Topic: GAC Dinner Poll


Date: 2011-11-16 19:52 EST
If you're a GAC member, please let me know which of the following options works best for you by replying to the poll and then chiming in with a comment (so I know who to reach out to)...

In the November GAC meeting, Fio announced that the December meeting will be a yule dinner at her house for GAC members and guests on December 5th. I put that date out there because it's a Monday, and our meetings are usually on Mondays. But we aren't tied to that date for this.

So... which of the following options works for you? I know I can't get everyone, but I am going to try for the majority on this. The start time will probably be 9 PM ET.

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2011-11-16 22:22 EST
I voted for Friday 12/9 because I know I'll be home then... I'm 99% certain that I'd be free for the Saturday date, too.

Edward Batten

Date: 2011-11-17 09:25 EST
I put down the Saturday date because I usually have something or another going on Fridays, though lately that's been questionable. I should be free for either, but for the sake of safety I'm opting for Saturday over Friday.


Date: 2011-11-17 10:21 EST
The movie that I and others have been working on for like 9 months now is supposed to be premiering on the 10th. We (the Post and the movie studios) are planning a big live event for that night, starting at 9:00 p.m. Eastern. Just something to think about.


Date: 2011-11-17 10:29 EST
While I'm usually okay with most evenings, I selected Monday since my schedule allows that to be the easiest. Plus, like Fio said, already used to hanging with you guys on Mondays for meetings!


Alain DeMuer

Date: 2011-11-18 09:29 EST
No preference between Friday and Saturday. I'd like to avoid Monday because I imagine this event will run a little longer than the average GAC meeting, and I work pretty early the next day.

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2011-11-18 19:53 EST
No preference between Friday and Saturday. I'd like to avoid Monday because I imagine this event will run a little longer than the average GAC meeting, and I work pretty early the next day.

That's my main concern about Monday, too... although I, personally, will be off work the next day, I'm sure more than a few of the GAC will be needing some sleep.

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-11-18 20:12 EST
Personally I have no preference between any of the dates, but I went with Friday or Saturday because I think those are the dates Caroline's plus one is more likely to be able to attend.

Also ... very much looking forward to this GAC dinner, but I may not be able to make it. I'll be hitting third trimester in a couple of weeks, and my sleeping pattern might turn ugly. But I will try to make it!


Date: 2011-11-24 01:43 EST
Apologies for not responding sooner; I went with the Fri/Sat option. 9EST is pretty early over on my end and there's going to be kidlet bedtime in there somewhere, but assuming I'm home, I'll hop on and be at the keyboard as much as possible whatever day it's held.

Long story short, I'm probably not the best person to schedule this around. Whatever works best for the majority I'll try and make work for me!

--Matt (the real one)

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-11-24 09:45 EST
I checked my dates again, and Friday 9th is the best one for me, since I'm already committed to the Murder of Crowes premiere on the 10th. I really need to look at that calendar before saying anything. ::rolls eyes::


Date: 2011-11-24 19:21 EST
Friday the 9th is the winner! I'll be sending information out shortly, but please reserve the date if you can!