Topic: The Great Body Heist

The Grey Market

Date: 2016-08-04 10:43 EST

Midnight, at the crossroads. Grey waited in the halo of a street lamp, wishing the battered motorcycle jacket he wore had a collar he could turn up against the unseasonable cold and damp. He’d been standing nearly fifteen minutes already, which meant his contact was five minutes late; sloppy, unprofessional, but not unexpected. You had to make allowances for the eccentricities of certain folk in this line of business. Didn’t mean it didn’t piss him off.

He heard the engine before he saw the cause, because of course the brain dead jackwagon was driving with his lights off. Throaty, powerful, it sent chills up Grey’s spine as he straightened up and stepped away from the pole. Engine like that could give a man - especially an enterprising man like Grey - ideas. Engine like that was wasted on someone like… well. Invisible in the darkness, the car moved into the light like a hungry shark, sleek and relentless. The 1965 Ford hearse was a product of the Amblewagon company, who had made a steady business around the middle of the last century converting cars to carry grim cargo. Start with a stock station wagon, the go-to family car before the mini-van and SUV; change out damned near everything but the chassis. This one had begun its career as an ambulance before someone painted it gloss black and accented it with chrome for more somber duties. Its legacy from those days when emergency medical teams were sponsored by funeral homes and raced each other to be first on the scene of the accident in order to call dibs on the bodies was why it sported such a powerful motor.

It was a car that made Grey’s bootlegger soul cry out in joy. Too bad the man driving it made his skin crawl in disgust…

He was sliding in before it had even pulled to a stop. “Morning, Corpsefu-” he started to say cheerfully.

“Do not.” The driver cut him off with a sharp gesture. “Insult me in my own vehicle. Not when I’m doing you a favour, Timothy Grey.”

Grey’s smile strained, just a trifle. Just enough that somebody who knew him well might realize he was well and truly pissed. “But you’re not doing me a favour, you’re being hired for a job. And you’re being hired rather than someone marginally more competent and massively more pleasant because you owe me. And you desperately don’t want me to call that in - now do you?” The driver didn’t answer, and Grey’s smile took on an ever so slightly vicious edge. “And besides, I only call you that because you are a corpse-”

“Where are we going?” The driver was an unpleasant looking man, short and soft with the sort of pale, greasy skin that looked like it would ignite if ever exposed to direct sunlight. His bloodhound eyes and balding head gave him the hangdog look of someone you might expect to see on a prime time TV show, being invited to ‘take a seat right over there.’ His personality was worse still.

“Got someone to pick up. Steer towards the corner of Elphinham and Allison, about two blocks west of my place.” He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Corpsesnatcher,” he said after a moment. “That soothe your hurt feelin’s some? I’ll introduce you as Corpsesnatcher.”

“It’s hardly flattering.” The man he called Corpsesnatcher’s hands tightened on the wheel, and the engine howled with heat as the hearse sped through the West End night.

“You’re not a very flattering person,” Grey told him with that cutting smile. “And the lady we’re picking up is as like to kick your teeth down your throat as smile at you, so maybe keep your not flattering personality to yourself. And turn your friggin’ lights on before you hit a chupacabra, you damned idiot. You’re in the West End.”

The Grey Market

Date: 2016-08-05 14:27 EST
On the corner outside Broom Ten, Roach stood like a portrait of a hit-woman from another era altogether; Bonnie as seen through a strangely lit lens into a late night black and white horror. ?Her fedora at an angle that saw light only illuminate that pierced and naughty mouth. ?Beneath the hat, a Betty Page black wig to obscure the blonde dread-falls beneath.A crisp white shirt and a pinstriped vest and pants with a tie that sat askew; of course, it had to. ?Doc Martens shined in the puddle of streetlight. ?A ribbon of cigarette winding upwards from the lit end of her cigarette hanging from between fingertips hidden in kidskin black leather.?Like Grey, she hears that bone-chilling engine kick first and because she?s a perverse thing it?s a sound that trembles the spikes that limn her heart and curves her spine with delicious shivers. ?Ashen brows lift in shadow as she admires the car?s approach; its curves, its paint work, the mags on the wheels. ?She grins fiendishly as the car idles and the window goes down. ??Hey boys,? she purrs in that New York by way of Bourbon Street accent of hers. ?A gloved hand, fingers splayed like claws, smoothed along the roof and along the backside of the rumbling beast like she?s coaxing it to her whim. ?A pleased bite of her lower lip and she sashays back to the front as Grey kicks open the door and she gets in. ??Move yer tush over a little?, to the man behind the wheel. ??We ready?? Then she leans right back, wiggles her shoulders against the seat in a slide down and exhales as the engine roars and they hurtle forth into the fog of night.

"Your acquaintance, I presume." Corpsesnatcher looks less than pleased with his living cargo, his pale hands white-knuckled on the wheel as he steers the beast through the darkness.

Grey smirks, ever so slightly. "Yeah, that?s my Roachie. Remember what I said about teeth, she's got 'em and she'll kick yours down your friggin' throat. So mind your manners. Roach, this is Corpsesnatcher. We ain't friends, but he's got a sweet car and the paperwork we need to get into the morgue without spookin' their security. They're right next door to a Guard House, so I wanna keep this lookin' legit as we can manage."

He gives her an appreciative up and down. "Lookin' good, bee tee dubs. My outfit's waitin' in my lock-up, we're headed there next. Turn here, Corpsey." He gestures, and thin-lipped, the ghoul made their chariot obey.

