Topic: Two Warriors:One Road

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-06-27 17:39 EST
The Stories pf Rocean Helkaer and Mor Crebain. Two very different young men,thrust in to the world around them.

Two warriors, paths destine to cross.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-07-01 00:07 EST
The great ashen Mountains, Tel Ered Lithui. The great ashen spine of the world. The world Mor Loss?helin was born in to, he was born late in the year when the forst snow flurries were stating to settle on the tops of the great ashen spires of Ered Lithui. He was the last child for Ereb and Yari Loss?helin. He was also the only boy. Two years before Fanina had been born and four years before her Herna had been born

Now Herna had been married for two years and no longer lived in the same place on the mountain she had moved further tot he north along side her clan chosen husband. Fanina though was not yet wed, for Fanina unlike her parents and siblings did not look like a Drow. Her skin was fair, far fairer than any other in the tribe it held no onyx color, yet her hair was white and her eyes held the deep red color, just like Ereb.

Mor was born with a great weight upon him, for he was the only son, and Ereb Loss?helin was the clan chief, the high tribal warrior. And one day Mor would take over his fathers place. Mor grew up fast, like all Ered Lithui children did. Learning the hardships of the mountain, the great art f mining ore, the huge task of hunting upon steep hills, and the great dangers of the cliffs. By the time Mor reached the human equlivant of eighteen (though much older than that in Elven years). Fanina had at last been wed, yet not to one chosen from the clan, to one outside of the Ered Lithui, which was not unheard of now. For now many had missed with the outside world, the clans beyond the ashen mount. New allies were being born among Tel Kua, and Tel Mithlin.

Yet now more than ever Ereb had great plans for his one and only son, so that new day he bid his loving wife good-bye and took Mor with him, out across the ashen mount towards the northern slopes, down towards the wild Nisse. Ereb was going to show his son the ways of a clan leader, he was going to teach his son all he would ever need to know to be the man of the tribe. The trip out of the mountains alone took three days and two nights, which were filled with constant lessons and constant dangers.

Finally though they reached the Western end of the mighty Nisee. Looking along its banks to the East Ereb set out with Mor close behind him, to seek out the lessons needing to be learned before his son could return home. The following days would be filled with new dangers and new sights for them both, most of all new lessons even for one as wise as Ereb Loss?helin.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-07-01 00:09 EST
The mighty Eryn. The great and wide forest spread itself thickly across the northwest of Forodren Ardhon. The Trees in Eryn were dark, deep rich and wild:thaun,deren,tathor,toss,brethil,lalf. That hid the light from the mossy and fern covered ground. Yet among those great trees were a few huge trees, mighty and old, Iaur Galadh.

At more than one hundred feet tall, and so wide at their trunks that it took eleven grown Elven men standing arms outstretched to wrap around them. Those woods were filled with life as well, aras ran wild through the thick trees nibbling on the ferns and sweet fallen berries. Medli walked slowly through the shadows, sniffing out fallen logs for good eating. Packs of garaf roamed wide and freely through all of Forodren Ardhon, yet in Eryn they found shelter and places to rest and have cubs.

Those woods wee home to the Eryn Evair, a tribe of dark elves and Eryn Telerrim a tribe of wild Sylvan elves. Rocean Helkaer was born to the Eryn Evair Tribe, born the eldest child to Druadon and Maelui Helkaer. Rocean had six long years as the lone child, learning fro his father how to hunt, how to make weapons and how to be a true Eryn Evair. Then his first sibling was born, Rhandir.

He and his younger sister shared two years together each growing and learning, Rocean protected her, and taught her, and he even learned from her. Yet then Sedryn was born.Rocean was beginning to think he might be the only son for his parents that he would always look after his sisters, then a year later Thalion was born.

Druadon and Maelui couldn't have been more happy to have four healthy and happy children. They all grew up side by side, each taking with them knowledge of the world around them, a world filled with trees.

Before anyone knew it, seven long years had passed. Rocean was close tot he human equlivant of seventeen, ( though much older in Elven years) That was when his father fell ill. A wild and strange sickness had befallen many of the clan. The mighty Eryn Evair had lost thirteen of hits eldest members in the last two months, among them had been Rocean's mother. It was in that time that Druadon took his eldest son aside to give him a guest that would take him away from all Rocean knew.

Rocean knelt by his fathers side while Rhandir tended to him. "My son," he began "you are the eldest of your siblings, you are the only one for this task. You must go, you must see this wide world, and come back to tell em all there is to see, for I will never again see beyond these trees. You must go beyond all over Forodren Ardhon, you must go in to Eldamar Ennorath, learn the ways of the other Elven tribes of this wild realm." "But father, I cannot leave you here." "yes you can, you sister will look after me and she will look after Sedryn and Thalion."

Rhandir nodded to that, "I will look after them all brother, father is right, you should go, see what none of us may be able to see." Rocean then looked to his ding father then to his sister and nodded. That same night he packed up everything he might need to journey through the realm and left.

He did not look back, not even once. For if he had he might have seen he was not alone.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-07-09 00:00 EST
He was not alone.

Setting off to the west towards the great and mighty Gaearon. He walked slowly lookinh up at the trees as he passed under them, then he came toa stop before a Iaur Galadh. Rocean stood looking up towards the sky, up towards the towering tree.He strood there in awe looking up at the elder tree.The Iaur Galadh was the eldest of all trees with in Forodren Ardhon. The one he stood ebfore was one of few with in the Eryn. They were scattered and this one marked the edge of the Eryn Evair tribes lands, now it was nothing but tree till he reached the white sand of Silvern Falas. There he would try to meet with the leader of the Aear Tribe. His father had given him knowledge of the current leaders of each tribe, though Druadon admitted it had bene many years since he was outside of the Eviar encampment. The leaders could have changed by now.

In a small worn skin satchel he carried a worn book bound with Iaur Galadh leaves. There written in his fathershand were the names of thsoe he might meet on his journey across the lands. Also there was knowledge of Eldamar Ennorath. Though there was litte written. Only the names of the tribes of the lands and the fact that there they spoke the common tounge of men and a more common form of elven than in Forodren Ardhon. The speech of men ahd been spoken for years in in Forodren Ardhon, and some fo the elves beilved men picked it up fromt hem, but now they only spoke it with in common ciricles, never outside of their own tribe. Rocean had been raised speaking the tongue but he knew well the refined tongue of his people. Anything worth saying was worth the time it took to say it in detail.

Rocean took a breath pressing his hand tot he tree trunk before setting off again for the sound of the ocean. yet close behind him a shadow followed.

Sedryn had seen ehr elder brother leaving, and adventure got the best of her. She said ntohing when she packed her things and follwoed hkm out of the encampment, sooner or later some one might come after her. Or would Rocean note her first. She wanted so badly to see the world beyoond the Evair's encampment there in the trees. As Rocean headed on towards the ocean Sedryn watched him closely and followed only after she was sure he had not seen her. For once he did, if he did, he'd be very angry with her. But like Rocean, Sedryn had much of her father in her, that taste for danger and adventure.

She walked slowly, carefully behind him making sure not to make a sound. And once the Aera encmapment was with in her sight she knew it was too late to turn back now. Rocean walked slwoly sencing that he was being watched , he thoguht it merely his imgaination but when he turned tos ee something or some one moing paces behind him he knew it was no trick of the forest light. He thought for a moment it might be someone from Aear,a socut sent out to see who was coming. "Suila." He looked back at the trees offering a soft greteing to whom everw as folloing him he did not expect his youbger sisters face to then appear. "Sedryn ...what are you doing?"

She shifted and smiled at her elder brother, "following you." Rocean shook his ehad and walked over to place his hand upon her shoudler, she was much shorter than he, she was also only twelve in the eyes of humans and their ages. "Sedryn , you shouldnt be out here, you could get hurt.. what would father say?" She crossed her arms and stood there, "I will not spend my life waisting away in that encampment, I will see the world... even if you and father say I can not, it is not fair that the men are allowed beyond the reaches of the tribe but the women are not allowed out with out being protected, I do not need protecting.." "Sedryn , I know your as capable as any man withint he tribe, but it is dangerous out here... who knows what.." A twig snapped and drew his gaze, they were both then surrounded by dozens of spears,held by the elves of Aear. The Aear lived in the woods near the ocean and on the white snad beaches of Silvern Falas.

They were forest elves, true and wild as any could be, as well as sea elves great fishing elves. "Suila." Rocean offered with a bow and Sedryn followed suit bowing to the elves. She was surpised by the sight that some of them were women. "Maer aur." One of them soke and tooka step forward. It was a woman, her skin was taned from the days int he sun, she wore the garb of a woodland elf, dark greens and browns ,boot like shoes made of Iaur Galadh leaves.

She had long flowing silver hair with touches of blue. She looked to the others and witha silent command they lowered their spears. She then stepped up to Rocean. "State your business." Rocean brows rose, seems the old customs were going out. " Nin Brennil." She smiled to him then, " you need nto speak in the old way to me.. I am Auvrea Tylar of The Aear Tribe." Rocean nodded, "I am Rocean Helkear of The Eryn Evair Tribe and this is my sister Sedryn."

