Topic: OOC: Flotsam and Jetsam

Victor Kazon

Date: 2011-05-18 14:59 EST
Due to various circumstances, some beyond our control (departure of players, abandonment of storylines) and some directly attributable to me (absence, loss of information and logs), there are going to be some loose ends in here that may never be tied.

For example, the (amazing, in my opinion, and Travanix was a genius for coming up with it) Scarred line was discontinued rather abruptly by virtually everyone involved, which I consider nothing short of tragic. Its sudden implosion is one of the reasons I went on such a long hiatus to begin with.

The incident involving the attempted murder of Angel last year was somewhat resolved but is unlikely to see any further progression here.

Celeth's involvement with the IAP and Shaitan group met a similar fate, although I am still somewhat unsure of the reasons. Regardless, that too is buried now. Celeth is shelved.

Vorn is shelved.

Melinda is floating, along with the Vitalis and its crew.

Finally, due to situations I am not at liberty to discuss, Anyanka may not be returning just yet. Time will tell.

But life goes on, and where it is possible, so shall we. I hope anyone who still pokes their head into this neck of the woods can enjoy the ride.

Victor Kazon

Date: 2011-05-19 00:20 EST
As for 'good' news, there are projects which shall be revitalized and once again start receiving attention.

Our primary effort, as always, shall be spent on the flagship thread (indeed, the central focus of this folder altogether), Generativity vs Stagnation. This has already begun.

The split threads that take place later in our little timeline, of Anya and Victor's search for the immortal gift to cure his disease (Absence Makes the Heart Grow Somber and The Road to Immortality), shall be my project to connect and complete. This is almost done already.

The beginning of the Scarred thread actually picks up soon after this point, but that project has been regrettably scrapped.

So for now, it is only fitting to fill the holes where we can, catch up the old with the new, and move forward...