Topic: Come Calling

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2008-01-29 20:39 EST
It took several days for word of what had happened to Lydia to trickle through the city, to reach all of those who knew her. Gossip moved lightening fast, but sometimes bad news crawled, even through the West End. Sometimes especially through the West End. When Kacey finally heard, it took days more for her to confront her demons. Days spent with hard work and some laughter, and a lingering shadow that kept her awake at night. In free moments she worked a long piece of black walnut, turning it, smoothing away splinters. A stop at the Forge to cap the ends with steel and band the grips, and the staff was complete.

Too short for Kacey, slimmer than comfortable for her hands with their long fingers and callused grip, it was designed for Lydia?s smaller, slighter frame. Walking staff or weapon, it was elegant in simplicity. When Kacey finished it, capped and complete, she sat on a bench in the Market across from A Stitch in Time for several minutes and steeled herself.

The sterile, almost cold feeling of the Redmond Clinic was a far cry from the memory of a field surgeon?s tent that haunted Kacey. The scent of astringents and blood in the air was all too familiar, and the occasional moan of pain or cry tightened her expression into stillness. An inquiry at the desk gave her Lydia?s room, and after some argument about the staff she was carrying, Kacey ventured that way.

Hard to say if Lydia would be awake or not ? the nurses had mentioned she was still easily fatigued. It was a feeling Kacey remembered all too well. So mindful of the cautions, she tapped on the door lightly. If Lydia was awake, Kacey would give her the staff in person. If asleep she would leave it, and the short note crackling in her pocket for that contingency.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-01-30 05:14 EST
Lydia had rested for a while after Hawk and Erin's visit, but she kept fading in and out of consciousness. Perhaps she had trouble sleeping because she had been 'asleep' for quite some time? It was hard to say, but it was vexing at the least. At the moment she laid in bed, gaze aimed towards the window. However her eyes seemed so far away as she ran events through her mind again and again. The night in the alley, the feelings of betrayal and sadness that overshadowed even her would be anger. The things she had told Hawk, the things he told her... and The Undertown. Her mind kept traveling there, even though she physically could not. She kept wondering of Hector's ambitions. Surely they couldn't be good.. so the people there, they were likely in some sort of danger. It ate at her...

And the knock at the door jolted her from her thoughts rather abruptly. Lydia sat a little straighter, eyes a little wider as they moved that way. Her mind searched and searched for possibilities of who it could be, but she wouldn't allow it to search for long. That was dangerous, to allow herself too much hope for certain possibilities. It was best to just see who it was. She threw her sheets off and moved to her feet, still clad in slippers. She was still a little pale and tired looking, and not the most fashionably dressed in her pajamas, but they were awful comfy. She started to pad towards the door, though paused and crinkled her nose as she accidentally stepped in remnants of sticky coffee mess Erin had left on the floor earlier. Now one of her slippers stuck to the ground when she walked, making an icky slosh-slap sound each time she took a step with it.

Lydia smiled a touch as she rolled her eyes, then approached the door. For a brief moment, paranoia struck. What if Hector had heard? What if it was him? He could very well be back to finish the job... but no. It would have made more sense for him to finish it when she was still unconscious, and the healers and doctors surely wouldn't allow anyone with a visible gun on their person back there. Then again it didn't have to be visible, did it? He could have hidden it.

Furrowing her brows, she tried to shake the paranoia away. She couldn't live like that. She lived that like for quite some time when Fahl was around, and really she had reason to fear his return, but to live in that constant state of looking over your shoulder all the time? Of being scared of everyone and everything? She couldn't.. there was already so much bearing down on her, to worry about Hector looming over her shoulder now. So taking in a breath for courage, Lydia finally pulled open the door, her brows lifting in surprise at seeing just who it was.

"Kacey? ...hey." Though surprised Lydia did smile, looking genuinely happy to see Kacey, and stepped back with yet another slosh-slap of her sticky ridden slipper. "I wasn't expecting you.. come in! Just be careful of the mess on the floor. There's not much left, but it's really sticky. Erin was here.. spilled her coffee.." She waved vaguely as she rambled.

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2008-01-30 06:33 EST
Hard to miss the quick transition of expressions over Lydia?s face, from wary tension to surprise to relief and welcome. Kacey didn?t comment, but instead lifted the corner of her mouth in a little, crooked smile as Lydia rambled. She was happy to see Lydia both awake and mobile, but the expression had to fight through her own unease at being in the Clinic. Maneuvering around the sticky mess of almost-dried coffee, she entered the room at Lydia?s vague invitation.

?I?m glad you?re awake. When I finally heard what happened, well,? Kacey lifted one shoulder in a shrug for the slantwise explanation for her presence, ?I was worried. It?s good to see you awake and moving. I heard Hawk was here, too.? Equally hard to miss the long staff of black walnut and steel Kacey carried, but she didn?t mention it yet as she propped it against the wall.

It seemed a pleasant enough room for one in a clinic, and the afternoon sunlight in the window was a warm beacon. Kacey crossed the floor to look out at the city for a few moments before she turned back to face Lydia again with her arms hanging loosely at her sides. ?To be honest, I almost didn?t come. I?m not very good with healers. Then again,? and the little smile flashed bright for a moment, ?I doubt anyone much is when they need one.? One hand drifted up to touch the right side of her stomach for a moment before she focused back on Lydia.

