Topic: Visiting a Friend

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-26 19:16 EST
Thanks go to Toby's player for this. :) This was a collaborative effort, taken from live play.]

Directions to Toby's cabin were pretty straightforward, though it was a bit of a trip. It was well to the north of the Inn's region, up into areas little travelled. She had been there once before with Erin to work on decorating, but it had been fall then. Now it was spring, and gloriously so, with the woodlands in bloom. But the path was true, and finally she came to the tall ridge that overlooked the valley in which the cabin lay.

That same path crossed the wild creek, and led through thicker woods and to the clearing. And there it was, that same cabin she remembered. A wisp of smoke rose from the chimney.

Lydia was glad she had been before, or else she probably would have gotten lost, or it would have taken her a lot longer to find the place. She traveled the southern woods frequently, but the northern were a bit of a mystery to her. She, among others, tried to steer clear of it as a certain Witch lived to the north, but this area seemed to be safe from such things. Lips pursed, she looked down the valley, taking in the scenery, taking in the cabin. Gaze lifted to watch smoke waft out of the chimney. A good indication Toby was inside.

Very much; this was land far, far north of even Elly's haunts. Toby liked his privacy, and had made sure of it.

The clearing itself was wide, and as she came through from the road, she saw something that probably could give her quite a start.

Continuing down the path, she moved towards the cabin, since that was the destination intended. Skirt snagged on a branch, so she had to pause long enough to free it. With the weather warming and this happening too often, perhaps she should switch to shorts sometimes. Thoughts were shaken away as she freed herself and moved onwards, pausing yet again in her tracks.

Far behind the cabin, in the open northwest part of the great clearing.. she saw a huge, huge, huge shape hulking there. The answer would come soon enough; she could see the pearlescent white hull, and on it painted with loving precision and care... "LADY". One look made it clear to her - the ship (for so it was) had been carefully and deliberately landed there.

The word did indeed give it away, as she had heard of the "Lady". A deep breath in, she eyed it almost warily. Small technological things didn't bother her so much, she even used some. Camera, recorder... but something like that? So much steel, so much.. well.. something about it seemed rather cold to her. It clashed with the woods.

There were dark shapes on the front porch. Shapes that saw her, and stood up; black ears perked. With stereo "Whuffs!" they darted off the porch and across the green, towards her. She'd seen them before, of course... but they'd been much smaller then!

Moving on, boots were quiet on the path to the cabin. Another glance around, nearly expecting to be assaulted by Duke and Duchess. She had quit work early and closed the store to give Ivy and Carley a little break and so she could do this. But she had to stop by the inn first, tend to Hershey. No telling what they'd do if they smelled a puppy on her..

And of course, there they were! Strap of her bag was gripped as she took one, two steps back. They had gotten huge! "Ah..."

They recognized, remembered her. Tails wagging fiercely, they were a bit better trained this time than before. They didn't jump, but just nosed her hands eagerly, happily, sniffing like crazy.

Relieved they didn't attack her and jump all over her, she reached forward, gently patting Duke, and then Duchess, as it wouldn't do to leave either out.

They yelped eagerly, nosing and licking, before Duke wheeled and darted back to the cabin and nosed his way inside. Duchess led Lydia back, a little more sedately, tail waving.

Pale blues watched Duke dart off, before returning to Duchess. A faint smile to the light red collared dog then, before she followed along towards the cabin.

At the cabin's porch, Toby stepped out from inside, closing a book in his hands with a white market in its pages; casually dressed and with a quiet smile on his face.

Her steps slowed as she neared the porch, until she stopped just before the steps, looking up towards Toby, faint smile still there, underlying concern in her eyes. "Hey there."

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-27 02:45 EST
"Why hello there, Lydia. What beams you into my neck of the woods?" He clicked his tongue and the two dogs went bounding into the cabin, nails clicking allll the way. Then he offered her a seat on one of the cushy chairs he kept on the porch. "I'm letting the cabin air out, for the moment." Chuckle.

Lydia shrugged faintly as she started to ascend the steps onto the porch. "Friend can't just visit another friend?" Her steps slowed again as she moved to the offered chair, but she didn't take the seat just yet. Brows then lifted faintly to him, curious about that latter remark. "Oh?"

