Topic: Drop Some Bones (OOC Chat)

Devon Blight

Date: 2016-11-14 12:57 EST
Because every folder absolutely must have one of these damn things.


Date: 2016-11-14 13:56 EST
Congrats on the folder!

Now get to work entertaining me! -readies crop whip- Chop chop!

Devon Blight

Date: 2016-11-14 14:14 EST


Just sayin'.

Devon Blight

Date: 2016-11-14 14:16 EST
Oh, and for the congrats you sent:


Tessa Reed

Date: 2016-12-03 07:45 EST
Welcome to the folder of straggling misfits, Russo <3


Date: 2016-12-03 07:52 EST
Thank you, but please.. Use my street name.

Tessa Reed

Date: 2016-12-03 08:13 EST
Carlos the Dwarf it is.

But only if I can be your treasured goat mascot.

But y'know, a sexy goat. Like in the creepy Orangina advertisements.

And call me Trixie McGlitterSnatch.


Date: 2016-12-15 10:27 EST
When somebody is SO unoriginal, that they can't even make an original icon and has to copy one that I made right down to the picture and description. Though I appreciate my point being proven! Sometimes it's not enough to copy someone's characters.

Hang in there guys! Nobody is fooled! Love your stuff! This goes for anyone that has been copied! Pathetic.


Date: 2016-12-15 10:37 EST
The title for the icon I made was better. Just saying.


Date: 2016-12-15 10:44 EST
Still taken from me.


Date: 2016-12-15 10:46 EST
Imitation is the highest form of flattery :)

Tessa Reed

Date: 2016-12-15 10:46 EST
Just like I'm going to go ahead and assume the Elitist Posse is making a point in Dragon Tales saying "my posts are better than yours" sort of thing?


Date: 2016-12-15 10:47 EST
Imitation is the highest form of flattery :)
Not in some cases.


Date: 2016-12-15 10:54 EST
Just like I'm going to go ahead and assume the Elitist Posse is making a point in Dragon Tales saying "my posts are better than yours" sort of thing?

I'm sorry you feel that writing is some contest where we have to one-up one another.

I think the Hot Mess thread is an amazing example that we can all write about the same topics in unique, creative ways.

Tessa Reed

Date: 2016-12-15 11:04 EST
Writing isn't a contest. I personally don't think it is.

Without context considering recent events, can you not see how one might take it as a bit of a jab? Again, this is considering there is no context, nor is there anything else that would claim it to not be.

The Hot Mess thread is a collaboration of great writing. Each one posted is beautifully written, I will admit to that without a doubt. It's a different showcase of the same topic, and each one is different, yes.

But there was nothing posted OOC saying "Oh, hey. We've taken the icon you made, and think everyone should have one" nor is there any announcement asking others to join.

From a perspective (and I will apologize if you have no idea on the recent events we've been talking about) on our part, it... doesn't look like innocent points being made.


Date: 2016-12-15 13:21 EST
For all those that think it?s okay, or are on board with the whole icon being stolen thing, I?m not sure if you know what it was about, but here goes anyways just so it?s out there. Please at least read and try to understand, and if you don?t after? Then fine.

I have dealt with my character being copied. She didn?t ?inspire? anybody, she was copied. I sorted out her abilities, her personality, among other things. I put a lot of thought into this character, she was my first on this site. Then I watched another character?excuse me, an already established human character?adapt her personality, her abilities, right down to the passing of regenerative blood and the forming of blood bonds. Why? To this day, I have no clue. All I know is that it was hurtful and discouraging to me, almost caused me to leave the site and if it hadn?t been for the support of other players I might have actually done so. When your stuff gets taken, it?s upsetting.

Some might see it as flattering, I don?t. If that player had come to me and said something along the lines of, ?Hey, I like what you put together for this character. Do you mind if I use it?? It would have been another thing. Hell, I?d have probably included them in my storyline and helped them. But when you work hard on something and watch it get taken, it?s something else entirely. It?s a slap in the face. It?s disrespectful.

Sadly, it wasn?t the last time it happened to me.

Later, I read a status on my AIM from another player who had gotten their storyline copied, mind you, by a different player. I watched this player put a ton of work into her storyline, I really enjoyed watching her build it and how she seemed to light up when she talked about it. This player was very discouraged to see it happening, and felt helpless against what had happened and the disregard for their feelings when it was done.

And recently, another player and close friend watched their storyline get ripped off.

I work hard on what I do just as I?m sure all of you do. If someone suddenly started copying your characters from personality to abilities without your permission, I am sure that you?d be upset. Or maybe you?d be flattered. Who knows? I guess you can?t unless you?ve gone through it. All I know is that I was not flattered, I felt disrespected, and those years ago I went to the player in question and nothing got solved.

