Topic: To the Lovers of Angels


Date: 2011-09-21 23:07 EST
'Sometimes there is a person who's character defies explanation; who's soul shines bright even through the blackest of hearts; who's eyes crackle and glitter over with power too great for such mortal flesh to contain. These people are angels, whether they admit it or not, for it is not the words they say, but the deeds they do, and the shapes that shade their passing.

They are beautiful, but not always in the conventional sense. Like many shells, their own have flaws, both inside and out. There is pain they suffer, just as there is pain we suffer, yet they are still a creature apart; a creation too beautiful to be long for this world. Too precious to be understood. Too leaden by the burdens of life to ever truly soar, even if they still had their wings.

How do you spot these beings? And what do you do if you do? You revolve around them. Halo them. Show them what worship truly means. All because the moment your eyes laid to them, your heart fell out of your chest and bounced to their feet... and how could it not? It's those eyes. Those glances they make and the way they pierce you straight through to your infant soul. It's the way their fingers elicit sparks whenever they pass close enough to your skin, the way the breath in their chest sets a rhythm steadily enough to lull you to sleep. It's their everything and how it so suddenly needed to be a part of yours.

You live for their smile, even if it's slight; just as your body aches for their simplest pleasure, because even the most minor of their pains sends your senses reeling. Yet there is another side to this coin. A parallel to your own. The only difference being that their empathy towards you runs as deep as their misunderstanding of how important their presence is in your world. Forevermore is how long you shall stride along beside them, and they beside you, even after death, there is a cord stretched there in between, keeping you eternally wound and blessedly bound.

Take nothing for granted by cherishing each day as if it's your last with them. There is an angel out there for all of our lives. They are the ones that opened our eyes to the beauty within the world, not just beyond...

I have since found mine, and I pray that if you haven't yet, that all of you some day find yours.'