Auvrea smiled to him then to Sedryn, " I thought it was not allowed for women of the Evair to journey so far past the tribe borders even with company." "Yes, it is not allowed, but some do not listen to rules." Rocean stated bluntly. Auvrea smiled more, " sounds like she'll fit right in, come I will guide you to the tribe leader." She turned and walked, the dozen or more warriors slowly disappearing back in tot he woods and Rocean and Sedryn followed towards the coast.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-07-21 00:35 EST
Ereb Loss?helin was wise and cunning,yet he could not forseen the furture. He had led Mor away from home, now they stood one mile from the encampment of Tel Mithlin Clan. Mor could see the set up tents and when he focused he could see the fishermen at the banks of the Nisse. Ereb stopped there looking to the encampment. "One day the clans of Eldamar Ennorath will be as one, united. Right now though allies come and go, Tel Mithlin is an ally to us. We may find food and shelter there inside their camp for tonight." He led the way over the white sands of the banks of the Nisse to where the great fishermen stood. "Vendui." The fishing elf turned and nodded to him, "Vendui, naa lle maa ten' Dho?" Ered nodded to the wuestin and the male fisherman pointed off towards the center of the encampment. Ered nodded his thanks then walke don in tot he Tel Mithlin encampment. Mor followed,wondering if Dho was the tribe leader.

Moments later an elder elven man stepped out to meet Ereb, they embraced, but for only a moment, then spoke in hushed tones before Dho stepped towards Mor. " Your father speaks very highly of you Mor." Mor looked to Dho then to his father and nodded his thnaks in slience. "We are among allies my son, speak freely." Mor nodded, "I thank you for allowing us to stay here Dho." Dho chuckled and nodded, "how could I not allow some of my greastest allies to remain here? Come, come I'll show you to a empty tent." He slowly led the way through the encampment. Mor noted all the glances they got, more so him than his father or the elder Dho. The glances were from the young women of Tel Mithlin. Dho looked back and smiled softly, "It has been a long time sicne the daughters of this clan saw a male from outside."

Mor looked back as they crosse din to Dho's hut. Ereb turned to look at his son. "Come now my boy sit, with we elders,tonight we rest and tomorrow we head out over the banks of the Nisse."Mor crossed sitting beside his father. The night was filled with talk of the old ways, and of new times to come. Ereb spoke to Dho about a possible clan marriage. Yet Dho had no daughters close to Mor's age,the time for alliances that bridge the gap would have to wait.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-07-23 14:24 EST
Auvrea and her great warriorsled them to the coast there the white beach spread out before them. Rocean stood backa moement looking at the trees that lined the coast then to the encampement of the Aear elves. nce they reached the white sands Auvrea crossed inside a tent and bid only Rocean to follow her Sedryn stood outside with one of the hunters.

Auvrea then bowed to an elder male elf seated at the back of the tent. She then rose and spoke to him "adar sen naa hon Rocean Helkaer hon athrada Eryn an utu ist hon tegi hon muinthel. " The elder man then looked to Rocean who bowed lowly. The elder then motioned Auvrea closer and she crossed to him, they spoke in hushed tones for a long moment before Auvrea left the tent.

"Welcome Rocean, of Eryn Evair. I am Kan Qualn tribe elder of Aear. My daughter speaks highly of you,she knows a good man when she sees one, but tell me Rocean, is it not forbidden to bring a woman so far to the west?" Rocean stood ther evry still looking tot he elder as he spoke. Had the old ways faded everywhere but in Eryn? Kan smiled, "please, come in,sit,talk with me, the old ways are long dead otuside of the Eryn."

Rocean crossed and slwoly sat tot he well padded floor. "The old ways still hold In Eryn, my sister followed me here." Rocean finally answered, Kan nodded. "You come on a guest seeking knowledge of the lands. If you hope to make it across these wide lands, she can not follow you any further."
Rocean nodded, "Sedryn is stubborn, she has long awaited a great journey."

Kan smiled to that, " you have a great joureny ahead of you, but it is yours alone, if she awaits a great journey she can stay here and Auvrea can give her one." Rocean nodded, "once my father finds her gone, he may send his best to find her." Kan nodded, " and they will find her here, well taken care of. The old ways are fading Rocean of Eryn, the old ways will not stay long. Your father, is one of few who still make sure they are followed, and with you here, I can guess that he is not well.. the ways will fade with him."

Rocean knew Kan was right. "Sendryn could stay here?" Kan nodded, "Auvrea will give her adventure, stay with us, tonight, by tomorrow noon your sister will be taken on her own little guest and well procteded, so that you may venture to seek that old knowledge. " Rocean nodded, and bowed in thanks. That night he and Sedryn were each set up with their own tents to stay in. Rocean slept soundly ,the sound of the ocean was soothing to him. Whent he dawn came Auvrea stood outside his tent and greated him witha smile, " my father has informed me of your great trip, and of my duty to your sister. I will watch over her, we go North at noons light, then you should go south for Lhim. There you shall find new allies. We will spread thw word softly of your coming. "

Rocean nodded, "you will watch out for her?" Auvrea nodded touching his cheek with her gloved hand, "I swear it." Rocean nodded, looking to her her long sliver hait caught in the ocean breeze. He knew Sedryn would be watched over.

As the mid day sun rose higher over Silveren Falas, Auvrea and her hunters headed North with Sendryn and Rocean headed tot eh south with Kan's blessing. He looked back once as the trees faded and the beach became wide, he wondered if he would ever again see any of his family. He walked on trying not to think about it. He had many miles to trek he could not have a clouded mind.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-07-23 14:28 EST
With the dawn Mor and Ereb bid Dho and the elves of Tel Mithlin goodbye and headed downt he banks of the Nisse towards Tel Uuranor. Ereb grinned as he looked back to watch many of the young elven ladies waving good-bye. "Your a charmer even when you do nothing Mor." Mor looked back and shrugged, " nae father they wave to you. " Ereb grinned to that thought, " Now then, what would your mother think.. they wave to you..perhaps when our journey is done you could come back and.." Mor eyed his father then looked to the mighty Nisse. "Though I would love to help you father.. I am not ready to be wed to anyone." Ereb chuckled and patted Mor upon his shoulder. "Nor was I when I amrried your mother, you become ready far sooner than you think,one day a lovely woman will walk in to your sights and you will not so easily turn away." Mor chuckled to that, unbelieving.

Ereb smirked and looked to the Nisse. "A woman is like the Nisse, wild and untameable, yet with a soft hand one can grace her curves and love her fully. You will see, you can not remain alone for all time, you are my son, one day the clan will be yours to lead. And one day you will have to tell your son all this.." Mor shook his head looking across the Nisse then abck tot he wide expanse of Eldamar Ennorath.

They walked on down the banks of the Nisse watching the wild river flow towards Tel Uuranor and far off in to the distance. The day was not hot, yet it was far warmer than wither drow had expeced. So as the nood day heat set in they set themselves at the river bank, and bathed in its cool waters. Ereb the daring mman that he was wadded in to the Nisse to wash his body free of the sweat of the noon day heat. Mor on the other hand satyed close tot he banks using the closer waters to wash off.

"You will nevre gain a wild woman like the Nisse if you do not become more daring.." Ereb shouted to his son as he splashwd in the fast running waters. Mor shook his ehad and Ereb walked back in to he bank and dupped water over his sons head. "She can be unforgiving like a woman too.." Mor chuckled to that.

Now cooled they headed on closer to Tel Uuranor. Ereb kept his sights upon the wild red rocks and those shaodws with in it. "Tel Royno, is neither friend nor foe, we must be careful now Mor." The large red rocks rose fromt he ground out of the white snads of the Nisse and over the golden sands of Tel Anfauglir. Ereb walked slowly as they got closer. Mor could feel eyes upon him. As they stepped closer tot he red rocks Ereb shot a look behind him and tackled his son to the sand. A shout went out, "Dram!" Mor looked up at his father, who rolled to the side. "Stay low.."Mor looked as arrows flew past them in to the sand. "Why are they attacking us..?" Ereb shrugged and ran dogding the arrows as they flew Mor follwoed closely.

Arrows wized past them , inches to close. Ereb used the cliffs as cover as he ducked and rolled to safty Mor was inches behind him. "They fire on us..." Mor said with a breath, " as if we are attacking them," Ereb nodded, "perhaps they are more foe than friend now...come, we will slink past them and in to the woods. We will find no safety here." Mor nodded and followed his father through the shadows. The arrows had stopped but now they could see and hear footsteps all around them.

Ereb froze and Mor did too. They were trapped, the wild Nisse flowed a few inches beyond and wild Tel Royno surrounded them. " The river.."Ereb whispered looking behind them, no one would dare try to come after them. Mor looked tot he river flowing throught he under ground tunnle mroe wild than ever. What choice did they have? Ereb led the way slowly , Mor behind him. Then they slipped in tot he waters. Moments later a voice rang out, " Tel Nisse!" Ereb began to swim, but the current pulled him along down river and Mor was right beside him.Arrows again filled the air as they flowed out on the other side. Ereb swam dogding them but Mor was hit in the shoulder.

He cried out in pain but the Nisse drank his scream as it washed them both far from view. Then from Tel Uuranor one scout went out after them.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-07-30 14:49 EST
He cried out in pain but the Nisse drank his scream as it washed them both far from view. Then from Tel Uuranor one scout went out after them.

