Topic: The Dull Green Notebook That's Starting to Fall Apart...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-12 02:35 EST
Tucked into the green haired elf's bag was a shiny green notebook. By now the thing was a mess. Pages upon pages had been scribbled on with notes, sketches, and doodles... Many of the pages, all undated, had been ripped out and reinserted, leaving some edges hanging out of the book. In the back quite a few photos had been carefully inserted, a few of Lydia's favorites she liked to keep close.

Memories, ideas, and a mess of green ink and colored pencils...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-12 02:36 EST

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-12 02:41 EST
This particular page had the very light floral scent of a gardenia. Probably because of the pressed gardenia affixed on the page. In the corner a small, pink umbrella is also attached to the paper.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-12 02:44 EST

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-12 02:45 EST

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-13 03:16 EST
This page had a bit of coke spilled on the corner...

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-17 20:43 EST

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-02 04:36 EST

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-03-18 02:10 EST
A letter recently received was folded neatly and tucked away into the notebook.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-19 01:56 EST
Another envelope was tucked away inside the book. Outside on the front was her name, 'Lydia', written in a beautiful script, the 'L' particularly embellished. Inside was a poem, handwriting belonging to one Everett Ogden of Warwick.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-26 02:39 EST

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-06-29 02:39 EST

I think I'll get a real journal soon, but for now this will do. Some things are easier to say than to write, and some are easier to write than to say. I think getting thoughts on paper might help me with reading and writing too. I'm finally good enough I can keep a journal. Not that this has to be good or anything. No one will be reading this, except maybe me. I'm not sure. I've never even went back to listen to my recordings. Maybe I should do that sometime? To say my life has changed is an understatement at this point.

I hope Piper was interested in Sebastian, because the thoughts of him and Carley are just.. what's with someone his age wanting to date Carley?

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

But my motivation for it was all wrong too wasn't it? I wasn't looking out for Sebastian's interests, I was looking out for Carley's. Or maybe my own? I'm not even sure.

Part of me. No. Most of me. All of me. Just doesn't care.

I guess that says a lot about me.


Tonight was pretty wonderful. In the midst of everything else going on... Gods I'm just so glad I have him. He keeps me grounded. Keeps me from going crazy. Doesn't even always have to say anything to do it either. Funny the effect someone's presence can have on you isn't it?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-01 01:01 EST

I can be beyond impossible and ridiculous at times.

Carley is even moreso I think.


Wish I wasn't so good at alienating everyone. I went to her room. I wanted to try and make peace with her but she was gone. Really gone. She usually keeps the room rented even when she isn't staying there but it wasn't locked, I let myself in, and everything was gone.

Katarina's gone, I don't know where she is, and it's my fault.

Did real good there...


Feel restless today. But I said I'd stay here, and that's what I'm going to do.

I won't go to his room. Even if Fahl came for me now I wouldn't. Not with Grem so vulnerable. I'd let myself get taken before putting him at risk like that. Before putting any of them at risk like that.

But I guess I've already put them at risk. Sometimes I wonder if I should have just...(The following line is unintelligible, having been scribbled out)


"For whatever measure you deal out to others it will be dealt to you in return." I read things like this and wonder how anyone can put any kind of stock into this- book. Such terrible things happen to the best people I know, and they don't deserve it. They didn't deal that out.

So why does it happen to them?

Why did some have to die?

They won't come back either. In a place where it's said no one stays dead, they do. They're never going to come back, and people who don't even deserve...(another scribbled out line)


Tried to listen to my tapes. Couldn't. I'm not the same now as then. I hate who I was then, my thoughts, my feelings.. it's like listening to a different person. Not me.

It's good I've changed.

I think.

I hope.


I feel a bit ridiculous now. I keep writing this nonsense instead of sleeping. I should sleep. I need sleep. I'm tired because I haven't been. Not really. I pretend most of the time. But I just don't feel safe in my sleep. No one is there to help me, and I can't help anyone when they are. In my sleep Fahl finds me, he takes me away. Again and again and I have to re-live it.

