than a series of beautiful yet incomprehensible scribbles. Even as he spoke, he was trying as subtly as possible to kick the book under the bed. ?I read a little poetry, now and then, when I have the free time.? Which is fairly often now, he thought to himself.

And when Adrianna referred to him as ?Monsieur Blackbridge,? he winced a little bit. He had spent so much time in RhyDin identifying himself as ?Glenn of Blackbridge? that pretty much everyone who knew him didn't know his real last name. Including the inn staff. He was just now feeling comfortable enough with using his family name again; he made a mental note to use it with people more, although he didn't correct her.

Glenn's handshake was firm but brief, his palm and fingertips calloused from hard work. He studied the picture intently ? it didn't look like a painting, or a drawing, or any other sort of art he had encountered. The next thing he looked at was the wood. It was unfamiliar, darker than most of the wood he worked with, and he couldn't tell if the wood was treated or not. ?What kind of...drawing is that? And wood? Is that color natural, or is it stained?? He paused a little bit before he continued. ?It's been a while since I've made a music box, so I'm a little out of practice, and I'm going to have to figure out where to buy the actual music parts, but I think I can do this.? Since Haleigh, he thought to himself again. ?It's a very nice design. What did you want it to play?? He looked up, his hands folded, waiting for her response.


Date: 2007-09-30 11:35 EST
She watched him study the photograph and raised a brow when he was asking questions. "Well... it's a photograph." Stated rather plainly, her french accent hinting lightly in her words. "And the wood was stained as far as I know." While he paused she looked down at her lap and figited a little, she was kind of nervous... she didn't want word of this getting out. "Alright then..." She stated to the first part of what he said. "For Elise.." To the second.

For Elise... that all too famous song that was always played in her sister's music box when she was a little girl. So many memories were triggerd by that simple song. It was almost like a key to unlocking so many memories from her past... like her jealousy towards her sisters. When they used to play it for her, it would be as if someone were singing her to sleep. That music box in the picture held so many memories... of friends, Family, and of Tony.

"Well, excellent." She stated finally. "How much would it cost me Monseur?"

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-02 21:33 EST
Glenn put his hands, still folded, behind his head, and leaned back a little. He wasn't done asking questions yet, and although he wasn't certain of it, he thought maybe he had been a little too overeager in peppering Adrianna with them as soon as he had met her. Maybe if he relaxed a little, she wouldn't fidget as much? Although he couldn't really blame her. Most of the time when Glenn wasn't talking business or working on a project, he was extremely restless.

?Could you hum or whistle a few bars of that for me? I haven't heard of the song, but if I have an idea of what it sounds like, I'll be able to whistle it to the person making the insides of the box if they don't know the name either.?

When the topic of cost was raised, he sat up straight and rested his hands flat on his legs, occasionally gesturing with them for emphasis. ?Well, it'll be about 175 silvers for the labor, and it should be about 50 silvers for the parts themselves. Although I don't really know how much the parts will cost, it may be more or less, depending. I'll try to get the best deal, of course. I'll need the money for the materials first, then you can pay me for the rest of it when I'm done. Does that sound like a good deal?? Glenn's eyes, or what was visible of them beneath light brown hair, narrowed a bit, scrutinizing her. He didn't know if Adrianna could afford it, or if she even knew what anything was worth here. Half the time, he didn't even know how much certain things were here, and he'd been here for almost half a year. For all he knew, she could've been here for her entire life, or just a few days. The issue of payment was where Glenn would find out which it was.


Date: 2007-10-04 19:13 EST
When he requested her to hum a few bars of that for him she did so. The hum was light and airy, but sounded lovely. The song was all too familiar to her so she did it perfectly. When finished she smiled up at him, somewhat still nervous.

Listening to him talk she would not shortly after he finished. "That does sound like a good deal Monsieur... " Said with a smile. Her brown hair was pushed back from her eyes. "I have a bit of money left over... and I am getting another job here soon... hopefully. I'll be able to afford it." She said with a light nod. "Thank you though..." She added onto the end, relaxing a little finally.

