Topic: The Things We've Lost: Things in Motion


Date: 2014-07-27 01:35 EST
The warlock stood outside a tiny apothecary, out of the way of busy people who rushed through the marketplace. Various pots full of plants and flowers were crammed in the window. Their leaves and flowers were stretched towards the sun, eager for what little warmth and light that came through a film of grime. Other potted petunias lined the wall of red brick outside, and rosebushes stood guard at either side of the door. Hung from a sturdy metal pole that protruded out from the bricks, not too far above the door was a wooden sign. Weather worn, and hand-painted in fancy lettering, were the words ?Emma Mae?s ?.

Simple. It had charm.

She had been told to stay away from her apartment. Twice. By two men she cared about. She?d really hoped they realized that she was lying when she said that she would. Only this trip back to her apartment wasn?t to get back into the place she?d once called a home. No. She was here today for a reason completely unrelated to that. Said reason was within the tiny little shop before her.

It was the sun, drawn like a magnet to her black tumble of hair that finally pushed her forward. Opening the door took nothing more than a nudge of her hip. The black cowbell hanging from the door jangled, loudly announcing her arrival. The sharp and earthy scent of herbs hit her nose like a truck would a wall. The bell drew the attention of a thick set, elderly woman, with bright blue eyes, and white hair, that was pulled back into a loose braid. A flowing dress draped down from her shoulders, and fluttered with every movement.


Exclamation of her name had her eyes seeking the woman out, and a smile spreading across her face. They embraced, before the older woman stood back, and studied the younger.

?Emma Mae. Hi.?
?I was worried about you. How have you been??
?Ah. Okay. Things have just been? rough.?
?Alright. Come on. We?ll talk over tea.?

Without another word, the older woman brushed past her, dress fluttering, to the door. She locked it with a simple twist of her wrist, and flipped the sign from ?Open? to ?Closed?.Then she started herding her towards the back room. Once Zynn was settled, Emma started the process of making tea, and chattering idly at Zynn.

As time progressed, idle chatter turned to serious conversation that was fueled by Zynn. She spoke of Xehron, and all of what he?d put her through. How she no longer felt safe in the places that she cherished most, including the apartment above the apothecary, or the green house that had been built for her, and filled with all her favorite flowers, and herbs for her own uses. She spoke of the blinding bright panic that terrorized her at night, when she woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare, no matter what brew she made to drink before bed. Of the mess her mind had felt like for a while now, and everything else.
The only reason she spoke of so much, and didn?t hesitate, despite how difficult it had been recalling certain details, is that in the time she?d been staying in the apartment upstairs, the woman had become a grandmotherly figure to her. Someone she was comfortable with.

By the time she said her goodbyes, and left through the door she?d come through, her eyes were puffy, and red, and the sun has sunk low on the horizon, bringing about the evening hours. With one final glance over her shoulders to the woman, she held the bag of herbs she?d been given close, and began the long trek home.

The weight on her shoulders that had been weighing her down was gone. She felt lighter, better than she had in months. She was more than ready to start putting things in motion.


Date: 2014-08-11 19:18 EST
The green house had been untouched since the night that Xehrnon had attacked her there. Plants were overgrown, and unkempt. So when the warlock finally climbed the steps that led up to her greenhouse, she kept in mind that she was there to clean, and to take care of her plants. She wasn?t there to dwell on what had happened. This place had been her haven, her refuge. The place she retreated when she?d had a hard day, or was emotionally drained. It was where she hid when she didn?t want to be found or bothered. And the psychopath had taken that sense of security from her. Tonight was about erasing the uneasiness, and claiming her safe place again.

The door that led into her greenhouse was unlocked, and pushed open. She stepped inside, took a deep breath to steady herself, squelch the rising anxiety, and pushed herself forward to the counter besides the sink. She gave the blotch and various splatters of dried rust brown on the concrete a wide berth for now. She came to a stop when she reached it, plopped her bag down and started pulling things from it; smudge stick made of sage and cedar, various bottles of essential oils that she?d made, various containers of other herbs, chalk, and what looked to be a rather large incense burner.

The smudge stick was the first thing she took. One end was lit with the touch of a couple of fingers. She let the flame that sparked up burn for a couple of moments, before she blew it out, and watched the end of the stick glow red, and smolder. She breathed deep, finding comfort in the scent of the burning sage and cedar. When she was certain that it was lit, and would stay that way, she started walking around the perimeter of her greenhouse. When she reached each corner, she lingered for a moment, and simply watched the smoke curl, rise, and twist away from the bundle of herbs. The affair was a rather silent one. She didn?t care to chant, or follow up with empty words. Once she?d been to each corner of the greenhouse, she drifted up and down the few aisles in her greenhouse, until she finally reached the counter again. Then she set the smudge stick inside the incense burner, took a couple of steps to the sink, and set it on top of the shelf above.

She moved back to the counter, and grabbed one of the vials of oils, twisted off the cap to make sure it was the rosemary oil she needed, and then started for the door. She stopped just short of it, dipper her finger into the oil, and started drawing on the door with it. The symbol she drew was a pentagram, right-side up, and from time to time, as she drew it, she dipped her finger, and continued to draw. Soon, various runes for protection, and guarding joined the pentagram. Once she was finished, she finally spoke in a soft, but firm voice.

?This is my place, and no one with evil intentions or unwanted people shall enter.?

Her hand was placed flat against the door in the center of the pentagram. Briefly, it, and the runes that she had drawn glowed blue, then faded. She proceeded to do the same for the other three walls of windows and glass, and then returned to the sink.
The vial of oil was stoppered, and set aside, before she crouched down and pulled free a large bucket, a bottle of cleaning solution, and a scrub brush. The bucket was set in the sink, a capful of cleaning solution added then the water was turned on. She used the hottest water possible. Once the bucket was filled, she heaved it out of the sink, and headed towards the rust colored splotches on the floor. The water was poured on it, until the bucket was empty. Then she took the scrub brush, dropped down onto her hands and knees and started scrubbing. The blood was thick, and because of the water, growing slimy. She didn?t think much about it. She just focused on moving her brush back and forth over it, until it exposed the stained concrete underneath. If she didn?t she?d be able to smell the coppery scent of that night, feel the pain, and all around remember the malignant memories associated with that night. She kept doing so until there was nothing left but a mess rust colored bubbles and stained concrete. Once it was she moved to her feet, grabbed the bucket, and moved to fill it with hot water again. More soap was added, then the motions of tossing it onto the same place. She scrubbed again. The whole process was repeated several more times, before she finally gave up on ever scrubbing away the stains, or making them any lighter.

Bucket was picked up and the scrub brush was dropped into it. Both were tucked back up under the sink, before she moved to grab a pair of pruning shears and a small shovel. The rest of the afternoon, was spent taking care of her plants. Pruning and trimming those that needed cut back, gathering the excess of herbs that had grown, and stringing it all up to dry. She composted dead flowers and excess plant bits. By the time she finally stopped, she was hot, sweaty, and felt rather pleased with herself. The rows were trimmed back. They looked healthy, and happy. Things were properly watered and taken care of.

