Topic: Breathless

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-16 01:12 EST

Lydia woke up around the time she normally did, relatively early, though she didn't stir much or get up. She remained in bed, curled up within the sheets, not daring to speak or think. Even a couple hours after Grem left, after he had offered a supportive touch, she couldn't find any motivation to get up and carry on with her day.

What would there be to do?

Go to the market, mingle with friends... she'd be terrible company to them in this state. And if she had to hear a 'cheer up' or 'it'll be okay'... well... The green haired elf didn't operate like most in this realm seemed to. Death wasn't something so easily forgotten, so easily set aside, not felt. One so unaffected by the tragedies of life could hardly be affected by the boons it offered either.

The store. It simply wasn't an option. The last time she was there, the memories of that place... so happy, so painful to remember. A mere couple of days ago Storm had been there, laughing, working with her and Erin. These thoughts...

They would not do.

Without a word or sound, and with a face of neutrality, Lydia got up and carried on a rather monotonous routine. The bed was made, a shower was taken, teeth were brushed, face was washed, clothing was donned, her messenger bag was slung over a shoulder, the door leading out of Grem's apartment was opened, she stepped out, then closed the door behind her. Somehow, probably habit, she managed to remember to lock the door behind her.

The route taken through WestEnd was not the usual route, though it could hardly be called the scenic route either. Certain areas were bypassed, areas she feared running into a friend, or even her sister. The manor and that entire neighborhood was bypassed altogether. It was early in the day though, light outside, so taking a few shortcuts through some alleys and even passing through the 'shadier' parts of WestEnd hardly posed a risk to her.

Along the way, posters were ignored. Though this wasn't unusual. Erin might read them, keep up with them, but she never did unless it looked to be something.. colorful, safe. Most times she read something though, it was never good news, always just a reminder of the evil in this realm, so she stopped. That one poster though, that... certain poster. Erin had discovered it, but even that wasn't read, not really.

It could only be ignored so much though.

By now, she was close to the inn, but seeing that poster. Again. It got to her. Expression of neutrality still cloaking her emotions, she approached a board that had a few posters tacked on, but it was that poster that had caught her attention. Gaze locked on the words, slowly moving to follow them as she tried to take them in this time.

Storm Divine.

They were the last words she saw before the words became a blur and her eyes stung. They closed, briefly, allowing the pools building within to stream down her cheeks. Lydia's eyes opened again, and she tried to refocus on those words, but every time she did, they just became a blur again. This just wasn't going to happen. A frown broke her look of neutrality, already betrayed by tears, as she glanced around, wiping at her face rather quickly. Not a soul in sight it seemed. She took the opportunity to pull that poster off the board, almost with care. It was folded once, and tucked into her bag.

Pale, slightly watery blues looked about once more before she moved for the inn.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-16 01:50 EST
That poster was staring her in the face yet again, tacked upon the door leading into the inn as it was. She swallowed hard, and forced her gaze from it as she pushed through the threshold and into the inn. Her frown seemed to lessen as her gaze roamed about the commons. It was early enough she managed to avoid the crowd. Any crowd. Not a soul in the inn but her. Strap of her messenger bag was readjusted as slow, steady steps took her past the bar, the kitchen, around tables and chairs, and towards the stairs. By all rights she should have stopped to eat or drink. She hadn't partaken of such things since hearing about Storm. Her body started to ache for nourishment already, but she was so disconnected from it mentally she didn't realize it. It was a rather bad habit of hers, in times of grief to forget to eat, drink or take care of herself.

As Lydia ascended the stairs, she dug around her bag for her keychain. Keys were sifted through and sorted out as she moved down the hall, pausing in front of one of her two rooms at the inn. It took two tries to get the key in right, but she managed. A soft click, a turn of the knob, and in she walked. The bottom of her legs that weren't covered by her skirt were assaulted by.. fur?


Softness managed to find it's way into her features as she looked down to Mellon, rubbing against her legs rather happily, a soft purr starting to build in his chest. Lydia kneeled down for a few seconds to run her fingers through his fur a couple times before she straightened and moved across the room.

"I didn't stop by to feed you yesterday did I?" Her tone was regretful. "I'm sorry Mellon..." The apology sincere, as if she had greatly wronged a friend. "I lost a very dear friend yesterday..." Whispered words, as she kneeled before his food dish. At least he had water. "Storm... you'd like her a lot." Not seeming to notice the neglect of speaking in past tense, she reached over to open up his food container, and used the scoop within to shovel out a larger than norm portion into his dish. "...sorry." A repeated apology as she reached forward, gently brushing her fingers over Mellon's head. It was almost like he understood her words, or simply empathized to her feelings, because he nudged his head closer into her hand.

"'re sweet Mellon. Thanks."

Scoop returned to cat food container, it was closed before she straightened, then withdrew from that area, allowing Mellon to start chowing down. Poor thing was rather hungry... Frown returned as she cast a glance around the room. There wasn't really any reason for her to be here, and all of her materials, tools, fabrics and dresses were in her second inn room. She watched Mellon eat for another moment or so before leaving the room, locking the door behind her.

Keys in her hands were toyed with for a moment as she contemplated... a look of regret hinted in her features as she looked up, then moved down the hallway a bit more, coming to a pause in front of a different door this time. The room she worked in. Keys sifted through again, the correct one was set into the keyhole, but not turned just yet. Hand shook for a brief moment, stilling once her frown deepened. She started to draw a deep breath in through slightly parted lips as she turned the key, though breathing stopped when the ever familiar 'click' sounded.