Ereb heard his son scream out in pain and saw the blood rush past him, swimming to his aide Ereb pulled upon his son. " Stay still," He dug his fingers throught he waters of the Nisse and pulled the arrow head out of his sons skin then the shaft was let to flow . Mor closed his eyes to the pain as the wild Nisse washed his wound. Ereb held on to Mor as they washed futher and further down stream the waters were getting rocky and foamed,Ereb knew they had to get back ashore, the waters were too fast. So pulling Mor with him Ereb swam to the shore line laying Mor out.

Mor coughed out the wild Nisse and gripped his shoulder. Ereb breathed deeply, " we are out of range now.." He looked around looking for any that might have followed, " but we need to move.." Mor nodded gripping his shoulder hard and rose to his feet.Ereb looked to him and smiled, " you are strong, once we get to safety I will tend to your shoulder. As Mor rose fully he cast his still wet gaze over the area they had come from. "Atar.."

Ereb looked back towards Tel Uuranor and saw that they were followed, and the one lone scout was with in rage. Ereb looked tot he woods across the wide expanse of sand and grass they had flowed far past tel Anfauflir, now they were far from Tel Mandu as well..He looked to his sons bloody arm and then to the lone socut that came.

The scout was Carad ,a mighty warrior of his people. He came at Ereb fast and hard wielding a short sword. Ereb pushed Mor away from the battle and dove in to it himself. Dodging the lone scouts powerful thrusts. Mor wacthed wanting nothing more tor each for his sword to help his father but his wounded shoulder would not allow it. ereb was a powerful warrior, with or with out a weapon. He punched at the lone scout getting in many a hit.

Mor watched unable to help,wincing from the pain in his shoulder. Carad stuck at Ereb his eyes moving to Mor then back to Ereb. " Lle desiel?" Carad asked Ereb, as he parried back and forth. Erebs brows rose as he fought againt the young scout. " Desiel?" Carad smirked and ducked rolling along the sand of the Nisse to dart at Mor. Mor saw the scout coming and tried his best to move out of the way but Carad caught him and the two went tumbling in to the river.

Ereb cried out, "Mor..!" He then dove in after his son. Carad smirked as he slashed at the woudned Mor. Mor swam away, in to the foaming river. Ereb then came behind Carad and hit him on the head. Carad had lost sight of Mor int he foam so with Ereb there behind him stuck, the blow of the short sword hit.

Moments later the Nisse claimed Ereb in to its foam. Carad slowly pulled himself to shore. And watched as the Nisse filled with blood, soon the falls would c take them both. Ered Lithui would be ripe for the taking now.

Down in to the foam Mor went gripping at his woudned arm as he tried to stay a float. Then alla round him water, above him below him, the waterw as deep and fell on to him. He had fallen many feet over the falls and now in the calm waters beyond he managed to swin to the surface. He looked around, the water was bloody, but his wound was not bleeding it just hurt. He thens aw him, his father flaoting atop the calm waters, blood flowing from his side. Putting aside the pain Mor swam with all the stength he could muster to his fathers side.

But it was to late, the wound or the falls had taken him. Ereb Lossehelin was dead. Mor slwoly pulled his fathers body to the bank and sat there for a long hours with tears in his dark eyes. His father was gone, his spirit free in Arvandor. Mor took from his fathers body, the clan crest mworn around Erebs neck and strung it around his own. He took his fathers water skin, his great dagger and his bow and arrows. He then laid his father to rest, taking that day to big a hole in the earth. He burried Ereb marking the tomb with simple stones. Then those dark eyes looked back to the falls, the falls ahd not taken his father.The scout from Tel Uuranor had. Then in silcne he sat vowing vengeance.

As the sun sank a pair of raven crested the falls and looked down to him.they had followed the scent of blood, but now there was no meal to be had. Ereb was burried. The ravens flew over the falls and out of sight, Mor sat there watching them. The scout had made a critical error, he had left Mor alive and now as Mor rose he threw out his old name, he was no longer just son of Ereb Lossehelin, he was now like the ravens. He was Mor Crebain. Dark Raven, and he would have his revenge.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-08-13 00:33 EST
As the mid day sun rose higher over Silveren Falas, Auvrea and her hunters headed North with Sendryn and Rocean headed to the south with Kan's blessing. He looked back once as the trees faded and the beach became wide, he wondered if he would ever again see any of his family. He walked on trying not to think about it. He had many miles to trek he could not have a clouded mind.

Rocean turned to look at the ocean,he took a breath breathing in its salty air. As he walked down the beach he could hear voices, female voices. He had not travled that far yet here on the banks of the ocean sat four women, four Lhim women, fishing for sea fish. Those of Lhim were lovely, he had heard, and now as he stood there starring at them he knew the stories were true. Tall, each with different tones of silver hair and light skin. It didnt take long for one of them to notice him. He surely sood out, a dark elf in this place. Even amoung his family he stood out darkest of his siblings. The one who noted him slwoly approched him and offered him her fish. He shook his head but smiled. "Please, take it.." She smiled, and Rocean took the fish. "Thank you."

The other three smiled and giggled. "You are Rocean,of Eryn yes?" "Yes,I am." She nodded, "I will take you to Eyther Aheali. " Rocean nodded his thanks and followed her in to the Lhim encampment. It as set up much like Aears, witht he tribe leaders tent in the center of many others. She opened the flap for him and he ducked in.

"Rocean of Eryn." A female voice floated to him. "Yes." From the back of the tent stepped a lovely woman, her hair long and deep blue,her eyes silver. "I am Eyther Aheali, welcome to Lhim. " He bowed to her, awe struck by her beauty. "Thank you." She smiled, "please, come in sit with me." He rose from his bow and followed her back in tot he tent, he watched as she sat first then followed suit. " Kan sent word of your coming, the encampment will be a buzz about you. most here have never seen any of drow kin. " Rocean smiled to her pushing his hiar back from his face. " I hear your heading to see the clans of Forodren. I was sorry to hear of your ather falling ill, so many have been claimbed by this sickness. " He nodded, sadly. " Yes, my father is one of but many that will die from it."he stammered unable to focus. Eyther smiled to him, " does being in my presence make you nervous Rocean?" He nodded softly, "I did not know there were women leaders,nor ones so lovely." Eyther smiled and blushed softly, " there are but few of us, my father left me in charge for he had no sons. But when I die my son will take over." Rocean nodded to that "what of your love?" "He was killed while fishing in the Duin."

"I am sorry." Eyther nodded, " feels like ages ago. "Her head turned tot he sdie as she heard giggling outside. " the girls will be quite taken with you, please stay in Lhim tonight, feast with us. " Rocean nodded, " It would be my pleasure." Eyther smiled, " you do your clan well, going on this quest.Perhpas you may meet your furture wife upon it?" "Perhaps." Eyther nodded and rose, " come, we feast soon."

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-08-13 00:35 EST
Mor sat there watching them. The scout had made a critical error, he had left Mor alive and now as Mor rose he threw out his old name, he was no longer just son of Ereb Lossehelin, he was now like the ravens. He was Mor Crebain. Dark Raven, and he would have his revenge.

He looked to the east and to the west then to the Nisse. He was far from home, and far from thsoe who had so betrayed him. The scout was gone, thinking Mor long dead beside his father. "I will avenge you atar."He vowed to the grave. "Then once they are all dead, I will return home and gain my proper place as clan chief." He then set out for the woods,Wood he soon called Mor Taure. For they were darker and wilder than Tel Mandu. The trees grew tall, large pines and oaks,that hid the coming light from the ground. Mor walked following the trees on his way back home. His plan was simple, rest up, train and become strong . He hoped perhaps to make a few allies, but if not he would face those that had turned on their kind himself. He walked all day,looking tot he hidden sky as he walked. He was alone,Ereb had not yet taught his son all the wisdoms that he could have, and now ind eath Mor knew his father could not teach him. He would have to learn on his own.

He walked until night fall,making a small camp deep int he dark woods. He was starving, his shoulder still ached. He sat before a small fire, looking to his wound, his torn and bloody shirt beside him, he tore it up and would use the pieces of cloth should he need them int he coming days. The weather was warm enough for him to go for now with out a shirt. He sat before the fire,looking in to its flames as they danced and swayed.

There he slept. Till the dawning light woke him. He was still hungr, he ahd what little he and his father had brought, elven bread, nerries, that he would eat now, ebfore they went bad, a hunk of wild goat cheese,and water. He ate the berries and the bread with some cheese.But that alone would not last him, he would need to hunt, he would need to look for berries or even roots good for stews. He covered his fire and set on his way.

As he walked he heard the cires of an animal. As he walked futher the cires got louder and there caught in some terrible trap was a a young dear. Its leg was bloody and it would not last, to save it from its pain.Mor dew back his bow, aiming for it.

Over a new fire he roasted the meat eating some and saving some for the coming days. He could smell the elgire flowers blooming, he knew he was clsoer to Tel Mandu Taure by their scent. But the wind blew strongly, so the woods he knew were very far off. yet still he walked,picking berries and digging for roots. He stock piled his food in his pack. Knowing that he would be walking for many days to come.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-10-02 00:33 EST
The Darkness of the woods did not surpise him. No Mor found it inviting, the sun could not reach him hee and he easily blended in with the darkness. With every step he took he thought about his father,and those who had killed him. Tel Kua had betrayed the fold. As he walked he pondered more, perhaps Tel Kua had not betrayed him, what if those of Tel Kua had bene over run by the savages? That would explain much. Though to his dismay Mor had no proof. But now with that idea in mind he ran. Darting around the trees like a deer,running from a hunter. Yet more wasnt running away, he was running towards home. He had to get the word out before someone else was killed. He hoped as he ran that he would not be too late.