That's not the worst though. That's not the reason I can't sleep. Sometimes he kills. Not me though, no. That's not cruel enough. He kills and I watch. I can't do anything to stop it either. Sometimes I don't even try. It's like I'm watching myself, screaming at myself to do something, but I don't. So they die. The two that-

None of it is real. I tell myself this, and tell myself it's stupid to be so scared of dre- nightmares. It doesn't help though. Even knowing that something isn't real, that it's never going to be real, doesn't make it any easier to have to watch or experience.

...just a few more hours. I can make it.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-02 01:39 EST
This particular entry was written with a black pen rather than green.


Hate black ink.. lost my pen though.

Today was nonsense. Total nonsense. I'm not even going to try to make sense of it.

The people of this city are crazy, and I'm even crazier for staying here... but the good, the genuinely good here- rare as it is -is worth it.


It shouldn't bother me, but someone called me abominable today. I suppose I'm too sensitive for my own good, and I wouldn't have liked to be called anything negative. Who would? But something about- that word really strikes at my core.

That's what they called me there. In Veian. An abomination. I still remember the times I'd be out and people I didn't know, people I had never met would call me that. Throw things at me, yelling, screaming, spitting at me... It was awful.

And now I have to deal with people calling me that here..?

I hope no one here really thinks of me in that way.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-03 14:29 EST

I'm terrible.

I don't know what happened today. One moment things were going the way they usually go, and the next I'm yelling at Carley, firing her in front of everyone. Her behavior to customers was unacceptable, and she's been something of- she's been hard to deal with lately, but it still didn't give me a right to do that to her. She was so upset too, ran out of the store without a word. Eddie went after her since he was there. Gods, the look he gave me before leaving though. What's the expression..

Killing two birds with a stone? I feel it applies here somehow.

Erin left suddenly for whatever reason, Katarina, Carley, Eddie- I haven't seen Mille for so long and gods only know where Mason's at now. I'm an awful, awful friend.


Rummaged around some of the beads and charms Erin keeps at the store and found some things to make Carley the perfect little bracelet. The charm even matches the earrings she got to get her ears pierced with. I think I'll bring it to her apartment tomorrow, apologize to her then too.

I'm almost certain I'll cave and give Carley her job back too.

The words written in the next entry are messier than usual, barely legible and faintly smudged.


I seem to have lost all my best friends.


Just. Great.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-05 00:27 EST

Tonight was great. Uriko had a small event with fireworks and games and me and Grem went. The fireworks were beautiful. The colors and shapes- they were so unlike the fireworks I saw at New Years. I want to see more but I guess I'll have to wait a few more months before I can.

Uriko gave us all glow sticks and sparklers. The glow sticks are really pretty, but I can't figure out how they glow. I don't sense any sort of special magic in them, so maybe it's not magic? Like the fireworks. The sparklers are pretty great too. Grem ended up showing me all sorts of neat tricks you can do with them, like making streams of light. I tried but can't do it nearly as well as he can.

One of the games set up was some kind of contest I guess. You had to use a gun that shoots water to fill up a balloon and pop it before anyone else does. Me, Grem and Stephen tried it, and I think I could have done better, but I think my gun was broken. I did manage to spray Jewell without her noticing though! Grem ended up winning. He's really good at that sort of thing. Got me this big, adorable stuffed kitty I wanted. Looks kind of like Mellon except- bigger. It was really sweet of him.

I love him. Not for that, but for everything. Never giving up, never walking away, not even when I gave up, or when I walked away. Reminding me that I'm not alone when I start to feel it- for everything.

Someday, I'll find some fancy words to really express it, or the right gift to buy to show it. For now, I can only hope he already knows.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-06 12:24 EST

Found out just a little more on that woman who made threats to Cassie, Erin and me. Just a name really. Cry-seer-ah? I'm not at all sure how it's spelled, but from what I understand she and a couple large creatures attacked Jewell and Issy. Both are okay though. Just suffered some minor injuries. I don't know much more than that since no one seems to be willing to offer up the information they really do know. Ridiculous if you ask me, but that's fine. I don't have any plans to get involved. This woman just sounds like some idiot trying to stir up trouble and I've no intent of taking her bait. I'm just going to be a little more cautious, and hope people I know will too.

I imagine there's a couple that won't though-


Sent off a letter to Katarina a few days ago, apologizing, trying to make peace. But I haven't gotten a response from her yet. I don't know if she's still angry, just hasn't received it, or isn't even at Cadentia now.. Tomorrow I'm going to write Cythia and find out. I'd rather Katarina be there and angry with me than for something to have happened.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-13 01:30 EST
The handwriting in this entry is slightly messier than the norm.


