Topic: Departure

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-12-23 03:53 EST
December 23rd, Morning
1919 Fendall Road

Lydia hadn't been able to sleep at all during the night. At some points she tried, but it never came, she just tossed and turned, or stared vacantly at the fire within the stove she slept in front of as her mind raced. Tears no longer came at this point; she just felt horribly numb to everything that had been happening, all the bad, which included the bad she brought upon herself. Namely the fact she was certain things were over between her and Grem. She was overwhelmed, and had lost the person who meant more to her than anything really, who acted as a live preserver when she needed him. But she pushed that preserver aside, and she sank...

Now she was left alone, surrounded by memories and little else. How could she go back to work and act as if nothing was wrong? How could she pretend that she wasn't scared of more disasters occurring? Or pretend she wasn't terrified to lose even more people close to her...? Rhydin City used to house so much hope for the green haired elf, now it held nothing but pain and fear and memories. She couldn't stay anymore.

Lydia had thought about it for a few hours, but eventually came to the conclusion she had to leave. Not permanently no, but she couldn't remain in the city and expect to move on or even function properly. Not with so much looming over her, or dwelling in her mind. Not all alone. However it wouldn't be right to simply disappear without word, but she knew she wouldn't be able to say goodbye and walk away. So she decided to pen a few letters. Notebook and pen dug from her bag, she opened to a clean sheet of paper.

She started slowly, writing letters that would be easiest first. To Mille. To Eddie. To Carley. To Ivy. They were a bit vague in what happened, and what she was doing, but they got the point across. Lydia wasn't sure how Mille would react, but Eddie was usually pretty understanding of such things. Carley? She was certain Carley would be livid with her, but she was certain Carley had that right at this point. Ivy? Gods, she wasn't at all sure how she'd take it. The next letters were a bit harder to write...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-12-23 03:55 EST
Dear Jake,

I wanted to start by thanking you first. For being a good friend to me and Erin both. For making Erin as happy as you have. She means a good deal to me, and I feel I owe you a lot for bringing joy back into her life. I also want to apologize to you, for not getting to know you better than I have. You're such a good man, you know that right? Your projects are inspiring, and I hope that one day this city can learn from people like you. You're more powerful than any mage or sorcerer or knight. The strength you carry in your heart is stronger than any spell or blade anyone can wield.

I'm leaving Rhydin, just for a little bit. I won't bore you with details, but I hope you can watch over Erin for me? I'm sure you will without my having to ask you though. That's just the sort of person you are. I ask that you not worry about me, because I'll be fine, and when I return, I'll explain everything to you, and if you allow me, I'll get to know you better, I'll stand by your side as you continue to make this wretched city into something better.

Take care of Erin, and take care of yourself Jake. I look forward to us all enjoying another evening in Teas and Tomes someday. Perhaps we can play Truth or Dare again?


Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-12-23 03:56 EST

I wish I had half the strength and courage you did. You are one of the bravest people I know, and someday I hope to be more like you. You face your problems and fears, you overcome them, and you have no shame in leaning upon someone else for support to do so. I feel like we really understand each other, and I'm hoping you can understand and forgive me now for what I've done.

I'm probably no longer in the city as you read this. I've left, specifically for Cadentia, but please don't tell anyone that? It's a beautiful place, Cadentia, and it's more tolerable this time of year in terms of weather. It's certainly more peaceful too. I've been once before, I really liked it there. I suppose Jenli might have been a better choice, but there's no one I know in Jenli really. I guess I feel more secure in Cadentia, since I know some there. I guess I can't even run away from my problems or people properly.

I feel like everything in my life has fallen apart. I've lost Grem, I live in fear, and I just- I dunno... I've come to hate this place. Everything that can go wrong does. And I'm just, I'm tired of losing people. I'm tired of violence, and I'm tired of people getting hurt. I hate that I can't cope with it all, and I hate that I've pushed away people. Maybe I've ruined my own life, I don't know. But I just can't stay here anymore, not now. I don't know how long I'll be gone to be honest. Maybe it won't be long at all, I'm not sure. I hope we can write each other though? When I get settled, I'll write you again, give you an address. I suppose that's a bit presumptuous of me though. I guess by all rights you should be angry at me for leaving without saying anything to you first. I hope you won't be...

Please take care of yourself, and don't let Carley get into too much trouble, yeah?


Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-12-23 03:57 EST

I haven't been a very good friend to you lately. And even worse so now. I don't really have any words for you right now, that can make it better, that can make now better. I guess I never did when things got bad. I've never been one to deal with things very well. I let people in too much, I push people away too far, I can never get it right.

Everything's been so hard lately, which is so selfish to say, since I'm not the only one who's gone through things. You and Ivy and Carley and everyone else have too. I wish I understood why I'm being so affected, why I can't sleep or eat, and why I'm always so scared now. I suppose I'd understand better if I had reached out to someone rather than run away, but it's too late for that now. I just pray that I don't lose you like I've lost Grem. That I haven't pushed you away too. But if you hate me after this, I'll understand.

I can't stay here right now. In this city. It's just too much, it feels overwhelming. I don't know what to do with myself now. I'm just... I'm miserable here. And now that I've lost the person who means everything to me? Gods, I just... what am I supposed to do? Nothing ever gets better here. It just gets worse and worse, and now things and people and places are blowing up? It's not even safe to go outside at the market? It's just not safe to do anything and there are so few good people here.

I wish I knew what to say to you now, but gods, I just don't. Nothing is going to make this better or easier to take. I'm sorry. Gods, I'm so sorry. I don't want to hurt you. I really don't. I never wanted to, but I always managed to. Doing or saying the wrong thing, being overly critical with you when you were going through hard times, and I'm hardly perfect. I'm so far from it.