She drew in a deep breath, and let it out as she headed back towards the counter, and grabbed her cigarette pouch out and freed one. She tucked it between her lips, and lit it with a touch of her finger. She drew on it deeply, and closed her eyes briefly. She savored the taste when she breathed out, and opened her eyes so she could watch the smoke curl up towards the ceiling. She continued to do so for a majority of the time that she smoked the cigarette. It was stubbed out, and left on the edge of the sink. A moment of consideration led to her moving to pack up the things she?d brought with her.

She paused when her fingers met the chalk. Considered the trip she?d been planning the past couple of weeks. She of the things she wanted to do before she left. Lesinda had received the charm she?d made for her earlier today. She?d set things in motion for her final hex she was putting to Xehrnon. She didn?t care to go home to a house with a boyfriend that seemed non-existent. Someone she was close to knew her plans, and she had all she needed to take the trip now. She didn?t think much on it. She grabbed the chalk, and a couple of other things, and quietly set up the portal she needed to get back home. It was activated with a simple jolt of magic. The thought of her mother?s living room in her apartment was held in her mind, before she stepped into the portal and disappeared.


Date: 2014-08-17 22:15 EST
The warlock had showed up a few minutes before four o?clock, just because she didn't like being late. She maneuvered herself around another customer, who looked to be a rather busy cooperate woman who was chattering away to the Bluetooth device hanging from her ear. Once the woman was out of the way, she moved forward to catch the door before it shut, and slipped inside the coffee shop. With her, she brought the scent of herbs and clove cigarettes. She glanced towards the counter, curious if her brother was behind the counter still, or not.

He was just finishing up with a customer and then stepped aside to allow his hovering replacement to seamlessly slip in to take care of the next customer as Rinn stepped away from the counter. The teen saw her and blinked, a look of surprise on his face, almost as if he hadn't honestly expected her to show up. He soon broke out into a smile though and waved, "Just gimme a minute to punch out and change and we can go." Rinn murmured and headed off into the backroom.

She shot her brother a thumbs up, when she caught his words. A smile followed, and was turned onto his coworker. There was a quiet scan of all those inside the little shop, before she moved to sink down into one of the chairs that belonged to a table that wasn't that too far off.

Rinn's co-worker was taking care of a customer and so didn't take much notice in Zynn. After about 5 minutes or so, her half-brother wandered out of the back room. He had changed out of his uniform of white shirt and black slacks into some baggy jeans with the band of his boxer shorts peeking over the belt line and a heavy metal t-shirt. With a backpack slung over one shoulder and large headphones hanging around his neck, he walked with what could only be described as a gangster wannabe swagger.

When her eyes came across her bother when he came out of the back room, a brow went up. Without a word, she pushed herself back onto her feet, and took a moment to stretch. Quiet pops sounded, before she let her hands come back to rest at her sides, and ambled towards her brother. "You're walking like you're a prison inmate that had a bout with Big Bubba last night." She mused the words softly. A smirk slowly crawled across her features.

The insult went over Rinn's head as made evident by his look of bewilderment on his face and the oh-so-eloquent 'huh?' that escaped him. She could hear music leaking out of the oversized headphones around his neck, polluting the area with his noise, "Did you wanna get some food or just head over?"

She was actually kind of disappointed that he hadn't gotten the joke. It would have been rather amusing to see his reaction if he had. She wrinkled her nose at the racquet that was coming from the headphones. Her shoulders lifted and fell in a shrug. "It doesn't matter much to me. If you're hungry, we?ll go find someplace it eat. If not I can stand to wait a couple of hours."

"Alright, well...considerin' it's gettin' on rush hour now, traffic out the Lincoln Tunnel will be nuts...but if we wait a couple hours, we'll run the risk of mom havin' headed out to work so you wouldn't be able to give her a piece of your mind." Rinn smirked then shrugged.

"I can get us there another way. If you want. But it involves my specialty. Avoid both problems. " It was offered up to him, before she moved to nudge the door of the coffee shop open, and slipped out of it. If he wasn't paying attention, it may very well swing back and clock him.
He gave her that non-understanding bewildered look again then winced, "You mean that magic stuff?" Rinn knew what the door did and caught it as he followed after her, "...Is....that safe?"

"It's plenty safe." She glanced over her shoulder at him. "Portals are perfectly fine. I sent a really good friend through one. Easy travel. It's how I got here." She grinned at him, and started weaving through the crowd with ease. He'd grown up here as well. She figured he'd be able to keep up.

He wasn't as good at it and would swear at people if they bumped into him, the lippy foul mouth little punk. In all honesty, the boy had grown up just outside of NYC, only recently run away to move and live in the city. He had spent a great many weekends here, certainly, but it hadn't been until recently. "....I dunno..." Rinn sounded hesitant about the idea of using magic, "You're super sure?"

Truthfully? Every time he cursed, she wanted to turn around and tell him to knock it off, and to stop acting like a teenager. Then she had to keep in mind that he was one, since she was the oldest sibling out of her mother?s three children. "Super positive. I got here in one piece. So long as you do what I tell ya too, we?ll get there fine, I'll explain it all when we get back to my place."

Rinn gave wrinkled nose, half sneer of distaste at her condition. "I don't like bein' told what to do." He muttered but he didn't argue and after a moment asked quietly, "....Will it hurt?"

"Would you rather be trapped in a limbo of space for the rest of eternity? Because that's where you'll be if you decide to rebel against big sister with this." She snorted softly, and pushed on. "No. It's instant. happens in less than the duration of a blink."

"Even if you ain't ever been there before? I mean....How you gunna know where to blink us to?"

"That's why I'm holding your hand, and you're gonna be the first to step through the portal. I'll explain it when we get to my place. I promise. "

He still didn't look too happy about the idea, but at the same time he felt a strange curiosity and so he continued to follow Zynnara.

Since he hadn't bothered responding to her, she continued weaving through the crowds in silence until she finally reached her apartment. Once she had, she dug the key to her mother's apartment out from her pocket, and set to work opening the door.

Rinn leaned one shoulder against the wall as he watched her open the door, "...How come you still have a house here if you're livin' in that Ring Ding place?"

"Because it's really hard to let this place go." She pushed the door open, and stepped inside. The smell of herbs and incense would probably assault his nose. It was left open so that he could follow after her. "This is the place I grew up in." She whirled around and faced him.

The teen sneezed when the incense assaulted his nose, "Ugh." He cursed wiping his nose with the back of his hand, "Man, what the shit?"
She arched a brow slowly at him. "Huh?"

"Just the smell, man, why are there so many?" He made a face and covered his face with the lower part of his t-shirt, "You grew up in a smelly place, Zynn."

"Herbs. I like the smell. It's so much better than the weird body sprays and deodorants that make you smell like fake flowers or chocolate." She snorted at him, and waved her hand, before she moved off to start gathering certain things, mainly chalk.

He kept his shirt up as he waited by the door for a moment, adjusting to the smell before he started roaming around the place. Rinn looked at knick knacks and photos, any personal items she may have had laying around that he could occupy his waiting time with.

There were various framed pictures that depicted different stages of her life, from five years old, all the way up to how she looked about a year ago, which looked pretty much the same. Apart from the fact that she, herself looked much... older, tired. There were crystals everywhere, and sporadic bundles of dried herbs tucked behind things, or hanging from others. There was also a couch. As he looked around, she continued to gather things and set them on the table.