Far form him in the red cliffs of Tel Uuranor. Carad returned to his father. "The deed is done father." Mal smiled and nodded. " good get the warriors ready we hit Ered Lithui in two days. And since yu did sucha good jib why not go and find your self a pretty young thing.I hear the clan cheif of Tel Atalan has a lovely yound daughter. She would make anice accompyment to those of Tel Ronyo. " Carad smirked and slid off with a hand full of warrior to raid Tel Atalan.

Mor ran all night long. His shoulder stll stining from his wound. He had not taken the time to really heal ir nor do much more than use some wild herbs to sooth it. Now as he ran he could feel blood trickly down his arm. At last he fell short bretahing hard and sitting upon the ground gripping his shoulder hard. Thern he heard a noise his eyes peered through the woods, witht he smell of blood on the air it could be wolves, a bear or worse. But it didnt sound like a wolf pack nor a bear. The foot steps were too light to be either. "Ya naa eller?" The movement stopped then and Mor tooka long breath. Then he saw it a shimmer of hair from behind a tree.

Then the form of a woman,dressed in green and brown,wielding a bow. Her hair wa slong and silver and reached past the middle of her back, her skin was fair. She looked to be one of Tel Kua,or another type of fair surface elf. She walked in towards him carefully. " Lle naa awra. "She saw the blood upon his arm it glistened in the light of the rising sun. " Amin innas fallane lle." She reached out her pale hand towards his shoulder but he recolied. " Ya naa lle?" She looked at him her eyes piercing in to his own, "Amin essa Isalira en Arkenea "Ya naa lle?" He starred at her,her beuty, her stenght. "Mor Crebain en Anfaurglir." She smiled softly, "Lle quena i'lambe tel' edan?" He nodded his head once. "It is a pleasure to meet thee Mor of the burning desret." Her speach in the human tongue was even beautiful sing songy.

Mor knew if he spoke he would be breaking all the rules but how could he not. "And you Isalira of the great healers." She pressed her hand to his arm then and he felt a sudden warmth rise through his skin. Then he felt nothing no pain. He rolled his shoulder and smiled , " thank you." Isalira nodded, " You are lucky I smelt blood, or else ye might have not made it, quite a wound ye had there. Seems you had a run in with the assassins of Miratla. " Mors brows rose, "Miratla?" "Aye they run from tribe to tribe killing or catuping those they wish, they nearly killed all of the people in Alea." He rose to his feet then, " thay have over taken Tel Ronyo." Isalira did not seem surpised. "They are very powerful. I have been seeking them for they killed my uncle and his fmaily in Alea. Which is the way to Tel Ronyo's home?" He gazed back at her, :"No you can't go there alone, they killed my father and would kill you or worse." She starred back at him.

" Perhaps then you could take me with you." Mor looked at her again, "I am heading home to warn mny people." Isalira nodded, "I will not slow you down." He gazed to her, then nodded. Then they two ran off towards Ered Lithui.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-11-14 14:55 EST
Two full days had gone by and Isalira sat with her back against a might Yarra Orn. Mor sat looking over the cooking fire.They were still a day away from reaching Tel Mandu Eldalie. Yet they could not run any more not with out rest and food. Togther they had taken dwon two wild doves and one large buck. All which Mor was tending to. Isalira had found some herbs and berries while they were hunting. They would season the dove and buck very well. Mor though his eyes were on the cooking often dirfted over to Isalira,she was watching the surround. Yet she seemed peaceful,they had come across no one in their days of running. They had spoken very little. But now as dusk came Isalira crossed towards him and knelt down to enjoy their meal.

Mor ate in silence. He had never known someone like Isa. He was at a loss for words. So they ate in slience. Isa smiled at him as they ate. She had never known any drows. Alea was so far from here now, her past life there gone in the spark of fire. She looked to him once more. He caught her gaze, " Yes?" She shook her head, saying nothing they had much in common, it seemd his family was gone and hers was as well. He starred at her,unsure why she was staring at him.

She rose fluidly then and slid away to wash off the dishes in the near by stream. He watched her go. He did not deny she was very attractive, but he was not here to find a mate he was here to heas home and take his place as clan chief.

He then heard a splash and rose slowly to see what was going on. He rounded the trees to see Isa waist deep in the stream her back bare, her long hair flowing like a silver river down her back. He stood very still,unable to turn his gaze away. He tried to but found her entrancing,her smooth softly toned skin, the curve of her back. She looked over her shoulder at him seeing unmoved by his presence there. Her bright eyes looked to him. He just stood there very still as she turned fully to face him. Her silver hair covered her fair breats and toned stomach. He took a long breath.

"Mor.."She eyed him slowly rising from the water and crossing to him. His heart skipped a beat as she crossed to him. He couldnt help but marvel at her body even the area hidden by her long hair. She pressed her soft hand to his bare chest. She ran her hand over his chest slowly inching in towards him. His hands moved to her wasit. They were alone, and he as very attracted to her. "Isa.." She pressed her fingers to his lips, then rose to her toes to kiss him.

She with drew from the soft kiss and smiled at him, "it would normally be forbiden for me to be seen this way by anyone other than my chosen mate, but. .." she took his hand in hers and pressed it up her soft side. He pressed his hand up her smooth pale side and brushed her hair away to grace his finger tips over her bare breast. "Come bathe with me.." She offered with a smile and he nodded. Slowly letting her drift from his hands in to the water and he soon disrobed and followed. She kept her eyes on him as he disrobed and walked towards her. Once in the water she inched towards him again. " We will likely soon face the assassins.. you should know all about them." He nodded, and ran his fingers over her shoulders.. "I am sure we will do alright..." He leaned down and kissed her . She inched up in to the kiss.

She sank down in to the water and he followed ,kissing her lips cheeks and neck. His fingers racing her well toned pale body. Her pale fingers trailed over his arms, chest and waist. Soon he found himself perched over her on the bbank of the little stream. His heart beating wilding as he starred down in to her eyes. Normally this would be forbidden,such relations were to be saved for ones wife. But he couldnt hold back from her.

They found them selves in a lovers embrace. It was there on the banks he found out what he had been missing for so long.As he made love to her. As the night deepened so did their passion for one another. Isa's soft voice rang in to his ears as her fingers curled along his back.

When dawn broke she woke in his arms. He was already awake tracing a long line from her shoulder to her lower back with his fingers. The night before had felt like a dream tot hem both till they gazed in to each other eyes. Isa looked to him, "I was not dreaming?" He shook his head, "I thought I might be." She chuckled, " nae, but I did not expect that." He nodded, "nor did I." She sat up and slowly dressed. " I wanted to tell you about the assassins... yet we got.." He rose too dressing, "passion driven?" She nodded and crossed back to him kissing him again. " You can tell em all about them while we walk." He breathed over her lips parting from the kiss. She nodded.

Soon they wer epacked and on their way deeper in to Tel Mor Taure. "Miratla, are like no other assassins,Alea was just one of many hits for them. Now your lands are going to be next. The only way to stop them is to kill every member. " He nodded, as they wlaked she continued to tell him everything she knew aboutt hem, all about Mal, and his son Carad, who was the worst of the worst. Soon they stood ont he edge of Tel Mandu Taure and out in the dunes thye both saw smoke.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-11-18 22:46 EST
The feast in Lhim was savored, yet Roceanknew he could not stay there very long. He had a mission, to gain the wisdom of the land and the people. So at dawn the next day he set out for Mindon. He crossed the grass lands the sound of the ocean fading behind him as the day wained on. At last he found himself upon the hill top that the Mindon tribe called home. He was greeted by a man dressed ina green and brown tunic and led throught he small encampment to a large tent. Out side the tent there was many crystals hanging in the air dangling by thin string.

"Rocean," he was greeted in the human tongue, by the elder who stepped out of the tent. "I am Calrretyn, the clan healer and leader." Rocean bowed softly and Cal smirked softly, " Come in to my tent. I heard upon the winds of your reasons for coming so far from home. The other tribes speak highly of you, I can see why. Your a powerful youth. " He led Rocean in to the tent slowly, all around the inside of the tent hung crystals of different colors along side them hung herbs drying in the air. Wooden chimes rung softly as Cal crossed to seat himself on the modestly covered floor. Rocean followed him. " So my boy, what is it your really seeking on this mission of yours?" Cal asked witha smile, " a wife perhaps, or is it like I heard, that you seek knowledge before you go home to rule your tribe." Rocean nodded, "I seek knowledge, of the land and its people, of the tribes and what they face every day. One day I will have to run my tribe, and I want to have good relations with everyone." Cal chuckled to that. "That will be hard to do, but not impossible." He was grinning as he dug out ten smooth tiles made of fish bone. "I would like to see what your future brings for you. Would you allow me to toss the bne runes to see?" Rocean looked at the tiles mad eof fish bone,looking at the odd markings upon them, many ehalers had different curiositys. Rocean nodded, and Cal smiled widly before shaking the runes in his hand a few times before letting them fall.

