Topic: A Friend Indeed

Jade Ravenlock

Date: 2008-07-31 00:38 EST

She had sworn off exercise and walking because it was gonna make this kid fall right on out of her, but she was determined and by gods she would talk some sense into Dakota Steele. She looked up at the apartment and scowled. "Scum bag!" She pounded the door. "Open up ya big ol lug! I got a gift for ya."

These last three weeks, Dakota had pretty much stopped caring. He didn't give a sh*t about his appearance, he didn't give a sh*t how his place looked, and he just flat didn't give a sh*t. He was sitting there in the living room with the TV on, and he had a cold beer in his hand. No telling how many he'd already gone through tonight. He was shirtless, he'd quit shaving a few days ago, and he wore a pair of baggy denim shorts. Letting out a couple of profanities as he heard someone beating at the door, he slowly got up, not recognizing the voice. Slowly the door swung open.

Her hands had settled on her hips after she gave up the beating on the door. She was pregnant AND hormonal, oh joy. Her usual giddy and pleasant features were twisted into a nice grimace... that he met when he opened the door. A few moments of staring him down, she finally spoke... after landing a good smack across his cheek, "Dakota Steele! What the hell do ya think ya are doing?!"

And there was Rhyannon, pregnant as all get out. He started to ask her just what the hell she was doing out here in her condition, but before he could get the first word out, she slapped the hell out of him. Dakota, for his part, let his head snap to the side rather than refusing to roll with the slap, not wanting her to break her wrist. He didn't respond at first, instead choosing to take another drink. Finally, moments passed, and he came back with his answer. "What does it matter what I'm doin'...? She don't want a thing to do with me. I went and ****ed that up good."

"Bull!" She huffed at that, arms moving to cross over her now plump chest. Thank God for babies. She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes on his beer then up at him, "Is that all ya've been doing lately? Drinking instead of calling her?" She rolled her eyes at that, "Clearly you don't know J that well. But oooooh," Her hands moved to shake in the air to make her point, "Ya both are too damn stubborn to call one another and work things out!"

"I don't think you know what I called her, Rhy. She must not've told you ev'rything I said to her. I hurt her.....I hurt her bad." Yeah, she hurt him too, but that didn't mean a damn thing to him now. He was kicking his own arse for what he did to her. "Ain't no way in hell she'd want me back."

One of the hands moving in the air pointed at him as the other went to her hip yet again, "I know what ya said to her and ya better never do it again." A pointed look was given as the tiniest of sparks flared from her fingertip. Ooo, bad power to have at the moment. "She's more torn up about what she said to ya." She shook her head, lowering her hand, her expression softening. "Dakota... she wants ya back.... Ya don't know how much." Her chin rose as she looked at him now, "So I gotta deal for ya. Wanna hear it or not?"

"First, do you wanna come in and at least sit....?" Yeah, his place pretty much looked like hell, but what did he care. "Ain't 'xactly right of me to keep you out here, standin' like that.."

"At least part of ya is still a gentleman...." She peered around him and crinkled her little nose at the state of his apartment. Complete disarray. But... her feet were aching and she was about to fall out, "Yes, please."

He even extended his hand to her, leading her in and towards the couch. "Luke, move your arse!!" And the huge Rottweiler immediately hopped off, coming to give the visitor a friendly sniff.

She blinked several times at the dog, taking the helping hand as she waddled over to the couch. She let go of his hand and plopped down. Plopped down indeed. Jade better be glad that she loved her so much... right after this she wasn't going to leave the house for a week. She pet the dog, even making cooing words to him, "Who's a good boy? You are! Yes you are!" Though as she pet him, her eyes went back to Dakota, a slim brow quirking at him as if wanting an answer. And she did.

"What's the deal, Rhy....?" He actually smiled a bit, watching her interact with his best friend. He then slowly made his way into the kitchen and went for a smoke. On the verge of lighting it up, it was like common sense slapped him just about as hard as Rhy did. Hello?? Pregnant woman in the room, dumb arse!! He set the cig and lighter both down, listening to her while opening the fridge to get another beer.

"Don't you dare get another beer, if you think you were going to get one," She crinkled her nose at the sound of the fridge door opening, but she secretly cheered that he didn't light up that smoke. She'd hate to have to really zap him. "But the deal is... that ya got twenty four hours to get yourself cleaned up and sobered up. Then you will march your lil butt up to the sorority house and see Jade." Her tone was a 'you better do it', so much not like Rhy. Maybe she was fed up from the two. Maybe she knew they were the only ones for each other. She just wanted her best friend happy for once.

" really believe she'd take me back? I mean, I ain't gon' lie to ya.....there ain't been a damn day that goes by that I haven't missed her. She made me so happy.....I don't even know what the hell started our stupid fight. Yeah, I love her...I'm just so ashamed to even face her after what I said. But.....but if you think it might work. I'll be there." A hand ran through his flowing black locks, and his heart was about to practically beat out of his chest. This was the chance that he'd been hoping would come, but much like Jade, he was too damn stubborn to initiate it himself. "If you see her tonight.....tell her I love her."

"If you heard how many times she's been crying out your name... Ya wouldn't be so quick to second guess me." She tried to get up... but it didn't work. Woe is the name of the pregnant lady. She sighed and held her hands out in the 'gimme gimme' way, "Help a poor girl out, hm?" She made a face before nodding, "I'll tell her."

And that statement....her crying out his name....that hit him like a ten pound hammer. He honestly had no idea...none whatsoever. He couldn't even respond to that. What could he say to that? Instead, he simply nodded and approached her, taking both her hands into his, and gently pulling her up. "Thanks for everything, Rhy.."

She stood up straight, nodding. A soft smile reached her lips, though no matter how much she wanted to yell at him further. She needed them together. Everything would be right in the world then. Well, In Rhy's little head. She tip-toed to set a smooch to his cheek, "Don't let her down, Dakota. I know ya won't." She mumbled in his ear. With another nod as she settled, she turned towards the door rubbing her belly. Hand on the doorknob, she turned and waved as if nothing happened, "Byyyye!" And the pregnant candy fiend was out the door.