Topic: Jumpin' Pews And Shoutin' Hallelujah

The Redneck

Date: 2012-07-24 08:49 EST
June 9, 2012

She'd been chasing the youth, scampering in the boy's wake in an effort to retrieve one of her shoes. And she'd been so intent on the goal that when he'd cornered himself she'd felt triumph rather than trepidation. And hadn't thought a thing of it when he's started chanting.

That is, until the world around her, including her clothing, speedily began out growing her. At least, it'd definitely seemed as though the walls of the Inn and everything and everyone else had shot up in the span of a heartbeat to dwarf her.

Reality, subjective as that was in Rhy'din, was that she seemed to have shrunk. Well, she could deal with that. Being tiny might not be so bad, especially not if Des could figure out how to fix it quickly enough.

Hips canted, fisted hands resting palms up on the curve, she'd cut a look up at the youth. With a foot tapping and a brow arched she'd prepared to demand he fix this SNAFU with a head spinning quickness.

And damn near choked when, upon giving voice to the first bars of her rant, an especially squeaky, chittering, paper rustling sound escaped her lips. Paws snapped up to her throat, maybe it was..paws? The fu--

She hadn't simply been shrunk, this was not a replay of the Barbie Doll incident from years prior (even though she was fairly sure she hadn't been the one who'd been reduced to the size of said doll). No, nothing so simple as that. She'd been transformed.

Into a squirrel. A suddenly woozy feeling and damn light headed six inch tall, pale blonde furred squirrel.

Oh, this was going to be interesting, to say the very least.

The Redneck

Date: 2012-07-24 18:09 EST
In some ways, the normally not-very-useful gifts she'd acquired from her great-great grandfather, did had the odd habit of paying off occasionally. At least she could speak the language of Squirrel. Besides, with the tail, now she wouldn't have the inherent lisp that often got her in trouble with actual squirrels while trying to hold conversations.

Such conversations as highly distractable, twitchy, cracked out critters of prey were capable of holding that is.

A paw drug down her face after having face-palmed, she spent several moments willing the bristling fur of her tail to smooth out once more. Tried some meditative breathing, and reminded her human-self that a rodent's heart was supposed to feel like it was going to beat out of its chest.

And gave herself to the moment, determined to make the absolute most of the experience, the squirrel-redneck went swarming up Des' leg to perch on his shoulder for a moment. Mimed a few threats here and there between the youth and Cianan. And a few more for the others who'd been in the Inn at the time. A young woman and her mate who was known to the redneck, and Des as well, though they'd both been surprised by the, change Thorn'd undergone.

It was sometime during the squirrel-redneck's compulsive grooming of the youth's thickening hair that the subject of Squirrel Bowling came up.

With plastic cups set up in a wedge at one end of the bar, and Thorn tucked into something resembling a furry tailed ball in Des' hand, the first round had begun.

An underhand toss gave her lift and distance. Well, distance sort of. Sadly, she didn't really have the hang of this whole toss the squirrel thing, and flattened out into a splay-limbed posture that greatly reduced her forward momentum, and had her skidding, after belly flopping onto the cups, the rest of the way to the landing pad.

And so it was that, through an oops on her part, and some ingenuity on the parts of her human-ish minions, that the redneck wound up sliding across a bar whose length had been coated with dish soap, and a heavy coating of Crisco in her fur. Little paws scrabbling in a subconscious bid for traction in a world that made a few redneckisms very damn clear (greased goose-sh*t being only one of them), chitter-squeeing in mad glee into a strike! And damn near off the end of the bar since the landing pad really was just a towel and the girl who was supposed to be the back up catcher was having a hard time catching her breath from the giggles.

When the adult male brought out the big rat ball? It'd just gone down hill from there. In the best of 'hey y'all watch this!' ways.