He tooka long moment looking them over and the way they fell. "Hmmm." Rocean looked at them as wel, but he didnt see what Cal saw. " You will become wlel known for your knowledge of Forodren Ardhon in Eldamar Ennorath. You will also come to know that relam very well. " He looked up at Rocean, " you will cross the Duin in a few days time from Thor." He pointed out the runes as he spoke, " and you will walk along the beach close to Lith Aeglir, then you will go up the river and in to the desert. It will take you three days to cross the desert. Then you will find your self in the company of fine hunters." He grinned looking back down, " and then" he lifted one of the tiles, " you will meet a woman. " Roceans brows rose softly. The elder healer chuckled softly, " This woman will be like none you've ever seen, her beauty shines from within, and she is physcially lovely as well, " He grinned like a mad man, setting the tile down and lifting another, " and you will marry her." Rocean looke don shocked, "But it is not right, I should not marry otuside of this land what of my family. " Cal looked on, " your sisters and brother will be fine.." Rocean sighed, " and my father?"

"The bones do not say... it is likely young one that he will die soon. We elders can not survive for ever." He grinned , " but the bones do say you will marry this woamn from Eldamar, and she will bare you sons.." Roceans eyes went even wider. "Sons?" Cal nodded, then rose taking the runes in his hand then he set to make some food and drink for them both.

Over the night they sat talking of all things. And when the morning came Cal, walked with him some of the way up the river towards Fededir. Cal gave hima wave off before Rocean ehaded on towards the Wild elf encampement.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-11-25 00:08 EST
They both broke in to a run across the buring desert towards the smoke. Tel Atalan mebers fled towards them women and children screaming as the warirors stood behind fighting. Isa went one way and Mor went the other ducking past the huts and fleeing women, one of the assassins was dragging a woman by her hair through the sand. A boy no older than four was chasing after his mother. Mor gorwled under his breatha nd ran towards the assassin tacking him down.

" Rima ten'ta!" He called to the woman and boy. They took his heeding words and ran. Mor saw that the woman was with child, he glared at the assassin hitting him till the man was dead. He then spun around elaving the body in the dunes and ran for the main part of the encampment. "Isa!" He called as smoke rose more, arrows flew past him, and grazed his shoulder. He then took his rage and went after the archers who fled at the sight of him.

Isa was on the other side of the dunes fighting off two assassins. Yet she was being watched from above, on the tallest dune Carad stood. He had tried his best to kill the human boy who stayed ehre with Tel Atalan, but so far the boy had stayed hidden. But that was to little matter, when he saw the drow running through his compay Carad knew who it was. "So he's alive." He smirked and looked around, he had spotted Isa. She must have come with Mor. He grinned, it would be Carad's utmost pleasure to destory another one close to the dark elf. He slid down the dune side.

Isa was skilled ,Mor didnt have to worry about her. She fought her way through assassins aiding those in danger that was until she spotted Carad. "Carad!" She yelled at him, she remembered the assasin. Mor was helping the women and children escape for the woods when he heard Isa's cry, Carad, H eknew that name as well. He rushed in back over the dunes as fast as he could.

When he ran over the first dune he didnt see them, but then at last he saw them behind one fo the huts fighting it out. Carad had improved, but Isa was more thana match for him. "Carad" Mor growled through his teeth and slid down the dune side. Bur Carad smacked Isa and spun to meet Mor's attack.

They fought there, blade to blade, fist to fist till Mor spat blood from his mouth. Carad was still standing, smirking. "I have enjoyed this... but I must go." He then ran, Mor started to chase him, but he noted Isa was not where she had been moments ago. "Isa!"

"Mor!" She cried froma cage as the assassins that ahd gotten away dragged her and a few of the Tel Atalan women away. "Isa!" He cased after the cart cutting down any enemy down. He ran quickly but then something stopped him in his tracks, in the sand lay a boy, not elven, bloody and close to death the woman beisde him was the woman he had aided before. He looked tot he cart pulling away then to the boy and his mother. He stopped then raced to her side. He turned the boy over and looked to his wounds. "Please," the woman pleaded forsaking ehr elven tongue, "help my son." Mor looked to the boy, then tot he cart with Isa in it, he could do both. He nodded to the woman, " what is his name."

"Thoren." Mor nodded and started tot end to the boys wounds, some with magic and some in more tradtional ways, but the time he was done the boy was breathing again but Isa, as well as those others captured were out of sight.

He helped the woman carry her son back to her hut, she and many others of the tribe thanked him. Then after a meal he ran on his way for Tel Uuranor. He would find Isa, free her and the others.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-11-25 23:07 EST
The Fededir tribe would not accept him in to meet with their clan chief, he was pushed on out of the encampment and up towards the woods. So without much of a backwards glance he headed on towards Eryn and Telerrim. There he was greeted as if he had come home again, by every member of the tribe. Women led him along the grassy path towards the clan chiefs hut.

The man sat there, his legs crossed his eyes closed. He was not much older than Rocean, though his face showed more wisdom than Rocean's "Suilad, Rocean Helkaer, and welcome back home." Rocean nodded softly, "suilad, " The man rose meeting Rocean's gaze. " Enough of the usual, I am Rahnes, clan chief. I hope that your wanderings have been going well." Rocean smiled, "Yes they have been." Rahnes nodded softly, " We have much to speak of, come join me in my tent. " Rocean followed him inside the large tent. "My wife," Rahnes motioned, "Ninui ." Rocean bowed to the woman, who was very wide with child. She fixed them some tea and then left the tent. "Please sit." Rahnes sat slowly, "I have news of your family." Rocean sat slowly awaiting the worst.

"Your sister Sedryn is set to be married to an Aear man, it seems her teachings with Auvrea have gone very well. " Rocean took a breath, Sedryn was doing well. "I am sorry to be the one to tell you that your father has died." Rocean sighed, he knew it had been coming. "But Rhandir and Thalion are looking after the tribe. You need not worry. " Rocean took a sip of tea, "I should go back." Rahnes shook his head, " no your mission is still in its youth, there is much you must see and learn, you must trust your sister and brother to run the tribe with out you. "

They spoke then at length over more news of the realm and tribes, then Rahnes spoke much of his wife and their coming daughter. Rocean spoke nothing of what Cal had said, but so far the healers fortune was coming true.

He stayed up that night wandering around the camp, speaking to warriros,hunters and some of the woman, about many things. These woods, these people he knew though they were not his kin. They shared much in common. In the dawn he left bidding farewell to Rahnes and his wife and the rest of the Tele tribe. Rocean made his way then across Edlothia Lake and towards Eregdos.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-11-29 23:46 EST
Once he arrived at Eregdos he was greeted with a hearty meal and much talk of his adventures, he came to find that the clan leader was off on a hunt and he would not be able to speak to him, but he spoke to the healers and other hunters while they sat eating around the fire. They spoke of the fires rising from Naru Gond and the worries of the Lhasbelin tribe. Rocean looked tot he south trying to see the smoke, but the wind had blown it down river.

After the meal and some rest he was le don towards Lhasbelin, across the fine silt of sand that covered the grass. Yet he came to find that no one was there at the encampment. Not one soul stood there. He looked to the red rocks of Naur and wondered if the fears of that tribe had been real, with none to greet him he headed on to Thor.

There he found not only the Thor but some of Lhasbelin. He saw the look in the men's eyes, the fear n the faces of the women and children. He wander what had gone on to make them so fearful. He crossed over the dunes and soon was met by the clan chief. " I wish your timing had been better Rocean," the tall elder man stated flatly. His dark skin stood out in contrast to the white sand. His light hair faded behind him, "Lhasbelin was attacked int he night, most of the tribe was killed, some captured, a very few escaped." Rocean nodded, " I heard from the hunters of Eregdos that they were fearful of what was happening in Naur." The chief nodded, "yes ... well."

Then a man ran towards them, his arm bloody, "Heasi ." He panted, "we found them, trapped in the cliffs." Heasi nodded, " round up the men, tend to your arm and go and get them." It didn't take very long for Rocean to grasp what was going on Thor was going to war. Heasi turned to Rocean then, " they will fall who ever has done this to a fellow tribe. " "Allow me to help" Rocean nearly pleaded.

"No," Heasi shook his head," you must go, go towards Duin, cross it near the ashen mountains and do not look back, you already know that your sisters and brother are safe. We will handle this fight." Rocean tried to speak but Heasi shook his head again, " go now, quickly, the tent at the end of the dunes had food, and water for you." Rocean wanted to stay, he fought the urge all the way as he ran towards the end of the dunes, he picked up his pack of supplies then looked towards home, he could head home, but what good would that do? He shrugged the pack over his shoulder and hurried down t he banks of the Duin towards the ashen mountains, where he would cross the mighty river come day break.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-02 23:14 EST
Mor did not stop running, even when the night turned cold. He ran on his rage filling him. Carad and his band of assassins had taken everything from him as a boy, but he would not allow them to do so again. Not as long as he drew breath. As the night delved towards darkness he ran down the riven bank not stopping even as other crossed his path. He merely ran on one thing on his mind, save the captives, Isa most of all and killing Carad, or nothing would bring him more joy than that.

When he at last could see Uuranor clearly in the shadow of night, he slid across the dunes like a snake slowly crawling low. He could see the fires burning below the red rocks. He could see the cages of women, children and men. But he did not see Isa. Rage filled him more. He slid his dagger out and slipped across the dunes, towards the two men standing guard, they didn't get the chance to cry for help as he killed them swiftly.