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-05 22:13 EST
After Adrianna had finished humming the beginning of the song, Glenn whistled the same notes as well, faltering only on the first and last ones she had hummed. He smiled faintly; it was a beautiful song, and he decided that he would look into it further when he had the time.

Glenn leaned forward from his spot on the bed a little bit, closer to the desk chair that Adrianna was sitting in. He offered his hand again, hoping to shake to seal their agreement. ?It'll probably take me about a week to get everything finished. Does that sound good? Do we have a deal?? He smiled a little bit more, and, with his free hand, pushed a few of the strands of hair that had been hiding his green eyes out of the way. He hoped the gesture would be interpreted as a gesture of openness and honesty.


Date: 2007-10-05 22:26 EST
She nodded after he whistled the tune after she hummed it. Perfect.. she thought. Someone might actually be able to make the thing for me...

When he leaned foward and spoke, holding out his hand she studied it for a moment before nodding, taking his hand in her own and shaking it once more. "Deal.. Merci Monsieur... Merci." She repeated once more, before standing. "Now that this is out of the way... I will get out of your way and leave you back to your poetry... but it's nice doing business with you Monsieur." She picked up her coat and slipped it on, heading for the door.

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-08 20:45 EST
The following week...

The easiest part was building the box itself, although that wasn't completely a walk in the park. The shape was simple enough: right angles, somewhat rectangular, and a rich, dark wood. Finding a wood that matched the kind Glenn had seen in the photograph had taken the good part of a day, but he eventually succeeded. The type of rosewood he found was slightly lighter than that in the photograph, but he could easily put a coat of a darker finish on the box later if necessary. The wood was difficult to work with though. Glenn had to be very careful when cutting it, lest the wood split in a way that would leave him with two large, useless halves. Still, it wasn't too bad. It was the kind of project Glenn could work on after he'd completed his work doing various woodworking jobs in the West End. He'd come home, relax a little, maybe drink a mug of ale or two. Then he would sit at his desk, pull over the trash can he would use for the wood scraps that were produced, and spend the rest of the evening putting it together.

Glenn did something different with the white flowers for the box. While looking for rosewood for the body, he looked at some of the lighter colored woods available. One immediately caught his eye: holly. It was almost exactly the color white he was looking for, and with some heavy sanding and clever whittling work, Glenn was able to create two smooth, almost pure white flowers to attach to the left and right sides of the music box. The idea was to make it look like the flowers were carved in relief on the box, when in fact they were merely attached to the box after it had been built.

The design for the lid and hinges for the box was much more simplistic. He used simple solid brass stop hinges for where the lid attached to the body of the box. A small piece of brass was placed on the front of the box, and there was another, arrow-shaped brass piece that flipped up and down on the lid. When the lid was closed, this piece interlocked with the piece of brass on the front of the box to ensure that it was closed. Not the most intricate of metalwork, but then again, Glenn hadn't done that part of the job at all, merely purchased it from somewhere else and attached it to the box. In that regards, the craftsmanship there was perfectly serviceable.

As for the apparatus that would play the music itself, this took a little more effort to come across...

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-10 16:12 EST
Glenn spent a miserable and mostly fruitless day searching for a store in the Marketplace that sold the musical apparatus for a music box. Every place he could think of that would carry the items he was looking for either didn't have them, or were sold out. To make things worse, he spent most of the day sniffling, sneezing, and blowing his nose. At one point, he had to stop and purchase another package of tissues, and even that one ran out by the end of the day. By the time Glenn finally discovered a place that seemed promising, his nose was read and his body was exhausted from walking so much.