?Anyone tell you that you're the spitting image of Peter Lorre, only, perhaps, more effing creepy?" ?She's grinning wide the entire time she ogles the man past Grey around the trails of cigarettes she pushes out the window with a pucker of her mouth and aid of the rapid-fire breeze that shoots past; that's how fast they were flying down the streets in that death trap. "Thanks, gangster." ?She pinches two fingers against the brim of the hat and drags them back and forth across the edge theatrically. ?"You packing heat?" ?And then another peer at the driver with a morbid interest in how it was he hadn't been hired by the likes of Hollyweird back on Earth, touted as the next big thing in cult cinema since Lon Chaney.

"Would you ask her not to smoke in here." It?s not a question, and Grey sighs theatrically.

"Roach, could you stub the butt for now? Corpsey doesn't want the smell of tobacco bothering his passengers." He cocks a thumb at the cavernous space in the back. "Of course I'm packin' heat, doll. Especially when you're around." He gives her a waggle of the eyebrows. "Okay, simple plan. I switch duds, we roll to the morgue. We bluff past the guard, we get the body, we splitsville our way to the drop off. That's what, Taneth's place? By the Little College?"

"Her place is in the forest or sommin'. ?So's she said. ?There's a map." ?Roach pats the breast pocket of the vest. ?"But a?ight. ?Let's do it like this. ?Don't take too long slicking back yer hair though, okay." ?A sharp nudge of her elbow and a side-on smirk.

"Oi, Peter Lorre; put some effing grunt into this thing and show us what she can really do." ?And reluctantly, she flicks her cigarette out the window where the wind rips it to shreds, its cherry end darting across the windowpane like a suicidal firefly.

"No point to that. You're just gonna pull it out again later." He smirks again, that quick, crooked grin. Then he puts his game face on as he directs Corpsesnatcher to steer the hearse into a storage facility's parking lot. Roach has to slide out so he can get out, and he takes the opportunity to pin her up against the car and kiss her until Corpsesnatcher makes a wordless sound of disgust from inside. "Don't hurt him," he says as they break. "We need him to get into the morgue and get the body." He bites his lip as he resists the urge to kiss her again, and instead just hipchecks her and makes his way into the lock-up. No more than five minutes before he's back out, and he's pleased to see that Corpsesnatcher isn't laid out unconscious on the pavement with Roachie doing mad doughnuts in the parking lot behind the wheel of the hearse.

The boy's cleaned up nicely; a funeral suit, pressed and clean, and a bowler hat hiding his spiky hair. Shiny black Oxfords reflect the street lights as he walks out to the car.

His kiss alone pins her in place without the lean of his body. ?She's as greedy and unrelenting about it as he is and when the driver interjects she sulks and pouts. ?He bites his lip and she bites hers. ?He goes and she almost sinks down to her knees against the side of the car because her knees have gone to wobble-town. ?But as always; the mask was readjusted and she straightens up and lights up another. ?Corpsey stood very severly with his hands folded before himself and his hound eyes staring straight ahead; kind of hunch-backed and his gaze drilling some sort of hole into Roach's side as she leans against the recently polished fender with that smoke half gone and embering between her fingers just grinning at him. ?She sees Grey and her jaw drops as she takes him in like he's the goddamned Cistine in the flesh. ?The cigarette drooping from the corner of her mouth. ?"Oh you're definitely getting yer hair messed up later, bucko." ?Shaking her head she lets out a low whistle and then walks up to him, removing the cigarette from her mouth and hovering it out towards his.

"I didn't even touch Corpsey. ?I was such a good girl." She purrs. ?Corpsesnatcher groans and heads around to get into the car. ?The grumble of the tank was a sign to get feet shuffling.

"Good girls get treats," he says, and can't help but kiss her again - a bit more tenderly this time, with the excuse bein' that their hats will bump and fall off if he indulges. He plucks the cigarette from her fingertips as they part and takes a deep drag, exhaling the smoke through his nostrils like a dragon. "But bad girls get spanked." He passes it back to her to kill, sliding past her into the car - deliberately brushing against her more than necessary, like a cat marking its scent on someone. Corpsesnatcher spins the tires the moment she's in the car, only Grey's quick hands on her waist keeping her from either falling back out or getting her boots slammed in the door as it swings shut from the momentum of the car lurching backwards. Grey casts the pale ghoul a murderous look over his shoulder, but doesn't remove his hands from Roach's waist as they squeal around a corner.

"Remember to slow the frakk down before we get there," he says. "The last thing we need is them wonderin' who the hell's in a hurry to pick up a body at this hour of the mornin'."

The cigarette dies out like another dead bug on the grounds of the facility as tires peel. ?There's a yell from her for nearly going flying out the door or losing a boot, but he's giving the beast more juice and as they take the corners like physics is optional, she squeals with delight cuddled up against Grey; like their favorite player has just touched down the winning goal, and they?re not on their way to steal a girl's body. ?That's right; steal some random girl's body and take it to the forest. ?Nothing strange going on here! ?Given the proximity, she sneaks a few throat nibbles into that topsy-turvy embrace, as the seats jump and the car howls and leers its way to the morgue.

At the gates; black metal that impales the concrete below and rimmed with electrical wire, the hearse's headlights throw sinister haloes of light against the building. ?A security guard approaches the car and peers in as the ghoul hits a button and the window lowers. ?"Hey, folks. ?Who you here on behalf of? ?Bit late for a pick up, ain?t it?" ?The man glances back towards the forbidding building and then to the three in the car, ducking his head lower to get a better look at the trio, taking up his flashlight and hitting each of their faces with it. ?"Y'all got a pass? And I'll need the name of the deceased."

