Topic: GET TURNT UP [[Trash Party Thread]]

Flowing Tears

Date: 2017-02-02 11:34 EST
Party Posts, gifs, pics, polys, references to the Trash Parties held throughout RhyDin. Did it happen at a Trash party or show? Drop it here fam.


((It's fair to assume that at any given party there is plenty of booze and other illicit substances. Feel free to fill in the blanks but out of respect for the various settings, before doing anything too crazy (major damage, violence, etc), please consult one of us (Misery, Michi, Addie, Scarlet) to give us a heads up. Thanks and have fun!!))

Addie MacKenzie

Date: 2017-02-02 11:37 EST

Addie's Outfit

Flowing Tears

Date: 2017-02-02 11:53 EST

Miz's Outfit

Her theme song for most of the evening:
Just Dance


Date: 2017-02-02 13:01 EST

Trick's Outfit

Frankie Dixon

Date: 2017-02-02 17:45 EST

Frankie's Outfit:


Date: 2017-02-02 18:36 EST
She's be losing her top sometime that night. S'all good tho.


Date: 2017-02-02 20:06 EST

Ed's outfit:

Josette Wheeler

Date: 2017-02-02 23:17 EST


Date: 2017-02-03 02:37 EST

Charlie Darling <3's Ray Kowalski


Date: 2017-02-03 16:32 EST

Cianan'd show up, have a few drinks.. and feel that he's quite over the age limit for this party.

Jochin Nagadari

Date: 2017-02-03 17:16 EST
Jo, enhanced senses and all, heard the distinct noises of someone hooking up in the bathroom. So he waited outside, doing the mating dance of his people, hoping he might get a turn too.

Isaac King

Date: 2017-02-03 19:00 EST

Isaac heard about the party, and all that was needed for convincing was booze and music. He danced, he sang horribly, he joined Frankie at the piano. He handed out cookies when he had a little bit too much to drink, because whoever says they don't like cookies is a FILTHY LIAR. Ahem.

And when dawn came up and it was time to go... some prick decided to take advantage of his fear of clowns. It was probably Frankie. It's always Frankie.


Date: 2017-02-03 20:39 EST

If there's a party going on, you know Yas is there, especially if its a Trash Party! White hot and ready to rock!

Jezebel Calient

Date: 2017-02-04 00:52 EST


Date: 2017-02-04 13:29 EST

Andy had her hair up in a messy bun as she strolled around town on her bike, her hands covered by what looked a lot like biker gloves. It was by pure accident that she found herself joining the TRASHing party in Dockside, the raucous sounds of music and a good time. It was funny how much she'd change since turning 18, coming out of her shell and partying it up. She mingled, danced like crazy, indulged in a little bit of everything and perhaps a little too much alcohol as she was puking her face off by the time she made her wobbly, none-too-straight bike ride back home.

Grace Low

Date: 2017-02-04 22:56 EST
Grace and Mark showed up!

It took a little bit of doing to convince Mark to come, but... only because he was a big fan of her brand of convincing.


Date: 2017-02-07 23:06 EST
February 2, 2017

While visiting his apartment down in dockside so as to check on Sir Lemon the schmooze was lured by the sounds of rowdy festivities being had. Following the muffled sounds of music and drunken debauchery that he was so well acquainted the man finally found himself at quite the shindig.

It looked to be one helluva wild time with no shortage of illicit substances and alcohol to be had. Most certainly his sort of affair... if not for the fact that the mean age of folk there was young enough to be a kid of his had he the ability to produce offspring. So while he was most certainly grooving to the atmosphere he didn't exactly hang around trying not be depressed that he was 'that creepy old guy.' Thus after doing the responsible adult thing and making sure at least some of the sinful liquor was kept from these impressionable youth via safe keeping in his stomach...

...he opted to leave this scene. Though he did place a call in to Vida first to come on down as, yeah - sex, drugs, and rock n' roll were most certainly their jam and they unlike he was age appropriate for such a bash. But once that was done he was gone before none were too much the wiser.


Date: 2017-02-15 14:00 EST

Addie MacKenzie

Date: 2017-02-15 17:51 EST
How often does a girl turn 20?
The night at Duffy's was spent thoroughly pregaming while openers set them up for the main event. Shortly after 11, Trash ripped through an extended set that featured a solo acoustic song she dedicated to a certain blonde haired bruiser and ended with a rowdy Happy Birthday that left her red cheeked and grinning the rest of the night. Duffy's was gracious enough to leave the venue open until the early hours of the morning for their favorite band.

Eden Parker

Date: 2017-02-17 00:19 EST

After all of the weird goings on, Cory and Eden were a little nervous about going out, but not so nervous that they would miss Addie's birthday party! Once they were there, they knew they'd made the right decision. A TRASH party was always a killer party!

Eden double-checked a few times with Cory over the course of the night to make sure that it was in fact Addie's birthday (she'd gotten that wrong with other people a few times in the past) before finally shouting it at her and handing her their gift. Eden had bought Addie a pair of black heart-shaped glasses.

