Topic: Sleep tight..


Date: 2006-07-25 05:59 EST
Our little red headed friend lay in her comfy bed in the boarding house. She could definitely get used to her surrounings, that's for sure. Never in her life had she lived amongst such luxuries. She even had her own bathroom!

Well as one often does when they are laying there, waiting for sleep to take them away, she muses over what had happend that day.

She hadn't seen Dakota all day. It worried her, yes. He had been in a foul mood since he'd smashed his hand. He'd try to hide how he felt with that silly lopsided grin of his, but she could see it in his eyes. He was becoming more miserable and more depressed by the day. He had taken to calling himself worthless, and that simply did not sit well with Rosie. Oh no, she'd have none of that.

She'd also had a miscommunication with Jaleeisa and nearly didn't deliver the sticky buns to the party. Oh, what that would have done to the prospective catering business she was planning! Even though she only stayed long enough to drop off the desserts, requests were already coming in. Two weddings and a bahtmitzvah. Not too shabby.

Turning on her side, her ankles gave a little scream of pain. They'd been out riding horses, she and Charlotte. Rosie hadn't known they were going to be riding or she'd have worn her boots, at least. Her ankles and calve muscles were aching from holding her weight up off of the horse for nearly three hours.

Her thoughts drift back to Dakoa, as they often do. They'd had a bit of a stern discussion about his hand, when she did finally catch up with him. Why he was putting himself through the pain and anguish, she really didn't understand. They must have been speaking back and forth on it for a good hour before Brian came strolling into the great hall. Just five minutes and a few macho lines and Dakota agreed to let his hand be healed magically. Hmmph! Men!

A soft smile curled her naturally light pink lips as she thinks of the laughing fit that she, Dakota and Brian had shared. Each feeding off of the other's laughter until they were all breathing raggedly and wiping tears from thier faces. What had started it, she wasn't sure of. Even Chalotte had heard thier screams of laughter and came to investigate. She too was laughing along with them before long.

Eyelids were getting very very heavy. Sleep loomed around the corner. Her last memory of the day was of her and Dakota on the front porch of the inn. A week or so ago he had taken up his guitar and wrote a song for her. She'd only heard it once, but she had the tune memorized and she hummed it softly now. "Good night, Dakota," She murmurs before finally succumbing to sleepy land.