Topic: The Good, the Bad, the OOC


Date: 2009-05-12 16:53 EST
Just a thread where we can post OOC FYIs, have plot discussions, etc.


Date: 2009-05-12 16:56 EST
(Previously posted in the WestEnd OOC board, cross-posted with minor revision here.)

In a post on page two of the Monsters, Gods and Demons thread, there is a scene where Fio's Missy personality led some unnamed people into the Studio. With the exception of two phrases, ("Oh man," and "What it about Michael?"), I have tried to keep my post to only my writing from that particular RP session.

However, it bears mentioning that this was originally an RPed scene, and I do want to mention the other players, because, really, none of us write in a vacuum. So, those also involved in the scene were LuckyDuck, SinjinFai, Mishka, Gemethyst and ChryrieNightstar. Thanks for some fun play!


Date: 2009-05-27 01:44 EST
Okay, I'm breaking down and I'm going to open a dialogue here, because frankly I'm stuck.

There are several directions I could go in the next segments of rewind, and I'm not exactly sure which path to take here. I have several ideas rolling around in my head, but I think what this thread needs is some help. So to all of those involved with this storyline, hear my plea.

On the one hand, everybody seems pretty much fixated on Michael. Who is he? Why is he, for lack of a better word, haunting Fio's studio? What kind of threat does he pose? How do we delve deeper into his inner mysteries with all the characters and their skills and abilities playing detective all in different times and places all at once?

I've opened a dialogue with Michael's player, and I have some ideas for a post concerning delving deeper into the past when he first or last infiltrated the studio. I don't want to take any liberties here without consent, though. Maybe a back and forth collaborated story worked on in PMs before posting would be best. Or if he gets some writing motivation to add that segment to the thread himself, that works too.

I also keep wondering about the "others" who have infiltrated Fio's studio before too. Frankly I don't know anything at all about them, so some insight somewhere might be nice. I can assume they may be priests from the E.C.C., but I don't want to be wrong there.

I've also discussed the potential writing of a scene involving the mural of Fio's children at some point, but with the current direction this thread is taking I think that one would be out of sequence and will have to wait.

Any and all ideas, thoughts, collaborative efforts, rotten vegetables tossed at my head, or whatever would be greatly appreciated.

Ali al Amat

Date: 2009-06-19 16:04 EST
Please be aware that every post in which Ali is having a conversation with another PC is a collaborative effort between myself and the player of that other character. These are generally, but not always, adaptations from chat logs. I don't note this in individual posts, because I am concerned about disrupting the flow of whatever narrative is taking place.

That having been said, I am ever and always profoundly grateful to the players of those other characters for their assistance in helping me to tell Ali's story. I am surrounded by amazing, incredible, clever, funny, brilliant people. Every day you guys make me proud to be a part of this wacky little pastime, and humble me with your ability.

Thank you all so much.


Date: 2009-06-25 00:15 EST
hopefully this fits in Monsters, Gods & Demons: 105615#105615

I'm not sure - if you guys think not it can always be moved or something, but Ali's last post in that thread inspired a little insight - so there it is


Date: 2009-06-26 12:53 EST
The Salvador post is perfect there. :grin:

Lucky Duck

Date: 2009-07-27 05:01 EST
The last two Bitonality posts were a collaboration with Ali's player. And quite frankly, if it wasn't for the player's incredible writing skills, I would have never gotten them posted.

Kudoes and much thanks, Dude.

Ali al Amat

Date: 2009-08-15 00:15 EST
The Bitonality posts for 8-14 were written in concert with FioHelston. She is a gifted, beautiful writer. All the best parts are hers.

Thanks, Fi.


Date: 2009-08-15 15:31 EST
Higher praise than I deserve. If it's true, it's only because playing with you brings out the best in me.


Date: 2010-10-10 14:08 EST

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2010-10-24 01:08 EST
So many thanks to everyone who came to Lirssa's birthday party, and major kudos to MissKate and FioHelston for organizing and decorating and being just fabu people!

If I missed anyone's Inventory Item for attending, please let me know!

Tara Rynieyn

Date: 2010-10-30 00:25 EST
I just got done reading Lirssa's letters and I wanted to let you know you brought a smile to my face. It shows the kind of person you are to take the time out to do that, individually.

I was laughing hardcore at the way Lirssa thanked Tara for all her gifts, staying so polite while doing so! You and her are so precious.

Thank you for the invite to the SL and for playing with me, always, as you do. I hope you had a good time and we made you and Lirssa feel special by participating.

You are an absolute delight to play with, speak to and watch in both the rooms and on the OOC boards.

Til we meet again, sweet.


Aunt Tara's Player ;-)


Date: 2011-11-11 12:51 EST
Oy... more people trying to kill Fio.

This playable explains part of it, and is related to this post thread, based on the play.

So, Renna... Howe... and now, alien Nazis. Whee!


Date: 2011-12-23 13:01 EST




Date: 2013-09-27 18:19 EST
A little something from me to you during Banned Books Week:

Banned Books Week Articles from Tor


Date: 2014-12-04 19:57 EST
Stop me...

Star Trek Christmas Song


What Does the Elf Say?


Levitation Holmes

Date: 2014-12-05 06:19 EST
You can't stop the season, you can only hope to contain it.

Little Drummer Boy

Night Before Christmas


Date: 2015-04-23 14:47 EST
More Bet Your Life please!

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2015-04-24 23:48 EST
More Bet Your Life please!

Seconded! :D

Katt Batten

Date: 2015-06-30 20:12 EST
Haven't seen you in forever and a day. Hope things are going good hon! ♥

This folder needs more reads!

Art the Bot

Date: 2015-08-31 21:35 EST
Eye need more!

(see what I did there?)