I'm not staying away forever, and I'll be fine. I just need to go for a little bit. As soon as I'm ready, I'll come back. I'll try to write you later, and I'll give you an address so maybe you can write back? I'll understand if you don't want to though.

Take care of yourself Erin, and know that I love you, and I'm so proud of you. This is not goodbye.


Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-12-23 03:59 EST

I don't think I've ever written you a letter before. I suppose that's pretty odd considering I write to others when I have trouble saying something to them. I guess with you I felt words on paper would be too cheap? I regret that now though, that I haven't written you more. Written words would have been better than no words at all I suppose... I'm not really sure what to say to you. I didn't know what to say to you before in person, and the same applies here.

Out of everyone I've ever met, you're definitely the best person that I know. You've been there for me when I felt I had no one, and for over a year now you've been my best friend. I don't think I ever really expressed to you how much you mean to me, not in words or actions, and that's not right. I guess this is all coming entirely too late, and maybe it'd have been better if I hadn't bothered at all, but I already have to live with the fact I've pushed you away, I don't think I could live with myself to say nothing else, or offer no explanations, even if it is just written word - I certainly owe it to you.

I've really grown to hate it here, in Rhydin. Every time I turn around something terrible happens. I'm sure I don't have to go into the details of it all, as you see it too, and you've been there with me when it happened. You've always handled it all so much better than I have. If not for you, I'm not so sure I'd be here now. I do wish I could take these things better though, not be so affected. I look around and I see so many other people that aren't, and there's a part of me that wishes I could be more like that; the way I was raised to be. Stoic and logical, not ruled by my emotions, but I'm nothing like that at all. I guess it became too much, after the explosion specifically. I don't understand why I'm so affected by it, but I am. Sometimes I just get scared for no reason at all, especially in the city, in the market... ruled by the fear that it can happen again I guess. Sometimes I see it in my dreams, I relive it and I don't want to. I hate sleeping now, because any time I dream it's always something come back to haunt me. It's why I was excited about that tea, it worked for a while too, I'm not sure why it stopped. I just wanted the dreams to stop, but I don't know how to make them stop, so I just don't sleep.

And I guess, maybe, I thought I could run from it all. I've always ran from things. But I didn't run from my problems, I ran from you, and Erin, and everyone and everything that meant anything to me. I came to this house and locked myself away in it like it'd somehow protect me. But the things I ran from followed me, because it's in me, and I can't run from that. And now that I've run from what's important to me, I can't find it again. I've lost it. I'm never going to forgive myself for it either.

But I guess I don't really learn my lesson like I should. I just can't stay here anymore. Not right now. This house, it's just a house. It's beautiful, and I thought maybe I'd feel at home here, but I really don't. Without you, it's a house, and it means nothing to me. Cadentia is actually a bit warmer than it is here, so I thought I'd stay there, possibly with Forcythia again like last time I was there - I just ask that you not tell anyone. I just think it's best that way, for now at least. I'm not really sure how long I'll be gone, before coming back here. And when I do, I dunno, I guess I'll just have to start all over again and try not to repeat past mistakes.

I am so sorry for everything Grem, no words will ever be able to express how sorry. Sorry for pushing you away, for hurting you, for saying everything too late, for ruining what we had. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone, and I hate what I've done. Hate myself for doing it. You deserved so much better than that. You, more than anyone, deserve to be happy, and I hope that you find the happiness that you desire and deserve.

Forever yours,


Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-12-23 04:00 EST
December 23rd, Mid-Afternoon

Writing the letters had taken a bit of time, and were more taxing than Lydia thought they'd be. Eyes bloodshot and cheeks damp and red, she did a bit of rummaging to find some envelopes. Each letter was put in one, sealed, and on the outside the addresses of the respective recipients was neatly penned. She was quick to act then. She changed into something more suitable for the winter weather (though the weather was actually quite pleasant that day), and packed away important belongings in a couple bags, leaving very little behind. That done, she stepped out of the house, off the porch, and to the road next to the house. After a bit of waiting, the carriage that usually came pulled by as it always did, stopping in front of her.

The driver eyed Lydia and her bags momentarily, before his expression became one of curiosity and mild concern. "Change of plans today?"

Nodding, Lydia moved closer, dragging along bags and envelopes. "Yeah. Um..." She paused then, before shaking her head, as if to clear it. "If I remember correctly, there are carriages that run to Cadentia around this time of day, yeah?"

"There are." He nodded in the affirmative, then raised his brows some. "You'd have to hurry if you want to catch one in time though."

"Alright... ah. I have a couple pretty big favors to ask of you. I'll pay you of course. Um. I was hoping you could take me there first, quick as you can? I need to get to Cadentia... and after that..." Trailing off, she handed the driver the four envelopes she held. "Could you deliver those for me? The addresses are written on the front of the envelopes. It's really important they get delivered."

After eying the envelopes, the driver gave the green haired elf a nod then tucked them into his inner blazer pocket. "Sure thing, but if you want to make it in time to get on a coach, you better load up your bags and hop in. Even if I hurry it'll be pretty close."

Without hesitation, bags were loaded up in the carriage, and Lydia hopped in herself afterwards. As soon as she had settled it started it's trek down the stony road again. Turning to look over her shoulder, pale blues locked on the house for a few moments before she turned back, wiping at her eyes quickly. Arms were crossed tightly as she leaned back in her seat, letting her eyes flutter shut. Hopefully she'd make it on time.