"That's as good a reason as any." He nodded firmly. "I tried making some jerky, and while I like the scent, there's just a little too *much* of it." Wry. "What can I get you to drink? I've got all kinds of juice stuff, plus a whole plethora of teas."

She nodded. "Oh.. I've picked some jerky at the market before. For Mellon though. Hershey likes it too, if it's ground up.." She was already rambling, was that a good sign or bad? Time will tell. "Um.. I'm fine, thanks. Don't worry about it." Finally settling into the chair on the porch, she shrugged her bag off her shoulder and settled it into her lap.

Toby settled into the chair. "Hershey?" The other name he knew, that was her cat.

"Puppy I picked up a little while ago.. found him in the alley behind the inn. Wasn't in such good shape." Shaking her head. "He's much better now.. just a handful." Smile brightened a touch. "I'm trying to find him a home actually, because he's going to grow and being cooped up in the inn all the time probably isn't good for him." Not to mention, she knew little of taking care of dogs. Was still getting the hang of cats. Especially after the Mellon/Snowflake fiasco.

She could see the potential interest there. Plus the decided pleasure he took in her good deed.

"Didn't get lost I trust?" Leaning his chair back some. "I know there was a lot less green everywhere last time you were up here."

A slight cant of her head. Part of her felt bad for this, for keeping things light, but the other part felt it was right, carry on as normal, rather than dive into what she had heard so soon. "You wouldn't happen to know anyone that would want him would you..? He's big.. and I think he's cute, but some have told me he's really..ah.. not as cute as a puppy should be." Faint twist of lips. "Also a handful.. chews everything up, but he's good about not making messes.. uses newspapers pretty good."

"Oh? No, I found my way up just fine." Smiling and nodding. "Just took my time about it.. it's really beautiful up here."

You never know... the lightness might just be a good thing. "Well, you're welcome to bring him up here next visit... he might like to run around and such." Maybe full time! "How is he with other dogs?"

"I don't know." Admitting. "I haven't actually put him around other dogs.. he's just been around me, and Erin, Storm, Mille... Mellon too. He tries to play with him but Mellon will have none of that..." She chuckled faintly. "So I've had to keep him in my bathroom." Another reason to get rid of Hershey. Just wasn't fair to Mellon. Speaking of.. "I've been meaning to ask you.. do you know where a good um.. veterinarian is?"

"Well, tell you what.. bring him up here next time, and we'll see how he likes things." chances are, he'd love it - there was no lack of areas to run around here, and likely the two twins would be cool with a pup. "And yes." Nod. "In fact, I know two. There's one at Star's End, but I imagine you won't be going out there. The other lives just about ten minutes east of Rhydin Town. You turn north off the main road right before that first bridge, and he's in the little hamlet right up there. Winston, is his name. Big jolly guy. Laughs like he's constantly drunk, but knows what he's doing." Nodding.

She couldn't help but grin. If things went right.. well, she could imagine no better home for Hershey. "Really? Okay, I'll have to do that." And she actually has been to Star's End! Around Christmas, searching frantically for a present for Grem. She ended up making a hobbit cry. It was bad. Really bad. So she tried not going there if she could help it. Nodding as she listened, she even broke out her book and pen, scribbling down directions. No need to forget. "Thanks.. I really appreciate it. I ah.. have to get Mellon fixed." Pause. "Little good it'll do now." Muttered, that.

"Oh no.." Toby chuckled. "Kittens on the way?"

Nodding. "Yeah, Erin wasn't too happy about that at first either." A chuckle of her own then.

"How's she doing?" Toby knew there was rarely a good answer to that question... but he was still a nice guy.

"Ah.. she's okay." Pausing. "She's on vacation." That's what she told her to tell people should they ask. Yup.

He nodded, it worked for him. "Bet she comes back with a tan and a cabana boy." A beat. "Do English people tan?"

"I would assume so..? I don't know.." An almost perplexed look. "What's a.. cabana boy?"

Toby explained briefly about pools, and cabanas, and suburban housewives and such. Enough to get the point across, but not enough to elicit a DNW.

Lips twisted faintly to his explaination, she got the jist of it. "Oh ah.. yeah. Doubt that." A faint fidget in her seat, then she tucked book and pen back into her bag. She had forgotten about those.