It's been almost a week since-

I.. barely remember any of it, honestly. Bits and pieces come back to me, sometimes just hitting out of nowhere. I remember leaving the Stitch, I remember Erin laying there, I remember getting drained, cut- not much beyond that. Vague flashes of that awful warehouse- the noises. Don't remember how I got this bruise on my face, though I can guess. Then I woke up here. Was out for a while apparently. Slept a bit the past few days. Not so much now with the memories coming back and the dreams I'm having now.

Won't be dancing- or running for a while. Not with my knee the way it is. Healers managed to help some though, so the damage is temporary. I can walk a little on it, but not much at this point. Should be well enough to go out for a little bit in another couple days I guess. Not sure I'm going to. Fahl's still here. (A barely legible sentence, as if written quickly or in anger)

No way to get back, but no way to take me away either- not with the stone gone. I'm not happy at all that Fahl is here, but given the choices? I think Grem made the right one. It was either do that, let him go to do this again, or kill him. Other two just weren't options. Gods I just pray he stays away from me, from all of us.


I've always thought people shouldn't be forced into a position or situation simply because of birth. I've always thought that I had no obligation to anyone in Veian simply because of who my parents- who my mother was. Never thought I owed any of them anything. Even if I did- what could I have done? What could I do now? Who would I even do it for? Human? Elf? And for what- there's little difference aside from ear shape or- Gods, it's just stupid. And so many blame me.

Is it so wrong for me to refuse to give up what I have now for people who hate me so? What I have now, I never had there. Gods.. how dare Fahl come and try to take it from me, take them from me- I'm not the selfish one.

I. Am. Not! (There's a small tear in the page here)


Couldn't sleep. Big suprise.

I miss everyone. It hasn't been that long, but it feels like it has? Part of me wants to go see them, but I can't with my knee the way it is now. I'd make things right with everyone if I could- probably why no one has come to visit, isn't it? Pushed them away, put them through this- but I thought Erin would have come at least. I hope she's not angry at me for what happened. I'd like to think it's not my fault. I'd like to think she doesn't blame me..

Grem's stayed close, taking care of me- gods he saved me. I don't know what I'd do if not for him. Though, I guess I do know don't I? Still with Fahl- somewhere. He's been great as always, and I'm writing in this book, barely talking to him. I want to but.. I think I've been enough of a burden.


Is it so strange I still feel terrified?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-17 02:56 EST

I felt well enough to go out today. Just for a little bit. I can move around easily enough I guess. Stairs are the worst though. Hopefully it'll get easier in another day or so.

It was good to get out. I hate feeling confined. It was good to see people too. I think I'm going to start working again tomorrow. Even have plans to eat at Mille's with everyone sometime this week.

Things are back to normal.

I guess.


The next time Carley ever tells me she has an idea, I should run. I really should.

That's not fair to say I suppose. She's been great. We've made up and she's really helped out, taking care of Mellon when I couldn't, and helping out at the store. With Erin gone, I couldn't handle it on my own. Ivy's back too so that's great. Her being back really does make things seem more normal. With her handling customers more, Carley can work on other things, and I can rehire her back without a problem. I'd prefer it that way. Crazy as she is, it's just not the same without her.

Not to mention I'd rather not people think I'm prejudiced against elves. Really, have they never seen my ears before? Ridiculous.


I understand people are concerned for me. I can hide the brace, but I can't hide the limp. They notice, they ask questions, but I just- I don't want to talk about it. I want to forget it. Forget him. It's been handled.

What am I to say to them?

That I was taken against my will? That my leg was cut into to keep me from running away? That I was beyond terrified I would never see anyone I loved or cared about ever again? That I'm still terrified at times he's just going to show up again? That I can't sleep because it keeps coming back to me? That I keep reliving it?

Is that what they really want to hear?

I wish they'd just let me forget.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-19 02:59 EST

Gods, I don't think today could have gone worse, even if I tried.