When you put work into something and watch it get ripped off by someone who didn?t, it?s discouraging. That?s what the icons were for. Morale for those I know that went through it. It wasn?t some bullying tactic against someone I could really care less about (though wish they would stop ripping stuff off) otherwise I wouldn?t have given one to a player who was copied by someone else entirely. So I do apologize for lashing out, but seeing that was a huge slap in the face.

Tessa Reed

Date: 2016-12-15 14:07 EST
Granted, I'm just going to add on to Mar's post here. People made a point recently that I've thought about and blatantly admit to. A lot of characters I've written personally were inspired by other books I've read in the past, personal experiences, television shows, even random pictures on the internet that got the gears rolling in my head. There isn't a whole lot on this site that's 100% original, many (not all, mind you, as some people can be amazingly creative and an inspiration to begin with) ideas are recycled and adapted differently.

Yes, it's super discouraging to see something you worked really hard on fabricated into something else. Personally? I think it could be flattery, if notice is given. If I get inspired from something, I try to make an effort into letting someone know about it. Even a simple message on AIM or PM saying "hey, I just wanted to give you a shout out that you've inspired me to do this. Thanks for that." Because to be inspired by someone or something, it's.. that "aha!" moment. When someone says that you've inspired them for something? It's motivation to keep writing more.

No, I don't think there's many people who read my work. I don't care if they do. I write for me, it's my personal creative haven to build a world and the people in it. If you want to make it your haven too? By all means! That's friggin' great. You want to be involved? A message is as easy as a click away. But I won't fool myself into thinking there's some damn imaginary fanbase going on in my folders (though Mar and I might joke about it).

The point I'm trying to make here, is that things were blown SPECTACULARLY out of proportion from the get go. Should things have been settled differently? Sure. The point is, the crap has gotten out of hand. When it had seemed the storm has been settled, the eye only started turning once more and stirred up more drama. Those that thrive with drama and center on it, bully for you but I'm not interested.

As Mar said, the icons were morale/support not a bullying/harassing technique. And people would've probably known about that had they gotten from the source. But telephone is a tricky thing, isn't it? That old game you used to play as kids, where the rumor mill just gets more and more corrupted the further away from the source it gets?

It has come to attention that the icons were misinterpreted. Was it cool to rip it off down to the description without at least telling her about it? No.

For the record, I think the Hot Mess thread is a great idea. It shows a lot of different perspectives of the same topic and different ways to write it. And those who wrote in it did a great job. I won't claim that Dani's post is original, there's been plenty off bitches to kick a one night stand out of a bed and be a complete ass about it.

I'm sorry for those that got hurt in this entire scenario, I wish those that weren't involved and didn't get the whole story had actually tried to (AND A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO THOSE WHO DID! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE <3). I'm going to point out a few things here that I've been asked that are good points and the rebuttals I have.

1. We didn't have intentions of harassment. We might've gotten angry and said things that shouldn't have been said. Things could've been handled in a much more civilized manner, and I will apologize to those that seem to think that was the intent. Humans, we're dicks and we make mistakes. The fact of the matter is owning up to those mistakes and admitting when you're wrong. I'm a stubborn prick, those who know me can attest to this, and I have a temper like no one's business. You can call me what you want, (minus bully because I'll frankly tell you to get bent, js) and I'll probably agree. Hi! My name is Ass****! Can I have a sticker? I feel like I should have a sticker.

2. If you didn't talk civilly like an adult then why should we do the same for you? Well, I'll tell ya! It's called proper adulting (or something like that) and I'm putting forth the effort to do for you, to get this settled and over and done with because drama is a crock of crap and interferes with those involved's good times. No one wants that. Ever heard not adding fuel to the fire? This... is how I feel about this. But, the choice is ultimately yours to do so or not.

3. Why are you sorry now? Because what I thought was a little tiff that was over weeks ago is... apparently being stirred and it's a bigger deal than I originally thought. As previously mentioned, the gross word "harassment" has been brought up, so that warrants an apology to those that believed they got bullied. I, personally, friggin' hate bullies. No one should be bullied, online or IRL. If someone think I did so, then.. that's on my fault and I'm apologizing right now.

A thank you to those that read this, and (maybe wishful thinking) that this can all be moved passed and people can get on with their lives. As frankly, I'm here to write, not deal with High School BS all over again as I'm sure many of you are here for the same thing. This is officially me washing my hands of it as those directly involved and those that have actually given the decency to get both sides of the stories and make their own decision have done so as well.

Hope those that have read this have good days/nights/weekends and plenty of writing up ahead.