Topic: Ramblings...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-05 09:15 EST
"Oh, these are lovely."

Another walk through the Marketplace... Lydia didn't always go with the intent of buying something, especially now that money was an issue. Sometimes though, she just couldn't help herself, things would catch her eye and she had to check it out. One of the curses of sight perhaps...? She really must stop putting herself in temptation's way.

"Eh? Oh lass thank ye kindly. Mayhap be ye wantin' one? They be only a silver each."

There was a sad smile on her face as she set the blank, sapphire colored book back on the table with the others. There were so many books to choose from too, leathery, jewel encrusted, and even fuzzy... All of them would make a perfect diary too.

"That's a good price, but I'm afraid...I can't. I've always wanted a diary, but... well, now even with sight I can't read or write."

"Really lass? Well... if'n ye cannae read or write, perhaps there be a solution for ye."

"What would that be?"

"Follow me lass."

The vendor gestured for Lydia to follow him into his pavilion. Curiosity piqued, she followed. Once within, she looked around to see several boxes, lots of clothing hanging up, and generally? Lots of junk. The man led her to a small box in the back, taking a cautious glance around before he started to open it. His secrecy with the object within was like how one might react when dealing with things in the Black Market, not that Lydia would know such a thing.

"This be the solution to ye troubles lass!"

"Alright!, what is it?"

"Ye dinnae know??"


"I suppose not every one would... this is called a recorder lass. It records ye voice."

It was an odd looking thing. A black box with buttons. And of course her eyes widened with suprise when he flipped it open and pulled out a smaller...rectangular shaped box? with two holes in it. There were several more of those in the box they came from too.

"This is a cassette, it's what the recorder uses to store ye words."

"Store my words?"

"Aye, it lets ye store ye words. Ye just press this button here, speak into this part, and when ye're done? Ye press this button here. If ye want ta play back what ye just recorded, ye just hit this button, it will rewind, and ye can play it back. It's a simple device really, once ye get used to it."

"Really..hmm, it is a clever thing. How much do you want for it?"

"Ten silvers. And that's a bargain lass! Do ye have any idea how much trouble it is for me to one of these? That price includes the tapes too, I'm practically letting ye rip me off!"

Ten silvers? Maybe that wasn't a lot to some, but to Lydia? That was quite pricey, especially now when she had barely any money. Though a recorder...might be nice.

"Alright, I'll take it then!"

Financially? Back to square one!

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-05 09:17 EST
I should be crying now.

I should be sad.

I should be mourning.


That's the normal thing to do when you...lose someone. And really, I do these things... but at the same time, I'm still laughing, smiling, and have moments where I'm happy. Is that wrong? Jewell even said...'Laugh your head off'. So maybe it isn't. It's not as if I'm forgetting people, I just...don't want to linger on the pain anymore. If I do, I risk becoming something horrible. For a brief moment I was... I was everything I hated and despised in my Mother and her people. I killed with no remorse for the first time, and even now, I don't feel remorse for what I did. I don't regret it.

I don't want that to happen again. I don't want killing to come easily to me...I don't want to kill again, period! With each life I take, I fear I might come to regret it less and less, perhaps to the point where it would come easily.

And God forbid I should ever take enjoyment in such a thing.

I'd rather die than allow that to happen.

I came so close to it... to losing my life. At least I think I did. At the moment I didn't care though. I wish I knew what happened exactly, with The Amulet. Somehow it gave me sight, but not only that. I've never felt better in my life... physically. Mentally and emotionally I'm a wreck for sure, but physically I feel great. I can see, I can eat and drink what I want without feeling sick, my appetite is up... it's strange. I always felt so weak before, but now not so much... I can walk a lot now, though from here to the inn, it's a long distance, tiring...but not exhausting. I wonder why such a destructive power had such a positive effect on my body...


Sight... it scared me so much at first, since I didn't know what I was looking at, but now it's wonderful. The world around me is full of such beauty. I swear, every woman in this realm is beautiful, and every man is handsome. I don't know if that's just because I haven't been able to see and just appreciate everything I see, or if that's just the case here? All my new friends especially... I can't help but feel a little self consious. That's silly though, I never cared about appearance before, so I shouldn't now...right? I mean...I would like to look nice, that's not vanity though.

I haven't even looked in a mirror yet. So I don't know where the self consious feeling is coming from... I don't know why I haven't looked in a mirror yet either! Any time I see a flash of green in a reflective surface I turn away from it. On one hand, I would love to finally see my own face, see what I look like, but at the same time, I feel...frightened, even worried about what I'd see.

Silly right?

I'm grateful for sight though, and all my new friends. Even if they don't realize it, they've helped to pull me from darkness I thought I'd never escape.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-05 10:02 EST
I have a song stuck in my mind, but I know I'm not recalling it properly. It's a song Gwydion used to play for me on his lute all the time, it was short, but...wonderful. What I wouldn't give right now to hear it again... or even smell a gardenia. I can't find any in this realm! In Veian they were rare, but here they seem to be nonexistant... I am surrounded by roses now, and I hate it. They smell awful, the thorns hurt, and now that I see them? They're not nearly as beautiful as people claim.


Oh right, the song! Gwydion did show me how to play it.. I have no technical skills with the lute, or any instrument for that matter though. But if I just had a lute in my hands, if I could feel it again, maybe I can remember how to play it, even if it doesn't sound quite right. I just want to hear it again so I don't forget it... I never want to forget it. Lutes are expensive though, and I simply can't afford one right now.

Making money, being independent, it's a new thing to me. In Veian I was allowed to do nothing for myself, never had to worry about money, but I had no freedom. Here, it's different, but in such a good way! I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, and no one treats me like an invalid or child anymore! Though sometimes, I do act rather childish...

I have a job now! My very first, but I work for good people. I'm a page at the Red Dragon Inn, that just means I run errands and deliver things. It's hardly glamorous, rather simple really, but I'm a simple person. I'll have to talk to Sid to work out a schedule, so I'm doing more work. I'd not feel right getting paid for nothing. It would be simpler if I could read or write... that's something I need to look into soon. I'd really love to learn! It would make certain situations less embarassing when Kairee wanted me to get her some champagne, or that man Rory, who speaks in a foreign tongue at random intervals wanted some whiskey. I couldn't read the labels and was so close to panicking... lucky for me though! I think there's a friendly ghost working at the inn, maybe even haunting it. He, or even she, rattled the bottles I was looking for, and they also like to play around, I've seen bottle caps dance around on the bar before. I suspect the ghost.

Stranger things have happened...

Like forks being used as darts. That's strange. My friend Toby introduced me to darts and basketball, I'm not that great at either, but he says with practice I'll improve. According to him, anyone can learn to do anything. I wish I had that optimism... I did manage to make a fork stick in the board for a couple seconds, and according to him and Issy, that counts!

Things like that might seem silly to some people, but I think it's a wonderful distraction for when I need to keep my mind busy. When things get too quiet or boring, my thoughts wander...and I don't like to let them wander too far...

OOC Note: I hold no copyright to the song at all. It's just there for fun, to get an idea of what the song sounds like. It would be "Lute of Noah" from the Final Fantasy III DS OST. It is copyright of Square Enix..I guess.]

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-05 10:57 EST
I saw blood splattered on a booth and window at the inn... except it wasn't really there. When I turned away from it and looked back, it was all gone. I was afraid of this happening... I thought maybe this would go away after my 'accident' with The Amulet, but it's not. Even when I was blind, I still knew the blood was there...the scent, the touch. I never knew what it meant though... even now I wonder, are they...visions? Or am I just going crazy?

I could never prevent what happened in my visions, and whatever the blood is... I don't think I prevented that either. I have my guesses as to what it meant... and they..well..they happened. What's the point of knowing something, or getting a sign for something, if you can't change it?? If life, if fate...if it's all predetermined from the start, then...what's the point of it all, really...

I shouldn't dwell on it, such thoughts are depressing.

It's not as if the night got any better though, I met this man named Hawk. At first it was nice, I thought I made yet another new friend. He seemed polite enough...well, he never did do anything wrong, so, I don't know... He started talking, about power, morals changing, and it just hit me. I felt I could relate to him, maybe not in the exact same way, but a little bit. He's experienced so much loss, and now he's losing himself. There's nothing I can do to help either... Wyheree said he's fighting himself, I just hope the outcome is a good one.

Then again, this man is basically a stranger to me. I shouldn't care so much, but I can't help it... I mean, if I didn't care at all, and if it was so easy to abandon my emotions I'd be just like...


I can't think about that... not again.

I don't know what's wrong with me...or maybe I do. I feel confused... I had to leave the inn quickly, since I didn't want anyone to see me cry. I always hated that... crying so easily in front of others. I wish I were stronger. People might think I'm strong now, but I'm not. I don't think I am... is the happy face I'm putting on genuine or an act? I can't even tell sometimes...

I hope it's genuine.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-06 01:42 EST
It's amazing how things change so suddenly...from going to something wonderful to something terrible, or even something terrible to something wonderful! I was feeling so awful before...but tonight my spirits are lifted.

I met this really nice girl today, Tabitha. I feel bad for her... somehow the Nexus forced her here from her home, and she doesn't really have a way to get back. Everything here is so foreign to her, she doesn't even have elves where she comes from! She's taking it pretty well though, all things considered. I'm sure she'll adjust... maybe even find her way back home eventually, if she wants to? For now though, I'll just enjoy the company of yet another new friend.

One can never have enough friends... I realize this now.

I also met a really nice lady at the Marketplace today! Her name is Mille, and she's such a sweet lady, with the prettiest white hair I've ever seen. She laughed when I said that... said that when people get older and their hair turns grey or white it's not considered 'attractive', but I think that's just silly. Mille is just as beautiful as any young person is, if not more so. Instead of doing my usual rounds at the Marketplace, I just sat and talked with her for hours and hours... it was fun, and she's so talented! She sews the most beautiful blankets and quilts and makes quite a bit of money selling them! She was kind enough to sit down with me and teach me the basics of sewing, gave me some supplies, and even some free fabric to work with. I'm no expert like her, but I think I'm doing okay! Maybe my work will even be good enough to sell? Any little bit of money will help... so it's good to think of creative ways to make it.

I think if I get enough money and can find a good deal on one.. I'll get a lute. There's only one song I can play, but it's the only song I care to hear right now.

I don't care to linger on sad memories, but the happy ones bring a smile to my face, even if the other person in my memory is..gone now. I like to keep mementos and memories of people I care about that aren't with me anymore, maybe not always with me as a constant reminder... the shell necklace that I got from..well.. I can't wear it anymore. I keep it stored some place very safe, I will always keep it...but I don't think I'll ever be able to wear it again.

I can't dwell in the past, and I can't seem to control my future... so it's the present I concentrate on. If I just force myself to focus on the current moment, I think I can handle just about anything...

But when it's quiet, and when I'm alone, I seem to slip away from the present.

I like where I live now, but the lonliness gets to me. Sure I prefer living in a remote location, rather than within the city...but... it doesn't mean I like being alone.

..It's why I'm always going to the Red Dragon, even it if means enduring these long walks!

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-06 18:45 EST
The Nexus here is an odd thing... I wonder if it's magic, or perhaps even an entity of sorts that likes to play cruel tricks on people, playing with them like a child plays with dolls.

Today, I believe it has taken yet another new victim and dumped them here in this realm. Not only that, I think it did something to give him amnesia! His name is Simon and...well...he's a little odd. He says he can't remember anything, and that's no understatement. I honestly believe he's forgotten...everything. Though he did remember his name, so I guess that's a start! I tried explaining some things to him, and I tried to help him out, but I doubt I did as good as Toby did with Tabitha, I hope I didn't confuse him even further... I also hope Simon does well like she seems to be, but I have the feeling things might be harder for him... I guess time will tell.

I was so tired and was heading home for sleep, but habit made me wander through the Marketplace. I was just going to stop by and say hello to Mille real quick, but she was packing up her things to go home, and when she saw me she insisted I go with her! I didn't want to bother her but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Her home is so beautiful, it's a small cottage right on the edge of town, but still somewhat close to the Marketplace. We talked for a while, about many things... she told me she was born and raised here and has never been outside of Rhydin before. She asked me about Veian, but didn't press too hard when I didn't want to talk. I've heard Veian is beautiful, but I've never been able to appreciate that, and I doubt I ever will at this point...

When Mille heard I couldn't read she insisted on helping me out and you just can't argue with her! She said she's no expert on teaching, but would at least like to help me with the very basics for now, since I can't seem to find a tutor. I'm also going to need some money for a tutor...I keep forgetting that. So now she's set up a time for me to meet her every day now, so she can help me with that, help me with my sewing, and just spend time with me... I think she's lonely, like me. Mille told me I reminded her of her daughter, who passed away a few years, it's sad really, she's outlived everyone she loves and now she's just...

..This is why I'm glad I age like a human, rather than an elf. Then again, Mille is a human, and she's lived for a long time now.

Spending time with Mille is always fun and it gets my mind off things that bother me... Speaking of, a few weeks ago there was this terrible woman that I think is a vampire who wanted to...well I don't exactly what she wanted to do to me, but I have an idea since she said.. "I'm hungry." I saw her today, and I think she was going to try something, but some man appeared, they fought, Simon pulled me away from all that, and then they just disappeared. It was so..confusing, and it bothers me because I have the feeling I know that woman from somewhere else but I can't..remember! It's so frustrating I could just scream...and Lucy's name was mentioned and I just... I felt so sad. I miss Lucy.