Rinn looked at some of the pictures of her growing up and decided she looked happy. He then took to poking at the crystals; they confused him and reminded him of one of those hippy stores. "....So....where's your adopted mom?"

His question made her blink a couple of times, before she set the stuff she had in her arms down on the table, and took a deep breath. "She's dead. She was killed about a year ago. " There were faint notes of sorrow in her voice when she murmured this.

He turned to look at her, having inspected the curious crystals and hearing her answer. "How'd she die?" Rinn was sorry for her loss and probably should have conveyed that first, but he was a curious fellow sometimes.

"We were heading to her friend?s house one night, and there was someone waiting for us. We were completely clueless. He caught her first. Ran her through with a knife, In the chest. Then stabbed me in the stomach. I watched her die, and thought I was going to die too. When I woke up, I was in my mother's friends place, groggy, in pain, and half alive. Her friend told me that she was dead." It was said softly, before she moved towards where he was, and reached for one of the framed pictures of her when she was little and an older woman.

Rinn winced and went quiet for a moment, "...She was murdered? She wasn't a witch like you are? I mean...couldn't you have zapped them or somethin'?"

"She was a witch. I'm a warlock. There's a difference." Most of her attention was on the picture in her hands. She wished more than anything that her mother was here. And could see how far she'd come in almost a year. "I wasn't... I didn't... I wasn't able to do anything. I wasn't strong then. I knew nothing about being a warlock, and I wasn't able to save her. And it hurts." Her voice wavered slightly.

The teen shifted uncomfortably, looking down at his feet and murmured, "....I'm sorry about your loss, Zynn..." It was a little strange hearing the usually vulgar and aloof teen sound sincere, "Bad shit sucks the worst when it happens to good people..." He'd heard people say these things before, never having experienced loss like hers; he really couldn't say he understood what she was going through.

She moved to set the picture back onto the bookshelf she'd pulled it from, and not so casually rubbed at her eyes, hopefully before her brother had realized that she'd teared up. "Thanks." Finally, her eyes moved to find him. "It does, it really does. But... I feel like I'm stronger because of it." She fell quiet, and let the silence hang between them for a while, before she broke it. "I've got everything for that portal ready."

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-08-17 22:25 EST
Rinn remained looking at his feet, not noticing her hasty brushing of unshed tears from her eyes. He didn't lift his chin until she spoke and gave a sympathetic smile. When she mentioned everything was ready, he winced, that ball of dread returning to the pit of his stomach, "I'm not gunna, like...grow an extra arm or have no hair when we do this, am I?"

There was a short bark of laughter that escaped when he asked that, and a faint smile formed. "Nah. The only thing that may go missing is your dangly bits." Her tone of voice suggested that she was obviously teasing him.

His eyes widened to the size of saucers at her jest before he narrowed them at her in a glare but a grin came to his face, "You suck." Came his response to her teasing.

His response made her cackle in response. She'd seen the brief flash of fear in his eyes. It was great. "Only if I'm asked nicely." Was her retort, before she ducked away from him, and headed towards the table, before he could say anything else.

Rinn blinked a few times then coughed at her response, "Ugh, that's gross." He wrinkled his nose. It could have been a different opinion had she not shared a parent with him but since he'd found that out, she'd lost that appeal he had once inadvertently hit on her over.

She snorted. "I bet you do things I'd find gross too." She shot back at him. Then she started pushing the kitchen table against the wall so she'd have plenty of room to start setting up the few things she needed for the portal.

"Yeah, probably but I ain't commentin' on it!" He gave a shudder and stuck out his tongue as if he'd tasted something awful but followed after her to assist where he could.

"Good. Now grab the chairs for me while I finish this up. I'd rather not have the chairs caught up in it." She gestured to him, then scribbled something in chalk on the floor.

The teen simply gave a noise in his throat that could pass as an affirmative as he snagged the chairs and did as she bade him. When those were set aside, he returned to watching her doodle on the floor and a thought struck him, "Hey...Zynn? Did you ever find the guy that killed your mom and stabbed you?"

His question caught her off guard. The way her head snapped in his direction was a clear indication of this. "No. I ah... I haven't looked. I wasn't in New York much longer after Mother's death. I never got the chance to investigate it."

"Oh." It was a lame answer from him but he really didn't have anything else to say, he was just curious and hoping she'd at least found some justice in the rough year.

"But I may look into it. Also. That guy I told you about? He's running around, feeling like an old man. Pretty soon, he won't be able to get it up." Oh so sweet grin. Then she moved to her feet, and dusted her hands off.

Her half-brother looked a little confused, "Uh...kay." He didn't have a clue that it was her doing, of course.

"Hexes." It was a simple response that should explain it. Then she glanced towards him, and murmured a couple of words. Briefly, her hands glowed blue with magic, before a shimmering sheet the size of a door popped up.

"Oh." Again, he didn't have a clue how that stuff worked but at least it was clear in his head that she was the one causing the guy impotency and aches that only the elderly should get. When her hands glowed, he grew nervous again.

Once she had, she made sure that everything was proper, before her attention shifted back towards him. "Alright. I want you to calm yourself down first. Okay? If I put one of my close friends through the first one I ever made, and he made it out safely, this one will be fine. I've done it a lot more now. Okay?"

"I am calm." Rinn lied, his eyes flicking over the strange glowing sheet of a door, eyeing it nervously.

"A blind person could see how nervous you are. Take a deep breath, Or I'll give you something to soothe your nerves."

His tongue came out to wet his lips as he continued to eyeball the portal. At the mention of giving him something to ease his nerves, he looked over to her, "Like what?"

"There's a couple of things. Including a cigarette, or some kind of mix of stuff. It's normally a sleep brew, but A little bit of it soothes nerves."
"Smoke." He nodded, agreeing, "Sounds good to me."

With that, she moved to pull her pouch from her back pocket. "Hope you don't mind cloves." She pulled one out for herself, and tucked it between her lips, before tossing the pouch his way. She lit her cigarette with a touch to the tip.

"Whatever." He caught the pouch and took a slim cylinder from the pack before looking back at her uneasily when she lit the smoke with her finger. Rinn said nothing but she could tell that certainly didn't help his nerves.

She exhaled a stream of smoke, before she rolled her eyes, and held the lit cigarette out to him. "Here. Now gimmie yours, you boob."

"I'm not a boob." he muttered and traded cigarettes with her, "You slobbered all over this one." He complained, thinking she was passing the lit smoke to him to keep.

"I did not." She paused long enough to briefly touch her finger to the other, so she could light it. Then she held it out to him, and made gimmie motions for hers. "I don't understand your big aversion to magic. You obviously had a chance of turning out like Phinn and I, since she apparently doesn't mind sleeping with demons."

He gladly switched back and sucked on the now lit smoke, blowing it out through his nose before answering, "Cause it's fuckin' weird. Normal people don't do that shit...." Rinn grumbled.

"Well. I find you mundanes rather weird. So speak for yourself." She snorted at him, before she drew again on the cancer stick, and closed her eyes briefly.

Rinn shrugged, enjoying the cigarette, "...I've never seen a demon before, just you and don't have a whole lot to go on here." He muttered, taking another long drag.

Smoke escaped in curls as she exhaled, and fixed her eyes on him. "Come clubbing with me some night. I'll introduce you to some pretty cool, people like me." And not like her. But he'd probably freak if he knew that vampires, fey, and werewolves were real as well.

