Topic: It ain't all roses..

Dakota Steele

Date: 2006-07-27 01:27 EST
Even the best have to have a disagreement sometimes..

That was pretty much the only way to logic out what happened between Dakota and Rosie.

Dakota had come into the Inn last night to spend some time with his lady. He'd been feeling good, especially since he finally relented the previous night and allowed Charlotte to heal his hand. There was Brian to thank for that. Dakota's good friend finally convinced him to just give in and allow his hand to be healed. How could a woman as beautiful as Rosie be satisfied with a man who only had one good hand to hold her with, Brian asked.

That was pretty much all the convincing the bull-headed Indian needed. So Charlotte worked her magic, and he was back to full strength.

After Dakota came into the Inn and spotted Rosie, the first thing he saw were bruises on her face. Naturally, he immediately started grilling Rosie as to what exactly happened. She wouldn't talk at first, as if too embarrassed, or maybe she simply didn't want to upset him any more.

Too late for that...

Finally, after seeing she was left with little other choice, Rosie explained to him how she had another encounter with Natalia...only this time, it was a matter of Rosie being bullied by this vampire, and having bruises left on her face as a result of it.

Dakota's reaction was expected...he was ready to fight right then and right there. But there was no Natalia around to fight. He was sick and tired of this, and even though he was well aware of what Natalia had done to his friends Brian and Wyheree, he was still ready to do whatever he had to do to make sure she doesn't hurt Rosie again.

Rosie began to plead with him to just let it go. Maybe she would stop...maybe it wouldn't happen again...this is how Rosie tried to reason with him. She kept on and on and on and on, BEGGING him not to even try anything with Natalia.

Now this was just starting to piss Dakota off.

Was he really being put in a position where the woman that he was in love with was having issues with someone obviously much stronger than her, yet he was expected to not do anything to at least try to protect her...?

Hell no, he couldn't expect to comply with that. This was honestly the first time Dakota had gotten angry with Rosie. Here she was, obviously pained and afraid of Natalia, but she didn't want Dakota to do a thing about it, except to let her keep doing whatever she pleased.

He had to turn his back on her, and simply walk away and out of the Inn, not another word spoken to her. Before he left, Wy had come up to him to quietly inform him that she did have his back as far as Natalia was concerned. Dakota thanked his dear friend Wy, and asked her to let Rosie know that he loved her...he just couldn't deal with being put in this position right now.

This has been over 24 hours ago, and they haven't seen each other since.