When that horrible woman and that man fought, I froze. I did nothing. I hate when I do that, not knowing what it is I should do... I'm not..entirely weak, I realize this now. At the same time though, I don't like to hurt people...

Simon got me thinking... what is my purpose? He says without one, there's no reason to exist. Right now, I don't feel I have a purpose, so in turn, does this mean I have no right or reason to exist?

That's such a depressing thought.

There's a big event going on tonight at the Red Dragon, but I just know there will be soooo many people there! I don't think I can handle that, so I'm not sure if I'll go. I'll either go after it's all over and done with, or I'll just stay here tonight and work on my quilt.

I think when I'm a little better with sewing I'll make something for all my friends...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-07 19:17 EST
I decided to go to the kegger.

There were so many people there like I thought there would be, but it was so fun! I was nervous of course, but a nice man named Antonio offered to slide with me on this... slide thing they had set up. I didn't know there were things like that out there, but it was really fun to do. Once was enough though since it had water on it, and I didn't want to get too wet.

Wyheree made it snow over me, and temptation was too much to resist! ..So I threw a snowball at Jewell. I thought she was angry about it at first, but when I told her it was me, she just laughed about it. I can't wait for it to snow now... snow ball fights, making Snow Lords and Ladies and just sounds too fun! And by then, I imagine my aim will be much better, with the dart and fork practice after all! I intend to live up to the name of 'Fork Ninja'!

I saw Hawk again, but this time was different... I think he's won the battle he was fighting. I'm glad too. I really hope things are better for him from here on out, and that he doesn't slip back to what he was.

Oh! And I'm so excited! I was so happy, not only do I have Mille helping me learn to read and write, but a nice man Sid introduced me to named Tass offered to help! He's nice..but I think he can read my mind? That makes me a little nervous, but I've heard of some being able to do that, and they don't always mean to, so it seems a silly thing to worry about. I'll just have to watch my thoughts more carefully around him! He told me to drop by his library, and I intend to do just that as soon as I can! Hmm..and Sid made sure to show me how to check the log book so I can see what deliveries need to be made at the inn, I feel better now that I can actually work when no one is around, like I'm more independent! Of course, if no one is around and that horrible naked dwarf attacks me again...ugh.

But not only do I have Mille and Tass, Toby also offered to help me. I'm just blown away by everyone's generosity... it gives me so much hope. After the kegger, I still had a lot of fun, talking to Toby, listening to him play the piano..which he is so good at! He sang too, just like a bard! I've never had any interest in learning to play an instrument, nor do I have any skills at such a thing, except the one song Gwydion taught me on the lute...even that's lacking.. but I sure love to listen to music and songs from others.

I realized something... if my smiles before were really a charade? They're not anymore... I can smile, and even laugh now... and it's genuine. Not only that?

...I don't feel guilty anymore when I do.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-09 17:57 EST
Today was a day of ups and downs.. but I believe it had more ups than downs, so that's good. It's only natural I get saddened from time to time, the key is just not letting it control me.

I feel terrible for poor Icer, she told me she lost her father and little brother. I know she's hurting, because I've lost my father and sibling as well, though probably not under the same circumstances... She seemed to cheer up at time though. I suppose she'll be going through ups and downs as well while she deals with her loss, I just hope she's lucky enough to have more ups.

Snow, ice and rain in the inn helped with that though! Shortly after this horrible angry person left.. it started to rain in the inn! It was so much fun too! Me and that boy James threw snow at each other.. he's so adorable! I just wonder where his parents are at... I hope nothing's happened to them. He seems happy enough though, there are nice people in the inn there to look out for him if he needs it. I've seen Taneth with him a few times, so I know he's in good hands. Oh and this tiny little man sent lights into the rain and made it change to so many different colors.. it was so beautiful. I'm starting to get jealous, so many people use their magic to make beautiful things, but I can't... Which is why I'm going to try to learn to make fire that doesn't burn. Fire is beautiful I think, but you can't appreciate it too close because it burns. Maybe.. maybe I can even learn to change the color of fire!!

Art. I don't even know what to say about him... he's a little..silver ball called a bot. Which is something called a droid? Toby tried explaining it to me but it all went over my head. I don't get this technological stuff at all. But Art is..really friendly, fun too, so I like him. It really doesn't matter what he is... Oo, and he showed me many mirrors, so I know what I look like now. I'm really nothing special.. very plain compared to the others here, and my eyes.. It doesn't matter.

Oh and the down of the day. That awful woman? It was Renna... and Hawk.. he's with her. So whatever it was he was fighting.. it.. he's with her!! I don't know why..she's awful. Terrible. I don't normally say such things about people but..she is! She says she's Lucy, but that's not Lucy! Lucy's..gone..


She mentioned things..that got me to thinking about other things... and.. I nearly lost it. I was going to storm out to prevent myself from doing something...regrettable, but then I ran into Toby..almost literally. The day picked up from there though, we talked, and he seemed to like the quilt I made! It's only the first one, but it's durable, and I liked it... it had a lot of different colors used to make it since I think conventional patters are sorta boring... I thought it only fitting he have it since he's the one who told me about trying *everything*, which has inspired me to do just that! He mentioned something called fireworks too, which he and Erin, a really nice regular at the inn, said were pretty.

I'd really love to see some fireworks... I'm so curious about what they look like now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-11 01:26 EST

I tried to keep it together, I try so hard, but... I can't always do it!

I saw her, I saw Katarina. I knew it was her when I saw the scar on her lip, even blind I would still ask about what people looked like, so I knew her when I saw her..the scar, the hair...

Katarina said the most awful things to me. I was so happy to see her too, I thought we could put all the bitterness and unpleasantness behind us finally. She's the only family I have left and I know I've said that didn't matter to me before but after I... after Maria? I just wanted things to be okay between me and Katarina finally.. I wasn't even sure if she was alive or not! I thought she might be dead since I haven't seen her for so long and I'm so happy she's not but...

Why do I do this? She shouldn't bother me...none of what she said is true but it hurts that... gods I don't know.

I just want to be normal here. I want a normal life. I don't want to cry all the time about everything that happens to me. I'm so tired of being such a child. I'm so sick of questioning everything about myself or seeking validation in others.

I get so envious of those around me sometimes. They seem so happy, genuinely happy and it looks so effortless to them. I try so hard for that but I just..

..I can't.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-11 20:01 EST
I'm better today. Much better.

It was rather uneventful, but I don't mind that. Not every day has to be full of excitement or have some sort of drama going on. Sometimes peace is nice... Well, peace is *always* nice, but..well.. I mean sometimes days like this are nice, where nothing really happens, it gives a person some time to reflect, heal, or do whatever it is they need to do.

Icer gave me a beautiful emerald today! It's absolutely stunning, it shines and sparkles and I love it. It was so nice of her to give me something so valuable...I wish I knew what made good gifts to dragons. And I'm unsure what to do with it... it's rather big to have a necklace made of it, and it's not really practical to walk around with a huge gem hanging from your neck. I'll just keep it with me for now as is... since I'm perfectly content just looking at it the way it is.

I met this interesting small person named Furzzle Whizzbang briefly and then I spoke with Hawk. I just don't know what to think of him. He still wants power, he succumbed to what he fought before and.. I asked him what he'd do with that power. Hawk told me he wanted peace, even said that's what Renna wanted. I just can't believe that, Renna is...she's a horrible woman. Someone who wants peace wouldn't go around trying to eat people!

Then the Nexus grabbed me and threw me in the middle of the woods.. I wasn't too pleased about that, but at least it grabbed my bags too. That was a lot of fun... dragging those things around trying to find my way back home.

Maybe tomorrow I can try selling some things at the Marketplace since it was a no go today.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-12 20:07 EST
I'm not the type of person who hates easily, in fact I'm quite the opposite... but something about that horrible Renna woman, I just.. I think I hate her!

Today she and Brian were going at it and she was being her usual repulsive self and then I.. I got the feeling they were both hiding something from me. It made me so mad... she makes me so mad... the topic discussed... I nearly lost it I think. Lucky for me though, Erin came over and proved to be a reassuring distraction. I'm really happy for that, and the fact I didn't lose control of my powers since I'd hate to hurt anyone else. I really owe her one...

Sometimes I think I should come clean and tell Jewell about the time in the alley... that it was me who burned her. No.. I *know* I should, she's my friend and friends are honest with one another. I guess I'm just afraid she and everyone else will hate me. I don't know what I'd do without my friends, they're the ones who helped me most when I was afraid I was going to lose myself completely.

Oh, and when I thought today couldn't get any worse? It did.

Toby told me he was going away for a while, possibly for a long time. I don't know the details, just that it has to do with cargo and him flying around space or whatever the stars are called... I can't help but feel really really sad you know? He's one of the nicest, patient, most encouraging people I know and I consider him one of my very best friends. He inspires me not to be know, to try things, not be so scared of living life. I really hope he's not gone for long... but I know better than to get my hopes up.

Jewell made a joke too... I overreacted of course. I'm such a child sometimes, I really need to learn to lighten up! Especially since she was just teasing me. I can't expect people to stop treating me like a child if I keep acting like one.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-13 16:12 EST
I understand her now. Katarina? The reason she did what she did, why she acted so irrationally, why she became so overprotective.

I nearly became her for a moment, I wanted to help someone, protect them, save them...from what? I don't even know... my imagination just ran wild and I kept imagining the worst possible scenarios and honestly? There was probably nothing to even worry about!

So I understand now... just a little too late.

Erin and I talked some and it turns out we both have a bit in common.. like having power we never really wanted. I really like her a lot, and she's so much like Jewell in the sense that she's so outgoing and confident, not to mention just.. so striking. It's hard to not feel a little intimdated around them.. silly I know!

I'm not living alone anymore either! This little cat has come to live with me too. I have no idea where he came from either.. he just sorta showed up one day, not that I mind. Company, even that of a cat, is very much appreciated. I don't want to think of him as a pet though... since he's pretty independent.

Oh, and I decided to call him Mellon.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-16 18:12 EST
I haven't been myself... not since hearing what Brian said.

I can't recall all the details of that night, but I don't think I lost control or hurt anyone... that's something to be thankful for. I scraped my knee pretty good though, not that it matters.

Hmm, it doesn't matter what Brian told me. It doesn't change the fact of what happened, nor does it change my feelings about, well.. gods. It hurts of course, and my resentment of Renna has only grown stronger... There's a part of me that would like to lash out at her but I refuse to do such a thing. I'll not give in to the temptation and become... that half of myself.

I think people are reaching out to me, but I'm pushing them away.

What's wrong with me...?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-17 01:59 EST
Normally I don't talk so willingly about myself, my troubles, my past.. but I did with Hawk. Without even thinking I was saying things I hadn't gave voice to since they had happened. It was nice really.. to let it all out. I felt so bad though, Hawk was already hurt and a little down and I just go depress him even more.. at least I thought I did, but he didn't seem put off by me at all. He even spoke with me on a more personal level... he's done bad things, but I don't think he's bad.

It's Renna, I know it.

It's her twisting him and.. I seem to hate her more and more...whenever I find out more about her, what she does, who she hurts. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that wanted to march up to her and... but I can't. If I fought Renna, I might have to fight Hawk, and I don't think attacking her would help him. If he's to get away from her, it has to be on his own.

I've also made up my mind to tell Jewell about my burning her. I risk losing hers and everyone else's friendship... they might hate me... but I can't keep hiding this, I can't keep being dishonest about what happened. The omission of truth is also a lie, and it's exactly what I've been doing. Who knows? Perhaps she'll be forgiving since it was an accident, but I guess really, that's not even the point anymore. It's the fact I've kept it hidden. That's what I worry over more, and I imagine that's what she'd be more upset about.

I just hope I'm not making a big mistake, but it's important I be honest with my friends.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-18 12:11 EST
Oh my gosh.. I'm so silly! I worry too much!

I told Jewell, and you know what happened? We ended up laughing about it. She wasn't angry or upset with me at all! I feel so, so relieved! No more guilt, no more burdens. I'm actually feeling really good right now.. really happy.


It was a great night, free pasta, free pineapple from Ty, Jewell's not angry with me, no one hates me, and I got my friends, a steady job.. I mean, what else can I ask for? Some even trust me, like Hawk? He dislocated his shoulder, and trusted me enough to help setting it back into place, ..despite the fact I've never done such a thing before and have no knowledge about it... I was happy to help but I admit, it was just a little..icky?

Oh and I realize that while I love my home, it's not really suitable for inviting friends over. I'm not used to doing things like that, but I really wish I could! Like normal people do? They invite friends over, eat, have fun... I imagine no one would want to come here.

Perhaps someday though, I can make this place good enough for company.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-19 08:09 EST
The Dueling of Fists came to the Red Dragon, and I even participated! Tyranacus and I 'fought' and it was so much fun, much more fun than I thought it'd be! It was a really really close match, but in the end I actually won, I was shocked! I still can't believe I managed to flip him.. but that really was just me using his own size and strength against him, I surely couldn't just walk up to someone and flip them over or anything. I'm also aware my abilities with fighting are minimal, sure I have knowledge of what my father taught me, but there's a difference between a real fight, and a duel with certain rules to go by.

I didn't get by unscathed though, Ty landed a few good blows to me, and I'm paying for it now. My face and back are so sore...

And I'm not the only one who did well, Wyheree and Jewell did great! And there was another girl there that won two duels! I think it was a good night for the women. Ha, and some think women are weak? Size means nothing! Oo, and I finally met the man that has Wyheree's heart. She seemed so happy around him too.. I would have stayed around and socialized a bit more but it got so crowded and I needed to run by the Marketplace for a few things.

Of course, I never did get anything there because I forgot I was even there to do anything! I bumped into Hawk and we ended up talking for a while. Every time I see him he seems to be doing a little better each time, not quite as conflicted as the time before. I really do have confidence he'll be able to heal with time and finally beat his internal demons. Oh! And he also gave me a coin to toss in the fountain and make a wish with, and since it was his coin and he told me a wish he made wouldn't come true, I made one for him. Silly right? ...I still hope it comes true!

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-21 13:40 EST
I've been so busy lately, so tired... I thought pepsi would make me explode, I was chased by lusty dwarves.. I just don't know where to start!

..Skyler. I saw him one night and he seemed so..sad. Lost. He asked me if I had seen Jewell around that night, but I hadn't and I told him that. He seemed to get even sadder after that... said that he missed her even when she left the room. He left to go drink alone, and I probably should have, I dunno, kept him company? But I thought if he went to a more secluded area, that just meant he preferred to be alone?

Deja vu. I hate it. I met this nice man named John, but I keep getting this terrible sense of deja vu around him. Honestly, he just really reminds me of someone I know... to the point where I could almost swear they were... no, that's silly.

I think Hawk's done with Renna, and I'm glad for that. Now he can finally move on given a little time to heal. He's already thinking about the near future as well. Just last night he mentioned to me there was someone he might like to..approach. I was terribly rude and asked who and embarassed him, and just... I felt so terrible. He didn't want to say so I didn't press of course. It's none of my business! Oh, and it was Hawk that brought it to my attention that the pepsi might make me explode if I moved too much, but he drank a bottle and jumped around to test it out. Turns out all it does is give you gas! More worry for nothing I suppose.

And I don't want to see a dwarf, or even hear that word for quite some time now. There was this big fiasco at the inn that involved me getting into some Dwarven Aphrodisiac, and I thought I was going to get fired.. but no, now Kairee thinks I... do things with multiple dwarves..rope..and.. I wonder which would have been worse, getting fired, or this.

Oh well. At least the week wasn't boring! I'm looking forward to a little bit of peace and quiet now though.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-22 14:37 EST
This odd little person has put up these...horrible posters of me all over town for an auction. Other people are participating too, but their pictures are a lot better and honestly, I didn't *really* wanna participate. I'm not looking foward to spending my day with a stranger.. I just couldn't bring myself to say no to her when she started talking about 'war orphans' and charities. I guess it's okay though, I saw posters of some of the other girls participating so I already know that no one is going to bid on me. Not that I mind! I think I prefer it actually...

And last night? Oh last night... I can't believe I did what I did.

Sid was tending so I ordered one of her Summer Sunsets. They're probably the best drink I've ever had, despite the alcohol. They come in these neat glasses, and they're really pretty and sweet! I normally drink one, and quit there but she offered a free refill and I took it. I mean, it was just two drinks. Two! People don't become drunk off two drinks...or so I thought.

I remember talking...vagely..and..nothing. Last night was just a blur. And then I woke up in a bed upstairs, but I don't remember how I got there! I was kinda scared at first, but I wasn't hurt or anything. So no harm done I guess?

I think I'll stick with water for a while...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-23 03:15 EST
Despite the occasional chaos...

I'm happy.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-28 15:39 EST
Gods life is a mess right now.

She's back, Katarina... and now she wants me dead? I don't know what's going on myself... she just.. the other night she just came at me, had this stone that hurt so much and... gods I can't believe this is happening.


If it's not Maria it's...someone. What have I done so wrong to deserve this? I know.. I know I left Veian, but I couldn't rule, why do so many hold that against me. I never asked to be born the way I was, I never asked to be put in the positions I was put it.. why should I accept something I don't want!? Is that selfish of me.. to want my life for myself? Or do I really deserve what I'm getting... gods, sometimes.. I just... I don't know what to do. I thought everything would be okay now. I thought things were going to get better. I thought I was done with it all... with Veian, my past, who I am..or rather... was. Because I'm not that.. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not!

Really, if I had stayed, I would have just gotten killed... I would have gotten everyone else killed too. I'm not a leader, I don't care who my parents were, that doesn't make me a leader...

She would have killed me if not for Erin.. I'm staying with her too. I miss my home so much but Erin thinks it best I stay here at the inn, I'm in the room right now actually... I'm feeling a little crazy about it too, I mean, I haven't even seen Mille in days now and it's so tempting, too tempting to crawl out the window and sneak out, just for a little bit. But I'm not going to do that.. I need to be smart with this.. it's serious now, my friends are involved and.. gods.. I'm sorry for that. I'm trying to keep it low, but if Katarina keeps coming back everyone's going to know soon enough...

Grem already knows.

Erin told him, but I'm not angry, I understand why she did it, really. Some things make sense now, the other night.. all those coincidences... a sneezing mage and marshmallow mess indeed... I am so terribly daft at times. ..When Katarina was there, they were both working together to keep her away.. both of them, so they must... and they were acting so they're not actually.. Grem and Erin aren't.. ah..


I'd be nothing without my friends... even with that odd spider..woman..thing.. Grem and Raye helped me. In Veian I was nothing but a burden, those who had to help me resented it.. even Katarina. But here.. people help me. My friends help me. I don't believe they hold it against me either... I know they don't.

Erin told me a story about a man named Jesus. He had to carry a large cross on his back, and he was hurt and tired and people were throwing things at him while they watched... one man came forward though to help him carry it. Erin says that's what friends do. They help to carry their friend's 'crosses'.

I just wonder if there will ever be a point in time... I can set my 'crosses' down... and walk away.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-30 00:44 EST
I'm confused right now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-10-31 17:08 EST
I feel as if every choice I make is the wrong one. I feel horrible, and selfish, and sometimes I wish Katarina would kill me because I feel I deserve it...

Sometimes I feel...


...Gods I don't want this.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-02 00:15 EST
Today started out so wonderful, why couldn't it just stay that way?

I can't even stay at the inn anymore, Katarina is there... Grem arranged for me and Erin to stay in some apartment in WestEnd. I wanna know why she's doing this. I want Grem and Erin out of it. But then I also want them by my side... I couldn't handle things alone. I'd just give up.

Erin would hate me if she knew what was going on inside me right now. She should. I hate me for this. But I can't help feeling it either... I don't know what to do with it... I'm confused...


I can't do anything about it. I won't. What's to do? I'm so.. pathetic. I always make such a fool of myself when he...


Gods listen to me... *this* is what plagues me now? Katarina's.. and they're involved and...

I'm so selfish.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-03 01:56 EST
Okay, I'm feeling much calmer now. Things don't seem hopeless.

There are some I trust even more now. And now there are some I wouldn't trust if my life depended on it...

I'm so happy me and Erin are sisters now. She just worries me sometimes.. I don't understand why she does what she does... like kissing random men in the inn that spoke so cruelly to her.. and looked at her like...that. He's dangerous. He touched my cheek... I was scared for a moment, that he'd try something, and my magic is drained from me now. We could have been in trouble if something happened and I couldn't defend us! ... And then she gets involved with that other man.. Gideon.. I especially can't understand it when she told me how much she... gods. And now I...

...I can't worry about it. I won't. Not right now... What can be done? And it's really not a problem. Because he'll..yeah. I just hope she doesn't know... and gods I hope *he* doesn't know... but at the same time..I..

I'm insane.


I have a birthday party tomorrow. I'm strangely excited about it all... I just hope the Nexus is kind and lets me attend, it's been quite terrible to me lately.. throwing me into some skimpy outfit, if I get an outfit at all that is.. so terrible. I wonder if anyone's going to show up. I mean.. I'd understand if they didn't, since.. I dunno.. I still hope though.

And he kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday, I don't need presents, but he was stubborn and wouldn't let up so I caved and told him. A Gardenia. I hope he doesn't look too hard.. I've *combed* Rhydin to find them, but I just can't. I don't believe they have them here, and I guess I'll just have to accept the fact I'll never see a gardenia, nor will I ever smell one ever again. It's silly I'm upset over such a trivial thing I know... but it does upset me...

I'm such a child.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-04 02:41 EST
I didn't realize everyone cared so much. So many people put a lot of effort into my birthday party. So many showed. So many gave me a lot of wonderful presents... I was just... I was touched.

Overwhelmed. But in a good way.

He got me a gardenia. Gods he got me a gardenia... I think I can salvage it too...make it grow. I just can't believe he found one...

Erin knows.

If it was so obvious that she could figure it out... gods.

Doesn't matter.



Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-05 00:12 EST
Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.

My luck is terrible. The Nexus dumped me on the bar in a giant banana...*naked*. I was mortified... luckily, I was able to stay in the sanctuary of the banana and Grem carried me upstairs to my room. That was just.. I dunno.. awkward? was nice of him though.. he's a good friend.


Then I drank the rest of the melon liquour he gave me. Good stuff that... I just needed to get over my embarassment from the banana incident, but when I went downstairs I saw something that made me realize I was drunk so I just gave up and went back upstairs...


I'm sleeping in tomorrow.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-06 00:56 EST
There's a big event going on at the Hall, but I didn't go. I just needed a day to be alone, collect my thoughts, and bum around in my pajamas.

I also practiced some darts and played around in the kitchen, trying to figure out how to cook and what I could cook...

...maybe some nice sandwiches would work? But that's terrible... I dunno. I'm being silly.

I should go back in the kitchen and look around some more... I hope Erin pointed out the right room.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-06 17:29 EST
I'm scared it will happen again.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-07 01:19 EST
Today was different.

Very different. But not neccessarily in a bad way, yeah?

There's this strange woman with the same symbol Renna has, she's creepy... gotta talk to Renna about it. She owes me, whether she realizes it or not... For Hawk's sake, I would like to be on somewhat civil terms with Renna.

I felt really overwhelmed suddenly... went to the Memorial Center to Gwydion's grave. Talked with him a bit... some might think that odd...but it's comforting sometimes... to me at least... I asked what I should do, I asked for a sign...

Silly and juvenile I know.. to expect a sign or something to make things better.


I just.. I.. I went back to the inn, and peeked in. I just waved at him when I saw him.. he came out, we sat in silence for a little bit, we talked some, and it was just so... so comfortable. We were going to go back inside.. but he just put his arms around me and I couldn't bring myself to stop it. I didn't want to.. Nothing really happened. No. That's not a true statement. Something happened, even if I haven't figured out what it is yet... this isn't all in my head, right?

Then I remembered Erin.

After it all...

She can't hate me.

She can't.

It's odd, a part of me feels so confident that everything is going to work out and be okay, but another part is absolutely terrified.

I hate when I feel this way. I want that terrified feeling to go away. I want this guilt to go away. I want Erin to never hate me.

Maybe I just want too much. Expect too much.


It's going to be fine.

It is.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-08 00:57 EST
Whatever it is, it's not in my head. He said he felt it too.

Erin seems better. I think we'll be okay. I gotta stop worrying so much about her. It's her life to live as she wants.

This feels right, but I'm a little scared of it... Terrified really. I should tell him that... Not that I want this to end. Just seems like I should say that. Should say a lot of things actually...


It's okay though.

I think I can sleep again.. finally. I will... hopefully I'll wake up in time to make another breakfast.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-08 12:25 EST
I got caught.

Breakfast was nice though, I can't remember the last time silence was this comfortable...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-08 23:32 EST
He kissed me.

Other things happened too... but I can't remember much of it right now.

This is nice.

More than nice...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-10 00:14 EST
Katarina's back in Veian. Things have been settled. My life is mine finally.

I hope things work out for her.

I think things here are finally getting on track...
...and Kiss Day wasn't so bad.

I think the fear is fading.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-11 00:53 EST
They're back.

I saw Erin in it.

I should tell him about them.

I'm not going to be a burden though.

Not this time.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-12 04:18 EST
I feel like I'm going to go crazy. I hate Renna, part of me wants her dead. Part of me wants to kill her.

But the other part won't let me.

She's going after Erin. I don't know what to do... I wish I wasn't so weak.


First date. It was nice.. I keep lying though. He probably knows it too...

That's not fair, and it's not going to work if I keep it up.

But if I tell him everything.. will it.. gods...

I don't know what to do.. I can't keep this up. Keeping everything inside like this is just.. killing me. But I can't.. I can't burden people. They have enough... I need to be strong for them but.. I can't. I wish I could. I can't.

I'm home again. It doesn't feel right, being so far away from them... I feel... alone. Lonely. I wish.. I wish I wasn't so...


Things were supposed to be working out... What happened???

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-13 01:39 EST
Alex is alive.

Now that I've been given a little more time to let that sink in... I'm coping better with it I think. I don't know how I'm *supposed* to feel and react to this. What I *am* feeling is... anger. Not neccessarily at Alex, but the situation, how things played out. Well.. no. That's not entirely accurate either. I am angry with him, I feel.. like he did betray me. I know what happened between him and Renna, and that just..wasn't right. But.. it's history now. I'm not going to hate him for it though, because time and time again he himself told me what he was, and others did too. Perhaps I just.. didn't want to see it.

I was so naive then. Even more than now...

I don't know what all of this means. What I do know is that.. I'm different. I'm different now, and.. I don't love him anymore, and I have no desire to return to him, but it's all well and good, because I'm sure he feels the same. So there's no hatred, more confusion than anger... It'll be okay though. Whatever happens with this, it'll be fine.


There's a positive to all of these terrible situations that keep happening lately. If Alex had not 'died' I wouldn't have.. changed into what I am now. I might not have met Erin or Grem. I might not have sight finally. I might be dead myself. I just don't know... Somehow in that situation, things became wonderful... I have a sister. I have Grem and... my worries were so silly. I feel like he really does understand me, that he doesn't feel burdened, that he...cares. It's a great feeling... and now that I'm being honest, even if just a little at a time, it feels better, like it's going to work. I think he prefers it too... he seemed upset before when I witheld information... and that's understandable. Honesty is... it's important.

The three of us were together again. It was wonderful. Erin had someone take our picture because we were all smiling, I hope she gets copies made soon...

She seems better in all this too, even with Renna...targeting her. She has Sebastian, and that's good. Another positive, if she were still pining for Grem, she might have let that opportunity slip from her. So.. I feel things have worked out for us... Bad things had to happen for it, the road was rough.. but somehow it worked.


I have plans for Renna too. I hope they work... I'm actually really scared. I can't kill her, I don't think anyone can... so I had to seek alternatives. If I can just weaken her...

I feel my compassion for her waning.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-14 13:47 EST
Gods help me...

I wanted to hurt them. All of them. I wanted to burn them...

I wanted them.. I...

Am I so weak for holding back? I just... I don't want to become... her.

I feel it sometimes, and I press it back... how long can I keep it up?

Why are things like this now... why are they...


Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-15 01:40 EST
I thought today was going to be terrible after...this morning, but... it turned out so wonderfully.

I like Sebastian, he's good for Erin, she seems so happy. It's great... we can all be together again with none of those hurt feelings or that awkwardness. We can all just be...happy.

Things were fun tonight, we needed it. A little tension though... amongst friends too. That was disheartening, I just.. well, there's already so much *crap* going on, we hardly need to fight each other. Things perked up soon after that though.

I need to move out of the inn already! Grem and Erin left and I was just.. there. I think tomorrow I'll have the strength to move the rest of my things, get back home.


Hmm I.. uh... hm.

I dunno...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-15 23:15 EST



Just... perfect.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-16 13:29 EST
Headaches...more dreams that don't make sense...

There's a connection.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-17 17:11 EST
Not sleeping any time soon if I can help it...

Grem seems more tired than usual, distracted almost. I'm worried about him. And.. he said if I went out to help with things at WestEnd.. he'd worry about me.. I dunno.. I just..

It felt nice... I.. yeah.


If I don't see Erin tonight, I'm going to head to her house tomorrow. We should talk and catch up on things. I miss her, and I miss living with her. I should bring some things, try to set up the room she has for me at her home. Then I can stay there sometimes... it'll be nice.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-19 04:26 EST
Not dead... I didn't kill him...

Grem doesn't hate me... what now? What do I do now? What am I supposed to do for her?

It's all wrong.. I know.. I hate that I wither when people need me.

I hate that when I'm supposed to be strong I can't.. that I end up needing...

I'm so tired, but I can't sleep...

I wish he were here now.


I'm so pathetic. I'm sorry for that Erin...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-21 17:05 EST
Thought I broke this thing, but Grem fixed it.. or.. really, just told me it needed batteries. Never heard of those before, can't really find them at the marketplace either... I think I need to find another place to shop, especially for this.. 'technology' stuff.


Last night was great. Better than great.

I hate having to work right now... it'll give me some time to think though.

..maybe I shouldn't think though?


Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-24 09:49 EST
I had a terrible dream last night. She said things...but none of them were true. I know this. It.. it wasn't even her, just my mind being...

Grem found me, I panicked a bit, made a fool of myself... but he stayed with me.

I need to find a way to get these... dreams... visions... whatever they are... I need to get them under control somehow. I'm just not sure how...


Aside from this though, things are good. Me and Erin discussed something about going into business together, making clothing and other little things. She also mentioned knitting and tea... It'd be great to get something off the ground though, I can't work at the Red Dragon forever, though I doubt I'll be quitting anytime soon.


My magic is becoming a little easier to control... I figure if I use it more often then I can learn to contol it better... keep a better grip on it in the future so I don't hurt people with it anymore. It's really not so bad.. I can have fun with it.. use it in ways where people don't get hurt.


Should definately ask about that vacation again...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-27 00:18 EST
I'm starting to worry.. I think something might be wrong with me?

Things I've never been able to do before... I can do... I feel my.. I dunno, it's all changing.. So fast. So much. It even hurts at times...

I hope it stops.. I hope.. I hope I'm just sick.. something simple.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-27 13:38 EST
I feel a lot better today. Grem brought me tea and soup last night and stayed with me... I'm sure that's the reason why. He's so good to me... or.. no, he's just.. good. People like him are rare. Too rare...

Gods, I'm rather lucky aren't I?


I had a nosebleed in front of Mille... she panicked, says I need to see someone about my recent... problems.

Question is.. who?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-30 00:11 EST
I'm outside his door waiting now...

A lot has been happening recently. Some good, some bad. I can't think straight right now though...

I probably shouldn't worry like this, but I can't help it. I'm just.. realizing a few things, thinking too much I guess..

I feel like I should do...something, anything. I have the means, others don't... but I just...

Gods I'm feeling so confused right now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-02 14:54 EST
Life has never been like this for me. In the past, my life felt wrong, it wasn't a life of my choosing, and... there was always doubt with every choice to be made, every decision I went with... but things are different now, in that... That it works. Things really feel right, everything...

..especially with Grem.

And I know *now* is important. I know *now* is what I should live for and concentrate on.. just like he said.. and I told him I would. But I can't.. get these feelings I Have to go away. I don't want another 'now' taken away from me, I want to know that this 'now' will still be here.. later? When things are this good.. it just means there's more.. to lose.. I..


I had a weird dream about Erin and Sebastian, didn't make any sense, but I don't think it's dangerous.. then again, it could be? I'm worried about them because apparently Gideon just.. won't leave them alone? I don't understand that... and this business with Thalon hitting Erin.. then again she hit Gideon.. I don't know.

I really need to stop worrying.

I.. need to go clear my head..

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-04 02:03 EST
I.. I don't understand this at all. I don't understand her.

If you want someone out of your life, if you want them to leave you alone... then you rid yourself of them, right? You don't keep going back to them, and.. plead and.. and.. gods he kissed her! She let him! She let him! I just don't understand what Erin is thinking.. and she's supposed to be married to Sebastian and.. it's not even just him, I've seen the way she acts around Miles. If she loves Sebastian why is she doing this? It's like...

Before... I had felt so guilty about my feelings for Grem, because she had feelings for him too. But even then... she was kissing Thalon, kissing Gideon, kissing Miles... is she just doing that all over again? Why?

So many terrible things keep happening... and when things finally seem right, it's almost like... sabotage? I... WHY?


Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-04 16:07 EST
I know what I'm feeling right now is absolutely ridiculous. I know that there's no reason to feel this way, but gods, despite what I know...

I can't help the way I feel. This feeling of tension, awkwardness... feeling so...


I need to learn to cook.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-05 01:09 EST
What could have very well been a terrible and awful day ended so...wonderfully.

Sebastian and Erin have worked things out I think, and they're silly, acting as if I had something to do with it... I know if I hadn't said anything Sebastian would have still approached Erin...right? I'm glad for them, that Sebastian hasn't given up on her.

Then again, when he sees what she's done with her hair, and apparently because of me... gods.

I heard this "Chinese Food" was very good, and Erin told me about this place that sounds great... I'm going to go there first thing in the morning and pick some up to take to Grem's. I really missed him today.. it's silly I know, it's only one day but... still... I miss him when he's not around.

I need to remember to tell him he shouldn't smoke around Natty anymore... what else could I do though? Tell her the truth?


I wonder if he used to be as unhappy as she made it sound...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-06 07:54 EST
Such ridiculous thoughts... I don't know why I even thought of these things or why they're bothering me because I know that they're just.. I.. I dunno.

It's okay though, right now... because when he says something, I believe it. I do.


And Erin... sometimes... she does things or acts in a way that scares me. I need to talk to her about that sometime.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-08 07:04 EST
Jewell once told me that he has a tendency to clam up.

I think she's right, because yesterday he seemed... upset? But he wouldn't talk about it too much. I didn't really know what to do or say either, especially not really knowing what was wrong.

It...bothers me. Even moreso than when Natty... gods.

It's not like I have room to talk though, I do the same thing. I won't tell him what's wrong, or if anything's even wrong and... I just don't tell him everything.


I met this woman named Storm. She was really nice, and had this beautiful fabric that came from her home. Some place called the Air Realm... I liked talking with her, and she seems to know a lot about magic. While I have it, I've just.. never known much about it. She said she sensed the element of fire in him, and while I know I can use magic involving fire I never really thought... well, I don't know what I thought. Even where I come from, the way my magic works isn't exactly normal... not even Mother's was like this.. and the visions..

Storm said she could do some tests, let me more about my magic and what's going on with me, because .. honestly? The more I think about it the more I get scared. But I think... I think it's passing, or.. settling or.. whatever it's supposed to.. gods, I don't know.

I just want to be *normal*. The way he makes me feel... like I'm normal and not... not what others have called me...

.. that's what I want to be.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-09 03:16 EST


I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. Why is it that the more perfect things become, the more my mind slips into the past and ruins it? I try so hard to make it stop, I try so hard not to worry... I know I shouldn't but gods it's so... sometimes it doesn't feel like it's been that long. Sometimes the wounds hit me and feel so ...recent. Which gods.. when I think on it, some of them are. Maria? It's only been... it's not been that long... and despite what happened with us, even in the end... I loved her. She was my sister. How could I not?

Mother. She never loved me, but... I still felt... something for her. I always wanted her to.. I.. she didn't.. hate me. There were rare times I think... perhaps she felt something for me too, but the way she was raised, the way... our people were... it's not her fault, not really. I can't hold it against her, I won't... I won't have these feelings for her anymore.. but.. I miss her? It's odd... I know.. I keep thinking maybe there... I don't know.

F..Father.. he's the hardest to cope with.. it's been... what? Two? Three years? I can't even keep track of it.. and.. I.. I miss him still..can't even talk about it now..

I don't understand it... in this realm, sometimes it's so much like Veian... grief is nonexistant. People die, people think nothing of it, and if you mourn, you're considered weak... I try to... I.. I don't know, I keep .. sometimes I still feel the need to act as I was raised, like I can't actually.. tell someone how I feel, that it'll be frowned upon. Even I feel like that, that what I feel is wrong sometimes, even that woman said... shouldn't worry about things you can't control. You shouldn't worry about things..because.. people will do what they will, because you'll never be able to control it, but.. that's why I worry, never knowing what's coming my way next.. gods, I .. I shouldn't, it's life, it's normal, and I overreact to it.

She said she hoped I wouldn't know betrayal.. I already do.

I wonder if Katarina is alive.. if I've lost that chance as well...

I hate looking at Erin and being reminded of Maria now... the things Erin has said to me...and she said she nearly hurt me, sometimes.. I guess I'm a little scared for her, the way she snaps like that.. the way she's.. not herself. I don't want it to happen again...

I... I want to stop this now.

I need to stop this.

It's over. It's all over and done with. It shouldn't bother me.. things are good now. Now is what counts... now.

Not then...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-10 14:27 EST
I feel a lot better now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-13 00:52 EST
I'm finally going to tell someone everything about that night...

I'm telling Grem.

...I'm terrified right now... What if I tell him and he... gods...

I don't want him to hate me.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-15 00:12 EST
I hurt him...

I didn't mean it, but.. I hurt him. I don't intend to do that again...

I think things will be okay now... tomorrow, we have that to look forward to. I'm.. I'm going to try to make it really special.


Gods I hope I don't set his kitchen on fire.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-16 22:20 EST
I want things to feel... normal again.

I want to not mess up anymore...

I want these tests to be good news and not bad...


I need to see him soon.

I'm terrified...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-18 03:07 EST
Tonight, things with Grem felt... it felt right again?

Some things happened, and I've lost a lot of respect, if not all, for Sebastian... I need to drop by later and check on Erin.

After that though, it was nice, peaceful, quiet.. just me and Grem. Gods I've missed that so much. When the world, when everything just fades away and it's just us.


When I see Storm, she should have the results of my tests...

If there's a God out there listening to me now...? Don't let me go back to what I was, don't take this away from me... don't let me be...



Gotta stop worrying about this...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-21 00:44 EST
Things lately have been... good. Really good.

All that worry for nothing, the results of the test were... they were good. The changes that happened with my magic are permanent. Storm told me it's something that would have happened naturally given time, a lot of time... and that whatever happened with that accident just.. sped up the process considerably.

Gods, all those years being told I was going to die because of this magic... that I was too weak for it...


Tonight was Cassie's birthday... so I cooked a couple pizzas for her and everyone. Couldn't think of anything else to do... and everyone seemed to like them! Erin mentioned something about me being a pizza machine, which got me thinking about that restaurant business Grem was telling me about.. with the chinese food and pizza. I don't know much about chinese food, but I can cook pizza, and I can cook it really fast with my magic. That seems like it'd be useful for something like that...

I think I'll talk to him about that tonight, see if he has any plans to work on the business anymore, or if maybe I can help him out with it... yeah.


I.. I think I burned this sandwich..

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-23 13:54 EST
Wandered through the marketplace.. but since I haven't found anything there, I decided to go to that Stars End place...


I got lost for hours.. got in a few arguments.. and I think I made a hobbit cry, but I still haven't found anything...

This shouldn't be that hard...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-26 00:01 EST
I got him some things from Earth I thought he might like and miss.. Erin helped me with the idea, and he seemed to like them. And he gave me these wonderful dress patterns... gods they're beautiful.

It was nice, just spending time with him today, that's what I really wanted.

And he told me when his birthday was! So we can celebrate that too. Just us though, I promised.. not that I mind. I'll have to learn something new to cook for him, but last time I asked Mille to teach me how to cook something she refused...

She won't teach me how to cook anything else until I introduce him to her.



Oh, and me and Erin are setting up in the market tomorrow for the first time! I've done it before alone but... this is much more exciting.


Things are great, but I have an odd feeling I can't shake off...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-27 01:16 EST
She's back.


I.. I don't know.

She told me that Veian was...


If I had done something.. differently...? Maybe...?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-28 00:05 EST
Grem's bothered by Katarina being back.. it's fine though, I understand, and I trust him enough to know he's not going to do anything... stupid about it. Even I don't trust her *entirely*... I'm not that foolish. It's why I asked if we could stay at his apartment tonight. She knows I'm around the inn, but she doesn't know about this place... I feel guilty for this but... these things take time, yeah?

I need to stop worrying.. what's done is done in Veian. I... I did what I had to do. Even if I had stayed, even if I had done something.. it just.. it wouldn't have been enough, right? What happened was inevitable...

Gotta stop dwelling...

...wish Grem would take his own advice.


I got slapped at the market earlier. It was so... it was over a space there. It was a good space, I made reservations for it, and the person who usually had it argued and she was so mad.. I tried working things out with her and she just.. she hit me. Then she stormed off.

I was too shocked to do much of anything about it.. seems a silly thing to get so angry over.

But here.. I shouldn't be so suprised.

Sometimes I wonder why here is so much better than... there.


I'm sick of trying with Sebastian too. Even for Erin.. I can't keep it up if he won't try too.

I won't.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-28 17:18 EST
This doesn't.. it doesn't feel right. As much as I try, it doesn't.

It's like.. having a reminder. A constant reminder... things I don't want to think about keep coming to me. It's not her fault, it isn't...

But part of me wishes she...

Gods I'm terrible.

I have a chance at life now.. here.. she deserves the same. I hate that this feels.. wrong somehow. I remember when we first came here... it was so much easier, I could.. I could make more of an effort then, no problem. But now.. what's different? I know what she tried to do yeah.. but... I mean... I don't hold that against her, not really. ..Do I?

...So what's different?


Maybe with time... I dunno.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-29 21:11 EST
She just...

Natty came in and hugged him.. and held on to him.. and touched his hair.. and his chest and.. it bothered me.

Of course it bothered me. It would bother anyone, right? The way she just.. I hate seeing it.. then when she finally acknowledged me.. I.. I dunno?

She wanted to hug me too.. I just.. I was so angry though, with her... I ignored her.. and I came up here and..

I.. I guess that was a little mean.. It's just hard to.. keep putting on a smile when you don't feel it and lately it's just..

..though Gods.

The way I acted, just ignoring her like that.. the way Sebastian always..


...should go back down.. can't hide here the whole night.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-30 12:50 EST
I'm so ridiculous.

Well.. no, I still feel like before I... no. It's all okay now, really.

Rather than worry about the actions of others, I need to keep in mind what's important.

I trust Grem.


She's a little odd, but I like her. Her intentions aren't, and never were bad... and that's what matters.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-12-31 22:31 EST
Today was fun.

It went a lot better than I thought it would.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-03 14:35 EST
I really, really need to get this under control.

I don't know how, but.. I'm going to have to try. Maybe I'll talk to Storm about this... By itself, I know it's not dangerous, it's just.. magical growth I guess... I'm not entirely sure. But I don't even remember how I got to Grem's room... The only thing I remember is... I think maybe I had an odd dream? Something about a tomato plant being rege- ah.. governor of Rhydin? But when I woke up, the plant was right there...?

This has never happened before. It just worries me that it could happen again... around the wrong people. But I'm really not *too* worried about it. I feel much better now anyways. I guess if I get that one... odd feeling again, I know it's coming...

Gods this is so.. aggravating.


Erin's gone.

I'm worried, of course. When am I not? It's all I ever do sometimes.. worry worry worry.. that's aggravating too. Probably not to just me either...

It's only going to be what.. a week? But I miss her so much. Already. Where she's at is probably so much safer than here too, and part of me is so glad for that, but another part wants her back here, with me. It's.. selfish, I know, but I can't help feeling this way.

When... Maria was around, so many years ago... we did have some good times together, but I wonder, did she hate me then? Was it all a charade then? Was that just.. another lie in my life? ..With Erin, I don't have to wonder that, because I know she cares about me, and wouldn't.. gods, I don't know.

It's just a week. I can handle that.


Like tonight. I can handle *one* night every now and then... but still, I miss him.

I hate feeling like this.

Makes me feel so...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-05 18:50 EST

..started walking.. don't really know for how long though... nowhere near town anymore... can't really clear my head...

I'm angry.. just a little...

I'm hurt..

Terrified. Absolutely terrified...

I probably shouldn't have left... again... like I always do... gods... am I always going to do this? Even to him?

...didn't deserve it...


...just.. the more I think about this...

...couldn't even look at him...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-07 23:59 EST
Recorder was picked up, and a finger trailed along the buttons before pressing that one with the red 'o'. A few moments of silence before she lifted it close to her face to speak.

Today was...


Sebastian was here and he...



Wasn't long before metal and plastic clattered and broke as the recorder met an untimely demise as it was smashed against the floor.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-19 01:29 EST
Grem got me a new recorder, which was just.. wonderful of him. I'll be sure to take better care of this one... Some things have happened, and not being able to voice my thoughts or my feelings was... kinda getting to me.

I even said something about that, and Grem told me that I could talk to him about anything. I know I can but it's just... I feel like some of the things I think or feel are absolutely ridiculous, it's not like he'd want to hear about any of that, right? And with some of the things going on now, it doesn't really matter what I think or feel... Erin's the one who.. gods.. At least she's doing better today.

I hate not knowing what to do for her, but like Grem said, there's not much to be done. So I guess... the only thing I can really do is let her know I'm here for her if she needs me, that I'm not going anywhere.

Erin was gone from here for about two weeks... it was great when she came back. Where she was though, time passes a little differently. I don't really know or understand how, just that it does... so to her, she was away for a month. To Sebastian... he had been seperated from his... wife... for a month. He seemed happy when she first came back, but the other day things just went so... horribly. I don't really know what's going on with those two, at the inn, they seemed to be arguing, and she wanted to talk, and he just.. left her. He just walked away. crushed her.

And.. I've done the same thing. To Grem. I just walked away from him. Ran away from a situation... can't imagine how he must have felt... I can't do that anymore though. I won't. Seeing what it did to Erin...

I'm starting to hate Sebastian for what he does to Erin now. It wasn't that long ago they seemed so happy, they were getting to know each other, Erin was starting to... but... they got married. I still can't understand why they would do such a ridiculous thing?? They barely knew each other.. and now, I still don't think they don't know each other terribly well. I'd not presume to tell Erin what to do with her life though. It's her life, not mine.. and even if I feel she makes the wrong decision about something, it's her decision to make.

And sometimes.. people have to make a mistake in order to learn from it. It's how people grow. It's how I grew.. at least, that's what I think. I was sheltered for so many years, and then I was never allowed to make decisions about anything, I wasn't allowed to live my life as I saw fit.. and I didn't learn a thing that way. Only since coming here to Rhydin have I *really* started to learn and grow I think. It's been trial and error yeah, but... with every error, you learn something.

Gods, even when I talk to myself I ramble like a fool.


I should be getting to bed... lots to do tomorrow.

Hope I can make it a nice day for him.

...hope I don't screw up.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-20 20:53 EST
Some guys attacked me and Erin... probably trying to mug us... don't know...

We're okay though... throat hurts... she's scraped up... tired.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-21 23:23 EST
My throat's still a bit sore, but I can talk now... and Erin made something that helped it a lot.

I just rested a lot today, was still feeling a little tired from ...yesterday, and I guess I'm still a little shaken. I've been attacked before, yeah, but never taken completely by suprise like that. I'm just glad Erin and me are okay... gotta be more alert I guess.


Religion is so confusing. Think I'll pick up a bible soon... hate not understanding anything about it, when those I know are.. I dunno.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-23 02:07 EST
I talked to Grem today. Didn't hold back quite like I normally do...

The thing is, I've never really felt like this before, scared.. when it involves...someone this. I dunno. But he said something that really made sense to me. That anything that's worth it is going to be scary...

So I guess this fear I feel is...good? In a way maybe? ...just.. can't let act so ridiculous about it I guess.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-24 02:50 EST
I had a really good talk with Erin tonight... I finally stopped holding in some of the things I've wanted to say regarding Sebastian and her... I think it helped. She seemed relieved almost.

She says I'm strong. I still find that hard to believe.

She says I'm not a child... again... so hard to believe...

But.. no, won't dwell.

...I'm really glad I have her. That I have a sister now.. finally. She really means the world to me.


Didn't burn either.



Think of tomorrow... think of tomorrow...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-24 23:16 EST
Today was wonderful.

She loved the place. We got it. We're doing this.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-26 01:45 EST
Didn't do much to the place today, since there's a lot of planning and basic clean up that needs to be done first.

I'm lucky.. doing things like this with the two people I love more than anything.


I met one of Jewell's children tonight. Amanda. Very nice, pretty like her mother too.

Confident like her too...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-26 14:42 EST
Skyler's dead.

I don't know any details, just that... he is.

I need to do something for Jewell, let her know I'm there for her.. just don't know what.


Nothing about this is right. Nothing.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-28 04:20 EST
Grem was...

...he was really angry...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-01-30 01:44 EST
He's probably at the apartment right now. ..I'm home. I should go back now but.. what's the phrase...

I needed a breather.

There's a lot going on.. and it's not bad, really. It's just.. a lot. Getting this place for the business ready, the research involved in that, the materials for it... working on new dresses and designs for when it's up... always at the market picking something up... helping Sebastian with Erin's dress... I just, I find getting a spare moment for myself a little hard lately. There are other things I need to do, want to do... but I don't have the time for it now. I barely have time enough for all of.. this.


Grem talked to Natty. It seemed to go well... if she listened.

Sometimes I don't really know what to think of her... Before, at New Years... she was really nice to me, but tonight? I was right there and it was like before... like I didn't exist. It kinda hurt, or maybe.. maybe it's that she still just, the way she is around him... Gods.

I think she likes him. But that's something I'm not going to worry about. Grem trusts me. I trust *him*. Even if she weren't trustworthy...

...I'm tired of feeling this way.


Should practice a little more before I head back. Haven't told them, they don't need to know... can't control everything. Can't control all my feelings.

But this I'm going to control.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-03 23:35 EST
I'm worried. I hate just sitting here. Waiting. Doing nothing.


I know I shouldn't go out there... but...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-04 03:11 EST
I'm not entirely sure why I went out.

I definately didn't expect things to go the way they did... met the oddest man...


I'm still worried. But it shouldn't be much longer...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-05 22:36 EST
...What am I doing?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-12 00:22 EST
I've just.. I went and I made a big mess of everything. Erin's probably mad at me... I know she didn't mean anything either.. I just.. I made such a big deal of...

I'm so ridiculous.. so stupid.. I probably deserve to be treated like...


I'll go see her tomorrow...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-13 02:23 EST
I am rather ridiculous.

My friends don't think ill of me.. they just want to help.. because they care.. I gotta keep this in mind from now on.

It's okay though, Storm and I talked, it's straightened out.

Can't keep letting myself be so affected by this.


I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.

Can't forget to drop by the market to pick up some things though. Like curry. Gotta make sure this one has a better lid too.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-15 03:29 EST
Right now things are just... perfect.

Gods, when we all worked on the shop, it was great. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun... Just me and my friends, a mess, no stress, no inn... We should all do it more often. Well, maybe without the mess. Or at least with something other than paint... I didn't think I'd ever get that stuff out of my hair!

Could do without the handcuffs too...

But we did make a lot of progress! It won't be long at all before me and Erin can finally set everything up for the business. I'm still nervous about it, but not as much as before... if Grem has faith in me, I feel like I can do this.


Tonight was just... I really do love this 'Valentine's Day'.

I made Grem some falafels. Well, I tried... He's mentioned them, seems to really like them, though I'm not sure if mine came out right at all. It's not like I have anything to compare them with. They were too spicy I think... but he ate them, didn't get sick.. that's something, yeah?

Oh, and he got me these lovely flowers! I've seen none like them before... They're so beautiful... I've always loved flowers. So much.. even before I could see them. The reason I want spring to come is so I can see them. A lot of them. In winter everything seems so.. dead. But.. this is like an early spring.. almost.

He got me some chocolates too, in this pretty little heart shaped box... but I've already eaten most of them, and I didn't even offer to share. I'm terrible sometimes.

He's too good to me. But.. I love it. I love him. I love this.

If everything could just stay this way... always.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-17 17:27 EST
Everything's changed, it's all so different now.

It's only been a couple days since she.. well.. but it feels like longer. I forgot to eat or drink again... but Grem noticed, made me eat something. I don't mind though.. really, I'm lucky to have him around now. Erin too.. They understand me... this.

Erin was just here. We sewed.. knitted some.. didn't say much, but it's okay. Just having her here, just being together was enough. She told me that after.. that a while ago, she would do this with her mother. That she missed her... thought it was stupid. But it's not... I don't think it is. Because I feel the same way, missing...people.

She said people have been cold to her about this... it's why I haven't been able to really.. go around them. I know how they are, how they can be.. People here aren't very.. sympathetic. Not about things like this. They expect you to smile, and be happy, and carry on like nothing happened. And I won't do that.

I think things are getting better. Still not good.. but better.

It's something.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-18 01:17 EST
I don't want to leave right now. I don't want to be around people.

But gods, I hate being alone like this. ...still.. I'll just have to.. get over it I guess. Erin's grieving too.. I can't just go and bother her whenever I want, and I can't ask Grem to just put his life on hold because.. what.. I'm sad?

A lot of people are sad.. I'll just.. I'll be fine.

Maybe I should try to keep busy, like Erin said.. I could.. do some work, or try to look at that.. book again. Maybe a bath .. something, anything.

I just need to.. stop thinking.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-20 14:09 EST
Some people think that Storm's alive. I think Erin has hope too...

I... don't know. I want to have hope, I do. I'll ask around.. I'll.. not give up, but actual hope? This is the type of place where people you care about die, but they don't come back. Then people come back who don't even deserve.. gods.. I.. I guess I just don't see the hope here I used to, at least not right now.

If she is alive though... I just need to figure out


I'm going to start going out again.. I need to. The quiet, the loneliness.. I can't stand it anymore. I think being around people will help me now anyways... being around Erin helps. She's like me.. she rambles, isn't afraid to say something that comes to mind, she doesn't have a wall built around herself like... I just.. I feel alone now.

Maybe I'm being ridiculous.. maybe I.. I should just get some rest..

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-20 17:53 EST
I have hope now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-20 23:50 EST
I bumped into Grem earlier at the market.

So ridiculous to feel like I was alone or... It doesn't matter now.

We talked.. that in itself was nice. It's good to know I'm not alone though, that I have him. I hope he knows that if he ever needed me... or, even if he didn't...

He told me he went to Storm's place.. didn't find much though. A dagger, some blood.. Not much. I guess I was.. upset at first he didn't tell me, but, I can understand why. I can't be angry with him though. I was angry with Storm a couple days before.. well.. what if we didn't patch things up? And then to have that happen...

He said things would get straightened out one way or another.

I have faith in that.


I can't be alone and do nothing tonight. I didn't ask him to stay around with me either though.. I won't bug him all the time. This situation is tough on him too, with me already being.. the way I am. I think I'm just going to do some work tonight.. maybe move some things to the store.

I.. can move the racks there. Quite easily if I just.. yeah.

Erin will be mad if I mess up though... hopefully I won't mess up.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-26 04:55 EST
Yesterday was rather wonderful.

I had been kind of.. neglectful of many of my friends since Storm... so I planned to go to Mille's, have dinner with her and everyone else.. Mason, Carley, Eddie... to catch up and all. That alone would have been great, but Grem came with me too! He seemed to get along pretty well with them, and I know they liked him. Don't think I could have asked for things to have gone better than they did.

Hopefully we can all get together like that more often... I love it when things are just.. normal.

I think the store is ready to be opened. I'm still a little nervous about it, Grem says it'll be fine... I hope Erin can handle this too, I think she's been overworking herself lately. Told me she had dinner with Alain too. I wonder if Sebastian knows.. no. No, it's nothing like that. I know Erin.. she wouldn't do something like.. that. She told me things were better with him anyways.. though I haven't seen him around at all lately..

I feel kinda bad... earlier I lied to her. Told her I was leaving because I was tired, didn't get much rest last night, but really, I slept fine. I just... I love her, and I like Cassie, but.. I feel out of place around them sometimes, around.. I mean.. it's not them, it's really not. It's me.. I just.. I don't really fit in I guess. Things that interest most normal people don't interest me and.. Erin seems different when it's just us, compared to how she is around other people... It just.. I didn't feel up to it tonight I guess.


Grem's trying to quit smoking. He doesn't really need to.. but I do hope he succeeds. He told me that scents are getting to be a bit much for him though... I hope that doesn't last long. Made me think of when I first got sight, it was so overwhelming mentally and physically... hopefully whatever he's going through isn't like that.

...for now though? The cinnamon kisses are really nice.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-28 03:01 EST
She was hurt.. but Storm's alive.

I'm so grateful for that. She's one of my best friends and to have her back it's.. it's good. No.. I mean, it's better than good of course, I mean.. gods. She's alive! I still don't really know much of what happened, even she doesn't know or remember everything. She's not even sure who did this to her.. a name was brought up though. Korigan. Can't forget that... I worry for Storm, because if someone did this to her, they're going to come back to finish the job when they find out she's still alive. I wanted to talk to her and Ewan more about it, but then.. gods, that stupid, *stupid* Nexus took me away. I couldn't even find her again when I went back out... but, I won't worry too much about it. I'm sure she's staying some place safe now, Ewan was there and I'm sure he.. yeah, I can't worry. And really, it's been two weeks, and she's hurt, she needs to rest and recover, not have me there... pestering her or anything. Though I will give her that dagger when I can... for now though, I'll leave it where it's at. It's safer there. Just in case it can be used..somehow.

I wonder if Erin even knows? I went to the manor to tell her but she wasn't there, so I left a message about Storm being alive. It's not really the kind of news to give someone through a message like that.. but it's better than not telling her at all. She has a right to know.

I wish I could say that things would go back to normal now, but.. I don't think they are. Someone still wants Storm dead... and the things going on around here, gods. I keep hearing how dangerous it is, and all these people getting hurt or.. killed. And Erin...

I worry about her so much. She's always working, always doing something, always keeping busy... and earlier today I talked with her, really talked. She's told me before to stop holding back what I want to say, to just be honest, so I was. I told her I worried about her, I expressed my concerns.. but there was only excuse after excuse for him... and blames and faults for herself. It.. it just hurts me to hear her say some of the things she does.

Love isn't always right.. especially when you love the wrong person.

There's good of course, but, everything is still a big mess. Everything... Yet everyone is out there doing something about it, trying to make it better, trying to fix things, even if odds aren't in their favor. But me? ...I'm just.. I'm here, sewing, pretending nothing is wrong, that life is normal, trying to not let the negativity of it all consume me. But that doesn't really do anyone any good does it?

I'm so.. useless. Even if I were to do something.. what would I do? I have magic, yeah, but I'm no fighter. Can't patrol.. won't patrol. I just can't take it, the constant reminders of what goes on out there... I can't heal, I don't really know how to tend to wounds properly, don't know anything about.. paperwork? I just.. What is there to do? What can I do?

I sit here, and I do nothing... just pour my fears into this machine...

I wish I could talk to him about this.. all of it.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-01 04:26 EST
Tonight was just.. strange. Ended well enough though.

Storm's staying at the Scathachian Sanctuary. I know she'll be safe there.. so thankful I have her back.

Erin just...

...I don't know what to do about her.


It's kinda like before. Not so sure I can handle feeling like this again...

Just need to focus elsewhere. The positives. Grem, my friends, the store...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-04 02:39 EST
I went to a spa with Erin today. It wasn't so bad really.. I suppose I feel more relaxed now.

The store's opening in a couple days, I guess I should work on a few things for that now. Gods I'm still so nervous about that.


I hate full moons.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-05 04:37 EST
Tonight was a mess.

Gideon is a.. gods.. I don't know what to think of that.. really though, what he is isn't of concern to me, it's who.. and who he is.. still the same man that bothered Erin a while ago.. though did it ever stop? I don't even know, I don't think she tells me everything that goes on, which is fine, I don't tell her everything but still.. I worry. And now I'm going to worry more. I just don't understand why he won't leave her alone. I was scared something was going to happen at the inn tonight but.. it didn't.

Next time though... hopefully there won't be a next time.

Erin knows what Grem is too. She didn't seem terribly affected by it, though she might have still been in shock after finding out what Gideon was. I remember when I found out.. I didn't even really know what a werewolf was.

Certainly not a monster.. that I know. At least he isn't.

I'm always nervous when friends meet other friends, or he meets my friends or vice versa... there's always that fear that they won't get along or will hate each other. I don't expect everyone I know to always get along with each other, or even like each other. But a certain amount of civility.. luckily I haven't had much problem there. Grem met Everett tonight, and they seemed to get along. The fact that Grem makes effort with my friends means a lot.. I don't think I know many of his though. I wonder if.. no.. that's ridiculous.

Erin seems to like Everett. A lot. I've seen the way she dotes on him.. the way she looks at him. I wonder if I'm just reading more into it than what's really there. Or maybe I'm not.


I.. I've been thinking a lot lately. About my sister. I don't really know why either. I see certain things, and I'm reminded of her. Or.. sometimes I'll see a girl that matches her description and think of her.. and really they probably look nothing at all like her. But I don't know that for sure.. I see the color purple and.. I think of her. I remember how much she loves.. loved that color. Her clothing, her eyes, her jewelry, her room, even her crown... some shade of purple. I really wish I could have seen...

I remember once, years ago, when things were still good between us. Because I believe they were.. they had to be. I don't know exactly what went wrong but.. anyways, I found a peddler selling stones. I couldn't see the stones, but I felt them, kept asking what colors they were.. and he had a purple stone, really smooth, almost perfectly round. I thought Maria would like it, so I bought it for her... and considering her position, she could have any gem or jewel she wanted. The.. 'finest' things I guess. But.. she took the stone and went to a jeweler and had a necklace made of it. For a long time she wore it.. she loved it. Hugged me, thanked me... told me how much she.. loved me. Moments like that were rare I admit... but they did happen back then. I wonder when she stopped wearing the necklace. I wonder if it's when she started to hate me..

Things.. would have been easier if I hated her. Even now. If I held everything she did against her. I have every right to. I should.. She killed father.. she killed Gwydion.. she tried to kill me. Yet I don't.. I don't hate her at all. I miss her. I.. sometimes.. Sometimes I hate myself for killing her. I start thinking maybe if I didn't.. maybe we could have worked things out, that maybe she'd be here today and she'd.. I know it's ridiculous, because it.. it wouldn't have worked out that way. There was no hope for her, she was.. mad. Crazy.. no longer in her right mind. It had to be one of us...

I don't even know where she's buried. Or if she's buried... After the 'accident'... I don't remember much, nothing really. My next memory was so hazy, and somehow I ended up back in a room at the inn. I don't know if someone found her body and.. I should try to find out. I don't really know how, but I should try.. If she's buried somewhere or has a grave.. I wanna know where.

Gods.. I'm really rambling tonight aren't I..?


The store. It opens tomorrow.. that's what I should concentrate on. Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I know it.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-11 04:33 EST
I took my tapes back tonight, since it didn't look like he was going to listen to them.. that's okay though, really, it's probably better this way. Gods only knows what I've said on them...


I found her grave. At first it just made me feel worse... a lot worse. But after I left I started feeling better. I'll go back soon, since I need to fix her name anyways. It's just... I need to do this. I can't keep ignoring it anymore. Can't... pretend.


Mason told me the auctions were dangerous but I think I'm still going to go. I wish he didn't know about it though because I know he won't let me go alone... He said they're horrible to watch too.

At least I've got a lot of money saved up.. I'll see what I can do with it.


Dance lesson today was fun, I hope to do more. Maybe I'll actually get better.. that waltz Erin taught me was rather simple compared to some of these other dances. I just.. I loved spending time together with Grem and...

..I feel like I should tell him some of... no. I shouldn't.. he'd just.. maybe sometime.

I wish I could talk to Erin about things again... I miss that.

I wish I could talk to.. someone.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-12 05:18 EST
I think Erin and Sebastian are over.

She lied though, didn't mention his request for a divorce, I had to read that in that.. gossip.. gang.. whatever it's called. I can't really get mad about that though, I do the same thing don't I? All the time.. lie, withhold information. Never tell her anything, never tell Grem anything. It's vexing.

I wonder if they feel the same when I do that...?

I hope not.. not a good feeling. To feel.. to be on the outside like that, closed off.. like.. I dunno.

I worry for her.. I'm not entirely sure what to do for her.

She's not smoking. I think she's trying to change, trying to be better. For *him*.

It kinda.. it makes me angry. That she would do that, change herself for someone else. Trying to better yourself is one thing, as long as it's not *just* for someone else, as long as.. I dunno. I want her to be happy, but I don't want her to be a different Erin than the one I know. I wish she'd.. be like... I dunno.

I wish everything would be the way it was before. Simple... what changed?


I can't help but feel lonely now.. my own fault though. Again. I'm the one who's.. walled.

I planned to go to her grave again tomorrow, but I don't really wanna go alone...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-14 07:16 EST
I had a talk with Everett tonight. He said a lot of things that really made sense to me...

It's not fair for me to try to .. I dunno. It's not fair for me to hold everything in is it? I want to make things better for those I care about.. so I'm sure they feel the same about me, right? This just.. it's not fair for me, my friends, or Grem... it's not.


Mason got me something earlier today. It's called a ka-lei-do-scope. You just look in it and turn it and it shows these really pretty patterns and colors that are always changing. I love it.. reminds me of flowers.

It's getting warmer too, I imagine spring is coming really soon. Definitely something to look forward to.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-16 04:42 EST
Today was... actually really nice.

Store was a bit busy though, and I've gotten a lot of commissions to handle. Too many really.. Grem said the change of seasons would be the busiest times but I hope it doesn't get any busier than this.

It's hard to handle things at the store without Erin's help too. She went to the spa today. Again. Which.. I understand. Sometimes people just need to relax, especially when things are hard, but I don't know how much longer I can handle things on my own. Carley helps, yeah, but she's not as.. business oriented as Erin, and neither am I so.. it's tough sometimes. And it can't be good for business to just close shop whenever we want. The store hasn't been open for two weeks and yet.. I dunno. I haven't said anything to her, I probably won't.. I'm sure it'll get better.

Storm dropped by and we had lunch. I felt bad leaving Carley but she insisted I go too. It was nice though, catching up with Storm. She's one of my best friends and.. I feel so lucky she's back. That she didn't.. I dunno.. this place.. I hear people 'come back' a lot. I hear that death isn't as permanent here. If that's true though.. why hasn't.. gods, I dunno.. ridiculous thoughts.


Not really looking forward to tomorrow night. I'm trying not to think of it but.. it's hard. I wish Mason wouldn't come, but he's involved and gods, so stubborn.

At least he's got his place set up.. just in case. They probably won't have.. anything. I should pick up some supplies.. food.. clothing and.. really should have thought this through better.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-17 01:33 EST
It was worse than I thought it'd be.

I.. gods..


Some good was done though.. Got three out.. that's something..

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-18 02:35 EST
Had lun- *brunch* with Erin today. She seems better, I guess. I still worry, but I try not to show it that much around her. She told me that she hired a friend of hers to house sit her manor. I don't know them either, don't recall her ever mentioning him.. I just.. I.. I dunno. Don't understand why she didn't just have Ivy or even George look in from time to time.

I just.. don't understand her.

Dance lesson today was fun though, but that's not a surprise. I didn't make a fool of myself this time as much as last time either. I think next week I'll try to dress up a little more, buy a new dress to alter, do my hair.. something.


The people staying with Mason, a couple had homes, were able to get back to them, one was taken from somewhere really far from here though. Just need to get some money and things together so she can get back now.


Got my first letter from Katarina today. She's doing good, which is.. good. I need to write her back.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-19 03:08 EST
I don't really fit in her world do I? With her friends and.. I.. what others find fun just makes me so uncomfortable and.. I wish I could just joke like they do but..

..I can't. I'm just not like them. I'm not like her.

I wonder if that's bad or good...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-20 03:33 EST
I had a nice talk with Kairee today. Of all people...

Somehow ended up agreeing to plan a party... Spring Fling. I'm not sure how that happened, but maybe it'll be fun? An excuse to get lots of flowers at least.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-23 04:59 EST
Erin's probably upset at me because of Mellon and Snowflake... I mean... gods, that's a mess. I guess.. I can't help but feel a little amused by it though.

We'll see what happens.


I go back again tomorrow. I don't think it'll be easier this time either, but nothing should come as a shock at least. I wonder if faces I saw last week.. people I told myself I would help this week.. I wonder if they'll still be there.

I'll bring more money this time.

...should do more commissions.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-25 02:24 EST
Yesterday was terrible. I wouldn't have expected less though.


Today was great. Spent some time with Erin at the inn, and I think I have another musician willing to help out with Spring Fling. I'll have to order flowers for that soon...

Cassie thought I was pregnant... that's just... yeah. I always thought the rumor about the water was silly, so I see no harm in drinking it. And even if it was true, I still can't get pregnant. It's.. silly really, almost funny. I guess.. the reminder made me a little sad, but.. not really. I mean, I know better.

Dance lesson. Perfect as usual. Except my dancing.. not so perfect. It's better though! Erin told me about tango too.. it's like.. that dance I did with Miles at Halloween. I'd really like to learn it now, actually do a good job with it.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-26 03:50 EST
I'll accept her. Of course. I always will..

It does not mean I have to accept him though.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-29 03:51 EST
I think I just reached the point that... I couldn't deal with things anymore. I couldn't deal with Erin, I couldn't deal with Erin's problems, I couldn't deal with not belonging, I couldn't deal with.. I.. I couldn't deal with feeling so forced into.. gods, I don't even know. I just couldn't handle it anymore. At this point, I don't even know what to expect from her, how she's going to.. act or.. it's like she's not the same, she keeps acting different around everyone and...

..for now I'm done with it. Just for a few days at least. I went out earlier today to make some arrangements with Carley to make sure the store would be taken care of without me there.. but then I came back here. Didn't go out either, since I just don't want to risk running into her.

I'm not angry.. it's nothing like that. I'm just.. I feel I need some time, some distance.. I hope it's not selfish to want this.. and actually do this, but even if I hadn't what good would I be to her? To anyone? So few things are.. right lately. Just.. nothing feels right.. well, maybe a few things.. very few, but at least I have that. If I didn't...

I do feel somewhat relieved already.. almost like a bur- no.. no... not.. not like that I mean..

Gods I don't know.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-31 04:10 EST
I think things are better with me and Erin now.


Got a bit of planning to do for next week. Not now though.. not tonight.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-07 19:39 EST
I.. I've made such a mess of things.. everything..

Can't fix things.. can't take things back.. can't make it right.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-09 00:12 EST
I'm not looking forward to tomorrow... I can't tell Erin what happened. I can't have her look at me like.. I.. I just can't. Not her too.

..can't even sleep. Hard enough now.. I tried, and I had another nightmare. With that man, the fire, that.. that light and.. gods, whatever that.. *thing* was.


...should at least pretend to be asleep. Make things easier.. I guess.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-16 04:32 EST
Gods, there's always something...

Me and Grem are okay now though.. By all rights though he should still.. I dunno, be angry with me. People drive me crazy with worry sometimes, and for me to do that, I mean.. I shouldn't put him through things like that. And I shouldn't put my friends through unnecessary worry either.

Raye said I should stop thinking of everyone else, start thinking of myself a little more. I guess that makes sense.. it's about balancing it I guess. I can't think of myself too much, but I can't neglect myself either.

Then again she believes one life is worth many... The more I think on that, I just, I can't agree with it. For someone to say that the life of a.. I dunno, bad person is worth the life of many good.. it's like implying that someone has a right to judge what is bad, and what is good, and things in life just aren't that simple. So often it doesn't even come down to good and.. and bad.. or.. evil or whatever does it? No one really has that right to judge someone do they? I can't condone it.. can't condone one life for many.. I wish.. I wish I could change how things went down when.. gods, I really didn't want him to die.. if the wound wasn't so bad maybe I could have.. could have done something to help? I.. probably not.. always so useless in situations like that.

I can't understand the actions of others sometimes.. the way Raye and that man acted with the robber.. he had a gun and they just.. it's almost like they didn't even.. maybe I just worry and panic too much.

Hadn't seen Everett for a while.. until tonight. He was with Gideon.. gods of all people. Can't do anything about that though, just like I can't do anything about Erin. I could tell Everett what Gideon is, but what if that put him in danger? I can't risk that... he's an adult, he'll make his own choices. I just hope this choice doesn't cause irreparable damage to him...


Not everything is bad though.. the puppy I took in is doing so much better now. I think he just needed some food and water more than anything... Named him Hershey. He's really cute, but gods what a mess.. nothing like Mellon. Then again my room is too small for him and.. I can't keep him either. He'll get big and be too much to handle. I can find him a good home though. Someone's bound to want him, he's a wonderful little puppy.. if I could keep him myself I would but.. I just can't.


... haven't talked to Mason in a while. Other day Mille asked me if I knew why he was avoiding people. Another mess...

I know Carley wanted to talk to me tomorrow.. about something important. I just hope it's nothing bad. Not sure I can handle more bad news.


Can't really sleep.. close my eyes and it's.. guns, and fire, and.. and.. feel so silly not being able to sleep by myself. Think I'll go sew up that shirt.. add a button.. try to fix it.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-17 05:23 EST
It's settled. I'll be going to Cadentia with Carley! I'm actually rather excited about it. She told me about it and.. well.. it sounds like a lovely place. She said there's not much to it but the little that's there is just.. well.. it's not like it is here.

Hopefully I'll be able to see Katarina too. I don't know just yet.. it's not like she knows I'm coming or anything.

So much to do tomorrow.. I'll need to make arrangements for Hershey and Mellon, make arrangements for the Spring Fling.. place an order at the bakery.. rent tables and a pavilion.. try to talk to Zeme again, make sure the color schemes are right.. I'll need to pack some things too.. Gods, it's a lot to do, but I don't mind it so much.


More I think on it though.. I realize I'm really going to.. no.. it's just three days. It'll be fine. I'll be fine.

..they'll all be fine.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-18 01:38 EST
.. It hurts to realize you're not nearly as important to someone as you once were. To feel cast aside. A little distance is one thing, this is another entirely.

Things were different before.. so much different.. I fear things will never be like that again.

I fear part of me doesn't want it to be like that again... just for this to happen again. ..Which it would.

This is just.. this.. I hate this.

And I'm done trying to be.. friendly to.. as many as.. gods..

This just.. it..



..Amthy was wonderful though.. confusing but she's very sweet. Very nice.. I'll have to find a nice fabric to make a dress for her for Spring Fling.

Hopefully this trip will help.


Just hope I'm not so easily replaced by everyone else I know when I'm gone.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-19 01:57 EST
This place looks nothing like I could have imagined... it's so.. it's beautiful. Not in the same way as a forest or field of green and flowers, but it's beautiful in an entirely different way. These dunes.. the stars.. even the flowers.. Even in this desert there are flowers and plants that grow and thrive..

People aren't supposed to wander the desert though.. it's big and easy to get lost unless you know your way around, or know the stars well enough to guide you.. I also heard there are these things called Sand Worms deep in the desert that are really dangerous.. I kinda worry for Katarina, given what she does but.. I dunno. I'm going to try to see her tomorrow. Don't know if she'll be there or not, since she isn't expecting me, but.. I'll have to wait and see I guess.

Carley says it shouldn't take us long to find and purchase what we need tomorrow. So after that, we can take it easy for a while. I can't wait to explore this new market.. it's never the same I hear. Not many here have settled permanently, most are drifters.. vagrants.. peddlers.. just stopping here before moving on. ..I'll have to pick up some things for everyone.

I should rest I guess.. it's been a long day. Just a little hard to though.. there's a few I miss. Grem mostly...

Others.. I.. well.. I dunno.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-23 22:35 EST
There is no ghost. I don't think I *really* believed there was.. but I didn't know how to explain some of the things that would happen at the inn.

Turns out? It was Toby.

All considered? I guess I shouldn't be terribly surprised.

I hadn't talked to him in a while... saw him today. The things he said.. gods, I... I wish I had known things sooner. I wish I could have helped him before he felt so.. so desperate? I guess we're all capable of reaching that point of desperation.. there's something that can drive us all to do things we normally wouldn't.

I should visit him soon.. yeah.. I will.


..what is happening to everyone?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-24 04:27 EST
The resemblance.. not in appearance but...


Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-24 18:27 EST
I talked with Sebastian. It went well enough I suppose... I told him that.. I suspected Chi wasn't the only one. I feel kinda bad for doing that, but I don't feel it's right for him to believe in false hope either.. but.. he'll do what he does. Hopefully whatever it is, will be what's best for everyone.

..hope I didn't make a scene at the bar though, should probably apologize to Cor. Don't know what got into me...


Just.. what good could possibly come of one sided love?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-25 05:41 EST
..can't sleep.. haven't been able to lately.. really..

Could work on some commissions but.. no.. I'll just.. lay down. Maybe get an hour or two again.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-27 04:51 EST
I visited Toby at his cabin today. He seemed.. well enough. Not like he usually is, but.. all considered.. I think he'll be okay. Just needs time.

I think I'll go back soon.. bring Hershey.. maybe he'll help cheer him up. Helped me before when I needed it..


I hadn't been sleeping, so I finally slept tonight. Early too, for me at least... didn't sleep long though. I was having dreams about.. well.. her, of all people.

I guess it's actually not that surprising.