Months ago. That warehouse. It was Travanix's. Gods. And he was in the inn today, looking at me and Jewell- didn't like that. And later I said- gods. Apparently my not liking slavers an being short had him accusing me of being the one who-ugh. Granted it was me, but he has no proof. I played dumb, continued to play dumb. Maybe he bought it? He threatened me too. I'm not terribly worried though. Just gotta be vigilant. Can't hesitate if he makes a move. I can't.

Past is hitting again, but this time it's my own fault. My own stupidity. Gods, to have to pay now? To have to put people I know through things again?

I'm such an idiot.

Going to have Grem teach me how to use a gun now. I was hesitant about it at first, but that's not even everything that happened.

Later, some idiot was trying to bait me into a fight. A really violent, vile man. Same one that slaughtered the man who attacked Chryrie that one night. I'm not going to fall for such weak bait and empty threats though. Not make more problems. But gods, the inn tonight? People pulling weapons and pistols and threatening each other.

Don't feel so bad about learning to use a gun myself now. Especially with my magic still a little off since being drained. Should get better soon. Hopefully.

Gods, and I'm so sorry to make things worse. I am.

Nights like this.. I think things would be better if I just locked myself up somewhere and never left. Guess there's a reason they did that with me back at home.

I really do just make everything worse and get in trouble.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-21 00:50 EST

Sometimes I feel bad taking days off like this, but with business the way it is, what's the point of working every day? I'll work more when the season changes. Assuming business is good again.

I went to look at that place. Curiosity. Boredom. I don't know. But gods, it was beautiful. Small and simple and just- perfect. I loved it. Maybe someday I'll get a place like that? Not now. No reason to now. Mr. Miller insists I just think about it.

Thinking about it, really, is the last thing I should be doing.

I get to see Mason tomorrow. Some one on one time. First time in a while. I hope he's doing well. Last I saw he wasn't looking great. Was losing weight, looked tired. I'm worried about him.


Saw Mason today. He's doing well enough. Same as me. I told him he should maybe step back from what he's doing for a little bit but he won't. Of course he won't. He's stubborn. I'm stubborn. Everyone I know? Stubborn. He did assure me he'd be making it to dinner tomorrow, so there's that.

He made a peculiar comment to me. About how he heard I haven't been 'right' after the whole- incident with Fahl. I'm not sure who told him that. Even less sure what they mean by that.

Saw Toby, talked to him a little. Brought up that I looked at that place. Talked about it some and realized that I'm actually quite interested. Even excited about maybe getting a place of my own. I've never had that before. Figured I'd talk to Grem about it though. Get his opinion.

That was apparently not a good idea.

I honestly can't believe how against it he was. So little would actually change, so why be against it? It's not as if he would have to do anything, I mean- Gods, I don't know. Rather than have the inn room or- I'd have a place of my own. Suitable to live in, safe, Mellon would love it. I would love it.

So why is he so against it?

This is just frustrating. All of this. And I'm just so frustrated with him right now.

So I don't need it. What if I want it? What's wrong with that?


I keep thinking, trying to understand. I think too much for my own good sometimes. But I don't want to feel like- this. I want to try to understand at least. But the more I think about it and try to understand him, the more confused I get. The only thing that I can come up with is maybe he thinks I want to spend less time with him? But that's ridiculous.

I don't know. I honestly don't. I think I'll ask him about it when he gets back. Depending on what sort of mood he's in probably.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-25 00:33 EST

Busy day today. I anticipate being busy for a while longer too. It helps.

I realize I hate being at the mercy of mind readers, but telepathic ability hasn't a thing to do with magic so there's nothing I can do about that right now... maybe if I could find out more about it? I know people with the ability, so sometime I'll have to talk to them to see if there's a way to counter it. Not that they're the ones I worry about.

Others using magic on me. Even if the intention is good, it makes me uncomfortable. There is something I can do about this however. I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea, all considered, but- It shouldn't be a problem with this spell, and it was common practice in Veian. So long as I don't tamper with certain spells or mediums, it should be fine.


I checked the date on his tombstone. It's hard to believe it's almost been a year.

Later I'll pick up something nice from the florist. Seems the right thing to do on the date it happened. Anniversaries are supposed to be an important thing after all..


Erin's going to kill me when she gets back and realizes just how much time off I keep giving Carley and Ivy. Maybe it's my fault business is so bad at this point?

