Topic: Colors Come Alive

The Redneck

Date: 2012-03-31 12:28 EST
March 31, 2012

Spring was coming. Though as far back in the hills as her home as, its coming was slow.

Spring was coming and she could feel it.

Feel the awakening in her blood, in her bones. In the very core of her being.

The snow that covered her land for four months out of ever year was melting. Rapidly turning into slush during the ever-lengthening days. The little fae and pixies were stirring from their homes earlier, and staying out later. Tracers at the corners of her vision marked the trail of their movement in jewel bright flashes.

Her winter wonderland was in that awkward, ugly duckling stage before the forgotten fairy land would bloom and take hold. From spring to fall, there would be a misty-riot of color and texture to stimulate and soothe, to cause wonder and joy.

Here, an hour's drive past Rhy'din's city limits the rains would be coming soon. Winter would slap back with at least one more stormful of snow.

But for now, tender shoots and leaves were already adding a burgeoning haze of green through the thinning blanket of white already down on the ground. Delicate buds were forming on trees, and a few of the more daring flower plants.

For the most part, Thorn had little to nothing to do in preparation for the change over of seasons. The fae took care of that; which was likely why the overall area of the garden had trebled in size in the last four years.

Iris and daffodils were swording, bright green shafts of leaves around the boundary of her mediation labyrinth. Fanciful landscapes were taking shape under the industrious and patient hands of the garden spirits. Rolling highlands, deep forests, verdant plains, all in miniature were scattered throughout the four acre sprawl. A young girl's fantasy of leaf and bloom.

By unspoken agreement the fae left the Summer Glade alone. During the worst of winter's cold they'd retreat there for the warmth, but they'd make no improvements within the borders. That was her place, the place where her treasured dead were buried in physical, or memory's form.

through the use of a magnifying glass, pantomime,signs and pictures, the redneck and the chosen leaders of the fae community were able to communicate. Whether these particular fae had a larger voice, she'd not discovered yet, and all the participants seemed to enjoy the game of discussing their wants, desires and visions for the coming growing season in this way.

Though it was becoming a bit more complicated than it already was. In the last few years, the colony had outgrown their original settlement in the deeper pools of Thorn's gardens.

While a few of their number moved off or on every year, they were still more cramped than they'd like. And to found new settlements they needed permission and agreements. Houses would help quite a lot as well. Improving the already wild forest that took up the majority of the territory the redneck claimed would be made much easier if they didn't have to worry about finding just the right type of housing in just the right place before starting their work.

Since Thorn had provided them with the original settlers with homes at the outset of their building, it was a solid bet that she'd do so again. Especially since the areas they'd like to begin in were already scouted, already dreamed over on the part of some.

Several families wanted to settle in the Boundary Wood. Thickening and strengthening the undergrowth and trees there would be a blessing for all the peoples within. That some of these families were of a more, sneakily militant bent was another boon. They'd be more than happy to report any and all suspicious activity at the edge.

Others wanted to move into the Deeper Wood, to clear the wild over growth and bring the forests back to full health there. Others still wanted to settle around the streams and ponds, to create places of beauty even more fantastic and free than they already were.

They'd one and all work within the natural order and do nothing to "tame" what should not be tamed. They simply needed the room to stretch and grow, and the challenge of taking something that had so much potential as they saw it, and making it more. And they wanted to get started as soon as possible. Before the rains came would be lovely.

So, there she was, making what was supposed to have been a quick trip to the nearest, locally based, nursery to acquire housing for fae-folk in miniaturized droves. Then tramping through the woods pulling a wheel-barrel loaded with chunks of naturally hollowed log and limb, dropping them off at specific places so the expansion could begin.

As long as fairy dragons didn't take it into their heads to settle in as well, it would all be good.