He set the men free first, sot hat they could help him set the women and children free. "Get these women and children safely back to your tribe." He looked to those of Tel Atalan, " any who wish to stay and fight may..." He noted that many of the captives did not look of Tel Atalan, there were five women, three men and two children," from where do you all hail?" They starred at him, as if they did not understand him, but then one of the men spoke up, " From Forodren." Mor's dark brows rose, "I do not know of this tribe."

The man shook his head and pointed off to the far north, "it is that way." Mor looked to the Nisse, "You cannot make it there now, I bid you to stay with Tel Atalan they will care for you until you can go home." They nodded the women heading off with the others women their children not far behind but the three men stayed behind. "We will fight with you." Mor nodded, there were four Atalan men that had stayed behind as well. "Very well." Mor nodded, " head up in to the cliffs, free any living Tel Ronyo. And you from Forodren come with me."

The Tel Atalan men hurried off to find any living Tel Royno's while those of Forodren followed Mor worth out question. They scaled in to the rocks, killing assassins who blocked their path freeing prisoners. At last Mor heard a voice he knew.

"Your such a pretty thing, now I know why I didn't kill you in Alea." It was Carad. Mor growled softly, trying to see in without giving his position up. "I should have killed you when I found you standing over my uncle.." It was Isa, she was alive. Carad chuckled, " yes well, you didn't, you ran away scared. But you were a little thing then, and look at you now...Hmm." He grinned touching her chin, as she was tied to the wall, "its such a shame that I have to kill you. But I'll keep you alive long enough to get Mor here." Isa spat at him, "he will kill you." Carad chuckled, " no, he wont. I will kill him. Then go after his family, then the rest of the tribes here, and bed every woman I can to make more of my kind. Perhaps after he is dead, you will be the first ... of my many wives. " He smirked then walked out of the room right past Mor and the hiding Forodren men. "I want you three to kill every last assassin in this rock, then find those of Tel Atalan, help them. I am going to free my friend.."He rose, the three darted off and he went in tot he room where Isa was.

She saw him and he hushed her, she had guards watching her. But they dint take long he killed them without making much of a sound. He then freed her, and they shared a soft kiss. "Mor ... he knows you would come." Mor nodded,"I heard him want you to sneak out. When I say so." She shook her head, "not without you." He looked to her, "Isa, listen to me, he will kill you just to torment me, and I cannot have that, I love you." He starred in to her eyes. She starred back, "Mor... I do not want to lose you." He grinned, "I will not die,now.I want you to slip away and head in to the woods, there is a tree there a plum one that should be in bloom right now. Wait there for me." She nodded, they kissed again and she hid.

Soon Carad came back and Mor was standing there Isa was gone, she had slipped away as Mor had asked her. There in the small room they faced off again.

"I knew you would come." Carad smirked. Mor wasted no words attacking first hard and fast his blade flying. "You will die here as will all your assassin friends." Carad chuckled, "There will be more of us, even if you kill me now. "

The echo of their blows sounded through the red rocks. Till at last Carad fell, yet he fell back towards the Nisse, as Mor had many years ago and washed away the Nisse going blood red. Mor took long slow breaths, he was wounded, badly but alive. Those of Tel Atalan were safe, the men from Forodren safe as well, they came to help Mor along back in to the dunes. The clan chief of Tel Royno, his wife, and children were found save and he thanked Mor and the brave men many times over. Before too long Mor found himself in front of a fire in Tel Atalan encampment.

His wounds needed mending but he would not stay for long, he ate and drank his fill loosely wrapped his wounds and headed for the plum tree.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-05 15:13 EST
Ered Lithui had always been known to him as Lith Aeglir. But After crossing them, and coming upon the tribe of dark elves, he would never call the ashen mountains as he had in Forodren.

Rocean walked all night, then rested just before dawn before crossing in to the range of mountains. Heading south along the range he looked down across the Silvern Falas, and watched as his world slipped away behind him. But he soon found him self not alone. A trio of young warriors found him there walking and took him, binding his hands, they took him along the ridges, till they reached the encampment. "Dar sinome." One of them left leaving the other two to watch him. His brows were risen up his light hair twisting in the wind behind him. Before long more warriors came, some of them were Drow's like him a few were of fairer skin. Before him stood a tall powerful woman, her hair was dark as was her skin, but her eyes bored in to his very soul as she looked down upon him where the other had made him kneel.

"Ya naa Lle?" Her voice was musical, like pure melody chimed with a soft coldness. Rocean looked to her trying to figured out what she had said to him, she spoke some sort of Elven, yet it was not as primitive as the one he had grown up with. " Amin," he began slowly, not wanting to offend her, " Rocean Helkaer, en Forodren Ardhon." The woman then looked to the warriors, and nodded. Before starring again at him. " Creso, Rocean. Lle quena i'lambe tel' edan?" Rocean nodded once. "I am Tari Loss?helin. Leader of Ered Lithui." Her hand panned backwards over the area.

"You come from the Far North," she looked him over, " you look of Drow Kin." Rocean was allowed to rise, "I am of Eryn Evair." Tari nodded, "I welcome you to Eldamar Ennorath. And to my camp, perhaps your visit shall help us both. Come, let us speak inside my tent." She ushered the warriors away and ushered Rocean to follow which he did.

Once seated inside the tent, he spent a few hours telling Tari all about Forodren, and how the language was different yet somehow the same, he told her of the plight some of his people had been under and she shared with him her story, of how Tel Uuranor had been seized by evil, and how her brother Mor had been missing for many years now. Tari then offered Rocean a deal, " Normally outsiders are not very welcome, but the times are changing. I wish for you to do something for me. Go to Tel Kua which is to south west of here, and lead Vanya Er Valya here for me, she is the daughter of the clan chief of Tel Kua. Then after that, I would like to ask something else of you. " Rocean was surprised she was putting her trust in someone she did not know much of, " yes?"

Tari looked off then, " Many have tried to find my nephew Mor and bring him home, but the plight of the Ronyo has taken many of my finest warriors, if you could find him, and try to persuade him to come home, I would be most thankful, " Rocean starred at her, " if I did this would the other clans here accept me?" Tari thought about that for a moment, " yes, it would be likely so. You will be well known after you bring Vanya back here without a bit of harm to her. Show your honor and metal and the others shall respect you."

Rocean nodded, " I shall go now." Tari chuckled, " no, it is late, and you need to rest and eat. I have had my people set you a tent. Inside you will find food and drink and a place to rest. Come the dawn I would like you to go set out on this mission for me, once done well, I will grant you partial clan hood to Ered." Rocean smiled, "I thank you."

He then left her tent and headed to his own where he found hot food, cold drink and a place to bed down.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-08 23:19 EST
Rocean had never been the type to slack off.But he was up just after dawn the next day and off to find the Tel Kua tribe. Tari had given him a full history of Eldamar, and its tribes and customs. It was common here to speak the language of men, even with those of higher positions, but she explained he should start off with Elven, and allow the clan chief, MahVin would be awaiting the warrior to take his daughter to Ered. Rocean would have to present himself as one of the young warriors of Ered, so Tari had left him, a change of clothes, and a green strip of cloth. Something that every member of Ered Lithui had upon them at all times. To keep the dust out of their mouths and eyes.

It was a test and Rocean knew that, but he had to learn all he could, he also had sworn to himself that he would help those of Lhasbelin. He needed to know more about the 'evil' that had taken over the blood red cliffs of Tel Uuranor and Naur Gond.

It took him half the day to get across the rocky paths that led to Tel Kua, as the sun rose high and cast no shadows upon the ground he had at last reached the encampment of Tel Kua and as Tari had promised they where waiting for him, the warriors led him in flanked by many young women, as they walked Rocean took the encampment in, hunters, warriors, gatherers, wise elders and youths. The clans here were much like the tribes at home, all centered on a leader and his or her family. The warriors led him to the tent of MahVin. When the tall elf exited the tent Rocean was surprised at the mans height, he was taller than any he had ever met, his skin like the others was tan, nearly as tan as the sand in the shadow of the mountains.

His hair was short and black. He slowly gestured inside and a woman, not much older than Rocean stepped out, she was dressed like most of the women he had come across, int ones of green and brown, her hair was like her fathers dark, her skin was pale, not sun kissed. She carried but a simple dagger. Her eyes were dark, a mix of blue and green.

"Vendui beleg MahVin," Rocean bowed to the elder. And MahVin smiled, "Vendui, Tel Ered Lithui Taur'ohtar. Tari told me she was sending a man of good virtue. Is this true?" Rocean nodded, " yes. I am a man of good virtue." MahVin seemed pleased with that, "good, This is my daughter Vanya Er Valya. I am placing her in your hands.." "Rocean." MahVin nodded, " Rocean Taur'othar. Once she is safely back at the Ered camp I expect to see you again. With the proof from Tari, till then, go now, rest till dawn then you shall lead her there." Rocean bowed deeply to them both before he was led away.

When dawn broke he found Vanya sitting outside of his tent awaiting him. " Quel amrun,Arwen en amin Valya." He bowed his head to her and she smiled.

Before long they were off back on their way up in tot he paths of Ered Lithui. They didn't speak for many miles Rocean just helped her along, in kind as he would have any how. yet she seemed to be able to care for her self a free spirit. He marveled at her fair skin, he wondered if her mother had been so fair. Or if her father had kept her inside tents since child hood. It took half a day again to cross back, and before the end of the journey they spoke a little. Of the wars in the East and of the ocean. It seemed they were both fond of it.