But things worked out with that woman and I'll be able to pick up the amulets in a couple days. One was pricey enough, but two- I had to dig up a considerable amount for that. But I couldn't exactly get one made for myself and not Grem. If it works the way I think it will, it will give me peace of mind if he has one too. I hate it had to be silver though, but I have an idea to take care of that.

I got my first gun lesson today. I only got to fire it off a couple times, since Grem wanted me to know the parts and how it worked more than anything. Which is good, since I wasn't even sure how to hold the thing. And it's good to know how to use it without accidently shooting myself or someone else.


Carley drives me nuts.


I've terrible aim with the gun. I'm surprised Grem didn't laugh. He makes using it look much easier than it actually is.

Saw Storm today for the first time in.. ages. It was great, but things aren't going so well for her. She and Ewan are no longer today. I wish there was something I could do for her, but there's not much to be done for a broken heart. She'll just need some time, and I can't give her that.

I told her about the place Mr. Miller showed me, and she seemed interested. Perhaps she'll want it. We even have plans to go look later.

I know I said I wasn't going out today, but I think I may, since she mentioned she'd be at the inn.

I really did miss her. She's one of so few that I really connect with.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-29 04:25 EST

Letting go can be a hard thing to do, but I think I've held on long enough. This was the right thing to do, I'm certain.

I just hope she's okay. I'll just give her some space for now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-07-31 03:13 EST

Full moon tonight, so I'm staying at my room at the inn. I probably shouldn't have stayed out as late as I did, considering I have a full day tomorrow, but I'm used to operating with little sleep. Then again- I have been sleeping better lately. I see less and less of him when I close my eyes. That's a good thing.

I went to the inn tonight, and oddly enough it didn't erupt into any sort of disaster. Considering it's Monday, everyone was probably at the outback getting drunk and beating the crap out of each other.

I saw Panther, decided to speak with him, get details of his deal with Anubis for myself rather than go by what I heard. I'm of opinion he did what he did for a reason. I might not understand it, but for now, I'll trust it, and I'll trust him to do what he thinks is the right thing, since these things aren't always black and white. Slavers are tricky to deal with anyways- arrogant- Gods I don't want to get into this.

Sid doesn't blame me for Esme. I'm grateful for that, but there's still a part of myself that blames me. What ifs keep coming to mind. I shouldn't think on it too much. I can't live in guilt. Or rather, I can't live in more guilt.

I talked quite a bit with Glenn. I kept trying to offer him ideas and kept telling him about possible jobs. Maybe I'm overcompensating with him where I failed with Esme and others? I don't know, but hopefully something will pan out for him. I get the feeling he's not particularly happy with his current situation.

I'm excited about tomorrow, spending the day with Storm. It's been too long since we have. I really do hope she takes the place. The things Glenn said- and- I guess now I see Grem was right. So many in this city need a home, and I certainly don't. It seems like Grem is always right. Vexing and comforting all the same. It's weird.

I won't be able to see him early like I usually do, but I'll leave him breakfast. Hopefully won't burn that. After lunch with Storm I'll drop by his room though. I thought of maybe going to try to find Erin, but she didn't even come to work today. I guess she needs space. Or is mad at me. I'm not sure.

I hate this. I keep thinking- what's really changed? Have we not always been friends? I consider that the base of all my close relationships. We called each other sister, but beneath that, there was friendship wasn't there? Grem is my boyfriend, but beneath that, we're friends. That's what's important. The title is changed, but my feelings have not.

Perhaps I'm just over thinking this. I probably am. I tend to do that.

I did with the letter from Katarina when I got it. It bothered me, but I guess I'm okay with it now. I'm more accepting of it. Before, maybe I was trying to force things. Force things to work, force things to fit together that wouldn't. I think I still feel a little bitter, but that can't be helped.

I just hate there's no longer a 'someday' to have hope for. I'm accepting it though. I have to.


I have mixed feelings about Saturday. I feel so confused about it, and haven't really let myself think too much on it. Not until now. I considered not going, but that doesn't feel like the right thing to do. I don't feel it's one of those things I can speak freely to Grem about either. It just wouldn't be fair would it? He's already had to deal from plenty from me anyways. And anyone else.. I just don't feel I can open up about it. Not this. So it goes here, in this book.