Corpsesnatcher clears his throat and pulls a neatly folded packet of paperwork out of his jacket. "Yes, good morning Rothschreck," he says blandly - either familiar with the guard, or reading his name off his chest. "You'll find all in order. We're with ?the J.K. Smith Funeral Home, and we're here to pick up Miss Zynnara Badaloni from your care."

The guard's eyes went up as he stepped back from the car and looked over the paperwork. "Her? About time. Her brother's been making an awful pest of himself, trying to get her turned out. Said he didn't have the money for a funeral home, though."

"There was an anonymous benefactor," Corpsesnatcher said, accepting his paperwork back. "A charitable contribution, of sorts." Grey's elbow finds his side as he promises to wax more eloquent on the subject, and he winces slightly and gives a pained smile. "Well, must be off. Bodies to prepare, and all."

Grey somehow resists the urge to sigh. The key to a lie is to keep it simple. Easy to remember, easy to believe. Don't get fancy.

When the torch finds her face she prepares her most sweet smile for the guard and nods once. ?As soon as the light shrinks away and the guard becomes concerned with the paperwork she slowly pinches the very top of each gloved fingertip and removes it from her hand and flexes her joints against the slope of a pinstriped thigh... ?Just in case things get hairy.

"Girl may be dead, but da~amn, she's lucky. ?Benefactor out of nowhere? ?Hell, well, at least we can get her out of here. ?Don't take too long because I wanna get home. ?We're due to close in about forty five minutes." ?He gives the car another hard look like maybe he thinks sometime is off about the situation but he's an affable enough guy that he doesn't nag further. ?He backs up and there's a loud buzz as he pulls a black, shiny handle from behind his booth and the gates part. ?The ghoul hits the pedal with a nod of his greased back hair to the guard and crawls the hearse into the lot that waits to the left of the building.

Parked, Roach looks back at the casket in back and then beyond it to the guard's box. ?She stuffs the empty glove into the back pocket of the smart trousers and heaves the door open. ?Holding it for Grey, she gives the place a once over and slams the door once he steps past her. She steps up to him to give him a kiss of good luck and then gives Corpsey the signal; the three march towards the entrance. ?There's another loud buzz as the doors slide open and the lights begin to flicker on one by one throughout the home. ?The smell of carnations is overwhelming, as if it was pumped into the rooms via the vents. ?"Corpsey, when we get in the room, sort out the gurney. ?I'll check the list, there should be a list, of which number is which body." ?The ghoul proceeds down the hall, he's been here before. ?He nudges open a swinging door and heads inside the room with its sickly lighting and cool, stale air, as icy as mausoleum marble. ?Roach steps in behind the boys and heads for a thick bound book and licks her finger as she flips hurriedly through the pages for the most recent list. ?"She was turned in on June 19th... ah, bingo. ?There we go, little Badda-bing Badaloni!" ?She makes a clucking sound and points across the room. ?"Number 666."

He smirks, just a lil, that Roach can't resist kissin' him again - 'for luck,' sure - but merely murmurs, "Game face, lyubovnik," as they pass each other and enter the building. There's supposed to be a morgue attendant on duty - someone whose job is to attend to the deceased, where the rent-a-cop outside was just there to keep undesirables out. There was probably a priest somewhere on the premises, too, and Grey wouldn't be surprised if there were Medical Examiners pulling all night autopsies, in a city like Rhydin. None of them were in sight, and he could feel the spiky hairs on the back of his neck going up h. they went down the corridor.

"Well, doesn't that just figure," He mutters as Roach reads off the number. He glances over to where Corpsesnatcher has gone to fetch the gurney. It still doesn't feel right, and he walks over to pull out the drawer with the ominous number. He spots the feet as he's passing the desk, and then the dead man. Not naked, under a sheet, on a gurney or in a drawer. No, this dead guy is laying on his back on the floor behind the desk, and he's dressed in a lab coat and scrubs. It's pretty easy to tell that he's dead, even though Grey doesn't have a Medical Examiner's license; living people usually have more head. And more blood. This guy's missing plenty of both, and Grey swears under his breath.

He straightens slowly, hands brushing down his suit with an almost convulsive motion as he turns on one polished shoe tip back towards the woman with the black wig. His eyes scan across the cold stone and polished steel of the harshly lit mortuary as his hand slips behind him...

There, a shadow above her that doesn't move the way it should. It's purest instinct, but he's already drawing his pistol from behind him. "Roach, cover!" And he opens up with the thunder of the gods...

Adapted from live play with Roach Lee

The Grey Market

Date: 2016-08-21 03:00 EST
There's a fury of bullets. An inhuman keening wail. Roach ducks and crawls quickly across the floor under one of the autopsy slabs for cover. That ungloved hand, fingers splayed and palm facing down, just in case she's got to go to town. She doesn't like to, she hasn't in awhile, not since the Stew, and even then, her game had been weak. There's another of those keening sounds that reminds her of the time she saw a banshee being pursued by the Watch for wearing no clothes; they were trying to give her a fine for public display but she howled her way up a wall of the clocktower and evaded both their guns and a court appearance.

"Corpsey," she hollers. He's headed back into the room with the trolley, she can see him from where she's crouched, and he turns the corner into the room just as the creature drops from the ceiling.... and is pinned into the wall by the gurney. Roach uses that moment, because who knows how long that's going to last, to slip around and up and begin to coax a warmth into her upturned palm. The thing's chest is spurting green and littered with Grey's shots. But, she hesitates from directing any kind of flame to form; there's a steel case on the gurney in front of Peter Lorre who is plucking garlic, a stake and a number of small vials including holy water, from its depths. The vampire screams loudly again, red eyes wide in horror as it flails against the gurney that Corpsey keeps pressed into the man with the press of one hand and his abdomen. Roach lowers her hand and runs over to assist in holding the gurney flush against the monster, while he sorts through the kit and its directions. "Yo man, hurry up, what are the directions?!"

