Topic: Archives: Races, Languages, and Tech

Buram 'Fovemai Vadam

Date: 2011-09-13 16:29 EST
#Command: Activate Interface 100101: Research Archives

Authorization: 55892: Captain Buram 'Fovemai

Authorization: 87499: Commander Ian Blackthorne

Authorization: 82281: Commander Rebecca Loren

#Designation: Racial Profiles
>Category 1: Indigenous
>Division 1: Sentients

#Designation: Racial Profiles
>Category 1: Indigenous
>Division 2: Non-sentient

#Designation: Racial Profiles
>Category 2: Culture
>Division 1: Religion

#Designation: Racial Profiles
>Category 2: Culture
>Division 2: Arts

#Designation: Racial Profiles
>Category 3: Languages

#Designation: Racial Profiles
>Category 4: Housing

#Designation: Racial Profiles
>Category 5: Leadership and Government

#Designation: Technological Advancement

Welcome Captain/Commander. Upload is now safe to perform.

(If anybody wants to post a new species, send the profile according to this template to me or Rakki and one of us will be sure to post it. It does not matter if this is a species not encountered--the info will be noted as OOC only in the post subject.)

Buram 'Fovemai Vadam

Date: 2011-09-25 22:22 EST
#Command: Activate Interface 100101: Research Archives

Authorization: 55892. Recognized.

Welcome Captain Fovemai. The system is now safe to upload.

#Designation: Racial Profiles >Category 1: Indigenous >Division 1: Sentients

Entry 1 >Yordles. #Commence. The Yordle have been the most advanced creatures in their solar system known as Carix-5 for nearly four thousand years. Due to their small stature and lack of physical strength they have moved themselves toward technological advancement to leave their foes trembling in their wake. Though the Yordle is small their advancements have led them to many different achievements some would consider impossible. Nearly obsessed with technology they have made their home just off of their home world for the tech they used caused their planet to become extremly irradiated. It was destroyed shortly after its evacuation. If not searching for more tech, they content themselves with feasting on any sugar based items, such as candy. The male Yordles tend to be either blonde or blue with a rodant like nose, and females tend to have a more humanish nose along with their fur being light blue to pink.

#Designation: Racial Profiles >Category 1: Indigenous >Division 2: Non-sentient
Entry 1 >Deer. Bandle City.
Entry 2 >Sand wyrm. Ariacius. #Commence. Carnivorous dragon without wings.
Entry 3 >Dragon. Ariacius.
Entry 4 >Wraith. Bandle City. #Commence. Bear-like creature with sharp tendrils for hunting. Possible vampiric diet. Isolated cases of domestication.
Entry 5 >Wolf. Bandle City.
Entry 6 >Kobold. Bandle City. #Commence. Fox-like creature with nine tails.
Entry 7 >Mutated Gecko. Bandle City. #Commence. Mutation caused them to grow to nearly the size of a hippo.
Entry 8 >Oxen. Bandle City. #Commence. Domesticated.
Entry 9 >Dog. Bandle City. #Commence. Domesticated.

#Designation: Racial Profiles >Category 2: Culture >Division 1: Religion
No organized religion found.

#Designation: Racial Profiles >Category 2: Culture >Division 2: Arts
No creative culture found.

#Designation: Racial Profiles >Category 3: Languages
Entry 1 >Common

#Designation: Racial Profiles >Category 4: Housing
The housing centers mostly around large apartments which are capable of housing about twenty Yordles in a single room.

#Designation: Racial Profiles >Category 5: Leadership and Government
The Yordle race is led by district leaders, who gather en masse in Council. Leaders are not elected, but selected based on age. Unanimous decisions are required. The current High Elder is Yuri, who believes in fair, open trading with neighboring systems and peoples.

#Designation: Technological Advancement
The Yordles hold a high degree of technology, defense and security being top amongst them, as they are capable of mechanized mobile units, high powered weaponry, and EMPs. However, their propensity for creation is equally as impressive, as Bandle City is one of the marvels of the system. They are also currently undertaking terraforming the third planet of their system in the wake of their original homeworld becoming too desolate to support life. They are also skilled Biotic enhancers.