Topic: Meeting of Minds | OOC


Date: 2009-01-19 02:49 EST
Ooc for characters and readers with suggestions and questions. Hell even SL ideas would be welcome!

Vilrath Arisa

Date: 2009-01-20 15:48 EST
I've got a few SL ideas m'self...

1) I'll have to ask Lillia-mun about before we actually take it into effect, but it'll involve Raikou to be sure.
2) Is the Dark Army SL, I've spoken to you about this a little bit, you know, involving a certain someone, family, and idea...We'll talk more about that through IMs and PMs.
3) Vlassouk, we've spoken about them a bit, and I'd like to start an SL involving a small pack of them at least. There's already, if I'm correct, four males, and one female, I'd like to get a few more females for it, and perhaps another guy.
3) If Dark_Throne-mun ever decides to get on again, there was that Star Wars deal he was doing, and of course, Kadral's rather unhappy with him so...that could lead to some interesting events.
4) There are the two 'memories' the fragments, if you will, I'm still working on that.