Topic: Couriers


Date: 2010-09-28 02:00 EST
A message was sent to Ali, a room key was enclosed.


There's a young Egyptian woman at Red Dragon in room 59. I'm not sure of her name, but she argued heatedly with you one night in the Dragon. Given what little I understood of the dialect she spoke, she was asking for her family.

Lucien shot her with a blaster. The wound was mostly cauterized, but it's what he said that directs my inquiry to you. He apparently blames her and her family for injustices and injuries to you and your family. If this is truth, then vengeance is yours to take not his.



Date: 2010-09-28 22:38 EST
A second note, in Fionna's hand, was sent to the house where the Bubasti cousins resided, sent via the same runner who delivered the first. With it, was the key, but not Colleen's brief summation. It read:

We received a note from an acquaintance that your Zahra is in trouble. She has been shot; we do not know the extent of her injuries. She can be found in room 59 of the Red Dragon Inn. The key is enclosed.

She took the liberty to herself of signing it, Fionna Helston al-Amat

Nothing more.


Date: 2010-09-29 21:10 EST
Shortly after the note from Fionna arrived at the Bubasti residence, a flurry of activity disrupted the normally-quiet dwelling. Sadir left, along with one of the guards; neither of them could be observed returning, but less than half an hour later the remaining guards went onto a high alert status.

Approximately three hours later, a young guard named Faisal arrived at the al-Amat residence carrying a short letter and a small wooden box carved with an image of Bast on the lid. The letter read --


Thank you for alerting me to the harm Zahra had suffered and the danger she was in. I have removed her from the Inn and am seeing that she receives complete medical attention appropriate for her nature. I am obliged to you for the information you provided, and I have sent a small gift which I hope you and your family will appreciate.


Sadir Shenouda

The box was about half-full of rich, dark soil that smelled of green growing things, spice and sand - the soil of the Nile river.


Date: 2010-09-29 21:59 EST
She came down to the shop door, wary and weary, when Lorelei called to tell her the guard was there. She didn't let him in, but had him stand holding the box while she read the note.

"Wait here, please," she instructed the man and closed the door again.

A few minutes later, she returned with a small plastic bag that had been part of the packing on one of Ali's shipments. She opened the door and held the mouth of the bag wide.

"Would you place that in here for me, please?" She was polite enough, despite the chill in her tone. Once he complied, she simply said 'thank you' before closing the door in his face once more.

The note went in on top of the unopened box, and she tied a knot at the open end to seal it before returning upstairs. The bag and its contents were placed on the altar of the shrine for Bast to keep for Ali, as she saw fit.