Topic: When All You've Got Is Each Other.......

Dakota Steele

Date: 2008-08-01 00:29 EST
(Warning: Yes, there is masked language here. C'mon, it's Dakota and Jade. They cuss.)

Dakota had been given twenty four hours to pull himself out of the drunken abyss that he'd let himself sink into these last three weeks. Rhyannon had gone to the trouble of trudging to his apartment just to let him know what an idiot he was, and to let him know that Jade was just as miserable without him as he was without her. He knew this may be the only chance that he'd ever have to get this woman back.

That brings us to tonight.

He knew exactly what he wanted to do, exactly what he wanted to say, and by God, he was going to be man enough to pull it off. Dakota had taken the time to improve his appearance quite a bit. He'd slicked his hair back into a nice, tight ponytail. He'd even trimmed his ungodly homeless looking beard into a neatly cut goatee. He put on that Guns n' Roses t-shirt that she loved on him so much, his best pair of jeans, and had shined his black cowboy boots almost to an extreme. Around his neck rested a wide assortment of his Native American jewelry, and upon his head guessed it....his infamous black Stetson, slung low enough to distort his facial features.

Stepping out of his apartment, he saw the rain slowly beginning to come down, and it couldn't have bothered him any less. It was a slow, steady rain...quite beautiful, to be honest. He carried one thing with him as he made the walk to the CZK house: his black guitar case which he held in his left hand.

Jade was curled up in her bed, going through her Nth box of chocolates today. Rhy wouldn't let her pick up the wine bottle and also made her look presentable for some ungodly reason. Instead of drowning her sorrows out like she wanted to, the two best friends were cuddled together in Jade's fluffy black covers on her vast bed. One could get lost for days, and that had been her plan. Rhy didn't let her keep her pajammas on, but she settled for her old Jade-zilla tank top and then most torn up pair of jeans she had. It'd do. As the two watched the most gory movie known to man, keeping J's mind off... things, it started to rain. The tiniest of smiles reached Jade's crimson lips.

It was a longer trek to the sorority house than he'd remembered! It didn't matter. Nothing mattered except his mission tonight. There wasn't a damn thing in Rhy'Din that could've prevented him with going through with this tonight.

Finally, the house was in sight, and he slowly approached the place, stopping once he was a few feet away from the second story window that he knew was Jade's....his beautiful Jade.

Still holding his guitar case, all he could do was stand there in the steady rain, and wait for his woman to open her window. He'd be an interesting sight, if nothing else. She might not even be able to see his face from beneath his hat, but there was no mistaking who this man was, standing outside her window.

Rhy was antsily chewing on her lower lip, looking out the window every now and then. Jade had made note of it in her now sobered mindset. She narrowed her black brows, only to go back to the movie... that was until Rhy gave a shift elbow to her mid-section as she sat up. Jade blinked, "What was that fer?"

Rhy peered out the window just to make sure she had seen right as she sat up. Yep, it was him. Thank the Lord. Too bad it was raining, the poor thing. Serves him right! She thought as she did smile lightly. She changed her expression to a more insightful one as she looked to Jade.

"It's raining, wanna look?"

"It's rain."

"Just get over there and look! Remember the thing you used to say? That it makes ya feel better?"

"Yea yea, iffin' it'll make ya shush about it..." Jade grumbled lightly as she got up unwillingly from her spot, moving towards the window.

Dakota Steele

Date: 2008-08-01 00:37 EST
And there she was.

Their eyes locked for the first time since they'd had their fight. Ever so slowly, Dakota went down to one knee, laying his guitar case down. Unsnapping the case, he opened it up and pulled his black acoustic guitar out, which was getting soaked. It was probably going to get ****ed up good tonight. He did not care.

Placing the leather strap around his neck, he rose back up to his feet, his eyes completely locked in on hers. What kind of sight this must have been for her. He waited with extreme patience for her to open her window, not saying a word until she did.

She nearly fell over as she locked her jade hues with his deep... chocolatey eyes... The ones she had been dreaming to look into ever since the fight. Her eyes widened before snapping to look back at Rhy, who wasn't sitting on the edge of the bed anymore. The preggo had waddled right outta the room without her even knowing! She wanted Jade and Dakota to share this moment with themselves. Though, unbeknownst to either... she was still watching from the room next door. Snapping back to the window, she flung the two latches open - nearly throwing herself out in the process.

