Topic: Reality Whispers ((OOC Thread))


Date: 2015-07-17 13:11 EST
Please reply to this OOC thread for any questions or concerns.

Ms DeVore

Date: 2015-07-17 17:06 EST
Before I start, I want to thank Welverin's player and crew for giving me a reason to pull this character out of mothballs and begin working with her and building her story again. Until now, I have had a whole series of stories up in my head, but really nowhere that I felt worked as a place for me to flesh them out. I also want to thank those who have noticed my girl so far, the following will explain this a little further I hope.

Years ago I was introduced to Vampire The Masquerade (VTM) by my husband and some friends of ours. We would sit around the living room creating and telling stories. Sometimes we would go out to local bars, or restaurants and continue the play. And yes, it was kind of fun the way we had this little secret going on that only we were part of.

Later, when I came on-line in AOL, I found some people there who enjoyed the story creation and telling aspect of that as much as I did. Small groups would form, usually centered around one of the clans, and we would play the night away, creating images in each other?s minds.

It has been years, and I have tucked away many of the books that go along with this up on shelves, collecting dust (probably could make a little pocket change for Christmas presents this year if I would just dust those off and take them in to sell). However, now I have been given a rare opportunity to dust off a character I created to help a friend on here with one of his stories and give her new life (or unlife so to speak). Much of the writing I will be doing centered on Ms DeVore will follow aspects of VTM in that what one sees in room play may or may not reflect what happens on these boards.
The best way to read and follow what will be happening will be in this fashion. What is happening in the rooms is open for any and all to know and play off of. Please feel welcomed to join in on this with me. I love having fun playing in the rooms with people.

So, how do the stories on the boards play in? These are best read as part of what the Masquerade is built to hide. While I welcome people reading and even comments would be welcome on my writing (I consider myself a late-bloomer to writing, but am enjoying it and want to grow as a writer) I want this to give both myself and those around me the feel of the Masquerade being played out in full force. I will be very appreciative of those who help me to maintain the illusion in my play.

And so, let the Masquerade begin.

Simone Evreux

Date: 2015-12-22 01:14 EST
Just stopping by to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas!

I shall be back soon to add more stories, once real life slows down. Anyway Best Wishes to all.

Stay safe everyone!


Simone Evreux

Date: 2016-02-06 20:14 EST
It is that time of year, so here is me sharing a little taste of home.

Happy Mardi Gras!


Date: 2016-02-22 20:09 EST
Just wanted to say I'm loving There Are Monsters Here! Hope to read more posts soon!

Simone Evreux

Date: 2016-02-26 00:02 EST
Thank you so very much for your flattering and kind words, Duci player! :grin: