Topic: Sometimes, opportunity presents itself

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-17 04:42 EST

There was an easy smile on Lydia's lips as a faint breeze tousled green locks. She leaned back, enjoying her 'ride' for the moment, taking in the sights of the market. Sitting atop Eddie's cart while he pushed it along was a much better and more preferred idea to sitting in Carley's magical little wheelbarrow as she and Heath pushed it along.

The whole group was in high spirits, just coming back from a friendly luncheon gathering at Mille's. Eddie provided drinks, Carley and Mille cooked, and Lydia was able to finally meet this Heath Carley had been gushing about lately. Not that the little blonde would be admitting such things... Lydia and Eddie had been chatting during the walk, to nowhere in particular, while poor Heath was designated as Carley's pack mule. She was perched upon his shoulders, occasionally digging heels into his sides to make him run faster. Oddly enough, he never seemed to mind.

Another sharp laughter from Carley quite a few feet ahead pulled Lydia from her thoughts, and brought a brighter smile to her as she watched Carley and Heath a moment. "We really should do this more often." Pale blues shifted aside to him. "It's nice when all of us can get together like this. We don't do it nearly enough."

Eddie narrowed his spectacled gaze on Heath before looking to Lydia, smile forming. "We sure don't doll. Mille did say we should- Hey!" Calling out to the couple ahead of them. "Yer gonna drop her if yer not careful Heath!" Eddie huffed faintly. Everyone seemed to really like Heath. Everyone but Eddie. He seemed.. suspicious almost. Overprotective of the little blonde terror, who, just sent Eddie a raspberry. He rolled his eyes in response then turned to face Lydia once more, expression a bit apologetic. "Saturday. She mentioned we should all show up again on Saturday for dinner."

Lydia suppressed a chuckle at the antics of the other three, then thought over Eddie's words. "Saturday.. I should be free then. Can't exactly go dancing with a bum knee." A brief pause, and a faint falter in expression, but it was soon gone. "Hopefully I'll be able to get Grem to come with me too. Mille mentioned me dragging him by again sometime soon." She grinned at the thought of another group gathering. Her and Grem, Carley and Heath, Eddie and Mille. Who needed dancing when she could spend a day with her favorite people?

The sound of many footsteps interrupted her from her thoughts, and pale blues drifted to all the children suddenly gathered around Eddie's cart.

"I want a drink!"

"Strawberry for me please!"

"Me first!"

Lydia grinned at the children before turning to Eddie. "Looks like you have customers so I'll let you tend to them. Thanks for carting me around." She snorted faintly to her own word choice, then carefully shifted and lowered herself to her feet, sidestepping the child mob.

Eddie smiled and nodded to Lydia before turning to the children. "Alright, everyone's going to get a drink. On the house even! Just form a line right there and take turns orderin'!" Like that worked. He sighed good naturedly as the children shoved and fought over the first position in line. This would be a while...

Meanwhile, the green haired elf meander/limped her way on over towards Heath and Carley. The latter without her usual beret, which was now on Heath's head. Lydia blinked at the sight. Heath gave her a dramatic look of utter suffering before grinning. "Looks much more snazzy on me than it does Little Bit here doesn't it?" He chuckled, wincing faintly as Carley's heels dug into his side. "Hey, cut that out."

"Don't call me Little Bit!" Carley scowled at him before snatching up her beret to set it back on her own head. "And it looks much better on me, so nyeh." Raspberry.

Lydia tilted her head to the side thoughtfully, then nodded. "I'm afraid she's right Heath. It does look a lot better on her than you." She held up her finger, a one moment gesture. "But? Eddie pulls off the beret look better than the both of you combined." She grinned cheekily at the duo.

Heath considered Lydia's words before sighing heavily. "I guess she's right sweet cheeks." Heath nodded to Carley. "He definitely pulls it off better than us." He glanced towards the drink vendor and children, frowning somewhat. "Oh man, those kids are going to get all the best flavors."

Carley looked that way as well, bright blues widening. "Then we better skip ahead and get what we want first!" A light kick was given to Heath, as if to say 'mush'. "Hurry up and get over there!"

"You're the boss Little Bit! ...ow! That really does hurt with your big ole' clunky feet! ..gah! I'm just kidding!"

Grinning, Lydia watched the duo move away towards Eddie and the gathered children. It was a little crowded over there, so she opted to not go back that way just yet. Leg was feeling a little stiff so she could stand to walk a little anyways. Steps were slow on the cobbles, gaze moving as she walked to take in the environment. This particular street wasn't too far from Mille's, just a small distance off the main market streets. The neighborhood was safe, beautiful... one of her favorite places to walk around, or through when she was going to the woods, cemetery, inn.

Kneeling down, she plucked a small pink wildflower growing out from a crack in the cobbles, then toyed with the stem, weaving and wrapping. The end result of her flower weaving? A small flower 'ring', slipped onto her pinkie. She moved further down the street, looking past her shoulder towards the group on occasion, making sure to keep them in seeing distance so she was in seeing distance for them as well. No need for anyone to be made to worry. Head turned when she heard a door open nearby, brows lifting to the one exiting. A man juggling with keys, signs, and briefcase.

A very familiar looking man.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-17 04:44 EST
"Mr. Miller?" Lydia's voice was soft, tentative as she called out to the man. It'd be embarrassing if this was a case of mistaken identity.

But no, he turned towards her when he heard the name. Brows furrowed a moment as he peered to the green haired girl, then features brightened considerably when recognition came, wrinkles forming in skin as he smiled. "Miss Loran! It's a pleasure to see you again." Locking up the house he was exiting, he dropped keys into his pocket as he turned back to her. "I've heard nothing but good things about the store, and I've passed it by a few times. You and Miss Dunbridge have really turned that place around! I'm sure you've tripled the property value of the place."

Lydia took a couple steps down the pathway that led to the door where Mr. Miller was standing near. "It's good to see you as well, and thank you I guess?" She grinned. "We put a lot of work into it, had a lot of help in cleaning it up too. Business has been good too, for the most part." She nodded a bit, looking around some before looking back to the man. "We're really happy with the place. You've done us a great favor by finding it for us."

Mr.Miller smiled. "It's my job." He paused long enough to shuffle a couple signs under the same arm he carried briefcase in. "I'm glad it's worked out so well for you girls."

"It really has..." She mused a moment, letting her gaze wander. "You have a beautiful place here. I've always loved this neighborhood."

Chuckling, Mr. Miller started down the path, closer to Lydia. "I'd thank you, but this isn't my place." At the curious look he received, he continued. "The people that lived here last recently moved. Packed up and ran off to Metro, leaving this beaut on the market." He inclined his head to said 'beaut'. "Shouldn't take me long to find this baby a new owner though."

"Oh." Lydia looked the place over again. Taking in the detail a bit more. It was pretty, it was. Small and homey and even had a small yard. A brief moment was given to ponder if it had a back yard as well. "It's a nice place.."

Mr. Miller grinned, noting her once over. "You interested in finding a new home?"

Lydia blinked to that. "Oh, no." She shook her head. "I don't need a home."

He nodded to that. "Where's your home at, if you don't mind my asking?" Salesman mode, on.

"It's..." She trailed off, thinking. Sucker mode, on. "I mean, I don't actually own property of my own or anything, I just stay with someone else."

Mr. Miller offered a thoughtful 'hm' to that, then produced a businesscard, offering it over. "Best not to say no just yet then. Think it over at the very least. Any time you want a tour of the place, just contact me."

Hesitantly, the business card was taken and briefly examined before it was tucked away into her bag. She figured it best to do that, rather than argue the point. "Alright. If I change my mind I'll be sure to let you know." Smiling, Lydia gave an assuring nod to accompany her words.

He nodded in return. "Please do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to go conduct. Take care and give Miss Dunbridge my regards?"

"I will, you take care too Mr. Miller." Smiling, Lydia waved to the departing man before casting her gaze back to the house. Lips pursed faintly as she canted her head, studying it, then shook her head in a dismissive manner.

Turning, she started back towards her group of friends, not intending to give a second thought to such a ... ridiculous idea.