"Dakota!? Is... it really you?!"

He didn't speak a word in response.

Instead, his black acoustic was the first to speak, as he played a soft intro to one of his favorite songs. As the rain continued to beat down on him, his smooth, bluesy voice began to sing, and it was for nobody in the world but her.

"Baby close that suitcase you've been packin'
Just sit down and talk to me a while
I know you tried to tell me what was lackin'
But I guess I must have missed it by a mile
Well this time girl I swear to you I'll listen
Help me understand where I went wrong
It's hard to find myself in this position
Scared that I'll go crazy once you're gone

Help me hold what we had
Once our love was strong, it can be again
You said it takes two, to make love last
You were right all along, so help me hold on

What have I got to do to make it better?
What have I got to do to make you see
That even though I promised you forever
I never knew how hard that would be
I realize I took your love for granted
But I've learned that love worth havin' don't come free
And I'll pay any price it takes to keep you
Satisfied and stayin' here with me

Help me hold what we had
Once our love was strong, it can be again
You said it takes two, to make love last
You were right all along, so help me hold on

Help me hold what we had
Once our love was strong, it can be again
You said it takes two, to make love last
You were right all along, so help me hold on

You were right all along
So help me hold on"

Dakota Steele

Date: 2008-08-01 00:44 EST
As the song came to an end, his eyes still locked in on hers. He removed the strap from around his neck and slowly set the guitar down in its case, closing it back. Moments of silence passed, and he removed his hat, actually slinging it aside emphatically.

"Jade, darlin'.....there ain't no damn way I can make up for the things I said to you. There ain't no damn way I can make up for pushin' you down. And I know there ain't no damn way I can make up for breakin' your heart and hurtin' you the way I did. I ain't ever gon' be able to tell you 'I'm sorry' enough times to let you know how sorry I am."

And right then, Dakota Steele dropped down to both knees, with the rain continuously beating down on him, and he continued to speak.

"I can't make up for it, but I'm beggin' you to forgive me, Jade. I love you more than you could ever realize, an' I've realized in these last three weeks just how much you and that lil angel of yours brought into my life. I can't make it without the two of you. I'm askin' if you could find it in your heart to take me back, Jade. I don't give a **** about anything else but earnin' your love again. I ain't worth it, and I know that....but I'm askin' you for one more chance...."

As the song played, the crimson tears fell. He... asking for her forgiveness when she had been so heartless to him. Simply... amazing. He had to be the stupidest.... most loving, caring, and incredible man she had ever met.

She stood, half out of the window in the pouring rain getting soaked, in silence. Amazement. And in shame. After a few long moments, she finally spoke.

"Dakota... Why are you asking me forgiveness when ya know yer gunna get it? I should be asking you these things! Yer the best man I've ever met an' I went an' ****ed it up! I shouldn't have been such a stupid bitch to you. I was heartless... ruthless. How could you forgive me of these things? How could you still love meh as I do you, fer all that?"

"Just get your arse out here, darlin'..."

He couldn't help but laugh at his own comment. Hell, laughing was all he could do to keep the tears from coming as she practically begged his forgiveness as well. And yeah, he was still on his knees, wanting his point to be proven to her.

The universal 'One moment' index finger was given before she turned and dashed through her room, towards the door. Rhy gave a thumbs up out the window to him as Jade tried not to trip down the stairs. Her legs weren't moving as fast as her heart wanted them to go. Finally she hit the stairs landing and leapt to sling open the door. She whipped outta there faster than all get out and ran so fast she had to skid to stop on her bare feet infront of him, eyes wide... that still... he was actually.. here!

And without a word, still on his knees in front of her, he wrapped his arms around her waist. His head came to rest on her stomach as he held her against him. There was nothing else Dakota needed to say. He poured his heart out to her tonight, and he had his woman back. All was right once again with the world.

Jade smiled though the sobs choked her up. They stood there.... minutes... hours... who knew. She finally brought her hand up to wipe at her crimson tears as they slowed in the rain. She leaned to kiss the top of his head, though she had already been running her hand through his hair like if she stopped he'd be gone. Sniffling, she let out a laugh.

"Ya got yer guitar wet, baby."