Oh so hesitantly she pushed the door open, and even more hesitantly she walked inside. Closing the door, she turned to look around, and slumped backwards, her back to the door when she spotted red fabrics draped across a new mannequin. It was the beginnings of a new dress.

Storm's dress.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-16 02:43 EST
Once, Storm had made mention of wanting a red dress. She said she had plans for it, though they never really got brought up again... Busy lives for everyone involved it seemed, so easy to fall behind like that... to forget about something that just didn't seem all that important at the time.

Though really, the green haired elf hadn't forgotten.

She worked up some plans recently for this dress, had even started on it, but didn't finish it quite as quickly as she originally planned or hoped. Working on the shop, Valentine's Day... she didn't have the time. But now?

Too late.

Knees bent as she sank down to the ground, back sliding against the door along the way. Strap of her messenger bag was rolled off her shoulder, sending the bag itself to the floor with a dull thunk. Pale gaze, starting to pool with water again, was intent on those red fabrics. Her look was almost one of shock, panic, like she had forgotten to do something rather important... Sitting on the floor, she drew her knees to her chest and propped her elbows upon them as hands ran through her hair. Incoherent mutterings and whimperings escaped her as she shook her head.

Too late...

Such a fact though, didn't seem to matter right now. Eyes were squeezed shut tightly as she wiped harshly at the tears running down her cheeks again. Shaking her head vehemently, she lowered it, and took a few, deep, almost ragged breaths in an attempt to compose herself. Without much thinking she straightened a little, and opened her eyes. Bag that had been carelessly abandoned mere moments ago was snatched up from the floor and set into her lap as legs stretched out. She rummaged through it frantically and pulled out the notebook she always carried with her. That silly, shiny green notebook... A change in demeanor then, as she calmly and carefully flipped through the pages, searching for one in particular.

A lump formed in her throat when she found it, but she forced the sobs back. There was no time for them, not now.

Fingers trailed across the crude dress design on the page, that were on an even cruder drawing of Storm... such a silly thing. She forced her attention on that design though, not who it clothed, and studied it for a few moments, absently rising to her feet. Lips pursed as she moved towards a small table, and set the book there. Lydia then moved to another small table, littered with all sorts of sewing things. She had to sift through it a bit to find what she needed. Pins, thread, needles, a zipper to go in that red dress...

For hours she worked. Nonstop. Diligently, almost feverishly. Pricked fingers and fatigue were ignored through it all, but it had paid off. The dress was lovely, a bold red with soft, flowing fabrics. There was only one thing missing. A sash to accentuate the waist.

In her original designs, she had mulled over the color of the sash, but never made a final decision regarding it. However now? There was only one color that seemed appropriate.


With care, said black sash was secured around the waist of the dress, and sewed in place.

Lydia regarded the dress impassively for a long moment, running a couple fingers over it that hadn't been the victims of being pricked with pins rather carelessly. Another lump forming in her throat was swallowed back as she turned and moved towards a few empty boxes. One of about the right size was procured from the pile and set out on the table next to her notebook. With more than just a little care, she unzipped the dress and removed it from the mannequin. Folding it up neatly, it was settled into the box and then closed. Somewhere amidst the mess that was her 'place of work', she located some blue grey ribbon, and tied it around the box, even added something that could almost be considered a neat bow.

That done, she flipped through her notebook, and ripped out a clean page. She moved to snatch her bag off the floor and set it on the table, sliding notebook back within, this time pulling her familiar green pen out. Pen pressed to paper, she slowly scribbled something out, her print a bit messier and forced than usual.

Thank you, for all that you've done for me.


A shaky breath taken in, she folded the paper in half once, twice, thrice, then tucked it beneath the ribbon that held the box together.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-16 03:17 EST
That package. That package for Storm... it was taken up into her hands.

Lydia stared at it a moment, then.. she blinked. Another blink. Pale blues widened, almost in shock as she looked it over. She had finished the dress, put it in that box, tied the ribbon, written the note... all without a thought in her head. Granted, this was all something she had meant to do days ago. But it would have mattered then. A gift for Storm, perhaps she would have loved it, laughed, thanked her, tried it on... it would have mattered.

But it didn't matter now!

Brows furrowed and crinkled considerably as her hands started to shake. Box set down on the table again, she sank into a chair that was nearby. Convenient really, if it wasn't there she'd just sink right on down to the floor again. She leaned against the table for support, despite that chair, like it wasn't enough to hold her up. Her gaze darted around quickly, frantically. For what? Nothing... not really, she just felt so desperate suddenly, needing something to hold on to. Anything...

All that rummaging in her bag, it disheveled a few things within, including that poster. The green haired elf stopped breathing when she saw the corner of it sticking out of her bag.

It was time to face reality.

One of those still slightly shaky hands reached forward to tug the poster from her bag. Unfolding it, she looked it over again, however, this time she blinked away any tears that formed.

Murders...Ashes...Blood...Burning Flesh...

Such words, she felt ill. But this time she took it in. Really took it in, absorbed the words. Let the poster fall through her fingers and to the floor as it sank in.


"Gods... someone did this to you..."

This wasn't an accident. This wasn't a natural death. Someone did this. To Storm.

Teeth grit together as her watery gaze fell to the package holding the red dress. She wasn't really looking at it though, she wasn't looking at anything. What was the right thing to feel now? Anger? She felt it... the need for vengeance? No... She couldn't feel that, even now. The need for justice? Another thing entirely, a justifiable thing really. But now...

...what would it even matter?

Finding who did this to Storm, this lovely, beautiful red dress she could have loved, the note to thank her friend for what she had done. It wouldn't do much.. wouldn't bring her back..

It wouldn't matter. Not really...

Lydia finally succumbing to sobbing once again.