Topic: OOC:Behind Raven Wisps

Aria Valya

Date: 2007-10-11 15:49 EST
OOC stuff will go here:comments,questions and ooc wackyness.

Imrathion Tathar

Date: 2007-10-12 16:37 EST
Congrats on the folder! I've enjoyed reading your story, and I look forward to seeing how it plays out. :)

Aria Valya

Date: 2007-10-13 00:06 EST
Thank You.


Aria Valya

Date: 2007-10-26 15:37 EST
Just so everyone udnerstands how it works:

Morwen Crebain is first, then A Brave New World then A World Unfolded

Morwen Crebain is Arias past

A Brave New World Is her more recent past

A World Unfolded - is for allher adventures near and about Rhydin- which is the most current

Her Journal begins in Rhydin

just so its a bit more clear, if anyone was getting lost

Aria Valya

Date: 2007-11-07 00:58 EST
soon I will post pictuers of some of the main characters from Aria's story here. Right now I just have Aria and Kegan done. But once the rest are done I'll post them here. On that note.

Does anyone know a good place to find good female drow pictures- yes I could edit one of the pitcutres I have but I am not quite sure how to, never edited a drow before. So any help at all be welcome. :)

Also. I am not for sure on this. But I may be asking for someone willing to play Kegan. At the moment I write for that character and depending on how I choose for the story to goI may ask for someone to play his charater. But when that time comes I'll post in Writers and Rpers wanted on DM. Not sure yet at the moment just a heads up.

Aria Valya

Date: 2007-11-07 16:48 EST
if you cant see them try the link if the link doesnt work please let me know..


The Brothers:





The Ladies:




Aria's Tattoos

Wild Hunt Tattoo On her shoulder

Ered Lithui Clan Tattoo

On her lower back

Aria's Home

Eldamar Ennorath

Aria Valya

Date: 2007-11-20 01:07 EST
Happy Thanksgiving to all

I'll be away over this thanksgiving weekend from the 21- the 26th.

family stuff you know.

But after that I may be posting a call for rpers. I havent yet made any choice of if I wish to write for kegan myself as I have been or have someone play him.I havent yet made a choice if hes alive dead or just lost.

In any case keep an eye peeled to dm and if i do need a call for actors I'll post a linkage in here whent he time comes.

Everyone have a good thanksgiving!

Aria Valya

Date: 2007-12-03 00:51 EST
There were many hours of silence as dawn broke. They could all see all the cages around them now, and those further away. Everyone was armed and had tried to get out but the cage was more than wood and iron it was of magic make and Aria knew only magic could break magic. She was not strong enough to cast such sorcery. Then as she took in some rest sitting back against her cage her heart hit the floor. "Karnil..." she whispered. "Look." She pointed and Karnils eyes followed her own, his heart too hit the ground. "Oh my god."

Across the way by a tree was a cage that held someone they both knew. Yet unlike everyone else his hands were bound, yet he still had all his weapons. His silver hair was colored red from his own blood. His shirt ripped and torn hit body bruised.

"Kegan..." Aria breathed, but felt as if she had no breath left. They had searched and searched and he had been here taken captive by a mad man

he's alive

it took me a long time to figure out where Kegan was all this time, and if or when Aria,Karnil and Gabe would find him.Now after they fight this tight ass Kaleb they will be in Rhydin.Aria has many things to sort through and a bit of a vengence kick to go on.

soon soon.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-01-07 23:39 EST


Aria Valya

Date: 2008-01-18 01:27 EST
A World Unfolded Goes on with Kegan,Karnil and their slow journey home.

As well as Gabe and Olvana and their missions in Rhydin and their slowly budding romance.

while Aria is getting pampered still in Castle Longden.

just so no one gets lost.


Aria Valya

Date: 2008-01-23 00:50 EST

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-01-29 00:16 EST
Old Friends returning soon.

and new dangers to come.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-02-24 23:13 EST
Heres whats coming up:

The Story Of A Warrior: Rocean Helkaer's Tale (started 2/24/08 )

A Trio of Ravens: Mor Crebains Tale ( stared 3/24/08 )

Amin Mela Lle: A Lovers Tale ( Sometime in May)

A World Unfolded will continue when Arias part in Dark Beauty:In Longden Castle is over ( could be anytime -keep everyone up to date)

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-04-23 00:40 EST
I am having a huge writing block, I've found it very hard to write for Mor's and Rocean's tale.I am concertting pulling them both, Not sure yet any outside thoughts?

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-04-24 01:03 EST
I have made the choice to just lock the two down instead of pulling them I am still having too hard fo a time writing for them. The Idea at first was a really good one, I didnt know it would just sorta fall apart. Aria is easier to write for ,I'll try to make a new post for her, maybe begun Amin Mela Lle for Gabe and Olvana, since that is where Aria should be at the moment.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-04-24 01:08 EST
The Story Of A Warrior: Rocean Helkaer's Tale (started 2/24/08 ) (locked 4/23/08)

A Trio of Ravens: Mor Crebains Tale ( stared 3/24/08 ) (locked 4/23/08)

Amin Mela Lle: A Lovers Tale ( still Sometime in May)

A World Unfolded will continue when Arias part in Dark Beauty:In Longden Castle is over ( I may just go on with out knowing whats going to happen. )

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-05-01 00:41 EST
New Pics yay!

I may have the spark back for at least one fo the two locked down threads working on it.

What I really need is a guy for Aria... any takers?

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-05-08 00:41 EST
hmma new sl it just what Aria needed. Amin Mela Lle may still go on as planned I havent made a choice in it yet. But I think I'll leave Mor and Roceans tales where they are for now. I am much better at writing for Aria than those two male warriors.

Those stories may come at some point. I'll keep everyone up to date.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-06-27 00:45 EST
I reopened both Mor's and Rocean's tale I ve been trying to work on them again, getting inspired to at the very least

hopefully more to come

in all threads that are open

once Glenn and Aria get back to Tel Mandu Taure I'll try to go abck and wtire somehting for whats been going on with Gabe,Olvana and maybe even Kegan since I left him in a cave.


Aria Valya

Date: 2008-06-27 17:37 EST
okay so roceans and Mors tales are gone, oh my god.

dont worry I am planning on combining the two in to one big story line

Two Warriors:One Road

which I will post in come monday once I go through what i have for the two and edit and add things in.

till then

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-09-26 15:55 EST
Elven Tribes of Forodren Ardhon

Eryn Elven Tribes
Eryn Evair-Dark Elves,Drow (Rocean's people)
Eryn Telerrim-Sylvan Elves -eastern end

Lith Aeglir -dark elves-(mor's tribe)

Silvern Falas Elves
Aear -sea elves,tan skin tone, true wood elves- closer to Eryn
Lhim -fishing elves,lighter in skin tone- Near Lith Aeglir

Tribe of Eru
Thor Elves- a type of dark elf- more brown toned (like Olvana)-All of Eru

Tribes of Parth Talath
Lhasbelin -Sunrise Elves - North of Naur Gond
Eregdos- Green Elves - North Eastern Grass Lands
Mindon- A Type of High Elves - Southern Hill
Feredir- Wild Elves-Middle Grass Lands


Date: 2008-11-13 22:03 EST
:: Sneaky sneaks over to Aria, pulls out a paddle.. then paddles Aria. :: I didn't do it! :: Hides saide paddle behind back. ::

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-11-13 23:01 EST
::brows perkage:: what was that for?


Hopefully coming soon I will continue two warriros one raod, once I get out of my funk. But until then Glenn and Arias tale continues as they head for her home, old faces soon to return.

Olvana Soronuume,Gabe Crebian,Kegan Helkaer (No hes not dead, and no hes not trapped forewvere, we'll find out what happens to him soon. Once Two warriors one road comes to a close close. .Karnil Helkaer ,Hera Linae ,Alderon Helkaer,Ellya Tyaro Helkaer,Sekara Dulin.Rocean Helkaer ( yes even the father is alive)

and a supries character to enter .Sedryn Helkaer Roc's yougest sister

all coming soon.

Aria Valya

Date: 2009-05-27 00:48 EST
Glenn mun is MIA.

I am not sure where this forum would ahve gone, but until he returns there will be no posts.

I have some other things in the works, but if he should not return, I will catacomb this folder.

Aria Valya

Date: 2010-01-07 23:42 EST
I am not sure at the moemnt where Arias story is going.I ahvent written anything for ehr in some time.Her story is at an impass. Shes home,or nearly there, and I am not sure whats going to happen next..So untilt hen I will ooc to keep the forum alive.


Date: 2010-05-16 12:27 EST
For those that have been reading Aria's story with Glenn. We haven't forgotten about them. Just at a pause till we figure out where to go from here.

Aria Valya

Date: 2010-06-04 15:41 EST
Glenn Mun is MIA. Post will be solo done by me for a while... until he retuns... stay with me..

Aria Valya

Date: 2010-12-12 00:06 EST
All is well again, but having toruble posting, no ideas as of late. Hoildays upon us makes my timing not too great either.

There will be posts , I just dont know when.

Aria Valya

Date: 2011-04-05 00:14 EST
Glenn Mun will be away for soem time, I dont know how long.

I will try my best to kleep the sl going myself..

for now though at least for the rest of this week and maybe the enxt I must put it on pause.

I dont kow if or when he will return.. and will keep everyone posted


Date: 2011-07-03 17:35 EST
I will be moving this coming Friday, and hopefully once I get settled I'll be able to post more on my folders. Those who know me know who I am, and which one's Rae and me share.


Date: 2012-01-27 11:44 EST
I know we have slowed in posting for our sl here, we've been focusing on another sl. Hopefully we'll be able to work more on this one in the coming weeks.

Aria Valya

Date: 2012-02-10 15:06 EST
working on a little something...
post in the next week..

Aria Valya

Date: 2012-03-07 23:28 EST
I have found it hard to know what to write for Aria.

my mind has been on other forums and sls as well as real life things.

I want her quest to continue I just dont know how yet.

hopefully soon I will.


Date: 2012-06-09 21:03 EST
For those that have been reading Glenn's and Aria's story have noticed that there hasn't been any updates to the story for a while. We are sorry for that, as we have both been focused on other storylines as well as real life. We will try to start working on their tale again soon.