The vial that falls to the floor is Holy Water; it begins to burn a hole, curiously enough, in Roach's boot toe and the smudge at the nape of her neck, Robert's signature, begins to glow red hot. She hisses through her teeth then yells out backing up. The vampire gives her a curious eye and then begins hissing in turn, like a cat in heat. Corpsey looks between the creature and Roach then down to her boot and when he meets her eyes it?s with a smile that wasn't a smile at all, but echoed the disgust on his face in the hearse when he heard the pair macking against the side. "I knew I didn't like you; you filthy girl." Disparagingly.

Roach shakes her head at him and fetches the stake from the kit. "We?ll discuss the meaning of hate laters, frakkface." Over her shoulder to the driver as she launches the implement into the creature's heart. Green ooze milks from the wound covering her hand as she plunges it so deeply there's a crack. "Yeah, die, motherlover, die!? She screams, and then backs off. She lets out a curt sigh then looks back to the door as more of the squad approach. "Grey," her voice rising in warning. "How many men?" The creature flinches and shakes as in seizure and then appears to slump to stillness. Corpsey stares at the vampire lengthily before stepping back and dragging the gurney across the floor. Blue neon flickers overhead. Chaos rattles down the hall. The vampire hangs, pinned to the wall via the stake. While the driver readies the bed, Roach pulls out the drawer... then makes a face. "Uh... this isn't Badaloni, guys."

"Indeed; I drove her here myself last night. That's Wendy Lachance. She has prominent ..." he seems to salivate a moment, "clavicle bones and ...." he stares at her body salaciously, forgetting himself a moment... then with a frustrated thrust of his body, bunches his fists and seems to whisper to himself before replying, "It seems we have a case of switched bodies."

He's been a busy boy while they've been playing dances with fangface. Getting in close immediately had been key; just as one is often warned not to bring a knife to a gunfight, the reverse of the aphorism is also true. The men at the front of the pack are in too close to clear their stubguns for action; those further back can't fire for fear of hitting their teammates. And this is the kind of fighting at which Grey excels, for all that he's been enjoying the little play matches and sport duels in the ring of late; the in close, bare knuckled grit of the street fight, where it's all elbows and knees and fists and feet in a flurry of confusion and pain.

One of the survivors will say, later, that it was like being caught in a blender with blunted blades. He just remembers getting hit, over and over, until he lost his balance and smacked his helmet hard enough on the ground to knock himself unconscious. The doctor's reports show bruising around the neck and collar that indicates someone had helped him along his way to dreamland, and the forensic examiner will find that the ballistic helmet impacted with enough force to split it like an overripe melon.

But at the time, it's all just one jumbled mess of shouting and thumps, until suddenly the only cops still in the room are sprawled on the ground, moaning or unconscious, and the rest of them are on the wrong side of the door Grey's slamming shut. "Looks like a whole gods damned tac team," he pants. "Can we grab the chick and bail before this gets any more frakked up?" And then it does. "She's what?" There's a boom, and a rattle, as the grenade he'd ripped off someone's vest and tossed into the autopsy room just before closing the door goes off. He fervently hopes it was a flashbang or a stun grenade, because this night is already gone to pot and he doesn't wanna know how much worse it can get.

"Grey, this isn't the girl you came here for. I can assure you, Roach is, regretfully, correct. I brought her in last night. The paperwork..."he trails off and looks again to the prone body beneath the sheet with something of a forlorn in his expression, before turning those hounddog eyes on them both, looking between the two. "We need to leave with a body. Rothshreck we can get around as long a--" he flinched as another loud bang took place outside the room and something vibrated and fell.

Roach too, was looking between the men, tapping her foot and sucking on her upper lip. "Wells, this is frakked as frakking frakk. But ok, let's get Wendy Whossiwatsit outta here." Taking the bottom of the gurney, she assists Corpsey with heaving the body up (and not without some struggle) onto the stretcher and then moves back to the end to assist in wheeling her out. A siren begins wailing, and the vampire is stirring against the wall. It hisses. And then reaches for its chest and pulls the stake out with a wet, thwop, and heaves itself forward from the wall. Eyes like coals.

"Boys, move it." And running backwards, she begins hauling Wendy Lachance out of the morgue. "Grey, I thought you said you was a simple man with simple plans!"

"Shut up and keep going!" Shouts Corpsesnatcher, regaining his composure. "Now!"

Frak. Frak. Frak. This was supposed to be a simple job, just in and out, and instead he?s finding himself wishing for more grenades - and maybe backup. A tactical team of his own would be nice, for starters? He comes off the door he?s holding closed, pausing to kick a groaning soldier in the helmet to hush him up. ?Ah, crap inna frakkin? hat.? He starts towards where Roach and Corpsesnatcher are pushing their ill-gotten body out the door, and the vampire catches his attention. It?s almost pulled itself off the wall, and it?s staring hungrily - at the unconscious and semiconscious men on the floor.

Better them than us, he thinks, and then a pang of guilt hits him unexpectedly. Sure, they?d been trying to bash his head in - and how the hell had they gotten there that fast? - and they probably wouldn?t have shed too many tears if he?d caught a couple bullets in the melee, intended target or not. But they were humans, too, and leaving them helpless for a fiend escaped its grave doesn?t sit right with him.