The first thing he noticed when he walked past Kwerejacek's was the fact that, among the jewelry, jewelry boxes, and watches in the front window displays, there were also music boxes on display. It seemed like a long shot, but Glenn decided that he had already spent most of the day fruitlessly searching, so he might as well keep going. He opened the thick oaken door, admiring the craftsmanship that went into it. It was later in the day, so there were only a couple of customers in the store, and they were being helped by black suit and red-tie wearing employees. The carpeting was a lush and navy blue, and the walls were decorating with what seemed to be very expensive Impressionist paintings. A gold chandelier hung over the center of the store. Glenn immediately felt a little self-conscious about the fact he was wearing his work clothes; the other patrons were at least wearing khakis and dress shirts. At the center of the store, surrounded by a dazzling circular display case that seemed entirely crafted from glass, was what appeared to be a dwarf. He was standing behind the case, using what looked to be a miniature telescope to examine something that was resting on a white piece of fabric on top of the glass surface. Upon Glenn's approach, the dwarf quickly squirreled the fabric and whatever was on it into a safe below the counter. Glenn immediately noticed three things: he looked mostly human, aside from the fact that he was shorter than than the counter and had the largest, fullest white beard he had ever seen. He must've been standing on a stool earlier. Glenn racked his brains, trying to figure out what the man must be. Not a dwarf, not an undersized human. A gnome, perhaps?

?Welcome to Kwerejacek's. I'm Kwerejacek, but you can call me Jacek. How can I help you today?? the gnome asked, his tone almost sickeningly friendly and rapidfire quick. Glenn paused a second, trying to figure out exactly what he'd said.

?Uh, hello. I was wondering if you sold parts for a music box. I saw that you sold music boxes and-?

?No,? Jacek interrupted. In an instant, he went from congenial salesman to openly confrontational. Glenn found himself stepping back from the counter a bit. ?We don't do that here. We only sell the music boxes themselves. Unless...?

?Unless what?? Glenn asked warily.

?Unless you'd be willing to make some for me?? The owner's tone swung back to being kind again ?Lemme see your hands.? Glenn looked confused at first, but after a quick glare from Jacek, he found himself resting his hands palms-up on the cool glass. The gnome thought nothing of prodding, poking, and kneading the callouses on Glenn's palms and fingertips, despite the highly uncomfortable look he gave him. Just as quickly as Jacek had started the examination, he finished it, with a hmph.

?You seem like you're good with your hands. How about it? Why don't you make some music boxes for me to sell? I'll pay you very handsomely.?

?Uh, I'm actually going into business for myself, so I-? The gnome's face grew bright red as he interrupted Glenn.

?A competitor? In my store? Trying to buy something from me?? Jacek knelt down behind the counter, and when he stood back up, he had a tiny shillelagh in his hand. He swung it at Glenn's head, who was too surprised to dodge the blow. ?Get out of my store! GET OUT!? Before Glenn could rub his head, the gnome was vaulting the counter with the assistance of his stool. Jacek swung his club at Glenn a couple more times, landing blows on the carpenter's legs. Glenn tried backing up slowly, but the owner wouldn't stop coming at him, his furious swings whistling around Glenn's torso. Finally, Glenn smartened up. He turned around and started sprinting out of the store as fast as he could. He narrowly dodged a salesman and a particularly snooty looking female customer, both of whom looked upon him with open disgust as he ran past.

?I didn't know Kwerejacek's let the riff-raff in,? the lady said with disdain.

?I apologize, he must not have known his pla-oof!? Jacek, in his rush to catch up to the much faster (and longer-legged) carpenter, accidentally ran into his salesman, whose momentum carried him into the woman he was talking to. The three fell into a pile at the front of the store. Jacek was the first to spring to his feet, his fury now fully transferred to the salesman.


?But-but it wasn't my fa-?

?LEAVE! NOW!? Jacek brandished his shillelagh at the salesmen. He took the hint quickly, scrambling out the front door and falling over a couple of times in his eagerness to avoid Jacek's rage. Jacek turned to the woman, offering her a hand up.

?Terribly sorry about that, it won't happen again.?

?That's right, it won't. Because I will never shop at your store again.? And with a hmph, and despite Jacek's desperate pleadings, the woman sashayed her way out the front door as well.