After a long moment of silence, finally.. "So ah.. how are you Toby?"

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-27 03:25 EST
There was a front and a back porch to the cabin; the difference primarily that the front porch was shaded by the oaks that had been left near the cabin, so the sun was off them. And yet a fine breeze blew through - this was THE best place to relax and just do nothing.

Breezes had a knack for messing up long hair too, just a little. Hers was especially easy to mess up, so as that breeze wafted through she tucked a few vert locks behind pointed ears.

Toby leaned his chair back a bit. "You brought me a gift of good weather, I see.." Good-naturedly.

Pausing. "Talked to Wyh, by chance?"

"I doubt I'm responsible for it." Shaking her head, then pausing to his question. "Yeah.. bumped into her recently."

He paused a long moment. "Some things..happened." He began, slowly.

Brows furrowed a touch as she studied him. " you don't have to tell me anything." Shaking her head. " I don't expect you to. "

"Lorelie and I are over." He glanced out at the treeline.

Little smile at her. "I know I don't."

"We... had it out, over the baby. Mostly about what each of us thought her future should be."

She nodded faintly, falling silent to listen, faint frown on her lips. Hopefully Toby didn't have his porch in any sort of Feng Shui or anything because she just ruined it by scooching her own chair closer to his.

Nope, he was more a follower of DTOI style. Don't Trip Over It.

He slowly began to tell her a somewhat sanitized and cleaner version of the actual fight, and the sudden jump to Rien, and the continued fight there.

"Then.. they started on her. They started hurting her, like they always did when they wanted to control her. And... I snapped."

"Took everyone straight to them." Slowly. "And we had it out. I wanted one thing, and that was for them to leave my family alone." Quietly. "And they hurt her, in front of me. Just to show how powerful they were."

Still quiet, Lydia reached out to lay a tentative hand on his shoulder as he continued.

"Then, they hurt my little girl." Quietly. An ominous rumble seemed to fill the air, though no thunderclouds were in sight. His look to the comforting gesture was grateful. A deep breath then. "I...overreacted. I don't want to tell you exactly what I did." Quiet. "But ... it was..bad."

Hand squeezed just barely as she glanced away, to the air around them where she could have sworn there was.. something, but nothing to be seen. She wouldn't ponder too much on it though. "I.. I can't fault you for that Toby.. Gods knows I've done the same." Quiet words. " I think we all have. We all have our breaking points, our weaknesses..." Trailing off, she turned back to him. "...then don't." A faint frown though, as she shook her head. "You don't have to." People didn't know the details of some things she had done, and honestly, she'd prefer to keep it that way. There was understanding there.

" The Elders, well, they're not in charge anymore." Slowly. He wanted to come clean.. to perhaps seek an absolution that might never come. But he didn't want her to hate him, to look at him in horror and flee. "They almost killed Lorelie, before I stopped them." He took a deep breath. "I did some things that day that I'm going to have to live with, Lydia. I ... well, anyway, it's over between us. My life and hers... we're not on the same road. And, I think we finally realized we never will be."

"She has a duty.. and so does our little girl. I can't take Karma away from it without taking her away from Lorelie. And how can I take my little girl away from her mother?"

"How can I do that to either of them?"

Hand drifted from him, just a little. Talk of duties and obligations were always a touchy topic with this green haired elf. "You.. I..." What was she to say to that? Nothing she had to say could erase what he went through or make it any better really. "I guess you can't.. but.. is she..? ..You should be a part of her life too. You're her father." No judgement, but she believed fathers were just as important, if not moreso, than mothers. Her own prejudice and experience slipping in there.

"I will be." Quietly. This was the part that hurt. "Just...not now. I'm an example she doesn't need to be around right now. After what I did... Tapping his fingers on the chair arm. "I don't want that rubbing off on her. I'll still see her... I'll make sure of that. But she isn't safe staying with me." Deep breath. " But I want her to have a good role model every day, too." Long pause. "I told Lorelie... I wanted her to move on. Just because we aren't going to be together... doesn't mean she shouldn't be happy. Doesn't mean I don't want her to be happy."