I hate that I couldn't save you.
I hate that any chance at life you had was taken away because of me.
I hate that you loved me. That love killed you. I'm sorry I couldn't love you back.
I hate that you loved her. It killed you too.
I hate that I never even got to see your face.
I hate that I can't remember the song you used to play for me anymore.
I hate that I can't seem to forgive myself for all of this.
I hate not knowing if you can forgive me.

And I need to let go of it all. This hate, the pain. Everything in my past. I can remember it, but I can't keep clinging to it as I always have been. You included.

You, my sister, my mother, my father, my cousin, my home. I can cling to everything good and positive about those things, and I will. But guilt, the ghosts, the pain. No. More. I won't be a slave of it anymore.

So even without your forgiveness, I will walk away. And I will live in the present, and enjoy what I have now.

The person I remember you as would want me to.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-08-01 00:46 EST
The handwriting of this entry was a little messier than the norm.


Today started really well. Storm took the place. I'm glad she liked it so much. To take it. We had a good time.

Mentioned being late to the florist, and later Grem was asking about it. Why I needed a florist. Couldn't exactly get away with not telling him anything, but he still doesn't really know. It's not that I don't want to tell him- I just.. can't?

Tonight was awful. Terrible idea to go out. All the fighting, the noises, the yelling. I had to come back here. I wanted to talk with Storm. And Erin too but I wasn't sure if she'd want me around.

Just couldn't take it- now I'm here and- what is wrong with me?

Hate falling back more than I move forward. Hate it.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-08-08 01:34 EST

Lately, I haven't been okay.

Too much was coming at me from too many sides I suppose, and I just didn't know how to handle things. Especially not alone. Harold's words made sense, sure, but- the way he went about it- I guess it doesn't matter much anymore.

I can't believe how much better I really do feel now though. Talking to Grem, even if I didn't tell him everything really has made a difference. I just feel- better. And- even if there are some I've lost, recently or not, I have him.

So I'm okay now. If I just keep that in mind, I know I'll be fine.


Even went out for a little bit tonight. It was actually pretty nice, just being around friends, talking, conversing, actually feeling and being okay and happy without it being a big act. Things were pretty peaceful too.

Even saw Wyh. She's doing really good, really happy with James. She told me they've been together over a year now. I guess I hadn't realized I had never been with anyone for that long. Even now- about nine months I guess? Next month. Ten months. Then it'll be the longest relationship I've been in. Not that I've had many. Maybe that's why I mess up? Things are relatively new to me.

Not as new to me as they are to Carley though. It's painful in a way to watch her. But she's learning, and I'm stepping back. She can't be babied, and people can't keep humoring her the way they do. Sometimes you have to make mistakes in order to learn, hopefully th-

The sounds of footsteps probably shouldn't have me grinning so much.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-08-16 01:54 EST

The people here drive me absolutely insane sometimes. Even my friends-


I planned to catch up on work tomorrow, but I think I'm just going to take a little break. Maybe see Mille? I did promise I'd find her some more berries. I'm just feeling too vexed to deal with too much tomorrow.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-08-21 02:04 EST

I can't understand why someone who has so many people who care about them and so willing to go out of their way for them would be so reckless and destructive. Like it doesn't matter. Like they don't matter.

Is a drink so worth it? The risk? Of loss of life, or freedom, or harm or-


And Mason. I really hope he's not up to anything- It bothers me that he suddenly has all that money though. I just have this sinking feeling I can't shake.


Been meaning to go through my old tapes. Think I'll do it now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-09-07 04:04 EST

Tonight was a mess.

That little Ebon- thing is the strangest thing I've ever seen or known- It took two showers to get all that cream and butter off. I guess peace can't even be found at the market anymore. Not a bad thing in a way I suppose. Had a nice chat with Jewell as well, and between her and him it did help to get my mind off other things.

It's good I can see Erin again, even if it's not for long. She'd holding up much better than I would be, in the same situation. I hope it won't be long before she's back and everything is right again.

I wanted to go back out, see if I could see her. Get some information. Anything. But I felt kind of ill tonight, and I knew better than to try to head out feeling like this. I'll look for her at the market again tomorrow.