"...Really?" He seemed pretty surprised that she would invite him, "You'd...go with me?"

"Why not? I've done a couple of things with Phinn." She paused briefly. "You and Phinn are the only family I don't dislike. It wouldn't hurt to get to know you guys a little better."

The teen thought a moment then gave a faint smile, nodding slightly, "I....think I'd like that." Rinn murmured, the smoke hanging from his lips before he took another draw and breathed it out, "Alright!....Let's do this shit."

She paused long enough to take one last drag from her cigarette before she stubbed it out in a nearby ashtray. "Good. To both things." Her hand was held out to him in an offer. "Now, before you step in there, you have to picture her place, like the front door, or some room in the house, and hold it in your mind."

He finished his cigarette as well, snuffing out the end in the same tray before taking a deep breath and letting it out hard, "Right, kay...." He closed his eyes to picture the run down home. The boring white paneling on the sides with cracks and dents in places from tantrums had while the teen had been growing up. The horribly tended to garden out front where their mother failed to grow anything but weeds. The wrought iron bars covering a screen door that always reminded him of a prison and the drab curtains covering every window. "Got it...."

"Alright. Keep it in your mind." She paused briefly, and reached out to take his hand in hers. "When you?re ready, go ahead, and step forward, into the portal." She murmured, before she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

He gulped, keeping his eyes closed and trusting her. The teen kept the image in his mind and took a step forward, unable to bring himself to open his eyes before doing so.

She was careful enough to guide him into the portal, and followed closely after him. Like she'd had explained, where ever he'd imagined in the house when he stepped into the portal, they were there.

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-08-22 15:02 EST
They stood out front of the simple home in a suburban area. She could see they were across the Hudson river and the NYC skyline behind them. Rinn still had his eyes closed even though he could feel the slight breeze on his face and hear the odd car drive past.

"Hey. Open your eyes. We made it in one piece. Like I said we would. This is where she lives, Right?" Her eyes ticked towards him for a brief moment.

Rinn hesitantly opened one eye then the other and grinned widely, "Sweet." He looked around the familiar street and gave a laugh, "That's so cool!"

"Will you travel Warlock Express again?" It was asked softly, mainly because she was wary of others possibly hearing her ask.

"Fuckin' right I will, that's awesome!" Rinn tended to punctuate things, whether good or bad with expletives often. He gave another laugh then grew serious as he looked to the house he'd run from, "...Yeah.....this is the place." He murmured.

"Good." she grinned at him, then watched him for a moment, before her own attention shifted back towards the house, and she took a deep breath. "So. Do we knock? Or....what?"

He looked up and down the street then sighed, "...Yeah, we gotta keeps the door locked. She's a little guess is ?cause she doesn't want the neighbours knowin' about all our dirty laundry." Rinn muttered as he approached the walkway and up the few steps to the door.

"Alright." She nodded a couple of times at him, before she moved to follow after him, and climbed up the stairs after him. Strangely enough, she seemed almost unsettled, and uncomfortable.

He even hesitated before giving a sharp wrap at the door, shifting uncomfortably. It took a moment before the door opened a crack then opened. A woman in her mid-40's with dark hair and a tired look pushed open the screen door. She looked like she once had been a lovely woman but now, so very tired and worn. She looked surprised at seeing the boy, "Rinn? What are you doing here?" She hissed but it wasn't an angry tone, there was fear in her eyes. She hadn't noticed Zynn there yet.

Rinn frowned a bit, "I need some of my stuff....and uh..." He glanced behind him to Zynn, really not sure how to introduce her, "Um...hey, mom? This is Zynn..." Probably not the best way to do it but he was pretty slow that boy.

She honestly blinked a couple of times, and stared at the woman. She looked tired, worn, and surprisingly pretty. Whatever she had initially planned on saying was lost. She stood there for a moment, and swallowed, before she finally peeked out from behind Rinn. If he looked, he'd probably note that her eyes were glamoured to look normal. No cat-like slits.

The woman winced at the mention of some of his stuff, "Your things were moved to the garage...." At the mention of the stranger's name, her green eyes to Zynn and that fear slipped back in full force.

"I ah. Hi." Her words seemed awkward, her tongue thick. She hadn't ever considered... or thought of seriously meeting her biological mother. The fear, that she could see so plainly on her face made her arch a brow curiously.

"H-hello..." She worried on her lower lip, glancing quickly back into the house behind her before closing the door quietly behind her but her hopes of keeping things discreet were shattered when Rinn shouted, "The fuckin' garage!? What the shit!?"

She eyed her brother, briefly, before she reached out to cuff him upside the head. "Shut it. You moved out or whatever. 'Least she didn't throw it away." Then her eyes ticked back to the woman, and she shifted from foot to foot, unsure of what to do now, thanks to Rinn's outburst.

"Ow, hey!" He held the back of his head and turned his glare to Zynn, "I've been gone like two weeks!...well...officially anyway." He had come home a few times because he hadn't had a job, nor a place to stay other than friends places but now he had a roommate and a job so he'd actually moved out.

Their mother continued to worry her lower lip but her attention was on Zynn instead of Rinn as he marched off towards the garage. Her lips parted a few times to say something but failed to produce words before closing again.

She narrowed her eyes on her brother, and briefly, he'd catch a glance of unglamoured eyes, before her attention darted back to her mother once again. She waited until her brother was gone, before she spoke. "Can I ask you why you left me on my own when I was five?" Her words were soft, and hesitant.

The woman winced and looked down, "I...I was afraid...." Came the equally quiet answer, "I already had two children that were....they weren't...." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Your eyes were...unsettling...and Phinn...she..." The woman rubbed the heels of her hands into her eyes, "I was already pregnant again and I was afraid it would be another one....I couldn't....I couldn't handle it."

"Phinn had horns. And you managed to hand her off to someone that taught her what she was. And how to make the most of it," She almost looked like she was lost. Then she shook her head, and gave a faint growl. "I grew up calling someone else mom, because my eyes were unsettling. You left me on my own in an alley. To fend for myself, when I was five. That hurt." The last two words were nothing but a whisper. "Did you know you were sleeping with a demon?"

She couldn't look at Zynn, her eyes cast to the side, watching Rinn heave open the garage door to start rooting around for his stuff, "...With you, I didn't know until you were born...I....I wanted to keep you....I was afraid." She repeated then shook her head, "With Phinn...yes....I knew. And with Rinn...I...I still don't know if it was man or monster....Every two years...."

She swallowed and had to pause a moment before continuing, "Every two years....things happen. Things I can't explain. Monsters, witches, strange creatures...they all come every two years, almost to the day....ever since I had you..." Her mother whispered.

"You kept me for five years." The protest was soft, and any urge to mention anything else was dropped when her biological mother continued on, and talked about things happened at least every two years after she was born. "Really? I... How come?"

"I didn't want to...I had to...but...I did and I am sorry...." The woman looked back to Zynn and her brows scrunched together in a look someone gets before they were about the burst into tears. She didn't...though she certainly looked closed to it and swallowed a few times before speaking again, "I don't know."