The pair of them spent the night dancing their hearts out, drinking, and making out!


Date: 2017-02-22 12:01 EST
Okay, so it isn't like she was close to TRASH or Addie or anything, but she wanted to be. Therefore, she brought a small flask that read 'booze' across it, complete with a bow, to add to the table of presents. It would just be another gift from a fan, but that was good enough for her. She and Magnolia partied hard: shots, drinks, snacks, small talk with others present (including TRASH, what?!?!? She can die happy now, thanks!) and getting lost in the music, bodies pressed together.

Flowing Tears

Date: 2017-10-09 21:54 EST

Addie MacKenzie

Date: 2017-10-10 09:46 EST

Of course Addie was there (likely with Ro in tow), bearing presents for the birthday girl in the form of a chalkboard skull and a needlepoint picture along with a seemingly apropos birthday card. She came early, stayed late, and despite drinking plenty of what she claimed were vodka cocktails, she never seemed to get drunk. It made dancing until the wee hours of the morning all that easier.

Hocus Pocus

Date: 2017-10-10 10:35 EST

Xzavier made sure not to tell E about the party, which wasn't terribly hard, given that X had spent much of the last year skulking around cemeteries and lamenting the living. As a gift he brought the birthday girl a box of cupcakes:

and tried to get in at least once dance with her:

But he was one of the first to leave, apologizing profusely if anyone noticed and commenting only that he had to "see a guy about a guy about a thing with a guy and a whole lot of zombies, don't ask, it's too dirty to talk about" but promised to make it out to Trash's next show.


Date: 2017-10-11 07:57 EST
On Wednesday afternoon, Misery would get the following text from E:

"Hey, Miz. I'm going out of town for a few days. You can have a couple of friends over, but no parties, okay?"

This was followed by another text a couple of minutes later:

"Jeez, when did I turn into my dad? Go nuts."

And, a couple of minutes after that, a third text:

"But not TOO nuts."


Date: 2017-10-12 09:50 EST

Trick showed up ready to rock! He is surprisingly personable when tasked with bodyguard duty, and never once let on to his introvert preferences in all the time he was present for the party. He did end up bringing Misery a gift in the form of a birthday card. The card itself was pretty generic--it was the joint he'd tucked inside that was meant to be the real gift. Trick told her he didn't know much about weed, but he got it from his sister and that she said it's 'some of the best stuff ever'. There was also the dance he promised her in addition to the bodyguard deal. His cockblocking skills were flawless, targeting only the creep-o's (and anyone else Misery deemed unworthy).

He ate food, he drank sparingly, and had an overall smashing good time partying hard and getting lost in the crowd. He danced with anyone and everyone, including his sister and her girlfriend. When Ike and his friend Jodie showed up, he introduced them to Miz. If they were of the dancing sort, he danced with them too!

Happy Birthday, Miz!

Clara Wyatt

Date: 2017-10-12 11:05 EST

In town, if only for a little while, Clara convinced Jake to go with her to the party at the Dockside Manor. It meant sweet talking her older sister into letting her borrow a dress and shoes for the evening and stopping by one of the many shops in the market to pick up a little gift for the birthday girl. It wasn't anything spectacular, just a little pastel purple skull necklace, but when she saw it in the shop, she knew she had to get it.

Once at the party, she and Jake avoided the denser parts of the crowds if only long enough for her to get acclimated to all of the people. Clara had forgotten just how popular the Trash girls were when it came to these things! Eventually she dove in, never without Jake terribly far away. Her dancing drift ventured her Trick's way for a hello and then to the Trash ladies where she offered out her tribute to Misery and a hell for Addie too. After a short exchange with the latter, she found Jake for a few more dances before leaving well before the party ended.


Date: 2017-10-12 21:42 EST

Arriving in the company of his best friend Jodie, Ike immediately sought out his newly made friend Trick. Shockingly, The Director did not have his camcorder with him. Though he did have his cell phone primed to record anything of interest at a moment's notice. After being introduced to Miz, wishing her a happy birthday, and presenting her with a gift*, at most he asked if she'd be cool with taking a couple of selfies with him and his best friend. Some evidence that they had met the band, or at least the birthday girl, in person was necessary to amplify their cool factor at school. He had a few drinks, but not enough to destroy his inhibitions. Ike was not much for dancing, preferring to hang out on the sidelines like a wallflower. An easy-going smile was constantly in place and he was cordial to anyone who shared his company.
* Trick told him she was kinda goth. Hope she likes it.


Date: 2017-10-12 22:55 EST
Jodie doesn't quite fit in to the punk slash goth slash rock scene, but she tried her darndest for Ike's sake! Not to mention... Ike's new friend was chummy with the drummer and who doesn't want the chance to meet a crazy famous rockstar? She bought a brand new, delightfully chic romper for the occasion and when challenged on its appropriateness for attending a punk slash goth slash rock concert birthday party, Jodie smartly told her BFF that her mother would have been suspicious had she left the house in anything less. "I painted my nails black! It'll be fine."