Date: 2007-10-11 01:49 EST
Carley had been hanging up the latest ads for A Stitch in Time for hours now. As much as she liked Lydia and Erin, she was really sick of seeing their faces. And sick of people 'ooh'ing and 'aah'ing over them like they were models. Maybe there was that teeny part deep down inside that was bitter for it, the way people would gush over them. Who ever gushed over her like that? She was cute, she knew that, and people tell her she's cute! But.. sometimes, it would be nice to feel like more than some 'cute kid'.

Now she was standing outside Kwerejacek's hoity toity store. She huffed at the sign, and proceeded to hang an ad of Erin over the top of it, and one of Lydia on the windows, though she paused to stand on tippy toes and peek over the sign to peer inside. The stuff was pretty, she had to admit that, even if she hated Kwere, as she called him, with a passion. He was a friend of David's. One of those super short people she believed needed to stay off the streets. Really, they were so hot tempered and mean and short and just annoying! Her blood boiled thinking about it.

But what was that? Music boxes? Of course! Carley smacked her forehead when she realized she had forgotten about this resource. Kwere sold music boxes, so he had to have parts Glenn could use! Ads were tucked away into her tote bag for now before she darted inside the store, waving away anyone who worked there who tried to come to help her. She never did understand that. Why did people need help shopping? Were the rich really so unable to do for themselves?

She snorted faintly at the sight of all the.. fanciness around her. It was just so much! The Stitch was practical and simple, and people loved that! Places like this just screamed for people to break into it. Bright blue eyes rolled as she leaned over the counter, calling out for Kwere. "Kweeeeeeeeeeeere!"

And Kwere? He just popped up from behind the counter! Short fellow that he was, when he worked behind the counter, it was easy to miss him. "What!?" Moody already at the sound of Carley's voice, the little elf was not his favorite person, by far.

Carley turned her sugary sweetest smile on for Kwere, though there was nothing but contempt in her eyes for Kwere. "Heya Kwere! I need a favor! I need you-"

"No!" Barked out.


"No." Kwere spoke firmly, working his hardest to restrain himself. The shillelagh under the counter was practically calling to him. He played his fantasy in his mind, of said shillelagh colliding into a certain little elf's face... he almost smiled at the thought.

Carley's eyes twinkled as she smiled oh so slyly, waggling a finger in the air in front of Kwere's face, then tapped his nose, causing him to growl a bit. "Tsk tsk tsk Kwere, have ya forgotten that you owe me already?" Hand in her tote bag, she was digging around.

That caused him to take on a look of mild surprise. "Owe you? I don't owe you anything." Frowning, he shook his head. A hand inched closer beneath his counter, but still, he restrained himself. The little elf was a tough fighter; he knew from experience. "If that's all you've come for Carlisle-" He spoke her true name brazenly, mockingly. "-then you're wasting your time, so if you'll excuse-"

"Not so fast!" Carley's voice bordered on a squeak, agitated she had been caught off guard by the use of her real, and very much despised, name. A little black book was pulled from her bag as she started flipping through it. "You betchyer *** ya owe me Kwere." Unaware of a customer or two watching the scene unfold, she turned the book around so he could see the page in question. "See where you signed yer name? After the IOU? You. Owe. Me." Snapping the book shut, she dropped it back in her bag before leveling a smirk to Kwere.

He... wasn't at all impressed. In fact, he laughed a little. "You think that means something? That's a useless sheet of paper. It means nothing."

"It has yer signature on it, so it means something." Carley was insistent and persistent. "And I can go to a court to prove it.. but.. I don't have to go quite that far." Hands settled on the counter that separated them, then she leaned forward and smiled to Kwere. It was odd, a somewhat menacing smile, so out of place on such a sweet looking girl. "Ya really don't want me to have to play my hand Kwere. You'll return the favor you owe me or suffer the consequences."

Kwere didn't like that. He didn't like being threatened. And in his store? From this little girl? His rage grew, and his hand brushed against his shillelagh beneath the counter, patience diminishing as he was on the verge of using it. "You're in no place to threaten me! Get out!!"