At last they reached the encampment and Tari's hand maidens were awaiting them as was Tari who greeted Vanya with hug and Rocean was greeted with a broad smile. "You did well Rocean of Eryn. MahVin will be expecting you with this."She handed him a large heavy piece of shinning rock. "Ore from the mountains. Go now quickly as your feet will carry you. I hope to see you again soon, but I know MahVin too well, he will likely extend an offer to you. Yet before you go, know that your always welcome here. Clan friend." Rocean took the ore and bowed to her in his deepest thanks. Then he headed back he way he had come, with the tribe watching him. He was recalling what Cal had said, that his name would be well known here, had that sight now come true as well, was his name becoming well known?

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-14 23:45 EST
Isa waited for him like he had asked, she waited till she no longer saw fire in the Uuranor, and waited more.

When dawn touched her cheek, he was there smiling at her. "I am sorry it took me so long." She rushed to him, hugging him tightly and he winced through his wounds. "Your hurt." She looked to his face, "let me heal you." He shook his head, " they will mend on their own, Carad is dead, his bloody body will wash up far down the Nisse where the ravens will eat him..." Isa took a long breath and smiled, " Then Tel Ronyo was saved." He nodded, "the clans are safe again. Isa.. there is something I must tell you." She pressed her fingers to his lips," I already know, Mor. Your not of the burning sands your of the ashen mountains "He nodded, "forgive me for deceiving you." She smiled, "I can always forgive you. "

She kissed him again softly, "Now, there is something I must tell you." He nodded, she took his hand in hers, "I love you as well..and I want very much to come back with you to Ered Lithui, but you know as I do I will not be welcomed there." He nodded, " then we will live in the wild." She chuckled, "You need to go home, your place is as clan chief..." "But they will want me to marry and have children." She nodded, " I know this, and while I would love to be your wife...we cannot be." He looked into her eyes, "how will I ever love someone else?"

She touched his cheek, " we are bound together, my heart is yours, " He nodded, " and mine is yours." She pressed closer to him, " and while I cannot be your wife in Ered Lithui, I can bare your child." His brows rose at her, "Isa..." She smiled pressing his hand to her flat stomach, " Your child grows within me.. and I will raise him or her at home in Alea." He pressed his hand there, "my child." She nodded, "yes..." He kissed her then deeply lifting her up despite his discomfort.

She returned his kiss. "Mor.." She breathed as he sat her down. "yes, my love.."He looked in to her eyes. "I want to give you something to remember me by." He sighed, "I could never forget you..." She smiled, "I know.. but still." She then pressed her hand to his shoulder and he would feel a soft tingle there. His brows rose at her then he looked to his ebony shoulder and saw a soft white mark that glowed faintly, it was the shape of a star. He pressed his lips to hers again then slowly took off one of his pendants and hung it over her head. " This has protected me from any dangers ... may it now protect you and our child."

They spent three nights there under the plum tree, trading stories, and love and on the fourth day she left for Alea. He watched her go, and she took with her a piece of his heart and soul. He spent one lonely night under the plum tree then headed on in to Tel Mandu Taure.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-14 23:49 EST
Rocean returned the ore to MahVin and he was very pleased and as Tari had started MahVin had a mission for the young Drow, but this was not a solo mission. MahVin introduced Rocean to Hikere of the hunters, and his team of mighty ones.

"These are my finest hunters, they go in to Tel Mandu to hunt wild boar for my annual feast, they also go to keep the relations between us and Tel Eldalie good, they go to speak you young Alasse. So you my young friend, will go with them. I trusted you with my daughter and she is safely with Tari now, so Now I trust you to go with my hunters. "He motioned Hikere closer "This is Hikere, he is my right hand man, and if I had made any sons they would be much like him. He will take you to meet the others, you will be under his orders. Until you all return with my prized boar." Rocean looked to Hikere, he was nearly as tall as MahVin, his hair was short and dark brown, his eyes deep set and green cut through Rocean in the first glance. "Vendui." Hikere offered his hand and Rocean took it they shook then Hikere led Rocean off to meet the rest of his fine band of hunters.

They walked for a while silent through the sand until the trees towered over them, Hikere then let out a high pitched whistle and four elves dropped to the floor, dressed in shades of green and brown. Two women and two men. The first women was tall, a few inches shorter than Hikere. She had a smile upon her fair face, her hair was silver tinted with green and flow like vines around her oval face, her eyes were deep set, fierce and brown. In her hands a well made bow, on her back a quiver of swan fetched arrows. "This is Atria, my third in command."Hikere motioned to her. She smiled to him then to Rocean.

The next was a male, he was tall as well inch for inch as tall as Hikere. His hair was longer, deep red and tied back behind his head, his eyes were not as deep set as the others, and of the darkest blue, he grinned at Rocean. " This is Tarhealis, my second in command." Tar grinned more, shifting his weight from his left side to his right. Beside him stood the other female. She was young, at; east she looked it, she was short, her face very round, her fiery red hair stood out against her tan skin. Her eyes were of the palest brown, and she looked very delicate, like a flower easily broken. But she like the others carried that bow and quiver and dagger at her side.It was in her eyes that Rocean saw the warrior. "This is Ilanea."

The last was the final male, he was Rocean's height, his skin fair and his hair long and raven black, his eyes dark a mix of brown and green. He could have nearly been Vanya Er's brother. His features reminded him much of MahVin. "This is Zyane, one of our newest members." Zy smiled a wry smile of youth. Hikere then turned to face Rocean, "This is Rocean everyone, it is MahVin's orders that he comes with us on the hunt and to speak to Alasse." This got a chuckled out of Tar, " hope you can pull your weight boy." Rocean looked to Tar and nodded, "I can." Hikere grinned, " good, lets go then."

Rocean took a long breath and followed them in tot he woods, he had hunted wild deer at home, but never boar the boars in Forodren were huge, some could over power a bear. He wondered how large the boars here were. It wouldn't be long before he found out.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-18 23:24 EST
Mor had been walking for what felt like days, his heart felt heavy. Like he carried too much weight. He thought of Isa, now hopefully safely at home, or close to it. He thought of their child, the one growing within her. He knew it would be unlucky that he would ever see it. Or Isa again. His place was here, even though his heart was not. He had been surviving on food scraps for a few days, but now they were gone and he was hungry, still miles from Tel Eldalie he knew he would need to hunt. He headed for the hunting grounds, where he hoped to find some wild deer or even goat to kill.

But the idea of a mere deer displeased him, after all he had faced, he deserved a prize worthy of his trials, eh would seek out one of the wild boars, there were not many and he knew the biggest one was prized by Tel Kua. But he was near staved, it mattered not to him who prized the boar.

He walked slowly looking around for signs of the boar. For its wallows, and the places where they would bed down. But he found none, as he got closer tot he hunting grounds he spied the wild deer, they would be very good, cooked over a hot fire. His stomach growled, and he shook his head. No, he would find one of the boars and enjoy in it spit roasted.

Finally at the base of the hunting ground hill he found hove prints leading him west.

~The stories of Rocean and Mor now bleed in to one, as two warriors from diffrent lands meet. ~

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-18 23:29 EST
They walked silently, not breaking a twig or stepping upon a fallen golden leaf. Hikere gave silent commands and the hunters followed them. Zy and Ilanea were above in the trees, while Tar and Atria were on the ground with Hikere. Rocean walked behind them looking for signs of boars. Hikere was impressed by the youths tracking skills, MahVin had seen something in him. As had Tari. Hikere knew as MahVin had known that Rocean was not of Ered Lithui though he could pull it off well. Hikere had heard the whispers and heard MahVin speaking to his daughter about the Drow from Forodren. The Land to the North. Unlike the lands to the North east that were unknown tot hem some had found that Forodren was much like Eldamar.

Hikere was sure that Rocean was finding the same was true.

They moved on through the trees and under brush heading for the hunting grounds in search of the finest boar for MahVin. There were very few boars, and the ones around still hid them selves well. Tel Merka Tarka. The wild horn. That was the name for the boars of Eldamar, as big as a full grown bear, if not bigger, dark brown with two very long and killer tusks. They could take down anyone who dared to try and kill them, that was the fun of the hunt and the prize was succulent fire roasted boar with eligre.

Atria then let out a whistle she had spotted something near the hills of the hunting grounds.

~The stories come together, in the next post~

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-25 23:34 EST
~At last two roads cross.~
The high pitch whistle met Mor's ears and his eyes shot up looking around for signs of the hunters but he saw none.

Hikere smiled to Rocean as he heard Aria's whistle. "Ahh she's found something." Zy then jumped to join the others as did Atria, "I spotted him, near the hunting hill, we should hurry before he moves." Hikere nodded, then they ran off Rocean followed as fast as he could, yet it seemed like they could fly,their feet barely touching the ground as they ran.

Mor shifted low along the ground as he stalked the boar. Its snout was in the ground as it rooted around for grubs and other bugs. Mor had a plan to bag the boar, he would not use his arrows, no they would be useless, he would use his dagger. It was sturdy and strong and would cut through the boars hide.

Hikere and Tar led the way with Atria, Ilanea and Zy behind Rocean wasn't too far behind them now. And he could see what Atria had from the tree tops. There was the prized boar twice the size of a bear, its snout digging in to the earth its two tusks yellow and sharp like finely made swords. Its hide was thick covered with coarse hairs. Rocean was awed by the sight, how in hells name would they take it down? Surely not with simple swan fetched arrows.