She flinched when a shout came from inside and the door behind her was flung open. "Meredith! Someone's in the garage!" The tall man had a bat in hand and a grizzled look to him, a hard look in his eyes, "Who the fuck are you?" He snarled at Zynn and grabbed the Warlock's biological mother by the upper arm to move her out of the way and back inside.

She would have been blind to not see the regret and the threat of tears on her biological mother's face. Of all the things she'd expected, she hadn't expected that. In fact, she'd expected to be greeted with yelling and violence. Not regret. The shout, and sudden movements of her mother and the man moving to stand in her place, had her stepping backwards, off of the front step. Though her eyes narrowed on him. "My name's Zynnara. Meridith's my birth mother."

He gripped the middle of the bat, glaring down at her. At the announcement of who she was, he growled and glanced back to Meridith, "You call her here?"

Zynn's mother rapidly shook her head, retreating further and Zynn could see the fear come to her features again.

The man spat to the side and looked back to Zynn, "Beat it, y'little freak." He turned his attention to the garage and choked up on the handle of the bat as he brought it to his shoulder, heading in that direction to deal with the little thief.

His question to her birth mother drew her attention in that direction, just in time to see the look of fear on her face. Didn't take long for her to put it together that he was the source of her fear. The warlock scowled at him, and gave a faint growl.

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-09-10 20:13 EST
Freak. That was the first time someone had called her that. Mind reeling, she aimed to process his words and actions, before she realized that he was heading for the garage. With the bat. The same garage that her brother was rooting around in, because his stuff was there. "RINN! Heads up!" It was shouted, before she moved to chase after the man. "Leave my brother be or I'll show you how much of a freak I can be." The words were growled, before she quickened her pace and aimed to catch up with the man.

He snarled and glanced back to Zynn, "Try it." It was brief and absolutely unexpected, a flicker of his eyes to a gleam of gold before fading back to brown and continuing on his path to the garage. Rinn peeked his head out of the garage to see the man he called father coming with the bat and uttered a curse.

The brief flicker in his eyes threw her off. That was new. Whatever hesitations that popped up, were shoved aside. "RINN, RUN." That was shouted towards her brother. Then without warning, she bolted forward, straight for his back, and aimed to tackle the man to the ground. Nothing considered, nothing thought out. Other than the fact that she may give her brother a chance. Her hands, like most times she got upset, or into some kind of combat, were jumping with the blue electricity that she'd become familiar with over the past years.

"No!" Meredith shouted from the small porch when she saw Zynn go after her husband. Rinn certainly started to run when she yelled at him to but stopped after a few steps, he wasn't about to leave her behind.
The man with the bat had warning enough with Zynn's shout to turn just as she crashed into him.

She aimed low, wary of the bat, with intentions of knocking him over. Or running enough electricity through him to leave him incapable of moving. There was a growl, low and feral, that rolled out of her. Her focus right now was on him, so she was vaguely aware of her mother's shout, and completely unaware of the fact that her brother had stopped running.

As soon as Zynn crashed into him, making physical contact with him, she felt an overwhelming urge to vomit. The nauseating scent of death clung to the violent man who let out a shout when she zapped him but certainly didn't go still as he struggled.

When the scent of death hit her, she gagged several times, and was silently thankful that all she'd had to eat today was a cookie and coffee, or she probably would have up chucked. After several moments of realizing that what she wasn't doing, she let him go, and aimed to roll off of him and away.

He pressed the bat against her throat as she was getting off him anyway and pushed, getting up and choking up on the bat to swing at her. Rinn came charging back to help Zynn get up and away from his father.

Instead of swinging, the angry suburbanite snarled, shaking the bat at them, "Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops."

She scrambled to her feet, with he help of her brother. Then she started shoving at him, and trying to get him to move. "Go. I'll be fine." More shoving. She wouldn't quit, until he was moving on his own. Once he was, she whirled back around, and narrowed her eyes on him. "The cops have no business in downworlder quarrels. If anything, I have a friend that'll have the Clave all over you." It was a bluff, because Cris, from what she understood, had essentially run from his life as a Shadowhunter.

Rinn certainly didn't want to leave her and argued. His father sneered at Zynnara before pointing the bat at Meredith who'd retreated to behind the screen door, "Call the police." She hesitated, looking to Zynn and Rinn who'd stopped about 6 yards away. The man shouted at her, "Dammit woman, call them!" Her mother winced and disappeared inside, presumably to call said law enforcement.

"Rinn, Go now. I'll meet you back at my apartment. And I swear if you argue with me..." She trailed off, leaving the threat open. Then her attention rolled back to the man with the bat and narrowed on him. "You're the one that started this all."

"Hardly. You're trespassing." He snapped and headed back towards the house rather than the garage, "You better get out of here before the cops show up." Rinn had backed up another few steps but at the mention of the police, he had started heading away again. He looked conflicted, looking behind him repeatedly as he headed off.

"I came to talk to my birth mother. I don't see where that deserves you coming after me and my brother with a bat. The police don't scare me." Her eyes narrowed on his retreating form, before she crossed her arms up under her chest.

"They don't have to scare you, just get you off my damn lawn." He grumbled, heading up the few steps, "Beat it. She doesn't want anything to do with you or your freaky little sister."

"Yeah. Right. " Then she started backing up until she was standing on sidewalk. "There. I'm out of your yard. I'm still not leaving until I get to talk to her."

"Should have brought a sleeping bag then." He snorted and headed into the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

She stared at the door for a long time in silence. She was unsure of what exactly she should do. She was also worried about the woman trapped inside with him.

Everything was quiet, from the outside, nothing looked out of place or ominous; just your average suburban area. She could still see Rinn's retreating back down the street. He wasn't moving quickly and after a few moments, a police car rounded the corner in the opposite direction.

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-09-10 20:17 EST
The police had actually been called. Her attention ticked towards the cop car, and she absently wondered if it was too late to take off and try catching up with her brother.

The lights of the car weren't blaring, the car was simply doing a patrol but when they saw her just standing on the street, they pulled over. The passenger side door opened and an officer exited the vehicle. He looked to the address then to her and started over, "Evening, miss." The other officer turned off the car and was getting out as well.

She probably looked rather frazzled, considering she had grass and various other things in her hair, and a red mark on her throat, more than likely, from being pushed by the bat. Normal looking eyes focused on the officer. "Evening Officer."

The driver made his way to the front door while the passenger police officer remained with Zynnara, "We received a phone call about a disturbance. Care to come over here and tell me about that?"

Her arms moved again, to cross up under her chest once more. "I ah... Sure." She moved then, to amble towards the police officer that asked her to step with him. "I came with my half-brother to talk with my birth mother. While I did, my brother went out to the garage to get some of his stuff. From what I understand he's in the process of moving out. But her husband came tearing out of the house with a baseball bat, and instead of letting him clobber my brother with it, I tried to tackle him."

The officer pulled out a note pad from his belt and scribbled some things down, "And where is your brother now?" The door opened to the house and Zynn could see the man speaking with the other officer, gesturing to Zynn then down the street and then inside in an agitated manner. He cop headed inside to talk in private, the screen door closing behind them.

"I sent him back to my apartment, because I didn't want him involved in it, if things got sour. He's my baby brother." She swallowed, kept her eyes on the officer.

"Hm...alright. And your names?" He scribbled some notes that she couldn't see in the note pad before looking up to her again.
"Zynnara. My brother's Rinn." She watched as he scribbled, and shifted from foot to foot.

