Topic: Rich Prick Chronicles (Billy's Journal) - 18+

William Shaw

Date: 2016-12-06 03:42 EST

December 1st, 2016
Entry 1

It's been a few years since I've sat down at a desk and scrawled my thoughts on paper. I know why. There are so many reasons, I wouldn't know where to start. But I'll try, maybe it'll help put my thoughts in order for once.

☻Having my thoughts on paper makes them real. Makes them vulnerable, and makes me worry about them being found. I like my thoughts where they are, in my head. Where no one can know them. Can't judge them.

☻Writing my thoughts on paper means reliving things I'd sooner forget. Numb it, forget it. Move on. But for them to be here? In this simple notebook? It's like watching a car accident on repeat. Or those song loops on Youtube. You know, the ones that I'm relatively sure they find the worst song to exist and make a ten hour loop to drive someone insane.

☻Finding the time. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I work or do anything productive with my life. I don't need to. I have the money to drink and shoot it away without worrying about the after effect in the morning. I've never had to worry about making it to work on time or fighting a hangover during a shift. Sounds perfect, right? Wrong. But that being said, it's finding the time between the ups and downs to collect my thoughts or be able to hold a pen steady.

☻There's that whole... Diary feel to it. Like I'm a high school girl dreaming about the football player as I watch him from the nerd table in the caff... I'm... not going to finish that thought. See what I mean?

☻That also brings me to the next fact: with words, I'm speaking to an inanimate object. Bringing me back to square one with the same problem I've been having for years. The therapist has no clue what they're talking about. They tell you to write your thoughts in a journal, but for what? What comes out of all this? What could possibly make me feel better about feeling as if there's no one left for me to talk to other than the pages of a flimsy notebook? Every therapist my parents bought for me told me to write one. It only made me think they didn't want anything to do with me either. Is it a therapist's default? To tell their patient to write their thoughts in a journal, so they didn't have to hear them? Is it a solution or is it simply a coping mechanism? I have those. Plenty of those. Some work better than others.

But at this point, I have nothing left. I haven't spoken to Tessa in months. I only wander my stupefied ass home when I'm certain my parents are out of town.

Avoid. Isolation. Alone. Fear. Numb. Intoxication. Haunted. Torn. Drowning. Wallowing. Dwelling.

All words I could describe and define myself with in keen detail.

Which leads me to my final reason. Everything written on this page makes me sound like a mopey rich prick.

Perhaps it would be best to write these thoughts here. Then no one would have to hear me whine. I guess there is a silver lining about this diary business after all.

William Shaw

Date: 2016-12-06 04:44 EST
December 2nd, 2016
Entry 2

I've been home for two days now. That's probably the longest I've been home in the past month, really. The only reason being is that there was a pretty message from Caroline on the white board saying that her and Eliott were on vacation for the next week. I can't say I'll be here the whole time, but not having them home is probably the best time I've had in weeks.

Don't get me wrong, they're wonderful providers. I've never had to wish for anything a day in my life. Well, not menial possessions, anyhow. They even have the decency to leave me a note saying when they're going to be back. I can't help but get the feeling that it's warning, however. "We'll be home in a week, make sure you're gone by then. Love you, son."

I can't remember the last time I called them anything other than by their first names. Years, probably. They used to get irritated with it, tried to correct me with the same "I'm your mother" and "I'm your father". Eventually, they stopped arguing with me over it. I feel as though it suits our relationship. Much more formal, pleasant. Realistic. There's no fooling themselves or myself on the matter. They're providers, not parents. Parents are meant to nurture their young, care for them emotionally and not just by buying their love. I guess I should be glad at least that humans don't normally eat their young, huh?

Which brings me to my next topic... Tessa. ... That was a terrible transition. For the record, Tessa and eating one's young does not relate. At all. For any sad sap who happens upon this journal, don't think that Tessa eats children.

Right. Tessa. I haven't spoken to her for months, but I dreamed of her last night. Perhaps it's guilt, the amount of calls and texts I've ignored. I know she's worried about me, maybe she should be. Maybe I should be worried about myself. But I can't bring myself to call her back or text her. I know she's going to come marching along to try to find me soon if I don't. But I can't bring myself to.

I've changed in this past year. I know she's seen it, everyone's seen it. She cares about me, I know that. And words cannot express my appreciation of my childhood friend. Childhood friend... she deserves a much larger title than that. She deserves the world, the moon, the stars. She's put up with my sorry ass for God knows how long, and for what? I don't get better, I only get worse. She says that it doesn't matter, that she loves me all the same. But I don't deserve her love. I don't deserve her friendship. I've proven time and time again that I'll just let her down.

I've tried to chalk it up to my guilt. My concern for her sanity and well being to stay away from her. But really, I'm afraid of her. She understands me. I've come to the conclusion that I'm possibly the biggest prick in the world. Years of yearning to be understood, and I push away the one person who truly does.

But that's exactly what terrifies me the most. She. Understands. And that... that is a fate worse than any I could imagine.

William Shaw

Date: 2017-02-03 02:43 EST
February 3rd, 2017
Entry 3

Another reason why keeping journals is stupid: I always forget I have one.

But, since I'm home again. I may as well before I give my pillows some head.

I visited Daphne in the hospital. The hippy duo was on another one of their protests for humanity... or non-humanity. Whatever. I don't really care. They're both idiots for getting involved in it. They just spray painted bulls-eyes to their foreheads. Which... considering some shmuck tried to blow up Daphne.. Looks like I wasn't really wrong, now was I?

Obviously, Caroline and Eliott aren't home again. They left a note saying that they weren't going to be back until the protests were over. Which, I guess some good did come out of their idiocy after all.

I finally texted back Tess. Told her Daph was awake. Shut off my phone like the prick I am. She's probably going to be pissed about it. Yet.. I'm having a difficult time caring.

Hm. I should probably get some help.

Will I?

Hold that thought...