?I don?t know what you were doing in the West End that late, and you don?t have to tell me your reasons. Gods know there are enough secrets there to drown a world. But I wanted to make sure you know that if you?re down there late again and you need a shelter for any reason, my workshop ? my home ? is there, and I?ve strong locks for the doors and a willing ear to listen.? Dark brown eyes were sharp, penetrating, as she reinforced the message. ?For any reason at all.?

Dismissive gesture with one callused hand and she flicked her fingers at the staff leaning against the wall. ?As for that ? I made it for you. Couldn?t find flowers and I?ve always preferred more practical gifts, anyway. It should be sized for you. I don?t know if you know anything of staff-fighting, but it will work as a walking stick easily enough.? Kacey paused briefly before she continued. ?Healers or not, you?ll be tired, run-down for a while, and it might help to have something to lean on.? That was the voice of experience.

Finally the flood of words drew to a halt as Kacey gave a small shake to her head and a better smile. She?d had to get out her main purpose before the surroundings stilled her tongue entirely, and in the main succeeded.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-01-31 03:27 EST
Lydia couldn't help but allow her pale blues to trail over the beautiful staff that Kacey had propped against the way - only for a brief moment though before she was looking back to the lady carpenter. She closed the door after Kacey had entered and turned with a slosh-slap to face her better as she moved.

"Hawk was here earlier, yeah. So was Erin. She left a bigger mark though." She said it with a bit of amusement in her voice as she eyed the mess on the ground. "I rested for a while after they left, but I haven't been able to sleep for too long at a time. I guess part of me is restless for having been asleep for too long." Lydia pursed her lips at the thought. It wasn't the first time in her life she had been 'out of it' for a few days, but it was never pleasant. "It means a lot you were worried..." That was spoken quietly. "I'm sorry to have caused it though. But I'm going to be fine, so there's no need for it anymore."

She watched Kacey for a couple moments before smiling. "I'm not good with healers at all either. My body doesn't usually react well to it, but since they worked when I was unconscious, I didn't have to feel too much pain from it."

Lydia quieted and became somewhat more hesitant and tentative in expression and body language at Kacilla's offering of her workshop and home as a safe haven for her. "Thank you Kacey.. I really appreciate your offer. But I think... I think I'm not going to be going to the WestEnd for quite a while." A touch of a smile upon her lips was an effort to convey humor in her words, but her eyes, her tone - there was no humor there.

It was then she turned towards the staff Kacey gestured to. "Really? You made it for me? Gods, you really didn't have to..." And in spite of her words, she slosh-slapped her way to the staff to pick it up. "It's beautiful.. I've never had a staff this nice before." Fingertips trailed over the dark, smooth wood before running along and around the bands. "I actually do know how to fight with one of these things. For most of my life I've carried a staff - not as much lately though." Lydia smiled a bit before propping the staff back against the wall, then turned to face Kacey. "Thank you... I really appreciate it. And you coming over here.. and just.. everything." She nodded before moving closer, intent to try to give Kacey a hug.

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2008-02-01 18:12 EST
Not much used to casual contacts, Kacey returned the hug awkwardly at first - it took a few moments to feel natural. Finally she relaxed and pulled back with a little smile, letting her hands rest on Lydia's shoulders for a moment more before she let them drop. "Hey... you're welcome. But it doesn't need thanking - after all, what else are friends for? And I can understand not wanting to go back to the West End for a while. Take the offer as written and I won't feel hurt not to see you there."

A glance out the window showed the time to be later than Kacey had thought, and she turned back to Lydia with an apologetic smile. "And speaking of going to the West End, I have to be getting back before dark. Can't afford to go unarmed at night there any more. You take care of yourself, and I'll stop by the shop to visit again? When you're back at work?" It was somewhere between a question and a statement, but served to convey the impression that Kacey really wasn't trying to cut and run.

The aseptic smell of the clinic was a growing weight however, and Kacey did start almost involuntarily to move for the door. She lingered though to hear Lydia's reply, and be sure that the shop was indeed a place to seek her out in the future.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-02-11 05:25 EST
When Kacey pulled away from her, Lydia let her arms move to her sides. It would be a lie to say she wasn't tired, and perhaps it showed in the way she sought her bed after that to sit down. "Yeah, I don't want to keep you if you need to get back." Any place in Rhydin could be dangerous at night, WestEnd or now, especially to an unarmed person or someone taken offguard... "But if I'm ever in that area and I need a place to go to I'll definitely keep your place in mind."

Lydia hadn't given too much thought to work, but figured she'd want to get back into it soon. She never could do the shiftless layabout thing for terribly long... "I don't think I'll be in to work tomorrow or anything like that, but maybe later in the week. Almost certainly by sometime next week. I'm more fatigued than anything really... but I should recover from that pretty quick." There was no wound anymore to have to be careful of, but fatigue and weakness would keep her from activity. There'd be no dueling for a few days at least. Unless she pressed herself, and even then, she could already see Erin forming some premature frown lines...

"Thanks for coming Kacey... and thanks again for the staff. It's beautiful. When I'm up and able to duel again, it's definitely taking the place of my current staff. It's much sturdier and better made. Not to mention it just looks better." That last part was spoken with a cheeky grin, though in reality, she never did have a staff quite that nice. Lydia took notice that Kacey was moving for the exit and didn't want to hold her up any longer however, so she lifted her hand in a wave of departure, rather than say anything else.