"Thank you, Zynnara." He scribbled again then sighed, "Unfortunately, the call was regarding you two. While you may be related to the tenants, it would seem they don't want you on the premises. Now...I'm not going to arrest you, but I am going to have to escort you away from the property and request that you not come back here." The officer was rather kind about it and as an afterthought, gestured with his pen to her neck and the mark, "Things became heated?"

"Her husband doesn't want me here. Called me a freak, among other things. I'd personally, like to speak to my mother without him looming around." She pressed her lips together when he asked about the mark. "Yeah. Bats pressed into the windpipe isn't pleasant. Like I said, he was going after my brother with the bat, and I tackled him. The throat thing happened when I was trying to get away from him."

"Do you need medical attention?" He seemed honestly concerned but his partner came to the door and gestured to him. He held up a finger in the universal 'just a minute' gesture before looking back to her, "My partner needs to speak with me a moment, please stay here." The officer told Zynnara before wandering over to the front door. The two officers spoke a moment before they both came out of the house. The driver heading to the car to talk on the radio and the other returned to Zynnara, "...Sorry about that, did you need medical attention?"

She's opened her mouth to speak, when he interrupted, and told her that his partner needed to speak with him. With a sigh, she nodded silently at him, and waved for him to go ahead. Once he finally returned, she shook her head. "Don't think so. It's just going to be sore for a while."

"Alright." He closed his book with a sigh, "...You're free to go. However, assault charges are being laid due to the condition of your mother. If you would please turn around and place your hands on the hood of the vehicle..."

"Wait. What?" Confusion bloomed across her features when he mentioned charges and the condition of her mother. "I didn't do anything to her. She was fine when she went into the house. I swear." She put her hands up, not in a threatening manner, but in a 'I had no clue' manner.

"I'm afraid both residents are telling a different story, ma'am." He took out some handcuffs from his belt and moved to take one of her arms. He didn't make a motion to turn her around, treating her as a non-hostile so she could be cuffed in front.

....Well crap. This wasn't going to pan out well for her at all. She seemed remotely calm, until the cop pulled out the handcuffs and moved to take her arm. She sort of panicked then, and jerked her hand out of his grip, took half a step back. "Please don't. Don't put those on me. I'll comply with everything. Just don't."

"Ma'am." The officer said in a stern voice but didn't move to grab her again when she said she would comply, "Let's go." He gestured to the backseat of the car, half turning to it. Zynn saw the curtain of a window move aside slightly, Meredith watching; One eye black, her lip bloodied.

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-09-10 20:21 EST
She moved to turn towards the car, and caught sight of her birth mother in the window as she did so. There was a brief flash of sympathy and hurt that crossed her face, as she watched her mother for a brief moment. Then she swallowed, and moved to comply with the officer, and ducked into the back seat of the police car.

Meredith still had that look on her face of regret and sadness as she watched Zynnara comply. Both officers got back into the vehicle after she was in and drove off. Only when the car was out of sight did the curtain fall back to rest, concealing the crime within.

"Suspect was on foot. Previous records of assault, petty theft and disturbing the peace." The driver was saying to his partner as they drove.

She winced when she heard of the various things her brother had on his record, and just kind of slid a little bit further down into the back seat. She knew if they found him, he wouldn't go quietly. She hadn't expected things to turn out this... bad.

It was really only a matter of time before they found the teen trudging along the road. When he spotted the cop car and Zynn in the back, he froze briefly....before predictably bolting. The sirens blared and everything seemed to happen in a blur of activity; the car pulled over, blocking his path and after a struggle, the volatile teen was cuffed and pushed into the back of the car to join her. Cursing up a storm and kicking at the back of the officer's seats, Rinn was a handful and a half.

She watched in silence, apart from the occasional grunt from the car moving, as they chased her brother down, blocked his path, and cuffed him. "Stop being a dick. Or we're both probably going to get arrested." She muttered to her brother when they finally managed to get him into the car. "He beat her. And they're both saying that It was me. And they're pressing charges. "

"What?" He looked at her and blinked a few times then started kicking the seat again, "You dumb pigs! She only just fuckin' met her! She didn't do nothin'!!" They couldn't hold Rinn very long...he was underage after all.

"Knock it off, son!" The driver growled when his chair was kicked repeatedly then flicked his eyes to the rear view, glancing to Zynnara, "You'll be processed downtown."

"Hey. Rinn. Cut it out." She growled at him, before she elbowed her brother when he started hollering and kicking, and making even more of a fuss. "You're gonna make it worse." There was more sinking into the back seat of the car, before she caught the glance of the cop. She swallowed, and dropped her gaze back down to the back of the seat, her hands, anywhere other than the cop's face in the mirror.

Her brother huffed and muttered, finally going still, glaring at everything out the window, the rest of the ride down to the station quiet. The officers parked the car and got out, opening the back doors to escort the prisoners into the station.

Rinn had been arrested before and so he knew the process that they went through. Information taken, fingerprints and mug shots before they were sat in a holding cell, released of handcuffs and made to wait for a judge. Hours passed until an officer came and opened the door,

"Zynnara and Rinn Cormak?" He called, unlocking the cell door, "Charges have been dropped. You're free to go."

Unlike her brother, she'd never been through the process of an arrest. The whole entire process, she seemed jittery, anxious, and rather lost. Truthfully, she looked rather terrified in her mug shot. Once they were tucked safely away in a cell, she slid down to the ground, stayed silent, and pulled her knees up to her chest, and waited, to find out what happened next. She was expecting one phone call and all that jazz, so when an officer showed up, she figured that's what he was coming for. When he said that the charges were dropped, she stared at him for a moment. "What?" Slow blinking.

"The charges have been dropped. You're free to go." He pointed at Rinn, "You. Stop getting into trouble. You're getting close to the age where one more mistake and it will stay on your record as an adult, kid. Smarten up." He lead them to the front desk where their personal effects were put into storage and when they were let out of the secured area and into the public area of the station, they saw Meredith waiting for them. She was in a uniform for a local grocery store and had become a pro at putting on make up to conceal damage.

She looked relieved when they came through the door then saddened again as she hesitated before heading for the exit

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-09-10 20:25 EST
"I... Thanks." She took a deep breath, and unfolded herself from how she'd been sitting. She bit back a comment she wanted to make towards the cops, and simply followed her brother, and gathered her things when she was led to them. When they finally got into the public area, her eyes darted about quietly, and didn't have much trouble finding the woman. Without a word to her brother, she slipped off, and followed after her, in hopes of catching her, before she disappeared into the crowd.

Rinn had glared angrily at the woman and made no attempt to rush after her, taking his time, "I'll see you later!" He called grumpily at Zynn's back.

Meredith moved quickly but not impossible to catch when out in the street.

Rinn got a wave of her hand, before she disappeared out the door, and hurried after her mother's form. "Hey. Wait. Meridith!... Mom?" She seemed confused as to which one to use. She wasn't going to make any move to grab her though, because she herself had issues with people grabbing her.

She turned slightly and wilted a little at being called after but she stopped and moved aside out of the way. "...M...Meridith is fine, Zynnara...." Came her quiet response as she started to worry at her lip but winced and stopped at the jolt of pain it brought due to the cut on it.