?Keep goin?, I?m right behind ya!? There?s gotta be some goodies in the utility belts the SWAT cops are wearing, and he rips a couple pouches open. The contents are surprising, heavy on clear glass vials marked with holy symbols and paper packets of what looks like some kinda dust. These guys weren?t expecting a trio of human bodysnatchers, they were expecting something bigger - and probably more infernal, too. The vampire rips itself free of the stake with a wet, sucking sound - and runs, not at Grey who?s waiting for it, but after Roach and Corpsey.

?The frak? Hey! Hey, asshat, get back here!? Grey reacts instinctively, and pegs one of the vials off the back of the bloodsucker?s head. It doesn?t react well to the shattering glass or the splattering liquid, which steams and smokes as it burns like acid. The vamp whips around, its attention attracted - to the bodies on the floor. ?The frak am I, chopped liver?? Grey wonders aloud as it dives at a semiconscious cop, and gets a boot in the face. ?For the love of-?

The door that he was no longer holding shut springs back open, and the angry man in it starts shooting. Grey hits the deck as the vampire begins the danse macabre - and then, shrugging off whatever bullets it?s getting sprayed with, launches itself at the autopsy room. Grey is absolutely done with this scene, now, and he comes up off the ground like a runner leaving the starting blocks, spinning out of the room and down the hall after Roach and Corpsey. They?ve got the body loaded by the time he hits the door, and the car zooms by - barely slowing down enough for him to dive in, landing in Roachie?s lap.

It?s a landing that Joe Montana would have hollered for as he slides across her lap, legs curling in the door as again, it slams with the car?s momentum as Corpsey hurtles them out of the grounds and for the gate. Rothshreck only has a moment to work the lever to open the black gates when the car flashes by; wheels burning the asphalt. Roach is assisting Grey in getting upright in the seat - though he?s agile enough that it?s not much - while Corpsey yells out, ?Rothshreck; trust me, when I say... Run. Run now,? and the hearse is off in gloss-black thunder and tire-smoke.

?Grey, where to now? Rhy?Din Memorial?? Asks Corpsey.
Meanwhile, Roach is getting comfortable; she unbuttons her vest a little and tosses the fedora off of her head to the back and then digs into the glovebox, feeling around for tissues or some such to get the shiz off her boots and the green slime from her hands. Instead, her hand produces a ball and gag, handcuffs and a gimp mask. A slow turn to the ghoul at the wheel and then a look to Grey with ashen brows arched. ?Kinky.?

She takes one cuff in her hand and begins turning them around and around while dancing in the seat. ?Oh yeah, Corpsey. You freaky-ass ?.. freak.? A cackle as she stuffs the sexual paraphernalia back into the glove box.

?Those are not mine, blyad,? Grey mutters at Roach?s arched eyebrows, and then joins in staring at their driver - who snaps his fingers irritably.

?Focus, please, Grey. Rhy?Din Memorial??

Grey rubs his face, feeling suddenly tired even though his heart is still going a mile a minute and he?s pretty sure the adrenaline dump is going to lead him to puke. Man, I just went toe to toe with like twenty cops - a slight exaggeration - and a vampire. Blyad, this was supposed to be a simple job? But it?s still rolling, and anyway, like hell?s he gonna show weakness in front of Roach or Corpsesnatcher. Very different, but pressing, concerns for both reminding him to keep it buttoned up. He can freak out later, over booze and smokes in a nice quiet corner where nobody will hear him gibber. ?Frakk, I dunno. You?re the body-snatcher, you tell me. They were supposed to bury her yesterday afternoon, right? Where?s the most recent internment been??

?Rhy?Din Memorial it is, then,? Corpsey says in a tone of such smug satisfaction that Grey wants to throttle him. If you knew all along, you jerkoff, why phrase it as a question? Might have tried, too, if Corpsesnatcher hadn?t been driving and Roach in between them; so instead, he slumps back against the door and rubs his face again. After a moment, he looks at the cuffs she?s still twirling in her hands and bites his lip to keep from busting into a full fledged grin.

?So? you, uh, gettin? some ideas there??

He slides into her as Corpse takes a right turn, tires moaning and howling like ghosts on the wind. ?The frakk? Corpsey, this ain?t the fastest way to Memorial.?

?Oh,? Corpsesnatcher says, somewhat distantly. ?We have a quick stop to make first. Just a? drop off.?

Grey looks back at the wrapped package in the back and slowly shakes his head. ?Aw, for frakk?s sake??

?Won?t be long,? Corpsey answers in that droll, exaggerated tone as he turns the wheel and steers them through the ill-lit back roads of the city. Via canals and low bridges and to a sparse area of town that turn with sirens, howling dogs and indistinct shouts, loud thumps and bangs that may have been firecrackers, gunshots or the beat of far off dragon wings.

The hearse pulls into the cracked driveway of a house in the Ralph Haver style; something from off Mulholland that had been dropped into the ass-end of town and let fester. The plants are overgrown in front, though the lawn is manicured. The paint on the garage is in need of a new coat and the windows stare at the street with brown-tinted eyes as if downcast at the state of its facade.

?I?ll leave the keys in the ignition,? he says as he turns them and strangles the car?s moan. ?Roach, would you be so kind as to assist me with Wendy...?

He exits the vehicle with a last look at his glove box, indicating that Roach should return the cuffs she was lassoing to their home. She does so, but not without another fiendish laugh and look shared with Grey before scootching over and exiting the driver?s side after the man. A gloved hand passes over the wheel, the way one might reach for and caress a lover?s face. By the time she reaches him, the ghoul has already peeled back the rear of the vehicle. Then he motions to her to wait as he walks over to the garage and hits a hidden switch behind a bush to the side. The lights come on with a shuddering buzz in a series of epileptic flashes, sending a paranormal-white glow across the cracked concrete and lawn, so bright that Roach has an arm up to shield her eyes. ?Christ!?

