Topic: Give A Little

The Redneck

Date: 2016-01-06 13:40 EST
While the redneck was neither adverse to the spotlight, nor one to actively seek it out most of the time, she understood well enough that there were steps and procedures and people deserved their privacy and the right to make their own choices. The most recent eruption of chaos and struggle in Rhy'din saw her, and some of the more seasoned employees from Dream Chasing, stepping up.

Quietly, without intentional fanfare (though at least one camera crew unwittingly caught footage of the teams moving through the survivors of both the cult and the ensuing conflict (those who weren't facing charges and didn't have their own home to return to). Gym bags, plain black with a stylized blue rose embroidered on the side with clean clothes, toiletries, towels, blankets, some of the basic necessities to help a person get their feet under them again, were handed out.

Offers made, directions given. Dream Chasing operated a number of housing units through various parts of the city, and most of them had vacancies. These were apartments, not the sort of temporary housing or shelter some of the survivors might have been expecting. With food in the cabinets and fridges, power and heat and running water. And, perhaps, most important of all, privacy. Doors they could choose to open or close as they saw fit, when they saw fit.

It was made clear, from the beginning, there was no deadline, no out-by-date. Anyone who chose to take up residence was welcome so long as they needed the shelter, the space.

(Wiggled with this: )