Topic: Poker Night

Steve Armstrong

Date: 2013-01-27 22:55 EST
Meanwhile, back at the Man Cave of the not-so-caped Anti-Crusader...

It had been quite the thoughtful Yule gift from Fionna, Steve's own little slice of private play space within the heart of The Eye, where the machinist could do... well, whatever it was that he did when he wasn't hard at work or hard at pestering the beautiful lady governor.

For some time, the room had been nearly empty save for the two pieces of furniture that had been so gracious included with the gift of the space:

The first was a hexagonal gaming table, handcrafted in select hardwoods and veneers and then finished in distressed Rustic Cherry with a protective clear coat. It's top was easily flipped over to reveal a green fabric poker-playing surface and a similar Texas Hold 'Em surface beneath that.

The second was tall, concealed bar cabinet, opening up to a polished mirrored back and any number of racks holding an array of alcohol that ranged from some of Fionna's favorite wines to some of the more traditional low brow liquors that Steve himself favored. The piece itself was quite the complimentary brother to table.

The rest of the room was sparsely furnished and reflected what could have been a less refined taste in life. Much of the living room furniture from the machinist's old apartment had found a new home there, which consisted of an old flannel-patterned sleeper couch, a Laz-E-Boy chair that had been patched up more than once with some misshapen leather scraps, and a long coffee table with a proud battlefield of scars that were too many to count.

It was easily apparent that the room's owner was either a man with little in the way of worldly possessions and tastes or had yet to devote a consistent amount of time to given the room a more personal feel. Save for an odd scattering of books on a small shelf (ranging from philosophy and poetry to art and engineering), there was little else.

But as Steve welcomed his guests, there was no shortage of both pride and pleasure over that small slice of his. Whether it was showing off the chairs at the poker table, which had once been beer kegs that he'd put chair seats atop, or the pint/tumbler glasses whose sayings reflected his inappropriate sense of humor, his mien of that of the happy host was nothing less than genuine.