...wish I could take it back.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-28 00:55 EST
I wasn't good enough for people there.. I'm apparently not good enough for people here either.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-05-09 01:43 EST
I don't know what gives anyone the idea that they have a right to play with lives and souls... to bring someone back when they've.. no.. no one has that right.

It's not the same as healing.

But there's not much I can do is there? There never has been much I could do. Not for her...


Gods I hope history doesn't repeat itself...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-05-16 02:18 EST
I've.. been feeling and doing pretty good lately. I talked to Erin, we're okay now. I talked to Mason.. we're okay too. He's still going back though.. to the auctions. I'm not entirely happy about that but I can't really stop him. I do give him money to help out though.. I just.. I shouldn't go back anymore, so I'm.. not. I don't want to make another mistake like I did before.


Ivy seemed really happy today. I don't think I've seen her like that before. I guess she really liked Calis? He does seem really.. nice. I guess. Too much? Probably not.. I guess I'm just not used to people like him around here.

Maybe I was like that at one point.. I don't know.

I've been here nearly a year now.


A lot's changed since then.

...*everything* has changed.

Sometime's I'm glad for it. Thankful for it...

But sometimes when I think of the price.. I just.. I still hate myself for it.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-05-17 01:36 EST
I'm taking Mellon in tomorrow to get.. fixed.

It should be okay. I was worried but Grem said there was no reason to be. I guess this is a common thing so.. it'll go just fine.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-05-29 08:14 EST
I think I've had this dream before.

But it's so hazy I just... I can't quite remember...?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-04 15:59 EST
I think I should just finally accept things as they are...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-07 01:41 EST
I hope Stephen and Jewell stay as happy as they were tonight.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-08 02:15 EST
I had the most.. awful nightmare tonight. I think I've been having it, but it's never been this clear. It wasn't entirely clear this time though.. everything was so... hazy. But it was clear enough.. real enough.. gods..

I don't know why I dreamt it.. just a silly dream, right? Well, maybe not silly but.. I think I do this to myself sometimes without even realizing it.. when things go right I start thinking it's too good to be true.. start feeling guilty for it.. That's probably what it is. All it is.

I can't think about it. Can't concentrate on it.

I can't exactly fall back asleep though..


Thinking about the past year.. I mean.. when I really think about it? It seems surreal. I never thought things could ever change, let alone change so quickly.. things happen here, in Rhydin.. I never thought could happen.. things exist I never thought could exist.. even the people? Well.. some of them at least.. I never thought people so good, so compassionate and selfless could exist.. there's plenty of bad here too, but I guess.. the good makes all the difference. Even if it's just a little.. it's so much more than Veian ever had.

Well.. Veian did have some good, it was just so much harder to find.. and the little I did find or have, I lost it. When I start to think about it.. I start pushing it away, out of my mind.. try to forget it.. but I don't want to forget it anymore. It hurts to remember, but to just forget it, pretend it never happened... pretend they never existed... I can't do that. I think that's why I feel so terrible at times... but by forgetting the bad I forget the good as well.

Gwydion... other than Father? He was the first one... only one there that accepted me. He didn't see elf. He didn't see human. He saw *me*. More than anything... he was my friend... I guess... maybe at the time I didn't know how to be a friend in return, I didn't know a lot of things then. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I only caused more grief with my actions.

Father. I miss him most of all.. not a day goes by I don't think of him. If there is any good to me it's because of him. For nearly twenty years, he was the only one who.. who I *really* had. It was never ups and downs with him... he loved me unconditionally. It's been storming a lot here lately, and I think of him when it does. The times when I was younger, the thunder scared me so much, even moreso than it does now. At the Sacrosanct I was alone and it.. it was just horrible there. But when I was in father's castle he would always make a point to find me, and he would never leave my side. Those were the only times I didn't fear the thunder...

Mother even... she wasn't entirely heartless or cold.. she couldn't be. After.. after father died I shut down to everything. I couldn't eat or sleep or.. or anything. I couldn't even cry at first. I just laid in bed for days.. there were a few moments where I even considered.. ending things. At the time I thought I had nothing. How can anyone be expected to live and carry on when they have nothing? To be strong.. for who? For what? Yourself? I guess I was just never the type to carry my own strength.. I had to draw it from others. I had never felt so lost in my life... and then mother came to see me. I thought she would yell at me, hit me, tell me I shouldn't show emotion, tell me I should move on, that I had a duty.. a legacy to carry on... things she had always said and done before.. but this time? She took me in her arms and just held me.. rocked me for hours as I cried. I realized then... I'd be okay. Because there *was* a part of her that loved me. Even if she didn't show it, it's only because she was raised a certain way. If not for father I would have become the same as her... it's just circumstance that saved me.

Maria... I think by all rights, I should hate her. It would probably make things easier.. I could move on. But I don't hate her. For a while.. I did, or maybe I thought I did. I concentrated on the bad things that had happened.. I could only remember the pain she caused... which gods.. it was so much.. She was responsible for all their deaths.. murdered father.. ordered mother's execution.. killed Gwydion with her own hands.. assisted in starting the genocide.. the war.. Gods, I guess it would be easy to hate someone like that.. I think I.. I must have, to kill her.. But she wasn't always like that, always evil. Perhaps not the best of people, no, but she did have her moments. I .. I believe a part of her at least, did love me, and I loved her. .. still love her. Maybe it's delusion on my part.. I can say these things because she's gone.. because I killed her.. maybe it's how I cope with that. Because by taking her life, there is no chance she can ever change, no chance of repair, no chance at.. at a happy life.. I took that from her. Even what she took from me.. did I really have that right? To take those things from her? I don't think I did... but it's a decision one can't just take back. When you kill someone.. you kill them. There is no fixing it or undoing it. I guess.. I guess there wasn't a chance of her ever... coming back though. Whatever it was that changed her, whatever corrupted her... it had a really strong hold on her. I wish I could have seen it coming, been there for her.. stopped it from taking it over her. Before it did though... we had some good times. I.. wear the shirts I do because of her. Back then I was so skinny... so frail and... I couldn't see it, but I could feel it, and I remember feeling so self conscious. I remember she got me a few blouses.. and told me I had beautiful neck and shoulders. That it made her jealous.. I thought it was ridiculous though.. I had heard what people said about her.. But.. I dunno... She was there for me after I killed for the first time as well... told me it was okay.. I had every right to defend myself..


It's not the same and it never will be.

Katarina and I are on really good terms. We write and send letters to one another.. the last time I visited her things felt.. the felt as close to right as it ever has with her. I guess since losing the rest of my family, it's.. especially important to me that I work things out with her...

I no longer need escort or guardian to go anywhere.. I can just go anywhere as I please. At any time, to any place... though I supposed I should be more mindful doing such things. It's not exactly fair to Grem to be running around wherever without notice all the time.

I'm... not as dependent on others. I actually work now. I earn my own money. I don't have as much as I did at the Sacrosanct, but there is something to be said for earning your own... five silvers from a blouse means more to me than twenty gold simply handed to me.

Still don't really have *my* own place. Maybe someday I'll get something bigger, just to replace my room at the inn. I don't think I'd stay there much though... if at all... I rather like it here in this apartment. I like seeing him before I sleep, and I like seeing him when I wake up.. I guess.. it's not really the apartment then..

About seven months now.. I sometimes wonder what he sees in me. I'm not exactly what someone could call beautiful... I'm not terribly interesting... I'm this.. I'm... I'm not terribly intelligent. I'm.. gods.. I dunno. I can be such a mess sometimes... I get scared of thunder, I let.. I let *stupid* dreams affect me more than they should, I make mistakes and.. and.. he's there. Still there.. I spill something on myself and he doesn't laugh.. I cook something and.. I mean.. I'm not a good cook.. but he'll eat it. I... carry this.. ridiculous attachment to a flower and he finds it when no one else could.. I.. tell things to a machine that I should tell him.. I'm terribly foolish sometimes... most times I think...

Erin I.. I sometimes don't know what's going on with us, but.. she's still so important to me, sister, friend.. whatever it is she is to me... does it even matter? No matter the title we put on it.. it'll be what it is.. Things are good for the moment though.. We'll work it out. She's just a mess like me. I'm just better at hiding it from people I think.. Certain people still see it though.. At least I think they do, even when I try to hide it. I wonder sometimes if I should try hiding things so much..?

...Never, ever thought life could be like this. Compared to the alternative I could have had... I wonder if it's such a ridiculous thought that.. that someone brought Grem and Erin into my life? I guess not.. considering everything I've seen here, anything is possible. I guess the 'hows' or 'whys' of it doesn't matter.. it's just the way it is now... and I'm thankful for it. Thankful for them.


Gods it's late.. I'm exhaused, but I think I can sleep again now. Bed is pretty inviting right now.. just hope I don't wake him up again.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-16 21:16 EST
I went out today and for a while things felt... they felt normal again. They felt right. Just being able to enjoy my life again without worry.. that's what I want. I can't let Fahl take that away from me.

I won't...

Monday I'm going to start working at the Stitch again. I need to live life again and stop.. I dunno. I can't be *this* dependent on my friends. And.. he caught me off guard. He caught us all off guard. But.. we handled it. We might not know where he is, or his next move, but.. we'll know to expect him. I think we can handle him again.

Just need to be cautious... not just for my sake either. As much as I'd like to visit Hershey, if Fahl were watching? He would know where Toby lived, and that would be another friend in danger. Had to cancel sewing lessons with Sebastian too, because I just don't want to risk.. I dunno. I don't want anyone else involved in this. He got to Ivy already and.. gods, I just don't want it to happen to anyone else.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-17 02:00 EST
I don't understand why Erin and Carley had to get my cousin involved in all of... this.

I suspect they did more than just.. going to a club to dance and drink as well. I can't imagine what it is they'd do though.. but I don't think it's good.

I feel so in the dark about all of this. If I don't know what to do, how can they..?

And what can I do now to fix this..?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-25 02:17 EST
I brought that scrapbook Raye made for me here, just to look over a bit. It makes me feel better and worse at the same time really... I miss these times, but I feel better believing everything will.. everything will be this okay again. I have to believe that, because if I didn't then why am I even fighting for it? Why even bother going on?

Things feel like they're just getting worse though... threats from a woman I don't even know? More directed for Cassie but... I get the feeling she had a sense of familiarity with all three of us? Or maybe she was just... gods, I don't even know. I can't understand how someone like that.. thinks, or why they do what they do. Just another person to keep an eye out for, someone else to be cautious about.

I wish I knew what this Anubis person looked like.. I only know a name though. Only know he's been giving Erin problems, that he's a slaver... I hope she has the sense to just keep her distance from him. I can't trust slaver types.. I've seen and heard too much about them to just.. Why do people here act like it's okay? It's not... to take someone's life away from them like that, no better than murder..


...The people around me. They laugh and joke and carry on with life. They're so happy in spite of it all and I guess.. I guess I should be that way too? I just can't... Every time I'm somewhere other than here I'm terrified. At the inn, I'm scared of every unfamiliar face, I'm scared of every knock on my door, I'm scared of every loud or sudden noise.. every touch.. every look.. any time someone I don't really know says my name..
It's always on my mind.

Is it *him*?

And I hate it. I hate always feeling this sense of dread, because I know someday it will be him. He'll come back and he'll want me to take me away. Away from here... For what I don't even know. There's nothing I can do to help him, or anyone else there. The cause is ridiculous... even if I could, I wouldn't. Turn against one simply for what they are...

I hate feeling so helpless in all this. There's nothing to do but wait. And waiting is the last thing I want to do now...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-08-21 01:56 EST
I haven't been using these tapes for a while now.. guess in a way it's easier to write things down. Not sure why, it just worked out that way. I hadn't listened to them either, so I'm not sure what brought on the urge tonight.

Not only is my life different, but I'm different. In some ways it's good, in some ways.. I do wonder. I'm still the same in many ways though. Even then, the past had a grip on me. Is it something I'm really always going to struggle with? Maybe I'll just have to press hard all that much harder.. and remember that at least now? I'm not alone. Then I thought I was at times. In a way it was awful to listen to these tapes, it was just like reliving some awful memories. Like.. when Katarina was here with the intent to kill me. Certainly found out I wasn't alone though. Not alone at all.

And you know... I still haven't found a place around here that sells gardenias. Even then, before when we were just friends, he must have gone through a lot of trouble. For flowers. For me. Because that's what I wanted.. though I asked because I didn't think he'd be able to find them. Didn't want anyone going to trouble for presents. Figured he'd just give up... So many have drifted in and out of my life. So many I thought so highly then? Right now I either.. just.. don't know what to think of them or.. perhaps I don't think well of them at all. Things then.. people then.. I thought I'd have now? Gone. Yet he's still here. The one constant in my life that's not given up or grown tired of me or moved on to.. something else.

I'm beyond thankful for that. For this. For him.

I've lost a lot.. gained a lot.. I.. don't know. Don't really feel a need to continue on with these tapes. At least for now. I guess maybe.. it's like, if I put them up, I'm putting away a part of my life, to move on with a different part. A new part. I feel I have gained some perspective though. All this time, sometimes, some things just won't change. Ever. No matter how much I want it to. Sometimes things get bad.. terrible.. feel like.. I lose hope, but it always gets better. It always will.

Yesterday, today... even if those moments are bad, there's always tomorrow to look forward to, right?
