Topic: When the Angels Fall

Rhys Bristol

Date: 2009-05-15 23:48 EST
Welcome to a different world...

A world where demons, vampires, Were creatures and magic is real. A world where humans don't have a chance against the things that go bump in the night, unless they are smarter and faster than the monsters. A world where the written word comes alive and fictional characters take on a life of their own, leading their writers through the many twists and turns of the character's own destinies.

Meet Rhys Bristol, an acerbic, womanizing demon hunter. The horde from the Pits of Hell has been after him for the past twenty years and he's determined to figure out why...and how to stop them from killing him.

Meet Riley O'Rourke, a beautiful, successful criminal defence attorney. Riley's more cut-throat than other attorneys...literally. She's a werejaguar, a rare breed of lycanthrope who changes into a big black cat on every full moon.

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