Topic: Midnight Callings

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-12-16 07:07 EST
The singing was quite unlike anything she had ever heard. There was nothing about the language that was familiar, nor even similar to the countless languages she had come to know since her arrival to Rhydin. However, there was still something mesmerizing, almost hypnotic, about the words she couldn't understand.

It wasn't Soerl singing, it couldn't have been. The voice of the unknown male was a bit deeper than that of the bard's, and Lydia couldn't recall ever hearing Soerl use this particular language. And she of all people could distinguish Soerl's singing, so who was this man that was singing?

She also wondered where the man was, but more importantly she wondered where it was she herself was at! She couldn't remember how she got wherever it was she was at, nor did she know how to get out. Lydia felt as if she had been wandering for a very long time, though without sign of fatigue. She couldn't remember when she set out, or from where she set out from. Her surroundings were hazy, and she couldn't recall details of them from even a few seconds prior. It was almost as if she were trapped within a fog, both in mind and body. Still, she wandered, seeking out the source of the singing. Part of her thought she ought to be more worried about her current circumstances, but such thoughts quickly faded any time she refocused on the song that resonated around her.

Amidst her wanderings it wasn't too much longer before she had the misfortune of stepping on a thin sheet of ice. There wasn't much, but it was enough to do damage to the cold-sensitive, barefoot elf. Startled by the shock of pain shooting through her leg, she cried out and took a step backwards, bracing against the wall behind her. As she regained her senses, Lydia took note that the wall she was braced against was the wall of her home. A sudden thud caught her attention, though she sighed in relief when she realized it was just her screen door closing.

Had she simply been sleepwalking then? The evidence said that she had, but she certainly didn't feel like it. It seemed there was more to it than that. But.. it was late, and far too cold for her to be loitering outside. Muttering to herself, Lydia limped over towards the door to quickly slip back inside her home, unable to recall the song that had captivated her mere moments ago.