"Aren't I?" Carley's smile became a touch more sweet at that. "Fine. I'll get out." She straightened, even pulled her hands off the counter. "I'll get out and tell everyone all about the boils on-"

Eyes widening, Kwere's hands shot up frantically. "No!" He looked around, taking note of people watching, then leaned in to whisper. "Fine. What do you want?" It was best to just get it over with. Like ripping a band aid off. Do it quickly. Don't fight it.

"Smart guy!" Carley grinned a cheeky grin, then leaned a little closer. "I need music box parts." Pausing, pondering. "Lots of them. Gather 'em up, and deliver them to Room 18 at the Red Dragon Inn. ASAP." There was no asking in her voice, she was telling. Commanding. "Got it?"

Music box parts? That sounded awfully familiar... "That's all?"

"That's all! And if you fail? Yer gonna regret it!" Spoken oh so cheerfully of course.

With an exaggerated wave to Kwere and his workers and customers, Carley spun about on a heel and jaunted merrily out of his store, handing ads for The Stitch out along the way. Mission accomplished!

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-11 22:59 EST
Glenn had been examining and re-examining the music box for the better part of a half hour, trying to find something wrong with it, so he'd have something to do. Finally, though, he had to set the box on his desk and give up. Everything was done, except for the actual music itself. But where was he going to find the apparatus? He sighed, and just at that moment, he heard an oddly polite knock on his door.

?Kwerejacek's,? the muffled yet still clearly refined voice from behind the door said. Glenn sat up a little straighter. Had Jacek come to the inn to further abuse or humiliate him?

?What do you want?? Glenn shouted back at the voice.

?I have a delivery for you, sir.? Glenn slowly, warily made his way to the door, grabbing his hammer off the dresser as he passed by. He flung the door open, hammer poised and ready to strike, but instead of the tiny jeweler, he was face-to-face with someone else entirely. He lowered the hammer to his side. A tall, skinny man in a perfectly styled black suit, white dress shirt, and red tie was struggling with a large cardboard box. All Glenn could see of his face was a pair of pince nez glasses, a nose that was just a little bit too long and thin, and a pencil moustache.

?What's in the box??

?Music box parts, sir. One of everything we use in the store. Including all the songs we have. Can I set the box down, sir?? The man was clearly straining to sound dignified, even as beads of sweat started to form on his forehead.

?I can't afford these parts. Is this some kind of joke??

?No joke, sir. Consider this a gift, from Kwerejacek to you. Now may I set the box down?? Glenn nodded his head, and the box was lowered to the ground with a thump.

?May I ask why he's decided to be so generous?? Glenn tilted his head a bit.

?The message he told me to tell you was this: 'Please accept my humblest apologies. Hopefully these parts will last you for some time. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask.'?

?Tell him...I said thanks.?

?Will do, sir,? the man responded. He quickly looked over Glenn's clothing, then peered into Glenn's room, noting the simplicity and disarray. He sniffed disdainfully, then tugged on the lapels of his suit coat, adjusting them. ?I must be going now. Farewell.?

?Goodbye,? Glenn replied, shutting the door behind the man. He tore the packing tape off the top of the box, and looked inside, eyes wide with surprise and wonder. There were more music box cranks, bedplates, cylinders with tiny little teeth, and miniature metal combs then he had ever seen before. Fortunately for him, the cylinders were all individually packaged in plastic bags, with clear white labels explaining what song that cylinder played. Dare he hope one of those cylinders had the song he needed?

After another half-hour spent rooting through the treasures in the box, Glenn cried out. ?I found it!? He quickly unwrapped the unfamiliar packaging from the cylinder, then scrambled through the rest of the box to find the rest of the pieces he needed. He had to work through the rest of the evening, trying to make everything fit inside the box he created, but sheer enthusiasm carried him through the head cold, exhaustion, and lack of food. Finally, the music box was done. All he needed to do now was deliver the box to Adrianna, and collect the rest of his payment...


Date: 2007-10-17 16:03 EST
Adrianna appeared at the inn sometime in the early afternoon, wondering if Monsieur Glenn was around. Walking into the inn she would simply grab herself a bottle of water, to ease some of the nausea before actually heading up to his room.