Relief filled her when she stepped aside, out of the crowd. She weaved her way towards her. "Meridith. Right." She paused, glanced at her face, and bit down on her lower lip, before she moved to step a little bit further away from the crowd, and gestured for her to follow. "Thanks.
For dropping the charges."

"You didn't do anything wrong...I'm not about to ruin your life.." She winced, "...more than I have." She sighed and wiped her hand over her forehead then over her uninjured eye, "I.....I have to go to work...."

She took a deep breath when she said that, and a hand came up to rub at her own cheek. "I have enough to cover your day's pay, that is if you call in and come talk to me instead. Please? Right now that's all I want."

The woman flicked her eyes over the daughter she'd abandoned and looked quite hesitant. After a moment, she gave a slight nod, "...A...alright. If that's what you really want..." Meredith pulled a rather ratty looking old cell phone from her purse and called into her job to give some excuse.

After the call, she tucked the phone away and shifted uncomfortably, unable to think of anything to say.

"It is. Thank you." She murmured before she called her work and made some excuse. "Uhh. Would you like to go someplace to get food? Or maybe Chinese take-out. And we can go back to my apartment?" That way she didn't have to fully guard what she said.

Meredith was glad for Zynn's suggestions and nodded slightly, "Perhaps somewhere more private would be apartment?"

"My apartment it is. I don't think I'm too far away from here. If you don't mind walking. And there's a Chinese place that's on the way home. I'm rather hungry. I've only had a cookie to eat today." The last bit was murmured sheepishly.

Her birthmother gave a faint smile, nodding once and followed Zynn's lead towards the Chinese food place and then her apartment.

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-09-10 20:30 EST
She ordered several containers of various dishes, rice, eggrolls, and drinks, and received a big and fat bag of foodstuffs, when they got to the Chinese place. And from there, she led her back toward her apartment, and went to work unlocking the door.

The woman just looked lost, really not sure what any of the food was, but she gave a faint smile whenever Zynn looked over to her.

Don't worry. She got good things. The door was pushed open, before she slipped inside, and moved to dump her things on the table, including the food. "Gimmie a moment to push the table back. " Pull, pull. She adjusted it a couple of times, and moved to drag a couple of chairs over for them both.

She looked around the apartment and tried hard not to snoop but it was incredibly hard not to look at the pictures of Zynnara growing up. Meredith twisted the strap of her purse on her shoulder, a myriad of thoughts swirling about in her head but she spoke none of them.

If she'd seen her looking around, she didn't comment about it. "Come on, and eat if you?re hungry. I bought plenty, and it's really good stuff." She nodded enthusiastically, and started unloading the food and soda from the bags.

"Oh, right, yes." She gave a smile, tearing her eyes away from a picture of Zynn as a little girl to join her at the table to start scooping some of the food onto a plate. She picked up the chopsticks and looked at them. She appeared to have no idea how to use them as she started to stab at her food in silence.

"Here. Like this." She moved to snap her own chopsticks apart, and showed her how to use them properly. "It takes a bit to get it. If you can't, I can grab you a fork."

"Please?" Meredith winced, giving an apologetic smile as she sat and waited. "Thank you." When the utensil was passed to her, she started eating the take out.

She got up without protest, and rattled around in the kitchen for a moment, before she came back out, and slid it to her. She let the silence settle for a moment, before she spoke. "He's not human. Your husband."
She looked up at Zynnara, her brow furrowing, "I know he can be rough, say he's not human is a bit of an overstatement..." Meredith sighed, "....I'm sorry for the police being called...and his extreme reaction...he means well, really..."

"I'm serious. He smells of death, and the moment I touched him I was glad that all I ate was a cookie. His eyes changed color, briefly too. I am what I am. And I'm really good at telling when something isn't human." She poked at a piece of chicken, and then shoveled it into her mouth.
" is that possible? I mean...yes...things have been leaving me alone since I married Terry but...he's never done anything supernatural or looked anything other than who he's always been..." She shifted uncomfortably, looking down at her food, "He's always protected me when those things came every two years...."

"Those things that show up, are a hell of a lot stronger than humans. Being able to fend them off and protect you from them means that he's more than likely not human." It was explained softly to her, before she moved to take a swallow of her soda.

"...I'm aware that they're stronger..." She murmured and looked at her food, "...The thing that is Phinn's clearly was not human and gave me nightmares for years after..." Meredith sighed and glanced up to Zynn, "...What am I supposed to do?.....even if he is one of those monsters....."

"It was my father too, right?" She was guessing, because her and her sister were almost splitting images of each other. ?He was a demon. They're tricky things, from what I understand." She paused briefly when Meridith asked what she could do. She chewed on her lip for a moment. "Do you want to stay with him?" It was asked softly.

She shrugged slightly, "I was 18 when I had you, Zynnara....Your father was a fling in college that left as soon as he found out I was parents kicked me out so I didn't have them either..." She sighed and set her food aside, Meredith didn't feel like eating anymore, "He looked like a man and I assumed so...the thing that was Phinn's father....was very clearly not human..."

"Guess Phinn had the facts wrong, and that guy wasn't much of a human." She said this softly, before she pursed her lips, and peered at Meredith, "You don't have to talk about what he did, unless you want to. Recalling things like that can sometimes be hard." Murmured.

She swallowed and shook her head, "It's not important...but with Terry...if I leave him, where would I go? And if he is the one keeping those things from finding me again...I'd rather stay with the evil I know than the evil I don't." Meredith whispered and pressed her face to her
hands, resting her elbows on the table.

"You could stay with me. I've got wardings up, and people I'm hiding from as well. I could try and keep you safe." The offer was quiet. She wasn't quite sure either, as to why she made it. Other than the fact that she wanted to beat Meredith?s husband with something. "That is if you want to."

She looked up from her face covering position to peer at her, "Why would you even want anything to do with me? you said....I abandoned you..."

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-09-10 20:35 EST
"Because you need help. And... I don't know." She paused, chewed on her lip, and nudged her food away from her as well. "Now, wouldn't be too late to try and get to know each other... Right?" She glanced at her, curious as to what she'd say or do. "I grew up angry about it. I thought of all the nasty things that I was going to say the day that I finally met you. And then I did. And all the anger and bitterness went away."

Meredith was speechless for a moment, her eyes growing watery, "...It's not too late?" She whispered then nodded, "....I would love nothing more." She managed then took a deep breath, "...If you want to yell at me...get things off your chest. Do it, I don't blame you."

"It's not too late if you don't want it to be." There was a faint smile offered to her, before she shifted, and shook her head. "I don't want to anymore. I'm just... Morbidly curious about everything. The past. Why you did it, What happened, You."

The woman gave a smile, nodding and her eyes were glittering with unshed tears. Meredith certainly did cry at a drop of a hat but it had been an emotional day indeed. "...I'll tell you anything you want to know. As best as I can anyway."

"Start with the beginning. Like.. uh... when I was born." That seemed like a good spot to start. At least it did for her.

Meredith took a deep breath but nodded slightly, "...I had just finished a semester at NYU and was seeing a boy who I thought was 'the one'....I was naive and eighteen...After a lot to drink at a new year's party we had sex for the first time and I'm guessing that was when you were conceived..." The woman sighed, "After a few months I found out and told him...and he promptly disappeared. I told my parents and they threw me out."