Mor shifted closer still low upon the ground shifting his dagger between his teeth. The wind was in his favor, carrying the smell of the boar and the earth it dug up to him. His eyes shifted looking around for anyone else and he saw nothing from this vantage point.

Hikere, Rocean and the hunters of Tel Kua were also down wind but just barely. Hikere had Atria move in to position. And Tar grinned watching her. Then he shifted his sword in to his hand, Zy followed suit, as Ilanea followed Atria pulling her bow free. Rocean stood there, pulling free his thin Elven sword. He saw the plan unfold, Hikere ha d it planned without he hills in its way the boar would run right for them as soon as the arrows it hide. And then those there would kill it using shear force.

But they did not foresee Mor. Creeping along the hill side like a shadow he was closer tot he boar than they ere and as Atria and Ilanea took aim he lept and mounted the boar, which started to bucked around with the dark elf on his back. The hunters and Rocean were taken by surpass.

Hikere shouted to Atria and Ilanae, "don't shoot it, and don't shoot the Drow!" Mor then shot a look towards the sound but he had to hold on tight, his dagger in his teeth still he pulled on hand free to use the dagger to stab in to the boar. It squealed and bucked all the harder, but Mor stabbed it again, cutting along its thick hide to kill it. It fell easily and he rolled free and stood to face the hunters who were now upon him.

Hikere and Mor stood nearly nose to nose, as they looked at each other, The hunters and Rocean were very tense until Hikere backed away. "We had plans to give that boar to MahVin." Mor chuckled, " the great one will be happy then. If you allow me to come with you, I am in need of some good food." Hikere looked to his team then back, "very well. I am Hikere, this is my company from Tel Kua, we head to see Alasse and have the great feast, you are welcome to join us.." Mor looked to them, and focused on Rocean for a moment before looking back to Hikere, "Mor Crebain."

That name struck a cord with Rocean. He recalled what Tari Loss?helin of Ered Lithui had said. " Many have tried to find my nephew Mor and bring him home, but the plight of the Ronyo has taken many of my finest warriors, if you could find him, and try to persuade him to come home, I would be most thankful. "

Could the dark elf before him be the same Mor? He resembled Tari some, the same face. That fierce look upon it, like he had face many trials before he even became a man. But he had silver hair, and light eyes, Where as Tari had dark hair and eyes that nearly blended in to her dark skin. But there was something about Mor that looked familar. It was possible that it was the same man, but Rocean was not about to bring it up here and now he would bide his time, till they got to this feast, then he would see if this was the nephew that Tari had been looking for.

Aria Valya

Date: 2008-12-29 23:21 EST
Now the quintet of hunters Roceana nd Mor heade din to Tell Eldalie. The more Rocean watched More the more he was sure that this man was indeed Tari's long lost nephew, but he did not look like a boy. Tari had said that Mor had dissapeared ata young age when he and Ereb,Tari's brother went out hunting. Mors face was weatherd,worna nd stoic,his body was toned and he looked like he could have wrestled the Tel Merka Tarka to the ground with his bare hands. Most impresive Rocean thought.

The seven of them headed in to the Tel Mandu Eldalie encampment. They were greeted by Their own tribe meberes then those of Tel Mandu. MahVin sat around the spitfire with Alasse who was the current tribe leader even at her young age. MahVinw as happy to see his hunters and Rocean ahd surrived the ordeal, he was rather surpised tos ee another drow ef with his company of hunters.

The elder rose and crossed to Hikere. "You brought along more for the feast?" Hikere looked to his hunters then to Mor, " he is of Ered Lithui." Hikere spoke softly, " He looks it, does he not remind you of someone?" MahVin looked at Mor then back to Hikere, " aye." He then left Hikere to go with his hunters and apporached Mor, " Vendui' " Mor bowed , " Venui Beleg MahVin." MahVin chuckled, " so you know of me," He grinned, "yet I know you not." Mor looked around, he cover was blown long before he walked in tot he woods, " Mor Loss?helin." Rocean starred from the near by fire, he had been right it was the long lost nephew of Tari.

MahVin nodded, " welcome home then, Mor. " Rocean couldnt just stand there any more he walked up and excused him self in to the converstaion. " Tari," he began, " she has been looking for you for many years." Mor starred at the strange dark elf, " you know my aunt?" Rocean nodded, "I met her when crossing in to Eldamar." Mor nodded, " Ahh so your Rocean of Forodren, I have heard whispers of your name since the attack of Tel Uuranor. Your clans people are safe with in Tel Atalan." Roceans borws rose to t hat, then he relised Mor must have met some of Lhasbelin.

"I know my aunt has been looking for me, I am on my way home, as soon as I enjoy some of my prized kill." This time MahVins brows rose, " it was you who kileld the great horned boar, hmm." He looked abck to Hikere who just chrugged. Mor chuckled, " yes, it was I. All that I ask is that I get to enjoy some of this fine feast then I will be on my way home." MahVin nodded, " you are my most honroed guest, come meet Alasse, you as well young Rocean. She has not met many from outside, she will enjoy your company."

Then the three went over to sit around the fire while the boarw as roasted, the conversation flowed easily between Alasse and Rocean. Mor chuckled and joked witht he hunters of Tel Kua and heard of good news in Ered. Then as the boar was spread out through Mandu, Rocean and Mor shared a long talk of many things.

Aria Valya

Date: 2009-02-23 00:20 EST
While the hunters feasted, Mor and Rocean sat at the far side of the fire eating as they spoke. "I met your aunt when I first came from Fordren,she was very welcoming. I was surpised.I had ofetn hear of this land, my father spoke of it being unwelcoming." Mor chuckled, " It can be, but not in the way he might have thought." Rocean nodded, "I went through Fordren before I left learning all I could but when I came here I was unprepared. My people had been taken in to war, and I had no way to help them."

Mor looked to t he fire , " They should be home soon enough, back witht heir families, the tribes here are very welcoming. When I left with my father so long ago, I hought we would return but, war had come and the assissins of Miratla had invaded Tel Royno and Tel Uuranor. I went looking for someone to battle, and Carad was the one to blame for my fathers death, and now he is dead too, and the Tel Ronyo will rgiant heir hold on their home. And you Rocean of Tel Fordoren?What will you do?"

Rocean looked around his eyes catching those of Alasse Iharnes. Mor followed his gase and smiled softly, " Love is a grand thing to see. She is destine to be clan chief one day soon, her father, though I love him. Oplen, will not live to see winter, and he has no sons." Rocean nodded, " are women of this area allowed to marry those from outside?" Mor shrugged, "It is common to marry from tribe to tribe, perhpas she would have you." He grinned more, " you should stay a while. they will welcome you here, and I am sure my aunt would love to see you again." Rocean nodded, " you will go home then?" Mor nodded, " my place is to lead my people, marry and have many sons,yes I will go home." Rocean smiled to that, "Perpahs I will stay a while."

Mor stayed until the feast was done then he bid the Kua hunters and Rocean goodbye. He had made a lasting friendship with Rocean. Rocean had made a lasting impression upon Alasse. Mor could see that they would not be easily broken a apart now. Hikere and his hunters along with MahVin returned to Tel Kua.

When Mor returned to Ered Lithui Tari was awaiting him. She embraced her nephew and with great pride handed over the Ered Clans leadership. She then intorduced Mor to Vanya Er Valya. Of Tel Kua. Mor knew the code, he kne that Vnaya was to be his bride sooner rather than later. But his heart was still with Isa. He did not see how he could love and marry another woman. Mor also had to tell the clan of his fathers death and of the battle with the assissins. The Ered rejoiceed to his victory.

Years passed~~

Days flew and months changed, and Mor wed Vanya and Rocean wed Alasse, Alasse became chief and through it all Mor and Rocean stayed strong friends, making the links of the clans even tighter. Soon small alliances were made, and the clans were as one. Over the years that follwoed Alasse bore Rocean four sons the first was Kegan and around the smae time Vnaya Er bore Mor a daughter Aria. Alasse soon bore Karnil,Ty and Aldreon. But Vanya Er never bore Mor a son. But also in this time the assissins of Miratla were slowly regaining their power, Carad though woudned was not dead. And his vengeance burned on.

And when the battle came again to the lands it was Roceana nd Mor who matrched out togther. They matched to meet the asssins that ahd once taken those they had cared for. They marche dfor everything they had known. Theey retruened semi victorious but then on the shores of the nIsee Carad made his plans, to kill Mor. And he nearly did. Their fight wa slong and bloody but at the end of it Mor was swet to the sea by soem twist of fate and his dagger and bloody clothes washed tot he far shore where his tribes men would find it. Son after Carad would sneak in to the Ered Lithui camp take Mors beloved wife for all that she was usueful for, then toss her off the cliff. When she was found the tribe assumed she ahd jumped, in loo of Mors death. Aria was then only a child and to eb raised by those still living in the tribe. But as we learned long ago, Aria wasnt like everyone else.

Carad treturned to his seat of power, those of Tel Royno who did not die joined the assissns or were forced to. Rocean returned to his wife and sons, his heart broken for he had lost a brother in Mor. Rocean was never rthe same after that. It is said that once Kegan was nineteen of human years Rocean disappeared and was never seen again. Little is known of how he disappeared.