She opened the bottle and took a small sip. How far along was he? She thought to herself. Her steps were slow and quiet and she tried to simply keep her nausea from returning. "D?esse..." She muttered to herself as she felt her stomach turn for a moment. But after a few moments of letting it calm down she would finally make her way to the door.

Extending a hand she would knock on the door lightly... three times. Three times only.

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-18 21:01 EST
Glenn opened the door, looking somewhat less disheveled than when they had first met. He had on a black long-sleeved t-shirt and dark indigo jeans, both looking nearly brand new. His hair was still somewhat messy and in his eyes, but what was visible of his face seemed less tired than before, and his posture was also straighter.

?Hello, how are you doing?? Glenn said, motioning her to come into his room as he stepped back a little. The room was marginally cleaner than before. Clothes had been actually placed in the dresser, the books had been stacked in a pile next to his knapsack, and part of the desk had been cleared off. The reason for that became apparent on further examination. He had been keeping the music box on his desk, but everything else that had been in that area had been shoved off to the other side of the desk or hidden somewhere else.

?It took me a little longer than I expected, but it's done. Finally.? Glenn picked it up gingerly and held it in front of her, offering it to her. ?Rosewood box, with relief-style white flowers on the sides, and brass fixtures.? He took the key-shaped crank that was sticking out of the side of the box and twisted it a few times. The sound was muffled until he opened the lid, upon which the tune chimed out as the cylinder spun and hit the teeth of the comb. He smiled. ?Will this be alright??


Date: 2007-10-20 09:46 EST
She took the box into her delicate hands and glanced at carefully. Almond eyes studying the details of it. A smile formed on her soft pink lips as she listened to the familiar tune. "It's perfect Monseiur... Merci." She continued to stare at it for several moments until the song was over and she closed the box.

Setting it down nearby she pulled out a bag from under her coat and handed it to him. "There are three hundred silvers in there... is that enough or no?" Her french accent was very apparent and a smile was offered before her eyes glanced about the room, studying several things before looking back to him.

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-21 21:11 EST
His eyes widened in surprise for a second as he looked at the bag, held it in his hands, and then heard her say how much money was in it. It would put you that much closer to your own shop, and maybe even a real apartment of your own, he thought to himself, before shaking his head, both to himself and Adrianna. He handed the bag back to her.

?That's-that's more than enough. I-I can't accept 300 silvers. It wouldn't be fair to you. I ended up getting a lot of the parts for a lot cheaper than I expected to.? He motioned with his head to the large cardboard box sitting in the corner of his room, before continuing. ?I told you it would be 225 silvers, and that's all you have to pay me.? Of course, that greedy part of him wanted to pipe up and say ?Just kidding!? but he kept his mouth shut, although he did start to fidget in place a little more.


Date: 2007-10-21 21:36 EST
She smiled at him. "Monsieur... I insist..." was said to him before she cleared off a chair and sat down. Her almond eyes gazing to him. "I didn't think that you would accept that much... but you put a good deal of work into it. It's a beautiful box.. and I bet staying in this inn gets fairly costly." Her voice was soft and sweet, with a light accent still in it.

"I know all I have to pay you is 225... but I think 300 hundred is better." A smile. "More rounded don't you think?"

Another pause as she looked around. "Besides... I'm not taking that money back... I'm not asking you to accept it. I'm making you. I know you need and want it... so take it."

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-23 21:14 EST
Relief washed over Glenn's face when Adrianna insisted he take the full payment. He didn't protest any further. He ran a hand through the center of his light brown hair carefully, lifting it up and then letting it fall back down into his green eyes. Following her lead, he walked across the room and sat down on the side of his bed, pushing the unmade sheets to the other side, behind him. Glenn smiled back at her.

?Thank you for being so kind. It does cost a lot to live here, but I haven't had the time to look for another place. And-? he hesitated at first, before thinking - What the heck? It's not that big of a deal - ?I'm saving up to get a shop in the marketplace. So every little bit helps.?

A slight smirk, as he tried to fake exasperation. ?So I guess if you insist on paying me 300 silvers, I'll just have to take it.?