She wasn't so sure about him not being safe or good for Karma, but she wouldn't voice agreement or disagreements. This couldn't have been an easy thing, and not one to take lightly. She's not sure how she would have handled things if it were her rather than him, so she couldn't understand everything he was going through in it's entirety.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-04-27 04:24 EST
"I'll find a middle road." Finally. "I want her to have a stable life, but I don't want to be left out of it. But right now... I have to get myself straight." He paused. "You don't have to tell me any details.. but have you ever done something so... bad, that you were sick about it later? I mean, completely sick?"

Pale eyes fell a bit to that question. She'd not lie, so she nodded.

"So did I, that day." He looked down too. "But the worst part is.... a part of me *liked* it, Lydia. As terrible as it was... there was a part of me that enjoyed what I was doing. Oh, it was all righteous and justice... but... it was terrible."

"And I liked it." Repeating.

"How do you come to grips with that? I made myself sick when I realized what I'd done, but another part of me exulted."

Another thing she couldn't understand, honestly. The one thing she had done and regretted more than anything, hated herself for almost every day? Not a part of her enjoyed it. "I'm not sure." Whispered almost.

"I can't.. lie to myself, Lyds. I can't pretend that part of me doesn't exist anymore... 'cause I know it does. So here I am. Looking around. "I decided that until I can figure out just who I am... and what I'm doing with myself... I should probably stay here. My little sanctuary?" Wry smile.

She nodded a bit, gaze lifting back to Toby slowly as she offered another squeeze to his shoulder, then drew her hand back to settle in her lap. "That's probably for the best.. if you feel it's right for you.. " She had done a little retreating herself when things got bad.

Grateful smile. "Out here... I can't hurt anyone. There's nothing to make me crazy. And it's a pretty good place for sitting and thinking, you know?"

"Yeah." Nodding, she turned to look around. "It is." There was understanding in her words. Her own retreat had been in the woods as well, though not in nearly such a nice place::

"I need to work a lot of things out, rather than go too far." One thing was clear. He felt horrible about what he'd done, but he regretted the 'act', not who he'd done it to. As far as he was concerned, till the day he died, the ol' bastards had earned it.

He sat quietly for a bit, looking around too. "She mentioned there was someone.." Slight smile. "who she would never have gone to, while she wore the bands. So at least I know she won't be lonely too long."

"Oh yeah?" A faint smile, though gaze had settled onto slightly fidgeting hands in her lap. "That's good..." A little nod before glancing his way. ".. and you know you're not alone, yeah?"

"I got that feeling when two of my friends showed up at my doorstep within a short span." Genuine smile. "It means a lot. More than you know."

"Well you were there for me.." Words quiet as she nodded.

Agreeing. "S'what friends do." Pause. "You know, it still goes both ways. Anytime you need to get away, c'mon out and visit." Smile. "I got plenty of sanctuary."

"I will." She nodded. "And anytime you need to.. I dunno.. get out, you know where to find me. It's a great place, but sometime, you're going to wanna get out."

"Cabin fever." Humourous look. "I was a little afraid to tell anyone the truth. I saw the look in Lorelie's eyes in Rien... like I was some monster." Ducking his head. "Doesn't matter how much I liked the feeling, I never want *that* feeling again."

"You're not a monster.." Shaking her head.

"I felt like one, if you saw her eyes... and my little girl." Looking at her.

"Anyway." Finally, firmly. "I figured in the end, I was going to tell you anyway. Because I figured that a real friend.. true friend... would look beyond those things." Glance. "And you did."

A faint, near sad smile. "Because I'm not that different from you Toby." She shook her head again. "I have no right to judge you for what you did."

This time he reached over, squeezed her shoulder briefly. Her smile widened a touch at the gesture.

"Hey. You able to stay for dinner?"

She pondered, briefly. "I don't see why not. What are you having?" Pause. "Jerky?"

Laughing as he stood up. "Not so much. How are you with salmon and grilled veggies?"

She shuffled to her feet, swinging her bag back on her shoulder. "Sounds good to me." She actually didn't care that much for fish but.. eh, she'd keep that to herself. No need to be rude!

He'd be a good enough host to make a good array of things, both the salmon, the veggies and a few others. There'd definitely be an abundance of choice - it was how he liked to cook.

As the door closed behind them. "It's the upside of having your own lake *and* your own garden." Snicker.