Think I'll see if that vendor still has that colorful cube too.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-09-08 02:35 EST

Gods, I nearly got Baker killed tonight- he was just trying to help and that awful- gods I-

That man isn't going to stop either. He's just, gods. What a mess.

This is a big mess I didn't need now. None of us did, and I had to go and- what am I supposed to do now?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-09-29 01:35 EST

I- just feel lost right now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-10-19 02:30 EST

It shouldn't be possible to feel so alone when surrounded by people, yet I do lately. Part of that is my fault, I know. I suppose it's the easier of two choices. Easier than before. I guess I should be happy about the upcoming trip, but it's just going to be a lie isn't it? Then things will be like - this, again, won't it?

I don't like the way things are now. I just couldn't handle the way things were then. I hate how nothing can just be simple. Just work out.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-10-23 03:56 EST

Tomorrow's the day of the trip. I suppose I'm a little more excited about it now than I was. It should be fun - the last trip I took with Carley was. I guess I'm just not certain what to expect between me and Erin. Things to be like they were? Awkward? I just don't know. I'm not even sure what I want, really. Friendship probably shouldn't feel like this. Probably shouldn't be quite so hard. My own fault at this point though, all considered.


I had this dream last night. Mason was alive.. Laughing, carrying on as he always did. Being impossible like he always was. Wearing his cross and - gods, it's not even the first time I've had a dream like that. It's not always him. Sometimes it's other people, and those dreams? They're more much cruel than any violent nightmare I could ever have.

I just want all of them to stop. I want to sleep without fear. I want to stop waking up feeling terrified or sad or - I just want it to stop.


I miss him.


Should concentrate on good. The trip. It'll help. Today was good too. Spent it here with Grem, since I'm going. Even if it's only three days, I'm going to miss him. I hate that the moon's going to be full so soon, if not, he could have come too. That would have been nice..

It's late. I should probably try to get some rest now.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-10-27 02:43 EST

Jenli was wonderful, but it still feels good to be back here. Like I'm home. It's not perfect here, but that's what it's become to me- home. I guess it feels strange to write that, or feel that way, considering the place that really is my home isn't? Then again home isn't really where you're born is it? We all make or find our own homes.

The trip itself was really nice. Fun. I got to spend some time with Erin which was great, but I wonder how long that's going to last now that we're back here. Even Carley, I feel more distant from than usual. But I spent some time with her too. Crazy as she is I still adore her. I should probably try to make more time for her, though that may be a little hard.

It's almost November, and it's gonna get really busy when we work on the expansion for the store. But maybe it won't be so bad, since we should be getting a bit of help on that. Knocking out the wall and repainting is probably going to be the hard part. That, and it'll take a little time to get the new shelves. I should probably talk to Glenn about that soon. There's a room in the flower shop he could use as a work room, once it's November.


I picked up some tea from a shaman in Jenli. Jian recommended it, said nothing but good things about this man. It's supposed to help people sleep, even eliminate nightmares. Well, dreams in general, but I can deal with that. If the nightmares go away, I'll be happy. So I'm really hoping this stuff works.

Seeing as how late it is I should probably go make a cup now and try it out. I probably won't know for another week or so if it's really working or not.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-10-31 00:15 EST

(The entry for this particular day is scribbled out, unreadable)

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-11-04 02:03 EST

Tonight- I don't even know what happened tonight.

Earlier, I had a run in with the Nexus, I guess, and walked out of a restroom in The Arena. I never go to this place, because I'm not a fan of the duels, not really. Well, not the way most treat them. But I saw Erin and Cor dueling and thought it might be fun to duel Erin. She takes the sword duels pretty seriously, and she's actually really good at them. I didn't realize she was, but it was nice to see firsthand. But it was nice to, I dunno, do something she liked, to be a part of- 'her world' I guess? I ended up winning the duel though and I don't think she was too happy about that. Something about it messing up her rank. So I just felt like I screwed that up.

Later at the tea shop I know I screwed things up with Glenn. He was already upset and I make it worse then I got upset and I dunno- it was just bad. It's weird I suppose, because I've never really met anyone I've seen so much of myself in..? I don't know how to explain it, or how to react to it. Sometimes he's impossible, really, but it's frustrating to realize that I do it too. That's how I am. Just- impossible.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. I'm actually really looking forward to it.