?Is everything a chore for you?? He asks without interest as he returns to the back of the vehicle and starts sliding the collapsible gurney out. Roach locks the wheels in place beneath it, and together, the two push it up the driveway - one wheel squealing like a damned soul - and into the garage. She only grins at him through her grimace.

?You?re a real creep, you know that?? She brushes off her gloves and saunters back to the car, undoing her tie as she goes. She throws open the door, slams it after herself and slides on in, hands alighting on the wheel. She looks outside as the ghoul approaches the trunk to close it and stares through the open car at them.

?I?ll ask you to remove your miscreant hands from the wheel.?

?Say what, Peter?? She turns the key while draping an arm over the seat and looking back at him while a combat pressed the pedal. The beast growls in heat.

?Move over,? lowering the hatch he began to move around the side of the hearse, but she was hitting the pedal again; this time without her other boot on the brake, and the wheels spun smoke.

?Hey!? The ghoul leapt out, trying to clutch the door or her but she was angling the car onto the street. ?See ya later, asshole!?

The man runs a few paces before stopping, seeing the inevitability of what was transpiring; his arms in the air and the light from the garage silhouetting him grimly, like some sort of mad scientist watching his monster tear off into the evening; untamed and wild.
Screaming out the window, that car consumed the wind and the night and shreds her triumphant hollers as they burn the roads at demon-miles an hour, ?Yeah, motherfrakker, yeah! Light me up a smoke, gangster.? They take a corner, over the curb and nearly taking out a hydrant. ?It?s time to dig. Dig?? Tearing her tie off she throws it onto the seat between them and increases the speed.

Grey smirks as he digs his pack of Luckies out of his breast pocket and sticks two between his teeth, lighting them with a duck of his head and a flick of that trusty brass Zippo. ?Tell the truth now,? he chides as he passes one over to her. ?How much of that was because he?s a creepy frakker, and how much 'cause you wanted to drive this monster??

She gives a short, carrion crow caw as she takes it. ?About fifty-fifty.? A moment's pause. ?Maybe seventy-thirty.?

She hits the straightaway and puts the hammer down, driving them on. Like a bad omen, through the night, bound for Rhy?Din Memorial.

Adapted from live play with Roach Lee.

The Grey Market

Date: 2016-08-22 03:57 EST
"Turn here, babe. Pit stop." He gestures at a U-STORE-IT as they approach, indicating the ranks of low, garage like buildings. The motor purrs as they turn in, none the worse the wear for being put through its paces on the narrow and winding streets of Rhydin. A few more turns and a punched code at the security gate, and they pull up in front of the smaller units. Grey slides out of the car and tosses his cigarette butt down a storm drain. "I'll just be a minute - yanno what, why don'tcha come in? That outfit's seen better days, and we're just gonna get dirtier before the night's through." He pauses, then grins. "Consider that a prophecy, if ya like." He digs a key ring out of his pocket and fiddles with the lock for a second, finally getting it open. "There we go. Haven't been here in too long."

A switch just inside the door clicks on a light and reveals... stuff. Lots of stuff. There's just enough room to walk down the middle between storage shelves, cabinets, and hanging racks of tools and clothes and odds and ends. Bins of parts on a workbench reflect the light back in facets and sparkles, and a heavy safe sits at the far end like a squat ogre surveying a treasure horde of miscellania. Grey slips in easily, opening a drawer on a bureau and rummaging through folded clothes. "Doubt any of my pants would fit ya, but I can at least getcha a shirt."

There's hesitance in the way she turns the ignition and slides the key out. Like it was a long lost friend she'd just been reunited with. The motor hums down to a ticking quiet as she climbs out and pockets the key in the breast of the shirt and slams the door. She looks the place over as she saunters on in. "What the frakk. You Ariel, or some shiz?" She starts humming "Part Of Your World" crudely as she moves around what she can, lifting up bits and pieces to give each study before placing it down and critically assessing the next. A slow turn to drink it all in as she raises her hands and begins undoing the buttons. Underneath, a simple black tank top. Sliding out of the shirt she tosses it errantly aside and turns to him. "What?s that? Better be no frakking My Little Pony tee, neither." She grins at him then, quick and cool. Her eyes betray her, showing she's impressed. "Nice digs, man. Might gotta raid it sometime."

The raise of his eyebrow and tilt of his head indicates that he recognizes she's making a reference - he just has no idea what it might be. Not a lot of Disney movies in a West End slum, after all... he shrugs and goes back to his rummaging. "Your little what? Nevermind, see what I can do. No ponies, got it." There's a silver flicker as he tosses her a key. "Just leave a note, or send me a text or whatever if ya do. Ah, here it is..." He pulls out a black tee shirt and passes it over with a smirk. "Gonna be a little loose on ya. Seems a shame to cover all that up..." his eyes rake her up and down, as though the simple black tank and pants were the finest in silk wrappings. "...but I guess the dead guys won't complain too much." A pause, a shudder. "Well, except that fanged bitch back at the morgue. Think he's got a couple complaints after all that."

He tugs out a few more clothes for himself and dumps them on top of the dresser, then strips out of his suit with quick, brutal efficiency. His bowler hat and the pistol from his waistband go on a workbench - the rest of it gets dumped on the floor until he can scoop it into a bag for the laundry fairies, along with Roach's clothes. His white undershirt is patched with sweat and blood, and it goes into a different pile - one to be burned. "Pass me the wipes, will ya?" He indicates a box on the bench next to her. "Seems pointless to get cleaned up right before we go digging, but what the hell."