Chatting with anyone who looked halfway friendly, Jodie stuck close to Ike throughout the evening (secretly keeping track of his drinks so no one drugged him). She wasn't much of a dancer until her favorite song got blasted through the speakers, at which point she pulled out her phone to RhyBook Video Live herself prancing in joyous rapture around Ike (who was only bobbing his head affably).

She left the birthday girl a present, too. Surely there was a gift table somewhere. A cute little succulent in a cute little pot.


Date: 2017-10-13 14:17 EST

Mallory arrived at the party with Eri, dressed skimpier than she usually dared so she could let all her new tattoos come out and play. She loaded up on rings and bracelets, picked out heavy black eyeshadow, nail polish, and lipstick, and generally made good on her promise to "goth the **** out."

She didn't really know the birthday girl, but Trick hitting her up for advice inspired something similar: she gave Misery a cheap pewter urn, clearly meant for cremation, stashed with candy and a few recreational goodies.

She danced with her brother, danced with her girlfriend, and on more than one occasion she danced like an idiot. She drank until she got loud, stayed late, and left to get diner food whenever she sobered up enough to feel hungry.


Date: 2017-10-13 20:24 EST
When Goshen made some comment about how he always dresses in bright clothes, Ed felt compelled to prove otherwise. As luck would have it, he heard about Misery's birthday party. In support of her goth-ness, he decided to black it up too. What better excuse to dress up than a party?

They showed up early and stayed late, hogging the dance floor. Of course, Goshen couldn't keep his hands off him, and Ed did not at all complain. He refused to dance with anyone else, politely declining any offers in favor of clinging to his date. The familiar faces he saw that he knew were less than fond of him did nothing to erase the smile from his face. He drank sparingly but smoked excessively, not prepackaged cigarettes so much as the special ones Goshen rolled himself and kept in a case. They were polite and friendly with anyone who kept their company.

When the opportunity presented itself, they wished Misery a happy birthday. Ed had even brought a gift for her, but it was too large to keep on his person. Provided there was a table for gifts, that's where he left it, with a card so she'd know who it was from. The gift itself being a cymbal converted into an analog clock, re-purposed/upscaled by his own two hands.


Date: 2017-10-13 22:45 EST

Yas got all goth'ed up and was sure to stop by to wish Misery a ?Happy Birthday? and give her a little gift of Mis-Fortune Cookies.

She was excited to talk to all the chicks in her FBAL: fav band of all time! If she got to spend a little extra time with Michi, that would just be bonus.

Flowing Tears

Date: 2017-10-14 21:45 EST
Initially when E had sent Misery those texts on Wednesday, the teenage banshee had started to panic. ?ACK HE KNOWS! Michi I thought you said that old people never look at Tweeter!?!?!?

Then a few minutes later:

?Oh whew. No, he?s got no clue. Hey this counts as permission, right? Right?! WOO! Good too because I was going to have to spike his bottle of water. No no, not like I did with Scarlet that one time. It would have just made him sleep like the dead. Not actually be dead.?

?I mean, I wouldn?t kill E. Not on purpose anyways.?


Having planned on spending most of the night dancing, Misery wisely (she?s learning as she grows older you see) opted to wear a pair of flat boots to complete her outfit, which made it easy to stay on her feet. Throughout the night Trick grew familiar with the glances she sent his way, saving her from having to talk to any creep-o groupies who were deciding that 17 was old enough now to harass when Michi and Addie were undoubtedly distracted with their dates to step in. The banshee seemed overall wary of any flirtations sent her way, and was thoroughly grateful for someone she trusted screening the throng of party goers that moved her way throughout the evening. In addition, the drummer was more than happy to take a selfie or ten with Ike and Jodie, as well as anyone who asked.

She spent the night ?going nuts? on the dance floor and even her familiar Indra (the storm cloud that hovered over her head) got into the spirit of things and would actually make it rain silvery confetti every so often.

Black Magic

Date: 2017-10-15 13:22 EST
Sadly, Max could not stay for the whole of the party. His arrival came early in the night so he could deliver his gift to Misery. A few minutes of small talk followed by an apology that, while he wished he could stay for the remainder of the party, he had obligations with the old crones (he chose a more suitable term for them instead of old crones) of the academy and had to take his leave. The gift is an antique chess table with pieces to match. He had searched far and wide for the perfect gift thanks to recommendations from the women of the academy. Sure, all of them were grandmothers and well within their years, but he's sure the gift will translate well to a girl around his own age.


Date: 2017-10-17 15:07 EST

Michi's there to be the responsible one of the Trash crew! And by responsible, she'd be getting drunk and may or may not have dragged Yass off for a makeout session.. Well, she hopes it was Yas, because that'd be awkward to explain if not. But who else had green skin and bright pink hair?

Her gifts to Miz, like always, were to make sure the girl is well prepared for anything to come her way.

A nice sweatshirt with a little meaning behind it, annnd cat claws. Because why shouldn't you get up close and personal with someone you want to claw apart?