"I was able to get a cheap apartment with a roommate...and I was able to finish out the school year but when I had you, I didn't see any feasible way to continue." The woman gave a faint smile, "When you were born, the doctors...they told me you had some sort of eye condition, something they hadn't seen before...The wanted to do tests and things but I just wanted to take you were healthy and happy and mine..." Meredith whispered, "...I...I wasn't afraid then. Sure, I thought your eyes were a little odd were beautiful to were my little girl..."

"That all sucks. Were they Christians? I know they can be really uptight about stuff like that." Then she shifted slightly, pulled her leather pouch from her pocket and moved to pull a slender cigarette from the pouch. She set the pouch on the table, and nodded at it to let her know that the offer was there if she smoked. Then she tucked hers between her lips and lit it with a touch of her finger. "And my father disappearing like that isn't surprising."

She paused, when her mother continued to speak. Then she stayed quiet for a long while. She swallowed, seemed to struggle quietly as she processed what her mother was saying. Actually, it was her turn to get teary eyed. "I grew up thinking you hated me." Whispered, before she moved to stub the barely smoked cigarette out, and bit down on her lower lip.

Meredith smiled sadly, shaking her head a bit, "...No...No I never hated you, Zynnara..." She whispered, "...It was just you and me for the first two years..." The woman sighed, "And it would appear I hadn't learned my lesson about partying the first time. I left you with my roommate to babysit for the evening and went to a house." She sighed heavily and closed her eyes, "That night was fuzzy...I was an idiot and left my drink to dance and came back to drink it. I thought it was your father that was taking me to bed but when the haze cleared a little but it wasn' changed into some sort of monster before..."

Hearing that... was like being wrapped in a blanket of relief. She swallowed, before she rubbed at her eyes to eradicate the evidence of tears that threatened to spill. She continued to listen to what she had to say, and frowned when she finally started speaking about thinking that the man was her father, and the fact that he turned into a monster of some kind. "Before?" It was prompted gently.

"Before your sister was conceived." She murmured, shifting uncomfortably in her seat, "...I remember trying to fight it off but in the end it was just too strong. I don't remember much of it....I must have blacked out a few times from the drug and the morning I was sore and didn't tell anyone what had happened...." Meredith hugged herself a bit and shivered, "...I was worried when I saw the ultrasound...Phinn had horns and the doctors kept talking about abnormal growths and that they could have been tumors or something...I was scared, more so because of the nightmares I kept having about that night..."

She considered her mother's words, before she moved to scoot her chair a little bit closer to her, so she could rest her head on her birth mother's shoulder. Gently. "I can imagine." She'd been having her own share of nightmares recently, all circling around Xerheron and his knife. She didn't urge her to talk about anything else just yet.

Meredith gave a soft smile when Zynn rested her head against her shoulder. She hesitantly brought her hand up to gently pet down Zynnara's black tresses, "...Phinn was born and I was scared...There was a nurse that helped me relax about the horns." She sighed, leaning her head against Zynn's, "...I met Terry two years after that...He was good to me and fought off the thing that attacked me that time...After I found out I was pregnant with Rinn, he started to change...get more violent and angry. Especially towards you and Phinn...." The woman murmured, "He got very drunk one night...and I...he couldn?t hit me...but he could hurt you and Phinn....I couldn't let him hurt you...but I didn't know what to do."

She leaned into her mother's touch. Drank up the attention like it was something she'd been starving for. A soft happy little sound escaped her. Like she had been, she listened closely to what she was saying, and processed. "Any clue why he was so violent over him?" It was asked softly, before she swallowed, understanding, so far, as to what led up to her mother leaving her.

"No...I don't far as I knew it was his but...I couldn't know for sure because he arrived after the monster assaulted me...." Meredith certainly seemed to have a demon sexual assault beacon blaring over her head from the story she was telling, "I didn't have enough time to think of a safe place to take you...I..." The woman choked, "I told you I'd be back for you....I told you to stay there."

"From what I can tell, Rinn's... very much human." She said this softly, like an absent thought, that had hopes of being a comfort. She was quiet for several moments, and didn't pull away from her. Her head swam with what Meredith was explaining to her. It focused in on one point eventually. Her mother had wanted her. Said she was going to come back. "I don't remember any of that. I just... being left. And feeling so lost and confused. Terrified. Then Mother? The woman who raised me came along... And I remember just going with her."

"I had left to call the nurse that had helped me with Phinn. I had meant to leave you with her but by the time I got back to where I'd left you, you were gone...." Meredith whimpered, "...I couldn't do anything...when she came and picked up Phinn, I was a mess...she tried to talk to me but I just...just left. I went back home and tried to forget everything....everything I'd done."

((Thanks to#1Son!))


Date: 2014-09-10 20:39 EST
"....I'm sorry I didn't listen." The words were whispered, before she turned her head, and pressed her face against her mother's shoulder.

"I've been so wrong about everything." The words were muffled and soft, and after a moment, her arms moved up to wrap around her, and hug. "And I'm so sorry about that. About everything." Even though her face was pressed against her still, Meridith would more than likely feel wet warmth seeping through her shirt, a hint to the fact that Zynn was more than likely crying.

Meredith turned slightly and looped her arms around Zynnara, "I'm glad that you didn't, baby....I'm glad someone kind found you..." The woman slowly pet down her back, "It looked like she cared a great deal about you..."

She trembled when she felt arms wrap around her in response. "I.., I.. Ah. She was. She was my mother in almost every sense of the word. Taught me right and... And.." There was a hiccup that made her words trail off. "She's t-the whole reason I came back to New York.... I wanted to... ah, to visit her grave."

"I'm so sorry, Zynnara...." She whispered, holding her tight and petting down her hair and back in an attempt to give her some comfort, "...I wish I could have met thank her."

She didn't bother opening her mouth to speak again. Right now she decided to stay silent and lean into her mother, and soak up as much attention she was willing to offer.

Meredith said nothing else for a little while and simply held her daughter, not wanting to let her go again.

"I'm really glad I've finally gotten to meet you." The admission was soft, and she tilted her head enough so she could peer back up at her mother.
From this close of a distance, Zynn could see the puffiness of the hidden black eye and how much makeup it took to conceal it as well as the cut on her lips. Despite the pain it caused, Meredith smiled lovingly and gently pet Zynnara's cheek, "Me too..." she whispered though it was tinted with sadness.

Her eyes closed briefly when her cheek was pet, and she let out a soft content sound, and finally pulled back. "You said you were going to school. Uh. What for?"

Meredith folded her hands in her lap when Zynnara pulled away finally though she didn't lose her faint smile, shaking her head a bit, "It seems so stupid now...but the arts. Dance mostly, performance art...I wanted to be on Broadway. Silly girl with stars in her eyes, look at me now."

She blinked a couple of times at that, then grinned. "I bet you would have done great." Pause. "Wait... Did you sing as well?"

She nodded slightly, "Sing, Dance, act terribly and all that jazz, yes." She gave a soft giggle, "I don't marks weren't all that great, but I did enjoy it."

"You used to sing to me." It was soft, and hesitant, as if she were unsure of the memory. A faint smile crawled across her face.

((Thanks to#1Son!))