He ejects the magazine from his pistol, works the slide. "Wasn't expecting to have to go heavy tonight. Just in an' out, yanno? The vamp, that's just the way shiz goes sometimes. Frakkin' fangy bastards get into everything, sooner or later. Those cops, though... those guys shouldn't have been there." He puts the empty pistol back down and frowns, far too serious for a man in his black and gray striped boxers.

A hand is out to catch the key which she slides into the back pocket of the pinstriped mobster pants while her other is out to catch the tee. She gives it a shake to read the graphic and text emblazoned across the front and has to smirk. A pirate?s skull and crossbones, with Surrender The Booty surrounding it in calligraphic writing. "Nice choice of shirt." And, of course, while his eyes rake her figure she poses; popping out a hip and sticking out her chest, and it's either real or her being goofy but her eyes show she?s loving the attention. The shirt goes over her head, spills, and he's right, it's swimming on her frame, coming down to mid thigh and blousy at the arms. She's dragging her hair up where it's stuck beneath the back of the shirt. "Nice boxers." A step closer, she takes a bite of his shoulder and eases past him, brushing her arm along his naked back, to start ogling some of the parts and tools as she tugs out a few wet wipes and walks them back over to him. "I kinda expected the worst. My pessimist streak is wide as a grave is deep." And she takes the liberty of wiping the grime and the slime and the perspiration from his scarred, boyish face with aid of the wipe. A stupid smile on her face as she does so and then... "Aww frakk. The keys! They were in the shirt. Goddamn, I'm an idiot." And she tosses down the wipe covered in the remains of morgue madness and begins rooting through the bag for her blouse and the hearse keys in the front pocket. She pulls them out and then turns his away, again, and chews on her mouth. "By the way, thanks for the spare key... I, uh... yeah, will do. I'm sure I could find a few uses for a few things in 'ere."

"Thanks," for her assistance in sponging off the muck and mire. Not much to be done about the bruises and contusions right now, and at least he isn't sporting any superfluous new holes in his chest. Cops always think automatic weapons and bigger magazines are an adequate substitute for actually having to aim the damned heater... kinda like gangsters, come to think of it. He pulls a gray tee shirt over his head, with ?RESURRECTION BLEND? over what looks like a heavenly choir on the front, then steps into a pair of cargos and cinches a belt tight around his waist. Finally, he digs a pair of steel-toed work boots out from under a different counter. That he actually laces them up is a testament to how serious he's takin' this thing now. "Keys. Good call. Be a crime to hot-wire that baby." He transfers a few odds and ends from the suit - his smokes, his lighter, a flick knife - before dumping the clothes into the laundry bag, then walks over to that heavy safe that dominates the far side of the room. It swings open to punched buttons and a twist of the handle, revealing a positive cornucopia of mayhem. Someone, at some point in the past, has stuck a bumper sticker that says "I <3 Violence" on the inside of the door, above a rack of neatly lined pistols. Rifles and shotguns are on a turnstile in the center, with cans and boxes of ammo on the bottom. Grey grabs two cans with an audible grunt and kicks the door closed behind him as he turns back to the work bench. One of the cans holds loaded magazines for his pistol. The other one holds round, pineapple like objects.

?What the frakk is that?!? And she's pacing across the room and hauling open that door to look over the selection of pretty violent things. "What in frakk." She blinks a few times, jaw agape and then turns to him with a raised, ashen brow. "Yo, back up. This is insane."

"Hmm?" He looks up from what he's doing and raises an eyebrow, slightly nonplussed. "What?"

A little grin for the bumper sticker as she jerks a thumb at the racks of pistols. "This is Dillinger's dream right here, man. Incredible. I ain't had the idea that you were so..." Her index finger sticks out and she rolls it in the air. "So flush with this stuff. Uh... do the Russians know you got this going on?" She sticks her head in, eyeing up the beauties a little more intently, closer, then leans out and closes the door with a kind of reverence she didn't usually bestow to things, except maybe the hearse's wheel and Grey's face as she wiped it clean. "Goddamn, boy." She whistles low and saunters back over to the bench, sliding up onto it and swinging her slimy boots. "Uh, what are those?" Dipping her chin towards the... pineapple things, squinting.

He pauses, then raises an eloquent eyebrow at her. "Darlin', what do you think I do for the Russians? Someone's gotta move this stuff around." He reaches up and pulls down a leather harness hanging from above, slips it over his shoulders and starts buckling it on. Magazines get stuck into pouches up and down its side, and then he starts hanging those pineapple things - and some others, that look similar but are rounder with colored stripes around them - onto clips. Out of the can, it's a lot more obvious what they are, but- "Grenades," he says. "Frag." He taps a pineapple one. "Flashbang." Yellow stripe. "CS gas." White stripe. "Thermite." Red stripe. He starts to close the cans again, pauses. "Want one?" Little grin tugging at his lips. "I'm sure you'll use it only in an appropriate situation, when the time is right. And nowhere near Corpsesnatcher's car."

A devious smile crosses her face as she sticks out a hand, palm up, fingers beckoning. "Yes puhleeze, gangster." That smile edging on maniacal as she lifts her chin in anticipation of catching it. "I'll be good."

"You always are," that crooked grin showing one canine as he takes one of the pineapple ones and places it in her hand. "And good girls get treats.? He points at the ring. ?Pull the pin, that's the safety. This lever lookin' thing, they call that the spoon. When it pops up, it's armed. You can keep it squeezed shut wit' ya hand, though, if ya need to hang onto it for a minute. Once it's armed, ya got about five seconds before it goes kablooey. Ya don't wanna hang around for that." He picks up his pistol, sticks a magazine into the butt, and racks the slide before tucking it into a holster under his left armpit. A hoodie goes on over the whole shebang and gets zipped up, and he looks - much the same as he always does, maybe a little bulkier around the middle. He slides his hand under the jacket, rummaging around for a second, assuring himself that he can reach everything he needs. "Alright. Guess we grab some shovels and shiz an'..." he trails off, grabs the box of wipes, and places a hand on her knee. "Two seconds." He cleans her boots quickly, maybe a little fussily. A slight, self-deprecating smirk as he finishes, glancing up at her. Then he steps closer to the bench, tapping her knee again so her legs open and he can step between them, leaning forward to kiss her hungrily. "Mmm. Went too long without." Quick, teasing grin as he pulls away.

She listens to him like an obedient private to a sergeant; frowning and the eyes hard. When he finishes off, she looks down to the contraption, turning it in her palm a few times, and closes her fingers over it like a promise. There's a pause, of dulled confusion, as she watches him load the harness as though they were indeed off to war. She goes to speak, to voice the thought, aren't we just digging a body? and then he does something that all at once softens her stern expression and steals her breath. It's not the first time he's done it, as artfully as he had stolen her... and she watches as he attends to every lick of dried holy water and vampire goo with deliberate strokes. When he's done he'd find her face a little stunned and then there's a kiss and she's, for the length of it, dressed in those silk wrappings and far from a storage shed. There's something in that kiss, in its hunger, that plays her heart for music instead of fun and when they part she's swaying side to side. "I'll say." Eyes open and she grins in turn letting him go before she?s tempted to take it further, throwing those polished boots to the ground with one hand held around her new toy, while the other tosses dreads as the girl looks around herself, and him, in search. ?Got shovels??

"Of course I've got shovels. Pretty sure that's all they are, too. Might be tactical shovels, got laser sights and shiz on 'em. Ya never know." They look ordinary enough, though - not even military entrenching tools, just wood handled shovels with rounded spade tips. He tugs them off a rack near the ceiling and rests them on his shoulder while he rummages around in a barrel near the door until he finds a pick - stored with the handle up and the head down for some stupid reason, which leads to a lot of clattering and swearing as he works it loose from the other tools in there. "Ah, crap... light. There's a bullseye lantern on the bench, would ya?"

Roach moves for the bench to take up the lantern and inspect it. A black nail flicks at the notch in its side so she can open it and peer within to see what she had to work with later, when those fingers of hers got dancing with flame. Then she?s for the door to hold it aside for him with her butt. "Anything else, baby boy?" A brow arching as that devious grin spread wide again. There's even teeth in that smile.

A pause to admire that wiggly butt before he passes, maneuvering careful to keep from clocking her with the shovels. "Lessee... bullets, boom booms, digging tools and light. What else do we need to steal a body from a graveyard in the middle of the night?" He slides the tools into the hearse and rubs his chin. "Wait, wait. Rope. Ya always need ro-" He pauses, glancing in the hearse. "Oh, you grabbed it already. Cool."

"Handcuffs. Always need handcuffs." According to Corpsey, anyway. She watches him with a fond look as he loads the hearse, then shakes her head with a raspy chuckle. Heads for the hearse and slides in, beside her upturned hat, ruined tie, grenade, and cranks that engine. The beast reverberates with the oomph she gives it in the quiet of that moonlit yard. How frigging romantic. "Ready, yo?" A hand on the wheel, her other resting on her knee, she looks down to her clean boots admiringly and then to him in much the same manner.

"Got 'em." There's a bar running along the back of one of the work benches with several sets hooked to it. He makes a key appear as though by magic and unlocks a set - then another, just for good measure. He's not entirely sure why they need handcuffs for stealing a body, but he's not gonna ask questions. Worse to worse, there's... other reasons they might come in handy, later that night. He slides them under his hoodie, into convenient pouches on the harness, and gives the storage room a last look-see to make sure he hasn't missed anything. "Alright, then." He pats the workbench fondly, hits the light, and closes the door behind him with a click. The room is silent for a moment, and then there's a tiny fluttering sound in the darkness...

Grey slides into the passenger side, then sprawls across the middle to drape his arms around Roach's neck like a lovelorn teenager on a drive with her boyfriend. "Yanno where we're goin'?" He asks, batting his eyelashes at her.

She shoves him off with another of those laughs like she?s got crows for sisters, and releases the brake and shoots them off into the aching dark. There's silence for a short while before something he's said has her arching her throat and throwing her eyes at him as she navigates the streets with flippant glances in the murky, hellish haloes of the hearse's fender lights. "Did you say's there was rope back there?" That?s? odd. But then, the whole shebang was, no? She gets feeling around around beside herself for her smoke pack, because she's sure she heard it fall when she was ripping off the vest and tie and oh, whoops, and just to be sure, those fingers begin creeping up and down his thighs and maybe in between them too (one couldn't be too careful) while that breeze that screamed at the windows and the monster of an engine got her feeling all kinds of... antsy.

"Yeah, didn't you-" He pauses. "Aw, ew." He shakes his head. "There's a coil of what looks like some good quality climbin' rope back there. That synthetic stuff." While she's feelin' around, he digs out his Luckies and lights two, places one between her lips for her - thoughtful like, as she continues to search for hers. He can wait. There's all kinds of stuff in his pants, her smokes might have wandered in there lookin' for company. Ya never know.

In less than twenty they were there; growling at the gates of the land of the dead, exhaust fumes rising from the back of the hearse like steam from a mortuary train at the end of its terrible line.

Adapted from live play with Roach Lee.